0001| HOUSE BILL 230 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| TED HOBBS | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO PUBLIC PURCHASING; AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE | 0012| PROCUREMENT CODE. | 0013| | 0014| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0015| Section 1. Section 13-1-67 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | 0016| Chapter 65, Section 40) is amended to read: | 0017| "13-1-67. DEFINITION--LOCAL PUBLIC BODY.--"Local public | 0018| body" means every political subdivision of the state; ~[and]~ | 0019| the agencies, instrumentalities and institutions thereof; |and | 0020| two-year post-secondary educational institutions|." | 0021| Section 2. Section 13-1-98 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | 0022| Chapter 65, Section 71, as amended) is amended to read: | 0023| "13-1-98. EXEMPTIONS FROM THE PROCUREMENT CODE.--The | 0024| provisions of the Procurement Code shall not apply to: | 0025| A. procurement of items of tangible personal | - 1 - 0001| property or services by a state agency or a local public body | 0002| from a state agency, a local public body or external | 0003| procurement unit except as otherwise provided in Sections | 0004| 13-1-135 through 13-1-137 NMSA 1978; | 0005| B. procurement of tangible personal property or | 0006| services for the governor's mansion and grounds; | 0007| C. printing and duplicating contracts involving | 0008| materials which are required to be filed in connection with | 0009| proceedings before administrative agencies or state or federal | 0010| courts; | 0011| D. purchases of publicly provided or publicly | 0012| regulated gas, electricity, water, sewer and refuse collection | 0013| services; | 0014| E. purchases of books and periodicals from the | 0015| publishers or copyright holders thereof; | 0016| F. travel or shipping by common carrier or by | 0017| private conveyance or to meals and lodging; | 0018| G. purchase of livestock at auction rings or to | 0019| the procurement of animals to be used for research and | 0020| experimentation or exhibit; | 0021| H. contracts with businesses for public school | 0022| transportation services; | 0023| I. procurement of tangible personal property or | 0024| services, as defined by Sections 13-l-87 and 13-l-93 NMSA | 0025| 1978, by the corrections industries division of the | - 2 - 0001| corrections department pursuant to regulations adopted by the | 0002| corrections ~[industries]~ commission, which shall be reviewed | 0003| by the purchasing division of the general services department | 0004| prior to adoption; | 0005| J. minor purchases, |not exceeding five thousand | 0006| dollars ($5,000)|, consisting of magazine subscriptions, | 0007| conference registration fees and other similar purchases where | 0008| prepayments are required; | 0009| K. municipalities having adopted home rule | 0010| charters and having enacted their own purchasing ordinances; | 0011| L. the issuance, sale and delivery of public | 0012| securities pursuant to the applicable authorizing statute, | 0013| with the exception of bond attorneys and general financial | 0014| consultants; | 0015| M. contracts entered into by a local public body | 0016| with a private independent contractor for the operation, or | 0017| provision and operation, of a jail pursuant to Sections | 0018| 33-3-26 and 33-3-27 NMSA 1978; | 0019| N. contracts for maintenance of grounds and | 0020| facilities at highway rest stops and other employment | 0021| opportunities, excluding those intended for the direct care | 0022| and support of persons with handicaps, entered into by state | 0023| agencies with private, nonprofit, independent contractors who | 0024| provide services to persons with handicaps; | 0025| O. contracts and expenditures for services to be | - 3 - 0001| paid or compensated by money or other property transferred to | 0002| New Mexico law enforcement agencies by the United States | 0003| department of justice drug enforcement administration; | 0004| P. contracts for retirement and other benefits | 0005| pursuant to Sections 22-11-47 through 22-11-52 NMSA 1978; | 0006| ~[and]~ | 0007| Q. contracts with professional entertainers; |and | 0008| R. contracts and expenditures for expert witness | 0009| or court reporter services in connection with anticipated | 0010| proceedings before state or federal courts|." | 0011| Section 3. Section 13-1-99 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | 0012| Chapter 65, Section 72, as amended) is amended to read: | 0013| "13-1-99. EXCLUDED FROM CENTRAL PURCHASING THROUGH THE | 0014| STATE PURCHASING AGENT.--Excluded from the requirement of | 0015| procurement through the state purchasing agent but not from | 0016| the requirements of the Procurement Code are the following: | 0017| A. procurement of professional services, |except | 0018| for professional services related to information and | 0019| communication services, resources and systems|; | 0020| B. small purchases having a value not exceeding | 0021| ~[two hundred fifty dollars ($250)]~ |five hundred dollars | 0022| ($500)|; | 0023| C. emergency procurement; | 0024| D. procurement of highway construction or | 0025| reconstruction by the state highway and transportation | - 4 - 0001| department; | 0002| E. procurement by the judicial branch of state | 0003| government; | 0004| F. procurement by the legislative branch of state | 0005| government; | 0006| G. procurement by the boards of regents of state | 0007| educational institutions named in Article 12, Section 11 of | 0008| the constitution of New Mexico; | 0009| ~[H. procurement of information processing | 0010| resources procured through the commission on information and | 0011| communication management; | 0012| I.]~ |H.| procurement by the state fair commission | 0013| of tangible personal property, services and construction under | 0014| ~[five thousand dollars ($5,000)]~ |ten thousand dollars | 0015| ($10,000)|; | 0016| ~[J.]~ |I.| purchases from the instructional | 0017| material fund; | 0018| ~[K.]~ |J.| procurement by all local public | 0019| bodies; | 0020| ~[L.]~ |K.| procurement by regional education | 0021| cooperatives; and | 0022| ~[M.]~ |L.| procurement by each state health care | 0023| institution that provides direct patient care and that is, or | 0024| a part of which is, medicaid certified and participating in | 0025| the New Mexico medicaid program." | - 5 - 0001| Section 4. Section 13-1-104 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | 0002| Chapter 65, Section 77, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "13-1-104. COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS--PUBLIC NOTICE.-- | 0004| A. ~[The]~ |An| invitation for bids or a notice | 0005| thereof shall be published not less than ten calendar days | 0006| prior to the date set forth for the opening of bids. In the | 0007| case of purchases made by the state purchasing agent, the | 0008| invitation or notice shall be published at least once in at | 0009| least three newspapers of general circulation in this state. | 0010| In the case of purchases made by other central purchasing | 0011| offices, the invitation or notice shall be published at least | 0012| once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area in | 0013| which the central purchasing office is located. These | 0014| requirements of publication are in addition to ~[any]~ other | 0015| procedures which may be adopted by central purchasing offices | 0016| to notify prospective bidders that bids will be received, | 0017| including but not limited to publication in a trade journal, | 0018| if available. If there is no newspaper of general circulation | 0019| in the area in which the central purchasing office is located, | 0020| ~[such]~ other notice may be given as is commercially | 0021| reasonable. | 0022| B. The state purchasing agent and all central | 0023| purchasing offices shall send copies of the notice or | 0024| invitation for bids involving the expenditure of more than | 0025| ~[five thousand dollars ($5,000)]~ |ten thousand dollars | - 6 - 0001| ($10,000)| to those businesses which have signified in writing | 0002| an interest in submitting bids for particular categories of | 0003| items of tangible personal property, construction and services | 0004| and which have paid any required fees. The state purchasing | 0005| agent or a central purchasing office may set different | 0006| registration fees for different categories of services, | 0007| construction or items of tangible personal property, but such | 0008| fees shall be related to the actual, direct cost of furnishing | 0009| copies of the notice or invitation for bids to the prospective | 0010| bidders. The fees shall be used exclusively for the purpose | 0011| of furnishing copies of the notice or invitation for bids of | 0012| proposed procurements to prospective bidders. | 0013| C. As used in this subsection, "prospective | 0014| bidders" includes persons considering submission of a bid as a | 0015| general contractor for the construction contract and persons | 0016| who may submit bids to a general contractor for work to be | 0017| subcontracted pursuant to the construction contract. The | 0018| state purchasing agent and all central purchasing offices | 0019| shall make copies of invitations for bids for construction | 0020| contracts available to prospective bidders. The state | 0021| purchasing agent or a central purchasing office may require | 0022| prospective bidders who have requested documents for bid on a | 0023| construction contract to pay a deposit for a copy of the | 0024| documents for bid. The deposit shall equal the full cost of | 0025| reproduction and delivery of the documents for bid. The | - 7 - 0001| deposit, less delivery charges, shall be refunded if the | 0002| documents for bid are returned in usable condition within the | 0003| time limits specified in the documents for bid, which time | 0004| limits shall be no less than ten calendar days from the date | 0005| of the bid opening. All forfeited deposits shall be credited | 0006| to the funds of the state purchasing agent or central | 0007| purchasing office, whichever is applicable." | 0008| Section 5. Section 13-1-135 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | 0009| Chapter 65, Section 108) is amended to read: | 0010| "13-1-135. COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT AUTHORIZED.-- | 0011| |A. Cooperative procurement agreements between | 0012| governmental entities with common needs shall be used for a | 0013| single solicitation and subsequent contract if, by broadening | 0014| and strengthening the bargaining power of the individual | 0015| governmental entities, opportunities exist to maximize the | 0016| value of public funds and reduce administrative costs|. | 0017| ~[A.]~ |B. Unless a joint powers agreement is | 0018| required pursuant to Subsection C of this section|, ~[any]~ | 0019| |a| state agency or local public body may either participate | 0020| in, sponsor or administer a cooperative procurement agreement | 0021| for the procurement of ~[any]~ services, construction or items | 0022| of tangible personal property with ~[any other]~ |another| | 0023| state agency, local public body or external procurement unit | 0024| in accordance with an agreement entered into ~[under the Joint | 0025| Powers Agreements Act]~ |and approved by the governing | - 8 - 0001| authority of each of the public agencies involved. A | 0002| cooperative procurement shall clearly specify the purpose of | 0003| the agreement and the method by which the purpose will be | 0004| accomplished. Any power exercised pursuant to the agreement | 0005| shall be limited to the central purchasing office of one of | 0006| the contracting parties, even though one or more of the | 0007| parties may be an external procurement unit. An approved and | 0008| signed copy of each cooperative procurement agreement entered | 0009| into pursuant to this subsection shall be filed with the state | 0010| purchasing agent. A cooperative procurement agreement | 0011| pursuant to the authority of this subsection is limited to the | 0012| procurement of items of tangible personal property, services | 0013| or construction. | 0014| C. A cooperative procurement agreement involving | 0015| mutually held funds between the parties, the transfer of funds | 0016| from one party to another or the receipt of funds by a state | 0017| agency or local public body shall only be entered into | 0018| pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreements Act.| | 0019| ~[B.]~ |D.| Central purchasing offices other than | 0020| the state purchasing agent may cooperate by agreement with the | 0021| state purchasing agent in obtaining contracts or price | 0022| agreements, and such ~[contract]~ |contracts| or agreed prices | 0023| shall apply to purchase orders subsequently issued ~[under]~ | 0024| |pursuant to| the agreement." | 0025| Section 6. Section 13-1-155 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, | - 9 - 0001| Chapter 65, Section 128, as amended) is amended to read: | 0002| "13-1-155. PROCUREMENT OF USED ITEMS--APPRAISAL | 0003| REQUIRED--COUNTY ROAD EQUIPMENT EXCEPTION FOR AUCTIONS.-- | 0004| A. A central purchasing office, when procuring | 0005| used items of tangible personal property, ~[the estimated cost | 0006| of which exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000)]~ shall | 0007| request bids as though the items were new, adding | 0008| specifications that permit used items under conditions to be | 0009| outlined in the bid specifications, including, ~[but not | 0010| limited to requiring a written warranty for at least ninety | 0011| days after date of delivery]~ |if applicable, a requirement | 0012| that the seller provide the usual and customary written | 0013| warranty as is extended to private sector buyers| and an | 0014| independent "certificate of working order" by a qualified | 0015| mechanic, ~[or]~ appraiser |or technician|. | 0016| B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A | 0017| of this section, the |central| purchasing office for a county | 0018| may purchase, at public or private auctions conducted by | 0019| established, recognized commercial auction companies, used | 0020| |items of| heavy equipment ~[having an estimated cost that | 0021| exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000)]~ for use in | 0022| construction and maintenance of county streets, roads and | 0023| highways, subject to the following provisions: | 0024| ~[(1) the commercial auction company shall | 0025| have been in business for at least three years preceding the | - 10 - 0001| date of purchase and shall conduct at least five auctions | 0002| annually; | 0003| (2) the value of each piece of equipment | 0004| shall be appraised]~ | 0005| |(1) for each item of equipment that the | 0006| county is interested in purchasing at a public auction, an | 0007| appraisal shall be performed| prior to the auction by a | 0008| qualified disinterested appraiser retained and paid by the | 0009| county who shall make a written appraisal report stating the | 0010| basis for the appraisal, including the age, condition, |range | 0011| of value or target value| and comparable sales ~[and stating | 0012| that]~ |of like equipment. The appraisal report shall include | 0013| a signed statement that| the appraiser has exercised his | 0014| independent judgment without prior understanding or agreement | 0015| with any person as to a target value or range of value; | 0016| ~[(3)]~ |(2) for each item of equipment|, an | 0017| independent "certificate of working condition" shall be | 0018| obtained prior to the auction from a qualified mechanic, who | 0019| shall have made a detailed inspection of each major working or | 0020| major functional part and certified the working condition of | 0021| each; and | 0022| ~[(4) the price paid]~ |(3) for each item of | 0023| equipment, the maximum price that is bid and paid by the | 0024| county|, including all auction fees and buyer's surcharges, | 0025| shall not exceed the appraised value." | - 11 - 0001|  |