44th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - 2nd special session, 2000


Ben D. Altamirano



WHEREAS, the legislature finds that to effectively implement the Accountability in Government Act, agencies should be held accountable for the use of their resources to better serve the citizens of New Mexico through the efficient delivery of services and effective administration of governmental programs; and

WHEREAS, agencies should be held accountable for the services they deliver in accordance with clearly defined missions, goals and objectives; and

WHEREAS, agencies should develop measures to evaluate performance and assess programs in achieving goals and objectives, and those measures should be results-oriented, focus on outcomes, be selective to concentrate on significant performance indicators rather than workloads, to provide reliable consistent data over time and provide valuable information to both policy and program decision-makers;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the governor direct the state budget division of the department of finance and administration and that the legislative finance committee direct its staff to coordinate the implementation of the Accountability in Government Act through the steering committee; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that under guidelines developed by the state budget division, in consultation with the legislative finance committee, each agency for which appropriations are made or for which performance measures are established in this memorial shall file a report with the state budget division and legislative finance committee analyzing its performance relative to the attainment of performance standards; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report shall be submitted quarterly for the performance standards established in this memorial and annually for the remaining performance standards stated in the performance-based budget request submission and shall contain a comparison of actual performance for the report period with targeted performance; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in developing guidelines for the submission of agency performance reports, the state budget division shall establish reporting standards that address variances between actual and targeted performance levels; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in concert with the required annual agency strategic planning process, the state budget division shall require that strategic plans that consider internal and external assessments and development of performance measures be coordinated among the state agency on aging, human services department, department of health and the children, youth and families department; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the agencies listed in this memorial file a report with the state budget division and the legislative finance committee for the additional performance standards identified in this memorial; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the agencies and performance standards be as follows:


Magistrate court warrant enforcement:

The purpose of the magistrate court warrant enforcement program is to aid in the collection of fines, fees and costs owed by defendants to the magistrate courts.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) warrants subject

to collection that have been collected 85%

(2) reduce number of days required to

collect fees 10%

(3) reduce amount of uncollected fines

and fees older than ninety days 10%

(4) accuracy of tax intercepts 99%;


Motor vehicle program:

The purpose of the motor vehicle program is to register commercial and noncommercial motor vehicles and boats; collect motor vehicle and boat excise taxes; collect highway user fees and taxes charged to trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles; and license private and commercial drivers. The motor vehicle division distributes license plates and vehicle registration certificates to owners and tests motor vehicle operators prior to issuing an operator's license;

Performance measures and standards:

(1) reduce the high staff turnover

rate in high-volume field offices 5%

(2) reduce the average customer wait

time less than 60 minutes

(3) develop baseline data for

measuring the number of errors in processing

transactions, for staffing and for the number of

transactions processed by each employee;


The purpose of the economic development department is to facilitate the creation, retention and expansion of jobs; to increase investment through public and private partnerships; and to establish a stable diversified economy that will improve the quality of life for New Mexico citizens.

A. Department performance measures and standards:

(1) improve the state's national ranking of nonagricultural employment growth

rank 24th

(2) increase economic growth of rural

and urban communities 2%

B. In-plant training:

The purpose of the in-plant training program is to be an economic development incentive to pay a percent of training costs for up to six months to new and existing businesses.

(1) average wage of companies

receiving funds in rural areas $9.50/hour

(2) average wage of companies

receiving funds in urban areas $10.90/hour

(3) increase number of welfare

recipients and unemployed hired through the program 20%

(4) participants remaining on

the job one year after the end of the training period 75%

(5) companies receiving funds

remaining in the state for three years 75%

(6) develop baseline data for assisted

existing businesses that expanded operations in New Mexico;


A. Temporary assistance for needy families:

The purpose of the temporary assistance for needy families program is to provide assistance to needy families with children; promote self-sufficiency, job preparation and employment; reduce the number of out-of-wedlock pregnancies; and encourage the formation of two-parent families.

Performance measures standards:

(1) work activity participation rates

for parents not exempted from work requirements 100%

(2) cases referred to temporary

assistance for needy families contractors retaining unsubsidized full-time employment for a minimum of

six months 50%

(3) individuals placed in jobs

earning wages twenty-five percent above minimum

wage rate 20%

(4) average number of food stamp

cases per month 70,000

(5) potential individuals eligible

for food stamps contacted regarding eligibility 100;

B. Child support enforcement:

The purpose of the child support enforcement program is to establish and enforce the child support obligations owed by noncustodial parents to their children.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) child support collections

received $85,000,000

(2) reduction in the backlog of cases 50%

(3) increase in number of child

support orders established 30%

(4) develop baseline data showing case

reduction in temporary assistance for needy families

due to child support collections;


A. Prevention, health promotion and early intervention:

The purpose of the prevention, health promotion and early intervention program is to prevent chronic and infectious disease, substance abuse, violence and avoidable injury and to promote child and family health and community health planning.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) births per one thousand New Mexico teenagers ages fifteen to seventeen years 46

(2) number of medicaid-eligible women

and infants receiving families first program case

management 10,100

(3) newborns screened for

hearing problems and genetic problems 95%

(4) children receiving

prevention, diagnostic, treatment and case management

services through children's medical services and

healthier kids fund 8,500

(5) third graders with

sealant on at least one permanent molar applied

statewide by public health division staff and

other providers 45%

(6) children fully immunized by

age two 85%

(7) use of auto safety restraints

for all occupants 87%

(8) schools with mentoring programs 12

(9) pregnant women who self-identify with substance abuse who are screened and referred for services

by women, infants and children and families first programs


(10) communities with clean indoor

air ordinances 30

(11) women who receive mammograms and

pap smears through the breast and cervical cancer early

detection and cancer control program 9,700

(l2) patients who are provided

comprehensive diabetes management in primary

care clinics 55%

(13) new AIDS cases 100

(14) new tuberculosis cases

per one hundred thousand population 4

(15) incidence of syphilis cases per

one hundred thousand population less than 1

(16) incidence of gonorrhea cases per

one hundred thousand population 43

(17) number of women, infants and

children program enrollments 54,000

(18) develop baseline data for

average food cost per person receiving women,

infants and children program funds and percent

of low-birth-weight babies born to mothers receiving

women, infants and children program funds,

the percentage of patients with diabetes provided comprehensive diabetes education and management

through primary care clinics and data to determine the

rate of chlamydia cases in New Mexico;

B. Health systems improvement and public health support services:

The purpose of the health systems improvement and public health support services program is to provide specialized health systems, including primary care and rural health; school-based health centers; statewide emergency medical services; surveillance, planning, training and communications regarding public health emergencies; and to provide public health support services, including vital records, health statistics and health data systems, epidemiological assessments and disease surveillance.

Performance standards:

(1) number of community-based

primary care systems supported by all funding sources 54

(2) number of primary health care and emergency medical providers supported by New Mexico

health services corps working in underserved areas 60

(3) number of school-based health

centers providing primary care to school-aged children and youth with 19

(4) people served by comprehensive

emergency medical services within ten minutes for first response and within fifteen minutes for an ambulance 90%

(5) people routinely served

by advanced level emergency medical services 85%

(6) statewide plan for comprehensive

response to public health emergencies Implement in FY01

(7) new client information and

management reporting system Implement in FY01

(8) birth certificates issued

within ten days of request and percent

of death certificates issued within fifteen

days of request 95%

(9) reported plague, hantavirus,

meningitis and other communicable diseases or

food-borne outbreaks responded to within

eight hours 95%

C. Special needs populations and long-term


The purpose of the special needs populations and long-term care program is to provide services and support to children and adults with chronic health problems, including persons with HIV/AIDS or developmental disabilities; the disabled, elderly and medically fragile; and those with traumatic brain injury.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) served known HIV-positive

individuals seeking comprehensive HIV/AIDS services 95%

(2) develop baseline data of reported AIDS cases living two years after diagnosis;


A. Inmate management and control:

The purpose of the inmate management and control program is to effectively match prison capacity to inmate custody level and special management needs, while ensuring that the public, corrections staff and inmates are protected by operating cost-effective, safe, secure, humane and professionally sound prisons.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) increase in inmate cost per day

per facility Not to exceed CPI

(2) institutions with

American corrections association accreditation 100%

(3) inmate-on-inmate

assaults compared to national average 21.5 per 1,000 inmates

(4) inmate-on-staff assaults compared to national average 11.9 per 1,000 inmates

(5) major disturbances per year 10

(6) minor disturbances per year 5

(7) reduce positive results of regular

random drug testing 5.5%

(8) compliance of private

prisons with contract provisions by category 100%

(9) conduct formal audits of

significant chronic disease and medical conditions 3

(10) inmates diagnosed

with mental illness 860

(11) inmates who consent

to and receive treatment 797;

B. Inmate programming:

The purpose of the inmate programming is to offer prison programs that provide rehabilitation opportunities.

Performance standards:

(1) inmates given general education

diploma test 700

(2) inmates who successfully completed the general education diploma program 277

(3) implement "Crossings" programs 3

(4) inmate jobs provided in

data entry, furniture, telemarketing, print shop,

garment, textiles, etc. 510

(5) inmates employed by correctional industries compared with national

average of seven percent 7.50%

(6) inmates with substance

abuse diagnosis who are referred for treatment 90%

(7) inmates diagnosed as substance abusers who consent to treatment 40%

(8) develop baseline data for closed the

custody control unit; number of inmates

meeting placement criteria; number of inmates

placed in unit; number of inmates completing

cognitive restructuring programs and meeting

required behavior standards that graduate from the

unit into other housing units; number of closed

custody control unit inmate graduates functioning

to standard in other housing assignments; and number

of closed custody control unit graduate inmates requiring return to closed custody control unit due to inappropriate behavior;

(9) develop baseline data for percentage

of inmate escapes in relation to total inmate population

in public and private prisons and how it compares to the national average;

C. Community offender management:

The purpose of the community offender management program is to protect public safety, with particular emphasis on supervision of high-risk offenders, and increase the probability of offenders becoming law-abiding citizens through effective field services supervision of offenders on probation and parole in a community setting.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) probation and parole revocations 25%

(2) high-risk offender revocations 50%

(3) community corrections contracts

receiving clinical audits 70%

(4) parolees graduating from community corrections program 50%

(5) post-release clinical compliance

audits conducted semi-annually 2

(6) negative drug test rate 90%

(7) parolees graduating from post-release addictive services 70%

(8) develop baseline data for the number of inmates who complete the substance abuse diagnosis and

treatment program, voluntarily withdraw and are

discharged from a New Mexico corrections department facility;

(9) develop baseline data for inmate violence rates and cost factors; inmate disciplinary problems; good time lost; and administrative segregation time and cost;

(10) develop baseline data for inmate recidivism rate;

D. Training and administrative support:

The purpose of the training and administrative support program is to contribute to cost-effective management and department operations by providing professional training to correctional officers and other agency staff and providing quality administrative support services.

Performance standards:

(1) cadets graduated for New Mexico corrections department facilities 23 per class

(2) cadets graduated for private

prisons 75%;


A. Law enforcement:

The purpose of the law enforcement program is to enhance the quality of life for all New Mexico citizens; refine law enforcement initiatives to suppress crime, respond to crime scenes, conduct investigations and interdict illicit drugs and stolen property; apprehend suspects, provide testimony and prepare comprehensive investigative reports; apprehend intoxicated drivers and investigate traffic crashes; improve traffic safety and enforcement; regulate motor carriers; and provide command and control at hazardous material incidents and disaster scenes.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) undercover narcotics buys 512

(2) hours of patrol on highways 188,700

(3) driving while intoxicated

roadblocks 87

(4) develop baseline data to compare

drug buys to drug arrests that resulted in indictments

and convictions;


Traffic safety program:

The purpose of the traffic safety program is to continuously reduce traffic-related fatalities and injuries by developing and supporting a comprehensive, multiple strategy approach that includes prevention, education, screening and treatment, regulation, legislation, enforcement and deterrent initiatives.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) reduce New Mexico's traffic

fatality rate per one hundred thousand population

in fiscal year 2001 to 22

(2) reduce percentage of alcohol-

involved traffic fatalities to total traffic fatalities

in fiscal year 2001 to 42%

(3) reduce the pedestrian fatality

rate per one hundred thousand population in

fiscal year 2001 to 2.5;


A. Instructional materials:

The purpose of the instructional materials program is to provide instructional materials to the students of the state through an instructional materials process and fund.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) districts with instructional

materials available and provided to students on the

first day of school 95%;

B. School safety:

The purpose of the school safety program is to create school environments that protect children and teachers from harm, eliminate theft, intimidation, harassment and threats, as well as possession of weapons, alcohol and other drugs.

Performance measures and standards:

(1) develop baseline data for incidence of alcohol and drug use on school campus; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to aid accountability in government, the state auditor, the department of finance and administration, the general services department, the information technology management office, the personnel board, the state treasurer, the state department of public education and the commission on higher education, as oversight agencies that have responsibilities for other state agencies, institutions and political subdivisions, shall file strategic plans for fiscal years 2001 and 2002 with the state budget division of the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee by May 1, 2000; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the plans shall be developed in accordance with guidelines established by the state budget division in consultation with the legislative finance committee and shall include internal and external assessments; agency missions, goals and objectives; action plans and performance measures; fiscal year 2000 baseline data; and fiscal years 2001 and 2002 performance standards; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the oversight agencies perform the following tasks:

A. The commission on higher education shall coordinate with the public post-secondary educational institutions for data collection and shall assist the institutions in developing a strategic plan and in developing baseline data and performance standards for the following quality and effectiveness indicators:

(1) accessible and affordable public post-secondary education;

(2) student progress and student success;

(3) academic quality and quality learning environment;

(4) efficient and effective use of resources;

(5) quality of research and creative activity at the state's research educational institutions;

(6) service to New Mexicans; and

(7) economic impact of each public post-secondary educational institution.

Every public post-secondary educational institution shall provide information to the commission and shall assist the commission in developing reporting data. Draft reports of the commission's plan and performance standards for higher education shall be filed with the state budget division and the legislative finance committee by September 1, 2000.

B. The state department of public education shall coordinate data collection, develop a strategic plan and develop baseline data and performance standards for the following quality and effectiveness indicators for public schools:

(1) statewide assessment program;

(2) promotion rates;

(3) dropout rates;

(4) attendance rates;

(5) quality of education survey questions for school districts; and

(6) safety of school environments.

One-third of the school districts shall file their strategic plan with the state department of public education, state budget division, the legislative finance committee, legislative education study committee and other appropriate legislative interim committees by September 1, 2000.

C. The state budget division shall file a state strategic training plan with the legislative finance committee by May 1, 2000. The plan shall identify training needs for state agency personnel. All state agencies shall cooperate with the division in the development of the plan. The division shall carry out the training plan by June 15, 2000.

D. The secretary of finance and administration shall report to the legislative finance committee by May 31, 2000 on how the strategic plans of the following agencies address the following duties and how the fiscal year 2001 operating budgets allocate resources to accomplish them:

(1) for the financial control division, to:

(a) issue accurate monthly budget and financial reports, prepare cash reconciliations and record adjusting accounting entries within twenty days after the end of each month and thirty-five days after the end of the fiscal year;

(b) certify to the state auditor that the agencies under its oversight have closed their books and records on the accrual basis of accounting, have prepared accrual basis financial statements and agree on agency-prepared working papers; and

(c) review agencies' fund balances to determine compliance for reverting funds within ten days of release of audit reports;

(2) for the state auditor, to complete state agency audits within sixty days from the date of the financial control division of the department of finance and administration certification;

(3) for the state budget division, to:

(a) provide adequate training to state agency personnel on preparing and implementing their strategic plans; and

(b) define programs and performance measures; accumulate and report baseline data; and establish performance standards as required in the Accountability in Government Act;

(4) for the local government division, to:

(a) identify and address noncompliance by local governments with rules relating to budgets, records, reports, handling and disbursement of public money and other financial matters of local governments; and

(b) implement procedures to monitor compliance with rules;

(5) for the management and contracts review division, to:

(a) provide accurate monthly contract reports to the legislative finance committee within fifteen days of the end of the month; and

(b) notify the legislative finance committee and other appropriate authorities of any serious concerns with proposed contracts or noncompliance with statutory provisions;

(6) for the purchasing division of the general services department, to negotiate state vendor contracts for purchases that ensure cost-effective procurement of goods and services;

(7) for the information technology management office, to:

(a) conduct performance or technology audits or reviews of three major information system development projects during the year;

(b) reduce redundant data, equipment, software and telecommunications systems;

(c) develop and maintain a statewide five-year information technology and communications strategic plan; and

(d) maintain an up-to-date inventory of information technology and resources;

(8) for the state personnel office, to:

(a) increase the accuracy of employment lists of qualified candidates for prospective state agency employers; and

(b) provide employment candidate lists to the prospective state agency employers within an average of ten working days following close of recruitment;

(9) for the state treasurer, to:

(a) prepare a monthly cash, investment and earnings reconciliation, including distribution of interest earnings within twenty-five days after the end of each month and thirty-five days after the end of the fiscal year; and

(b) comply with the investment policy approved by the state board of finance for investing operating and trust money and for the local government investment pool in his custody;

(10) for the state department of public education, to:

(a) identify and address noncompliance by school districts with laws and rules relating to management and direction, including financial direction, distribution of school funds and financial accounting to determine the long-term financial solvency of each public school; and

(b) implement procedures to monitor timely resolution of identified problems and take required action for noncompliance; and

(11) for the commission on higher education, to:

(a) determine the cost-effectiveness of its operations;

(b) determine equitable financing of higher education through the instruction and general funding formula;

(c) facilitate capital infrastructure need assessments and recommendations and timely distribution of capital infrastructure appropriations requested by institutions;

(d) determine the effectiveness of financial aid programs in providing accessibility and affordability for New Mexicans, including the return on investment from state grant and loan programs; and

(e) provide effective oversight and licensure of all private post-secondary educational institutions operating in New Mexico; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the governor, the secretary of finance and administration, the director of the state budget division and the legislative finance committee.

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