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SPONSOR: | Tripp | DATE TYPED: | 02/02/01 | HB | 351 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Valenzuela |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
Department of Game and Fish
Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department
Office of the State Engineer
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology)
Synopsis of Bill
House Bill 351 amends numerous statutes to reflect a name change from the New Mexico "Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources" to the "Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources." Minor language cleanup is also accomplished with this bill. House Bill 351 expand the agency's mission and responsibilities to include investigation of groundwater resources and geological hazards. Additionally, the bill requires the agency to assist the Office of the State Engineer to refine the understanding of the stratigraphy, structure and aquifer characteristics of geological formations in ground water basins.
Significant Issues
House Bill 351 formalizes the shift in research focus of the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources from mining primarily to additional geology related sciences such as hydrology. In essence, the bill creates a state agency similar in focus and scope as the U.S. Geological Survey. The agency is a division of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, located in Socorro, New Mexico.
House Bill 351 does not contain an appropriation. Enactment would not have an impact on the agency.
Enactment of House Bill 351 would have a minor impact on the agency in terms updating its office and promotional literature.