0001| SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL 55 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| MARY JANE M. GARCIA | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| A JOINT MEMORIAL | 0011| REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO ESTABLISH A DOMESTIC | 0012| VIOLENCE TASK FORCE TO PRODUCE RECOMMENDATIONS TO DEAL WITH THE | 0013| ALARMING INCREASE OF VIOLENCE OCCURRING WITHIN THE HOMES OF NEW | 0014| MEXICO. | 0015| | 0016| WHEREAS, there was a thirty-six percent increase in nights | 0017| of institutional shelter provided to the women and children of | 0018| New Mexico necessitated by domestic violence in the past two | 0019| years; and | 0020| WHEREAS, nonresident, or "out-patient", services to the | 0021| same category of family members increased over twenty-nine | 0022| percent for the same reasons in the same time frame; and | 0023| WHEREAS, the total clients served in that two-year period | 0024| increased nearly eighteen percent to a total of twenty-six | 0025| thousand five hundred separate clients served in fiscal year | 0001| 1996; and | 0002| WHEREAS, no appropriation increase has been sought by the | 0003| administration for this serious and growing problem since | 0004| fiscal year 1995; and | 0005| WHEREAS, the federal commitment this year is to double New | 0006| Mexico's share to four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000); and | 0007| WHEREAS, recent state cutbacks and other budgetary changes | 0008| produced an average ten percent reduction in funding for | 0009| domestic violence centers, resulting in closing some satellite | 0010| centers; and | 0011| WHEREAS, two thousand five hundred families will be | 0012| deprived of domestic violence services if the threatened | 0013| sixteen percent expenditure reduction is executed; and | 0014| WHEREAS, the current request for proposal process used to | 0015| allocate funds is counter productive, draining resources needed | 0016| to provide services while simultaneously preventing or | 0017| inhibiting healthy agency planning; | 0018| NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE | 0019| STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the department of health establish and | 0020| provide staff support, with the cooperation of the children, | 0021| youth and families department, to a task force on domestic | 0022| violence for the purpose of developing an efficient base | 0023| funding formula for allocation of funding for domestic violence | 0024| programs; and | 0025| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force include a | 0001| representative of the office of the attorney general, the | 0002| children, youth and families department, the public health | 0003| division of the department of health, the substance abuse | 0004| division of the department of health, the maternal and child | 0005| health bureau of the department of health, the advanced | 0006| training bureau of the department of public safety and the | 0007| crime victims reparation commission; representation from any | 0008| other state agencies with responsibilities related to domestic | 0009| violence issues; and representation from each domestic violence | 0010| service center in the state; and | 0011| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force elect a | 0012| chairman from among its membership; and | 0013| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force make a | 0014| preliminary report to both the interim legislative health and | 0015| human services and legislative finance committees at their | 0016| October 1997 meetings and a final report with legislative | 0017| recommendations at the committees' respective meetings in | 0018| October 1998; and | 0019| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be | 0020| sent to all affected agencies and organizations. | 0021|  |