Section 1. Section 16-2-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1935, Chapter 57, Section 11, as amended) is amended to read:
A. The state is authorized to acquire lands or interests in lands for state park or state recreational purposes by gift, donation, devise or purchase. Acquired lands or interests in lands shall be held for the use of the state to develop, maintain and operate them as state parks or state recreational areas. In acquiring real property or any interest in real property, the power of eminent domain shall not be used. The criteria for acquisition and development shall be those specified in Subsections B through G of this section.
B. Sites that may be designated as state parks or state recreational areas shall be only those:
(1) having a diversity of resources, including areas of scientific, aesthetic, geologic, natural or historic value;
(2) providing recreational opportunities significant enough to assure patronage from a region or preferably from the state as a whole; and
(3) conforming to the state comprehensive outdoor recreation plan.
C. Lands designated for acquisition or development as state parks or state recreational areas shall be those that:
(1) are adjacent to existing parks or recreational areas and are necessary for successful park or recreational area protection and development;
(2) help meet recreation and open space demands of metropolitan area residents by emphasizing park or recreational areas within easy access of population centers;
(3) preserve the most significant examples of
New Mexico natural scenic landscape; [and] or
(4) meet the pressure on primary vacation regions not adequately supplied with public recreation opportunities.
D. Lands that are acquired or developed as state parks or state recreational areas shall be managed and developed according to the following objectives:
(1) outdoor recreation shall be recognized as the dominant or primary resources management objective;
(2) physical development shall promote the outdoor recreation objective through the use of proper design, materials and construction to enhance and promote the use and enjoyment of the recreational resources in the area;
(3) within economical limits, state parks or state recreational facilities shall be landscaped and developed to achieve an environment that is aesthetically pleasing, ecologically functional and complementary to the native environment;
(4) use periods for parks or recreational facilities shall be extended by providing a variety of facilities that will attract visitors during all seasons of the year; and
(5) all significant historic structures contained in state parks or state recreational areas shall be, within economical limits, reconstructed, restored or stabilized to provide for continued user benefit.
E. Factors to be taken into consideration when lands are considered for acquisition or development as state parks or state recreational areas are:
(1) the character of the land resources, such as soil, vegetation, topography and water, that affects the suitability of the lands for development as parks or recreational areas;
(2) facilities development to meet the average and slightly higher than average demands rather than the peak demands of summer and the holiday weekends;
(3) development priority based upon demonstrated use and demand, balance and distribution of existing facilities and the availability of lands suitable for development; and
(4) resources protection shall also be considered a priority if the resources need urgent attention, but the priority shall be determined by the relative value of the resources involved.
F. The cost of lands to be proposed for acquisition or development as state parks or state recreational areas should be reasonable, with consideration given to the recreational value of the land on which the state park or state recreational area is to be located. No property shall be purchased that involves commitments, privileges or conditions to any private interest, except that property may be purchased that has restrictions limiting its use to that of a state park or state recreational area.
G. All lands considered for acquisition or
development as state parks or state recreational areas shall
undergo a feasibility study prior to acquisition or
development. [Ongoing projects that have already received an
appropriation at the effective date of this section are
exempted from the requirements of this section.] Feasibility
studies shall include:
(1) a determination that the proposed area meets the criteria set forth in this section;
(2) an estimate of the total development cost, including land acquisition, planning and construction and recommendations for methods of financing the development costs;
(3) an estimate of the annual costs for operation and maintenance;
(4) an estimate of demand and a projection of visitor use for the proposed area; and
(5) an analysis of the proposed area as it relates to plans or development by other governmental agencies or the private sector in adjacent areas.
H. The state is authorized, upon the execution of a
written agreement between the director of the state [park and
recreation] parks division and the department, service or
agency of the United States having jurisdiction of lands of
the United States, to develop, protect, maintain and operate
in accordance with the agreement federally owned lands as
state parks or state recreational areas, but the state may not
acquire the fee title to or a permanent right in the lands
pursuant to such an agreement.
I. The designation of sites as suitable for state
parks or recreation areas, the designation of certain lands
for acquisition or development, the consideration of lands for
acquisition or studying the feasibility of acquisition or
development of lands shall not create a right of action on the
part of any person to force action by the state [park and
recreation] parks division or the state.
J. Any acquisition of land or any interest in land for state park or recreation purposes shall be approved by the legislature prior to the execution of a written agreement binding the state to expenditure of funds for acquisition or development of state parks or recreation areas.
K. Only lands or interests in lands acquired or
retained in accordance with the provisions of this section and
operated pursuant to the authority of the state [park and
recreation] parks division may use the designation of "state
park" or "state recreational area", except a park that is
required to be designated as a "state park" to avoid the
application of a reversionary clause in a deed or other
instrument of converyance."