0001| HOUSE BILL 340 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| M. MICHAEL OLGUIN | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO STRATEGIC PLANNING; AMENDING AND ENACTING SECTIONS | 0012| OF THE NMSA 1978 TO ESTABLISH THE NEW MEXICO FUTURES | 0013| COMMISSION TO FORM A FRAMEWORK FOR ENSURING NEW MEXICO'S | 0014| LEGACY OF ENCHANTMENT; ESTABLISHING POWERS AND DUTIES; MAKING | 0015| AN APPROPRIATION. | 0016| | 0017| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0018| Section 1. [|NEW MATERIAL|] SHORT TITLE.--Sections 1 | 0019| through 5 of this act may be cited as the "Strategic Planning | 0020| Act". | 0021| Section 2. [|NEW MATERIAL|] LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS-- | 0022| PURPOSE.-- | 0023| A. The legislature finds that the state is faced | 0024| with increasing demands and limited resources and that this | 0025| situation requires the conservation and wise management of | - 1 - 0001| resources to preserve them for future generations. The | 0002| legislature finds further that wise use and management of | 0003| state resources require the cooperative effort of both the | 0004| public and the private sector. | 0005| B. The legislature also finds that the state | 0006| currently lacks a comprehensive strategic planning process. | 0007| Given the necessity of strategic planning and resource | 0008| management, the legislature finds that a process needs to be | 0009| established to accomplish both those goals in a manner that | 0010| reflects the diversity and richness of the state's citizenry. | 0011| C. It is the purpose of the Strategic Planning Act | 0012| to create an organizational entity design to oversee the | 0013| implementation of a statewide strategic planning process. | 0014| Section 3. [|NEW MATERIAL|] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0015| Strategic Planning Act: | 0016| A. "commission" means the New Mexico futures | 0017| commission; and | 0018| B. "director" means the executive director of the | 0019| New Mexico futures commission. | 0020| Section 4. [|NEW MATERIAL|] NEW MEXICO FUTURES | 0021| COMMISSION--CREATION--MEMBERSHIP.-- | 0022| A. The "New Mexico futures commission" is created. | 0023| B. The commission shall be composed of twelve | 0024| members, six of whom shall be appointed by the governor, three | 0025| of whom shall be appointed by the president pro tempore of the | - 2 - 0001| senate and three of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of | 0002| the house of representatives. To the extent possible, members | 0003| should be appointed to reflect the geographic and cultural | 0004| diversity of the state. Of the members initially appointed to | 0005| the commission, members appointed by the president pro tempore | 0006| of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives | 0007| shall serve terms of two years; members appointed by the | 0008| governor shall serve terms of one year. All subsequent | 0009| appointees shall serve terms of two years. Members may be | 0010| reappointed but may serve for no longer than four full terms. | 0011| C. The governor shall appoint one member of the | 0012| commission to serve as chairman. Members of the commission | 0013| may elect from among themselves other officers they deem | 0014| necessary. | 0015| D. Members of the commission who are not state | 0016| employees may be paid per diem and mileage pursuant to the | 0017| provisions of the Per Diem and Mileage Act. | 0018| Section 5. [|NEW MATERIAL|] COMMISSION POWERS AND | 0019| DUTIES.-- | 0020| A. The commission shall establish a strategic | 0021| planning process, including public and private sector | 0022| partners. The process shall be modeled after strategic | 0023| planning processes in common use in the public and private | 0024| sectors. The process shall include: | 0025| (1) a method to ensure broad-based statewide | - 3 - 0001| participation; | 0002| (2) an information-gathering component by | 0003| which to assess current economic conditions and trends; | 0004| (3) an analysis of the state's strengths, | 0005| weaknesses and opportunities; | 0006| (4) the establishment of goals, objectives | 0007| and strategies for implementation; | 0008| (5) a procedure for measuring performance; | 0009| and | 0010| (6) a procedure for periodic review and | 0011| refinement of the planning process. | 0012| B. The commission shall work with planning and | 0013| development districts to coordinate regional planning | 0014| development and to ensure that the strategic planning process | 0015| reflects a statewide initiative. | 0016| C. Prior to December 1 of each year, the | 0017| commission shall prepare and submit a report to the governor | 0018| and the legislature on the status of the strategic planning | 0019| process and implementation of the strategic plan. | 0020| D. The commission shall hire and fix the | 0021| compensation of an executive director, who shall not be a | 0022| member of the commission. The person selected as director | 0023| shall not be a state employee on the effective date of the | 0024| Strategic Planning Act. The director shall be well versed in | 0025| planning and management and the implementation of planning | - 4 - 0001| directives. The director, with the approval of the | 0002| commission, may employ staff as necessary to carry out the | 0003| duties of the commission and the provisions of the Strategic | 0004| Planning Act. | 0005| E. The commission, through its director, may enter | 0006| into such contracts and agreements as are necessary to carry | 0007| out the provisions of the Strategic Planning Act. | 0008| F. Employees shall serve at the pleasure of the | 0009| commission and are exempt from the provisions of the Personnel | 0010| Act. | 0011| Section 6. Section 10-9-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1961, | 0012| Chapter 240, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0013| "10-9-4. COVERAGE OF SERVICE.--The Personnel Act and the | 0014| service cover all state positions except: | 0015| A. officials elected by popular vote or appointed | 0016| to fill vacancies to elective offices; | 0017| B. members of boards and commissions and heads of | 0018| agencies appointed by the governor; | 0019| C. heads of agencies appointed by boards or | 0020| commissions; | 0021| D. directors of department divisions; | 0022| E. those in educational institutions and in public | 0023| schools; | 0024| F. those employed by state institutions and by | 0025| state agencies providing educational programs and who are | - 5 - 0001| required to hold valid certificates as certified school | 0002| instructors as defined in Section 22-1-2 NMSA 1978 issued by | 0003| the state board of education; | 0004| G. those in the governor's office; | 0005| H. those in the state militia or the commissioned | 0006| officers of the New Mexico state police division of the | 0007| department of public safety; | 0008| I. those in the judicial branch of government; | 0009| J. those in the legislative branch of government; | 0010| |K. employees of the New Mexico futures | 0011| commission|; | 0012| ~[K.]~ |L.| not more than two assistants and one | 0013| secretary in the office of each official listed in Subsections | 0014| A, B and C of this section, excluding members of boards and | 0015| commissions in Subsection B of this section; | 0016| ~[L.]~ |M.| those of a professional or scientific | 0017| nature which are temporary in nature; | 0018| ~[M.]~ |N.| those filled by patients or inmates in | 0019| charitable, penal or correctional institutions; | 0020| ~[N.]~ |O.| state employees if the personnel board | 0021| in its discretion decides that the position is one of | 0022| policymaking; and | 0023| ~[O.]~ |P.| disadvantaged youth under twenty-two | 0024| years of age regularly enrolled or to be enrolled in a | 0025| secondary educational institution approved by the state board | - 6 - 0001| of education or in an accredited state institution of advanced | 0002| learning or vocational training and who are to be employed for | 0003| not more than seven hundred twenty hours during any calendar | 0004| year: | 0005| (1) the term "disadvantaged youth" shall be | 0006| defined for purposes of this exemption by ~[regulation]~ | 0007| |rule| duly promulgated by the board; and | 0008| (2) the board shall: | 0009| (a) require that all the criteria of | 0010| this subsection have been met; | 0011| (b) establish employment lists for the | 0012| certification of the highest-standing candidates to the | 0013| prospective employers; and | 0014| (c) establish the pay rates for such | 0015| employees." | 0016| Section 7. APPROPRIATION.--One hundred thirty-five | 0017| thousand dollars ($135,000) is appropriated from the general | 0018| fund to the New Mexico futures commission for expenditure in | 0019| fiscal year 1999 for the purpose of carrying out the | 0020| provisions of the Strategic Planning Act. The appropriation | 0021| is contingent on an equal contribution to the commission from | 0022| the private sector. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance | 0023| remaining at the end of fiscal year 1999 shall revert to the | 0024| general fund. | 0025|  | - 7 -