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SPONSOR: | Rodriguez | DATE TYPED: | 03/16/01 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Establish Task Force on Unemployment | SB | SJM 10/aHCPAC | ||||
ANALYST: | Taylor |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
LFC Files
Synopsis of HCPAC Amendment
House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee amends SJM 10 by :
Synopsis of Senate Joint Memorial
Senate Joint Memorial 10 requests the New Mexico labor department to develop an employment task force to develop a cooperative employment initiative for persons with disabilities. The task force would be charged with identifying in a report the barriers, problems for persons with disabilities and recommending creation of a coordinated infrastructure to address the problem. The task force would report its findings to an appropriate interim committee before the next legislative session.
It resolves that the task force include representatives from the department of health, the division of vocational rehabilitation, the developmental disabilities planning council, the human services department, the governor's committee on the concerns of the handicapped, the commission for the blind, the commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, the state agency on aging, the Indian behavioral health council, the governor's mental health planning council, the social security administration and advocacy groups. Finally, the memorial resolves that the secretaries and the leaders of these departments and organizations be provided copies of the memorial.
SJM 10 has no immediate fiscal impact on state resources. In the long-run, if the task force were successful in developing a program that resulted in more employment for this group, it should have a positive economic and fiscal impact for the state.