April 9, 1999


The Honorable Manny M. Aragon and

Members of the Senate

Executive-Legislative Building

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503


Honorable President and Members of the Senate:

I have this day VETOED and am returning SENATE BILL 12, enacted by the Forty-Fourth Legislature, First Session, 1999.

This bill would eliminate the two ex-officio members, the chair of the lottery authority and the chair of the state racing commission, from the Gaming Control Board and replace them with two salaried public members. This bill attempts to address a potential conflict of interest created by legislation passed in 1997 wherein one person sits on two different boards which regulate two very different forms of gaming. While I believe this is a conflict which should be addressed, adding additional paid members at taxpayers expense is not the answer. Rather, I believe simply eliminating the two ex-officio members from the Gaming Control Board thereby creating a three member board, is a more cost effective and appropriate solution.


Gary E. Johnson
