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SPONSOR: | Varela | DATE TYPED: | 2/15/01 | HB | HJM24 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Government Accounting Standards Board | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Patel |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
Indeterminate | Indeterminate |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC File
Synopsis of Bill
House Joint Memorial 24 recognizes the need for New Mexico governmental entities and its political subdivisions, including colleges and universities, to take action to timely and accurately adopt and implement the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statements 34 and 35.
The GASB statements 34 and 35 change format and the contents of government financial statements. This changes require that the basic general purpose financial statements and required supplementary information include:
Significant Issues
Failure to implement GASB statements 34 and 35 may result in certified public accountants rendering an adverse opinion on the financial statements of an entity. The federal government uses the audits of government agencies as one of several criteria to evaluate fund proposals. Also, investment firms, banks and other investors use audits of government agencies to assess a bond rating and interest and ultimately to decide whether to invest in governmental indebtedness.
Implementation of GASB 34 and 35 will have a major performance impact on all governmental entities. General and program revenues will be reported by major sources; program expenditures need to be reported by function; capital and other assets, long-term and other liabilities need to be distinguished; capital assets will need to be recorded more accurately for applicable depreciation purposes.
HJM 24 does not provide for any appropriation. However, governmental entities will incur costs for training staff, obtaining outside expertise, establish infrastructure valuation and related depreciation, and in some cases, additional staff may be needed to implement GASB 34 and 35 requirements timely and accurately.