State of New Mexico House of Representatives FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE FIRST SESSION, 1997 March 21, 1997 Mr. Speaker: Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred SENATE BILL 1237, as amended has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: 1. On page 1, line 12, after "ACT" insert "; CONFIRMING POWERS OF THE STATE AGENCY ON AGING TO CONDUCT EVALUATIONS". 2. On page 1, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following new section: "Section 1. Section 28-4-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, Chap- ter 203, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read: "28-4-6. AGENCY POWERS.-- A. The state agency on aging: (1) may receive on behalf of the state any gifts, donations or bequests from any source to be used in carrying out its duties; and (2) is designated as the state agency for handling all programs of the federal government related to the aged, except those designated by law as the responsibility of another state agency, and may enter into agreements and contracts with agencies of the federal government for this purpose. B. The state agency on aging may adopt and promulgate such reasonable rules and regulations as are deemed necessary to carry out its duties. Unless otherwise provided by law, no rule or regulation affecting any person or agency outside [that] the state agency on aging shall be adopted, amended or repealed without a public hearing on the proposed action before the director of the state agency on aging or a hearing officer designated by him. The public hearing shall be held in Santa Fe unless otherwise permitted by statute. Notice of the subject matter of the rule or regulation, the action proposed to be taken, the time and place of the hearing, the manner in which interested persons may present their views and the method by which copies of the proposed rule or regulation or proposed amendment or repeal of an existing rule or regulation may be obtained shall be published once at least thirty days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and mailed at least thirty days prior to the hearing date to all persons who have made a written request for advance notice of hearing. The director of the state agency on aging shall also provide such notice to the director of each senior citizen center no later than forty days prior to the public hearing. All rules and regulations shall be filed in accordance with the State Rules Act. C. To ensure that the health and safety needs of the state's aged population are being met, the state agency on aging may conduct unannounced quality care evaluations of health and long-term care facilities that provide services to the aged, including the use of undercover patients or employees. Any employee or contractor of the state agency on aging who participates in such an evaluation shall be immune from liability in any civil action related to the evaluation, provided it is conducted in good faith. The purpose of this subsection is to confirm and clarify the authority of the state agency on aging to conduct quality care evaluations to protect the interests of the state's aged population."". 3. On page 2, lines 9 and 10, strike "for more than twenty- four hours". 4. On page 2, line 12, after "facility" insert ", including an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded". 5. On page 4, lines 5 and 6, remove the bracket and line- through. 6. On page 4, strike lines 7 through 10. 7. On page 14, line 2, strike "acting in the best interests" and insert in lieu thereof "following the wishes". Respectfully submitted, Thomas P. Foy, Chairman Adopted Not Adopted (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) Date The roll call vote was 10 For 0 Against Yes: 10 Excused: Alwin, Rios, Sanchez Absent: None .118948.2 G:\BILLTEXT\AMEND_97\S1237JC1