0001| HOUSE BILL 84 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| R. DAVID PEDERSON | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| FOR THE COURTS, CORRECTIONS AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO JUDICIAL REVIEW; PROMOTING UNIFORMITY WITH RESPECT | 0012| TO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF FINAL DECISIONS BY AGENCIES; AMENDING, | 0013| REPEALING AND ENACTING SECTIONS OF THE NMSA 1978. | 0014| | 0015| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0016| Section 1. A new Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978 is enacted to | 0017| read: | 0018| "12-8A-1. [|NEW MATERIAL|] APPEAL OF FINAL DECISIONS BY | 0019| AGENCIES TO DISTRICT COURT--APPLICATION--SCOPE OF REVIEW-- | 0020| REVIEW OF DISTRICT COURT DECISIONS.-- | 0021| A. The provisions of this section shall apply only | 0022| to judicial review of final decisions by agencies that are | 0023| placed under the authority of this section by specific | 0024| statutory reference or that are not covered by specific | 0025| statutory procedures regarding judicial review of final | - 1 - 0001| decisions by agencies. | 0002| B. Upon issuing a final decision, an agency shall | 0003| promptly: | 0004| (1) prepare a written decision that includes | 0005| an order granting or denying relief and a statement of the | 0006| factual and legal basis for the order; | 0007| (2) file the written decision with the | 0008| official public records of the agency; and | 0009| (3) serve a document that includes a copy of | 0010| the written decision and the requirements for filing an appeal | 0011| of the final decision on: | 0012| (a) all parties whose rights are | 0013| adjudged by the final decision; and | 0014| (b) every person who has filed a | 0015| written request for notice of the final decision in that | 0016| particular proceeding. | 0017| C. Unless standing is further limited by a | 0018| specific statute, a person aggrieved by a final decision may | 0019| appeal the decision to district court by filing in district | 0020| court a notice of appeal within thirty days of the date of | 0021| filing of the final decision. The appeal may be taken to the | 0022| district court for the county in which the agency maintains | 0023| its principal office or the district court of any county in | 0024| which a hearing on the matter was conducted. When notices of | 0025| appeal from a final decision are filed in more than one | - 2 - 0001| district court, all appeals not filed in the district court in | 0002| which the first appeal was properly filed shall be dismissed | 0003| without prejudice. An appellant whose appeal was dismissed | 0004| without prejudice pursuant to the provisions of this | 0005| subsection shall have fifteen days after receiving service of | 0006| the notice of dismissal to file a notice of appeal in the | 0007| district court in which the first appeal was properly filed. | 0008| D. In a proceeding for judicial review of a final | 0009| decision by an agency, the district court may set aside, | 0010| reverse or remand the final decision if it determines that: | 0011| (1) the agency acted fraudulently, | 0012| arbitrarily or capriciously; | 0013| (2) the final decision was not supported by | 0014| substantial evidence; or | 0015| (3) the agency did not act in accordance with | 0016| law. | 0017| E. A party to the appeal to district court may | 0018| seek review of the district court decision by filing a | 0019| petition for writ of certiorari with the court of appeals, | 0020| which may exercise its discretion whether to grant review. A | 0021| party may seek further review by filing a petition for writ of | 0022| certiorari with the supreme court. | 0023| F. The procedures governing appeals and petitions | 0024| for writ of certiorari that may be filed pursuant to the | 0025| provisions of this section shall be set forth in rules adopted | - 3 - 0001| by the supreme court. | 0002| G. As used in this section: | 0003| (1) "agency" means any state or local public | 0004| body or officer placed under the authority of this section by | 0005| specific statutory reference or that is not covered by | 0006| specific statutory procedures regarding judicial review of | 0007| final decisions by agencies; | 0008| (2) "final decision" means an agency ruling | 0009| that as a practical matter resolves all issues arising from a | 0010| dispute within the jurisdiction of the agency, once all | 0011| administrative remedies available within the agency have been | 0012| exhausted. The determination of whether there is a final | 0013| decision by an agency shall be governed by the law regarding | 0014| the finality of decisions by district courts. "Final | 0015| decision" does not mean a decision by an agency on a rule, as | 0016| defined in the State Rules Act; and | 0017| (3) "hearing on the matter" means a | 0018| proceeding conducted by an agency or its hearing officer for | 0019| the purpose of taking evidence or hearing argument concerning | 0020| the dispute resolved by the final decision." | 0021| Section 2. Section 1-4-21 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0022| Chapter 240, Section 77, as amended) is amended to read: | 0023| "1-4-21. REFUSAL OF REGISTRATION|--APPEAL|.--~[Mandamus | 0024| may be brought in the district court against the county clerk | 0025| by any]~ |A| qualified elector whose registration has been | - 4 - 0001| refused or ~[by]~ the county chairman of any major political | 0002| party who alleges that certain persons are qualified electors | 0003| but have been refused registration |may bring an appeal | 0004| regarding the refused registration pursuant to the provisions | 0005| of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0006| Section 3. Section 3-2-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0007| Chapter 300, Section 14-2-4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0008| "3-2-5. INCORPORATION--DUTIES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS | 0009| AFTER FILING OF PETITION TO ACT--CENSUS REQUIRED--ELECTION-- | 0010| RIGHT OF APPEAL TO DISTRICT COURT.-- | 0011| A. After the petition for incorporation, together | 0012| with the accompanying map or plat, and the amount of money | 0013| sufficient to pay the cost of a census ~[have]~ |has| been | 0014| filed with the board of county commissioners, the board of | 0015| county commissioners shall, in lieu of complying with the | 0016| requirements of |Section| 3-1-5 NMSA 1978, within thirty days | 0017| after the filing of the petition, determine: | 0018| (1) from the voter registration list in the | 0019| office of the county clerk if the signers of the petition are | 0020| ~[registered]~ qualified electors residing in the territory | 0021| proposed to be incorporated; or | 0022| (2) from the tax ~[rolls]~ |schedules| of the | 0023| county if any of the owners of the real estate who signed the | 0024| petition ~[is]~ |are| delinquent in the payment of property | 0025| taxes; and | - 5 - 0001| (3) if the territory proposed to be | 0002| incorporated is within an existing municipality or within the | 0003| urbanized area of a municipality. | 0004| B. If the board of county commissioners determines | 0005| that the territory proposed to be incorporated is: | 0006| (1) not within the boundary of an existing | 0007| municipality and not within the urbanized area of a | 0008| municipality; or | 0009| (2) ~[that the conditions for incorporation | 0010| of a municipality]~ within the urbanized area of another | 0011| municipality ~[as established in]~ |and in compliance with| | 0012| Section 3-2-3 NMSA 1978 ~[have been met]~, the board of county | 0013| commissioners shall cause a census to be taken of the persons | 0014| residing within the territory proposed to be incorporated. The | 0015| census shall be completed and filed with the board of county | 0016| commissioners within thirty days after the board of county | 0017| commissioners authorizes the taking of the census. | 0018| C. Within fifteen days after the date the results | 0019| of the census have been filed with the board of county | 0020| commissioners, the board of county commissioners shall | 0021| determine if the conditions for incorporation of the territory | 0022| as a municipality have been met as required in Sections 3-2-1 | 0023| through 3-2-3 NMSA 1978 and ~[the board of county | 0024| commissioners]~ shall have its determination recorded in the | 0025| minutes of its meeting. | - 6 - 0001| D. If the board of county commissioners determines | 0002| that the conditions for incorporation have not been met, the | 0003| board of county commissioners shall notify the petitioners of | 0004| its ~[determinations]~ |determination| by publishing in a | 0005| newspaper of general circulation in the territory proposed to | 0006| be incorporated, once, not more than ten days after its | 0007| determination, a notice of its determination that the | 0008| conditions for incorporation have not been met. If there is | 0009| no newspaper of general circulation in the territory proposed | 0010| to be incorporated, notice of the determination shall be | 0011| posted in eight public places within the territory proposed to | 0012| be incorporated. | 0013| E. After the board of county commissioners has | 0014| determined that all of the conditions for incorporation of the | 0015| territory as a municipality have been met, the board of county | 0016| commissioners shall hold an election on the question of | 0017| incorporating the territory as a municipality. Elections for | 0018| the incorporation of ~[municipalties]~ |municipalities| shall | 0019| only be held in odd-numbered years upon the first Tuesday in | 0020| July or in any year upon the first Tuesday in January, unless | 0021| ~[such]~ |that| Tuesday is a holiday, in which case the | 0022| election shall be held on the second Tuesday in July or the | 0023| second Tuesday in January. The county clerk shall notify the | 0024| secretary of finance and administration and the secretary of | 0025| taxation and revenue of the date of ~[such]~ |the| | - 7 - 0001| incorporation election within ten days after the adoption of | 0002| the resolution calling the election. | 0003| F. The signers of the petition or [any] |a| | 0004| municipality within whose urbanized area the territory | 0005| proposed to be incorporated is located may appeal any | 0006| determination of the board of county commissioners to the | 0007| district court |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0008| NMSA 1978|." | 0009| Section 4. Section 3-2-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0010| Chapter 300, Section 14-2-8, as amended) is amended to read: | 0011| "3-2-9. INCORPORATION COMPLETE--JUDICIAL NOTICE--DEFECTS | 0012| IN INCORPORATION--~[CONTEST]~ |APPEAL|.-- | 0013| A. After certified copies of the papers relating | 0014| to the incorporation of a municipality have been filed in the | 0015| offices of the county clerk and the secretary of state and | 0016| after the municipal officers have been elected and qualified, | 0017| the incorporation of the municipality shall be complete and | 0018| effective on the following January 1 if the election was held | 0019| in July or on the following July 1 if the election was held in | 0020| January, and notice of the incorporation shall be taken in all | 0021| judicial proceedings. | 0022| B. An action by a protestant against the | 0023| incorporation of a municipality shall be taken to the district | 0024| court ~[within sixty days after the filing of the certified | 0025| copies of the papers relating to the incorporation of a | - 8 - 0001| municipality in the offices of the county clerk and secretary | 0002| of state. Any action commenced more than sixty days after the | 0003| filing of the certified copies of the papers relating the | 0004| incorporation of a municipality in the offices of the county | 0005| clerk and secretary of state and questioning the | 0006| incorporation, formation or organization of a municipality is | 0007| perpetually barred]~ |pursuant to the provisions of| | 0008| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978." | 0009| Section 5. Section 3-19-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0010| Chapter 300, Section 14-18-8) is amended to read: | 0011| "3-19-8. APPEAL.--~[A.]~ Any person in interest ~[(1)]~ | 0012| dissatisfied with ~[any]~ |an| order or determination of the | 0013| planning commission, ~[and (2)]~ after review of the order or | 0014| determination by the governing body of the municipality, may | 0015| commence an ~[action]~ |appeal| in the district court ~[to | 0016| vacate and set aside the order or determination on the ground | 0017| that it is unlawful or unreasonable. | 0018| B. The court shall determine the issue from the | 0019| evidence introduced, but the plaintiff has the burden of | 0020| establishing a prima facie case. The court may grant relief | 0021| by injunction, mandamus or any other extraordinary remedy. In | 0022| any action, the complaint shall be served with the summons. | 0023| Appeal may be taken from the judgment as in other civil cases. | 0024| C. The trial shall be de novo and shall be | 0025| governed by the rules of civil procedure of the district | - 9 - 0001| court. | 0002| D. Except as provided in this section, all | 0003| processes shall be served and the practice and rules of | 0004| evidence shall be the same as in civil action]~ |pursuant to | 0005| the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0006| Section 6. Section 3-21-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0007| Chapter 80, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0008| "3-21-4. EXTRATERRITORIAL ZONING ORDINANCE--ENFORCEMENT | 0009| AND ADMINISTRATION--APPEALS.-- | 0010| A. A zoning ordinance adopted by a joint | 0011| municipal-county zoning authority shall be an ordinance of the | 0012| municipality and an ordinance of the county joining in the | 0013| agreement pursuant to Subsection A of Section ~[14-20-2.2 NMSA | 0014| 1953]~ |3-21-3 NMSA 1978| and may be enforced by appropriate | 0015| procedures of either the municipality or the county. The | 0016| agreement entered into pursuant to Subsection A of Section | 0017| ~[14-20-2.2 NMSA 1953]~ |3-21-3 NMSA 1978| may specify whether | 0018| the municipality or the county shall assume primary | 0019| enforcement responsibility. | 0020| B. The extraterritorial zoning commission shall | 0021| administer the zoning ordinance adopted by the joint | 0022| municipal-county zoning authority in the manner provided in | 0023| Subsection C of Section ~[14-20-5 NMSA 1953]~ |3-21-7 NMSA | 0024| 1978|. | 0025| C. Appeals from the decisions of the | - 10 - 0001| extraterritorial zoning commission shall be taken to the joint | 0002| municipal-county zoning authority in the manner provided in | 0003| Section ~[14-20-6 NMSA 1953]~ |3-21-8 NMSA 1978|, and appeals | 0004| from the decisions of the joint municipal-county zoning | 0005| authority shall be taken to the district court in the manner | 0006| provided in Section ~[14-20-7 NMSA 1953]~ |12-8A-1 NMSA | 0007| 1978|." | 0008| Section 7. Section 3-21-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0009| Chapter 300, Section 14-20-7) is amended to read: | 0010| "3-21-9. ZONING--~[PETITION FOR COURT REVIEW--TIME | 0011| LIMIT--CERTIORARI--RESTRAINING ORDER--RETURN--HEARING-- | 0012| REFERENCE--COSTS--PRECEDENCE]~ |APPEAL|.--~[A. Any]~ |A| | 0013| person aggrieved by a decision of the zoning authority or any | 0014| officer, department, board or bureau of the zoning authority | 0015| may ~[present to the district court a petition, duly verified, | 0016| setting forth that the decision is illegal in whole or in part | 0017| and specifying the grounds of the illegality. The petition | 0018| shall be presented to the court within thirty days after the | 0019| decision is entered in the records of the clerk of the zoning | 0020| authority. | 0021| B. Upon presentation of the petition, the court | 0022| may allow a writ of certiorari directed to the zoning | 0023| authority to review its decision and shall prescribe the time | 0024| in which a return must be made, which shall not be less than | 0025| ten days and may be extended by the court and shall be served | - 11 - 0001| upon the relator's attorney. The allowance of the writ shall | 0002| not stay proceedings upon the decision appealed from, but the | 0003| court may, on application, on notice and on due cause shown, | 0004| grant a restraining order. | 0005| C. In answering said writ, it shall not be | 0006| necessary to return the original papers acted upon, but it | 0007| shall be sufficient to return certified or sworn copies | 0008| thereof or of such portions thereof as may be called for by | 0009| such writ. The return shall concisely set forth such further | 0010| facts as may be pertinent or material to show the grounds of | 0011| the decision appealed from and shall be verified. | 0012| D. If at the hearing it appears to the court that | 0013| testimony is necessary for the proper disposition of the | 0014| matter, it may take evidence or appoint a referee to take such | 0015| evidence as it may direct and report the same to the court | 0016| with his findings of fact and conclusions of law which shall | 0017| constitute a part of the proceedings upon which the | 0018| determination of the court shall be made. The court may | 0019| reverse, affirm or modify the decision brought up for review. | 0020| E. Costs shall not be allowed against the | 0021| respondent unless it appears to the court that he acted with | 0022| gross negligence, in bad faith or with malice in making the | 0023| decision appealed from]~ |appeal the decision pursuant to the | 0024| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0025| Section 8. Section 3-33-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | - 12 - 0001| Chapter 300, Section 14-32-6, as amended) is amended to read: | 0002| "3-33-13. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT--PROVISIONAL ORDER-- | 0003| PROTEST--~[ACTION IN]~ |APPEAL TO| DISTRICT COURT.-- | 0004| A. At the hearing of the governing body on the | 0005| provisional order creating an improvement district, ~[any]~ | 0006| |an| interested person or owner of property to be assessed for | 0007| the improvement may file a written protest or objection | 0008| questioning the: | 0009| (1) propriety and advisability of | 0010| constructing the improvement; | 0011| (2) estimated cost of the improvement; | 0012| (3) manner of paying for the improvement; or | 0013| (4) estimated maximum benefit to each | 0014| individual tract or parcel of land. | 0015| B. The governing body may recess the hearing from | 0016| time to time so that all protestants may be heard. | 0017| C. Within thirty days after the governing body | 0018| has, by adoption of a resolution: | 0019| (1) concluded the hearing; | 0020| (2) determined: | 0021| (a) the advisability of constructing | 0022| the improvement; and | 0023| (b) the type and character of the | 0024| improvement; and | 0025| (3) created the improvement district, ~[any]~ | - 13 - 0001| |a| person who during the hearing filed a written protest with | 0002| the governing body protesting the construction of the | 0003| improvement may ~[commence an action in district court to | 0004| correct or set aside the determination of the governing body. | 0005| After the lapse of thirty days after adoption of the | 0006| resolution by the governing body, any action attacking the | 0007| validity of the proceedings and the amount of benefit to be | 0008| derived from the improvement is perpetually barred]~ |appeal | 0009| the determination of the governing body pursuant to the | 0010| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0011| |D|. Where no person has filed a written protest | 0012| during the hearing and all owners of property to be assessed, | 0013| upon conclusion of the hearing, submit to the governing body | 0014| written statements in favor of the creation of the improvement | 0015| district for the types and character of improvements indicated | 0016| in the provisional order, ~[such]~ |those| owners shall be | 0017| deemed to have waived their right to bring any action | 0018| challenging the validity of the proceedings or the amount of | 0019| benefit to be derived from the improvements." | 0020| Section 9. Section 3-33-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0021| Chapter 300, Section 14-32-9, as amended) is amended to read: | 0022| "3-33-16. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT--PRELIMINARY HEARING-- | 0023| PROTEST--ACTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY--~[ACTION IN]~ |APPEAL | 0024| TO| DISTRICT COURT.-- | 0025| A. At the preliminary hearing of the governing | - 14 - 0001| body on the question of creating an improvement district as | 0002| authorized in Section 3-33-14 NMSA 1978, ~[any]~ |an| owner of | 0003| a tract or parcel of land to be assessed may contest: | 0004| (1) the proposed assessment; | 0005| (2) the regularity of the proceedings | 0006| relating to the improvement; | 0007| (3) the benefits of the improvement; or | 0008| (4) any other matter relating to the | 0009| improvement district. | 0010| B. The governing body shall not assess the tract | 0011| or parcel of land an amount greater than the actual benefit to | 0012| the tract or parcel of land by reason of the enhanced value of | 0013| the tract or parcel of land as a result of the improvement as | 0014| ascertained at the hearing. The governing body may allow a | 0015| fair price, based on its ~[present]~ |current| value, as a | 0016| set-off against any assessment against a tract or parcel of | 0017| land if the owner has improved the tract or parcel of land in | 0018| such a manner that the improvement may be made part of the | 0019| proposed improvement. | 0020| C. At the hearing, the governing body may: | 0021| (1) correct ~[any]~ |a| mistake or | 0022| irregularity in any proceeding relating to the improvement; | 0023| (2) correct an assessment made against any | 0024| tract or parcel of land; | 0025| (3) in case of any invalidity, reassess the | - 15 - 0001| cost of the improvement against a benefiting tract or parcel | 0002| of land; ~[and]~ |or| | 0003| (4) recess the hearing ~[from time to time]~. | 0004| D. ~[Within thirty days after the hearing, any]~ | 0005| |An| owner of a tract or parcel of land assessed, whether he | 0006| appeared at the hearing or not, may commence an ~[action]~ | 0007| |appeal| in district court ~[seeking an account of any error | 0008| or invalidity of the proceedings relating to the improvement | 0009| district to set aside or correct the assessment or any | 0010| proceedings relating to the improvement district. Thereafter, | 0011| any owner, his heirs, assigns, successors or personal | 0012| representatives are perpetually barred from any action or any | 0013| defense of error or invalidity in the proceedings or | 0014| assessments. Where no owner of a tract or parcel to be | 0015| assessed has presented a protest during the hearing and all | 0016| owners of the property to be assessed upon conclusion of the | 0017| hearing submit written statements in favor of the creation of | 0018| the improvement district for the types and character of | 0019| improvements indicated in the petition, such owners shall be | 0020| deemed to have waived their right to bring any action in | 0021| district court seeking an account of any error or invalidity | 0022| of the proceedings relating to the improvement district or to | 0023| set aside or correct the assessment or any proceedings | 0024| relating to the improvement district]~ |pursuant to the | 0025| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | - 16 - 0001| Section 10. Section 3-33-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0002| Chapter 300, Section 14-32-15, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "3-33-22. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT--FILING OF OBJECTIONS-- | 0004| ASSESSMENT HEARING--ACTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY--APPEAL TO | 0005| DISTRICT COURT.-- | 0006| A. Not later than three days before the date of | 0007| the hearing on the assessment roll, ~[any]~ |an| owner of a | 0008| tract or parcel of land ~[which]~ |that| is listed on the | 0009| assessment roll may file his specific objections in writing | 0010| with the municipal clerk. Unless presented as required in | 0011| this section, ~[any]~ |an| objection to the regularity, | 0012| validity and correctness of: | 0013| (1) the proceedings; | 0014| (2) the assessment roll; | 0015| (3) each assessment contained on the | 0016| assessment roll; or | 0017| (4) the amount of the assessment levied | 0018| against each tract or parcel of land, | 0019| is deemed waived. | 0020| B. At the hearing, the governing body shall hear | 0021| all objections that have been filed as provided in this | 0022| section and may recess the hearing ~[from time to time]~ and, | 0023| by resolution, revise, correct, confirm or set aside ~[any]~ | 0024| |an| assessment and order another assessment be made de novo. | 0025| C. The governing body by ordinance shall, by | - 17 - 0001| reference to ~[such]~ |the| assessment roll as so modified, if | 0002| modified, and as confirmed by ~[such]~ |the| resolution, levy | 0003| the assessments contained in the assessment roll. The | 0004| assessments may be levied in stages if preliminary liens are | 0005| established pursuant to Section 3-33-11 NMSA 1978. The | 0006| decision, resolution and ordinance of the governing body is: | 0007| (1) a final determination of the regularity, | 0008| validity and correctness of: | 0009| (a) the proceedings; | 0010| (b) the assessment roll; | 0011| (c) each assessment contained on the | 0012| assessment roll; and | 0013| (d) the amount of the assessment levied | 0014| against each tract or parcel of land; and | 0015| (2) conclusive upon the owners of the tract | 0016| or parcel of land assessed. | 0017| D. ~[Within fifteen days after the publication of | 0018| the title and general summary of the ordinance or posting of | 0019| the ordinance, any]~ |An| owner who has filed an objection as | 0020| provided in this section may commence an ~[action]~ |appeal| | 0021| in district court ~[to correct or set aside the determination | 0022| of the governing body. After the lapse of fifteen days after | 0023| the publication or posting, all actions that include the | 0024| defense of confiscation or attack the regularity, validity and | 0025| correctness of: | - 18 - 0001| (1) the proceedings; | 0002| (2) the assessment roll; | 0003| (3) each assessment contained on the | 0004| assessment roll; or | 0005| (4) the amount of the assessment levied | 0006| against each tract or parcel of land, | 0007| are perpetually barred]~ |pursuant to the provisions of | 0008| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0009| Section 11. Section 3-33-35 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0010| Chapter 300, Section 14-32-30) is amended to read: | 0011| "3-33-35. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT--NOTICE OF APPEAL--APPEAL | 0012| TO DISTRICT COURT~[--APPEAL TO SUPREME COURT]~.--~[A.]~ After | 0013| an owner has filed a written objection with the municipal | 0014| clerk to ~[any]~ |a| reassessment as provided in Section ~[14- | 0015| 32-15 New Mexico Statutes Annotated, 1953 Compilation]~ |3-33- | 0016| 22 NMSA 1978| and the governing body has determined the | 0017| reassessment, ~[any]~ |an| owner of a tract or parcel of land | 0018| that is reassessed may ~[within ten days after the | 0019| reassessment roll has been ratified by ordinance]~ file a | 0020| notice of appeal to the district court. ~[The notice to the | 0021| municipal clerk shall describe the tract or parcel of land | 0022| being reassessed and shall state the objections of the | 0023| appellant to the reassessment. | 0024| B. Within twenty days after the reassessment roll | 0025| has been ratified by ordinance, the appellant shall file with | - 19 - 0001| the clerk of the district court copies of the: | 0002| (1) notice of appeal; | 0003| (2) appeal; | 0004| (3) reassessment roll; | 0005| (4) reassessment proceedings, all certified | 0006| by the municipal clerk; and | 0007| (5) a bond to the municipality conditioned to | 0008| pay all costs that may be awarded against the appellant in a | 0009| sum of not less than two hundred dollars ($200) with such | 0010| security as shall be approved by the district court. | 0011| C. The case shall: | 0012| (1) be docketed by the clerk of the district | 0013| court in the name of the owner taking such appeal against the | 0014| municipality as "an appeal from reassessments"; | 0015| (2) have preference over all civil cases | 0016| pending in the district court except proceedings under: | 0017| (a) the law relating to eminent domain | 0018| by municipalities; or | 0019| (b) actions of forcible entry and | 0020| detainer; and | 0021| (3) be tried as in the case of equitable | 0022| causes except that no pleadings are necessary. | 0023| The judgment of the district court shall be to confirm, | 0024| modify or annul the reassessment insofar as the reassessment | 0025| affects the tract or parcel of land of the appellant. If the | - 20 - 0001| reassessment is confirmed, the fees of the municipal clerk for | 0002| copies of the record shall be taxed against the appellant with | 0003| the other costs. | 0004| D. On any judgment of the district court, appeal | 0005| shall be to the supreme court as in other causes. If an | 0006| appeal is taken to the supreme court, the transcript of the | 0007| proceedings in the district court shall be filed in the office | 0008| of the clerk of the supreme court within thirty days after the | 0009| rendering of the decree being appealed. If the appeal is not | 0010| filed within the thirty-day period, the appeal shall be | 0011| forthwith dismissed upon motion. If the appeal is properly | 0012| prosecuted, the supreme court shall advance the cause on the | 0013| docket and hear the appeal at the earliest possible | 0014| opportunity.]~ |The appeal shall be filed pursuant to the | 0015| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978.|" | 0016| Section 12. Section 3-35-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0017| Chapter 300, Section 14-34-3) is amended to read: | 0018| "3-35-3. HEARING ON PROVISIONAL ORDER--PROTEST BY | 0019| PROPERTY OWNER OR INTERESTED PERSON--~[ACTION TO CORRECT OR | 0020| SET ASIDE DETERMINATION]~ |APPEAL|.--At the hearing |on a | 0021| provisional order|, ~[any]~ |a| property owner or interested | 0022| person may file a written protest and may be heard by the | 0023| governing body on the order. ~[Any]~ |A| person filing a | 0024| written protest may ~[within thirty days after the governing | 0025| body has finally passed on the protest, bring an action in the | - 21 - 0001| district court to correct or set aside the determination, but | 0002| thereafter, no actions shall be brought to attack the validity | 0003| of the proceedings or the amount of benefits]~ |bring an | 0004| appeal concerning the governing body's determination on the | 0005| protest pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0006| 1978|." | 0007| Section 13. Section 3-39-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0008| Chapter 300, Section 14-40-21) is amended to read: | 0009| "3-39-23. JUDICIAL REVIEW.-- | 0010| A. Any person aggrieved by ~[any]~ |a| decision of | 0011| the board of appeals, ~[or]~ any taxpayer, ~[or]~ any officer, | 0012| |any| department, |any| board or |any| bureau of the political | 0013| subdivision may ~[present to the district court a verified | 0014| petition setting forth that the decision is illegal, in whole | 0015| or in part, and specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such | 0016| petition shall be presented to the court within thirty days | 0017| after the decision is filed in the office of the board. | 0018| B. Upon presentation of such petition, the court | 0019| may allow a writ of certiorari directed to the board of appeals | 0020| to review such decision of the board. The allowance of the | 0021| writ shall not stay proceedings upon the decision appealed | 0022| from, but the court may, on application, on notice to the board | 0023| and on due cause shown, grant a restraining order. | 0024| C. The board of appeals shall not be required to | 0025| return the original papers acted upon by it, but it shall be | - 22 - 0001| sufficient to return certified or sworn copies thereof or of | 0002| such portions thereof as may be called for by the writ. The | 0003| return shall concisely set forth such other facts as may be | 0004| pertinent and material to show the grounds of the decision | 0005| appealed from and shall be verified. | 0006| D. The court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to | 0007| affirm, modify or set aside the decision brought up for review, | 0008| in whole or in part, and if need be, to order further | 0009| proceedings by the board of appeals. The findings of fact by | 0010| the board, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be | 0011| accepted by the court as conclusive, and no objection to a | 0012| decision of the board shall be considered by the court unless | 0013| such objection shall have been urged before the board or, if it | 0014| was not so urged, unless there were reasonable grounds for | 0015| failure to do so]~ |file an appeal pursuant to the provisions | 0016| of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0017| ~[E.]~ |B|. Costs shall not be allowed against the | 0018| board of appeals unless it appears to the court that it acted | 0019| with gross negligence, in bad faith or with malice in making | 0020| the decision appealed from." | 0021| Section 14. Section 3-46-43 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0022| Chapter 300, Section 14-47-19) is amended to read: | 0023| "3-46-43. ORDINANCES RELATING TO REPAIR, CLOSING AND | 0024| DEMOLITION OF DWELLINGS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION|--COMPLAINT- | 0025| - SERVICE OF COMPLAINT--APPEAL|.-- | - 23 - 0001| A. Whenever any municipality finds that there exist | 0002| dwellings ~[which]~ |that| are unfit for human habitation due | 0003| to dilapidation; defects increasing the hazards of fire, | 0004| accidents or other calamities; lack of ventilation, light or | 0005| sanitary facilities or due to other conditions, including those | 0006| set forth in Subsection C ~[hereof]~ |of this section|, | 0007| rendering ~[such]~ |the| dwellings unsafe and ~[insanitary]~ | 0008| |unsanitary| or dangerous or detrimental to the health, safety | 0009| or morals or otherwise inimical to the welfare of the residents | 0010| of ~[such]~ |the| municipality, power is ~[hereby]~ conferred | 0011| upon the municipality to require or cause the repair, closing | 0012| or demolition or removal of the dwelling in the manner | 0013| ~[herein]~ provided |in this section|. A "dwelling" means any | 0014| building or structure or part thereof used and occupied for | 0015| human habitation or intended to be so used and includes any | 0016| appurtenances usually enjoyed ~[therewith]~ |in the dwelling|. | 0017| B. Upon the adoption of an ordinance finding that | 0018| dwelling conditions of the character described in Subsection A | 0019| |of this section| exist, the governing body of the municipality | 0020| is authorized to adopt ordinances relating to the dwellings | 0021| within the municipality ~[which]~ |that| are unfit for human | 0022| habitation. The ordinances shall include the following | 0023| provisions: | 0024| (1) a public officer |shall| be designated or | 0025| appointed to exercise the powers prescribed by the ordinances; | - 24 - 0001| (2) whenever it appears to the public officer, | 0002| on his own motion, that any dwelling is unfit for human | 0003| habitation, he shall, if his preliminary investigation | 0004| discloses a basis for ~[such]~ |the| charges, issue and cause | 0005| to be served on the owner, every mortgagee of record and all | 0006| parties in interest in the dwelling, including persons in | 0007| possession, a complaint stating the charges in that respect. | 0008| The complaint shall contain a notice that a hearing will be | 0009| held before the public officer or his designated agent at a | 0010| place ~[therein]~ fixed |in the complaint| not less than ten | 0011| days nor more than thirty days after the serving of the | 0012| complaint; that the owner, mortgagee and parties in interest | 0013| shall be given the right to file an answer to the complaint and | 0014| to appear in person or otherwise and give testimony at the | 0015| place and the time fixed in the complaint; and that the rules | 0016| of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not be | 0017| controlling in hearings before the public officer; | 0018| (3) if after ~[such]~ |the| notice and hearing | 0019| the public officer determines that the dwelling under | 0020| consideration is unfit for human habitation, he shall state in | 0021| writing his findings of fact in support of ~[such]~ |that| | 0022| determination and shall issue and cause to be served upon the | 0023| owner an order in writing ~[which]~ |that| advises the owner of | 0024| his rights under Subsection E of this section and ~[which]~ | 0025| |that|: | - 25 - 0001| (a) if the repair, alteration or | 0002| improvement of the dwelling can be made at a reasonable cost in | 0003| relation to the value of the dwelling, the ordinance of the | 0004| municipality shall fix a certain percentage of the cost as | 0005| being reasonable for ~[such]~ |that| purpose ~[requires]~ |and | 0006| require| the owner, within the time specified in the order, to | 0007| repair, alter or improve the dwelling to render it fit for | 0008| human habitation or to vacate and close the dwelling as a human | 0009| habitation; or | 0010| (b) if the repair, alteration or | 0011| improvement of the dwelling cannot be made at a reasonable cost | 0012| in relation to the value of the dwelling, the ordinance of the | 0013| municipality shall fix a certain percentage of the cost as | 0014| being reasonable for the purpose, ~[requires]~ |and require| | 0015| the owner, within the time specified in the order, to remove or | 0016| demolish the dwelling; | 0017| (4) if the owner fails to comply with an order | 0018| to repair, alter or improve or to vacate and close the | 0019| dwelling, the public officer may cause the dwelling to be | 0020| repaired, altered or improved or to be vacated and closed; | 0021| (5) if the owner fails to comply with an order | 0022| to remove or demolish the dwelling, the public officer may | 0023| cause the dwelling to be removed or demolished; and | 0024| (6) the amount of the cost of the repairs, | 0025| alterations or improvements or |the| vacating and closing or | - 26 - 0001| |the| removal or demolition by the public officer shall be a | 0002| lien against the real property upon which the cost was | 0003| incurred. If the dwelling is removed or demolished by the | 0004| public officer, he shall sell the materials of the dwelling and | 0005| shall credit the proceeds of the sale against the cost of the | 0006| removal or demolition. ~[and]~ Any balance remaining shall be | 0007| deposited in the district court by the public officer |and| | 0008| shall be secured in the manner as may be directed by the court | 0009| and shall be disbursed by the court to the persons found to be | 0010| entitled ~[thereto]~ |to the balance| by final order or decree | 0011| of the court. | 0012| C. An ordinance adopted by a municipality pursuant | 0013| to this section shall provide that the public officer may | 0014| determine a dwelling is unfit for human habitation if he finds | 0015| that conditions exist in ~[such]~ |the| dwelling ~[which]~ | 0016| |that| are dangerous or injurious to the health, safety or | 0017| morals of the occupants of the dwelling, the occupants of | 0018| neighboring dwellings or other residents of the municipality or | 0019| ~[which]~ |that| have a blighting influence on properties in | 0020| the area. The conditions may include the following, without | 0021| limitations: defects ~[therein]~ increasing the hazards of | 0022| fire, accident or other calamities; lack of adequate | 0023| ventilation, light or sanitary facilities; dilapidation; | 0024| disrepair; structural defects; uncleanliness; overcrowding; | 0025| inadequate ingress and egress; inadequate drainage; or any | - 27 - 0001| violation of health, fire, building or zoning regulations or | 0002| any other laws or regulations relating to the use of land and | 0003| the use and occupancy of buildings and improvements. The | 0004| ordinance may provide additional standards to guide the public | 0005| officer or his agents or employees in determining the fitness | 0006| of a dwelling for human habitation. | 0007| D. Complaints or orders issued by a public officer | 0008| pursuant to an ordinance adopted under the provisions of the | 0009| Urban ~[Renewal]~ |Development| Law shall be served upon | 0010| persons either personally or by registered mail. ~[but]~ If the | 0011| whereabouts of the persons are unknown and cannot be | 0012| ascertained by the public officer in the exercise of reasonable | 0013| diligence and the public officer ~[shall make]~ |makes| an | 0014| affidavit to that effect, then the serving of the complaint or | 0015| order upon the persons may be made by publishing the ~[same]~ | 0016| |complaint or order| once each week for two consecutive weeks | 0017| in a newspaper printed and published in the municipality or, in | 0018| the absence of a newspaper, in one printed and published in the | 0019| county and circulating in the municipality in which the | 0020| dwellings are located. A copy of the complaint or order shall | 0021| be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises affected by | 0022| the complaint or order. A copy of the complaint or order shall | 0023| also be filed with the clerk of the county in which the | 0024| dwelling is located. ~[and]~ Filing of the complaint or order | 0025| shall have the same force and effect as other lis pendens | - 28 - 0001| notices provided by law. | 0002| E. Any person affected by an order issued by the | 0003| public officer may ~[petition the district court for an | 0004| injunction restraining the public officer from carrying out the | 0005| provisions of the order, and the court may, upon the petition, | 0006| issue a temporary injunction restraining the public officer | 0007| pending the final disposition of the cause; provided that | 0008| within sixty days after the posting and service of the order of | 0009| the public officer, such person shall petition such court. | 0010| Hearings shall be had by the court on the petitions within | 0011| twenty days or as soon thereafter as possible and shall be | 0012| given preference over other matters on the court's calendar. | 0013| The court shall hear the matter de novo and enter a final | 0014| judgment in accordance with its findings. The remedies herein | 0015| provided ||shall be exclusive remedies, and no person affected | 0016| by an order of the public officer shall be entitled to recover | 0017| any damages for action taken pursuant to any order of the | 0018| public officer or because of compliance by the person with any | 0019| order of the public officer. Appeals may be taken in the same | 0020| manner as civil actions]~ |file an appeal pursuant to the | 0021| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0022| F. An ordinance adopted by the governing body of | 0023| the municipality may authorize the public officer to exercise | 0024| ~[such]~ powers as may be necessary or convenient to carry out | 0025| and effectuate the purposes and provisions of the Urban | - 29 - 0001| ~[Renewal]~ |Development| Law, including the following powers | 0002| in addition to others ~[herein]~ granted |in the Urban | 0003| Development Law|: | 0004| (1) to investigate the dwelling conditions in | 0005| the municipality in order to determine which dwellings | 0006| ~[therein]~ are unfit for human habitation; | 0007| (2) to administer oaths |and| affirmations, | 0008| examine witnesses and receive evidence; | 0009| (3) to enter upon premises for the purpose of | 0010| making examinations, provided that the entries shall be made in | 0011| a manner as to cause the least possible inconvenience to the | 0012| persons in possession, and to obtain an order for this purpose | 0013| from a court of competent jurisdiction in the event entry is | 0014| denied or resisted; | 0015| (4) to appoint and fix the duties of any | 0016| officers, agents and employees as he deems necessary to carry | 0017| out the purposes of ~[such]~ |the| ordinances; and | 0018| (5) to delegate any of his functions and | 0019| powers under ~[such]~ |the| ordinance to ~[such]~ officers, | 0020| agents and employees ~[as]~ he may designate. | 0021| G. The governing body of ~[any]~ |a| municipality | 0022| adopting an ordinance under this section shall, as soon as | 0023| possible thereafter, prepare an estimate of the annual expenses | 0024| or costs to provide the equipment, personnel and supplies | 0025| necessary for periodic examinations and investigations of the | - 30 - 0001| dwellings in the municipality for the purpose of determining | 0002| the fitness of the dwellings for human habitation and for the | 0003| enforcement and administration of its ordinance or ordinances | 0004| adopted under this section. | 0005| H. Nothing in this section shall be construed to | 0006| abrogate or impair the powers of the courts or of ~[any]~ |a| | 0007| department of ~[any]~ |a| municipality to enforce any | 0008| provisions of its charter or its ordinances or regulations | 0009| ~[nor]~ |or| to prevent or punish violations thereof ~[and]~. | 0010| The powers conferred by this section shall be in addition and | 0011| supplemental to the powers conferred by any other law. | 0012| I. Nothing in this section shall be construed to | 0013| impair or limit in any way the power of the municipality to | 0014| define and declare nuisances and to cause their removal or | 0015| abatement by summary proceedings or otherwise." | 0016| Section 15. Section 3-51-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1971, | 0017| Chapter 173, Section 7) is amended to read: | 0018| "3-51-12. FORMATION OF DISTRICT--PROVISIONAL ORDER | 0019| HEARING--CONDUCT--APPEAL.-- | 0020| A. The owner ~[or owners]~ of any property within | 0021| the proposed district may, not less than two days preceding the | 0022| hearing, file with the clerk his specific objections in | 0023| writing. Any objection to the regularity, validity and | 0024| correctness of the proceedings, including the validity and | 0025| amount of the preliminary fund assessment, shall be deemed | - 31 - 0001| waived unless presented at the time and in the manner | 0002| ~[herein]~ specified |in this subsection|. | 0003| B. At the time and place ~[so]~ designated for | 0004| hearing the objections, the governing body of the city shall | 0005| hear and determine all objections ~[which]~ |that| have been | 0006| ~[so]~ filed. ~[and said]~ |The| governing body shall have the | 0007| power to adjourn the hearing ~[from time to time]~ and shall | 0008| have power by resolution, in its discretion, to revise, correct | 0009| or confirm any proceedings ~[theretofore]~ |previously| taken. | 0010| C. Within fifteen days after the publication of the | 0011| ordinance forming the parking district, ~[any]~ |a| person who | 0012| has filed an objection ~[or objections]~, as ~[hereinbefore]~ | 0013| provided |in Subsection A of this section|, shall have the | 0014| right to appeal to the district court ~[for the county in which | 0015| the city is located for review of errors in law; but, | 0016| thereafter, all actions or suits, including the defense of | 0017| confiscation, attacking the regularity, validity and | 0018| correctness of the proceeding, including the validity and | 0019| amount of preliminary fund assessment, shall be perpetually | 0020| barred]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0021| 1978|." | 0022| Section 16. Section 4-45-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1876, | 0023| Chapter 1, Section 22, as amended) is amended to read: | 0024| "4-45-5. |ACCOUNTS AGAINST COUNTY--APPEAL FROM | 0025| DISALLOWANCE.--|~[Sec. 163.]~ When ~[any]~ |a| claim of ~[any]~ | - 32 - 0001| |a| person against a county ~[shall be]~ |is| disapproved in | 0002| whole or in part by the board of |county| commissioners, | 0003| ~[such]~ |that| person may appeal ~[from]~ the decision of | 0004| ~[such]~ |the| board to the district court ~[for the same | 0005| county by causing written notice of such appeal to be served on | 0006| the clerk of such board within thirty days after such decision | 0007| and executing bond to such county with sufficient security, to | 0008| be approved by the clerk of said board, conditioned for the | 0009| faithful prosecution of such appeal and payment of all costs | 0010| that may be adjudged against such appellant]~ |pursuant to the | 0011| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0012| Section 17. Section 4-55A-31 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1980, | 0013| Chapter 91, Section 31) is amended to read: | 0014| "4-55A-31. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT~[--NOTICE OF APPEAL]~-- | 0015| APPEAL TO DISTRICT COURT~[--APPEAL TO SUPREME COURT]~.--~[A.]~ | 0016| After an owner has filed a written objection with the county | 0017| clerk to any reassessment as provided in Section ~[19 of the | 0018| County Improvement District Act]~ |4-55A-18 NMSA 1978| and the | 0019| board has determined the reassessment, any owner of a tract or | 0020| parcel of land that is reassessed may ~[within ten days after | 0021| the reassessment roll has been ratified by ordinance file a | 0022| notice of appeal to the district court. The notice to the | 0023| county clerk shall describe the tract or parcel of land being | 0024| reassessed and shall state the objections of the appellant to | 0025| the reassessment. | - 33 - 0001| B. Within twenty days after the reassessment roll | 0002| has been ratified by ordinance, the appellant shall file with | 0003| the clerk of the district court copies of the: | 0004| (1) notice of appeal; | 0005| (2) appeal; | 0006| (3) reassessment roll; | 0007| (4) reassessment proceedings, all certified by | 0008| the county clerk; and | 0009| (5) a bond to the county conditioned to pay | 0010| all costs that may be awarded against the appellant in a sum of | 0011| not less than two hundred dollars ($200), with such security as | 0012| shall be approved by the district court. | 0013| C. The case shall: | 0014| (1) be docketed by the clerk of the district | 0015| court in the name of the owner taking such appeal against the | 0016| county as "an equal appeal from reassessments"; | 0017| (2) have preference over all civil cases | 0018| pending in the district court except proceedings under: | 0019| (a) the law relating to eminent domain | 0020| by counties; or | 0021| (b) actions of forcible entry and | 0022| detainer; and | 0023| (3) be tried as in the case of equitable | 0024| causes, except that no pleadings are necessary. | 0025| The judgment of the district court shall be to confirm, | - 34 - 0001| modify or annul the reassessment insofar as the reassessment | 0002| affects the tract or parcel of land of the appellant. If the | 0003| reassessment is confirmed, the fees of the county clerk for | 0004| copies of the record shall be taxed against the appellant with | 0005| the other costs. | 0006| D. On any judgment of the district court, appeal | 0007| shall be to the supreme court as in other causes. If an appeal | 0008| is taken to the supreme court, the transcript of the | 0009| proceedings in the district court shall be filed in the office | 0010| of the clerk of the supreme court within thirty days after the | 0011| rendering of the decree being appealed. If the appeal is not | 0012| filed within the thirty-day period, the appeal shall be | 0013| forthwith dismissed upon motion. If the appeal is properly | 0014| prosecuted, the supreme court shall advance the cause on the | 0015| docket and hear the appeal at the earliest possible | 0016| opportunity]~ |file a notice of appeal pursuant to the | 0017| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0018| Section 18. Section 7-8A-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1997, | 0019| Chapter 25, Section 16) is amended to read: | 0020| "7-8A-16. |APPEAL--|ACTION TO ESTABLISH CLAIM.-- | 0021| |A|. A person aggrieved by a decision of the | 0022| administrator ~[or]~ |may file an appeal pursuant to the | 0023| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978.| | 0024| |B|. |A person| whose claim has not been acted upon | 0025| within ninety days after its filing may maintain an original | - 35 - 0001| action to establish the claim in the district court for the | 0002| first judicial district, naming the administrator as a | 0003| defendant. | 0004| |C|. If the aggrieved person establishes the claim | 0005| in an action against the administrator, the court may award the | 0006| claimant reasonable ~[attorney's]~ |attorney| fees." | 0007| Section 19. Section 7-38-28 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0008| Chapter 258, Section 68, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| "7-38-28. APPEALS FROM ORDERS OF THE DIRECTOR OR COUNTY | 0010| VALUATION PROTESTS BOARDS.-- | 0011| A. A property owner may appeal an order made by the | 0012| director or a county valuation protests board by filing ~[with | 0013| the court of appeals a notice of appeal within thirty days, or | 0014| such other time prescribed by the Rules of Appellate Procedure, | 0015| SCRA 1986, of the date the order was made. A copy of the | 0016| notice of appeal shall be mailed to the director. The appeal | 0017| shall be on the record made at the hearing or upon a | 0018| stipulation submitted by both the valuation authority and the | 0019| property owner and shall not be de novo. The procedure for | 0020| perfecting an appeal under this section to the court of appeals | 0021| shall be as provided by the Rules of Appellate Procedure, SCRA | 0022| 1986. | 0023| B. Upon appeal, the court shall set aside a | 0024| decision and order of the director or a county valuation | 0025| protests board only if it is found to be: | - 36 - 0001| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0002| discretion; | 0003| (2) not supported by substantial evidence in | 0004| the record taken as a whole; or | 0005| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ |an | 0006| appeal pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0007| 1978|. | 0008| ~[C.]~ |B|. The director shall notify the | 0009| appropriate county assessor of the decision and order of the | 0010| |district| court ~[of appeals]~ and shall direct the assessor | 0011| to take appropriate action to comply with the decision and | 0012| order." | 0013| Section 20. Section 10-7D-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1992, | 0014| Chapter 9, Section 23) is amended to read: | 0015| "10-7D-23. JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT--STANDARD OF REVIEW.-- | 0016| A. The board or |a| local board may request the | 0017| district court to enforce ~[any]~ |an| order issued pursuant to | 0018| the Public Employee Bargaining Act, including those for | 0019| appropriate temporary relief and restraining orders. The court | 0020| shall consider the request for enforcement on the record made | 0021| before the board or local board. It shall uphold the action of | 0022| the board or local board and take appropriate action to enforce | 0023| it unless it concludes that the order is: | 0024| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0025| discretion; | - 37 - 0001| (2) not supported by substantial evidence on | 0002| the record considered as a whole; or | 0003| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law. | 0004| B. ~[Any]~ |A| person or party, including ~[any]~ | 0005| |a| labor organization affected by a final ~[regulation]~ | 0006| |rule|, order or decision of the board or |a| local board, may | 0007| appeal to the district court for further relief ~[All such | 0008| appeals shall be based upon the record made at the board or | 0009| local board hearing. All such appeals to the district court | 0010| shall be taken within thirty days of the date of the final | 0011| regulation, order or decision of the board or local board. | 0012| Actions taken by the board or local board shall be affirmed | 0013| unless the court concludes that the action is: | 0014| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0015| discretion; | 0016| (2) not supported by substantial evidence on | 0017| the record taken as a whole; or | 0018| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0019| |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0020| Section 21. Section 10-9-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1980, | 0021| Chapter 47, Section 2) is amended to read: | 0022| "10-9-18. APPEALS BY EMPLOYEES TO THE BOARD.-- | 0023| A. ~[Any]~ |An| employee who is dismissed, demoted | 0024| or suspended may, within thirty days after the dismissal, | 0025| demotion or suspension, appeal to the board. The appealing | - 38 - 0001| employee and the agency whose action is reviewed have the right | 0002| to be heard publicly and to present facts pertinent to the | 0003| appeal. | 0004| B. ~[Any]~ |An| applicant denied permission to take | 0005| an examination or who is disqualified may appeal to the board. | 0006| C. The technical rules of evidence shall not apply | 0007| to appeals to the board. | 0008| D. A record shall be made of the hearing which | 0009| shall be transcribed if there is an appeal to the district | 0010| court. Costs of ~[such]~ |the| transcripts, including one copy | 0011| for the board, shall be paid initially by the agency. The cost | 0012| of ~[such]~ |the| transcripts may be ~[assesed]~ |assessed| by | 0013| the court to the losing party on appeal. | 0014| E. The board may designate a hearing officer who | 0015| may be a member of the board or any qualified state employee to | 0016| preside over and take evidence at any hearing held pursuant to | 0017| this section. The hearing officer shall prepare and submit to | 0018| the board a summary of the evidence taken at the hearing and | 0019| proposed findings of fact. The board shall render a decision | 0020| which shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law. | 0021| F. If the board finds that the action taken by the | 0022| agency was without just cause, the board may modify the | 0023| disciplinary action or order the agency to reinstate the | 0024| appealing employee to his former position or to a position of | 0025| like status and pay. Every consideration shall be given to | - 39 - 0001| placing the appealing employee in the same geographical | 0002| location in which he was employed prior to the disciplinary | 0003| action. The board may recommend that the appealing employee be | 0004| reinstated by an agency other than the one who disciplined the | 0005| appealing employee. When the board orders an agency to | 0006| reinstate an appealing employee, ~[such]~ |the| reinstatement | 0007| shall be effective within thirty days of the board's order. | 0008| The board may award back pay as of the date of the dismissal, | 0009| demotion or suspension or as of ~[such]~ |the| later date as | 0010| the board may specify. | 0011| G. ~[Any]~ |A| party aggrieved by the decision of | 0012| the board made pursuant to this section may appeal the decision | 0013| to the district court ~[for the district in which he resides, | 0014| is employed or maintains his principal office or for the | 0015| district of Santa Fe county. Such appeal shall be initiated by | 0016| filing a notice of appeal with the clerk of the appropriate | 0017| district court within thirty days after the service of a | 0018| written copy of the decision of the board on that party. Upon | 0019| appeal, the district court shall affirm the decision of the | 0020| board unless the decision is found to be: | 0021| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0022| discretion; | 0023| (2) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0024| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law. | 0025| H. An appeal from the decision of the district | - 40 - 0001| court may be taken to the court of appeals in accordance with | 0002| the rules of civil procedure]~ |pursuant to the provisions of | 0003| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0004| Section 22. Section 10-11-120 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0005| 1987, Chapter 253, Section 120, as amended) is amended to read: | 0006| "10-11-120. DENIAL OF BENEFIT CLAIM--APPEALS.-- | 0007| A. A benefit claimant shall be notified in writing | 0008| of a denial of a claim for benefits within thirty days of the | 0009| denial. The notification shall give the reason for the denial. | 0010| A claimant may appeal the denial and request a hearing. The | 0011| appeal shall be in writing filed with the association within | 0012| ninety days of the denial. The appeal shall contain a | 0013| statement of the claimant's reason for claiming the denial to | 0014| be improper. The retirement board shall schedule a de novo | 0015| hearing of the appeal before the retirement board or, at the | 0016| discretion of the retirement board, a designated hearing | 0017| officer or committee of the retirement board within sixty days | 0018| of receipt of the appeal. A final decision on the matter being | 0019| appealed shall be made by the retirement board. | 0020| B. Appeals from a final decision of the retirement | 0021| board ~[shall be made to the first judicial district court and | 0022| initiated by filing a notice of appeal with the district court | 0023| within thirty days after the retirement board has issued its | 0024| final decision. The review of the district court shall be | 0025| restricted to the record made before the retirement board, and | - 41 - 0001| the district court shall not permit the introduction of new | 0002| evidence on any of the issues presented before the retirement | 0003| board. The decision of the retirement board shall be upheld by | 0004| the district court unless the district court finds the decision | 0005| of the retirement board to be unlawful, arbitrary or capricious | 0006| or not supported by substantial evidence on the entire record | 0007| as submitted by the retirement board]~ |may be filed pursuant | 0008| to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0009| Section 23. Section 12-8-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0010| Chapter 252, Section 16) is amended to read: | 0011| "12-8-16. PETITION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW.--~[A.]~ Any | 0012| party who has exhausted all administrative remedies available | 0013| within the agency and who is adversely affected by a final | 0014| order or decision in an adjudicatory proceeding ~[whether the | 0015| order or decision is affirmative or negative in form, is | 0016| entitled to certain, speedy, adequate and complete judicial | 0017| review thereof under the Administrative Procedures Act, but | 0018| nothing in this section prevents resort to other means of | 0019| review, redress or relief available because of constitutional | 0020| provisions or otherwise prescribed by statute. A preliminary | 0021| procedural or intermediate action or ruling is immediately | 0022| reviewable if it practically disposes of the merits of the | 0023| action. | 0024| B. Any party also has a right to judicial review, | 0025| including relief deemed appropriate, at any stage of any agency | - 42 - 0001| proceeding or other matter before the agency and prior to a | 0002| final order or decision, or the exhausting of administrative | 0003| remedies or procedures, upon a showing of serious and | 0004| irreparable harm, or the lack of an adequate and timely remedy | 0005| otherwise or upon a showing of other good cause to the | 0006| satisfaction of the court if the party was required to await a | 0007| final order or decision or was required to exhaust | 0008| administrative remedies or procedures. | 0009| C. Except as the constitution or statutes | 0010| specifically preclude judicial review or action, any person | 0011| suffering legal wrong because of any agency action or inaction | 0012| or adversely affected or aggrieved by the action or inaction, | 0013| within the meaning of any relevant statute or constitutional | 0014| provision, is entitled to judicial review thereof and relief. | 0015| D. All preliminary, procedural or intermediate | 0016| agency actions or rulings, whether or not directly reviewable, | 0017| are subject to judicial review upon the review of any final | 0018| agency action or decision. Except as otherwise expressly | 0019| required by statute, agency action otherwise final shall be | 0020| final for the purposes of this section whether or not there has | 0021| been presented or determined any application for a declaratory | 0022| order, for any form of reconsideration or for an appeal to | 0023| superior agency authority, unless the agency has legally | 0024| required otherwise by rule and has provided that such action | 0025| meanwhile shall be inoperative. | - 43 - 0001| E. The form of proceeding for judicial review shall | 0002| be any special statutory review proceeding relevant to the | 0003| subject matter in any court specified by statute or, in the | 0004| absence or inadequacy thereof, any applicable form of legal | 0005| action, including actions for declaratory judgments, writs of | 0006| prohibition or mandatory injunction or habeas corpus or by | 0007| appeal to the court of appeals. | 0008| F. In all instances of review by appeal from an | 0009| agency order or decision under the Administrative Procedures | 0010| Act, unless otherwise provided by law, proceedings shall be | 0011| instituted by filing a notice of appeal in the court of appeals | 0012| within thirty days after the entry of the final agency order or | 0013| decision. | 0014| The notice of appeal shall include a concise statement of | 0015| the facts upon which jurisdiction is based, facts showing that | 0016| petitioner is aggrieved and the ground or grounds specified in | 0017| Section 22 of the Administrative Procedures Act upon which | 0018| petitioner contends he is entitled to relief. The notice shall | 0019| demand the relief to which petitioner believes he is entitled, | 0020| which demand may be in the alternative. Copies of the notice | 0021| shall be served, personally or by certified mail, upon all | 0022| parties to the agency proceeding no later than ten days after | 0023| the institution of the proceeding for review. For the purpose | 0024| of such service, the agency upon request shall certify to the | 0025| appellant the names and addresses of all parties as disclosed | - 44 - 0001| by its records, and service upon parties so certified is | 0002| sufficient, and proof of service shall be filed in the court of | 0003| appeals within twenty days after the filing of the petition]~ | 0004| |may appeal pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0005| 1978|." | 0006| Section 24. Section 13-1-183 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | 0007| Chapter 65, Section 156) is amended to read: | 0008| "13-1-183. JUDICIAL REVIEW~[--LIMITATION--VENUE]~.-- | 0009| ~[A.]~ All actions authorized by the Procurement Code for | 0010| judicial review of a determination shall be ~[based upon the | 0011| records of the central purchasing office and all evidence | 0012| submitted by the protestant and other interested parties. All | 0013| actions for judicial review must be filed within thirty days of | 0014| receipt of notice of the determination as follows: | 0015| (1) in the first judicial district court in | 0016| Santa Fe county when the decision to be reviewed is made by a | 0017| state agency located in Santa Fe county; or | 0018| (2) in the district court in which a state | 0019| agency or a local public body is located when the decision to | 0020| be reviewed is made by a local public body or a state agency | 0021| not located in Santa Fe county. | 0022| B. All determinations under the Procurement Code | 0023| made by a state agency or a local public body shall be | 0024| sustained unless arbitrary, capricious, contrary to law, | 0025| clearly erroneous or not based upon substantial evidence]~ | - 45 - 0001| |filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0002| 1978|." | 0003| Section 25. Section 13-4-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1963, | 0004| Chapter 304, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0005| "13-4-15. APPEALS.-- | 0006| A. Any interested person may appeal any | 0007| determination, finding or action of the director of the labor | 0008| and industrial division of the labor department made pursuant | 0009| to the Public Works Minimum Wage Act to the labor and | 0010| industrial commission sitting as the appeals board by filing | 0011| notice of the appeal with the director within fifteen days | 0012| after the determination has been issued or notice of the | 0013| finding or action has been given as provided in the Public | 0014| Works Minimum Wage Act. | 0015| B. The labor and industrial commission, sitting as | 0016| the appeals board, shall adopt ~[such]~ rules ~[and | 0017| regulations]~ as it deems necessary for the prompt disposition | 0018| of appeals. A copy of the rules ~[and regulations]~ shall be | 0019| filed with the librarian of the supreme court |law| library. | 0020| C. The appeals board, within ten days after the | 0021| filing of the appeal, shall set the matter for an oral hearing | 0022| within thirty days and, following ~[such]~ |the| hearing, shall | 0023| enter a decision within ten days after the close of the hearing | 0024| and promptly mail copies of the decision to the parties. | 0025| D. Decisions of the appeals board may be ~[reviewed | - 46 - 0001| by the district court in Santa Fe county or in the county in | 0002| which the contract affected is to be performed. Proceedings | 0003| for review shall be instituted by filing a petition in the | 0004| court within thirty days after mailing notice of the final | 0005| decision of the board. Copies of the petition shall be served | 0006| upon the director of the labor and industrial division of the | 0007| labor department and all parties of record. The review shall | 0008| be conducted by the court without a jury and shall be confined | 0009| to the record of the proceedings before the board. The | 0010| findings of fact of the board shall be binding upon the | 0011| district court when supported by substantial evidence. The | 0012| court may affirm the decision of the board or remand the case | 0013| for further proceedings. The court may reserve or modify the | 0014| decision because the administrative findings, inferences, | 0015| conclusions or decisions are: | 0016| (1) in violation of constitutional or | 0017| statutory provisions; | 0018| (2) in excess of the statutory authority of | 0019| the board; | 0020| (3) made upon unlawful procedure; | 0021| (4) affected by other error of law; | 0022| (5) clearly erroneous in view of the reliable | 0023| probative and substantial evidence on the whole record; or | 0024| (6) arbitrary or capricious or characterized | 0025| by abusive discretion or clearly unwarranted exercise of | - 47 - 0001| discretion. | 0002| An aggrieved party may obtain a review of any final | 0003| judgment of the district court made pursuant to the Public | 0004| Works Minimum Wage Act by appeal to the supreme court, which | 0005| shall be taken as in other civil cases]~ |appealed pursuant to | 0006| the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0007| Section 26. Section 17-3-34 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1912, | 0008| Chapter 85, Section 35, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| "17-3-34. REVOCATION OF LICENSE, CERTIFICATE OR PERMIT | 0010| FOR VIOLATION OF LAW--NOTICE AND HEARING--JUDICIAL REVIEW.-- | 0011| A. If the holder of any license, certificate or | 0012| permit ~[shall]~ persistently, flagrantly or knowingly | 0013| ~[violate]~ |violates| or ~[countenance]~ |countenances| the | 0014| violation of any of the provisions of Chapter ~[53, NMSA 1953]~ | 0015| |17 NMSA 1978| or of any regulations referred to in Section | 0016| ~[53-2-9 NMSA 1953]~ | 0017| |17-2-10 NMSA 1978|, ~[such]~ |the| license, certificate or | 0018| permit shall be revoked by the state game commission after | 0019| reasonable notice given the accused of the alleged violation | 0020| and |after the accused is afforded| an opportunity ~[afforded]~ | 0021| to appear and show cause against the charges. | 0022| B. At the hearing, the state game commission shall | 0023| cause a record of the hearing to be made and shall allow the | 0024| person charged to examine witnesses testifying at the hearing. | 0025| Any person whose license, certificate or permit has been | - 48 - 0001| revoked by the commission may appeal to the district court | 0002| ~[for further relief. Upon appeal, the district court shall | 0003| set aside the decision only if found to be: | 0004| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0005| discretion; | 0006| (2) not supported by substantial evidence in | 0007| the record; or | 0008| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0009| |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0010| Section 27. Section 19-7-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1963, | 0011| Chapter 237, Section 4) is amended to read: | 0012| "19-7-17. APPEAL.--~[Any]~ |A| person in interest | 0013| aggrieved by the decision of the commissioner in fixing the | 0014| value of improvements or in collecting costs may appeal to the | 0015| district court ~[as provided by Sections 7-8-71 through 7-8-73, | 0016| New Mexico Statutes Annotated, 1953 Compilation. All parties | 0017| to the appeal shall be entitled to introduce additional | 0018| evidence as to value]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section | 0019| 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0020| Section 28. Section 19-7-67 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1912, | 0021| Chapter 82, Section 72, as amended) is amended to read: | 0022| "19-7-67. CONTEST--COMMISSIONER--APPEAL TO DISTRICT | 0023| COURT~[--PROCEDURE]~.--Sec. 73. ~[Any]~ |A| person aggrieved by | 0024| ~[any]~ |a| decision of the commissioner may appeal to the | 0025| district court ~[of any county wherein any portion of the land | - 49 - 0001| as to which any such right, title or interest is in controversy | 0002| is situated by filing with the commissioner within sixty days | 0003| after the rendering of any such decision a motion praying such | 0004| appeal and also a bond, with two or more sufficient sureties, | 0005| to be approved by the commissioner, conditioned that | 0006| ||appellant shall prosecute said appeal with diligence and | 0007| effect and abide by the decision of said court and pay all | 0008| costs of such appeal which shall lawfully be adjudged against | 0009| him. Notice of said || motion shall be served upon the adverse | 0010| party or his attorney at least ten days before the filing | 0011| thereof]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0012| 1978|." | 0013| Section 29. Section 19-10-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1929, | 0014| Chapter 125, Section 16, as amended) is amended to read: | 0015| "19-10-23. |APPEAL OF COMMISSIONER'S DECISION|.--~[Any]~ | 0016| |A| person or corporation aggrieved by ~[any]~ |a| ruling or | 0017| decision of the commissioner affecting his interest in any | 0018| lease issued under or affected by the provisions relating to | 0019| oil and gas leases of state lands may ~[within sixty days after | 0020| rendering of the order or decision, apply to the district court | 0021| of the county in which the lands or the greater part of them | 0022| affected by the order or decision are located for an order | 0023| directed to the commissioner requiring him to show cause why | 0024| the order or decision should not be cancelled or set aside. | 0025| The district court shall have jurisdiction as a court of equity | - 50 - 0001| to receive the application, to issue the order and to cancel or | 0002| set aside the order or decision of the commissioner; provided | 0003| that not less than twenty days are allowed the commissioner for | 0004| making return to any order to show cause which may be issued. | 0005| Any other person interested in the outcome of the controversy | 0006| may, upon proper showing to the court, be made a party to or be | 0007| permitted to intervene in the proceeding and have his rights in | 0008| the subject matter determined. Appeals to and writs of error | 0009| from the supreme court lie from the decisions of the district | 0010| court as in other cases]~ |file an appeal pursuant to the | 0011| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0012| Section 30. Section 21-24-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1971, | 0013| Chapter 304, Section 8, as amended) is amended to read: | 0014| "21-24-8. JUDICIAL REVIEW.--Any final determination of | 0015| the commission respecting the issuance, denial or revocation of | 0016| a registration may be appealed to the district court |pursuant | 0017| to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0018| Section 31. Section 22-10-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0019| Chapter 16, Section 124, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "22-10-22. SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATES-- | 0021| APPEAL.-- | 0022| A. The state board may suspend or revoke a | 0023| certificate held by a certified school instructor or | 0024| administrator for incompetency, immorality or any other good | 0025| and just cause. | - 51 - 0001| B. A certificate may be suspended or revoked only | 0002| according to the following procedure: | 0003| (1) the state board serving written notice of | 0004| the suspension or revocation on the person holding the | 0005| certificate in accordance with the law for service of process | 0006| in civil actions. The notice of the suspension or revocation | 0007| shall state the grounds for the suspension or revocation of the | 0008| certificate. The notice of the suspension or revocation shall | 0009| describe the rights of the person holding the certificate and | 0010| include instructions for requesting a hearing before the state | 0011| board. ~[Such]~ |A| hearing shall be requested within thirty | 0012| days of receipt of the notice of suspension or revocation. If | 0013| a hearing is requested, the hearing shall be held not more than | 0014| ninety days from the date of the request for the hearing; | 0015| (2) the state board or its designated hearing | 0016| officer conducting a hearing ~[which]~ |that| provides the | 0017| person holding the certificate, or his attorney, an opportunity | 0018| to present evidence or arguments on all pertinent issues. A | 0019| transcript shall be made of the entire hearing conducted by the | 0020| state board or its designated hearing officer; and | 0021| (3) the state board rendering a written | 0022| decision in accordance with the law and based upon evidence | 0023| presented and admitted at the hearing. The written decision | 0024| shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law and shall | 0025| be based upon the findings of fact and the conclusions of law. | - 52 - 0001| A written copy of the decision of the state board shall be | 0002| served upon the person holding the certificate within sixty | 0003| days from the date of the hearing. Service of the written copy | 0004| of the decision shall be in accordance with the law for service | 0005| of process in civil actions or by certified mail to the | 0006| person's address of record. | 0007| C. The secretary of the state board, with the | 0008| approval of the state board or its designated hearing officer, | 0009| may subpoena witnesses, require their attendance and giving of | 0010| testimony and require the production of books, papers and | 0011| records in connection with a hearing held pursuant to the | 0012| provisions of Subsection B of this section. Also, the state | 0013| board may apply to the district court for the issuance of | 0014| subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum in the name of and on | 0015| behalf of the state board. | 0016| D. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the state | 0017| board, after a hearing pursuant to this section, may appeal the | 0018| decision to the ~[court of appeals by filing a notice of appeal | 0019| with the clerk of the court within thirty days after service of | 0020| a written copy of the decision of the state board on the | 0021| person. The cost of transcripts on appeal, including one copy | 0022| for the use of the state board, shall be borne by the | 0023| appellant. Upon appeal, the court of appeals shall affirm the | 0024| decision of the state board unless the decision is found to be: | 0025| (1) arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable; | - 53 - 0001| (2) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0002| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0003| |district court pursuant to the provisions of Sections 12-8A-1 | 0004| NMSA 1978|." | 0005| Section 32. Section 24-1-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0006| Chapter 359, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0007| "24-1-5. LICENSURE OF HEALTH FACILITIES|--HEARINGS-- | 0008| APPEALS|.-- | 0009| A. No health facility shall be operated without a | 0010| license issued by the department. If a health facility is | 0011| found to be operating without a license, in order to protect | 0012| human health or safety, the secretary may issue a cease-and- | 0013| desist order. The health facility may request a hearing | 0014| ~[which]~ |that| shall be held in the manner provided in this | 0015| section. The department may also proceed pursuant to the | 0016| Health Facility Receivership Act. | 0017| B. The department is authorized to make inspections | 0018| and investigations and to prescribe regulations it deems | 0019| necessary or desirable to promote the health, safety and | 0020| welfare of persons using health facilities. | 0021| C. Except as provided in Subsection F of this | 0022| section, upon receipt of an application for a license to | 0023| operate a health facility, the department shall promptly | 0024| inspect the health facility to determine if it is in compliance | 0025| with all ~[regulations]~ |rules| of the department. | - 54 - 0001| Applications for hospital licenses shall include evidence that | 0002| the bylaws or ~[regulations]~ |rules| of the hospital apply | 0003| equally to osteopathic and medical physicians. The department | 0004| shall consolidate the applications and inspections for a | 0005| hospital that also operates as a hospital-based primary care | 0006| clinic. | 0007| D. Upon inspection of any health facility, if the | 0008| department finds any violation of its ~[regulations]~ |rules|, | 0009| ~[it]~ |the department| may deny the application for a license, | 0010| whether initial or renewal, or it may issue a temporary | 0011| license. A temporary license shall not be issued for a period | 0012| exceeding one hundred twenty days, nor shall more than two | 0013| consecutive temporary licenses be issued. | 0014| E. A one-year nontransferable license shall be | 0015| issued to any health facility complying with all | 0016| ~[regulations]~ |rules| of the department. The license shall | 0017| be renewable for successive one-year periods, upon filing of a | 0018| renewal application, if the department is satisfied that the | 0019| health facility is in compliance with all ~[regulations]~ | 0020| |rules| of the department or, if not in compliance with ~[any]~ | 0021| |a| ~[regulation]~ |rule|, has been granted a waiver or | 0022| variance of that ~[regulation]~ |rule| by the department | 0023| pursuant to procedures, conditions and guidelines adopted by | 0024| ~[regulation]~ |rule| of the department. Licenses shall be | 0025| posted in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises, except | - 55 - 0001| that child-care centers that receive no state or federal funds | 0002| may apply for and receive from the department a waiver from the | 0003| requirement that a license be posted or kept on the licensed | 0004| premises. | 0005| F. Any health facility that has been inspected and | 0006| licensed by the department and that has received certification | 0007| for participation in federal reimbursement programs and that | 0008| has been fully accredited by the joint commission on | 0009| accreditation of health care organizations or the American | 0010| osteopathic association shall be granted a license renewal | 0011| based on that accreditation. Health facilities receiving less | 0012| than full accreditation by the joint commission on the | 0013| accreditation of health care organizations or by the American | 0014| osteopathic association may be granted a license renewal based | 0015| on ~[such]~ |that| accreditation. License renewals shall be | 0016| issued upon application submitted by the facility upon forms | 0017| prescribed by the department. This subsection does not limit | 0018| in any way the department's various duties and responsibilities | 0019| under other provisions of the Public Health Act or under any | 0020| other subsection of this section, including any of the | 0021| department's responsibilities for the health and safety of the | 0022| public. | 0023| G. The department may charge a reasonable fee not | 0024| to exceed three dollars ($3.00) per bed for an in-patient | 0025| health facility or one hundred dollars ($100) for any other | - 56 - 0001| health facility for each license application, whether initial | 0002| or renewal, of an annual license or the second consecutive | 0003| issuance of a temporary license. Fees collected shall not be | 0004| refundable. All fees collected pursuant to licensure | 0005| applications shall be deposited with the state treasurer for | 0006| credit to the general fund. | 0007| H. The department may revoke or suspend the license | 0008| of ~[any]~ |a| health facility or may impose on ~[any]~ |a| | 0009| health facility ~[any]~ |an| intermediate sanction and |a| | 0010| civil monetary penalty provided in Section 24-1-5.2 NMSA 1978 | 0011| after notice and an opportunity for a hearing before a hearing | 0012| officer designated by the department to hear the matter and, | 0013| except for child-care centers and facilities, may proceed | 0014| pursuant to the Health Facility Receivership Act upon a | 0015| determination that the health facility is not in compliance | 0016| with any ~[regulation]~ |rule |of the department. If immediate | 0017| action is required to protect human health and safety, the | 0018| secretary may suspend ~[any]~ |a| license or impose ~[any]~ | 0019| |an| intermediate sanction pending a hearing, provided the | 0020| hearing is held within five working days of the suspension or | 0021| imposition of the sanction, unless waived by the licensee, and, | 0022| except for child-care centers and facilities, may proceed ex | 0023| parte pursuant to the Health Facility Receivership Act. | 0024| I. The department shall schedule a hearing pursuant | 0025| to Subsection H of this section if the department receives a | - 57 - 0001| request for a hearing from a licensee: | 0002| (1) within ten working days after receipt by | 0003| the licensee of notice of suspension, revocation, imposition of | 0004| an intermediate sanction or civil monetary penalty or denial of | 0005| an initial or renewal application; | 0006| (2) within four working days after receipt by | 0007| the licensee of an emergency suspension order or emergency | 0008| intermediate sanction imposition and notice of hearing if the | 0009| licensee wishes to waive the early hearing scheduled and | 0010| request a hearing at a later date; or | 0011| (3) within five working days after receipt of | 0012| a cease-and-desist order. | 0013| The department shall also provide timely notice to the | 0014| licensee of the date, time and place ~[for]~ |of| the hearing, | 0015| identity of the hearing officer, subject matter of the hearing | 0016| and alleged violations. | 0017| J. Any hearing held pursuant to provisions of this | 0018| section shall be conducted in accordance with adjudicatory | 0019| hearing rules and procedures adopted by regulation of the | 0020| department. The licensee has the right to be represented by | 0021| counsel, to present all relevant evidence by means of witnesses | 0022| and books, papers, documents, records, files and other evidence | 0023| and to examine all opposing witnesses who appear on any matter | 0024| relevant to the issues. The hearing officer has the power to | 0025| administer oaths on request of any party and issue subpoenas | - 58 - 0001| and subpoenas duces tecum prior to or after the commencement of | 0002| the hearing to compel discovery and the attendance of witnesses | 0003| and the production of relevant books, papers, documents, | 0004| records, files and other evidence. Documents or records | 0005| pertaining to abuse, neglect or exploitation of a resident, | 0006| client or patient of a health facility or other documents, | 0007| records or files in the custody of the human services | 0008| department or the office of the state long-term care ombudsman | 0009| at the state agency on aging that are relevant to the alleged | 0010| violations are discoverable and admissible as evidence in any | 0011| hearing. | 0012| K. Any party may appeal ~[to the court of appeals | 0013| on the record within thirty days after the final decision of | 0014| the department. The court shall set aside the final decision | 0015| only if it is found to be arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0016| discretion; not supported by substantial evidence in the | 0017| record; outside the authority of the department; or otherwise | 0018| not in accordance with law]~ |the final decision of the | 0019| department pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0020| 1978|. | 0021| L. Every complaint about a health facility received | 0022| by the department pursuant to this section shall be promptly | 0023| investigated to substantiate the allegation and to take | 0024| appropriate action if substantiated. The department shall | 0025| coordinate with the human services department, the office of | - 59 - 0001| the state long-term care ombudsman at the state agency on aging | 0002| and any other appropriate agency to develop a joint protocol | 0003| establishing responsibilities and procedures to assure prompt | 0004| investigation of complaints, including prompt and appropriate | 0005| referrals and necessary action regarding allegations of abuse, | 0006| neglect or exploitation of residents, clients or patients in a | 0007| health facility. | 0008| M. Complaints received by the department pursuant | 0009| to this section shall not be disclosed publicly in ~[such]~ |a| | 0010| manner as to identify any individuals or health facilities if | 0011| upon investigation the complaint is unsubstantiated. | 0012| N. Notwithstanding any other provision of this | 0013| section, where there are reasonable grounds to believe that any | 0014| child is in imminent danger of abuse or neglect while in the | 0015| care of a child-care facility, whether or not licensed, or upon | 0016| the receipt of a report pursuant to Section 32A-4-3 NMSA 1978, | 0017| the department shall consult with the owner or operator of the | 0018| child-care facility. Upon a finding of probable cause, the | 0019| department shall give the owner or operator notice of its | 0020| intent to suspend operation of the child-care facility and | 0021| provide an opportunity for a hearing to be held within three | 0022| working days, unless waived by the owner or operator. Within | 0023| seven working days from the day of notice, the secretary shall | 0024| make a decision, and, if it is determined that any child is in | 0025| imminent danger of abuse or neglect in the child-care facility, | - 60 - 0001| the secretary may suspend operation of the child-care facility | 0002| for a period not in excess of fifteen days. Prior to the date | 0003| of the hearing, the department shall make a reasonable effort | 0004| to notify the parents of children in the child-care facility of | 0005| the notice and opportunity for hearing given to the owner or | 0006| operator. | 0007| O. Nothing contained in this section or in the | 0008| Public Health Act shall authorize either the secretary or the | 0009| department to make any inspection or investigation or to | 0010| prescribe any regulations concerning group homes as defined in | 0011| Section 9-8-13 NMSA 1978 except as are reasonably necessary or | 0012| desirable to promote the health and safety of persons using | 0013| group homes." | 0014| Section 33. Section 25-1-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0015| Chapter 309, Section 11) is amended to read: | 0016| "25-1-11. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF BOARD AND ~[AGENCY]~ | 0017| |DIVISION| ACTIONS.-- | 0018| A. ~[Regulations]~ |Rules| adopted by the board are | 0019| subject to judicial review under the provisions of Section | 0020| ~[12-12-13 NMSA 1953]~ |74-1-9 NMSA 1978|. | 0021| B. Any person to whom the ~[agency]~ |division| | 0022| denies a permit or whose permit is suspended or revoked by the | 0023| ~[agency]~ |division| may appeal to the ~[court of appeals | 0024| within thirty days of the final agency action. Upon appeal, | 0025| the court of appeals shall set aside the agency action only if | - 61 - 0001| it is found to be: | 0002| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0003| discretion; or | 0004| (2) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0005| |district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0006| NMSA 1978|." | 0007| Section 34. Section 25-3-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0008| Chapter 89, Section 7) is amended to read: | 0009| "25-3-12. CONDEMNATION AND APPEAL.--The inspector at | 0010| ~[slaughtering]~ |official| establishments ~[with state meat | 0011| inspection service]~ shall condemn all diseased or otherwise | 0012| unfit carcasses and parts of carcasses, including the viscera. | 0013| The condemned parts shall be removed from the slaughtering | 0014| department of the plant in equipment designated for that | 0015| purpose and shall be destroyed for food purposes under the | 0016| supervision of the inspector. If any ~[slaughtering]~ | 0017| |official |establishment wishes to appeal a decision of an | 0018| inspector as to carcasses or parts of carcasses ~[which]~ | 0019| |that| have been condemned, the establishment may appeal the | 0020| decision to the chief veterinary meat inspector or any | 0021| veterinarian he designates. If ~[such]~ |the| establishment is | 0022| not satisfied and wishes to make a further appeal, it may | 0023| submit ~[such]~ |an| appeal to the board, whose decision shall | 0024| be final unless the person aggrieved ~[within ten days after | 0025| the date of the decision, appeals to the district court of the | - 62 - 0001| district in which the licensed premises are located]~ |appeals | 0002| to the district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12- | 0003| 8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0004| Section 35. Section 25-3-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0005| Chapter 89, Section 14) is amended to read: | 0006| "25-3-19. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF INSPECTION SERVICE | 0007| OR ESTABLISHMENT NUMBER--HEARING--APPEAL.-- | 0008| A. Any license issued by the board or any state | 0009| meat inspection service or establishment numbers may be | 0010| suspended or revoked by the board for violation or | 0011| noncompliance with: | 0012| (1) any provision of the Meat Inspection Act; | 0013| or | 0014| (2) any rule ~[or regulation]~ issued pursuant | 0015| to the Meat Inspection Act. | 0016| B. State meat inspection service or establishment | 0017| numbers may be suspended or revoked only after a hearing before | 0018| the board upon reasonable notice. Notice shall be given the | 0019| licensee by service of the complaint upon him. | 0020| C. The decision of the board shall be final in any | 0021| matter relating to renewal, suspension or revocation of state | 0022| meat inspection service or establishment numbers unless the | 0023| person aggrieved ~[within ten days after the date of the | 0024| decision, appeals to the district court of the district in | 0025| which the licensed premises are located. On the appeal, the | - 63 - 0001| court shall hear and determine the matter de novo, not more | 0002| than ten days after the date of filing the appeal. Subsequent | 0003| to such decision, the person aggrieved may, in compliance with | 0004| the statutory provisions relating thereto, appeal the decision | 0005| of the district court to the supreme court of the state, but | 0006| the suspension or revocation of state meat inspection service | 0007| or establishment numbers shall remain in full force and effect | 0008| pending the outcome of the appeal]~ |appeals to the district | 0009| court pursuant to the provision of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0010| Section 36. Section 25-7B-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0011| Chapter 188, Section 28) is amended to read: | 0012| "25-7B-9. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS.--Any | 0013| person to whom the department denies a permit or whose permit | 0014| is suspended or revoked by the department may appeal to the | 0015| ~[court of appeals within thirty days of the final department | 0016| action. Upon appeal, the court of appeals shall set aside the | 0017| department action only if it is found to be: | 0018| A. arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of discretion; | 0019| or | 0020| B. otherwise not in accordance with law]~ |district | 0021| court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0022| 1978|." | 0023| Section 37. Section 27-3-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0024| Chapter 256, Section 4) is amended to read: | 0025| "27-3-4. ~[REVIEW AND]~ APPEAL.--~[A.]~ Within thirty | - 64 - 0001| days after receiving written notice of the decision of the | 0002| director pursuant to Section ~[3 of the Public Assistance | 0003| Appeals Act]~ |27-3-3 NMSA 1978|, an applicant or recipient may | 0004| file a notice of appeal with the ~[court of appeals, together | 0005| with a copy of the notice of the decision. The clerk of the | 0006| court shall transmit a copy of the notice of appeal to the | 0007| director. | 0008| B. The filing of a notice of appeal shall not stay | 0009| the enforcement of the decision of the director, but the | 0010| department may grant, or the court upon motion and good cause | 0011| shown may order, a stay. | 0012| C. Within twenty days after receipt of the notice | 0013| of appeal, the department shall file with the clerk of the | 0014| court three copies and furnish to the appellant one copy of the | 0015| written transcript of the record of the proceedings. | 0016| D. If before the date set for argument application | 0017| is made to the court for leave to present additional evidence | 0018| and the court is satisfied that the additional evidence is | 0019| material and that there was good reason for not presenting it | 0020| in the hearing, the court may order the additional evidence | 0021| taken before the department. If the application to present | 0022| additional evidence is filed by the department and is approved | 0023| by the court, the decision of the department which is being | 0024| appealed shall be stayed. The director may modify his findings | 0025| and decision by reason of the additional evidence and shall | - 65 - 0001| file with the court a transcript of the additional evidence, | 0002| together with any modified or new findings or decision. | 0003| E. The review of the court shall be made upon the | 0004| decision and the record of the proceedings provided for in | 0005| Section 3 of the Public Assistance Appeals Act. | 0006| F. The court shall set aside a decision and order | 0007| of the director only if found to be: | 0008| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0009| discretion; | 0010| (2) not supported by substantial evidence in | 0011| the record as a whole; or | 0012| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0013| |district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0014| NMSA 1978|." | 0015| Section 38. Section 27-5-12.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0016| 1979, Chapter 146, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read: | 0017| "27-5-12.1. APPEAL.--~[A.]~ Any hospital or ambulance | 0018| service aggrieved by any decision of the board may appeal to | 0019| the district court ~[for the county in which the board sits. | 0020| B. The appeal authorized in this section shall be | 0021| filed within thirty days of the decision of the board from | 0022| which the appeal is taken. | 0023| C. The rules of civil procedure shall apply to any | 0024| appeal filed pursuant to this section]~ |pursuant to the | 0025| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | - 66 - 0001| Section 39. Section 28-17-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1989, | 0002| Chapter 208, Section 19, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "28-17-19. INTERFERENCE WITH THE OFFICE AND RETALIATION | 0004| PROHIBITED--PENALTY--CIVIL|--APPEAL|.-- | 0005| A. No person shall willfully interfere with the | 0006| lawful actions of the office, including the request for | 0007| immediate entry into a long-term care facility. | 0008| B. No person shall institute discriminatory, | 0009| disciplinary or retaliatory action against any resident, | 0010| employee or other person for filing a complaint, providing | 0011| information to or otherwise cooperating with ~[any]~ |a| | 0012| representative of the office. | 0013| C. Any person who violates Subsection A of this | 0014| section shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to five | 0015| thousand dollars ($5,000) per occurrence. Any person who | 0016| violates Subsection B of this section shall be subject to a | 0017| civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per | 0018| occurrence. The agency may assess and collect the penalty | 0019| after notice and an opportunity for hearing, before a hearing | 0020| officer designated by the agency to hear the matter, upon a | 0021| determination that a person willfully interfered with the | 0022| office or discriminated, disciplined or retaliated against an | 0023| individual who communicated or disclosed information to the | 0024| office in good faith pursuant to Subsections A and B of this | 0025| section. The hearing officer has the power to administer oaths | - 67 - 0001| on request of any party and issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces | 0002| tecum. However, if the violation is against a person covered | 0003| by the Personnel Act, the office shall refer the matter to the | 0004| agency employing the person for disciplinary action. | 0005| D. Any party may appeal to the ~[court of appeals | 0006| on the record within thirty days after the final decision of | 0007| the agency]~ |district court pursuant to the provisions of | 0008| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0009| Section 40. Section 29-2-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1941, | 0010| Chapter 147, Section 11, as amended) is amended to read: | 0011| "29-2-11. DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS|--APPEAL|.-- | 0012| |A|. No officer of the New Mexico state police | 0013| holding a permanent commission shall be removed from office, | 0014| demoted or suspended except for incompetence, neglect of duty, | 0015| violation of a published rule of conduct, malfeasance in office | 0016| or conduct unbecoming an officer, except as provided in this | 0017| section. | 0018| |B|. The secretary may suspend an officer for | 0019| disciplinary reasons for not more than thirty days in | 0020| accordance with New Mexico state police ~[regulation]~ |rules|. | 0021| Any officer holding a permanent commission who is suspended by | 0022| the secretary has the right to have the suspension reviewed by | 0023| the commission, but without further review or appeal. | 0024| |C|. In the event the officer is to be removed from | 0025| office, demoted or suspended for a period of more than thirty | - 68 - 0001| days, specific written charges shall be filed with the | 0002| commission. Timely and adequate notice of the charges to the | 0003| person charged shall be provided and a prompt hearing on the | 0004| charges shall be held by the commission. The person ~[so]~ | 0005| charged has the right to be represented by counsel of his own | 0006| choice and at his own expense at the hearings. A complete | 0007| record of the hearing shall be made and, upon request, a copy | 0008| of it shall be furnished to the person charged. The person may | 0009| require that the hearing be public. | 0010| |D|. In the event the commission finds that the | 0011| person charged shall be removed, demoted or suspended for a | 0012| period in excess of thirty days, the person may appeal from the | 0013| decision of the commission to the district court ~[of Santa Fe | 0014| county. The appeal shall be filed within twenty days after the | 0015| decision of the commission is rendered, and the court shall | 0016| determine promptly whether there is substantial evidence to | 0017| support the commission's action and dispose of the appeal | 0018| accordingly. The determination shall be made on the basis of | 0019| the record except that, for cause shown, the court shall permit | 0020| either the secretary or the person charged to introduce new | 0021| evidence]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0022| 1978|." | 0023| Section 41. Section 29-10-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0024| Chapter 339, Section 5) is amended to read: | 0025| "29-10-8. REVIEW OF ARREST RECORD INFORMATION|-- | - 69 - 0001| APPEAL|.--A person who believes that arrest record information | 0002| concerning him is inaccurate or incomplete ~[shall]~ |is|, upon | 0003| satisfactory verification of his identity, ~[be]~ entitled to | 0004| review ~[such]~ |the| information and obtain a copy of it for | 0005| the purpose of challenge or correction. In the event a law | 0006| enforcement agency refuses to correct challenged information to | 0007| the satisfaction of the person to whom the inaccurate or | 0008| incorrect information relates, the person ~[shall be]~ |is| | 0009| entitled to ~[petition]~ |appeal to| the district court to | 0010| correct ~[such]~ |the| information |pursuant to the provisions | 0011| of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0012| Section 42. Section 32A-2-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0013| Chapter 77, Section 33) is amended to read: | 0014| "32A-2-4. DETENTION FACILITIES--STANDARDS--REPORTS|-- | 0015| APPEALS|.-- | 0016| A. The department shall promulgate updated | 0017| standards for all detention facilities, including standards for | 0018| ~[the]~ site, design, construction, equipment, care, program, | 0019| personnel and clinical services. The department shall certify | 0020| as approved all detention facilities in the state meeting the | 0021| standards promulgated. The department may establish by rule | 0022| appropriate procedures for provisional certification and the | 0023| waiving of any of its standards for facilities in existence at | 0024| the time of the adoption of the standards, except that it shall | 0025| not allow waiver of any standard pertaining to adequate health | - 70 - 0001| and safety protection of the residents and staff of the | 0002| facility. No child shall be detained in a detention facility | 0003| unless it is certified as approved by the department, except as | 0004| otherwise provided in ~[this article]~ |Chapter 32A, Article 2 | 0005| NMSA 1978|. | 0006| B. The department shall inspect all detention | 0007| facilities in the state at least once each twelve months and | 0008| shall require those reports it deems necessary from detention | 0009| facilities in a form and containing the information determined | 0010| by the department. If as the result of an inspection a | 0011| certified detention facility is determined as failing to meet | 0012| the required standards, its certification is subject to | 0013| revocation or refusal for renewal by the department. | 0014| C. The department shall promulgate rules | 0015| establishing procedures that provide for prior notice and | 0016| public hearings on detention ~[facilities]~ |facilities'| | 0017| standards adoption and changes. The department shall also | 0018| promulgate rules establishing procedures for facility | 0019| certification, renewal of certification, refusal to renew | 0020| certification and revocation of certification. The procedures | 0021| adopted on these matters shall provide for adequate prior | 0022| notice of intended action by the department, opportunity for | 0023| the aggrieved person to have an administrative hearing and | 0024| written notification of the administrative decision. Rules | 0025| promulgated under this subsection shall not be effective unless | - 71 - 0001| filed in accordance with the State Rules Act. | 0002| D. Any person aggrieved by an administrative | 0003| decision of the department rendered under the provisions of | 0004| this section may petition for the review of the administrative | 0005| decision by ~[filing a petition requesting judicial review in | 0006| the district court for the county in which the detention | 0007| facility involved in the decision is located. The|| court's | 0008| review shall be of the written transcript of the administrative | 0009| hearing and the decision of the department. The ||court shall | 0010| uphold the decision of the department unless it finds that | 0011| decision to be: | 0012| (1) illegal or unconstitutional; | 0013| (2) the result of arbitrary or capricious | 0014| department action; or | 0015| (3) not supported by substantial evidence; | 0016| in which cases it shall reverse the department's administrative | 0017| decision and remand the matter for appropriate action by the | 0018| department]~ |appealing to the district court pursuant to the | 0019| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0020| E. After January 1, 1994, no state or county | 0021| detention facility shall hold juveniles sentenced by a federal | 0022| court, unless the facility meets state standards promulgated by | 0023| the department." | 0024| Section 43. Section 36-1A-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1991, | 0025| Chapter 175, Section 9) is amended to read: | - 72 - 0001| "36-1A-9. APPEALS BY COVERED EMPLOYEES TO THE BOARD|-- | 0002| JUDICIAL REVIEW|.-- | 0003| A. ~[Any]~ |A| covered employee who is dismissed, | 0004| demoted or suspended may, within thirty days after the | 0005| dismissal, demotion or suspension, appeal to the board. The | 0006| appellant and the agency whose action is reviewed shall have | 0007| the right to be heard publicly and to present facts pertinent | 0008| to the appeal. | 0009| B. Formal rules of evidence shall not apply to | 0010| appeals to the board. | 0011| C. A record shall be made of the hearing, which | 0012| shall be transcribed if there is an appeal to the district | 0013| court. The cost of transcripts may be assessed by the court to | 0014| the losing party on appeal. | 0015| D. Appeals may be heard, at the election of the | 0016| appellant, either by the board or by a hearing officer selected | 0017| by the state personnel office. If the appellant does not elect | 0018| to have his case heard by a state-personnel-office-designated | 0019| hearing officer as provided in this section, the board may | 0020| designate a hearing officer who may be a member of the board to | 0021| preside over and take evidence at any hearing held pursuant to | 0022| this section. This latter hearing officer shall prepare and | 0023| submit to the board a summary of the evidence taken at the | 0024| hearing and proposed findings of fact. The board shall render | 0025| a final decision on the appeal, which shall include findings of | - 73 - 0001| fact and conclusions of law. | 0002| E. If the appellant chooses to have his case heard | 0003| by a state-personnel-office-designated hearing officer, the | 0004| appellant shall elect in writing within twenty days after | 0005| filing the notice of appeal to have his appeal heard solely by | 0006| a state-personnel-office-designated hearing officer. In the | 0007| event of that election, the board shall promptly make that | 0008| request to the state personnel office and promptly execute any | 0009| and all documents necessary to implement this election. The | 0010| state personnel office shall promptly arrange for the hearing | 0011| officer without charge. This hearing officer shall have all of | 0012| the rights, duties and responsibilities provided to the board | 0013| by the District Attorney Personnel and Compensation Act, and | 0014| that hearing officer's decision shall be binding and of the | 0015| same force and effect as if the board itself had rendered the | 0016| final decision. | 0017| F. If the board or the state-personnel-office- | 0018| designated hearing officer finds that the action taken was | 0019| without just cause, the board or the state-personnel-office- | 0020| designated hearing officer may modify the disciplinary action | 0021| or order the reinstatement of the appellant to his former | 0022| position or to a position of like status and pay. When the | 0023| board or the state-personnel-office-designated hearing officer | 0024| orders a reinstatement of an appellant, the reinstatement shall | 0025| be effective within thirty days after the service of a written | - 74 - 0001| copy of the decision on the affected party. The board or the | 0002| state-personnel-office-designated hearing officer may award | 0003| back pay as of the date of the dismissal, demotion or | 0004| suspension or as of such later date as the order may specify. | 0005| G. ~[Any]~ |A| party aggrieved by the decision of | 0006| the board or the state-personnel-office-designated hearing | 0007| officer made pursuant to this section may appeal the decision | 0008| to the district court ~[in the district in which he resides, is | 0009| employed or maintains his principal office or to the district | 0010| court for the district of Santa Fe county. The appeal shall be | 0011| initiated by filing a notice of appeal with the clerk of the | 0012| appropriate district court within thirty days after the service | 0013| on that party of a written copy of the final decision of the | 0014| board or the state-personnel-office-designated hearing officer. | 0015| Upon appeal the district court shall affirm the decision of the | 0016| board or the state-personnel-office-designated hearing officer | 0017| unless the decision is found to be: | 0018| (a) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0019| discretion; | 0020| (b) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0021| (c) otherwise not in accordance with law. | 0022| H. An appeal from the decision of the district | 0023| court may be taken to the court of appeals in accordance with | 0024| the rules of civil procedure]~ |pursuant to the provisions of | 0025| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | - 75 - 0001| Section 44. Section 40-7A-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0002| Chapter 171, Section 6) is amended to read: | 0003| "40-7A-6. REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE--NOTICE-- | 0004| REINSTATEMENT|--APPEAL|.-- | 0005| A. The division may deny, revoke, suspend, place on | 0006| probation or refuse to renew the license of any child placement | 0007| agency or foster home for failure to comply with the division's | 0008| ~[regulations]~ |rules|. The holder of the license sought to | 0009| be denied, revoked, suspended or placed on probation or | 0010| ~[which]~ |that| is not renewed shall be given notice in | 0011| writing of the proposed action and the reason therefor and | 0012| shall, at a date and place to be specified in the notice, be | 0013| given a hearing before a hearing officer appointed by the | 0014| secretary with an opportunity to produce testimony in the | 0015| holder's behalf and to be assisted by counsel. The hearing | 0016| shall be held no earlier than twenty days after service of | 0017| notice thereof unless the time limitations are waived. ~[Any]~ | 0018| |A| person whose license has been denied, revoked, suspended, | 0019| placed on probation or not renewed may, on application to the | 0020| division, have the license issued, reinstated or reissued upon | 0021| proof that the noncompliance with the ~[regulations]~ |rules| | 0022| has ceased. | 0023| B. A person adversely affected by a decision of the | 0024| division denying, revoking, suspending, placing on probation or | 0025| refusing to renew a license may obtain a review ~[thereof]~ by | - 76 - 0001| ~[filing a petition, duly verified, with the clerk of the | 0002| district court of the first judicial district within sixty days | 0003| after entry of the decision. The petition shall set forth | 0004| specifically the ground for review. A copy of the petition | 0005| shall be served upon the division by registered mail, return | 0006| receipt requested. Upon presentation of the petition, the | 0007| district court may allow a writ of certiorari directed to the | 0008| division to review its decision and shall prescribe the time in | 0009| which a return shall be made. Within thirty days after receipt | 0010| of the petition, the division shall certify and file with the | 0011| clerk of the court the transcript of the record upon which the | 0012| decision complained of was entered]~ |appealing to the district | 0013| court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0014| C. When any license is denied, suspended, revoked | 0015| or not renewed, the care and custody of any child placed | 0016| ~[under]~ |pursuant to| the Child Placement Agency Licensing | 0017| Act shall be transferred to the certifying child placement | 0018| agency or the division." | 0019| Section 45. Section 42-3-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0020| Chapter 41, Section 15, as amended) is amended to read: | 0021| "42-3-14. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS--COURT REVIEW.-- | 0022| A. ~[Any persons]~ |A person| aggrieved by a | 0023| determination as to eligibility for relocation payments or the | 0024| amount of payment received under the Relocation Assistance Act | 0025| shall have the right to a hearing before the displacing agency | - 77 - 0001| or before a hearing officer designated by the displacing | 0002| agency. | 0003| B. After the hearing, ~[any]~ |a| person aggrieved | 0004| or affected by a final administrative determination concerning | 0005| eligibility for relocation payments or the amount of the | 0006| payment under the Relocation Assistance Act may ~[have the | 0007| determination reviewed by the district court in conformance | 0008| with the rules of civil procedure. All such appeals shall be | 0009| made: | 0010| (1) upon the record of the hearing and shall | 0011| not be de novo; and | 0012| (2) by filing a notice of appeal in the | 0013| district court within thirty days of the date of mailing or | 0014| delivery of the written decision and order of the displacing | 0015| agency to the person, and if not so taken, the decision and | 0016| order are conclusive. | 0017| C. Upon appeal, the court shall set aside a | 0018| decision and order of the displacing agency only if found to | 0019| be: | 0020| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0021| discretion; | 0022| (2) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0023| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0024| |appeal to the district court pursuant to the provisions of | 0025| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | - 78 - 0001| Section 46. Section 47-6-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0002| Chapter 348, Section 15, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "47-6-15. APPEALS.-- | 0004| ~[A. Any party who is or may be adversely affected | 0005| by a decision of the board of county commissioners in approving | 0006| or disapproving a preliminary or final plat may appeal to the | 0007| district court of the county in which the subdivision is | 0008| located within thirty days of the date of the board's action. | 0009| B. An appeal is perfected by filing a notice of | 0010| appeal in the district court. A copy of the notice of appeal | 0011| shall be served upon the board of county commissioners. | 0012| C. Upon appeal, the district court shall set aside | 0013| the action of the board of county commissioners only if it is | 0014| found to be: | 0015| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0016| discretion; | 0017| (2) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0018| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law. | 0019| D. Any party to the action in district court may | 0020| appeal to the court of appeals for further relief. | 0021| E. Any]~ |A|. |A| party who is or may be adversely | 0022| affected by a decision of a delegate of the board of county | 0023| commissioners in approving or disapproving a final plat under | 0024| summary review shall appeal the delegate's decision to the | 0025| board of county commissioners within thirty days of the date of | - 79 - 0001| the delegate's decision. The board of county commissioners | 0002| shall hear the appeal and shall render a decision within thirty | 0003| days of the date the board receives notice of the appeal. | 0004| Thereafter, the procedure for appealing the decision of the | 0005| board of county commissioners set out in ~[Subsections A, B and | 0006| C]~ |Subsection B| of this section shall apply. | 0007| |B. A party who is or may be adversely affected by | 0008| a decision of the board of country commissions in approving or | 0009| disapproving a preliminary or final plat may appeal to the | 0010| district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0011| NMSA 1978|." | 0012| Section 47. Section 50-9-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0013| Chapter 63, Section 16, as amended) is amended to read: | 0014| "50-9-17. ENFORCEMENT|--APPEALS|.-- | 0015| A. If as a result of investigation the department | 0016| has good cause to believe that any employer is violating any | 0017| provision of the Occupational Health and Safety Act or any | 0018| ~[regulation]~ |rule| of the board, the department shall send | 0019| prompt notice of the violation by certified mail to the | 0020| employer believed to be in violation. The citation shall | 0021| describe with particularity the provision of the Occupational | 0022| Health and Safety Act or ~[regulation]~ |rule| alleged to have | 0023| been violated. The notice shall also state the time for | 0024| abatement of the violation. Each citation issued pursuant to | 0025| this section, or a copy thereof, shall be promptly and | - 80 - 0001| prominently posted by the cited employer, as prescribed in | 0002| ~[regulations]~ |rules| issued by the board, at or near the | 0003| place where the violation occurred. No citation may be issued | 0004| under this section after the expiration of six months following | 0005| the occurrence of any violation. The board may issue a | 0006| regulation prescribing procedures for the use of a notice in | 0007| lieu of a citation with respect to de minimis violations that | 0008| have no direct or immediate relationship to safety or health. | 0009| B. If the department issues a citation ~[under]~ | 0010| |as provided in| Subsection A of this section, it shall, within | 0011| a reasonable time after issuance of the citation, notify the | 0012| employer by certified mail of the penalty, if any, proposed to | 0013| be assessed and that the employer has fifteen working days | 0014| within which to notify the department in writing that he wishes | 0015| to contest the citation or proposed penalty. If within fifteen | 0016| working days from the receipt of the notice issued by the | 0017| department the employer fails to notify the department that he | 0018| intends to contest the citation or proposed penalty and no | 0019| notice is filed by an employee or employee representative as | 0020| provided by Subsection D of this section within ~[such]~ |that| | 0021| time, the citation and the assessment of penalty, if any, as | 0022| proposed shall be deemed the final order of the commission and | 0023| not subject to review by any court or agency. | 0024| C. If the department has reason to believe that an | 0025| employer has failed to correct a violation for which a citation | - 81 - 0001| has been issued within the abatement period permitted, which | 0002| period shall not begin to run until the entry of a final order | 0003| by the commission in the case of any review proceedings under | 0004| this section initiated by the employer in good faith and not | 0005| solely for delay or avoidance of penalties, the department | 0006| shall notify the employer by certified mail of ~[such]~ |the| | 0007| failure to correct and of the penalty proposed to be assessed | 0008| by reason of ~[such]~ |the| failure and that the employer has | 0009| fifteen working days within which to notify the department in | 0010| writing that he wishes to contest the department's notification | 0011| or the proposed assessment of penalty. If within fifteen | 0012| working days from the receipt of notification issued by the | 0013| department the employer fails to notify the department that he | 0014| intends to contest the notification or proposed assessment of | 0015| penalty, the notification and assessment as proposed shall be | 0016| deemed a final order of the commission and not subject to | 0017| review by any court or department. | 0018| D. If any employer notifies the department in | 0019| writing that he intends to contest the citation issued to him | 0020| ~[under]~ |pursuant to provisions of| Subsection A or | 0021| notification issued ~[under]~ |pursuant to provisions of| | 0022| Subsection B or C of this section or if within fifteen working | 0023| days of the receipt of notice ~[under]~ |pursuant to the | 0024| provisions of| this section any employee of an employer ~[so]~ | 0025| cited or any ~[such]~ employee's representative files a notice | - 82 - 0001| with the department alleging that the period of time fixed in | 0002| the citation for the abatement of the violation is | 0003| unreasonable, the department shall provide prompt opportunity | 0004| for informal administrative review. If the matter is not | 0005| successfully resolved at the informal administrative review, | 0006| the petitioner may request a hearing before the commission | 0007| within fifteen days after the administrative review. The | 0008| commission shall afford an opportunity for a hearing within | 0009| thirty days after receipt of ~[such]~ |the| petition. The | 0010| commission shall thereafter issue an order, based on findings | 0011| of fact, affirming, modifying or vacating the department's | 0012| citation or the proposed penalty fixed by the department or | 0013| directing other appropriate relief. E. At any time | 0014| prior to the expiration of an abatement period, an employer may | 0015| notify the department in writing that he is unable to take the | 0016| corrective action required within the period of abatement. The | 0017| department shall provide prompt opportunity for informal | 0018| administrative review. If the matter is not successfully | 0019| resolved at the informal administrative review, the petitioner | 0020| may request a hearing before the commission after the | 0021| administrative review. The commission shall afford prompt | 0022| opportunity for a hearing after receipt of ~[such]~ |the| | 0023| petition. The only grounds for modifying an abatement period | 0024| ~[under]~ |provided by| this subsection are a showing by the | 0025| employer of a good-faith effort to comply with the abatement | - 83 - 0001| requirement of a citation and that abatement has not been | 0002| completed because of factors beyond the employer's control. | 0003| F. Affected employees or their representatives | 0004| shall be provided an opportunity to participate as parties at | 0005| both informal administrative review and commission hearings | 0006| ~[under]~ |provided for in| this section. | 0007| G. Any person, including the department, adversely | 0008| affected by an order of the commission issued ~[under]~ | 0009| |pursuant to provisions of| this section may obtain a review of | 0010| the order in the ~[court of appeals by filing a notice of | 0011| appeal in such court within thirty days after issuance of the | 0012| commission's order. Every person who participated as a party | 0013| in the proceeding before the commission shall be made a party | 0014| to the appeal, but the commission shall not be deemed a real | 0015| party in interest and shall not be so named. The findings of | 0016| the commission with respect to questions of fact, as supported | 0017| by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive. Upon appeal, the | 0018| court may set aside action of the commission only if found to | 0019| be: | 0020| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0021| discretion; | 0022| (2) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0023| (3) beyond the scope of its legal authority]~ | 0024| |district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0025| NMSA 1978|." | - 84 - 0001| Section 48. Section 53-8-91 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, | 0002| Chapter 217, Section 89, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "53-8-91. APPEAL FROM CORPORATION COMMISSION.-- | 0004| A. If the corporation commission fails to approve | 0005| any articles of incorporation, amendment, merger, consolidation | 0006| or dissolution, or any other document required by the Nonprofit | 0007| Corporation Act to be approved by the corporation commission | 0008| before the same is filed in its office, the commission shall, | 0009| within fifteen working days after the delivery thereof, give | 0010| written notice of its disapproval to the person or corporation, | 0011| domestic or foreign, delivering the same, specifying the | 0012| reasons therefor. The person or corporation may appeal the | 0013| disapproval to the district court ~[of the county of Santa Fe | 0014| by filing with the clerk of the court a petition setting forth | 0015| a copy of the articles or other document sought to be filed and | 0016| a copy of the written disapproval thereof by the corporation | 0017| commission. The matter shall be tried de novo by the district | 0018| court, and the court shall either sustain the action of the | 0019| commission or direct it to take such action as the court may | 0020| deem proper]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0021| NMSA 1978|. | 0022| B. If the corporation commission revokes a | 0023| certificate of authority to conduct affairs in New Mexico of | 0024| any foreign corporation or a certificate of incorporation of a | 0025| domestic corporation, pursuant to the provisions of the | - 85 - 0001| Nonprofit Corporation Act, the foreign or domestic corporation | 0002| may appeal to the district court ~[of the county of Santa Fe by | 0003| filing with the clerk of the court a petition setting forth a | 0004| copy of its certificate of authority or incorporation and a | 0005| copy of the notice of revocation given by the corporation | 0006| commission. The matter shall be tried de novo by the district | 0007| court, and the court shall either sustain the action of the | 0008| commission or direct it to take such action as the court may | 0009| deem proper. | 0010| C. Appeals from all final orders and judgments | 0011| entered by the district court under this section in review of | 0012| any ruling or decision of the corporation commission may be | 0013| taken as in other civil actions]~ |pursuant to the provisions | 0014| of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0015| Section 49. Section 53-18-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0016| Chapter 81, Section 123, as amended) is amended to read: | 0017| "53-18-2. APPEAL FROM COMMISSION.-- | 0018| A. If the commission fails to approve any articles | 0019| of incorporation, amendment, merger, consolidation or | 0020| dissolution or any other document required by the Business | 0021| Corporation Act to be approved by the commission before it is | 0022| filed in its office, it shall, within fifteen working days | 0023| after the delivery thereof to it, give written notice of its | 0024| disapproval to the person or corporation, domestic or foreign, | 0025| delivering the same, specifying the reasons therefor. From the | - 86 - 0001| disapproval, the person or corporation may appeal to the | 0002| district court ~[of Santa Fe county by filing with the clerk of | 0003| the court a petition setting forth the articles or other | 0004| document sought to be filed and a copy of the written | 0005| disapproval thereof by the commission, whereupon the matter | 0006| shall be tried de novo by the court, and the court shall either | 0007| sustain the action of the commission or direct it to take | 0008| action the court may deem proper]~ |pursuant to the provisions | 0009| of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0010| B. If the commission revokes the certificate of | 0011| authority to transact business in this state of any foreign | 0012| corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Business | 0013| Corporation Act, the foreign corporation may appeal to the | 0014| district court ~[of Santa Fe county by filing with the clerk of | 0015| the court a petition setting forth a copy of its certificate of | 0016| authority to transact business in this state and a copy of the | 0017| notice of revocation given by the commission, whereupon the | 0018| matter shall be tried de novo by the court, and the court shall | 0019| either sustain the action of the commission or direct it to | 0020| take action the court may deem proper. | 0021| C. Appeals from all final orders and judgments | 0022| entered by the district court of Santa Fe county under this | 0023| section in review of any ruling or decision of the commission | 0024| may be taken as in other civil actions]~ |pursuant to the | 0025| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | - 87 - 0001| Section 50. Section 53-19-67 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0002| Chapter 280, Section 67) is amended to read: | 0003| "53-19-67. APPEAL FROM COMMISSION.--~[A.]~ If the | 0004| commission fails to approve any articles of organization, | 0005| articles of amendment, articles of merger or consolidation or | 0006| articles of dissolution or any other document required or | 0007| permitted by the Limited Liability Company Act to be approved | 0008| by the commission before it is filed in its office, it shall, | 0009| within fifteen working days after the delivery thereof to it, | 0010| give written notice of its disapproval to the person delivering | 0011| the same, specifying the reasons therefor. From the | 0012| disapproval, the person may appeal to the district court ~[of | 0013| Santa Fe county by filing with the clerk of the court a | 0014| petition setting forth the articles or other document sought to | 0015| be filed and a copy of the written disapproval thereof by the | 0016| commission, whereupon the matter shall be tried de novo by the | 0017| court, and the court shall either sustain the action of the | 0018| commission or direct it to take action the court may deem | 0019| proper. | 0020| B. Appeals from all final orders and judgments | 0021| entered by the district court of Santa Fe county under ||this | 0022| section in review of any ruling or decision of the commission | 0023| may be taken as in other civil actions]~ |pursuant to the | 0024| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0025| Section 51. Section 57-19-36 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | - 88 - 0001| Chapter 98, Section 12) is amended to read: | 0002| "57-19-36. PENALTIES--ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES-- | 0003| APPEALS.-- | 0004| A. No person, by himself, by his servant or agent | 0005| or as the servant or agent of another person shall: | 0006| (1) violate the provisions of the Petroleum | 0007| Products Standards Act; | 0008| (2) violate any regulation adopted pursuant to | 0009| the Petroleum Products Standards Act; or | 0010| (3) misrepresent a petroleum product as | 0011| meeting the standards of the Petroleum Products Standards Act. | 0012| B. Any person who violates Subsection A of this | 0013| section ~[shall be]~ |is| guilty of a petty misdemeanor and | 0014| shall be sentenced in accordance with the provisions of Section | 0015| 31-19-1 NMSA 1978. | 0016| C. The board shall establish a system of | 0017| administrative penalties for violations of the Petroleum | 0018| Products Standards Act. The administrative penalties may be | 0019| assessed by the director in lieu of or in addition to other | 0020| penalties provided by statute. In establishing the system of | 0021| administrative penalties, the board, after public notice and | 0022| public hearing, shall adopt ~[regulations]~ |rules| that meet | 0023| the following minimum requirements: | 0024| (1) the maximum amount of any administrative | 0025| penalty shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) for any | - 89 - 0001| one violation of the Petroleum Products Standards Act by any | 0002| person; | 0003| (2) violations for which administrative | 0004| penalties may be assessed shall be clearly defined, along with | 0005| a scale of administrative penalties relating the amount of the | 0006| administrative penalty to the severity and frequency of the | 0007| violation; | 0008| (3) provisions shall be included for due | 0009| process, including proper notification of administrative | 0010| proceedings, right to discovery of charges and evidence and | 0011| appeal procedures; and | 0012| (4) prior to assessing administrative | 0013| penalties pursuant to the provisions of the Petroleum Products | 0014| Standards Act, the department shall comply with Paragraphs (2) | 0015| and (3) of this subsection. | 0016| D. Appeals from decisions of the director regarding | 0017| the assessment of an administrative penalty shall be to the | 0018| district court ~[in the county where the violation is alleged | 0019| to have occurred. The appeal shall be limited to the record of | 0020| the administrative proceedings, except that in cases of alleged | 0021| irregularities not shown in the record, testimony may be | 0022| taken]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0023| 1978|." | 0024| Section 52. Section 58-1-45 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1963, | 0025| Chapter 305, Section 34) is amended to read: | - 90 - 0001| "58-1-45. COURT REVIEW.--~[A.]~ Any person aggrieved | 0002| and directly affected by an order of the ~[commissioner]~ | 0003| |director| may appeal to the district court ~[in the county in | 0004| which said person resides or maintains his principal office | 0005| within thirty days after issuance of the order. The filing of | 0006| a petition for review shall not stay enforcement of an order, | 0007| but the court may order a stay upon such terms as it deems | 0008| proper. | 0009| B. The court may affirm the order of the | 0010| commissioner, may direct the commissioner to take action as may | 0011| be affirmatively required by law or may reverse or modify the | 0012| order of the commissioner ||if the court finds the order: | 0013| (1) was issued pursuant to an unconstitutional | 0014| statutory provision; | 0015| (2) was in excess of statutory authority; | 0016| (3) was issued upon unlawful procedure; or | 0017| (4) is not supported by substantial evidence | 0018| in the record. | 0019| Due weight shall be accorded the experience, technical | 0020| competence and specialized knowledge of the commissioner ||as | 0021| well as the discretionary authority conferred upon him. | 0022| C. The decision of the district court shall be | 0023| subject to appeal as in other civil cases]~ |pursuant to the | 0024| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0025| Section 53. Section 58-10-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | - 91 - 0001| Chapter 61, Section 13) is amended to read: | 0002| "58-10-13. REFUSAL OF CHARTER APPLICATION--APPEAL.-- | 0003| A. Whenever the supervisor is unable to make the | 0004| findings required by Section ~[12 of the Savings and Loan Act]~ | 0005| |58-10-12 NMSA 1978|, he shall serve upon each party of record | 0006| and his attorney, if any, a written copy of his decision | 0007| denying the application by certified mail to the party's | 0008| address of record. All parties shall be deemed to have been | 0009| served on the tenth day following the mailing. The decision | 0010| shall include: | 0011| (1) findings of fact made by the supervisor; | 0012| (2) conclusions of law reached by the | 0013| supervisor; and | 0014| (3) the decision of the supervisor based upon | 0015| the findings of fact and conclusions of law. | 0016| B. Any party aggrieved by the decision of the | 0017| supervisor may appeal the decision to the district court ~[of | 0018| the county in which the principal office of the association is | 0019| located by filing a notice of appeal with the clerk of the | 0020| court within thirty days after service of the decision of the | 0021| supervisor. Notice of the appeal shall be served on the | 0022| supervisor and all parties of record in the manner provided by | 0023| law for the service of a summons in civil actions. The notice | 0024| of appeal shall contain a certification that arrangements have | 0025| been made with the supervisor for preparation at the | - 92 - 0001| appellant's expense of a sufficient number of copies of the | 0002| record of the hearing. The record of the hearing shall | 0003| include: | 0004| (1) all pleadings, motions and intermediate | 0005| rulings; | 0006| (2) evidence received or considered; | 0007| (3) a statement of matters officially noticed; | 0008| (4) questions and offers of proof, objections | 0009| and rulings thereon; | 0010| (5) any proposed findings submitted; | 0011| (6) the decision of the supervisor and any | 0012| decision, opinion or report by any hearing examiner conducting | 0013| the hearing; and | 0014| (7) a transcript of the testimony presented. | 0015| C. Upon review, the district court shall not | 0016| consider any errors in the decision of the supervisor which | 0017| were not raised in the hearing before the supervisor. The | 0018| review shall be upon the record of the hearing before the | 0019| supervisor, and no new evidence shall be introduced upon | 0020| appeal. The decision of the supervisor shall be sustained | 0021| unless the court finds that the decision was: | 0022| (1) contrary to law; | 0023| (2) arbitrary or capricious; or | 0024| (3) against the clear weight of substantial | 0025| evidence on the record]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section | - 93 - 0001| 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0002| Section 54. Section 58-10-84 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0003| Chapter 61, Section 81) is amended to read: | 0004| "58-10-84. WHEN ORDER IS FINAL--APPEAL.-- | 0005| A. If a hearing has been held in regard to an order | 0006| made ~[under Sections 78 or 79 the Savings and Loan Act]~ | 0007| |pursuant to Section 58-10-80 or 58-10-81 NMSA 1978| and the | 0008| supervisor's order is continued either in its original form or | 0009| a modified form, the order is final when the supervisor enters | 0010| |his decision| in the record of the hearing ~[his decision]~ | 0011| after the hearing. If no hearing is requested on the order, | 0012| the order is final after the expiration of thirty days from the | 0013| date the order is entered by the supervisor. | 0014| B. The supervisor's decision after any hearing | 0015| under the Savings and Loan Act shall be served on each party of | 0016| record and shall contain the same elements |as| required in | 0017| Section ~[13 of the Savings and Loan Act]~ |58-10-13 NMSA | 0018| 1978|. Any party aggrieved by the decision of the supervisor | 0019| after hearing may appeal to the district court ~[in the county | 0020| in which the party resides or in which its principal office is | 0021| located]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0022| 1978|." | 0023| Section 55. Section 58-13A-21 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0024| 1985, Chapter 163, Section 21) is amended to read: | 0025| "58-13A-21. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ORDERS.-- | - 94 - 0001| A. Any person aggrieved by a final order of the | 0002| director may obtain a review of the order in the ~[court of | 0003| appeals by filing in court, within thirty days after the entry | 0004| of the order, a written petition praying that the order be | 0005| modified or set aside in whole or in part. A copy of the | 0006| petition for review shall be served upon the director. | 0007| B. Upon the filing of a petition for review, except | 0008| where the taking of additional evidence is ordered by the court | 0009| pursuant to Subsection E or F of this section, the court shall | 0010| have exclusive jurisdiction of the matter, and the director may | 0011| not modify or set aside the order, in whole or part]~ |district | 0012| court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0013| ~[C.]~ |B|. The filing of ~[a petition for review | 0014| under]~ |an appeal pursuant to| Subsection A of this section | 0015| does not, unless specifically ordered by the court, operate as | 0016| a stay of the director's order, and the director may enforce or | 0017| ask the court to enforce the order pending the outcome of the | 0018| review proceedings. | 0019| ~[D. Upon receipt of the petition for review, the | 0020| director shall certify and file in the court a copy of the | 0021| order and the transcript or record of the evidence upon which | 0022| it was based. If the order became final by operation of law | 0023| under Subsection D of Section 20 of the Model State Commodity | 0024| Code, the director shall certify and file in court the summary | 0025| order, evidence of its service upon the parties to it and an | - 95 - 0001| affidavit certifying that no hearing has been held and the | 0002| order became final pursuant to Subsection D of Section 20 of | 0003| the Model State Commodity Code||. | 0004| E. If either the aggrieved party or the director | 0005| applies to the court for leave to adduce additional evidence | 0006| and shows to the satisfaction of the court that there were | 0007| reasonable grounds for failure to adduce the evidence in the | 0008| hearing before the director or other good cause, the court may | 0009| order the additional evidence to be taken by the director under | 0010| such conditions as the court considers proper. | 0011| F. If new evidence is ordered taken by the court, | 0012| the director may modify the findings and order by reason of the | 0013| additional evidence and shall file in the court the additional | 0014| evidence together with any modified or new findings or order. | 0015| G. The court shall review the petition based upon | 0016| the original record before the director as amended under | 0017| Subsections E and F of this section. The findings of the | 0018| director as to the facts, if supported by competent, material | 0019| and substantive evidence, are conclusive. Based upon this | 0020| review, the court may affirm, modify, enforce or set aside the | 0021| order, in whole or in part. | 0022| H. The judgment of the court is subject to review | 0023| by the supreme court.]" | 0024| Section 56. Section 58-13B-56 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0025| 1986, Chapter 7, Section 56) is amended to read: | - 96 - 0001| "58-13B-56. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ORDERS.-- | 0002| A. Any person aggrieved by a final order of the | 0003| director may obtain a review of the order in the [court of | 0004| appeals by filing in court, within thirty days after the entry | 0005| of the order, a written petition praying that the order be | 0006| modified or set aside in whole or in part. A copy of the | 0007| petition for review shall be served upon the director. | 0008| B. Upon the filing of a petition for review, except | 0009| where the taking of additional evidence is ordered by the court | 0010| pursuant to Subsection E or F of this section, the court shall | 0011| have exclusive jurisdiction of the matter, and the director may | 0012| not modify or set aside the order, in whole or part]~ |district | 0013| court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0014| ~[C.]~ |B|. The filing of ~[a petition for review | 0015| under]~ |an appeal pursuant to| Subsection A of this section | 0016| does not, unless specifically ordered by the court, operate as | 0017| a stay of the director's order, and the director may enforce or | 0018| ask the court to enforce the order pending the outcome of the | 0019| review proceedings. | 0020| ~[D. Upon receipt of the petition for review, the | 0021| director shall certify and file in the court: | 0022| (1) a copy of the order; and | 0023| (2) if the order was issued following a | 0024| hearing, the transcript or record of the evidence upon which | 0025| the order was based or, if the order became final by operation | - 97 - 0001| of law pursuant to Subsection D of Section 53 of the New Mexico | 0002| Securities Act of 1986, record of notification to all parties | 0003| against whom action is taken or contemplated of the entry of | 0004| the order and an affidavit certifying that no hearing was held | 0005| because the party requesting a hearing did not appear or the | 0006| time period for requesting such hearing has expired. | 0007| E. If either the aggrieved party or the director | 0008| applies to the court for leave to adduce additional evidence, | 0009| and shows to the satisfaction of the court that there were | 0010| reasonable grounds for failure to adduce the evidence at the | 0011| hearing before the director or other good cause, the court may | 0012| order the additional evidence to be taken by the director under | 0013| such conditions as the court considers proper. | 0014| F. If new evidence is ordered taken by the court, | 0015| the director may modify the findings and order by reason of the | 0016| additional evidence and shall file in the court the additional | 0017| evidence together with any modified or new findings or order. | 0018| G. The court shall review the petition based upon | 0019| the original record before the director as amended under | 0020| Subsections E and F of this section. The findings of the | 0021| director as to the facts, if supported by competent, material | 0022| and substantive evidence, are conclusive. Based upon this | 0023| review, the court may affirm, modify, enforce or set aside the | 0024| order, in whole or in part. | 0025| H. The judgment of the court is subject to review | - 98 - 0001| by the supreme court.]~" | 0002| Section 57. Section 58-15-25 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1955, | 0003| Chapter 128, Section 23, as amended) is amended to read: | 0004| "58-15-25. REVIEW.--~[A. Any interested party to a | 0005| formal hearing before the director may, within twenty days | 0006| after written notice of his decision, file an application | 0007| before the director for a rehearing. | 0008| B. Within twenty days after notice of the | 0009| director's decision or of notice that the application for a | 0010| rehearing is denied, or, if the application is granted, within | 0011| twenty days after notice of the rendition of a decision on the | 0012| rehearing, any interested party may apply to the district court | 0013| of Santa Fe county for a writ of certiorari or review for the | 0014| purpose of having the lawfulness of the original order inquired | 0015| into and determined. Such writ shall be made returnable not | 0016| later than twenty days after the date of the issuance thereof | 0017| and shall direct the director to certify his record, which | 0018| shall include all the proceedings and the evidence taken in the | 0019| case, to the court. No new or additional evidence may be | 0020| introduced in such court except such as may have been | 0021| wrongfully excluded by the director, and the cause shall be | 0022| heard de novo on the law and the facts as disclosed by the | 0023| record of the director and such additional evidence. | 0024| C. The director, the attorney general and any | 0025| party to the hearing or proceeding before the director and any | - 99 - 0001| other person the court shall determine to be necessary to a | 0002| complete adjudication shall have the right to appear in the | 0003| review proceeding. Upon the hearing, the court shall enter | 0004| judgment either affirming the director's order or directing | 0005| what order the director shall issue. | 0006| D. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure | 0007| relating to writs of certiorari or writ of review shall, so far | 0008| as applicable and not in conflict with the New Mexico Small | 0009| Loan Act of 1955, apply to proceedings in the courts under the | 0010| provisions of the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955. | 0011| E. The writ of injunction shall not be available to | 0012| any person to suspend or delay the director from conducting | 0013| hearings relating to the granting or denial of applications for | 0014| licenses hereunder or revocation or suspension proceedings | 0015| unless and until the director shall have entered a final order | 0016| thereon, it being intended that ||review proceedings | 0017| hereinabove provided for ||shall be the exclusive remedy in | 0018| such matters. No court except the district court of Santa Fe | 0019| county and the supreme court shall have jurisdiction to review, | 0020| reverse or annul or to suspend or delay the operation or | 0021| execution of any order of the director relating to the granting | 0022| or denial, revocation or suspension of licenses hereunder; but, | 0023| as regards to any other matter, any person aggrieved by any | 0024| order or act of the director shall not be limited in his manner | 0025| or method of proceeding but may proceed by any applicable | - 100 - 0001| proceeding provided or recognized by law and]~ Any licensee or | 0002| any person ~[considering himself]~ aggrieved by any act or | 0003| order of the director ~[hereunder other than as above specified | 0004| ||may, within thirty days from the entry of the order | 0005| complained of or within sixty days of the act complained of if | 0006| there is no order, bring an action in the district court to | 0007| review such ||order or act]~ |pursuant to the New Mexico Small | 0008| Loan Act of 1995 may file and appeal in the district court | 0009| pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0010| Section 58. Section 58-19-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1959, | 0011| Chapter 204, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0012| "58-19-4. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSES--RENEWAL | 0013| LICENSE DENIED|--APPEALS|.-- | 0014| A. Renewal of a license originally granted under | 0015| the Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Act may be denied or a license | 0016| may be suspended or revoked by the director on any of the | 0017| following grounds: | 0018| (1) material misstatement in application for | 0019| license; | 0020| (2) willful failure to comply with any | 0021| provision of that act relating to retail installment contracts; | 0022| (3) defrauding any retail buyer to the buyer's | 0023| detriment while a licensee ~[hereunder]~ |under that act|; | 0024| (4) fraudulent misrepresentation, | 0025| circumvention or concealment by the licensee through whatever | - 101 - 0001| subterfuge or device of any of the material particulars | 0002| required to be stated or furnished to the retail buyer under | 0003| that act; or | 0004| (5) during the course of examination, the | 0005| licensee intentionally furnished the examiner or duly | 0006| authorized representative with false or misleading information | 0007| so as to prevent discovery of apparent violations of that act. | 0008| B. If a licensee is a firm, association or | 0009| corporation, it shall be sufficient cause for the suspension or | 0010| revocation of a license that any officer, director or trustee | 0011| of a licensed firm, association or corporation, or any member | 0012| of a licensed partnership, has ~[so]~ acted or failed to act in | 0013| the conduct of the business under its license as would be cause | 0014| for suspending or revoking a license to ~[such]~ |the| person | 0015| as an individual. Each licensee shall be responsible for the | 0016| acts of any of its employees while acting as its agent, if | 0017| ~[such]~ |the |licensee after actual knowledge of the acts | 0018| retained the benefits, proceeds, profits or advantages accruing | 0019| from the acts or otherwise ratified the acts. | 0020| C. No license shall be denied, suspended or revoked | 0021| except after hearing ~[thereon]~. The director shall give the | 0022| licensee at least ten days' written notice, in the form of an | 0023| order to show cause, of the time and place of ~[such]~ |the| | 0024| hearing by certified mail addressed to the principal place of | 0025| business. The notice shall contain the grounds of complaint | - 102 - 0001| against the licensee. Any order suspending or revoking | 0002| ~[such]~| a| license shall recite the grounds upon which the | 0003| ~[same]~ |order |is based. The order shall be entered upon the | 0004| records of the director and shall not be effective until after | 0005| thirty days' written notice thereof, given after ~[such]~ |the| | 0006| entry, forwarded by certified mail to the licensee at ~[such]~ | 0007| |his| principal place of business. No revocation, suspension | 0008| or surrender of any license shall impair or affect the | 0009| obligation of any lawful retail installment contract acquired | 0010| previously ~[thereto]~ by the licensee. | 0011| ~[D. Within thirty days after any such denial, | 0012| suspension or revocation of a license, the person aggrieved may | 0013| apply for a review thereof by an application to the district | 0014| court of the county in which the applicant resides in | 0015| accordance with the practice of the court. The court shall | 0016| determine, de novo, all questions both of fact and of law | 0017| touching upon the legality and reasonableness of the | 0018| determination of the director and shall render such judgment as | 0019| shall be lawful and just.]~ | 0020| | D. A person aggrieved by the denial, suspension or | 0021| revocation of a license may file an appeal to the district | 0022| court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978.| | 0023| E. The director shall publish a notice that a | 0024| license has been revoked or suspended within thirty days after | 0025| ~[such]~ |the| revocation or suspension in a newspaper of | - 103 - 0001| general circulation in the county in which the licensee was | 0002| doing business." | 0003| Section 59. Section 58-21-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1983, | 0004| Chapter 86, Section 16) is amended to read: | 0005| "58-21-16. REVIEW OF ORDER OF DIRECTOR.-- | 0006| A. Any person aggrieved by a final order of the | 0007| director may ~[obtain a review of the order in the district | 0008| court of the first judicial district of Santa Fe county by | 0009| filing in court, within thirty days after the entry of the | 0010| order, a written petition praying that the order be modified or | 0011| set aside in whole or in part. A copy of the petition shall be | 0012| served upon the director, and, thereupon, the director shall | 0013| certify and file in court a copy of the filing and evidence | 0014| upon which the order was entered. The findings of the director | 0015| as to the facts, if supported by competent, material and | 0016| substantial evidence, are conclusive. If either party applies | 0017| to the court for leave to adduce additional material evidence | 0018| and shows to the satisfaction of the court that there were | 0019| reasonable grounds for failure to adduce the evidence in the | 0020| hearing before the director and to be adduced upon the hearing | 0021| in such manner and upon such conditions as the court considers | 0022| proper, the director may modify his findings and order by | 0023| reason of the additional evidence together with any modified or | 0024| new findings or order]~ |appeal to the district court pursuant | 0025| to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | - 104 - 0001| B. The commencement of the proceedings under | 0002| Subsection A of this section does not, unless specifically | 0003| ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the director's | 0004| order." | 0005| Section 60. Section 58-22-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1983, | 0006| Chapter 135, Section 29) is amended to read: | 0007| "58-22-29. REVIEW OF ORDER OF DIRECTOR.-- | 0008| A. Any person aggrieved by a final order of the | 0009| director may ~[obtain a review of the order in the district | 0010| court of the first judicial district of Santa Fe county by | 0011| filing in court, within thirty days after the entry of the | 0012| order, a written petition praying that the order be modified or | 0013| set aside in whole or in part. A copy of the petition shall be | 0014| forthwith served upon the director, and the director shall | 0015| certify and file in court a copy of the filing and evidence | 0016| upon which the order was entered. The findings of the director | 0017| as to the facts, if supported by competent, material and | 0018| substantial evidence, are conclusive]~ |appeal to the district | 0019| court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0020| B. The commencement of proceedings ~[under]~ | 0021| |pursuant to| Subsection A of this section does not, unless | 0022| specifically ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the | 0023| director's order." | 0024| Section 61. Section 59A-4-20 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | 0025| Chapter 127, Section 67, as amended) is amended to read: | - 105 - 0001| "59A-4-20. APPEAL TO COURT.-- | 0002| A. A party may appeal from an order of the | 0003| superintendent made after an informal hearing or an | 0004| administrative hearing. ~[and the court shall try the matter de | 0005| novo; provided that if an administrative hearing was held, the | 0006| court may, in its discretion, limit its review to that provided | 0007| in Section 12-8-22 NMSA 1978, in which case Sections 12-8-17 | 0008| through 12-8-22 NMSA 1978 shall apply. | 0009| B. The appeal shall be taken within sixty days | 0010| after receipt, by the party appealing, of a copy of the | 0011| decision from the review of the superintendent's order by the | 0012| corporation commission or insurance board, if such review is | 0013| sought. If no such review is sought, the appeal shall be taken | 0014| within sixty days after receipt of a copy of the | 0015| superintendent's order by the party appealing. | 0016| C. The appeal shall be taken to the district court | 0017| for Santa Fe county in the same manner and under the same rules | 0018| of pleading, practice and procedure in civil actions as apply | 0019| to appeals to court from actions of state administrative | 0020| officers or agencies in general. | 0021| D. Filing of an appeal pursuant to this section | 0022| shall not stay the effectiveness of the order on hearing | 0023| appealed from unless, after notice and opportunity given the | 0024| parties to be heard and for good cause shown, the court | 0025| determines that a stay should be granted and would not be | - 106 - 0001| detrimental to the interests of any other party or to | 0002| policyholders, stockholders, creditors or to the public. | 0003| E. The district court may affirm, reinstate, modify | 0004| or vacate the order appealed from or remand for rehearing by | 0005| the superintendent as to designated matters involved in the | 0006| hearing. The judgment of the district court may be appealed to | 0007| the court of appeals or to the supreme court of New Mexico.] | 0008| |The appeal shall be taken to the district court pursuant to | 0009| the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978.| | 0010| [F.]~ |B|. This section shall not apply as to | 0011| matters arising ~[under]~ |pursuant to| Chapter 59A, Article 17 | 0012| NMSA 1978." | 0013| Section 62. Section 59A-11A-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0014| 1989, Chapter 97, Section 4) is amended to read: | 0015| "59A-11A-4. INSURANCE CONSULTANT LICENSE--SUSPENSION OR | 0016| REVOCATION--APPEAL--PENALTY.-- | 0017| A. The superintendent may revoke the license of an | 0018| insurance consultant or suspend it for a period not exceeding | 0019| the expiration date of the license for any good cause shown as | 0020| provided in the Insurance Code. The superintendent shall | 0021| revoke or suspend a license only upon notice and hearing as | 0022| provided in the Insurance Code. | 0023| B. Any person aggrieved by the action of the | 0024| superintendent in revoking, suspending or refusing to grant, | 0025| renew or reissue a license may appeal that action ~[as provided | - 107 - 0001| in the Insurance Code]~ |to the district court pursuant to the | 0002| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0003| C. The superintendent may at any time require such | 0004| information as he deems necessary in respect to the business | 0005| methods, policies and transactions of a licensee. Any person | 0006| who fails or refuses to furnish the superintendent in the form | 0007| he may require any such information within ten days after | 0008| receiving a written request for it is guilty of a misdemeanor | 0009| and upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty dollars | 0010| ($50.00) ~[nor]~ |or| more than five hundred dollars ($500)." | 0011| Section 63. Section 59A-17-35 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0012| 1984, Chapter 127, Section 330, as amended) is amended to read: | 0013| "59A-17-35. APPEALS FROM INSURANCE BOARD.--~[A.]~ Any | 0014| order made by the insurance board pursuant to Section 59A-17-34 | 0015| NMSA 1978 shall be subject to review by appeal to the district | 0016| court ~[of Santa Fe county in the same manner as provided for | 0017| taking of appeals in other civil actions]~ |pursuant to the | 0018| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. Upon institution of | 0019| the appeal and for good cause shown upon motion and hearing, | 0020| the court may, in the following cases, stay operation of the | 0021| insurance board's order: | 0022| ~[(1)]~ |A|. where, pursuant to Chapter 59A, | 0023| Article 17 NMSA 1978, a rate service organization has been | 0024| refused a license or an insurer has been refused a certificate | 0025| of authority or had its license or certificate of authority | - 108 - 0001| suspended, it may, with leave of court, be allowed to continue | 0002| to engage in business, subject to the provisions of that | 0003| article, pending final disposition of its application for | 0004| review; or | 0005| ~[(2)]~ |B|. where any order of the insurance board | 0006| shall provide for, or sustain the superintendent's order for, a | 0007| change in any rate or rating system ~[which]~ |that| results in | 0008| an increase or decrease in rates, any insurer affected | 0009| ~[thereby]~ may, with leave of court pending final disposition | 0010| of the proceedings in the district court, continue to charge | 0011| rates ~[which]~ |that| existed prior to such order, on | 0012| condition that the difference in the rates be deposited in a | 0013| special escrow or trust account with a reputable financial | 0014| institution by the insurer affected, to be held in trust by | 0015| such insurer and to be retained by the insurer or paid to the | 0016| holders of policies issued after the order of the court, as the | 0017| court may determine. | 0018| ~[B. The court shall sustain the administrative | 0019| action appealed from unless the court finds such action to have | 0020| been unlawful or arbitrary or capricious or not based upon | 0021| substantial evidence and after giving due consideration to the | 0022| expertise of the superintendent and insurance board.]~" | 0023| Section 64. Section 59A-29-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, | 0024| Chapter 61, Section 6, as amended) is amended to read: | 0025| "59A-29-6. APPEALS--JUDICIAL REVIEW ~[DE NOVO]~.-- | - 109 - 0001| |A|. ~[Any]~ |A| person aggrieved by ~[any]~ |an| | 0002| action or decision of the administrators of the FAIR plan or | 0003| the underwriting association or of any insurer as a result of | 0004| its participation ~[therein]~ may appeal to the superintendent | 0005| ~[of insurance]~ within thirty days from the date of the action | 0006| or the decision. The superintendent ~[of insurance]~ shall, | 0007| after hearing held upon thirty days' written notice, issue an | 0008| order approving the action or decision or disapproving the | 0009| action or decision with respect to the matter ~[which]~ |that| | 0010| is the subject of appeal. | 0011| |B|. All final orders and decisions of the | 0012| superintendent ~[of insurance]~ shall be subject to judicial | 0013| review ~[de novo]~ |in the district court pursuant to the | 0014| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0015| Section 65. Section 59A-30-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, | 0016| Chapter 28, Section 9) is amended to read: | 0017| "59A-30-9. REVIEW--APPEALS.--~[A. Any]~ |A| person | 0018| aggrieved by an order of the superintendent promulgating rates | 0019| under the New Mexico Title Insurance Law shall have the rights | 0020| to review and appeal provided for in ~[Section]~ |Sections| | 0021| 59A-17-34 ~[NMSA 1978]~ and ~[Section]~ 59A-17-35 NMSA 1978. | 0022| ~[B. Any party may appeal the decision of the | 0023| district court under Section 59A-17-35 NMSA 1978 to the supreme | 0024| court in the same manner as provided for the taking of appeals | 0025| in other civil actions.]~" | - 110 - 0001| Section 66. Section 59A-42-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0002| 1984, Chapter 127, Section 761) is amended to read: | 0003| "59A-42-12. APPEALS.-- | 0004| A. ~[Any]~ |A| member insurer may appeal to the | 0005| superintendent from ~[any]~ |an| action of the board of | 0006| directors of the association by filing with the superintendent | 0007| a notice of appeal within thirty ~[(30)]~ days after the action | 0008| appealed from. | 0009| B. ~[Any]~ |A| final order of the superintendent on | 0010| appeal is subject to judicial review by an action in the | 0011| district court ~[of Santa Fe county to set aside the order as | 0012| being unlawful or not supported by substantial evidence. If an | 0013| action for judicial review is not filed within thirty (30) days | 0014| after the superintendent's order on appeal, the order becomes | 0015| final and conclusive]~ |pursuant to the provisions of | 0016| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0017| Section 67. Section 59A-43-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0018| 1984, Chapter 127, Section 780) is amended to read: | 0019| "59A-43-14. APPEALS.-- | 0020| A. ~[Any]~ |A| claimant whose claim is denied in | 0021| whole or in part by the association may, pursuant to ~[this | 0022| article]~ |Chapter 59A, Article 43 NMSA 1978|, request the | 0023| receivership court to review the decision of the association. | 0024| ~[Any such]~ |A| request for review shall be filed within | 0025| thirty ~[(30)]~ days of ~[such]~ |the| denial. The | - 111 - 0001| receivership court shall have jurisdiction of all ~[such]~ | 0002| claims and the decision of the court shall be binding on both | 0003| the claimant and the association. | 0004| B. ~[Any]~ |A| member insurer may appeal to the | 0005| superintendent from ~[any]~ |an| action of the board of | 0006| directors of the association by filing with the superintendent | 0007| a notice of appeal within thirty ~[(30)]~ days after the action | 0008| appealed from. | 0009| C. ~[Any]~ |A| final order of the superintendent on | 0010| appeal is subject to judicial review by an action in the | 0011| district court ~[of Santa Fe county to set aside the order as | 0012| being unlawful or not supported by substantial evidence. If an | 0013| action for judicial review is not filed within thirty (30) days | 0014| after the superintendent's order on appeal, the order becomes | 0015| final and conclusive]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section | 0016| 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0017| Section 68. Section 59A-47-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0018| 1984, Chapter 127, Section 879.28) is amended to read: | 0019| "59A-47-29. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES|--APPEAL|.--The | 0020| parties to ~[any]~ |a| dispute between a health care plan and | 0021| ~[any]~ |a| purveyor arising out of a health care expense | 0022| payments contract may submit the dispute to the superintendent | 0023| for his final decision ~[thereon]~ and ~[such]~ |his| final | 0024| decision shall then be binding upon the parties to ~[such]~ | 0025| |the| contract. ~[except, that any such party, within thirty | - 112 - 0001| (30) days following filing of such decision but not thereafter, | 0002| may file in a court of competent jurisdiction any action or | 0003| proceeding relating to the subject matter of the dispute which | 0004| might have been filed in absence of this provision]~ |A party | 0005| to the contract may seek review of the superintendent's | 0006| decision by filing an appeal in the district court pursuant to | 0007| the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978.|" | 0008| Section 69. Section 59A-52-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0009| 1984, Chapter 127, Section 968) is amended to read: | 0010| "59A-52-22. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ORDER.--~[Any]~ |A| | 0011| person ~[may, within thirty (30) days after the state fire | 0012| board has filed its decision, appeal to the district court of | 0013| Santa Fe county for a review of the decision. The appeal shall | 0014| be taken by filing a petition for review in the district court | 0015| of Santa Fe county setting forth the grounds of complaint | 0016| against the decision. All rules of pleading, practice and | 0017| procedure in force with respect to civil actions shall apply to | 0018| such actions insofar as they are applicable. The judgment of | 0019| the district court in any such action may be appealed to the | 0020| supreme court as in the case of other civil actions]~ | 0021| |aggrieved by a decision of the state fire board may appeal to | 0022| the district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A- | 0023| 1 NMSA 1978|." | 0024| Section 70. Section 60-2B-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0025| Chapter 259, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | - 113 - 0001| "60-2B-4. LICENSING AUTHORITY--POWERS--DUTIES|-- | 0002| HEARINGS--APPEALS|.-- | 0003| A. The regulation and licensing department is | 0004| designated as the "licensing authority" of the Bingo and Raffle | 0005| Act. The superintendent of regulation and licensing is the | 0006| executive in charge of enforcement of the terms and provisions | 0007| of that act and, as the state licensing authority, has the | 0008| powers and duties as follows: | 0009| (1) to grant or refuse licenses under the | 0010| Bingo and Raffle Act. In addition, the licensing authority has | 0011| the power, on its own motion based on reasonable grounds or on | 0012| complaint made and after investigation by the special | 0013| investigations division of the |department of| public safety | 0014| ~[department]~ and public hearing at which the licensee shall | 0015| be afforded an opportunity to be heard, to assess | 0016| administrative fines to the licensee and to suspend or revoke | 0017| any license issued by the licensing authority for any violation | 0018| by the licensee or any officer, director, agent, member or | 0019| employee of the licensee of the provisions of that act or any | 0020| rule or regulation authorized under that act. Notice of | 0021| suspension or revocation, as well as notice of the hearing, | 0022| shall be given by certified mail to the licensee at the address | 0023| contained in the license. Any license may be temporarily | 0024| suspended for a period not to exceed thirty days pending any | 0025| prosecution, investigation or public hearing; | - 114 - 0001| (2) to supervise the administration of the | 0002| Bingo and Raffle Act and to adopt, amend and repeal rules and | 0003| regulations governing the holding, operating and conducting of | 0004| games of chance, the rental of premises and the purchase of | 0005| equipment to the end that games of chance shall be held, | 0006| operated and conducted only by licensees for the purposes and | 0007| in conformity with the constitution of New Mexico and the | 0008| provisions of that act; | 0009| (3) to hear and determine at public hearings | 0010| all complaints against any licensee and to administer oaths and | 0011| issue subpoenas to require the presence of persons and | 0012| production of papers, books and records necessary to the | 0013| determination of any hearing ~[so]~ held; | 0014| (4) to keep records of all actions and | 0015| transactions of the licensing authority; | 0016| (5) to prepare and transmit annually, in the | 0017| form and manner prescribed by the licensing authority pursuant | 0018| to the provisions of law, a report accounting to the governor | 0019| and the legislature for the efficient discharge of all | 0020| responsibilities assigned by law or directive to the licensing | 0021| authority; and | 0022| (6) to issue publications of the licensing | 0023| authority intended for circulation in quantity outside the | 0024| executive branch in accordance with fiscal rules promulgated by | 0025| the licensing authority. | - 115 - 0001| B. Proceedings brought against a licensee for a | 0002| violation of the Bingo and Raffle Act shall be brought by the | 0003| licensing authority by serving, in the manner provided in the | 0004| rules of civil procedure, a complaint upon the licensee and | 0005| notifying the licensee of the place and date, not less than | 0006| twenty days after the date of service, at which a hearing shall | 0007| be held. The complaint shall set forth, in the manner of | 0008| complaints in civil action, the violations of the Bingo and | 0009| Raffle Act or the rules and regulations of the licensing | 0010| authority ~[which]~ |that| the licensing authority alleges the | 0011| licensee has committed. The licensing authority or the | 0012| |department of| public safety ~[department]~ may stop the | 0013| operation of a game of chance pending hearing, in which case | 0014| the hearing shall be held within ten days after notice. | 0015| C. The licensing authority shall cause the notice | 0016| of hearing to be served personally upon an officer of the | 0017| licensee or the member in charge of the conduct of the game of | 0018| chance or to be sent by registered or certified mail to the | 0019| licensee at the address shown in the license. | 0020| D. When proceedings are brought against a licensee | 0021| for a violation of the Bingo and Raffle Act, the licensing | 0022| authority shall hear the matter and make written findings in | 0023| support of its decision. The licensee shall be informed | 0024| immediately of the decision and, in the event of a suspension | 0025| or revocation, the effective date of the suspension or | - 116 - 0001| revocation. | 0002| E. For the first violation by a licensee of the | 0003| Bingo and Raffle Act, the licensing authority may assess an | 0004| administrative fine of not to exceed one thousand dollars | 0005| ($1,000). For a second or subsequent violation by the licensee | 0006| of that act, the licensing authority may assess an | 0007| administrative fine of not to exceed two thousand five hundred | 0008| dollars ($2,500). The amount of the administrative fine shall | 0009| be determined by the severity and nature of the violation of | 0010| the Bingo and Raffle Act and by the number of prior violations | 0011| of that act. | 0012| F. When a license is ordered suspended or revoked, | 0013| the licensee shall surrender the license to the licensing | 0014| authority on or before the effective date of the suspension or | 0015| revocation. No license is valid beyond the effective date of | 0016| the suspension or revocation, whether surrendered or not. | 0017| G. Upon the finding of a violation of the Bingo and | 0018| Raffle Act or the rules and regulations, or both, that would | 0019| warrant the suspension or revocation of a license, the | 0020| licensing authority, in addition to any other penalties | 0021| ~[which]~ |that| may be imposed, may declare the violator | 0022| ineligible to conduct a game of chance and to apply for a | 0023| license under that act for a period not exceeding twelve | 0024| months. The declaration of ineligibility may be extended to | 0025| include, in addition to the violator, any of its subsidiary | - 117 - 0001| organizations, its parent organization or an organization | 0002| otherwise affiliated with the violator when in the opinion of | 0003| the licensing authority the circumstances of the violation | 0004| warrant that action. | 0005| H. Upon receipt by a licensee of a complaint signed | 0006| by the licensing authority and notice of a hearing, the | 0007| licensee shall answer, in the manner of civil actions, the | 0008| complaint and inform the licensing authority whether oral | 0009| argument is desired and whether the licensee desires to produce | 0010| witnesses. | 0011| I. At the request of any party and for good cause | 0012| shown, the licensing authority or the |department of| public | 0013| safety ~[department]~ shall issue subpoenas for the attendance | 0014| of witnesses and the production of books, records and other | 0015| documents, but in no case shall a subpoena be made returnable | 0016| more than five days after service. | 0017| J. Whenever oral testimony of witnesses is taken at | 0018| the hearing, the licensing authority or the |department of| | 0019| public safety ~[department]~ shall have a certified reporter | 0020| present to prepare a record of the proceedings. The original | 0021| transcript shall be filed with the licensing authority. Any | 0022| party is entitled to secure a copy from the reporter at his own | 0023| expense. | 0024| K. Hearings may be convened by the licensing | 0025| authority from time to time at the request of any party, but | - 118 - 0001| only for good cause shown. Hearings shall be held and | 0002| concluded with reasonable dispatch and without unnecessary | 0003| delay. The licensing authority shall decide any matter within | 0004| thirty days of the hearing. | 0005| L. Upon the determination of any matter heard, the | 0006| licensing authority shall state its findings. All parties | 0007| shall be notified by the licensing authority of the action of | 0008| the licensing authority and shall be furnished a copy of the | 0009| findings. | 0010| M. Applicants for a license or the licensee may be | 0011| represented by counsel. | 0012| N. Any person appearing before the licensing | 0013| authority in a representative capacity shall be required to | 0014| show his authority to act in that capacity. | 0015| O. No person shall be excused from testifying or | 0016| producing any book or document in any investigation or hearing | 0017| when ordered to do so by the licensing authority upon the | 0018| ground that testimony or documentary evidence required of him | 0019| may tend to incriminate or subject him to penalty or | 0020| forfeiture, but no person may be prosecuted, punished or | 0021| subjected to any penalty or forfeiture on account of any matter | 0022| or thing concerning which he, under oath, testified or produced | 0023| documentary evidence, except that he shall not be exempt from | 0024| prosecution or punishment for any perjury committed by him in | 0025| his testimony. | - 119 - 0001| P. If a person subpoenaed to attend in any | 0002| investigation or hearing fails to obey the command of the | 0003| subpoena without reasonable cause or if a person in attendance | 0004| in any investigation or hearing refuses, without lawful cause, | 0005| to be examined or to answer a legal or pertinent question or to | 0006| exhibit any book, account, record or other document when | 0007| ordered to do so by the representative of the licensing | 0008| authority holding the hearing or by the |department of| public | 0009| safety ~[department]~ performing the investigation, the | 0010| licensing authority or the |department of| public safety | 0011| ~[department]~ may apply to any judge of the district court, | 0012| upon proof by affidavit of the facts, for an order returnable | 0013| in not less than five nor more than ten days directing the | 0014| person to show cause before the judge why he should not comply | 0015| with the subpoena or order. | 0016| Q. Upon return of the order, the judge before whom | 0017| the matter comes for hearing shall examine the person under | 0018| oath. If the judge determines after giving the person an | 0019| opportunity to be heard that he refused without lawful excuse | 0020| to comply with the subpoena or the order of the licensing | 0021| authority or the |department of| public safety ~[department]~ | 0022| holding the investigation, the judge may order the person to | 0023| comply with the subpoena or order forthwith, and any failure to | 0024| obey the order of the judge may be punished as a contempt of | 0025| the district court. | - 120 - 0001| R. Every witness is entitled to be paid for | 0002| attendance or attendance and travel by the party on whose | 0003| behalf he is subpoenaed, at the rates prescribed by law, before | 0004| being required to testify. | 0005| S. The decision of the licensing authority in | 0006| suspending or revoking any license under the Bingo and Raffle | 0007| Act shall be subject to review. ~[Any licensee aggrieved by a | 0008| decision, within thirty days after receipt of a copy of the | 0009| order of the licensing authority, may file a petition in the | 0010| district court of Santa Fe county. That court has | 0011| jurisdiction, after notice to the licensing authority, to hear | 0012| and determine the petition and to affirm, reverse, vacate or | 0013| modify the order of the licensing authority complained of if, | 0014| upon consideration of the record, the court is of the opinion | 0015| that the order was unlawful or unreasonable. | 0016| T. Upon any petition being filed, a copy shall be | 0017| served upon the licensing authority by delivery of a copy to | 0018| the licensing authority. In the petition, the petitioner shall | 0019| be denominated as respondent. The petition shall set forth the | 0020| errors complained of. | 0021| U. Upon service of a petition, the licensing | 0022| authority, within twenty days or within such further time as | 0023| the court may grant, shall file an answer to the petition in | 0024| the office of the clerk of the court. With its answer, the | 0025| licensing authority shall file a transcript of the records and | - 121 - 0001| orders of the licensing authority and a transcript of all | 0002| papers and of all evidence adduced upon the hearing before the | 0003| licensing authority in the proceedings complained of. The | 0004| court shall hear and determine the matter upon the petition, | 0005| answer and transcripts.]~ |A licensee aggrieved by a decision | 0006| of the licensing board may appeal to the district court | 0007| pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978.| | 0008| ~[V.]~ |T|. No proceeding to vacate, reverse or | 0009| modify any final order rendered by the licensing authority | 0010| shall operate to stay the execution or effect of any final | 0011| order unless the district court, on application and three days' | 0012| notice to the licensing authority, allows the stay. In the | 0013| event a stay is ordered, the petitioner shall be required to | 0014| execute his bond in a sum the court may prescribe, with | 0015| sufficient surety to be approved by the judge or clerk of the | 0016| court, which bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful | 0017| performance by the petitioner of his obligation as a licensee | 0018| and upon the prompt payment of all damages arising from or | 0019| caused by the delay in the taking effect or enforcement of the | 0020| order complained of and for all costs that may be assessed or | 0021| required to be paid in connection with the proceedings." | 0022| Section 71. Section 60-6B-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0023| Chapter 39, Section 38, as amended) is amended to read: | 0024| "60-6B-2. APPLICATIONS|--APPEALS|.-- | 0025| A. Before any new license authorized by the Liquor | - 122 - 0001| Control Act may be issued by the director, the applicant for | 0002| the license shall: | 0003| (1) submit to the director a written | 0004| application for the license under oath, in the form prescribed | 0005| by and stating the information required by the director, | 0006| together with a nonrefundable application fee of one hundred | 0007| fifty dollars ($150); | 0008| (2) submit to the director for his approval a | 0009| description, including floor plans, in a form prescribed by the | 0010| director, which shows the proposed licensed premises for which | 0011| the license application is submitted. The area represented by | 0012| the approved description shall become the licensed premises; | 0013| (3) if the applicant is a corporation, be | 0014| required to submit as part of its application the following: | 0015| (a) a certified copy of its articles of | 0016| incorporation or, if a foreign corporation, a certified copy of | 0017| its certificate of authority; | 0018| (b) the names and addresses of all | 0019| officers and directors and those stockholders owning ten | 0020| percent or more of the voting stock of the corporation and the | 0021| amounts of stock held by each stockholder; provided, however, a | 0022| corporation may not be licensed if an officer, manager, | 0023| director or holder of more than ten percent of the stock would | 0024| not be eligible to hold a license pursuant to the Liquor | 0025| Control Act, except that the provision of Subsection ~[B]~ |D| | - 123 - 0001| of Section 60-6B-1 NMSA 1978 shall not apply if the stock is | 0002| listed with a national securities exchange; | 0003| (c) the name of the resident agent of | 0004| the corporation authorized to accept service of process for all | 0005| purposes, including orders and notices of the director, which | 0006| agent shall be approved by the director with respect to his | 0007| character; | 0008| (d) a duly executed power of attorney | 0009| authorizing the agent described in Subparagraph (c) of this | 0010| paragraph to exercise full authority, control and | 0011| responsibility for the conduct of all business and transactions | 0012| of the corporation within the state relative to the sale of | 0013| alcoholic beverages under authority of the license requested; | 0014| and | 0015| (e) ~[such]~ additional information | 0016| regarding the corporation as the director may require to assure | 0017| full disclosure of the corporation's structure and financial | 0018| responsibility; | 0019| (4) if the applicant is a limited partnership, | 0020| submit as part of its application the following: | 0021| (a) a certified copy of its certificate | 0022| of limited partnership; | 0023| (b) the names and addresses of all | 0024| general partners and of all limited partners contributing ten | 0025| percent or more of the total value of contributions made to the | - 124 - 0001| limited partnership or entitled to ten percent or more of the | 0002| profits earned or other income paid by the limited partnership. | 0003| No limited partnership shall receive a license if any partner | 0004| designated in this subsection would not be eligible to hold a | 0005| license issued pursuant to the Liquor Control Act; and | 0006| (c) ~[such]~ additional information | 0007| regarding the limited partnership as the director may require | 0008| to assure full disclosure of the limited partnership's | 0009| structure and financial responsibility; and | 0010| (5) obtain approval for the issuance from the | 0011| governing body of the local option district in which the | 0012| proposed licensed premises are to be located in accordance with | 0013| the provisions of the Liquor Control Act. | 0014| B. Every applicant for a new license or for a | 0015| transfer of ownership of a license, if an individual or general | 0016| partnership, shall file with the application two complete sets | 0017| of fingerprints of each individual, taken under the supervision | 0018| of and certified to by an officer of the New Mexico state | 0019| police, a county sheriff or a municipal chief of police. If | 0020| the applicant is a corporation, it shall file two complete sets | 0021| of fingerprints for each stockholder holding ten percent or | 0022| more of the outstanding stock, principal officer, director and | 0023| the agent responsible for the operation of the licensed | 0024| business. The fingerprints shall be taken and certified to as | 0025| provided for an individual or partnership. If the applicant is | - 125 - 0001| a limited partnership, it shall file two complete sets of | 0002| fingerprints for each general partner and for each limited | 0003| partner contributing ten percent or more of the total value of | 0004| contributions made to the limited partnership or entitled to | 0005| ten percent or more of the profits earned or other compensation | 0006| by way of income paid by the limited partnership. The | 0007| fingerprints shall be taken and certified to as provided for an | 0008| individual or partnership. | 0009| C. Upon submission of a sworn affidavit from each | 0010| person who is required to file fingerprints stating that the | 0011| person has not been convicted of a felony in any jurisdiction | 0012| and pending the results of background investigations, a | 0013| temporary license for ninety days may be issued. The temporary | 0014| license may be extended by the director for an additional | 0015| ninety days if the director determines there is not sufficient | 0016| time to complete the background investigation or obtain reviews | 0017| of fingerprints from appropriate agencies. A temporary license | 0018| shall be surrendered immediately upon order of the director. | 0019| D. An applicant who files a false affidavit shall | 0020| be denied a license. When the director determines a false | 0021| affidavit has been filed, he shall refer the matter to the | 0022| attorney general or district attorney for prosecution of | 0023| perjury. | 0024| E. If an applicant is not a resident of New Mexico, | 0025| fingerprints may be taken under supervision and certification | - 126 - 0001| of comparable officers in the state of residence of the | 0002| applicant. | 0003| F. Before issuing a license, the department shall | 0004| hold a public hearing within thirty days after receipt of the | 0005| application pursuant to Subsection ~[H]~ |K| of this section. | 0006| G. An application for transfer of ownership shall | 0007| be filed with the department no later than thirty days after | 0008| the date a person acquired an ownership interest in a license; | 0009| shall contain documentation of the actual purchase price paid | 0010| for the license, and the actual date of sale of the license; | 0011| and shall be accompanied by a sworn affidavit from the owner of | 0012| record of the license agreeing to the sale of the license to | 0013| the applicant as well as attesting to the accuracy of the | 0014| information required by this section to be filed with the | 0015| department. No license shall be transferred unless it will be | 0016| placed into operation in an actual location within one hundred | 0017| twenty days of issuance of the license, unless for good cause | 0018| shown the director grants an additional extension not to exceed | 0019| one hundred twenty days. | 0020| H. Whenever it appears to the director that there | 0021| will be more applications for new licenses than the available | 0022| number of new licenses during any time period, a random | 0023| selection method for the qualification, approval and issuance | 0024| of new licenses shall be provided by the director. The random | 0025| selection method shall allow each applicant an equal | - 127 - 0001| opportunity to obtain an available license, provided that all | 0002| dispenser's and retailer's licenses issued in any calendar year | 0003| shall be issued to residents of the state. For the purposes of | 0004| random selection, the director shall also set a reasonable | 0005| deadline by which applications for the available licenses shall | 0006| be filed. No person shall file more than one application for | 0007| each available license and no more than three applications per | 0008| calendar year. | 0009| I. After the deadline set in accordance with | 0010| Subsection H of this section, no more than ten applications per | 0011| available license shall be selected at random for priority of | 0012| qualification and approval. Within thirty days after the | 0013| random selection for the ten priority positions for each | 0014| license, a hearing pursuant to Subsection K of this section | 0015| shall be held to determine the qualifications of the applicant | 0016| having the highest priority for each available license. If | 0017| necessary, ~[such]~ a hearing shall be held on each selected | 0018| application by priority until a qualified applicant for each | 0019| available license is approved. Further random selections for | 0020| priority positions shall also be held pursuant to this section | 0021| as necessary. | 0022| J. All applications submitted for a license shall | 0023| expire upon the director's final approval of a qualified | 0024| applicant for that available license. | 0025| K. The director shall notify the applicant by | - 128 - 0001| certified mail of the date, time and place of the hearing. The | 0002| hearing shall be held in Santa Fe. The director may designate | 0003| a hearing officer to take evidence at the hearing. The | 0004| director or the hearing officer shall have the power to | 0005| administer oaths. | 0006| L. In determining whether a license shall be | 0007| issued, the director shall take into consideration all | 0008| requirements of the Liquor Control Act. In the issuance of a | 0009| license, the director shall specifically consider the nature | 0010| and number of prior violations of the Liquor Control Act by the | 0011| applicant or of any citations issued within the prior five | 0012| years against a license held by the applicant or in which the | 0013| applicant had an ownership interest required to be disclosed | 0014| under the Liquor Control Act. The director shall disapprove | 0015| the issuance or give preliminary approval of the issuance of | 0016| the license based upon a review of all documentation submitted | 0017| and any investigation deemed necessary by the director. | 0018| M. Before any new license is issued for a location, | 0019| the director shall cause a notice of the application therefor | 0020| to be posted conspicuously, on a sign not smaller than thirty | 0021| inches by forty inches, on the outside of the front wall or | 0022| front entrance of the immediate premises for which the license | 0023| is sought or, if no building or improvements exist on the | 0024| premises, the notice shall be posted at the front entrance of | 0025| the immediate premises for which the license is sought, on a | - 129 - 0001| billboard not smaller than five feet by five feet. The | 0002| contents of the notice shall be in the form prescribed by the | 0003| department, and ~[such]~ posting shall be over a continuous | 0004| period of twenty days prior to preliminary approval of the | 0005| license. | 0006| N. No license shall be issued until the posting | 0007| requirements of Subsection M of this section have been met. | 0008| O. All costs of publication and posting shall be | 0009| paid by the applicant. | 0010| P. It is unlawful for any person to remove or | 0011| deface any notice posted in accordance with this section. Any | 0012| person convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be | 0013| punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars | 0014| ($300) or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than | 0015| one hundred twenty days or by both. | 0016| Q. ~[Any]~ |A| person aggrieved by ~[any]~ |a| | 0017| decision made by the director as to the approval or disapproval | 0018| of the issuance of a license may appeal to the district court | 0019| ~[of jurisdiction by filing a petition in the court within | 0020| thirty days from the date of the decision of the director, and | 0021| a hearing on the matter may be held in the district court]~ | 0022| |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. If | 0023| the disapproval is based upon local option district disapproval | 0024| pursuant to Subsection H of Section 60-6B-4 NMSA 1978, the | 0025| local option district shall be a necessary party to any appeal. | - 130 - 0001| The decision of the director shall continue in force, pending a | 0002| reversal or modification by the district court, unless | 0003| otherwise ordered by the court. ~[Any appeal from the decision | 0004| of the district court to the supreme court shall be permitted | 0005| as in other cases of appeals from the district court to the | 0006| supreme court.]~" | 0007| Section 72. Section 60-6C-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0008| Chapter 39, Section 102, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| "60-6C-6. NO INJUNCTION OR MANDAMUS PERMITTED--APPEAL~[- | 0010| -PREFERENCE--NOTICE OF APPEAL]~.-- | 0011| A. No injunction or writ of mandamus or other legal | 0012| or equitable process shall issue in any suit, action or | 0013| proceeding to prevent or enjoin any finding of guilt or order | 0014| of suspension or revocation or fine made by a liquor control | 0015| hearing officer under the provisions of Section 60-6C-4 NMSA | 0016| 1978. ~[Any]~ |A| licensee aggrieved or adversely affected by | 0017| ~[any]~ |an| order of revocation, suspension or fine shall have | 0018| the right to appeal to the district court ~[of the county in | 0019| which the licensed premises are located for a judicial review | 0020| of the order within thirty days of the entry of the order. The | 0021| appeal shall be taken by filing a petition for review setting | 0022| forth the grounds of complaint against the order of suspension, | 0023| revocation or fine. The matter on appeal shall be heard by the | 0024| court without a jury, and the court shall grant the matter a | 0025| preference on the docket. The court shall set aside any order | - 131 - 0001| of suspension, revocation or fine found to be: | 0002| (1) arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of | 0003| discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law; | 0004| (2) in excess of statutory jurisdiction, | 0005| authority or limitations or short of statutory right; or | 0006| (3) unsupported by substantial evidence. | 0007| B. In making the determinations, the court shall | 0008| review the entire record or such portions as may be cited by | 0009| any party. The director shall be given at least ten days' | 0010| notice before hearing on an appeal may be held. A complete | 0011| copy of the record of hearing shall be filed in the office of | 0012| the clerk of the court before the hearing on the appeal, which | 0013| copy shall be furnished by the department at the request of the | 0014| licensee or his attorney. The cost of preparation of the | 0015| hearing record shall be borne by the losing party]~ |pursuant | 0016| to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0017| ~[C.]~ |B|. No appeal shall have the effect of | 0018| suspending the operation of the order of suspension, revocation | 0019| or fine, but the liquor control hearing officer may, for good | 0020| cause shown and upon such terms and conditions as he may find | 0021| are just, in his discretion suspend the operation of the order | 0022| of suspension, revocation or fine pending the appeal. The | 0023| court shall tax costs against the losing party. | 0024| ~[D. Appeals from the decision of the court to the | 0025| supreme court of the state may be made in accordance with the | - 132 - 0001| rules of the supreme court.]~" | 0002| Section 73. Section 61-1-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1957, | 0003| Chapter 247, Section 17, as amended) is amended to read: | 0004| "61-1-17. PETITION FOR REVIEW~[--WAIVER OF RIGHT]~.-- | 0005| ~[Any]~ |A| person entitled to a hearing ~[under]~ |provided | 0006| for in| the Uniform Licensing Act, who is aggrieved by an | 0007| adverse decision of a board issued after hearing, may obtain a | 0008| review of the decision in the district court ~[of Santa Fe | 0009| county or in the district court of the county in which the | 0010| hearing was held or, upon agreement of the parties to the | 0011| appeal, in any other district court of the state. In order to | 0012| obtain such review, the person shall, within twenty days after | 0013| the date of service of the decision as required by Section 61- | 0014| 1-14 NMSA 1978, file with the court a petition for review, a | 0015| copy of which shall be served on the office of the attorney | 0016| general and on the board secretary, stating all exceptions | 0017| taken to the decision and indicating the court in which the | 0018| appeal is to be heard. The court shall not consider any | 0019| exceptions not stated in the petition. Failure to file a | 0020| petition for review in the manner and within the time stated | 0021| shall operate as a waiver of the right to judicial review and | 0022| shall result in the decision of the board becoming final, | 0023| except that for good cause shown, within the time stated, the | 0024| judge of the district court may issue an order granting one | 0025| extension of time not to exceed sixty days]~ |pursuant to the | - 133 - 0001| provisions of Section 12-8A-1|." | 0002| Section 74. Section 61-1-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1957, | 0003| Chapter 247, Section 19, as amended) is amended to read: | 0004| "61-1-19. STAY.--At any time before or during the review | 0005| proceeding |pursuant to Section 61-1-17 NMSA 1978|, the | 0006| aggrieved person may apply to the board or file a motion in | 0007| accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure for the District | 0008| Courts in the reviewing court for an order staying the | 0009| operation of the board decision pending the outcome of the | 0010| review. The board or court may grant or deny the stay in its | 0011| discretion. No ~[such]~ order granting or denying a stay shall | 0012| be reviewable." | 0013| Section 75. Section 61-14-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0014| Chapter 62, Section 9, as amended) is amended to read: | 0015| "61-14-13. DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF | 0016| LICENSE.-- | 0017| A. ~[Upon written complaint by any person and after | 0018| notice and hearing as prescribed in the Uniform Licensing Act]~ | 0019| The board may place a licensee on probation; impose on a | 0020| licensee an administrative penalty in an amount not to exceed | 0021| two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500); reprimand |a | 0022| licensee|; deny, suspend for a definite period or revoke | 0023| ~[the]~ |a| license, certificate or permit |of a licensee|; or | 0024| take any other reasonable action as established by the board | 0025| ~[This applies to any person whose activities are covered by | - 134 - 0001| the Veterinary Practice Act for]~ |if the board determines | 0002| after receiving a complaint and providing notice and a hearing | 0003| pursuant to the Uniform Licensing Act that a licensee|: | 0004| (1) |has committed an act of| fraud, | 0005| misrepresentation or deception in obtaining a license or | 0006| permit; | 0007| (2) ~[adjudication of insanity]~ |has been | 0008| adjudicated insane| or ~[manifest incapacity]~ |manifestly | 0009| incapacitated|; | 0010| (3) ~[use of]~ |has used| advertising or | 0011| solicitation that is false, misleading or is otherwise deemed | 0012| unprofessional under ~[regulations]~ |rules| promulgated by the | 0013| board; | 0014| (4) ~[conviction]~ |has been convicted| of a | 0015| felony or other crime involving moral turpitude; | 0016| (5) |is guilty of| dishonesty, incompetence, | 0017| gross negligence or other malpractice in the practice of | 0018| veterinary medicine; | 0019| (6) ~[having]~ |has a| professional | 0020| association with or ~[employing]~ |employs| any person | 0021| practicing veterinary medicine unlawfully; | 0022| (7) |is guilty of| fraud or dishonesty in the | 0023| application or reporting of any test for disease in animals; | 0024| (8) ~[failure]~ |has failed| to maintain |his| | 0025| professional premises and equipment in a clean and sanitary | - 135 - 0001| condition in compliance with facility permit ~[regulations]~ | 0002| |rules| promulgated by the board; | 0003| (9) |is guilty of| habitual or excessive use | 0004| of intoxicants or drugs; | 0005| (10) |is guilty of| cruelty to animals; | 0006| (11) ~[revocation of a]~ |has had his| license | 0007| to practice veterinary medicine |revoked| by another state, | 0008| territory or district of the United States on grounds other | 0009| than nonpayment of license or permit fees; | 0010| (12) |is guilty of| unprofessional conduct by | 0011| violation of a ~[regulation]~ |rule| promulgated by the board | 0012| pursuant to provisions of the Veterinary Practice Act; | 0013| (13) ~[failure]~ |has failed| to perform as a | 0014| veterinary technician under the direct supervision of a | 0015| licensed veterinarian; | 0016| (14) ~[failure of]~ |has failed as| a licensed | 0017| veterinarian to reasonably exercise direct supervision with | 0018| respect to a veterinary technician; | 0019| (15) |is guilty of| aiding or abetting the | 0020| practice of veterinary medicine by a person not licensed, | 0021| certified or permitted by the board; | 0022| (16) ~[using]~ |has used| any controlled drug | 0023| or substance on any animal for the purpose of illegally | 0024| influencing the outcome of a competitive event; | 0025| (17) |has| willfully or negligently | - 136 - 0001| ~[administering]~ |administered| a drug or substance that will | 0002| adulterate meat, milk, poultry, fish or eggs; | 0003| (18) ~[failure]~ |has failed| to maintain | 0004| required logs and records; | 0005| (19) ~[the use of]~ |has used a| prescription | 0006| or ~[sale of]~ |has sold| any prescription drug or ~[the | 0007| prescription of]~ |prescribed| extra-label use of any over-the- | 0008| counter drug in the absence of a valid veterinarian-client- | 0009| patient relationship; | 0010| (20) ~[failure]~ |has failed| to report, as | 0011| required by law, or ~[making]~ |has made a| false report of any | 0012| contagious or infectious disease; or | 0013| (21) |has engaged in an| unfair or deceptive | 0014| ~[practices]~ |practice|. | 0015| B. Any person whose license, certificate or permit | 0016| is suspended or revoked by the board pursuant to provisions of | 0017| this section may, at the discretion of the board, be relicensed | 0018| or reinstated by the board at any time without examination upon | 0019| written application to the board showing cause to justify | 0020| relicensing or reinstatement." | 0021| Section 76. Section 61-18A-32 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0022| 1987, Chapter 252, Section 32) is amended to read: | 0023| "61-18A-32. JUDICIAL REVIEW.--~[Any]~ |A| person | 0024| aggrieved by the decision of the director in the enforcement of | 0025| the Collection Agency Regulatory Act may obtain judicial review | - 137 - 0001| ~[thereof in the manner provided for review of agency decisions | 0002| by the Administrative Procedures Act]~ |in the district court | 0003| pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0004| Section 77. Section 66-4-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, | 0005| Chapter 35, Section 216) is amended to read: | 0006| "66-4-3. REFUSAL TO ISSUE LICENSE--CANCELLATION OR | 0007| SUSPENSION OF LICENSE OR USE OF TEMPORARY PERMITS--HEARING|-- | 0008| APPEAL|.-- | 0009| A. The division may refuse to issue a license for | 0010| just cause and may cancel or suspend a license or use of | 0011| temporary permits for violation of the Motor Vehicle Code. The | 0012| division shall take the action ~[herein]~ authorized |in this | 0013| section| only after hearing. Notice of ~[such]~ hearing shall | 0014| be given the party concerned as provided in Section ~[64-2-11 | 0015| NMSA 1953]~ |66-2-11 NMSA 1978|. ~[Such]~ The notice shall | 0016| state the proposed action of the division and the reason for | 0017| ~[such]~ |the| proposed action. | 0018| B. The division shall prepare rules ~[and | 0019| regulations]~ for the conduct of ~[such]~ |the| hearing. At | 0020| ~[such]~ |the| hearing, the technical rules of evidence | 0021| ~[shall]~ |do| not apply, |and| a party ~[shall have]~ |has| | 0022| the right to be represented by counsel, to call witnesses in | 0023| his own behalf and to cross-examine the witnesses of other | 0024| parties. | 0025| C. The director or his designated agent shall | - 138 - 0001| conduct the hearing for the division and shall cause a record | 0002| of hearing to be made. | 0003| D. Within ten days after completion of the hearing, | 0004| the director shall cause to be served upon all parties, in the | 0005| manner provided in Section ~[64-2-11 NMSA 1953]~ |66-2-11 NMSA | 0006| 1978|, his findings and decision. The decision shall be: | 0007| (1) granting a license or refusing to grant a | 0008| license; | 0009| (2) continuing a license, ~[cancellation of]~ | 0010| |canceling| a license or ~[suspension of]~ |suspending| a | 0011| license for a time stated; or | 0012| (3) continuing use of dealer plates and | 0013| temporary permits, ~[cancellation of]~ |canceling| dealer | 0014| plates and temporary permits or ~[suspension of]~ |suspending| | 0015| use of temporary permits for a time stated. | 0016| ~[E. Within thirty days after receipt of notice of | 0017| the decision of the director, any party aggrieved may stay the | 0018| decision by docketing the cause in the district court. The | 0019| district court shall hear the cause de novo. Appeals from the | 0020| decision of the district court may be taken in the same manner | 0021| as is provided by law for appeals in civil cases.] | 0022| |E. A party aggrieved by the director's decision | 0023| may file an appeal in the district court pursuant to the | 0024| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978.|" | 0025| Section 78. Section 66-5-36 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, | - 139 - 0001| Chapter 35, Section 258) is amended to read: | 0002| "66-5-36. RIGHT OF APPEAL TO COURT.--[Any]~ |A| person | 0003| denied a license or whose license has been ~[cancelled]~ | 0004| |canceled|, suspended or revoked by the division, except | 0005| ~[where such]~ |when| the cancellation or revocation is | 0006| mandatory under the provisions of ~[this article, shall have | 0007| the right to file a petition within thirty days thereafter for | 0008| a hearing in the matter in the district court in the county | 0009| wherein such person shall reside, and such court is vested with | 0010| jurisdiction and it is its duty to set the matter for hearing | 0011| upon thirty days' written notice to the director and thereupon | 0012| to take testimony and examine into the facts of the case and to | 0013| determine whether the petitioner is entitled to a license or is | 0014| subject to suspension, cancellation or revocation of license | 0015| under the provisions of this article]~ |Chapter 66, Article 5 | 0016| NMSA 1978 may file an appeal in the district court pursuant to | 0017| the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0018| Section 79. Section 66-5-204 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1983, | 0019| Chapter 318, Section 5) is amended to read: | 0020| "66-5-204. ADMINISTRATIVE AND COURT REVIEW.--~[Any]~ | 0021| |An| owner of a motor vehicle registered in New Mexico who is | 0022| aggrieved by the decision of the director made under the | 0023| provisions of the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act may | 0024| appeal to the hearing officer of the division for a hearing to | 0025| be held within twenty days of the receipt by the division of | - 140 - 0001| the appeal. ~[Any]~ |A| person who continues aggrieved after | 0002| the decision made by the hearing officer may appeal that | 0003| decision ~[within twenty days to the district court. The court | 0004| shall determine whether there is sufficient evidence to uphold | 0005| the decision of the hearing officer]~ |in the district court | 0006| pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0007| Section 80. Section 67-8-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1959, | 0008| Chapter 310, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| "67-8-19. PROCEDURE|--APPEAL|.-- | 0010| A. All hearings held ~[hereunder]~ |pursuant to | 0011| this section| shall be public and upon not less than fifteen | 0012| ~[days]~ |days'| written notice of the time, place and purpose | 0013| of ~[such]~ |the| hearing to each utility whose services or | 0014| facilities may be affected and to each municipality in which | 0015| any part of the proposed highway improvement is to be located. | 0016| Hearings may be held before the commission, any member | 0017| ~[thereof]~ or any representative designated by it and at | 0018| ~[such]~ |the| place as ~[shall be]~ |is| designated in the | 0019| notice. | 0020| B. A record of the testimony shall be taken at | 0021| ~[such]~ |the| hearing and a transcript ~[thereof]~ furnished | 0022| to anyone upon request and payment of the cost ~[thereof]~. | 0023| C. The findings and orders shall be in writing and | 0024| a copy ~[thereof]~ served upon each party ~[thereto]~. | 0025| D. The commission may promulgate rules to govern | - 141 - 0001| its proceedings ~[hereunder]~ |pursuant to this section|. | 0002| E. ~[Any]~ |A| party aggrieved by ~[any]~ |an| | 0003| order may appeal to the district court ~[of Santa Fe county | 0004| within thirty days of the entry of the same by filing a | 0005| petition for review of such order, and upon receiving notice of | 0006| the same it shall be the duty of the commission or its | 0007| authorized agent to prepare and transmit a transcript of the | 0008| record of such hearing including all testimony, findings and | 0009| orders which shall be the record in said cause. If it be made | 0010| to appear to the court that the order appealed from is | 0011| unreasonable or unlawful, the same shall be vacated and | 0012| annulled and the entire matter remanded to the commission for | 0013| further proceeding consistent with the decision of the court; | 0014| provided, however, such appeal shall not operate as a stay of | 0015| any order of the commission unless the court shall so order. | 0016| F. Any party aggrieved by the order or decision of | 0017| the district court may appeal therefrom to the supreme court in | 0018| accordance with the rules for appeals in civil cases]~ | 0019| |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0020| Section 81. Section 67-10-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1891, | 0021| Chapter 44, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0022| "67-10-2. |RATES AND TOLLS--APPEALS.--|~[Sec. 95. That | 0023| such]~ |A| corporation may, after the completion of ~[such]~ | 0024| |a| wagon road or any part thereof and after the completion of | 0025| ~[any such]~ |a| bridge or ferry for and by the traveling | - 142 - 0001| public, apply by petition in writing to the board of county | 0002| commissioners of the county ~[or counties]~ in or through which | 0003| ~[such]~ |the| road, bridge or ferry is or has been | 0004| constructed, for rates, prices and tolls to be charged and | 0005| collected from the traveling public ~[so]~ using and traveling | 0006| on ~[such]~ |the| toll road, bridge or ferry, which petition | 0007| shall state ~[such]~ facts in reference to a road, bridge or | 0008| ferry as will be sufficient to inform the board of |county| | 0009| commissioners as to enable the |board of county| commissioners | 0010| to fix the rates, tolls and charges, equal and just between the | 0011| corporation owning the road, bridge or ferry and the traveling | 0012| public using the same, and the rates, tolls and charges so | 0013| fixed shall remain the same for two years ~[and]~. At the | 0014| expiration of each two years, the corporation shall petition as | 0015| aforesaid for the fixing of the rates, tolls and charges by the | 0016| board of county commissioners. In case the corporation ~[shall | 0017| be]~ |is| dissatisfied with the rates, tolls and charges ~[so]~ | 0018| fixed by the board, it may appeal ~[within ten days from such | 0019| decision and determination to the judge of the district court | 0020| of the county in which the road, bridge or ferry is situated by | 0021| paying to the county clerk of the county in which the matter is | 0022| pending one dollar who shall, upon such payment being made, at | 0023| once transmit all the papers in the case on file in his office | 0024| to the clerk of the district court to which the appeal is | 0025| taken, and the corporation shall then present the matter to the | - 143 - 0001| district judge who shall at once appoint three disinterested | 0002| citizens and taxpayers of the county to examine the road, | 0003| bridge or ferry and report their finding and fixing of rates, | 0004| tolls and charges in writing and under oath to the said judge, | 0005| within the time by him to be fixed and, unless it shall appear | 0006| to the judge that manifest injustice has been done by the | 0007| persons appointed, he shall approve the report, and the rates | 0008| so fixed shall remain for the ensuing two years, which | 0009| commissioners so appointed shall be paid by the corporation so | 0010| appealing for their services such sum and on such terms as the | 0011| judge may allow, together with the other costs incurred by such | 0012| appeal]~ |to the district court pursuant to the provisions of | 0013| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0014| Section 82. Section 67-13-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0015| Chapter 17, Section 12) is amended to read: | 0016| "67-13-12. ZONING--PETITION FOR REVIEW~[--TIME LIMIT]~-- | 0017| RESTRAINING ORDER.-- | 0018| A. ~[Any]~ |A| person aggrieved by a decision of | 0019| the board may appeal to the ~[court of appeals by filing with | 0020| the court of appeals a notice of appeal within thirty days | 0021| after the decision is entered in the records of the board]~ | 0022| |district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0023| NMSA 1978|. | 0024| B. The appeal shall not stay the decision appealed | 0025| from, but the court may, on application, grant a restraining | - 144 - 0001| order." | 0002| Section 83. Section 69-6-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1933, | 0003| Chapter 153, Section 308) is amended to read: | 0004| "69-6-2. |RIGHT OF APPEAL.--|Every owner, operator or | 0005| employee of ~[any such]~ |a| mine ~[shall have]~ |has| a right | 0006| of appeal to the district court ~[in the county wherein such | 0007| mine is situated and from such district court to the supreme | 0008| court as to the necessity or reasonableness of the order or | 0009| requirement of the inspector under any of the provisions of | 0010| this act]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA | 0011| 1978|." | 0012| Section 84. Section 69-36-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0013| Chapter 315, Section 16) is amended to read: | 0014| "69-36-16. JUDICIAL REVIEW.-- | 0015| A. ~[Any]~ |A| person who is or may be affected by | 0016| a ~[regulation]~ |rule| of the commission may appeal the action | 0017| of the commission by filing a notice of appeal with the court | 0018| of appeals within thirty days from the filing date of the | 0019| ~[regulation]~ |rule| with the state records center. All | 0020| appeals of ~[regulations]~ |rules| shall be taken on the record | 0021| made at the public hearing on the ~[regulation]~ |rule|. | 0022| B. A party, intervenor or any other person upon a | 0023| showing of good cause for not appearing at the public hearing | 0024| on a ~[regulation]~ |rule| may appeal a decision of the | 0025| commission adopting, amending or repealing ~[regulations]~ | - 145 - 0001| |rule| by filing a written notice of appeal with the court of | 0002| appeals within forty-five days after entry of the commission's | 0003| decision. Copies of the notice of appeal shall be served at | 0004| the time of filing, either personally or by certified mail, | 0005| upon all parties to the proceeding before the commission. | 0006| C. ~[Any]~ |A| person who is or may be affected by | 0007| a final action of the commission other than a ~[regulation]~ | 0008| |rule| may appeal the action of the commission by filing a | 0009| notice of appeal with the district court ~[for the first | 0010| judicial district within thirty days from the date of the | 0011| commission's action. The appeal shall be taken on the record | 0012| made before the commission. | 0013| D. The notice of appeal shall include a concise | 0014| statement of the facts upon which jurisdiction is based, facts | 0015| showing that the appellant is aggrieved, the grounds upon which | 0016| the appellant is appealing and the relief that the appellant is | 0017| seeking. | 0018| E. The appellant shall certify in his notice of | 0019| appeal that a sufficient number of transcripts of the record of | 0020| the hearing from which the appeal is taken shall have been made | 0021| by the commission, at his expense, including three copies, | 0022| which shall remain with the commission. | 0023| F. Upon appeal, the court shall set aside the | 0024| regulation, order or other action only if it is found to be: | 0025| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | - 146 - 0001| discretion; | 0002| (2) not supported by substantial evidence in | 0003| the record; or | 0004| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0005| |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0006| Section 85. Section 70-2-25 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1935, | 0007| Chapter 72, Section 17, as amended) is amended to read: | 0008| "70-2-25. REHEARINGS--APPEALS.-- | 0009| A. Within twenty days after entry of ~[any]~ |an| | 0010| order or decision of the commission, ~[any]~ |a| party of | 0011| record adversely affected ~[thereby]~ may file with the | 0012| commission an application for rehearing in respect of any | 0013| matter determined by ~[such]~ |the| order or decision, setting | 0014| forth the respect in which ~[such]~ |the| order or decision is | 0015| believed to be erroneous. The commission shall grant or refuse | 0016| ~[any such]~ |the| application in whole or in part within ten | 0017| days after the ~[same]~ |application| is filed, and failure to | 0018| act ~[thereon]~ |on the application| within ~[such]~ |that| | 0019| period shall be deemed a refusal ~[thereof]~ and ~[a]~ final | 0020| disposition of ~[such]~ |that| application. In the event the | 0021| rehearing is granted, the commission may enter ~[such]~ |a| new | 0022| order or decision after rehearing as may be required under the | 0023| circumstances. | 0024| B. ~[Any]~ |A| party of record to ~[such]~ |the| | 0025| rehearing proceeding dissatisfied with the disposition of the | - 147 - 0001| application for rehearing may appeal ~[therefrom]~ to the | 0002| district court ~[of the county wherein is located any property | 0003| of such party affected by the decision by filing a petition for | 0004| the review of the action of the commission within twenty days | 0005| after the entry of the order following rehearing or after the | 0006| refusal or rehearing, as the case may be. Such petition shall | 0007| state briefly the nature of the proceedings before the | 0008| commission and shall set forth the order or decision of the | 0009| commission complained of and the grounds of invalidity thereof | 0010| upon which the applicant will rely; provided, however, that the | 0011| questions reviewed on appeal shall be only questions presented | 0012| to the commission by the application for rehearing. Notice of | 0013| such appeal shall be served upon the adverse party or parties | 0014| and the commission in the manner provided for the service of | 0015| summons in civil proceedings. The trial upon appeal shall be | 0016| without a jury, and the transcript of proceedings before the | 0017| commission, including the evidence taken in hearings by the | 0018| commission, shall be received in evidence by the court in whole | 0019| or in part upon offer by either party, subject to legal | 0020| objections to evidence. The commission action complained of | 0021| shall be prima facie valid and the burden shall be upon the | 0022| party or parties seeking review to establish the invalidity of | 0023| such action of the commission. The court shall determine the | 0024| issues of fact and of law and shall enter its order either | 0025| affirming or vacating the order of the commission. Appeals may | - 148 - 0001| be taken from the judgment or decision of the district court to | 0002| the supreme court in the same manner as provided for appeals | 0003| from any other final judgment entered by a district court in | 0004| this state. The trial of such application for relief from | 0005| action of the commission and the hearing of any appeal to the | 0006| supreme court from the action of the district court shall be | 0007| expedited to the fullest possible extent. | 0008| C. The pendency of proceedings to review shall not | 0009| of itself stay or suspend operation of the order or decision | 0010| being reviewed, but during the pendency of such proceedings, | 0011| the district court in its discretion may, upon its own motion | 0012| or upon proper application of any party thereto, stay or | 0013| suspend, in whole or in part, operation of the order or | 0014| decision pending review thereof, on such terms as the court | 0015| deems just and proper and in accordance with the practice of | 0016| courts exercising equity jurisdiction; provided that the court, | 0017| as a condition to any such staying or suspension of operation | 0018| of an order or decision, may require that one or more parties | 0019| secure, in such form and amount as the court may deem just and | 0020| proper, one or more other parties against loss or damage due to | 0021| the staying or suspension of the commission's order or | 0022| decision, in the event that the action of the commission shall | 0023| be affirmed. | 0024| D. The applicable rules of practice and procedure | 0025| in civil cases for the courts of this state shall govern the | - 149 - 0001| proceedings for review and any appeal therefrom to the supreme | 0002| court of the state to the extent such rules are consistent with | 0003| provisions of the Oil and Gas Act]~ |pursuant to the provisions | 0004| of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0005| Section 86. Section 70-5-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0006| Chapter 362, Section 16, as amended) is amended to read: | 0007| "70-5-16. APPEAL.--~[Any]~ |A| licensee whose license is | 0008| canceled or suspended by order of the commission may appeal the | 0009| decision by filing ~[with the court of appeals a notice of | 0010| appeal within thirty days after the date the order is made. | 0011| The appeal must be on the record made at the hearing. The | 0012| licensee shall certify in his notice of appeal that | 0013| arrangements have been made with the commission for preparation | 0014| of a sufficient number of transcripts of the record of the | 0015| hearing on which the appeal depends to support his appeal to | 0016| the court, at the expense of the licensee, including two copies | 0017| which he shall furnish to the commission. Upon appeal, the | 0018| court of appeals shall set aside the decision and order of the | 0019| commission only if found to be: | 0020| A. arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of discretion; | 0021| B. not supported by substantial evidence in the | 0022| record; or | 0023| C. otherwise not in accordance with law]~ |an | 0024| appeal with the district court pursuant to the provisions of | 0025| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | - 150 - 0001| Section 87. Section 70-5-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1947, | 0002| Chapter 214, Section 17, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "70-5-17. NO FORMAL NOTICE REQUIRED OF HEARING ON | 0004| APPLICATION FOR LICENSE|--APPEAL|.--The same procedure, rights | 0005| and penalties as specified in the LPG and CNG Act in the cases | 0006| of revocation or suspension of licenses are available, where | 0007| applicable, in cases where the bureau refused to grant a | 0008| license, except that no formal notice of hearing on an | 0009| application for license need be given an applicant, other than | 0010| that he is given a reasonable opportunity to appear in support | 0011| of his application before the bureau renders its order refusing | 0012| him a license. Appeal shall be to the district court ~[at | 0013| Santa Fe county in all cases where an application for a license | 0014| under the LPG and CNG Act is denied]~ |pursuant to the | 0015| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0016| Section 88. Section 71-5-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, | 0017| Chapter 272, Section 18, as amended) is amended to read: | 0018| "71-5-18. REHEARINGS--APPEALS.-- | 0019| A. Within twenty days after entry of ~[any]~ |an| | 0020| order or decision of the division, ~[any]~ |a| party of record | 0021| adversely affected ~[thereby]~ may file with the commission an | 0022| application for rehearing in respect of any matter determined | 0023| by ~[such]~ |the| order or decision, setting forth the respect | 0024| in which ~[such]~ |the| order or decision is believed to be | 0025| erroneous. The commission shall grant or refuse ~[any such]~ | - 151 - 0001| |the| application in whole or in part within ten days after | 0002| ~[the same]~ |it| is filed, and failure to act ~[thereon]~ | 0003| within ~[such]~ |the ten-day| period shall be deemed a refusal | 0004| ~[thereof]~ |of the application| and a final disposition of | 0005| ~[such]~ |the| application. In the event the rehearing is | 0006| granted, the commission may enter ~[such]~ |a| new order or | 0007| decision after rehearing as may be required under the | 0008| circumstances. | 0009| B. ~[Any]~ |A| party of record to ~[such]~ |the| | 0010| rehearing proceeding dissatisfied with the disposition of the | 0011| application for rehearing may appeal ~[therefrom]~ to the | 0012| district court ~[of the county wherein is located any property | 0013| of such party affected by the decision by filing a petition for | 0014| the review of the action of the commission within twenty days | 0015| after the entry of the order following rehearing or after the | 0016| refusal of rehearing, as the case may be. Such petition shall | 0017| state briefly the nature of the proceedings before the | 0018| commission or division and shall set forth the order or | 0019| decision of the commission or division complained of and the | 0020| grounds of invalidity thereof upon which the applicant will | 0021| rely; provided, however, that the questions reviewed on appeal | 0022| shall be only questions presented to the commission by the | 0023| application for rehearing. Notice of such appeal shall be | 0024| served upon the adverse party or parties and the commission in | 0025| the manner provided for the service of summons in civil | - 152 - 0001| proceedings. The trial upon appeal shall be without a jury, | 0002| and the transcript of proceedings before the commission or | 0003| division, including the evidence taken in hearings by the | 0004| commission or division, shall be received in evidence by the | 0005| court in whole or in part upon offer by either party, subject | 0006| to legal objections to evidence. The commission or division | 0007| action complained of shall be prima facie valid and the burden | 0008| shall be upon the party or parties seeking review to establish | 0009| the invalidity of such action of the commission or division. | 0010| The court shall determine the issues of fact and of law and | 0011| shall enter its order either affirming or vacating the order of | 0012| the commission or division. Appeals may be taken from the | 0013| judgment or decision of the district court to the supreme court | 0014| in the same manner as provided for appeals from any other final | 0015| judgment entered by a district court in this state. The trial | 0016| of such application for relief from action of the commission or | 0017| division and the hearing of any appeal to the supreme court | 0018| from the action of the district court shall be expedited to the | 0019| fullest possible extent]~ |pursuant to the provisions of | 0020| Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0021| C. The pendency of proceedings to review shall not | 0022| of itself stay or suspend operation of the order or decision | 0023| being reviewed, but during the pendency of ~[such]~ |the| | 0024| proceedings, the district court in its discretion may, upon its | 0025| own motion or upon proper application of any party ~[thereto]~ | - 153 - 0001| |to the proceedings|, stay or suspend in whole or in part | 0002| operation of the order or decision pending review ~[thereof]~ | 0003| on ~[such]~ terms as the court deems just and proper and in | 0004| accordance with the practice of courts exercising equity | 0005| jurisdiction; provided that the court, as a condition to any | 0006| ~[such]~ staying or suspension of operation of any order or | 0007| decision, may require that one or more parties secure, in | 0008| ~[such]~ |a| form and amount as the court may deem just and | 0009| proper, one or more other parties against loss or damage due to | 0010| the staying or suspension of the commission's or division's | 0011| order or decision in the event that the action of the | 0012| commission or division ~[shall be]~ |is |affirmed. | 0013| ~[D. The applicable rules of practice and procedure | 0014| in civil cases for the courts of this state shall govern the | 0015| proceedings for review and any appeal therefrom to the supreme | 0016| court of this state to the extent such rules are consistent | 0017| with provisions of the Geothermal Resources Conservation | 0018| Act.]~" | 0019| Section 89. Section 73-11-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1919, | 0020| Chapter 20, Section 21, as amended) is amended to read: | 0021| "73-11-29. APPLICATION FOR WATER--BUDGET MEETING OF | 0022| DIRECTORS--NOTICE OF MEETING--TAX ASSESSMENTS AND WATER | 0023| CHARGES--EXEMPTIONS FROM TAX--APPEAL--SUCCESSION TO RIGHTS OF | 0024| WATER USERS' ASSOCIATION.-- | 0025| |A|. Every person desiring to receive water during | - 154 - 0001| the course of the year, at the time he applies for water, shall | 0002| furnish the secretary of the board of directors of the ~[said]~ | 0003| irrigation district a statement in writing of the number of | 0004| acres intended by him to be irrigated and a statement, as near | 0005| as may be, of the crops planted or intended to be planted. | 0006| |B|. The board of directors, on a date to be fixed | 0007| by a standing order of the board, which shall not be later than | 0008| July ~[first]~ |1| of each year, shall estimate and determine | 0009| the amount of funds required to meet the obligations and needs | 0010| of the district for the ensuing year, together with ~[such]~ | 0011| |the| additional amount as may be necessary to meet any | 0012| deficiency in the payment of expenses or obligations previously | 0013| incurred by the district and remaining unpaid, for ~[such]~ | 0014| |any| of the following purposes ~[as]~ |that| may be required | 0015| by the activities of the district ~[to wit]~: | 0016| ~[Item One]~ |(1)| the payment of the interest | 0017| upon bonds of the district and any ~[instalment]~ |installment| | 0018| on the principal ~[thereof]~ |of the bonds|; | 0019| ~[Item Two]~ |(2)| any payment to become due | 0020| under any contract with the United States, to secure which | 0021| bonds have not been deposited with the United States, whether | 0022| for the cost of irrigation or drainage system or for the | 0023| operation and maintenance ~[thereof]~, or both; or if the lands | 0024| of the district have been divided by the secretary of the | 0025| interior into units, not necessarily contiguous, for repayment | - 155 - 0001| purposes the board shall prepare separate estimates for each | 0002| ~[such]~ unit; | 0003| ~[Item Three]~ |(3)| the portion of the | 0004| expenses of operation and maintenance of the irrigation and | 0005| drainage systems to be collected by tax assessment and levy, | 0006| including funds required to meet obligations as provided in | 0007| Section ~[5 (Section 77-2348) hereof]~ |73-11-49 NMSA 1978|. | 0008| This portion shall not be less than one-half of that portion | 0009| required for ~[such]~ |the| operation and maintenance costs for | 0010| the ensuing year and shall be determined by the board of | 0011| directors of ~[said]~ |the| district from year to year ~[and]~. | 0012| The ~[said]~ portion of ~[said]~ |the| operation and | 0013| maintenance expenses ~[so]~ collected by tax assessment and | 0014| levy shall be collected from all lands of the district, whether | 0015| irrigated or not, except ~[such]~ |those| lands as may be | 0016| exempted from taxation by the terms of ~[this act]~ |Chapter | 0017| 73, Articles 10 and 11 NMSA 1978|, and the same, when | 0018| collected, shall be applied to the cost of operating and | 0019| maintaining ~[of]~ the irrigation and drainage systems. The | 0020| remainder of ~[said]~ |the| estimated amount shall be paid by | 0021| the parties actually using ~[said]~ |the| systems and water for | 0022| irrigation or other purposes in accordance with the terms of | 0023| their contract for water; |or| | 0024| ~[Item Four]~ |(4)| current and miscellaneous | 0025| expense fund requirements, other than as ~[above]~ specified | - 156 - 0001| |in this section|, and necessary to defray the expenses of | 0002| maintaining the organization of the district and carrying out | 0003| the purposes of ~[this act]~ |Chapter 73, Articles 10 and 11 | 0004| NMSA 1978|, shall be determined annually at a per acre rate by | 0005| the board of directors. The amounts to be collected ~[under | 0006| Item Four]~ |pursuant to this paragraph| may, at the option of | 0007| the board of directors of ~[said]~ |the| district, be collected | 0008| as tolls and charges in the manner provided in Section ~[28, | 0009| Chapter 20, of the Laws of 1919]~ |73-11-28 NMSA 1978|. | 0010| |C|. Lands ~[which]~ |that|, in the opinion of the | 0011| board of directors, are unfit for cultivation by irrigation on | 0012| account of seepage, alkali or physical condition and location | 0013| of the land, or other conditions, or lands to which the | 0014| existing distributing system or |its| extensions ~[thereof]~ | 0015| cannot furnish water at such points of delivery as the board | 0016| may consider reasonable, shall not be taxed for ~[Item Three; | 0017| and]~ |Paragraph (3) of Subsection B of this section|, provided | 0018| that tax shall not be assessed for ~[Item Three]~ |Paragraph | 0019| (3) of Subsection B| of this |section| against land involved in | 0020| the boundary suit now pending in the United States supreme | 0021| court between the state of Texas and the state of New Mexico | 0022| until the final determination of ~[said]~ |the| suit, unless | 0023| ~[such]~ |the| land is in cultivation and using water for | 0024| irrigation; and lands shall not be taxed for ~[Items One and | 0025| Two]~ |Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection B of this section| | - 157 - 0001| for the periods and to the extent that, on account of seepage | 0002| or other conditions, in the opinion of the directors or the | 0003| secretary of the interior, as may be provided by contract with | 0004| the United States, or with district bondholders, such lands are | 0005| not fit for cultivation by irrigation on account of ~[such]~ | 0006| |those| conditions; but nothing ~[herein]~ contained |in this | 0007| section| shall be construed to relieve the district from making | 0008| provision to raise the amount required to make full payment to | 0009| private creditors or to the United States for the full cost of | 0010| construction or of operation and maintenance, irrespective of | 0011| the exemption of any lands from taxation, unless expressly | 0012| provided by the assent of the bondholders or other private | 0013| creditors or by agreement with the United States, as the case | 0014| may be ~[and]~. In determining the amount required for the | 0015| respective items aforesaid, the board shall take into | 0016| consideration the gross amount of exemption and credits | 0017| allowable pursuant to entries made by the board upon the | 0018| assessor's certified list, as |provided| in Section | 0019| ~[22 ( 77-2331) of this act provided]~ |73-11-31 NMSA 1978|. | 0020| Proper entry shall be made by the district officers of all | 0021| exemptions made and of credits allowed. The amount required to | 0022| meet the obligations of the district, except ~[the]~ |that| | 0023| portion ~[thereof]~ collected from tolls and charges, shall be | 0024| raised by tax assessments, levy and collection, as | 0025| ~[hereinafter]~ provided |in Chapter 73, Articles 10 and 11 | - 158 - 0001| NMSA 1978|, to be extended pro rata per acre over all lands in | 0002| the ~[said]~ district or, in appropriate cases, under ~[Item | 0003| Two above]~ |Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of this section|, | 0004| against all land in each respective unit of the district. When | 0005| the board ~[shall assemble]~ |meets| for the purposes | 0006| ~[hereinbefore]~ prescribed, it shall consider, determine and | 0007| designate the lands within ~[said]~ |the| district ~[which]~ | 0008| |that| shall be subjected to ~[the]~ |those| assessments and | 0009| levies ~[hereinbefore mentioned]~. | 0010| |D|. Notice of the time, place and purpose of | 0011| ~[such]~ |the| meeting shall be given by publication in English | 0012| and Spanish in ~[some]~ |a| newspaper ~[or newspapers]~ of | 0013| general circulation published within the county ~[wherein]~ | 0014| |where| the headquarters of the district are located and shall | 0015| inform all the persons interested that, at the time and place | 0016| specified, an opportunity will be afforded to appear before the | 0017| board |of directors| and show cause why any particular tract of | 0018| land, or any portion ~[there of]~ |of it|, should be exempted | 0019| from taxation under the provisions of ~[this act. Such]~ | 0020| |Chapter 73, Articles 10 and 11 NMSA 1978. The| notice shall | 0021| be published once a week for four ~[(4)]~ consecutive weeks, | 0022| and the last publication shall be not less than three ~[(3)]~ | 0023| days prior to the date fixed for ~[such]~ |the| meeting. Proof | 0024| of ~[such]~ publication shall be furnished by the publisher and | 0025| shall be filed in the archives of the secretary of the | - 159 - 0001| district. | 0002| |E|. At ~[such]~ |the| meeting, ~[said]~ |the| | 0003| board of directors, subject to ~[such]~ reasonable | 0004| ~[regulations]~ |rules| as it may prescribe, shall afford to | 0005| all persons desiring to do so an opportunity to make ~[such]~ | 0006| |a| showing as they may deem proper as to why any given tract | 0007| of land or portion ~[thereof]~ |of it| shall be exempted from | 0008| taxation ~[as aforesaid]~. In each case, the board |of | 0009| directors| may ~[cause to be made such]~ |make an | 0010| |investigation as it may deem proper, after which the board | 0011| shall determine the question submitted, as right and justice | 0012| may require, and shall cause its decision to be duly entered | 0013| upon its minutes and a copy ~[thereof]~ |of it| to be sent by | 0014| registered mail to all parties who have made claim of exemption | 0015| of land from taxation ~[as aforesaid]~. | 0016| |F|. ~[Any]~ |A| person ~[feeling himself]~ | 0017| aggrieved by ~[such]~ |the| decision, ~[as aforesaid]~ may | 0018| appeal ~[therefrom]~ to the district court ~[of the county | 0019| wherein the decision is rendered at any time within thirty (30) | 0020| days from and after the rendition and mailing as aforesaid of | 0021| said copy of the decision complained of, by serving upon the | 0022| secretary of the district written notice of such action and | 0023| filing a copy thereof, together with the copy of the decision | 0024| complained of, in the office of the clerk of the court to which | 0025| the appeal is taken. Upon being served with such notice, the | - 160 - 0001| secretary of the district shall forthwith transmit to the clerk | 0002| of such court a certified transcript of all the papers and | 0003| records pertaining to the case which may have been filed in | 0004| connection there with. Upon such appeal, the case shall be | 0005| tried in such district court, subject to the law, rules and | 0006| practice governing such court as upon writ of certiorari]~ | 0007| |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0008| |G|. The filing of ~[said]~ |the| appeal in | 0009| ~[said]~ |the |district court shall not stay the proceedings | 0010| relating to the collection of ~[said]~ |the| tax ~[but]~. In | 0011| the event that |the| appellant has paid ~[said]~ |the| tax | 0012| before the rendition of final judgment in ~[said]~ |the| suit | 0013| and judgment is rendered in ~[said]~ |the| suit in favor of the | 0014| appellant, |the| appellant shall have refunded to him ~[such]~ | 0015| |a| sum of money as shall be determined by the judgment of the | 0016| court, together with legal interest ~[thereon]~ |on it| and | 0017| costs of court. ~[But]~ If |the| appellant fails to recover in | 0018| ~[said]~ |the| suit, |the| appellant shall pay all costs of | 0019| court. In case the assets and liabilities of any water users' | 0020| association are taken over as |provided| in Section ~[1 ( 77- | 0021| 2201) of this act provided]~ |73-10-1 NMSA 1978|, the board of | 0022| directors shall allow to the owner of lands, on account of | 0023| which payment ~[shall have]~ |has| been made to ~[said]~ |the| | 0024| association, all proper and equitable credits to which the | 0025| ~[said]~ owner may be entitled, according to the books and | - 161 - 0001| records of ~[said]~ |the| association, which shall be prima | 0002| facie evidence of the credits of its various members ~[and | 0003| such]~. |The| credits shall be taken into consideration by the | 0004| board of directors in determining the amount of money required | 0005| to meet obligations, maintenance, operating and current | 0006| expenses of the district for the ensuing year, and the board of | 0007| directors shall certify to the county commissioners the amount | 0008| of ~[such]~ |the |credits, and levy ~[hereinafter]~ |as| | 0009| provided for |in Chapter 73, Articles 10 and 11 NMSA 1978| | 0010| shall be made accordingly. | 0011| |H|. The term "asset" as used ~[herein]~ |in this | 0012| section| includes any and all grants, rights, powers, | 0013| privileges and appropriations ~[heretofore]~ conferred by | 0014| ~[any]~ law ~[general or special]~ and upon any water users' | 0015| association and upon taking over the assets of any water users' | 0016| association as ~[hereinbefore]~ provided |in Chapter 73, | 0017| Articles 10 and 11 NMSA 1978| by any irrigation district. | 0018| ~[Said]~ |The| district shall succeed to all such grants, | 0019| rights, powers, privileges and appropriations, and the officers | 0020| of ~[said]~ |the| irrigation district are authorized and | 0021| empowered to perform such duties and execute such instruments | 0022| in regard thereto as ~[said]~ |the| law required of the | 0023| officers of ~[said]~ |the| water users' association." | 0024| Section 90. Section 73-12-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1929, | 0025| Chapter 76, Section 4) is amended to read: | - 162 - 0001| "73-12-4. ~[THE]~ |PETITION| HEARING ~[ON THE PETITION | 0002| AND ANY]~--OBJECTIONS ~[TO ORGANIZATION: ESTABLISH]~-- | 0003| BOUNDARIES ~[CALLING AN]~--ELECTION--~[AND PROVIDING FOR]~ | 0004| APPEALS.-- | 0005| |A|. At the hearing before the board of county | 0006| commissioners provided for in ~[the preceding]~ Section |73-12- | 0007| 3 NMSA 1978|, the ~[said]~ board shall proceed to determine | 0008| whether ~[said]~ |the| petition has been signed by the | 0009| requisite number of petitioners; whether ~[or not]~ the lands | 0010| in the proposed district are arid or semiarid lands; whether | 0011| ~[such]~ |the| lands are ~[suseptable]~ |susceptible| ~[of]~ | 0012| |to| irrigation and have a fertile soil that will warrant | 0013| farming ~[the same]~ |them| by irrigation; whether there is a | 0014| supply of water ~[which]~ |that| can be made efficiently | 0015| available for irrigation by the use of pumps; whether the | 0016| proposed plan is practicable; and whether, on the whole, the | 0017| development said to result from the introduction of power is of | 0018| such interest and benefit to the whole district as to impress | 0019| it with the character of public use. For the purpose of | 0020| determining the public use of the operations of the proposed | 0021| district and all other of the foregoing questions, the board of | 0022| county commissioners is ~[hereby]~ established as an inferior | 0023| court and its decisions shall be binding upon all persons | 0024| interested unless reversed on appeal as ~[hereinafter]~ | 0025| provided |in this section|, and if modified or affirmed, it | - 163 - 0001| shall be so binding. | 0002| |B|. If the board of county commissioners hearing | 0003| the matter ~[shall determine]~ |determines| that the petition | 0004| has been signed by the requisite number of petitioners as | 0005| required by ~[this act]~ |Chapter 73, Article 12 NMSA 1978| and | 0006| ~[shall determine]~ |determines| that ~[such]~ |the| proposed | 0007| development is of such interest and benefit to the whole | 0008| district as to impress with the character of public use, it | 0009| shall then proceed to hear any ~[and all]~ objections, | 0010| exceptions and protests ~[which]~ |that| have been made in | 0011| writing to the organization of ~[such]~ |the| district or to | 0012| the inclusion of any lands within ~[such]~ |the| district or to | 0013| the exclusion of lands from ~[such]~ |the| district and | 0014| ~[such]~ other objections, exceptions and protests as may be | 0015| presented in writing to the organization of the district. All | 0016| persons whose lands have not been included in the proposed | 0017| district, as defined in the petition, ~[shall]~ have the right | 0018| to appear before ~[said]~ |the| board at ~[such]~ |the| time | 0019| and place as parties interested in or affected by the | 0020| organization of the district and ~[shall]~ have the right to | 0021| petition that their lands be included within ~[such]~ |the| | 0022| district, and, if it ~[shall appear]~ |appears| to the board | 0023| that the inclusion of such lands may be made without materially | 0024| increasing the cost of service, the commissioners may by order | 0025| include such lands within ~[said]~ |the| district. | - 164 - 0001| |C|. If the board ~[shall make]~ |makes| findings | 0002| approving of the organization of ~[such]~ |the| district, it | 0003| shall then proceed to define the boundaries of ~[such]~ |the| | 0004| proposed district from ~[said]~ |the| petition and from | 0005| ~[such]~ applications in writing for the exclusion of lands | 0006| ~[therefrom]~ and the inclusion of lands ~[therein]~ |from and | 0007| in the district|, as may be made in accordance with the intent | 0008| of ~[this Act]~ |Chapter 73, Article 12 NMSA 1978|. The board | 0009| may adjourn ~[such]~ |the| meeting from time to time not | 0010| exceeding three weeks in all and shall, by final order duly | 0011| entered upon ~[their]~ |its| records, allow the prayer of | 0012| ~[said]~ |the| petition and define and establish the boundaries | 0013| of ~[such]~ |the| proposed district. Provided that ~[said]~ | 0014| |the| board shall not modify ~[such]~ |the| proposed boundaries | 0015| described in the petition so as to change the objects of | 0016| ~[said]~ |the| petition or so as to exempt from the operation | 0017| of ~[this Act]~ |Chapter 73, Article 12 NMSA 1978| any land | 0018| within the boundaries proposed by the petition ~[suseptable]~ | 0019| |susceptible| to irrigation by the same system or power works | 0020| applicable to other lands in ~[such]~ |the| proposed district | 0021| ~[nor shall any]~. |No| land ~[which]~ |that| will not, in the | 0022| judgment of the board, be benefited by ~[such]~ |the| proposed | 0023| system |shall| be included in ~[such]~ |the| district if | 0024| ~[the]~ |its |owner ~[thereof shall make]~ |makes| written | 0025| application at ~[such]~ |the| hearing to withdraw ~[the same]~ | - 165 - 0001| |it|. | 0002| |D|. Any persons aggrieved by the decision of the | 0003| board of county commissioners, upon the hearing | 0004| ~[hereinbefore]~ provided for ~[is hereby]~ |in this section, | 0005| are| given the right of appeal ~[from such decision or any part | 0006| thereof to the district court in and for the county in which | 0007| said hearing was held. Said appeal shall be taken and | 0008| perfected by the service of notice within fifteen days from the | 0009| time of the decision and not thereafter. Such notice of appeal | 0010| shall be served upon each of the three members of the committee | 0011| presenting the petition, herein provided for, to the board of | 0012| county commissioners]~ |to the district court pursuant to the | 0013| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|. | 0014| |E|. When the petition has been allowed and the | 0015| boundaries established and the name of the proposed district | 0016| designated, which shall be ____________________ electrical | 0017| district, the ~[said]~ board of county commissioners shall, by | 0018| further order duly entered upon ~[their]~ |its| records, call | 0019| an election of the qualified electors of ~[said]~ |the| | 0020| district to be held for the purpose of determining whether | 0021| ~[such]~ |the| district shall be organized under the provisions | 0022| of ~[this Act]~ |Chapter 73, Article 12 NMSA 1978| and by such | 0023| order shall submit the names of one or more persons from each | 0024| of three divisions of ~[said]~ |the| district, as | 0025| ~[hereinafter]~ provided |in this section|, to be voted for as | - 166 - 0001| directors therein, and for the purpose of ~[said]~ |the| | 0002| election shall ~[devide said]~ |divide the| district into three | 0003| divisions, as nearly equal in size as may be practicable, to be | 0004| numbered, respectively, ~[I, II]~ |1, 2| and ~[III]~ |3| and | 0005| shall provide that a qualified elector of each of ~[said]~ | 0006| |the| three divisions shall be elected as a member of the board | 0007| of directors of ~[said]~ |the| district by the qualified | 0008| electors of the whole district. Each of ~[said]~ |the| | 0009| divisions shall constitute an election precinct and the | 0010| commissioners shall appoint three judges for each of ~[such]~ | 0011| |the| precincts, one of whom shall act as clerk of ~[said]~ | 0012| |the| election. | 0013| ~[Upon appeal having been taken, as in this section | 0014| provided, the clerk of the court of the county wherein such | 0015| proceedings have been instituted shall transmit a certified | 0016| copy of the petition and of all orders and findings made by the | 0017| board of county commissioners in said cause and of all written | 0018| objections, exceptions or protests or applications of | 0019| whatsoever nature filed in such matter with the board of county | 0020| commissioners to the district court of such county. Such | 0021| certified copy of such proceedings must be transmitted to said | 0022| district court within fifteen days from the date which such | 0023| appeal is taken. The district court shall determine all | 0024| questions submitted to the said board of county commissioners | 0025| on their merits, and appeals from the decision of the district | - 167 - 0001| court in such matters may be taken to the supreme court of the | 0002| state in the same manner as appeals are taken to the supreme | 0003| court from the district courts of the state in civil matters. | 0004| The findings of fact in the district court shall have the | 0005| effect as the findings of fact in that court in all civil cases | 0006| at law.]" | 0007| Section 91. Section 74-3-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1971, | 0008| Chapter 284, Section 7, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| "74-3-9. LICENSING OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL|--APPEAL|.-- | 0010| A. It is unlawful for any person to possess, use, | 0011| store, dispose of, manufacture, process, repair or alter any | 0012| radioactive material unless he holds: | 0013| (1) a license issued by the nuclear regulatory | 0014| commission and notification by the licensee to the agency of | 0015| license identification; | 0016| (2) a license issued by an agreement state and | 0017| notification by the licensee to the agency of license | 0018| identification; or | 0019| (3) a license issued by the agency. | 0020| B. The agency shall issue licenses and shall | 0021| approve requests for reciprocity in accordance with procedures | 0022| prescribed by [regulation]~ |rule| of the board. License | 0023| applications shall be made on forms provided by the agency. | 0024| The agency shall not issue a license unless the applicant has | 0025| demonstrated the capability of complying with all applicable | - 168 - 0001| ~[regulations]~ |rules| of the board. | 0002| C. The board may, by ~[regulation]~ |rule|, exempt | 0003| from the requirements of licensure specific quantities of any | 0004| radioactive material determined by the board not to constitute | 0005| a health or environmental hazard. | 0006| D. The holding of a license issued by the agency, | 0007| the nuclear regulatory commission or an agreement state does | 0008| not relieve the licensee from the responsibility of complying | 0009| with all applicable ~[regulations]~ |rules| of the board. | 0010| E. ~[Any]~ |A| person who is or may be affected by | 0011| licensing action of the agency may appeal ~[for further | 0012| relief]~ to the district court ~[in which the subject | 0013| facilities or activities are located. All such appeals shall | 0014| be upon the agency's administrative records and shall be taken | 0015| within thirty days from the date the decision is final. Upon | 0016| appeal, the district court shall set aside the licensing action | 0017| only if found to be: | 0018| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0019| discretion; | 0020| (2) not supported by substantial evidence in | 0021| the record; or | 0022| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law]~ | 0023| |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0024| Section 92. Section 74-4B-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1992, | 0025| Chapter 5, Section 3) is amended to read: | - 169 - 0001| "74-4B-14. CLEANUP OF ORPHAN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-- | 0002| DEPARTMENT RECOURSE.|--APPEAL|.--The department may assess | 0003| charges against ~[persons]~ |a party identified as| responsible | 0004| for orphan hazardous materials, for costs the department incurs | 0005| in cleanup of the orphan hazardous materials and for damage to | 0006| state property. Amounts received in payment of assessments for | 0007| cleanup of the orphan hazardous materials shall be deposited in | 0008| the orphan material recovery fund. Amounts received in payment | 0009| of assessments for damage to state property shall be used to | 0010| repair the damage. ~[Any]~ |A| person who is assessed charges | 0011| pursuant to this section may appeal the assessment to the | 0012| district court ~[within thirty days of receipt of notice of the | 0013| assessment]~ |pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-8A-1 | 0014| NMSA 1978|." | 0015| Section 93. Section 75-3-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0016| Chapter 235, Section 11) is amended to read: | 0017| "75-3-11. JUDICIAL REVIEW.--Rulings by the commission on | 0018| the issuance, refusal or revocation of a license are subject to | 0019| review ~[only in the district court for Santa Fe county and the | 0020| state supreme court]~ |in the district court pursuant to the | 0021| provisions of Section 12-8A-1 NMSA 1978|." | 0022| Section 94. REPEAL.--Sections 4-45-6, 12-8-17 through | 0023| 12-8-22, 61-1-18, 61-1-20, 61-1-22, 61-1-23, 61-1-26, 61-18A-24 | 0024| and 61-27A-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1876, Chapter 1, Section | 0025| 23, Laws 1969, Chapter 252, Sections 17 through 22, Laws 1957, | - 170 - 0001| Chapter 247, Sections 18, 20, 22, 23 and 26, Laws 1987, Chapter | 0002| 252, Section 24 and Laws 1993, Chapter 212, Section 15, as | 0003| amended) are repealed. | 0004| Section 95. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0005| provisions of this act is September 1, 1998. | 0006|  |