0001| HOUSE BILL 51 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| TED HOBBS | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO THE RESTRUCTURE OF THE ELECTRIC INDUSTRY; | 0012| ESTABLISHING A PLANNING STRUCTURE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF | 0013| THE EVENTUAL RESTRUCTURE OF THE ELECTRIC INDUSTRY; PERMITTING | 0014| VOLUNTARY RATE REDUCTIONS; CREATING AN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE AND | 0015| ADVISORY STUDY PANELS; ENACTING SECTIONS OF THE NMSA 1978; | 0016| MAKING AN APPROPRIATION. | 0017| | 0018| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0019| Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the | 0020| "Electric Industry Restructuring Planning Act". | 0021| Section 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES.-- | 0022| A. The legislature finds that: | 0023| (1) the generation and sale of electricity is | 0024| becoming a competitive industry; | 0025| (2) electric service customers in New Mexico | - 1 - 0001| should have the opportunity to benefit from competition in | 0002| this industry and should have the freedom to choose their | 0003| suppliers of electricity and related services in a competitive | 0004| market; | 0005| (3) competition in the retail market for | 0006| electricity is intended to have long-term benefits for the | 0007| economy of New Mexico, including lower prices for electric | 0008| service to all customers, more efficient use of resources and | 0009| innovations in services and supply; | 0010| (4) a collaborative effort on the restructure | 0011| of the electric industry has been conducted with the | 0012| participation of representatives of the New Mexico public | 0013| utility commission, customers, anticipated competitors, other | 0014| interests and the industry. This collaborative effort ended | 0015| with certain consensus achieved and insights acquired. The | 0016| industry, representatives of customer interests and branches | 0017| and divisions of government have examined the competitive | 0018| restructure of this industry during the recent past and the | 0019| information, consensuses and concerns resulting from these | 0020| efforts should be included in the continuing planning to | 0021| achieve the restructure of this industry; and | 0022| (5) it is necessary to continue studies for | 0023| the comprehensive implementation of a restructure of the | 0024| electric utility industry to ensure that the public interest | 0025| is best served by a restructure. It is necessary to provide | - 2 - 0001| and establish direction for all aspects of the restructure, to | 0002| provide for continuing study and to prepare comprehensive | 0003| implementing legislation for presentation and consideration by | 0004| the forty-fourth legislature. | 0005| B. The purposes of the Electric Industry | 0006| Restructuring Planning Act are to: | 0007| (1) provide a framework and time schedule for | 0008| further evaluative studies and the restructure of the electric | 0009| industry to prepare for competition; | 0010| (2) permit the legislature, regulators, | 0011| industry and customers to further evaluate and determine the | 0012| best methodologies to implement the restructure of the | 0013| electric industry for competitive supply and services, other | 0014| than transmission and distribution of electricity, to | 0015| customers in this state; | 0016| (3) expressly state the intention of the | 0017| legislature to permit on January 1, 2001 competition in this | 0018| industry to benefit customers and to state the policies of the | 0019| legislature regarding stranded and transition cost recovery | 0020| and the divestiture of existing electric operations from | 0021| intended competitive electric services in preparation for | 0022| competition; | 0023| (4) ensure that all alternatives are | 0024| considered and evaluated to address major issues associated | 0025| with the restructure of the electric industry; | - 3 - 0001| (5) provide for the orderly restructure of | 0002| the electric industry to allow direct access by retail | 0003| customers to the competitive market for electricity supply and | 0004| energy services while maintaining and ensuring the safety and | 0005| reliability of the electric service, supply and system in this | 0006| state; | 0007| (6) ensure that the competitive component | 0008| suppliers and the regulated component suppliers of the | 0009| restructured electric industry, including electric suppliers | 0010| not operating in New Mexico before January 1, 2001, have fair | 0011| and equitable opportunities to prepare for competition and the | 0012| resulting changes in the regulated components of this | 0013| industry; and | 0014| (7) preserve the interests and recognize the | 0015| self-regulation of rural electric cooperatives and municipal | 0016| utilities by establishing an option for these entities to | 0017| determine their involvement in the competitive market, if any, | 0018| on terms that fairly and equitably consider the different | 0019| concerns and operations of these entities. | 0020| Section 3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Electric Industry | 0021| Restructuring Planning Act: | 0022| A. "commission" means the New Mexico public | 0023| utility commission or its successor agency; | 0024| B. "customer" means a person purchasing or seeking | 0025| to purchase retail electric energy provided over transmission | - 4 - 0001| and distribution facilities or other electric services; | 0002| C. "customer choice" means the opportunity and | 0003| option for a customer to select an electric supplier from | 0004| which to purchase electric energy provided over regulated | 0005| transmission and distribution facilities or other energy | 0006| services; | 0007| D. "distribution" means delivery of electricity | 0008| for consumption to a customer, excluding generation and | 0009| transmission services, by a regulated provider that has access | 0010| to the electric grid and owns or operates the poles and wires | 0011| that transmit electricity from the transmission system to | 0012| customers; | 0013| E. "electric supplier" means a person selling or | 0014| offering to sell electric energy to a customer; | 0015| F. "energy services" means a competitive | 0016| unregulated service offered through customer choice, | 0017| excluding electric energy, for sale or offered for sale to a | 0018| customer; | 0019| G. "energy service provider" means a person | 0020| selling or offering to sell a competitive unregulated service | 0021| and includes an electric supplier; | 0022| H. "generation" means the competitive unregulated | 0023| electric energy supply service for sale or offered for sale to | 0024| a customer through customer choice; and | 0025| I. "transmission" means the service of | - 5 - 0001| transporting bulk electricity between generation and | 0002| distribution systems by a regulated provider. | 0003| Section 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR CUSTOMER CHOICE.--On | 0004| January 1, 2001, generation and energy services shall be | 0005| deregulated and subject to the competitive market and customer | 0006| choice may begin. | 0007| Section 5. DIVESTITURE.--An electric utility operating | 0008| and subject to the jurisdiction of the commission on the | 0009| effective date of the Electric Industry Restructuring Planning | 0010| Act shall not be required to divest or be precluded from | 0011| voluntarily divesting itself of any component of its operation | 0012| existing and operating on January 1, 1998. On January 1, | 0013| 2001, generation and energy services shall be competitive | 0014| services subject to the market and not regulated by the | 0015| commission. Transmission and distribution shall remain | 0016| subject to regulation of rates, terms and conditions of | 0017| service by the commission or a federal oversight agency. | 0018| Generation and energy services shall be functionally separated | 0019| from transmission and distribution to ensure that competitive | 0020| advantages inherent in their combination are avoided. | 0021| Section 6. RECOGNITION OF STRANDED COSTS.--Stranded | 0022| costs may result from a restructure of the electric industry | 0023| to customer choice. An opportunity to recover claimed | 0024| stranded costs shall be afforded and determined for each | 0025| utility claiming stranded costs considering its | - 6 - 0001| characteristics and circumstances. | 0002| Section 7. RECOVERY OF TRANSITION COSTS--UTILITY | 0003| FILINGS.--Transition costs associated with and resulting from | 0004| the restructure of the electric industry and the change from | 0005| regulation to competition for generation and energy services | 0006| will be incurred and may be recovered, as mitigated and | 0007| verified, within a reasonable period after January 1, 2001. | 0008| Section 8. RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES AND MUNICIPAL | 0009| UTILITIES--OPTIONAL PARTICIPATION IN CUSTOMER CHOICE.--Rural | 0010| electric cooperatives providing distribution service to the | 0011| public and municipal utilities shall not be subject to the | 0012| provisions of Section 4 of the Electric Industry Restructuring | 0013| Planning Act unless an election to participate in customer | 0014| choice and receive the benefits of Section 4 of that act is | 0015| made. Once made, the election may not be withdrawn. In the | 0016| absence of an election to participate in customer choice and | 0017| receive the benefits of Section 4 of that act, a municipal | 0018| utility or a rural electric cooperative may not extend its | 0019| service beyond the actual area served by it as of January 1, | 0020| 1998 or, in the case of a municipal utility, beyond its | 0021| borders, whichever is greater. For purposes of this section, | 0022| the borders of a municipal utility include areas annexed by | 0023| the municipality after the effective date of the Electric | 0024| Industry Restructuring Planning Act. | 0025| Section 9. ELECTRIC SUPPLIERS AND ENERGY SERVICE | - 7 - 0001| PROVIDERS--REGISTRATION--LICENSURE.--All electric suppliers | 0002| and energy service providers are subject to registration and | 0003| licensure by the commission before operating or offering | 0004| service in New Mexico. Registration and licensure shall | 0005| require an applicant to be technically able to provide the | 0006| services proposed, to document its financial capability to | 0007| provide the proposed services and its form of ownership and to | 0008| comply with quality, safety, bonding and reliability | 0009| standards. The commission may suspend registration and | 0010| licensure or impose penalties if an electric supplier or | 0011| energy service provider violates the provisions of its license | 0012| or of law. Registration and licensure shall be effective on | 0013| January 1, 2001. | 0014| Section 10. REGULATION OF TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION | 0015| SERVICES--RULE MAKING.--The commission shall regulate | 0016| transmission and distribution services and shall promulgate | 0017| rules to implement this regulation. Transmission and | 0018| distribution facilities shall be made available for all | 0019| electric suppliers and customers on a nondiscriminatory and | 0020| comparable basis. | 0021| Section 11. VOLUNTARY RATE REDUCTIONS WITHOUT RATE CASE | 0022| APPROVALS.--An electric utility subject to the jurisdiction of | 0023| the commission may, without rate case approval by the | 0024| commission, voluntarily lower its rates below the levels in | 0025| effect on the effective date of the Electric Industry | - 8 - 0001| Restructuring Planning Act for any class of service, but shall | 0002| not lower any rate below the incremental cost of providing the | 0003| service to the affected class. A tariff filing by the | 0004| electric utility shall be made by the electric utility with | 0005| the commission at least thirty days prior to the effective | 0006| date of any rate reduced pursuant to this section. | 0007| Section 12. CUSTOMER INTERESTS, INFORMATION AND | 0008| PROTECTION.--Information provided to consumers after January | 0009| 1, 2001 by electric suppliers and energy service providers | 0010| shall be in standardized format to permit reasonable | 0011| comparisons among services and prices for all electricity | 0012| supply and services. Consumer protection against unfair trade | 0013| practices and noncompetitive activities shall be regulated by | 0014| the commission. | 0015| Section 13. REGIONAL COOPERATION--NO IMPACT ON | 0016| INTERSTATE COMMERCE.--After January 1, 2001, the commission | 0017| shall promote and encourage cooperation in the electric | 0018| industry, both regulated and unregulated, and with other | 0019| states and regions to avoid disadvantages, resulting from | 0020| competition, to this state, electric service providers, | 0021| electric utilities and customers. Commerce among the various | 0022| states is not impeded by the Electric Industry Restructuring | 0023| Planning Act and shall not be impeded by commission regulation | 0024| or action. | 0025| Section 14. COMMISSION STUDY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEM | - 9 - 0001| OPERATOR.--The commission shall conduct a study on the | 0002| feasibility and advisability of and alternatives to an | 0003| independent system operator to direct and maintain the use of | 0004| and access to the transmission system existing and necessary | 0005| in this state or region and by October 15, 1998 shall report | 0006| its findings and recommendations to the restructuring | 0007| oversight committee. | 0008| Section 15. RESTRUCTURING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CREATED-- | 0009| AUTHORIZATION--RESPONSIBILITIES--TERMINATION.-- | 0010| A. The joint interim legislative "restructuring | 0011| oversight committee" is created. The committee shall function | 0012| from the date of its appointment until December 1 prior to the | 0013| first session of the forty-fifth legislature. | 0014| B. The restructuring oversight committee shall be | 0015| composed of ten members. The New Mexico legislative council | 0016| shall appoint five members of the committee from the house of | 0017| representatives and five members from the senate. At the time | 0018| of making the appointments, the legislative council shall | 0019| designate the chairman and vice chairman of the committee. | 0020| C. Members shall be appointed from each house so | 0021| as to give the two major political parties in each house the | 0022| same proportionate representation on the committee as prevails | 0023| in each house; however, each party shall not have less than | 0024| one member from each house on the committee. At the request | 0025| of the committee chairman, members may be removed from the | - 10 - 0001| committee by the New Mexico legislative council for | 0002| nonattendance according to legislative council policy. | 0003| Vacancies on the committee, however caused, may be filled by | 0004| the legislative council, or it may reduce the size of the | 0005| committee by not making replacement appointments and in that | 0006| case need not readjust party representation. | 0007| D. An action shall not be taken by the committee | 0008| if a majority of the total membership from either house on the | 0009| committee rejects that action. | 0010| E. After its appointment, the restructuring | 0011| oversight committee shall hold one organizational meeting to | 0012| develop a work plan and budget for the ensuing interim. The | 0013| work plan and budget shall be submitted to the New Mexico | 0014| legislative council for approval. Upon approval of the work | 0015| plan and budget by the legislative council, the committee | 0016| shall maintain oversight of the advisory study panels' work | 0017| authorized in Section 16 of the Electric Industry | 0018| Restructuring Planning Act and receive the report and | 0019| recommendation of the commission pursuant to Section 14 of the | 0020| that act and develop comprehensive implementing legislation to | 0021| restructure the electric industry for recommendation to the | 0022| first session of the forty-fourth legislature. | 0023| F. The restructuring oversight committee shall | 0024| make a report of its findings and recommendations for the | 0025| consideration of the first session of the forty-fourth | - 11 - 0001| legislature. The report and suggested legislation shall be | 0002| made available to the New Mexico legislative council on or | 0003| before December 15 preceding that session. | 0004| G. The staff for the restructuring oversight | 0005| committee shall be provided by the legislative council | 0006| service. | 0007| Section 16. ADVISORY STUDY PANELS CREATED-- | 0008| AUTHORIZATION--COMPOSITION--REPORTS TO RESTRUCTURING OVERSIGHT | 0009| COMMITTEE.-- | 0010| A. Further study on electric industry | 0011| restructuring and customer choice implementation is necessary | 0012| and shall be conducted by advisory study panels composed of | 0013| representatives of industry, intended electric suppliers and | 0014| energy service providers, transmission and distribution | 0015| providers, customers, regulators and others. The | 0016| restructuring oversight committee shall appoint the following | 0017| advisory panels to study and make recommendations on or before | 0018| October 15, 1998: | 0019| (1) one panel to address technical issues, | 0020| including: | 0021| (a) unbundling of generation, | 0022| transmission and distribution and energy services; | 0023| (b) utility restructuring plans; | 0024| (c) market power; | 0025| (d) anti-competitive and unfair trade | - 12 - 0001| activities; | 0002| (e) open access to transmission and | 0003| distribution; | 0004| (f) transition issues; | 0005| (g) sequencing of customer choice; | 0006| (h) regulation of distribution | 0007| services, responsibilities and service territories; | 0008| (i) role of rural electric | 0009| cooperatives, rural electric generation and transmission | 0010| cooperatives and municipal utilities in the competitive market | 0011| with or without election to participate; and | 0012| (j) siting of new generation; | 0013| (2) one panel to address financial and tax | 0014| issues, including: | 0015| (a) rates and charges; | 0016| (b) access and transition costs and | 0017| fees, including recovery methodologies; | 0018| (c) stranded costs and their recovery, | 0019| including: 1) securitization; 2) previous mitigation | 0020| measures; 3) term of collection period and its impact on | 0021| rates; and 4) impact on financial health and economic | 0022| viability of affected utilities; | 0023| (d) stranded benefits and accounting | 0024| for such benefits; | 0025| (e) municipal financing issues; | - 13 - 0001| (f) rural electric cooperative | 0002| financing issues; | 0003| (g) financing issues related to | 0004| generation and transmission cooperatives, including issues | 0005| related to bonded indebtedness; | 0006| (h) investor-owned utility financing | 0007| issues; | 0008| (i) tax issues, including maintenance | 0009| of revenue neutrality for the state and political | 0010| subdivisions; | 0011| (j) impacts on employment in the state; | 0012| and | 0013| (k) impacts on issuers, insurers and | 0014| holders of debt issued on behalf of rural electric | 0015| cooperatives to fund pollution control improvements; | 0016| (3) one panel to address consumer issues, | 0017| including: | 0018| (a) consumer education and information, | 0019| including responsibility for and the role and availability of | 0020| technology; | 0021| (b) the obligation to serve; | 0022| (c) the obligation to connect; | 0023| (d) regulation of standard offer; | 0024| (e) regulation of universal service; | 0025| (f) rates for regulated services; | - 14 - 0001| (g) retail aggregation; | 0002| (h) consumer safeguards, including: | 0003| 1) standardization in advertising; 2) right to privacy; | 0004| 3) requirements for special demand meters; 4) disclosure of | 0005| unbundled prices; 5) regulation of disconnects, complaints, | 0006| service quality and collections; 6) low-income assistance; | 0007| 7) protection from unfair trade practices; 8) codes of | 0008| conduct; 9) anti-slamming regulations; 10) anti-trust | 0009| enforcement funding; 11) regulation of nonutility services | 0010| where cross-subsidization is found; and 12) regulation to | 0011| license, bond, set meter requirements and require production | 0012| of records to ensure compliance with a consumer protection | 0013| standard; | 0014| (i) consumer choices; and | 0015| (j) environmental issues; and | 0016| (4) one panel to address reliability and | 0017| safety concerns, including: | 0018| (a) regional cooperation; | 0019| (b) registration and licensing of | 0020| electric suppliers and energy service providers; | 0021| (c) responsibilities for maintenance | 0022| and repair service; and | 0023| (d) access to and adequacy of | 0024| interstate transmission for import and export capability. | 0025| B. Each study panel shall include representatives | - 15 - 0001| of the restructuring oversight committee and other groups | 0002| interested in the restructure of the electric industry with | 0003| specific knowledge of the work topic of the panel. Members of | 0004| each study panel shall serve without compensation or | 0005| reimbursement. | 0006| C. The staff for each study panel, if any, shall | 0007| be provided by the legislative council service or the | 0008| commission upon request of the study panel and with approval | 0009| of the restructuring oversight committee. Upon approval of | 0010| the restructuring oversight committee, a study panel may | 0011| retain and pay advisers and consultants to assist in | 0012| fulfilling the work assigned to that panel. | 0013| D. Each study panel shall begin its study after | 0014| July 1, 1998 and complete its work and prepare a written | 0015| report for presentation and submission to the restructuring | 0016| oversight committee no later than October 15, 1998. | 0017| Section 17. APPROVED CUSTOMER CHOICE PLANS NOT | 0018| AFFECTED.--The Electric Industry Restructuring Planning Act | 0019| shall not affect commission-approved plans voluntarily | 0020| submitted by an electric utility to the commission, prior to | 0021| January 1, 1998, that sought authorization by the commission | 0022| for customer choice for its electric customers. | 0023| Section 18. INCONSISTENCIES.--If the Electric Industry | 0024| Restructuring Planning Act is inconsistent with a provision of | 0025| the Public Utility Act or other law, then the provisions of | - 16 - 0001| the Electric Industry Restructuring Planning Act shall | 0002| control. | 0003| Section 19. APPROPRIATION.--Twenty-five thousand dollars | 0004| ($25,000) is appropriated from the general fund to the | 0005| legislative council service for expenditure in fiscal year | 0006| 1999 for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Section | 0007| 15 of the Electric Industry Restructuring Planning Act. Any | 0008| unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of | 0009| fiscal year 1999 shall revert to the general fund. | 0010| Section 20. DELAYED REPEAL.--The Electric Industry | 0011| Restructuring Planning Act is repealed effective January 1, | 0012| 2001. | 0013|  |