0001| SENATE BILL 1200 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| NANCY E. RODRIGUEZ | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO PUBLIC EDUCATION; ENACTING THE EDUCATOR PRACTICES | 0012| AND STANDARDS ACT; PROVIDING FOR TEACHER CERTIFICATION; | 0013| CREATING A BOARD; PRESCRIBING POWERS AND DUTIES; CREATING A | 0014| FUND; PROVIDING PENALTIES; AMENDING, REPEALING AND ENACTING | 0015| SECTIONS OF THE NMSA 1978; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS. | 0016| | 0017| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0018| Section 1. [NEW MATERIAL] SHORT TITLE.--Sections 1 | 0019| through 14 of this act may be cited as the "Educator Practices | 0020| and Standards Act". | 0021| Section 2. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0022| Educator Practices and Standards Act: | 0023| A. "alternative license" means a license given a | 0024| person who does not meet all standards and requirements of the | 0025| board for licensure of professional educators and who, due to | 0001| compelling public interest, is working in a position normally | 0002| requiring a standard license, and who is making demonstrated | 0003| progress toward achieving a standard license; | 0004| B. "board" means the educator practices and | 0005| standards board; | 0006| C. "department" means the state department of | 0007| public education; | 0008| D. "executive director" means the executive | 0009| director of the board; | 0010| E. "professional educator" means a person teaching, | 0011| supervising an instructional program, counseling, supervising | 0012| library services, providing medical services to students, or | 0013| providing special instructional services in a public school or | 0014| state agency and any person administering in a public school or | 0015| state agency; | 0016| F. "special instructional services" means services | 0017| of a professional educator which enhance instruction or assist | 0018| in the delivery of instruction to students with special needs | 0019| in a public school; | 0020| G. "standard license" means the license given a | 0021| professional educator who meets all standards and requirements | 0022| of the board for licensure; | 0023| H. "substandard license" means the temporary | 0024| license given a person who does not meet all standards and | 0025| requirements of the board for licensure of professional | 0001| educators; and | 0002| | 0003| I. "substitute license" means a license given a | 0004| person who does not meet all standards and requirements of the | 0005| board for licensure of professional educators and who is | 0006| working in a position normally requiring a standard license in | 0007| the place of a licensed professional educator for a definite | 0008| period of time less than a full school year. | 0009| Section 3. [NEW MATERIAL] LICENSE REQUIRED.-- | 0010| A. A professional educator employed by a public | 0011| school or state agency shall hold a license issued by the board | 0012| authorizing the person to perform that function. | 0013| B. All licenses issued by the board shall be | 0014| standard licenses, except that the board may issue substandard | 0015| and substitute licenses under certain circumstances. If a | 0016| local school board or the governing authority of a state agency | 0017| certifies to the board that an emergency exists in the hiring | 0018| of a qualified person, the board may issue a substandard | 0019| license to a person not meeting the requirements for a standard | 0020| license. The board may also issue a substitute license to a | 0021| person not meeting the requirements for a standard license to | 0022| enable the person to perform the functions of a substitute | 0023| teacher pursuant to the regulations of the board. All | 0024| substandard and substitute licenses issued shall be effective | 0025| for only one school year. No person under the age of eighteen | 0001| years shall hold a license, whether standard, substandard or | 0002| substitute. | 0003| C. A professional educator employed in a public | 0004| school without a license after the first three months of the | 0005| school year shall thereafter forfeit all claim to compensation | 0006| for services rendered. | 0007| D. This section shall not apply to a person | 0008| performing the functions of a practice teacher as defined in | 0009| the regulations of the board. | 0010| E. A school nurse licensed by the board shall also | 0011| be licensed by the board of nursing. | 0012| F. A person seeking licensure as an administrator | 0013| shall be required to serve a one-year apprenticeship. The | 0014| board shall develop criteria and regulations to implement the | 0015| provisions of this subsection. | 0016| G. It is unlawful for a person not licensed | 0017| pursuant to the Educator Practices and Standards Act or whose | 0018| license has been denied, suspended or revoked in this or | 0019| another state to hold himself out as a licensed professional | 0020| educator or to use words or titles containing licensed teacher, | 0021| school administrator, school counselor, school librarian or | 0022| other words that would indicate or imply that the person is | 0023| licensed as a professional educator. | 0024| Section 4. [NEW MATERIAL] LICENSE REQUIREMENTS.-- | 0025| A. The board shall require a person seeking | 0001| licensure as an elementary or secondary education teacher to | 0002| complete the following minimum requirements in a college of | 0003| arts and sciences: | 0004| (1) twelve hours in English; | 0005| (2) twelve hours in history, including | 0006| American history and western civilization; | 0007| (3) six hours in mathematics; | 0008| (4) six hours in government, economics or | 0009| sociology; | 0010| (5) twelve hours in science, including | 0011| biology, chemistry, physics, geology, zoology and botany; and | 0012| (6) six hours in fine arts. | 0013| B. The board shall require, prior to licensure, no | 0014| less than fourteen weeks of student teaching, a portion of | 0015| which shall occur in the first thirty credit hours taken in the | 0016| college of education and shall be under the direct supervision | 0017| of a licensed teacher and a portion of which shall occur in the | 0018| student's senior year with the student teacher being directly | 0019| responsible for the classroom. | 0020| C. Nothing in this section shall preclude the board | 0021| from establishing or accepting equivalent requirements for | 0022| purposes of reciprocal licensure or minimum requirements for | 0023| alternative licensure. | 0024| D. Vocational teacher preparatory programs may be | 0025| exempt from Subsections A and B of this section upon a | 0001| determination by the board that other licensure requirements | 0002| are more appropriate for vocational teacher preparatory | 0003| programs. | 0004| Section 5. [NEW MATERIAL] BOARD CREATED.-- | 0005| A. The "educator practices and standards board" is | 0006| created. | 0007| B. The board shall consist of eleven members | 0008| appointed by the governor subject to confirmation by the | 0009| senate. The board shall elect a chairman and other officers. | 0010| C. Nine members shall be licensed professional | 0011| educators, one member shall be a faculty member from a state | 0012| teacher education institution accredited by the national | 0013| council for the accreditation of teacher education and one | 0014| member shall be from the general public. Among the nine | 0015| licensed professional educators appointed to the board, each of | 0016| the following specialties and levels of education shall be | 0017| represented: | 0018| (1) elementary teachers; | 0019| (2) secondary teachers; | 0020| (3) special education teachers; | 0021| (4) counseling; | 0022| (5) school librarians; | 0023| (6) school nurses; and | 0024| (7) school administrators. | 0025| D. Seven of the licensed professional educators | 0001| appointed to the board shall be non-administrative | 0002| professionals and two of the members shall be administrators. | 0003| The governor shall select the non-administrative members of the | 0004| board from a list of nominated professionals submitted by the | 0005| national education association-New Mexico and the New Mexico | 0006| federation of teachers. The governor shall select the | 0007| administrator members from a list of nominees submitted by the | 0008| school administrator organization in which a majority of school | 0009| administrators hold membership. The governor shall select the | 0010| education faculty member from a list of nominees submitted by | 0011| the council of college education deans. The governor shall | 0012| appoint a public member who shall not be an education | 0013| professional. | 0014| E. Appointments shall be made for staggered terms | 0015| of four years. Five members shall be appointed to terms | 0016| beginning on July 1, 1998 and ending on July 1, 2002. Six | 0017| members shall be appointed to terms beginning on July 1, 1998 | 0018| and ending on July 1, 2000. No member shall serve for more | 0019| than two consecutive terms. A member may be removed from | 0020| office for cause by the governor. Any member failing to attend | 0021| three consecutive meetings, unless excused by the chairman is | 0022| automatically removed from the board. | 0023| F. The board shall be administratively attached to | 0024| the department. | 0025| G. Each member shall hold office until the | 0001| expiration of the term for which appointed or until a successor | 0002| has been appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled | 0003| for the balance of the unexpired term within ninety days of the | 0004| vacancy by appointment by the governor. | 0005| H. Members of the board shall be reimbursed for per | 0006| diem and travel expenses pursuant to the Per Diem and Mileage | 0007| Act and shall receive no other compensation, perquisite or | 0008| allowance. | 0009| I. A simple majority of the board shall constitute | 0010| a quorum for the conduct of business. The board shall meet at | 0011| the call of the chairman or at the request of a majority of the | 0012| members. | 0013| Section 6. [NEW MATERIAL] BOARD--POWERS AND DUTIES.-- | 0014| The board shall: | 0015| A. establish and maintain standards for all | 0016| professional educators employed by public schools; | 0017| B. adopt, amend, repeal and promulgate rules and | 0018| regulations to carry out the provisions of the Educator | 0019| Practices and Standards Act; | 0020| C. approve or disapprove professional educator | 0021| education programs according to standards established by the | 0022| board; | 0023| D. determine the qualifications for and issue or | 0024| deny a license to a professional educator in public schools | 0025| pursuant to the Educator Practices and Standards Act and | 0001| according to a system of classification adopted and published | 0002| by the board; | 0003| E. suspend or revoke a license held by a licensed | 0004| professional educator, pursuant to the Educator Practices and | 0005| Standards Act, for incompetency, immorality or any other good | 0006| and just cause; | 0007| F. establish standards for professional educator | 0008| licensing; | 0009| G. enter into agreements with other states for | 0010| reciprocity of professional educator licensing; | 0011| H. establish reasonable fees for the cost of | 0012| administering the provisions of the Educator Practices and | 0013| Standards Act; | 0014| I. reprimand, suspend, place on probation or revoke | 0015| licenses of professional educators for violations of standards | 0016| pursuant to the Educator Practices and Standards Act; | 0017| J. sanction schools or school districts for | 0018| employing unlicensed personnel in violation of the Educator | 0019| Practices and Standards Act; | 0020| K. promote the improvement of professional educator | 0021| training and professional development and attract qualified | 0022| educators and student educators to service in the state, | 0023| including those from minority and under-represented groups; and | 0024| L. employ an executive director for the | 0025| administration of the board. | 0001| Section 7. [NEW MATERIAL] TRANSITION.--Professional | 0002| educators who currently hold certification or licensure | 0003| pursuant to Section 22-2-2 NMSA 1978 are licensed pursuant to | 0004| the provisions of the Educator Practices and Standards Act. | 0005| Regulations of the state board of education regarding | 0006| professional certification or licensure, professional educator | 0007| training and teacher education programs shall be the | 0008| regulations of the educator practices and standards board on | 0009| the effective date of that act. The director of the | 0010| professional licensure unit of the state department of public | 0011| education shall be the executive director of the educator | 0012| practices and standards board. | 0013| Section 8. [NEW MATERIAL] ADDITIONAL BOARD POWERS-- | 0014| LICENSED SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS--EVALUATION--IMPROVEMENT | 0015| TRAINING.-- | 0016| A. The board shall adopt criteria and minimum | 0017| statewide performance standards for the evaluation of all | 0018| school administrators. Evaluation by the staff shall be one | 0019| component of any evaluation tool developed. | 0020| B. School administrators shall attend a training | 0021| program approved by the board to improve their administrative | 0022| skills and instructional leadership at least every two years. | 0023| Section 9. [NEW MATERIAL] SCHOOL PERSONNEL AND SCHOOL | 0024| NURSES--REQUIRED TRAINING PROGRAM.-- | 0025| A. All licensed professional educators and school | 0001| nurses shall be required to complete training in the detection | 0002| and reporting of child abuse and neglect and substance abuse. | 0003| This requirement shall be completed within the person's first | 0004| year of employment by a school district in the state. | 0005| B. Pursuant to the policy and regulations adopted | 0006| by the board, the department shall develop a training program, | 0007| including training materials and necessary training staff, to | 0008| meet the requirement of Subsection A of this section. The | 0009| department shall coordinate the development of the program with | 0010| appropriate staff at the human services department and the | 0011| department of health. | 0012| C. The training program developed pursuant to this | 0013| section shall be made available by the department to the deans | 0014| of every college of education in New Mexico for use in | 0015| providing the training to students that will be seeking | 0016| elementary and secondary education licensing. | 0017| Section 10. [NEW MATERIAL] FEES.-- | 0018| A. The board shall establish a schedule of | 0019| reasonable fees for applications, licenses and renewal of | 0020| licenses. Fees shall be established based on processing | 0021| requirements for each category. | 0022| B. The application fee shall be set in an amount | 0023| not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). | 0024| C. The initial license fee shall be set in an | 0025| amount not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150). | 0001| D. A license renewal fee shall be established in an | 0002| amount not to exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per year. | 0003| E. A license reinstatement fee shall be established | 0004| in an amount not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). | 0005| Section 11. [NEW MATERIAL] FUND CREATED-- | 0006| APPROPRIATION.-- | 0007| A. The "educator practices and standards fund" is | 0008| created in the state treasury, to be administered by the | 0009| department under the supervision of the board. | 0010| B. All money received or collected by the board or | 0011| the department pursuant to the Educator Practices and Standards | 0012| Act shall be deposited with the state treasurer and credited to | 0013| the fund, and all interest earned from investments of the fund | 0014| shall be retained in the fund. No balance remaining in the | 0015| fund at the end of any fiscal year shall revert to the general | 0016| fund. | 0017| C. Money in the fund is appropriated to the board | 0018| for the purpose of implementing and administering the | 0019| provisions of the Educator Practices and Standards Act. | 0020| D. Payments out of the fund shall be on vouchers | 0021| issued and signed by the executive director upon warrants drawn | 0022| by the secretary of finance and administration. | 0023| Section 12. [NEW MATERIAL] LICENSE DENIAL, SUSPENSION | 0024| OR REVOCATION.-- | 0025| A. The board may issue or renew or may deny, | 0001| suspend or revoke any license held or applied for pursuant to | 0002| the Educator Practices and Standards Act in accordance with the | 0003| procedures set forth in the Uniform Licensing Act upon grounds | 0004| that the licensee or applicant: | 0005| (1) is guilty of fraud or misrepresentation in | 0006| the procurement of a license under the Educator Practices and | 0007| Standards Act; | 0008| (2) is subject to the imposition of any | 0009| disciplinary action by an agency of another state that | 0010| regulates teachers or other professional educators, but not to | 0011| exceed the period or extent of that action; | 0012| (3) is convicted of a crime other than a | 0013| misdemeanor, and the record of conviction or a certified copy | 0014| of it shall be conclusive evidence of the conviction; | 0015| (4) is grossly negligent or incompetent in his | 0016| practice; | 0017| (5) has failed to meet competencies required | 0018| by the board; | 0019| (6) has violated or aided or abetted any | 0020| person to violate any of the provisions of the Educator | 0021| Practices and Standards Act or any rule or regulation adopted | 0022| pursuant to that act; or | 0023| (7) has engaged in unethical or unprofessional | 0024| conduct as defined in the code of ethics adopted by the board. | 0025| B. One year from the date of revocation of a | 0001| license under the Educator Practices and Standards Act, | 0002| application may be made to the board for reinstatement of the | 0003| license. The board shall provide by regulation for the | 0004| criteria governing application and examination for | 0005| reinstatement of a revoked license. | 0006| Section 13. [NEW MATERIAL] PENALTY.-- | 0007| A. Violation of a provision of the Educator | 0008| Practices and Standards Act is a misdemeanor. | 0009| B. The board may bring civil action in any district | 0010| court to enforce any of the provisions of the Educator | 0011| Practices and Standards Act. | 0012| Section 14. [NEW MATERIAL] TERMINATION OF AGENCY LIFE- | 0013| -DELAYED REPEAL.--The board is terminated on July 1, 2007 | 0014| pursuant to the Sunset Act. The board shall continue to | 0015| operate according to the provisions of the Educator Practices | 0016| and Standards Act until July 1, 2008. Effective July 1, 2008, | 0017| the Educator Practices and Standards Act is repealed. | 0018| Section 15. Section 22-2-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0019| Chapter 16, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "22-2-2. STATE BOARD--DUTIES.--Without limiting those | 0021| powers granted to the state board pursuant to Section 22-2-1 | 0022| NMSA 1978, the state board shall perform the following duties: | 0023| A. properly and uniformly enforce the provisions of | 0024| the Public School Code; | 0025| B. determine policy for the operation of all public | 0001| schools and vocational education programs in the state; | 0002| C. appoint a state superintendent; | 0003| D. purchase and loan instructional material to | 0004| students pursuant to the Instructional Material Law and adopt | 0005| regulations relating to the use and operation of instructional | 0006| material depositories in the instructional material | 0007| distribution process; | 0008| E. designate courses of instruction to be taught in | 0009| all public schools in the state; | 0010| F. assess and evaluate all state institutions and | 0011| those private schools that desire state accreditation; | 0012| [G. determine the qualifications for and issue a | 0013| certificate to any person teaching, assisting teachers, | 0014| supervising an instructional program, counseling, providing | 0015| special instructional services or administering in public | 0016| schools, according to law and according to a system of | 0017| classification adopted and published by the state board; | 0018| H. suspend or revoke a certificate held by a | 0019| certified school instructor or certified school administrator, | 0020| according to law, for incompetency, immorality or for any other | 0021| good and just cause; | 0022| I.] G. make full and complete reports on | 0023| consolidation of school districts to the legislature; | 0024| [J.] H. prescribe courses of instruction, | 0025| requirements for graduation and standards for all public | 0001| schools and for private schools seeking state accreditation; | 0002| and for the educational programs conducted in state | 0003| institutions other than New Mexico military institute; | 0004| [K.] I. adopt regulations for the | 0005| administration of all public schools and bylaws for its own | 0006| administration; | 0007| [L.] J. require periodic reports on forms | 0008| prescribed by it from all public schools and attendance reports | 0009| from private schools; | 0010| [M.] K. authorize adult educational programs to | 0011| be conducted in schools under its jurisdiction and promulgate | 0012| and publish regulations governing all such adult educational | 0013| programs; | 0014| [N.] L. require any school under its | 0015| jurisdiction that sponsors athletic programs involving sports | 0016| to mandate that the participating student obtain catastrophic | 0017| health and accident insurance coverage, such coverage to be | 0018| offered through the school and issued by an insurance company | 0019| duly licensed pursuant to the laws of New Mexico; | 0020| [O.] M. require all accrediting agencies for | 0021| public schools in the state to act with its approval; | 0022| [P.] N. accept and receive all grants of money | 0023| from the federal government or any other agency for public | 0024| school purposes and disburse the money in the manner and for | 0025| the purpose specified in the grant; | 0001| [Q.] O. require prior approval for any | 0002| educational program in a public school that is to be conducted, | 0003| sponsored, carried on or caused to be carried on by a private | 0004| organization or agency; | 0005| [R.] P. approve or disapprove all rules or | 0006| regulations promulgated by any association or organization | 0007| attempting to regulate any public school activity and | 0008| invalidate any rule or regulation in conflict with any | 0009| regulation promulgated by the state board. The state board may | 0010| require performance and financial audits of any association or | 0011| organization attempting to regulate any public school activity. | 0012| The state board shall have no power or control over the rules | 0013| or regulations or the bylaws governing the administration of | 0014| the internal organization of the association or organization; | 0015| [S.] Q. review decisions made by the governing | 0016| board or officials of any organization or association | 0017| regulating any public school activity, and any decision of the | 0018| state board shall be final in respect thereto; | 0019| [T.] R. accept or reject any charitable gift, | 0020| grant, devise or bequest. The particular gift, grant, devise | 0021| or bequest accepted shall be considered an asset of the state; | 0022| [U.] S. establish and maintain regional | 0023| centers, at its discretion, for conducting cooperative services | 0024| between public schools and school districts within and among | 0025| those regions and to facilitate regulation and evaluation of | 0001| school programs; | 0002| [V.] T. assess and evaluate for accreditation | 0003| purposes at least one-third of all public schools each year | 0004| through visits by department of education personnel to | 0005| investigate the adequacy of pupil gain in standard required | 0006| subject matter, adequacy of pupil activities, functional | 0007| feasibility of public school and school district organization, | 0008| adequacy of staff preparation and other matters bearing upon | 0009| the education of the students; | 0010| [W.] U. provide for management and other | 0011| necessary personnel to operate any public school or school | 0012| district that has failed to meet requirements of law, state | 0013| board standards or state board regulations; provided that the | 0014| operation of the public school or school district shall not | 0015| include any consolidation or reorganization without the | 0016| approval of the local board of that school district. Until | 0017| such time as requirements of law, standards or regulations have | 0018| been met and compliance is assured, the powers and duties of | 0019| the local school board shall be suspended; | 0020| [X.] V. establish and implement a plan that | 0021| provides for technical assistance to local school boards | 0022| through workshops and other in-service training methods; | 0023| provided, however, that no plan shall require mandatory | 0024| attendance by any member of a local school board; | 0025| [Y.] W. submit a plan applying for funds | 0001| available under Public Law 94-142 and disburse these funds in | 0002| the manner and for the purposes specified in the plan; and | 0003| [Z.] X. enforce requirements for home schools. | 0004| Upon finding that a home school is not in compliance with law, | 0005| the state board shall have authority to order that a student | 0006| attend a public school or a private school." | 0007| Section 16. Section 22-2-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0008| Chapter 16, Section 11) is amended to read: | 0009| "22-2-8. EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS.--The state board shall | 0010| prescribe minimum educational standards for all public schools | 0011| in the state. A copy of these educational standards shall be | 0012| furnished by the department of education to each local school | 0013| board. The educational standards shall include minimum | 0014| standards for the following areas: | 0015| A. curriculum; | 0016| B. organization and administration of education; | 0017| C. the keeping of records, other than financial | 0018| records prescribed by the [chief] superintendent; | 0019| D. membership accounting; | 0020| [E. teacher preparation; | 0021| F.] E. the physical condition of public school | 0022| buildings and grounds; and | 0023| [G.] F. educational facilities of public | 0024| schools including laboratories and libraries." | 0025| Section 17. APPROPRIATION.--Two hundred thousand dollars | 0001| ($200,000) is appropriated from the general fund to the | 0002| educator practices and standards board for expenditure in | 0003| fiscal year 1998 for the purpose of implementing the provisions | 0004| of this act. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining | 0005| at the end of fiscal year 1998 shall not revert to the general | 0006| fund. | 0007| Section 18. REPEAL.--Sections 22-2-8.7, 22-10-3 through | 0008| 22-10-3.2, 22-10-9 and 22-10-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1986, | 0009| Chapter 33, Section 8, Laws 1993, Chapter 222, Section 2, Laws | 0010| 1986, Chapter 33, Section 18, Laws 1988, Chapter 48, Section 1, | 0011| Laws 1967, Chapter 16, Section 111 and Laws 1967, Chapter 16, | 0012| Section 124, as amended) are repealed. | 0013| Section 19. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0014| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0015|  | 0016| | 0017| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0018| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| March 5, 1997 | 0022| | 0023| Mr. President: | 0024| | 0025| Your EDUCATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0001| | 0002| SENATE BILL 1200 | 0003| | 0004| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0005| recommendation that it DO NOT PASS. | 0006| | 0007| Respectfully submitted, | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| __________________________________ | 0013| Cynthia Nava, Chairman | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| Adopted_______________________ Not | 0018| Adopted_______________________ | 0019| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| Date ________________________ | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| The roll call vote was 4 For 3 Against | 0001| Yes: 4 | 0002| No: Maloof, Rodriguez, Lopez | 0003| Excused: Garcia, Pinto, Nava | 0004| Absent: None | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| S1200ED1 | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE SB 1200/a | 0012| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| March 10, 1997 | 0016| | 0017| Mr. President: | 0018| | 0019| Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0020| | 0021| SENATE BILL 1200 | 0022| | 0023| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0024| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0025| | 0001| 1. On page 6, lines 8 and 9, strike "accredited by the | 0002| national council for the accreditation of teacher education". | 0003| | 0004| 2. On page 6, line 25, after "the" insert "state board of | 0005| education, the superintendent of any school district or any other | 0006| educational interest groups, the". | 0007| | 0008| 3. On page 7, line 1, strike "and" and insert in lieu | 0009| thereof a comma. | 0010| | 0011| 4. On page 7, line 2, after "teachers" insert ", the state | 0012| board of education and other recognized educational | 0013| organizations". | 0014| | 0015| 5. On page 7, line 3, strike "members" and insert in lieu | 0016| thereof "member". | 0017| | 0018| 6. On page 7, line 3, strike "nominees submitted by the | 0019| school". | 0020| | 0021| 7. On page 7, strike line 4 in its entirety. | 0022| | 0023| 8. On page 7, line 5, strike "administrators hold | 0024| membership" and insert in lieu thereof "nominees supplied by the | 0025| state board of education, the superintendent of any school | 0001| district or any other educational interest groups". | 0002| | 0003| 9. On page 7, line 20, after "department" insert ", which | 0004| shall provide budgetary assistance, administrative support, | 0005| staff, office space, furniture, equipment and supplies comparable | 0006| to that provided to the department's professional licensure unit | 0007| and professional standards commission prior to July 1, 1998". | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| 10. On page 9, line 20, strike "employ" and insert in lieu | 0011| thereof "use". | 0012| | 0013| 11. On page 10, line 8, after the period insert the | 0014| following: | 0015| | 0016| "The department and state board of education shall prepare a plan | 0017| for the implementation of the Educator Practices and Standards | 0018| Act upon its effective date. The plan shall direct the | 0019| department's budget proposals for fiscal year 1998.". | 0020| | 0021| 12. On page 11, line 13, after "FEES.--" insert "The | 0022| department may charge a reasonable fee for each application for | 0023| or renewal of a license. This fee may be waived if the applicant | 0024| meets a standard of indigency as established by the department.". | 0025| | 0001| 13. On page 11, strike lines 14 through 25 in their | 0002| entirety. | 0003| | 0004| 14. On page 19, between lines 17 and 18, insert the | 0005| following new section: | 0006| | 0007| "Section 17. TEMPORARY PROVISION--TRANSFER.--As of July 1, | 0008| 1998, all references in law to teacher certification or | 0009| professional educator licensure by the state department of public | 0010| education shall be deemed to refer to licensure of professional | 0011| educators as provided for in the Educator Practices and Standards | 0012| Act.". | 0013| | 0014| 15. Renumber succeeding sections accordingly. | 0015| | 0016| 16. On page 19, line 25, after "22-10-3.2," insert "22-10- | 0017| 4,". | 0018| | 0019| 17. On page 20, line 2, after "Section 1," insert "Laws | 0020| 1967, Chapter 16, Section 107,". | 0021| | 0022| 18. On page 20, line 6, strike "July 1, 1997" and insert in | 0023| lieu thereof "July 1, 1998"., | 0024| | 0025| and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE. | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| Respectfully submitted, | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| | 0014| __________________________________ | 0015| Fernando R. Macias, Chairman | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| Adopted_______________________ Not | 0020| Adopted_______________________ | 0021| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| Date ________________________ | 0025| | 0001| | 0002| The roll call vote was 7 For 0 Against | 0003| Yes: 7 | 0004| No: 0 | 0005| Excused: Sanchez | 0006| Absent: None | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| S1200JU1 .118544.1 | 0013| | 0014| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE SB 1200/a | 0015| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| March 15, 1997 | 0019| | 0020| Mr. President: | 0021| | 0022| Your FINANCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0023| | 0024| SENATE BILL 1200, as amended | 0025| | 0001| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0002| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| 1. On page 19, lines 18 through 23, strike Section 17 in | 0006| its entirety. | 0007| | 0008| 2. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| Respectfully submitted, | 0012| | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| __________________________________ | 0017| Ben D. Altamirano, Chairman | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| Adopted_______________________ Not | 0022| Adopted_______________________ | 0023| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| Date ________________________ | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| The roll call vote was 5 For 2 Against | 0005| Yes: 5 | 0006| No: Carraro, Lyons | 0007| Excused: Aragon, Ingle, McKibben, Smith | 0008| Absent: None | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| S1200FC1 | 0012| | 0013| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0014| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| October 24, 1997 | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number to SENATE BILL 1200, as | 0022| amended | 0023| | 0024| AMENDMENT sponsored by SENATOR DAVIS | 0025| | 0001| 1. On page 13, line 25, delete all of Section 13. | 0002| | 0003| 2. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| Senator William F. Davis | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| | 0014| Adopted Not Adopted | 0015| | 0016| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| Date | 0020| | 0021| S1200FS2 | 0022| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0023| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| | 0002| October 24, 1997 | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number to SENATE BILL 1200, as | 0006| amended | 0007| | 0008| AMENDMENT sponsored by SENATOR DAVIS | 0009| | 0010| 1. On page 13, line 25, delete all of Section 13. | 0011| | 0012| 2. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| Senator William F. Davis | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| | 0023| Adopted Not Adopted | 0024| | 0025| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| Date | 0004| | 0005| S1200FS2 | 0006| |