Nick L. Salazar


I request that the following capital outlay projects be funded:

· to the state agency on aging

two hundred sixty-five thousand nine hundred dollars ($265,900) to design, construct or equip the Palo Duro senior fitness center in Bernalillo county;

four hundred forty thousand dollars ($440,000) to purchase vehicles for senior programs operated by the city of Albuquerque in Bernalillo county;

one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to complete the construction, furnishing and equipping of the Chilili Escabosa senior center in Bernalillo county;

eight thousand eight hundred dollars ($8,800) to purchase radios for vehicles for senior programs operated by the city of Albuquerque in Bernalillo county;

twenty-eight thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($28,750) to purchase equipment and furniture for senior centers operated by Bernalillo county;

one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to improve the Joy senior center in Roswell in Chaves county;

one hundred sixty-one thousand dollars ($161,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior program in Chaves county;

twenty-three thousand dollars ($23,000) to purchase a vehicle for the statewide senior olympics in Chaves county;

eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) to make improvements to the Grants senior center in Cibola county;

sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior center operated by the city of Grants in Cibola county;

ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to purchase meals equipment for the pueblo of Laguna senior centers in Cibola county;


forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a handicap-accessible vehicle for the pueblo of Acoma senior center in Cibola county;

one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to make improvements to the pueblo of Acoma senior center in Cibola county;

nine thousand forty dollars ($9,040) to purchase equipment and furniture for the senior centers operated by the city of Grants in Cibola county;

forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a vehicle for the adult day care center in the city of Gallup in McKinley county;

one hundred ninety thousand dollars ($190,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers in Colfax county;

fourteen thousand seven hundred dollars ($14,700) to purchase recreation equipment for the Eagle Nest senior center operated by the village of Eagle Nest in Colfax county;

one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600) to purchase access steps for vehicles for senior centers operated in Colfax county;

thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the senior volunteer program in Colfax county;

forty-seven thousand dollars ($47,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the village of Eagle Nest in Colfax county;

ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) to purchase vehicles for the La Casa senior centers in Curry and Roosevelt counties;

forty-eight thousand dollars ($48,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior centers operated by the city of Clovis in Curry county;

twenty-one thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($21,350) to purchase meals equipment for the Clovis senior meal site in Curry county;

three thousand three hundred dollars ($3,300) to make improvements to the Clovis CRSMA senior meal site in Curry county;

fourteen thousand six hundred sixty dollars ($14,660) to purchase recreation equipment for senior centers operated by the city of Las Cruces in Dona Ana county;

twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($28,500) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers operated by the city of Las Cruces in Dona Ana county;

three hundred twenty-eight thousand dollars ($328,000) to purchase vehicles for senior centers operated in Dona Ana county;

one hundred five thousand four hundred dollars ($105,400) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers operated in Dona Ana county;

fifteen thousand seven hundred dollars ($15,700) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers operated in Eddy county;

fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers and volunteer programs operated in Eddy county;

seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated by the city of Artesia in Eddy county;


one hundred eighteen thousand dollars ($118,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated in Grant county;

twenty-one thousand dollars ($21,000) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers operated in Grant county;

thirty-seven thousand dollars ($37,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated in Lordsburg in Hidalgo county;

one thousand three hundred dollars ($1,300) to purchase meals equipment for the senior center operated in Lordsburg in Hidalgo county;

forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the city of Hobbs in Lea county;

forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the city of Eunice in Lea county;

ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to purchase meals equipment for the Eunice senior center in Lea county;

nine thousand one hundred dollars ($9,100) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers in Lincoln county;

one hundred fourteen thousand dollars ($114,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers in Lincoln county;

forty thousand dollars ($40,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated in Deming in Luna county;

four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) to design, construct or equip an addition to the Deming senior center in Luna county;

four thousand dollars ($4,000) to purchase meals equipment for the Deming senior center in Luna county;

eighty thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($80,250) to complete improvements to the Thoreau senior center operated by McKinley county;

one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000) to make improvements to the Chichiltah chapter senior center in McKinley county;

six thousand dollars ($6,000) to purchase meals equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Zuni in McKinley county;

one hundred eighty-seven thousand dollars ($187,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Zuni in McKinley county;

one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) to make improvements to the Ramah chapter seniorcenter in McKinley county;

twenty-seven thousand nine hundred dollars ($27,900) to make improvements to the Thoreau senior center operated by McKinley county;

ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated in McKinley county;

ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to make storage or other improvements to the Manuelito chapter senior center in McKinley county;


sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000) to construct a sewer lagoon and other improvements at the Pinedale chapter senior center in McKinley county;

one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to design, construct or equip the Ojo Encino chapter senior center in McKinley county;

fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to purchase meals equipment for the Gallup northside senior center in McKinley county;

eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000) to make improvements to the Gallup northside senior center in McKinley county;

three hundred twenty-three thousand dollars ($323,000) to purchase vehicles for senior centers operated in Mora and San Miguel counties;

two hundred seventy-five thousand seven hundred dollars ($275,700) to purchase meals equipment for senior centers operated by the Navajo Nation;

three hundred sixty thousand dollars ($360,000) to purchase vehicles for senior centers operated by the Navajo Nation;

forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the Mescalero Apache tribe in Otero county;

one thousand dollars ($1,000) to improve the senior center operated by the Mescalero Apache tribe in Otero county;

thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) to purchase a vehicle for the Cloudcroft senior center in Otero county;

sixty-seven thousand dollars ($67,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior center operated by the city of Alamogordo in Otero county;

twenty-one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($21,750) to purchase meals equipment for the Tularosa senior center in Otero county;

twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) to renovate the Nara Visa senior center in Quay county;

thirty-three thousand dollars ($33,000) to pave the parking lot and make other improvements to the San Jon senior center in Quay county;

eight thousand dollars ($8,000) to purchase meals equipment for the San Jon senior center in Quay county;

forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Santa Clara in Rio Arriba county;

ninety-nine thousand dollars ($99,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated in Rio Arriba county;

twenty-seven thousand dollars ($27,000) to renovate the Ojo Caliente senior center operated by Rio Arriba county;

twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) to purchase meals equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Santa Clara in Rio Arriba county;

forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the city of Espanola in Rio Arriba county;


eight thousand five hundred dollars ($8,500) to make improvements to the pueblo of San Juan senior center in Rio Arriba county;

ten thousand seven hundred dollars ($10,700) to purchase meals and other equipment for the pueblo of San Juan senior center in Rio Arriba county;

twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) to purchase meals equipment for the Portales community service senior center in Roosevelt county;

six thousand dollars ($6,000) to make improvements to the senior center in Elida in Roosevelt county;

one hundred seventy-two thousand dollars ($172,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated in San Juan county;

twenty-five thousand three hundred dollars ($25,300) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers operated in San Juan county;

four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500) to make improvements to the Aztec senior center in San Juan county;

ninety-eight thousand one hundred dollars ($98,100) for improvements to the Las Vegas senior center in San Miguel county;

one thousand eight hundred sixty dollars ($1,860) for improvements to the Pecos senior center in San Miguel county;

three thousand two hundred dollars ($3,200) to install a cooling system and other improvements in the San Miguel del Vado senior center in San Miguel county;

one hundred thirty-three thousand dollars ($133,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated by five Sandoval pueblos in Sandoval county;

one thousand dollars ($1,000) to purchase and install water heaters or other equipment in the senior center operated by the pueblo of Jemez in Sandoval county;

sixty-seven thousand dollars ($67,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Cochiti in Sandoval county;

ten thousand nine hundred dollars ($10,900) to purchase equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Cochiti in Sandoval county;

forty-seven thousand dollars ($47,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior center operated by the pueblo of San Felipe in Sandoval county;

eleven thousand one hundred dollars ($11,100) to purchase equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Santo Domingo in Sandoval county;

eleven thousand five hundred fifty dollars ($11,550) to purchase equipment for senior centers operated by Sandoval county;

twenty-two thousand four hundred dollars ($22,400) for improvements to the senior center operated by the pueblo of Santo Domingo in Sandoval county;

two hundred thirty-six thousand dollars ($236,000) to purchase vehicles for senior centers operated in Sandoval county;

three thousand dollars ($3,000) to purchase radios for senior center vehicles operated by the city of Rio Rancho in Sandoval county;


six thousand seven hundred dollars ($6,700) to purchase meals equipment for the senior center operated by the city of Rio Rancho in Sandoval county;

one hundred seventeen thousand two hundred dollars ($117,200) to make improvements to the senior center operated by the city of Rio Rancho in Sandoval county;

thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the pueblo of San Ildefonso in Santa Fe county;

twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($27,500) to purchase a vehicle for the home safety program for seniors operated by open hands in Santa Fe county;

forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Tesuque in Santa Fe county;

six hundred dollars ($600) to purchase equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of San Ildefonso in Santa Fe county;

one thousand one hundred dollars ($1,100) to make improvements to the senior center operated by the pueblo of San Ildefonso in Santa Fe county;

eighteen thousand six hundred dollars ($18,600) to renovate the senior center operated by the pueblo of Pojoaque in Santa Fe county;

twenty-two thousand dollars ($22,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Pojoaque in Santa Fe county;

three thousand fifty dollars ($3,050) to purchase meals and other equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Nambe in Santa Fe county;

twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) to purchase and install equipment in senior centers operated by the city of Santa Fe in Santa Fe county;

eight hundred fifty dollars ($850) to purchase equipment for the open hands day care center operated in Santa Fe county;

thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) to purchase a vehicle for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Nambe in Santa Fe county;

two hundred forty-six thousand dollars ($246,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated by the city of Santa Fe in Santa Fe county;

two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to make improvements to the MEG senior center operated by the city of Santa Fe in Santa Fe county;

two thousand dollars ($2,000) to purchase meals equipment for the senior center in Truth or Consequences in Sierra county;

sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000) to purchase vehicles for senior centers operated in Socorro county;

three thousand dollars ($3,000) to make improvements to the northern Socorro senior center in Socorro county;

twenty-nine thousand two hundred dollars ($29,200) to purchase meals equipment for senior centers operated in Socorro county;

one thousand nine hundred fifty dollars ($1,950) to purchase equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Taos in Taos county;


twelve thousand seven hundred dollars ($12,700) to purchase meals equipment for the Taos senior center operated in Taos county;

five thousand dollars ($5,000) to make improvements to the senior center operated by the pueblo of Picuris in Taos county;

eleven thousand four hundred dollars ($11,400) to purchase equipment and furniture for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Picuris in Taos county;

twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for improvements to the Chamisal senior center operated in Taos county;

twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) to make improvements to the pueblo of Taos senior center operated in Taos county;

three thousand seven hundred dollars ($3,700) to purchase equipment for the Amalia senior center operated in Taos county;

one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) to purchase equipment for the senior centers operated in Taos county;

one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated in Taos county;

one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800) to purchase meals equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Taos in Taos county;

twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers operated in Torrance county;

two hundred forty-six thousand dollars ($246,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior centers operated in Torrance county;

one hundred four thousand nine hundred dollars ($104,900) to complete the design, construction or equipping of the Des Moines senior center in Union county;

fourteen thousand nine hundred seventy dollars ($14,970) to purchase meals equipment for the senior centers operated in Valencia county;

one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) to purchase equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Isleta in Valencia county;

two thousand six hundred dollars ($2,600) to purchase meals equipment for the senior center operated by the pueblo of Isleta in Valencia county;

forty-nine thousand five hundred dollars ($49,500) to equip the kitchen at the San Jose senior center in Carlsbad in Eddy county; and

forty-eight thousand three hundred dollars ($48,300) to plan, design and construct a meeting room and to make improvements to the grounds at the Loving senior center in Eddy county.
