0001| SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL 33 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| ROD ADAIR | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| A JOINT MEMORIAL | 0011| URGING THE GOVERNOR TO DIRECT THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO | 0012| ADOPT REGULATIONS PROHIBITING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR | 0013| LATE-TERM ABORTIONS USING THE PROCEDURE OF PARTIAL BIRTH | 0014| ABORTION. | 0015| | 0016| WHEREAS, abortions are performed late in the second and | 0017| in the third trimesters of a woman's pregnancy; and | 0018| WHEREAS, these procedures are known to have potentially | 0019| serious consequences to the mother; and | 0020| WHEREAS, a part of these late-term abortions are | 0021| performed using a procedure called "partial birth abortion" in | 0022| which a baby is partially delivered and then killed, after | 0023| which the head of the dead baby is removed from the mother's | 0024| body in a manner potentially injurious to the mother; and | 0025| WHEREAS, the procedure described does not fulfill a |
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0001| legitimate interest of government in safeguarding health, | 0002| maintaining medical standards and protecting life; and | 0003| WHEREAS, this procedure is abhorrent to persons who value | 0004| human life and believe the government at every level should | 0005| recognize this belief and take positive steps to prevent | 0006| subversion of this value system without regard to individuals' | 0007| opinions and strongly held views on the subject of abortion | 0008| generally; and | 0009| WHEREAS, overwhelming bipartisan majorities of both | 0010| houses of congress have passed measures to ban this procedure; | 0011| and | 0012| WHEREAS, it is repugnant to the vast majority of the | 0013| citizens of New Mexico that public funds may be used to pay | 0014| for the procedure described; | 0015| NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE | 0016| STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the governor exercise his executive | 0017| authority and direct the human services department to develop | 0018| and adopt a regulation prohibiting the use of any state funds | 0019| to purchase abortion services involving the use of the partial | 0020| birth abortion procedure; and | 0021| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be | 0022| forthwith delivered to the governor and to the secretary of | 0023| human services. | 0024|  |