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SPONSOR: | Crook | DATE TYPED: | 02/06/00 | HB | 226 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Definition of Resident Student | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Pacheco-Perez |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
NA | See below | Rec | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates SB128
Commission on Higher Education (CHE)
Synopsis of Bill
This bill amends the definition of resident student for the purposes of assessing in-state tuition at the state's public post-secondary institutions, expanding it to include foreign nationals assigned to armed forces active duty in New Mexico.
Significant Issues
Given that non-resident tuition waivers for FY00 cost the state $31.3 million, the CHE does not recommend expanding waivers at this time. Tuition waivers provide a mechanism for subsidizing the cost of education for non-resident students. The cost is comprised of two components: 1) the cost to the institution in foregone tuition revenue, and 2) the cost to the state by having these students treated as residents in the funding formula.
While this bill does not make an appropriation, the estimated impact is $5,447 per university student and $972 per community college student. The existing military waiver program which provides resident rates for U.S. citizens on active duty in New Mexico costs the state $3.1 million.
This bill duplicates Senate Bill 128.