45th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2001
Section 1. Section 1-5-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 104, as amended) is amended to read:
"1-5-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Election Code:
A. "county" means any county in this state;
B. "county register" means an official file of
original certificates of registration of the county or any
precinct thereof [arranged in alphabetical order by voter
surname and, if for more than one precinct, without regard to
C. "voter list" means any [machine-prepared]
prepared list of voters;
D. "signature roster" means a copy of a voter list with space provided opposite each voter's name for the voter's signature or witnessed mark;
E. "active data processing media" means [punched
cards, punched tape, magnetic cards] magnetic discs, magnetic
tape or functionally similar devices containing data capable
of being read and processed by [suitable machinery] computer
for the eventual [machine] preparation of voter lists;
F. "intermediate records" means records on active data processing media;
G. "voter file" means all voter registration information required by law and by the secretary of state that has been extracted from the certificate of registration of each voter in the county, stored on active data processing media and certified by the county clerk as the source of all information required by the Automated Voter Records System Act;
H. "program records" means the necessary detailed program and instructions for carrying out and controlling machine processing of information derived from the voter file. Program records shall exist in written English or coded form and they may exist on active data processing media;
I. "mailing labels" means [machine-prepared]
prepared mailing labels of selected voters arranged in the
order in which requested and providing only the name and
address of the voter;
J. "special voter lists" means [machine-prepared]
prepared lists of selected voters arranged in the order in
which requested;
K. "statistical data" means information derived from the voter file;
L. "voter data" means selected information derived from the voter file;
M. "data processor" means a data processing facility and associated employees and agents thereof contracted to provide data processing services required by the Automated Voter Records System Act;
N. "file maintenance list" means any
[machine-prepared] prepared listing that reflects additions,
deletions or changes to the voter file;
O. "precinct voter list" means a voter list arranged in alphabetical order of voter surname within and for each precinct;
P. "county voter list" means a voter list arranged in alphabetical order of voter surname within and for each county;
Q. "unofficial election canvassing file" means the compilation by the county clerk of the results of any election prior to official certification of the election results; and
R. "unofficial election canvassing system" means the automated data processing computer program used to create the unofficial election canvassing file."
Section 2. Section 1-5-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 107, as amended by Laws 1993, Chapter 314, Section 34 and also by Laws 1993, Chapter 316, Section 34) is amended to read:
A. The county clerk, upon receipt of a proper certificate of registration within the period prescribed for registration, shall immediately enter in the proper spaces thereon the precinct of the voter.
B. All information required [is] shall then be
entered into the voter file and evidenced by the file
maintenance list. A new certificate of registration, or
change of information to an existing certificate of
registration, shall not be inserted into the county register
until the county clerk has had all pertinent information
necessary for the preparation of voter files and voter lists
transcribed from it to a record appropriate for use for
[machine] preparation of such lists.
C. After entry of data into the [machine] data
processing system, the county clerk shall insert each original
certificate of registration in its proper order in the county
D. A certificate of registration shall not be removed from the county register pursuant to a cancellation of registration until the county clerk has entered into the voter file all deletions and changes and such deletions and changes are evidenced by the file maintenance list."
Section 3. Section 1-5-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 108, as amended by Laws 1993, Chapter 314, Section 35 and also by Laws 1993, Chapter 316, Section 35) is amended to read:
PREPARED] ROSTER PREPARATION.--The county clerk shall provide
for [machine] preparation of voter lists and signature rosters
for any precincts. [Such] The voter lists and signature
rosters shall be used at any election for which registration
of voters is required in lieu of bound original certificates
of registration and poll books."
Section 4. Section 1-5-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 114, as amended by Laws 1993, Chapter 314, Section 37 and also by Laws 1993, Chapter 316, Section 37) is amended to read:
A. A voter whose name does not appear on the voter
list and signature roster for the precinct in which he offers
to vote shall be permitted to vote in [such] the precinct
[provided the voter meets the requirements specified in the
Election Code for voting on a voter's copy of a certificate of
registration, or has in his possession a certificate of
eligibility bearing the seal and signature of the county clerk
stating that the voter's original certificate of registration
is in the county register of that county wherein such precinct
is located] pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act of
B. The election clerks in charge of the signature
rosters shall add the voter's name and address in ink to the
signature roster on the line immediately following the last
entered voter's name and the voter shall be allowed to sign an
affidavit of eligibility and cast [his] an emergency paper
ballot, provided he has first signed or marked both [rosters]
the signature roster and checklist of registered voters.
C. [The voting machine public counter number or]
The emergency paper ballot number for the voter shall be
entered on [his certificate of eligibility or copy of his
certificate of registration. The certificate of eligibility
or voter's copy of his certificate of registration shall be
retained by the precinct board and returned to the county
clerk with the election returns.
D. Such certificate of eligibility shall be valid
for use only in the precinct and for the election and date
specified thereon] the affidavit of eligibility, the signature
roster and the checklist of registered voters.
[E.] D. In a primary election [a voter whose party
affiliation is not shown on the certificate of eligibility or
copy of his certificate of registration shall not be permitted
to receive or cast a ballot] no voter shall be permitted to
vote for a candidate of a party different from the party
designation shown on his [certificate of eligibility or the
copy of his] certificate of registration. Upon making that
determination, the county clerk shall transmit the ballot to
the county canvassing board to be tallied and included in the
canvass of that county for the appropriate precinct.
[F.] E. No verbal authorization from the county
clerk to allow a person to vote [under this section] shall be
Section 5. Section 1-5-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 118, as amended by Laws 1995, Chapter 124, Section 7 and also by Laws 1995, Chapter 166, Section 4) is amended to read:
A. At least once a month the county clerk shall
have made from the voter file a [machine-prepared] file
maintenance list of additions, deletions and changes, if any,
to the county register.
B. The county clerk shall be furnished with two
copies of the [machine-prepared] file maintenance lists.
C. One copy of the list shall be stored by the
county clerk for at least [six years] one year.
D. The county clerk shall also be furnished with copies of the list to give to the county chairman of each of the major political parties in the county. The copy of the chairman's list shall indicate whether each item is an addition, deletion or change. The file maintenance list shall not include the voter's social security number, codes used to identify the agency where the voter registered, voter's day and month of birth or voter's telephone number, if prohibited by the voter.
E. Beginning the first Monday of February of an
election year and every month thereafter, the county clerks
shall furnish the secretary of state with a copy of the
[magnetic] voter file, except that during the months of April
and September of an election year, the county clerks shall
furnish a copy of the [magnetic] voter file to the secretary
of state at least one time each week. The final copy shall be
furnished to the secretary of state by the county clerks
within seven days of the close of registration."
Section 6. Section 1-5-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 122, as amended) is amended to read:
A. Program records and instructions for their use
in controlling the [machine] processing of information derived
from the voter file shall be verified functionally, identified
and approved by the secretary of state.
B. Program records and instructions for their use shall remain the property of the designated data processor.
C. Verified, identified and approved program records and instructions shall be safeguarded at all times against loss or damage. The designated data processor shall be in charge of these safeguards subject to approval by the secretary of state."
Section 7. Section 1-5-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 124) is amended to read:
A. The county clerk shall employ such means for
[machine] preparation of voter lists and signature rosters as
can be functionally duplicated elsewhere with reasonable cost
and convenience.
B. At least one compatible duplicate means shall
be provided for on a standby basis, and it shall be capable of
performing the preparation of [voting] voter lists and
signature rosters with minimum delay in case the original
means is unable to perform.
C. The county clerk shall procure and preserve
sufficient duplicate program information and operating
instructions with each duplicate program record so that in
case of disaster the duplicate master record, the duplicate
program record and the duplicate additional program
information and operating instructions will be all that will
be required for another compatible [machine] facility to
prepare registered voter lists and signature rosters with
minimum delay."
Section 8. Section 1-5-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 125, as amended) is amended to read:
A. The secretary of state shall prescribe the form
and assure that the certificate of registration to be used in
any county is compatible with the [machine] data processing
B. The certificate of registration form shall require the following elements of information concerning the applicant for registration: name, gender, residence, municipality, post office, county of former registration, social security number, date of birth, political party affiliation, zip code, telephone number at the applicant's option and statement of qualification for voting.
C. Provision shall be made for the usual signature or mark of the applicant, for the signature of the county clerk and for the dates of such signatures.
D. The certificate form may be multipurpose by providing for an indication of whether the certificate of registration is for a new registration, a change in the existing registration or a cancellation of an existing registration. Provision shall be made on any multipurpose form for entry of any existing registered information for which a change may be requested.
E. The certificate of registration forms shall be serially numbered and shall be furnished promptly and in adequate supply by the secretary of state upon application from the county clerk."
Section 9. Section 1-5-25 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, Chapter 255, Section 79) is amended to read:
A. Unlawful use of statistical data [shall
consist] consists of use of statistical data in such a manner
as to derive information, the use or possession of which would
be otherwise prohibited under the Automated Voter Records
System Act.
B. Unlawful use of voter data, mailing labels or
special voter lists [shall consist] consists of the knowing
and willful use of such information for purposes prohibited by
the Automated Voter Records System Act.
C. Any person, organization or corporation or
agent, officer, representative or employee thereof who commits
unlawful use of statistical data, voter data, mailing labels
or special voter lists [shall be] is guilty of a fourth degree
felony and upon conviction shall be fined [ten dollars
($10.00)] one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every line
of voter information which was unlawfully used.
D. Each and every unlawful use of statistical
data, voter data, mailing labels or special voter lists [shall
constitute] constitutes a separate offense."
Section 10. Section 1-5-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, Chapter 255, Section 83, as amended by Laws 1993, Chapter 314, Section 41 and also by Laws 1993, Chapter 316, Section 41) is amended to read:
A. Members of the automated voter records system advisory committee, except the director of the bureau of elections, shall be paid per diem and mileage as provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act for nonsalaried state officers.
B. No [less] fewer than [two meetings] one meeting
shall be called annually by the secretary of state.
C. [At the first meeting of] Each odd-numbered
year, the committee shall review the certificate of
registration and the automated voter records system format and
make recommendations for necessary revisions to the secretary
of state."