February 7, 2000


Amendment sponsored by Senator Arthur H. Rodarte

1. On page 3, line 13, before the comma, insert "and limited rate regulation to the extent provided in Subsection D of this section".

2. On page 4, line 6, strike the closing quotation mark.

3. On page 4, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following new subsection:

"D. New Mexico rates proposed by a generation and transmission cooperative shall be filed with the commission in the form of an advice notice, a copy of which shall be simultaneously served on all member utilities. Any member utility may file a protest of the proposed rates no later than twenty days after the generation and transmission cooperative files the advice notice. If three or more New Mexico member utilities file protests and the commission determines there is just cause in at least three of the protests for reviewing the proposed rates, the commission shall suspend the rates, conduct a hearing concerning reasonableness of the proposed rates and establish reasonable rates. Each protest must contain a clear and concise statement of the specific grounds upon which the protestant believes the proposed rates are unreasonable or otherwise unlawful; a brief description of the protestant's efforts to resolve its objections directly with the generation and transmission cooperative; a clear and concise statement of the relief the protestant seeks from the commission; and a formal resolution of the board of trustees of the protesting member utility authorizing the filing of the protest. In order to determine whether just cause may exist for review, the commission shall consider whether each protestant has exhausted remedies with the generation and transmission cooperative or whether the generation and transmission cooperative has unreasonably rejected the protestant's objections to the proposed rates. A member utility shall present its objections to the generation and transmission cooperative in writing and allow a reasonable period for the generation and transmission cooperative to attempt resolution of, or otherwise respond to, those objections. A period of seven days after receipt of written objections will be deemed reasonable for the generation and transmission cooperative to provide a written response to the member utility, but a written response is not required if such time period extends beyond twenty days after the date on which the generation and transmission cooperative filed the advice notice. The generation and transmission cooperative and its members are expected to make a good faith effort to resolve the member utility's objections to the proposed rates during that period of time."".


Arthur H. Rodarte

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

 (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date _________________