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SPONSOR: | Hamilton | DATE TYPED: | 01/30/01 | HB | HJM 10 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Develop Collaborative Education Partnerships | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Gilbert |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
Commission for Higher Education (CHE)
Synopsis of Bill
House Joint Memorial 10 identifies the need for the subject matter in teacher preparation programs to be more closely aligned with what students at public schools are required to learn. HJM-10 requests the development of collaborative partnerships between teacher education programs in state universities and local public schools to assure that pre-service teachers are learning what they will be required to teach once they are certified teachers.
Significant Issues
According to the Commission for Higher Education (CHE), a partnership between The State Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education has been formally established to improve the supply of high-quality teachers for New Mexico's schools. Through this partnership, the state was awarded a Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant for the purpose of developing a focused and unified effort to improve recruitment, preparation, induction, and professional development of teachers.
Leadership for this initiative is provided by the Teacher Education Accountability Council (TEAC) co-chaired by the State Superintendent of Instruction and the Executive Director of the CHE. TEAC members include statewide representatives from higher education, public schools, the business community, the State Legislature, the Office of the Governor, parents, and teachers. As part of this effort, task forces have been established in each of the identified areas of concern and are composed of TEAC members and other representatives from higher ed, public schools (administrators and teachers), and the community.
Minimal fiscal impact if the issue of alignment becomes a focus point for the task force on teacher preparation as described above.