March 31, 2000

SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number _______ to SENATE BILL 10, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Senator Mary Jane Garcia

1. On page 2, line 1, after "or" insert "any money released to the state".

2. On page 2, line 2, strike "authorized by a qualifying state statute" and insert in lieu thereof "or otherwise paid to the state as authorized by the model statute, Sections 6-4-12 and 6-4-13 NMSA 1978,".

3. On page 4, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following new section:

"Section 3. Section 6-4-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1999, Chapter 207, Section 3) is amended to read:

"6-4-11. TOBACCO SETTLEMENT DISTRIBUTIONS TO STATE--TRANSFER TO TOBACCO SETTLEMENT PERMANENT FUND.--The state treasurer shall deposit in the tobacco settlement permanent fund all amounts distributed to the state pursuant to the master settlement agreement entered into between tobacco product manufacturers and various states, including New Mexico, and executed November 23, 1998 or any money released to the state from a qualified escrow fund [authorized by a qualifying state statute] or otherwise paid to the state as authorized under the model state statute, Sections 6-4-12 and 6-4-13 NMSA 1978, enacted pursuant to the master settlement agreement."".

4. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.


Mary Jane Garcia

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted _______________________

 (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date _________________