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SPONSOR: | Adair | DATE TYPED: | 02/19/01 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Change Class Load Requirements | SB | 184 | ||||
ANALYST: | Segura |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
$ 21,804.6 | Recurring | General Fund |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
State Department of Education (SDE)
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Bill 184 amends Section 22-2-8.2 of the Public School Code with regard to class load requirements for grades one, two and three.
Significant Issues
The bill specifies that individual class load for elementary school teachers shall not exceed 20 students for grade one and 22 students for grades two and three. Teachers in grade one with a class load of 20 students and teachers in grades two and three with a class load of 22 students shall receive full-time assistance or an instructional assistant.
If enacted, the averaging among grades one, two and three to determine the class load for elementary school teachers will no longer be allowed. Class load will be determined on an individual teacher basis.
According to SDE, the total estimated general fund costs are $21,804.6. Based on 1999-2000 120th day personnel and class data and 2000-2001 average salary and benefits, the following are the estimated costs of implementing the new class load requirements:
GRADE 1: Based on a maximum class load of 20 students for grade 1 teachers, it is estimated that an additional 129 teachers will be needed statewide. Using the average teacher salary of $34,614 plus benefits at 17.36 %, the estimated cost is $5,240.4.
GRADE 2: Based on a maximum class load of 22 students for grade 2 and 3 teachers, it is estimated that an additional 330 teachers will be needed statewide. Using the average teacher salary plus benefits, the estimated cost is $ 13,405.6.
Instructional Assistants for Grades 1,2,and 3: It is estimated than an additional 234 instructional assistants will be needed statewide. The estimated cost is $3,158.6f.
The SDE indicates that with the lowering of class sizes, districts would be required to increase both operational and capital outlay budgets in order to accommodate teachers and classes.