0001| HOUSE BILL 337 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| PAULINE K. GUBBELS | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS; INCREASING FEES; PROVIDING | 0012| FOR INACTIVE STATUS; MAKING AN APPROPRIATION. | 0013| | 0014| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0015| Section 1. Section 61-24B-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, | 0016| Chapter 151, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0017| "61-24B-1. SHORT TITLE.--~[This act]~ |Chapter 61, | 0018| Article 24B NMSA 1978| may be cited as the "Landscape | 0019| Architects Act"." | 0020| Section 2. A new section of the Landscape Architects Act | 0021| is enacted to read: | 0022| "[|NEW MATERIAL|] INACTIVE STATUS.--A certificate of | 0023| registration in good standing may be transferred to inactive | 0024| status upon written request to the board and payment of an | 0025| annual inactive status fee set by the board. The request | - 1 - 0001| shall be made prior to expiration of the certificate of | 0002| registration. The registrant shall not practice in New Mexico | 0003| during the time the certificate of registration is inactive. | 0004| A registrant may reactivate his certificate of registration | 0005| upon submission of a renewal form provided by the board, the | 0006| payment of the annual renewal fee for the current year, proof | 0007| of continuing education units for the period of inactive | 0008| status and any additional proof of competency required by the | 0009| board." | 0010| Section 3. Section 61-24B-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, | 0011| Chapter 151, Section 11) is amended to read: | 0012| "61-24B-11. FEES.--The board shall establish a schedule | 0013| of reasonable fees for applications, certificates of | 0014| registration, temporary permits, ~[and]~ re-registration, | 0015| |inactive status and late registration renewal| as follows: | 0016| A. the initial application fee shall be set in an | 0017| amount not to exceed ~[fifty dollars ($50.00)]~ |one hundred | 0018| dollars ($100)|; | 0019| B. the initial certificate of registration fee | 0020| shall be set in an amount not to exceed ~[one hundred fifty | 0021| dollars ($150); and]~ |three hundred dollars ($300)|; | 0022| C. the certificate of registration renewal fee | 0023| shall be set in an amount not to exceed ~[one hundred dollars | 0024| ($100)]~ |four hundred dollars ($400);| | 0025| |D. the annual inactive status fee shall be set at | - 2 - 0001| one-half the renewal fee for the year; and | 0002| E. the late fee for registration renewal shall be | 0003| set at twice the renewal fee|." | 0004|  |