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SPONSOR: | Madalena | DATE TYPED: | 1/28/00 | HB | 57/aHCPAC | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Jemez Valley Emergency Medical Technicians | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Esquibel |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
$ 100.0 | Recurring | General Fund | |||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to
Office of Indian Affairs
Department of Health
Synopsis of HCPAC Amendment
The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee amendment to HB 57 clarifies that DOH will use these funds to contract with the Pueblo of Jemez which would then hire its own two new EMTs.
Synopsis of Bill
The bill appropriates $100.0 to the Department of Health (DOH) to hire and train two additional licensed emergency medical technicians to be stationed at the Pueblo of Jemez to respond to emergency medical needs of people located in the Jemez valley.
The bill appropriates $100.0 in general fund in FY01 to DOH.
DOH indicates it would be difficult for its Public Health Division to supervise these two new positions because no other DOH structure exists in the Pueblo area.
DOH indicates the bill appears to have a technical problem because it does not clearly state that DOH will use these funds to contract with the Pueblo of Jemez which would then hire its own two new EMTs.
An alternative would be to appropriate $100.0 to DOH to enter into a contract to hire and train, if necessary, two additional licensed EMTs to be located at the Pueblo of Jemez.
Another alternative could be the provision of per-call stipends for volunteer responders to encourage availability and participation in the Jemez Coop ambulance. DOH indicates this alternative would depend on the availability of volunteer resources when an emergency call is received and would be difficult to achieve consistently.