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SPONSOR: | Sanchez, RG | DATE TYPED: | 03/30/00 | HB | HJM10 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Study Local Government | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Gonzales |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to
LFC Files
Synopsis of Bill
House Joint Memorial 10 requests the Legislative Council to create an interim local government study committee or task force to comprehensively review local government issues in cooperation with the associations representing local governments, the affected executive agencies and other appropriate entities. The bill further requests the committee or task force report its findings and recommendations, including proposed legislation to the Legislative Council and the LFC and other appropriate legislative committees no later than October 1, 2000.
Significant Issues
This bill specifies the scope of the review should include property taxation, including valuation, assessment and equity; capital projects planning and funding; intergovernmental relations; state and federal mandates and jurisdictional issues.
Agency staff time will be spent on the report request provisions of this bill. It is expected that agencies should be able to absorb the impact within its existing budgets.