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SPONSOR: | Ingle | DATE TYPED: | 02/28/01 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Expand Pharmacists' Prescriptive Authority | SB | 353/aSPAC | ||||
ANALYST: | Valdes |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Board of Nursing
Board of Pharmacy
Synopsis of SPAC Amendment
The amendment made the following changes to the bill:
Synopsis of Original Bill
Senate Bill 353 would allow pharmacists to prescribe a limited class of drugs based on rules adopted by the Board of Pharmacy, in conjunction with the Board of Medical Examiners and the Board of Nursing. The bill would allow pharmacists to administer, prescribe or modify "dangerous drug"therapy, including vaccines and immunizations. The bill would require the reporting of adverse drug events to the Board of Pharmacy as opposed to the currently required reporting of adverse drug reactions. The bill would also provide for licensure of:
The bill repeals the annual renewal requirement and allows the Board of Pharmacy to adopt an alternate renewal period.
Significant Issues
The amendment removes pharmacists' authority to modify dangerous drug therapy. It requires them to follow rules "and protocols" adopted by the Board of Pharmacy after "approval" rather than just calculation with the New Mexico Board of Medical Examiners and the Board of Nursing.
The bill adds pharmacists to the list of "practitioners" which currently includes physicians, doctors of oriental medicine, dentists, veterinarians, certified nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse-midwives or other persons licensed or certified to prescribe and administer drugs that are subject to the New Mexico Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
The Board of Pharmacy would be required to receive approval from the Board of Nursing and the Board of Medical Examiners to adopt rules and protocols to implement the provisions of this bill.