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SPONSOR: | Rodella | DATE TYPED: | 03/30/00 | HB | HJM 15 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Elk Herd Size and Carrying Capacities | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Valenzuela |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to
LFC files
Department of Game and Fish
Synopsis of Bill
House Joint Memorial 15 requests the Department of Game and Fish in cooperation with federal land and wildlife management agencies develop a strategic elk management plan. The plan is to be based on elk quantity, quality of habitat and the established carrying capacity. The plan should also address all management options to manage and contain the elk herd population when necessary.
The memorial also requests that the plan be developed utilizing a process that includes landowners and sportsmen.
Significant Issues
Given the breadth and depth of the request, carrying out the request would require the agency to commit substantial resources to the project. In addition, cooperation from the affected federal agencies, Indian tribes, landowners and sportsmen would be needed. The analysis prepared by the Department of Game and Fish states that the cooperation of neighboring states would also be necessary.
Other issues revolve around coordination of the activities, fiscal impact on federal agencies and other states, the differing goals of the various stakeholders involved in developing the plan and obtaining the cooperation of all parties involved.
There is no direct fiscal impact from the memorial itself.
However, Department of Game and Fish staff project an agency cost of $2,000.0 to conduct the study and develop the plan with an additional $1,500.0 required to annually monitor elk herds and carrying capacity.
The Department of Game and Fish staff estimate conducting the study will require 10 FTEs - 2 supervisors and 8 technicians.
What circumstances led to the introduction of this memorial?
Was the memorial introduced at the request of any specific group?
Was the memorial introduced at the request of the Department of Game and Fish?