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SPONSOR: | Pederson | DATE TYPED: | 02/11/00 | HB | 424 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Amend County Correctional Facility Tax Act | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Eaton |
Years Impact |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||
FY00 | FY01 | |||
$ 2,018.0 | Recurring | McKinley County Debt Svc | ||
$ 62.4 | Recurring | TRD Administrative Fee |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
Duplicates SB 258 (Howes)
Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)
Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD)
Synopsis of Bill
This bill amends sections of the County Correctional Facility Gross Receipts Tax (7-20(F)-2). The bill adds language to include eligibility of a class B county with a population between sixty thousand and sixty-three thousand (McKinley county: pop. 60,686).
The definition of correctional facility is amended to include courthouses and any other county facility used as a county administrative office.
A county board may enact the local (excise) tax option on a county-wide basis not to exceed 0.25%. The board may elect to submit to the voters the local tax option.
Significant Issues
This bill allows counties to build judicial-correctional facilities that could be leased to the judiciary.
The fiscal impact of $2018.0 (McKinley county debt service) assumes a tax rate of ¼% and a July 1, 2001 effective date for the tax imposition. During the first fiscal year the county would receive accrued revenue attributable to 11 months, due to the one month lag for tax return filing. The earliest McKinley County could impose the tax would be effective January 1, 2001. A January, 2001 imposition would provide 5 months of accrued revenue during fiscal year 2000-2001, or about $899.3 thousand for the county (after retention of TRD administrative fees).
The bill has no impact on state revenues.
Effective date is not specified - assume 90 days after the legislative session - about May 17, 2000.
A small impact on the Department would result from setting-up the new tax program and revenue distribution procedures. This bill will cause minor delays to other data processing project schedules.