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SPONSOR: | Picraux | DATE TYPED: | 1/27/00 | HB | 183 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Symphonic Music for Public Concerts | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Valenzuela |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
$ 200.0 | Recurring | General Fund | |||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA)
Synopsis of Bill
House Bill 183 would make a general fund appropriation of $200.0 to the Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA) to provide funding for musical organizations providing symphonic music for public concerts in communities throughout the state and for educational performances in public schools. Any remaining unexpended balance would revert to the general fund. Eligibility musical organizations: must be orchestras that conduct overnight tours and provide day concerts outside their cities of residence. For educational programs, the musical organization can provide performances by ensembles of less than orchestra size and solo instruments with accompaniment. The bill contains an emergency clause.
This bill appropriates $200.0 in general fund. There may be minor cost for administering this program because the need to set up contracts with each of the musical organizations who would be eligible for this program. However, OCA does have the resources to absorb these costs without need for additional positions or funding.
The OCA will face a minor administrative impact to implement this program in compliance with state procurement code.