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SPONSOR: | Salazar | DATE TYPED: | 02/12/00 | HB | 329 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | High Skills Training at Community Colleges | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Pacheco-Perez |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
$ 800.0 | Rec | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to
Commission on Higher Education (CHE)
Synopsis of Bill
This bill appropriates $800.0 from the general fund to the CHE for the purpose of developing, expanding, and supporting broad-based entry-level high skills training programs at community colleges statewide. Funding will support instructors, curriculum implementation, laboratory development and equipment operating maintenance support. Each college receiving funding shall provide an equal match from a source other than the general fund.
The appropriation of $800.0 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY01 shall revert to the general fund.
The CHE notes increased workload in developing an RFP process for the purpose delineated in this bill.
According to the CHE, a benefit of implementing this bill is the continuation of the partnerships between two-year institutions and the private sector while responding to New Mexico's training needs.
The CHE recommends that the following language be included for all new recurring higher education programs: "A plan for a program evaluation, including specific program goals and criteria for assessing program effectiveness shall be submitted to the LFC and the CHE by October 1, 2000. An assessment of the program will be completed prior to June 30, 2001 and submitted to the LFC and the CHE."