0001| SENATE BILL 429 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| DIANNA J. DURAN & SUE WILSON | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION; REORGANIZING CERTAIN STATE | 0012| GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND RE-ALLOCATING FUNCTIONS; CREATING A | 0013| WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING POWERS AND DUTIES; | 0014| PROVIDING FOR TRANSFERS OF APPROPRIATIONS, FUNDS, FUNCTIONS AND | 0015| PROPERTY; ABOLISHING CERTAIN GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES; MAKING | 0016| APPROPRIATIONS; AMENDING, REPEALING AND ENACTING SECTIONS OF | 0017| THE NMSA 1978. | 0018| | 0019| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0020| Section 1. [NEW MATERIAL] SHORT TITLE.--Sections 1 | 0021| through 14 of this act may be cited as the "Workforce | 0022| Development Department Act". | 0023| Section 2. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0024| Workforce Development Department Act: | 0025| A. "department", appearing without qualification, | 0001| means the workforce development department created by the | 0002| Workforce Development Department Act; and | 0003| B. "secretary" means the secretary of workforce | 0004| development. | 0005| Section 3. [NEW MATERIAL] PURPOSE.--The purpose of the | 0006| Workforce Development Department Act is to establish a single, | 0007| unified department to administer welfare- and workforce-related | 0008| programs. The department shall administer all laws and | 0009| functions formerly administered by the labor department, the | 0010| human services department, the youth conservation corps unit of | 0011| the energy, minerals and natural resources department, the | 0012| americorps unit of the children, youth and families department | 0013| and the occupational health and safety bureau of the department | 0014| of environment. | 0015| Section 4. [NEW MATERIAL] WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT | 0016| DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED.-- | 0017| A. There is created in the executive branch the | 0018| "workforce development department". The department is a | 0019| cabinet department. | 0020| B. Until July 1, 1998, the department shall consist | 0021| of, but not be limited to, six divisions: | 0022| (1) employment security division; | 0023| (2) income support division; | 0024| (3) child support enforcement division; | 0025| (4) medical assistance division; | 0001| (5) programs division; and | 0002| (6) administrative services division. | 0003| C. Beginning July 1, 1998, the department shall | 0004| consist of, but not be limited to, five divisions: | 0005| (1) employment security division; | 0006| (2) income support division; | 0007| (3) child support enforcement division; | 0008| (4) programs division; and | 0009| (5) administrative services division. | 0010| D. The secretary is empowered to organize the | 0011| department and the divisions specified in Subsections B and C | 0012| of this section and may transfer or merge functions between | 0013| divisions in the interest of efficiency and economy. | 0014| Section 5. [NEW MATERIAL] GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES | 0015| ABOLISHED.--On July 1, 1997 the labor department and the human | 0016| services department are abolished. | 0017| Section 6. [NEW MATERIAL] SECRETARY OF WORKFORCE | 0018| DEVELOPMENT--APPOINTMENT.-- | 0019| A. The chief executive and administrative officer of | 0020| the department is the "secretary of workforce development". | 0021| The secretary shall be appointed by the governor with the | 0022| advice and consent of the senate. The secretary holds office | 0023| at the pleasure of the governor and shall serve in the | 0024| executive cabinet. | 0025| B. A secretary who has been appointed but not yet | 0001| confirmed shall serve and have all the duties, responsibilities | 0002| and authority assigned by law to that office during the period | 0003| of time prior to the final action by the senate to confirm or | 0004| reject his appointment. | 0005| Section 7. [NEW MATERIAL] SECRETARY--DUTIES AND | 0006| GENERAL POWERS.-- | 0007| A. The secretary is responsible to the governor for | 0008| the operation of the department. It is his duty to manage all | 0009| operations of the department and to administer and enforce the | 0010| laws with which he or the department is charged. | 0011| B. To perform his duties, the secretary has every | 0012| power expressly enumerated in the laws whether granted to the | 0013| secretary or the department or any division of the department | 0014| except when authority conferred upon any division is explicitly | 0015| exempted from the secretary's authority by statute. In | 0016| accordance with these provisions, the secretary shall: | 0017| (1) exercise general supervisory and appointing | 0018| authority over all department employees, subject to any | 0019| applicable personnel laws and regulations; | 0020| (2) delegate authority to subordinates as he | 0021| deems necessary and appropriate, clearly delineating the | 0022| delegated authority and any limitations on it; | 0023| (3) organize the department into those | 0024| organizational units he deems will enable it to function most | 0025| efficiently, subject to any provisions of law requiring or | 0001| establishing specific organizational units; | 0002| (4) within the limitations of available | 0003| appropriations and applicable laws, employ and fix the | 0004| compensation of those persons necessary to discharge his | 0005| duties; | 0006| (5) take administrative action by issuing orders and | 0007| instructions, not inconsistent with the law, to assure | 0008| implementation of and compliance with the provisions of law | 0009| with the administration or execution of which he is | 0010| responsible, and to enforce those orders and instructions by | 0011| appropriate administrative action or actions in the court; | 0012| (6) conduct research and studies that will | 0013| improve the operation of the department; | 0014| (7) provide courses of instruction and practical | 0015| training for employees of the department and other persons | 0016| involved in the administration of programs with the objective | 0017| of improving the operations and efficiency of administration; | 0018| (8) prepare an annual budget of the department; | 0019| (9) provide cooperation, at the request of heads | 0020| of administratively attached agencies, in order to: | 0021| (a) minimize or eliminate duplication of | 0022| services and jurisdictional conflicts; | 0023| (b) coordinate activities and resolve | 0024| problems of mutual concern; and | 0025| (c) resolve by agreement the manner and | 0001| extent to which the department shall provide budgeting, | 0002| recordkeeping and related clerical assistance to | 0003| administratively attached agencies, if any; | 0004| (10) appoint, with the governor's consent, for | 0005| each division, a director, who shall be exempt from the | 0006| provisions of the Personnel Act and shall serve at the pleasure | 0007| of the secretary; | 0008| (11) give bond in the penal sum of twenty-five | 0009| thousand dollars ($25,000) and require directors to each give | 0010| bond in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) | 0011| conditioned upon the faithful performance of duties as provided | 0012| in the Surety Bond Act with the department paying the cost of | 0013| such bonds; | 0014| (12) require performance bonds of such employees | 0015| and officers as he deems necessary as provided in the Surety | 0016| Bond Act with the department paying the costs of such bonds; | 0017| and | 0018| (13) enter into contracts. | 0019| C. The secretary may bring suit on behalf of the | 0020| department, and the secretary, the department and its employees | 0021| may be sued subject to the provisions of the Tort Claims Act. | 0022| D. The secretary may apply for and receive, with the | 0023| governor's approval, in the name of the department, any public | 0024| or private funds. | 0025| E. If functions of state government departments | 0001| overlap a function of the department or a function assigned to | 0002| the department could better be performed by another state | 0003| government department or a function assigned to another state | 0004| government department could best be performed by the | 0005| department, the secretary may recommend appropriate legislation | 0006| to re-allocate those functions to the next session of the | 0007| legislature for its consideration. | 0008| F. The secretary may adopt and promulgate reasonable | 0009| rules and regulations necessary to carry out the duties of the | 0010| department and its divisions. A rule or regulation adopted by | 0011| a division director in carrying out the functions and duties of | 0012| the division shall not be effective until approved by the | 0013| secretary unless otherwise provided explicitly by statute. | 0014| Unless otherwise provided explicitly by statute, no regulation | 0015| affecting any person or agency outside the department shall be | 0016| adopted, amended or repealed without a public hearing on the | 0017| proposed action before the secretary or a hearing officer | 0018| designated by him. The public hearing shall be held in Santa | 0019| Fe unless otherwise permitted by statute. Notice of the | 0020| subject matter of the regulation, the action proposed to be | 0021| taken, the time and place of the hearing, the manner in which | 0022| interested persons may present their views and the method by | 0023| which copies of the proposed regulation, proposed amendment or | 0024| repeal of an existing regulation may be obtained shall be | 0025| published once at least thirty days prior to the hearing date | 0001| in a newspaper of general circulation in the state and mailed | 0002| at least thirty days prior to the hearing date to all persons | 0003| who have made a written request for advance notice of hearing. | 0004| G. All rules and regulations shall be filed in | 0005| accordance with the State Rules Act. | 0006| Section 8. [NEW MATERIAL] ADMINISTRATIVELY ATTACHED | 0007| AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS.--The human rights commission, | 0008| the labor and industrial commission, the workforce development | 0009| board, the New Mexico youth conservation corps commission, the | 0010| occupational health and safety review commission, the New | 0011| Mexico office of Indian affairs and the commission on the | 0012| status of women are administratively attached to the department | 0013| and shall have the status of administratively attached agencies | 0014| pursuant to the provisions of the Executive Reorganization Act. | 0015| Section 9. [NEW MATERIAL] DIRECTORS.--The secretary | 0016| shall appoint, with the approval of the governor, directors of | 0017| the divisions established within the department. | 0018| Section 10. [NEW MATERIAL] BUREAUS--CHIEFS.--The | 0019| secretary shall establish within each division those bureaus as | 0020| he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of the Workforce | 0021| Development Department Act. He shall employ a chief to be | 0022| administrative head of each bureau. | 0023| Section 11. [NEW MATERIAL] PERSONNEL ACT COVERAGE.-- | 0024| All employees and positions in the department, except for the | 0025| positions of secretary, division director and other positions | 0001| expressly permitted pursuant to the Personnel Act and | 0002| designated as exempt by the secretary shall be covered by and | 0003| shall be subject to the provisions of the Personnel Act. | 0004| Section 12. [NEW MATERIAL] COOPERATION WITH THE | 0005| FEDERAL GOVERNMENT--AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY--SINGLE STATE AGENCY | 0006| STATUS.-- | 0007| A. The department is authorized to cooperate with the | 0008| federal government in the administration of employment, | 0009| training and public assistance programs under the jurisdiction | 0010| of the department in which financial or other participation by | 0011| the federal government is authorized or mandated pursuant to | 0012| federal laws, regulations, rules or orders. The secretary may | 0013| enter into agreements with agencies of the federal government | 0014| to implement employment, training and public assistance | 0015| programs subject to availability of appropriated state funds | 0016| and any provisions of state laws applicable to those agreements | 0017| or participation by the state. | 0018| B. The governor or the secretary may designate the | 0019| department or an organizational unit of the department as the | 0020| single state agency for the administration of any employment, | 0021| training or public assistance program, either in the governor's | 0022| or the secretary's discretion or when the designation is a | 0023| condition of federal financial or other participation in the | 0024| program under federal law, regulation, rule or order. No | 0025| designation of a single state agency under the authority | 0001| granted in this subsection shall be made in contravention of | 0002| state law. | 0003| Section 13. [NEW MATERIAL] ADVISORY COMMITTEES.--The | 0004| secretary, with the consent of the governor, may create | 0005| advisory committees in accordance with the provisions of | 0006| Section 9-1-9 NMSA 1978. The secretary shall appoint the | 0007| members of the advisory committees with the consent of the | 0008| governor. If the existence of an advisory committee, its | 0009| representational membership requirements or other matters are | 0010| required or specified under any federal law, regulation, rule | 0011| or order as a condition for receiving federal funds for any | 0012| program administered by the department, the secretary and the | 0013| governor shall comply with those requirements in creating the | 0014| advisory committee. | 0015| Section 14. [NEW MATERIAL] ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS OF THE | 0016| DEPARTMENT--POWERS AND DUTIES SPECIFIED BY LAW--ACCESS TO | 0017| INFORMATION.-- | 0018| A. Those organizational units of the department and | 0019| the officers of those units specified by law shall have all the | 0020| powers and duties enumerated in the specific laws assigned to | 0021| their organizational units for administration. However, the | 0022| carrying out of those powers and duties shall be subject to the | 0023| direction and supervision of the secretary, and the secretary | 0024| shall retain the final decision-making authority and | 0025| responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Subsection | 0001| B of Section 7 of the Workforce Development Department Act. | 0002| The department shall be given access to all records, data and | 0003| information of other departments, agencies and institutions not | 0004| specifically made confidential by law. | 0005| B. Subject to the provisions of Subsection B of | 0006| Section 7 of the Workforce Development Department Act: | 0007| (1) the employment security division has the | 0008| powers and duties conferred by law upon the former employment | 0009| security division of the labor department; | 0010| (2) the income support division has the powers | 0011| and duties conferred by law upon the former income support | 0012| division of the human services department; | 0013| (3) the child support enforcement division has | 0014| the powers and duties conferred by law upon the former child | 0015| support enforcement division of the human services department; | 0016| (4) the medical assistance division has the | 0017| powers and duties conferred by law upon the former medical | 0018| assistance division of the human services department; and | 0019| (5) the programs division has the powers and | 0020| duties conferred upon the former labor and industrial division | 0021| and human rights division of the labor department, the | 0022| occupational health and safety bureau of the department of | 0023| environment, the youth conservation corps unit of the energy, | 0024| minerals and natural resources department and the americorps | 0025| unit of the children, youth and families department. | 0001| Section 15. Section 9-5B-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1992, | 0002| Chapter 91, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0003| "9-5B-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the New Mexico Youth | 0004| Conservation Corps Act: | 0005| A. "commission" means the New Mexico youth | 0006| conservation corps commission; | 0007| B. "corps" means the New Mexico youth conservation | 0008| corps; | 0009| C. "corps member" means a person enrolled in the | 0010| corps; | 0011| D. "department" means the [energy, minerals and | 0012| natural resources] workforce development department; | 0013| E. "nonprofit organization" means any organization | 0014| that has been granted an exemption from federal income tax by | 0015| the United States commissioner of internal revenue as an | 0016| organization described in Section 501(c) of the United States | 0017| Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended or renumbered; | 0018| F. "project" means an activity that can be completed | 0019| in six months or less, results in a specific identifiable | 0020| service or product that otherwise would not be accomplished | 0021| with existing funds and does not duplicate the routine services | 0022| or functions of the sponsor; | 0023| G. "resident" means an individual who has resided in | 0024| New Mexico for at least six months before applying for | 0025| employment with the corps; and | 0001| H. "sponsor" means any local unit of government, | 0002| state agency, federal agency, nonprofit organization or | 0003| federally recognized [Native American] Indian nation, tribe | 0004| or pueblo." | 0005| Section 16. Section 9-5B-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1992, | 0006| Chapter 91, Section 5) is amended to read: | 0007| "9-5B-5. COMMISSION CREATED--MEMBERSHIP--APPOINTMENTS-- | 0008| TERMS--VACANCIES--COMPENSATION.-- | 0009| A. There is created a nine-member "New Mexico youth | 0010| conservation corps commission" [which] that is | 0011| administratively attached to the department. The commission | 0012| consists of the following members: | 0013| (1) the superintendent of public instruction or | 0014| his designee; | 0015| (2) the commissioner of public lands or his | 0016| designee; | 0017| (3) the secretary of [energy, minerals and | 0018| natural resources] workforce development or his designee; | 0019| (4) the secretary of [the youth authority] | 0020| children, youth and families or his designee; and | 0021| (5) five members of the general public appointed | 0022| by the governor to reflect the geographic diversity of the | 0023| state, one of whom is knowledgeable in the current policies of | 0024| the United States forest service and one of whom is Native | 0025| American. | 0001| B. One [of the members] public member of the | 0002| commission shall be appointed by the governor for a one-year | 0003| term, two public members shall be appointed for two-year | 0004| terms and two public members shall be appointed for three- | 0005| year terms [and]. All subsequent appointments of public | 0006| members shall be made for three-year terms. | 0007| C. The public members shall serve at the pleasure of | 0008| the governor. Vacancies on the commission caused by the loss | 0009| of a public member shall be filled by appointment by the | 0010| governor for the unexpired term within sixty days of the | 0011| vacancy. Public commission members shall serve until their | 0012| successors have been appointed. | 0013| D. A majority of the members of the commission | 0014| constitutes a quorum for transaction of business. The | 0015| commission shall elect a chairman from its membership. | 0016| E. Members of the commission shall be compensated as | 0017| provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act and shall receive no | 0018| other compensation, perquisite or allowance." | 0019| Section 17. Section 9-7A-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0020| Chapter 253, Section 78, as amended) is amended to read: | 0021| "9-7A-14. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REVIEW | 0022| COMMISSION--EXEMPTIONS FROM AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF | 0023| [ENVIRONMENT] WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT.--The occupational | 0024| health and safety review commission shall receive staff support | 0025| from the workforce development department [of environment]. | 0001| All powers, duties and responsibilities of the occupational | 0002| health and safety review commission under Sections 50-9-9, 50- | 0003| 9-17 and 50-9-24 NMSA 1978 are hereby explicitly exempted from | 0004| the authority of the secretary of workforce development under | 0005| provisions of Subsection B of Section [6 of The Department of | 0006| Environment Act] 9-7A-6 NMSA 1978." | 0007| Section 18. Section 13-4-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0008| Chapter 35, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| "13-4-11. MINIMUM WAGES ON PUBLIC WORKS--WEEKLY PAYMENT-- | 0010| POSTING WAGE SCALE--WITHHOLDING FUNDS.--Every contract or | 0011| project in excess of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to which | 0012| the state or any political subdivision thereof is a party for | 0013| construction, alteration, demolition or repair or any | 0014| combination of these, including painting and decorating, of | 0015| public buildings, public works or public roads of the state and | 0016| [which] that requires or involves the employment of | 0017| mechanics, laborers or both shall contain a provision stating | 0018| the minimum wages to be paid to various classes of laborers and | 0019| mechanics, which shall be based upon the wages that will be | 0020| determined by the [director of the] labor and industrial | 0021| [division] bureau of the [labor] workforce development | 0022| department to be prevailing for the corresponding classes of | 0023| laborers and mechanics employed on contract work of a similar | 0024| nature in the state or locality, and every contract or project | 0025| shall contain a stipulation that the contractor, subcontractor, | 0001| employer or any person acting as a contractor shall pay all | 0002| mechanics and laborers employed on the site of the project, | 0003| unconditionally and not less often than once a week and without | 0004| subsequent unlawful deduction or rebate on any account, the | 0005| full amounts accrued at time of payment computed at wage rates | 0006| not less than those stated in the minimum wage rates issued for | 0007| the project. | 0008| A. For the purpose of making wage determinations, the | 0009| [director of the] labor and industrial [division] bureau | 0010| of the [labor] workforce development department shall | 0011| conduct a continuing program for the obtaining and compiling of | 0012| wage-rate information and shall encourage the voluntary | 0013| submission of wage-rate data by contractors, contractors' | 0014| associations, labor organizations, interested persons and | 0015| public officers. Before making a determination of wage rates | 0016| for any project, [he] the bureau shall give due regard to | 0017| the information thus obtained. Whenever the [director] | 0018| bureau deems that the data at hand are insufficient to make a | 0019| wage determination, [he] it may have a field survey | 0020| conducted for the purpose of obtaining sufficient information | 0021| upon which to make determination of wage rates. Any interested | 0022| person shall have the right to submit to the [director] | 0023| bureau written data, views and arguments why the wage | 0024| determination should be changed. | 0025| B. The scale of wages to be paid shall be posted by | 0001| the contractor or person acting as a contractor in a prominent | 0002| and easily accessible place at the site of the work; and it is | 0003| further provided that there may be withheld from the | 0004| contractor, subcontractor, employer or any person acting as a | 0005| contractor so much of accrued payments as may be considered | 0006| necessary by the contracting officer to pay to laborers and | 0007| mechanics employed on the project the difference between the | 0008| rates of wages required by the [director of the] labor and | 0009| industrial [division] bureau of the [labor] workforce | 0010| development department to be paid to laborers and mechanics on | 0011| the work and the rates of wages received by such laborers and | 0012| mechanics and not refunded to the contractor, subcontractor, | 0013| employer or any person acting as a contractor or their agents. | 0014| C. The [director of the] labor and industrial | 0015| [division] bureau of the [labor] workforce development | 0016| department shall have authority to issue rules and regulations | 0017| necessary to administer and accomplish the purposes of the | 0018| Public Works Minimum Wage Act." | 0019| Section 19. Section 13-4-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0020| Chapter 35, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0021| "13-4-12. DEFINITION OF THE TERM "WAGES".-- | 0022| A. As used in Section 13-4-11 NMSA 1978, "wages", | 0023| "scale of wages", "wage rates" and "minimum wages" [and | 0024| "prevailing wages"] include: | 0025| (1) the basic hourly rate of pay; and | 0001| (2) the amount of: | 0002| (a) the rate of contribution irrevocably | 0003| made by a contractor, subcontractor, employer or any person | 0004| acting as a contractor to a trustee or a third person pursuant | 0005| to a fund, plan or program; and | 0006| (b) the rate of costs to a contractor, | 0007| subcontractor, employer or any person acting as a contractor | 0008| [which] that reasonably may be anticipated in providing | 0009| benefits to laborers and mechanics pursuant to an enforceable | 0010| commitment to carry out a financially responsible plan or | 0011| program [which] that was communicated in writing to the | 0012| laborers and mechanics affected for: 1) medical or hospital | 0013| care; 2) pensions on retirement or death; 3) compensation for | 0014| injuries or illness resulting from occupational activity; or 4) | 0015| insurance to provide for any of the foregoing; and for: 5) | 0016| unemployment benefits; 6) life insurance; 7) disability and | 0017| sickness insurance; 8) accident insurance; 9) vacation and | 0018| holiday pay; 10) costs of apprenticeship or other similar | 0019| programs; or for 11) other bona fide fringe benefits; but only | 0020| where the contractor, subcontractor, employer or any person | 0021| acting as a contractor is not required by other federal, state | 0022| or local law to provide any of the foregoing or similar | 0023| benefits. | 0024| B. The obligation of a contractor, subcontractor, | 0025| employer or person acting as a contractor to make payment in | 0001| accordance with the prevailing wage determinations of the | 0002| [director of the] labor and industrial [division] bureau | 0003| of the [labor] workforce development department, insofar as | 0004| Section 13-4-11 NMSA 1978 or other sections of legislative acts | 0005| incorporating Section 13-4-11 NMSA 1978 are concerned, may be | 0006| discharged by: | 0007| (1) the making of payments in cash; | 0008| (2) the making of contributions of a type | 0009| referred to in Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (2) of Subsection | 0010| A of this section; or | 0011| (3) the assumption of an enforceable commitment | 0012| to bear the costs of a plan or program of a type referred to in | 0013| Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph (2) of Subsection A of this | 0014| section or any combination thereof where the aggregate of any | 0015| payments or contributions and costs therefor is not less than | 0016| the rate of pay described in Section 13-4-11 NMSA 1978 plus the | 0017| amount referred to in this section. | 0018| [C. The provisions of this section shall not affect | 0019| existing contracts or contracts resulting from bids outstanding | 0020| on July 15, 1965]" | 0021| Section 20. Section 13-4-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0022| Chapter 35, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read: | 0023| "13-4-13. FAILURE TO PAY MINIMUM WAGE--TERMINATION OF | 0024| CONTRACT.--Every contract within the scope of the Public Works | 0025| Minimum Wage Act shall contain further provision that in the | 0001| event it is found by [the director of] the labor and | 0002| industrial [division] bureau of the [labor] workforce | 0003| development department that any laborer or mechanic employed | 0004| on the site of the project has been or is being paid as a | 0005| result of a willful violation a rate of wages less than the | 0006| rate of wages required, the contracting agency may, by written | 0007| notice to the contractor, subcontractor, employer or person | 0008| acting as a contractor terminate their right to proceed with | 0009| the work or such part of the work as to which there has been a | 0010| willful failure to pay the required wages, and the contracting | 0011| agency may prosecute the work to completion by contract or | 0012| otherwise, and the contractor or person acting as a contractor | 0013| and his sureties shall be liable to the state for any excess | 0014| costs occasioned thereby. Any party receiving notice of | 0015| termination of his project or subcontract under the provisions | 0016| of this section may appeal the finding of the [director] | 0017| bureau as provided in the Public Works Minimum Wage Act." | 0018| Section 21. Section 13-4-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0019| Chapter 35, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "13-4-14. PAYMENT OF WAGES FROM FUNDS WITHHELD--LIST OF | 0021| CONTRACTORS VIOLATING ACT--ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF WAGE EARNERS.-- | 0022| A. The [director of the] labor and industrial | 0023| [division] bureau of the [labor] workforce development | 0024| department shall certify to the contracting agency the names of | 0025| persons or firms he has found to have disregarded their | 0001| obligations to employees under the Public Works Minimum Wage | 0002| Act and the amount of arrears. The contracting agency is | 0003| authorized and directed to pay or cause to be paid to the | 0004| affected laborers and mechanics, from any accrued payments | 0005| withheld under the terms of the contract or designated for the | 0006| project, any wages found due such workmen pursuant to the | 0007| Public Works Minimum Wage Act. The [director] bureau | 0008| shall, after notice to the affected persons, distribute a list | 0009| to all departments of the state giving the names of persons or | 0010| firms [he has] found to have willfully violated the Public | 0011| Works Minimum Wage Act. No contract or project shall be | 0012| awarded to the persons or firms appearing on this list or to | 0013| any firm, corporation, partnership or association in which the | 0014| persons or firms have an interest until three years have | 0015| elapsed from the date of publication of the list containing the | 0016| names of the persons or firms. Any person to be included on | 0017| the list to be distributed may appeal the finding of the | 0018| [director] bureau as provided in the Public Works Minimum | 0019| Wage Act. | 0020| B. If the accrued payments withheld under the terms | 0021| of the contract, as mentioned in Subsection A of this section, | 0022| are insufficient to reimburse all the laborers and mechanics | 0023| with respect to whom there has been a failure to pay the wages | 0024| required pursuant to the Public Works Minimum Wage Act, the | 0025| laborers and mechanics shall have the right of action or | 0001| intervention or both against the contractor or person acting as | 0002| a contractor and his sureties, conferred by law upon such | 0003| persons furnishing labor and materials, and, in such | 0004| proceeding, it shall be no defense that the laborers and | 0005| mechanics accepted or agreed to less than the required rate of | 0006| wages or voluntarily made refunds. The [director of the] | 0007| labor and industrial [division] bureau of the [labor] | 0008| workforce development department shall refer such matters to | 0009| the district attorney in the appropriate county, and it is the | 0010| duty and responsibility of the district attorney to bring civil | 0011| suit for wages due and liquidated damages provided for in | 0012| Subsection C of this section. | 0013| C. In the event of any violation of the Public Works | 0014| Minimum Wage Act, the contractor, subcontractor, employer or | 0015| any person acting as a contractor responsible for the violation | 0016| shall be liable to any affected employee for his unpaid wages. | 0017| In addition, the contractor, subcontractor, employer or any | 0018| person acting as a contractor shall be liable to any affected | 0019| employee for liquidated damages in the sum of ten dollars | 0020| ($10.00) for each calendar day on which a contractor, | 0021| subcontractor, employer or any person acting as a contractor | 0022| has willfully required or permitted an individual laborer or | 0023| mechanic to work in violation of the provisions of the Public | 0024| Works Minimum Wage Act." | 0025| Section 22. Section 13-4-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1963, | 0001| Chapter 304, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0002| "13-4-15. APPEALS.-- | 0003| A. Any interested person may appeal any | 0004| determination, finding or action of the [director of the] | 0005| labor and industrial [division] bureau of the [labor] | 0006| workforce development department made pursuant to the Public | 0007| Works Minimum Wage Act to the labor and industrial commission | 0008| sitting as the appeals board by filing notice of the appeal | 0009| with the [director] chief of the labor and industrial | 0010| bureau within fifteen days after the determination has been | 0011| issued or notice of the finding or action has been given as | 0012| provided in the Public Works Minimum Wage Act. | 0013| B. The labor and industrial commission, sitting as | 0014| the appeals board, shall adopt such rules and regulations as it | 0015| deems necessary for the prompt disposition of appeals. A copy | 0016| of the rules and regulations shall be filed [with the | 0017| librarian of the supreme court library] in accordance with | 0018| the State Rules Act. | 0019| C. The appeals board, within ten days after the | 0020| filing of the appeal, shall set the matter for an oral hearing | 0021| within thirty days and, following such hearing, shall enter a | 0022| decision within ten days after the close of the hearing and | 0023| promptly mail copies of the decision to the parties. | 0024| D. Decisions of the appeals board may be reviewed by | 0025| the district court in Santa Fe county or in the county in which | 0001| the contract affected is to be performed. Proceedings for | 0002| review shall be instituted by filing a petition in the court | 0003| within thirty days after mailing notice of the final decision | 0004| of the board. Copies of the petition shall be served upon the | 0005| [director] chief of the labor and industrial [division] | 0006| bureau of the [labor] workforce development department | 0007| and all parties of record. The review shall be conducted by | 0008| the court without a jury and shall be confined to the record of | 0009| the proceedings before the board. The findings of fact of the | 0010| board shall be binding upon the district court when supported | 0011| by substantial evidence. The court may affirm the decision of | 0012| the board or remand the case for further proceedings. The | 0013| court may reserve or modify the decision because the | 0014| administrative findings, inferences, conclusions or decisions | 0015| are: | 0016| (1) in violation of constitutional or statutory | 0017| provisions; | 0018| (2) in excess of the statutory authority of the | 0019| board; | 0020| (3) made upon unlawful procedure; | 0021| (4) affected by other error of law; | 0022| (5) clearly erroneous in view of the reliable | 0023| probative and substantial evidence on the whole record; or | 0024| (6) arbitrary or capricious or characterized by | 0025| abusive discretion or clearly unwarranted exercise of | 0001| discretion. | 0002| An aggrieved party may obtain a review of any final | 0003| judgment of the district court made pursuant to the Public | 0004| Works Minimum Wage Act by appeal to the [supreme] court of | 0005| appeals, which shall be taken as in other civil cases." | 0006| Section 23. Section 27-1-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0007| Chapter 252, Section 16) is amended to read: | 0008| "27-1-1. DEFINITIONS.--As used in Articles 1 and 2 of | 0009| Chapter [13 NMSA 1953] 27 NMSA 1978, "department", | 0010| "department of public welfare", "state department of public | 0011| welfare", "New Mexico department of public welfare", "state | 0012| board of public welfare", "board of public welfare", "state | 0013| board", "state department", "health and social services | 0014| department", "human services department", "department of | 0015| health and social services", "health and social services board" | 0016| and "board" mean the [human services] workforce development | 0017| department." | 0018| Section 24. Section 27-1-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1937, | 0019| Chapter 18, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "27-1-3. ACTIVITIES OF [HUMAN SERVICES] WORKFORCE | 0021| DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT.--The [human services] department | 0022| shall be charged with the administration of all the welfare | 0023| activities of the state as provided in Chapter 27 NMSA 1978, | 0024| except as otherwise provided for by law. The [human | 0025| services] department shall, except as otherwise provided by | 0001| law: | 0002| A. administer [old age assistance, aid to dependent | 0003| children, assistance to the needy blind and otherwise | 0004| handicapped and general relief] financial assistance | 0005| programs, including aid to dependent children and general | 0006| assistance; | 0007| [B. administer all aid or services to crippled chil- | 0008| | 0009| dren, including the extension and improvement of services for | 0010| crippled children, insofar as practicable under conditions in | 0011| this state, provide for locating children who are crippled or | 0012| who are suffering from conditions which lead to crippling, | 0013| provide corrective and any other services and care and | 0014| facilities for diagnosis, hospitalization and after-care for | 0015| children who are crippled or who are suffering from conditions | 0016| which lead to crippling, and supervise the administration of | 0017| those services which are not administered directly by the | 0018| department; | 0019| C.] B. administer and supervise all child welfare | 0020| activities, service to children placed for adoption, service | 0021| and care of homeless, dependent and neglected children, service | 0022| and care for children in foster family homes or in institutions | 0023| because of dependency or delinquency and care and service to | 0024| any child who because of physical or mental defect may need | 0025| such service; | 0001| [D.] C. formulate detailed plans, make rules and | 0002| regulations and take action deemed necessary or desirable to | 0003| carry out the provisions of Chapter 27 NMSA 1978 and which is | 0004| not inconsistent with the provisions of that chapter; | 0005| [E.] D. cooperate with the federal government in | 0006| matters of mutual concern pertaining to public welfare and | 0007| public assistance, including the adoption of such methods of | 0008| administration as are found by the federal government to be | 0009| necessary for the efficient operation of the plan for public | 0010| welfare and assistance; | 0011| [F.] E. assist other departments, agencies and | 0012| institutions of local, state and federal governments when so | 0013| requested, cooperate with such agencies when expedient in | 0014| performing services in conformity with the purposes of Chapter | 0015| 27 NMSA 1978 and cooperate with medical, health, nursing and | 0016| welfare groups, any state agency charged with the | 0017| administration of laws providing for vocational rehabilitation | 0018| of physically handicapped persons and organizations within the | 0019| state; | 0020| [G.] F. act as the agent of the federal | 0021| government in welfare matters of mutual concern in conformity | 0022| with the provisions of Chapter 27 NMSA 1978 and in the | 0023| administration of any federal funds granted to this state, to | 0024| aid in furtherance of [any such] those functions of the | 0025| state government; | 0001| [H.] G. establish [in counties or in districts, | 0002| which may include two or more counties] local units of | 0003| administration [to serve as agents of the department]; and | 0004| [I. at its discretion, establish local boards of | 0005| public welfare for such territory as it may see fit and by rule | 0006| and regulation prescribe the duties of the local board; | 0007| J. administer such other public welfare functions as | 0008| may be assumed by the state after the effective date of this | 0009| section; | 0010| K.] H. carry on research and compile statistics | 0011| relative to [the entire] public [welfare program throughout | 0012| the state] assistance programs, including [all phases of] | 0013| dependency [defectiveness, delinquency] and related problems | 0014| and develop plans in cooperation with other public and private | 0015| agencies for the prevention as well as treatment of conditions | 0016| giving rise to the need for public [welfare problems] | 0017| assistance programs. | 0018| [L. inspect and require reports from all private | 0019| institutions, boarding homes and agencies providing assistance, | 0020| care or other direct services to children who are crippled, | 0021| neglected, delinquent or dependent, the aged, blind, feeble- | 0022| minded and other dependent persons. | 0023| Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to | 0024| authorize the department to establish or prescribe standards or | 0025| regulations for or otherwise regulate programs or services to | 0001| children in group homes as defined in Section 9-8-13 NMSA | 0002| 1978.]" | 0003| Section 25. Section 27-1-3.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1980, | 0004| Chapter 83, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0005| "27-1-3.1. ACUTE CARE BED USAGE--FUNDING AUTHORIZATION.-- | 0006| The [human services] workforce development department is | 0007| authorized to accept and use federal grants or matching funds | 0008| for the purpose of reimbursement to certain rural hospitals for | 0009| using empty acute care beds for intermediate care and skilled | 0010| nursing care, as defined in federal statutes and regulations, | 0011| subject to federal approval and the availability of funds. The | 0012| department is authorized to use funds from existing | 0013| appropriations for matching federal funds for the purposes of | 0014| this [act] section." | 0015| Section 26. Section 27-1-3.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1980, | 0016| Chapter 83, Section 1, as amended and as further amended by | 0017| Section 25 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-1-3.1 | 0018| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0019| "27-1-3.1 [NEW MATERIAL] ACUTE CARE BED USAGE--FUNDING | 0020| AUTHORIZATION.--The department of health is authorized to | 0021| accept and use federal grants or matching funds for the purpose | 0022| of reimbursement to certain rural hospitals for using empty | 0023| acute care beds for intermediate care and skilled nursing care, | 0024| as defined in federal statutes and regulations, subject to | 0025| federal approval and the availability of funds. The department | 0001| of health is authorized to use funds from existing | 0002| appropriations for matching federal funds for the purposes of | 0003| this act." | 0004| Section 27. Section 27-2-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0005| Chapter 376, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0006| "27-2-1. SHORT TITLE.--Sections [1 through 20 of this | 0007| act and Sections 13-1-9, 13-1-10, 13-1-12, 13-1-13, 13-1-17, | 0008| 13-1-18, 13-1-18.1, 13-1-19, 13-1-20, 13-1-20.1, 13-1-21, | 0009| 13-1-22, 13-1-27, 13-1-27.2, 13-1-27.3, 13-1-27.4, 13-1-28, | 0010| 13-1-28.6, 13-1-29, 13-1-30, 13-1-34, 13-1-35, 13-1-37, 13-1- | 0011| 39, 13-1-40, 13-1-41 and 13-1-42 NMSA 1953] 27-2-1 through | 0012| 27-2-36 NMSA 1978 may be cited as the "Public Assistance | 0013| Act"." | 0014| Section 28. Section 27-2-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0015| Chapter 376, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0016| "27-2-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Public Assistance | 0017| Act: | 0018| [A. "department" means the human services | 0019| department; | 0020| B. "board" means the human services department; | 0021| C.] A. "director" means the secretary of [human | 0022| services] workforce development; | 0023| [D.] B. "local office" means the county or | 0024| district office of the [human services] workforce | 0025| development department; | 0001| [E.] C. "public welfare" or "public assistance" | 0002| means any aid or relief granted to or on behalf of an eligible | 0003| person under the Public Assistance Act and regulations issued | 0004| pursuant to that act; | 0005| [F.] D. "applicant" means a person who has | 0006| applied for assistance or services under the Public Assistance | 0007| Act; | 0008| [G.] E. "recipient" means a person who is | 0009| receiving assistance or services under the Public Assistance | 0010| Act; | 0011| [H.] F. "federal act" means the federal Social | 0012| Security Act, as may be amended from time to time, and | 0013| regulations issued pursuant to that act; and | 0014| [I.] G. "secretary" means the secretary of | 0015| [human services] workforce development." | 0016| Section 29. Section 27-2-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0017| Chapter 376, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0018| "27-2-5. AMOUNT OF GRANT.-- | 0019| A. The amount of an eligible person's maximum grant | 0020| of public assistance is determined by deducting the total | 0021| amount of his nonexempt income from the applicable standard of | 0022| need. However, if the amount of federal and state funds | 0023| available for public assistance is insufficient to provide the | 0024| grants for all eligible persons, the amount of grants to | 0025| eligible persons may be reduced as necessary. | 0001| B. The secretary [of human services] may set | 0002| individual and family maximum and minimum grant levels for each | 0003| program." | 0004| Section 30. Section 27-2-6.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, | 0005| Chapter 30, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0006| "27-2-6.1. SUPPLEMENTAL POSTNATAL ASSISTANCE.--The | 0007| [health and social services] department shall establish a | 0008| program of supplemental postnatal assistance for those | 0009| [mentally retarded] developmentally disabled persons who | 0010| during pregnancy received aid to families with dependent | 0011| children but whose aid was revoked upon relinquishment of the | 0012| newly born child for adoption. The supplemental postnatal | 0013| assistance provided for in this section shall be at the same | 0014| rate as aid to families with dependent children, but [such] | 0015| supplemental postnatal assistance shall not exceed a period of | 0016| sixty days. The [health and social services department] | 0017| secretary shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations | 0018| [in order] to carry out the provisions of this section." | 0019| Section 31. Section 27-2-6.2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1988, | 0020| Chapter 122, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0021| "27-2-6.2. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE--EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING | 0022| REQUIREMENTS.-- | 0023| A. In the administration of all [food stamp | 0024| employment and training programs, community work experience | 0025| programs, work incentive demonstration programs for recipients | 0001| of aid to families with dependent children and all other] work | 0002| registration, work incentive or employment and training | 0003| programs established or conducted by the [human services] | 0004| department, participation of recipients shall be voluntary | 0005| except as prohibited by federal law or when mandatory par- | 0006| | 0007| ticipation is a requirement in order to secure federal funding | 0008| for services provided. | 0009| B. Any waiver requests developed and submitted to the | 0010| federal government by the [human services] department for | 0011| [food stamp employment and training programs, community work | 0012| experience programs, work incentive demonstration programs for | 0013| recipients of aid to families with dependent children and all | 0014| other] work registration, work incentive or employment, | 0015| education and training programs shall include a voluntary | 0016| program and may also include a mandatory alternative. | 0017| C. The [human services] department shall adopt | 0018| and promulgate regulations [which] that shall be published | 0019| and made available for public notice and comment [which]. | 0020| The regulations shall detail the criteria for mandatory | 0021| participation and exemptions in accordance with federal law and | 0022| regulations for persons in work, education, training, job | 0023| search and work experience programs administered by the [human | 0024| services] department prior to their implementation. | 0025| D. The [human services] department shall not place | 0001| persons in any community work experience or similar program | 0002| unless: | 0003| (1) appropriate standards for health, safety and | 0004| other conditions applicable to the performance of work are met; | 0005| (2) the program does not result in displacement | 0006| of persons currently employed; and | 0007| (3) provision is made for transportation, day | 0008| care and other costs necessary and directly related to | 0009| participation in the program." | 0010| Section 32. Section 27-2-9.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, | 0011| Chapter 401, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0012| "27-2-9.1. ADMINISTRATION OF SHELTER CARE SUPPLEMENT.-- | 0013| A. A shelter care supplement shall be provided to | 0014| those individuals who are recipients of supplemental security | 0015| income under Title 16 of the federal Social Security Act and | 0016| who reside in shelter care homes licensed pursuant to | 0017| regulations of the [health and environment] department of | 0018| health. | 0019| B. The [human services] workforce development | 0020| department is authorized to determine eligibility, compute | 0021| payment, make payments and otherwise administer the shelter | 0022| care supplement program. | 0023| C. The amount of the shelter care supplement payment | 0024| shall be established by the secretary [of human services] | 0025| subject to the availability of general funds." | 0001| Section 33. Section 27-2-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0002| Chapter 376, Section 16, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "27-2-12. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.--Consistent with | 0004| the federal act and subject to the appropriation and | 0005| availability of federal and state funds, the medical assistance | 0006| division of the [human services] department may by regulation | 0007| provide medical assistance, including the services of licensed | 0008| doctors of oriental medicine and licensed chiropractors, to | 0009| persons eligible for public assistance programs under the | 0010| federal act." | 0011| Section 34. Section 27-2-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0012| Chapter 376, Section 16, as amended and as further amended by | 0013| Section 33 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-2-12 | 0014| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0015| "27-2-12. [NEW MATERIAL] MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.- | 0016| - | 0017| Consistent with the federal act and subject to the | 0018| appropriation and availability of federal and state funds, the | 0019| department of health may by regulation provide medical | 0020| assistance, including the services of licensed doctors of | 0021| oriental medicine and licensed chiropractors, to persons | 0022| eligible for public assistance programs under the federal act." | 0023| Section 35. Section 27-2-12.3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1987, | 0024| Chapter 269, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0025| "27-2-12.3. MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT--EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL | 0001| PHYSICIANS', DENTISTS', OPTOMETRISTS', PODIATRISTS' AND | 0002| PSYCHOLOGISTS' SERVICES.--The [human services] department | 0003| shall establish a rate for the reimbursement of physicians, | 0004| dentists, optometrists, podiatrists and psychologists for | 0005| services rendered to medicaid patients that provides equal | 0006| reimbursement for the same or similar services rendered without | 0007| respect to the date on which such physician, dentist, | 0008| optometrist, podiatrist or psychologist entered into practice | 0009| in New Mexico, the date on which the physician, dentist, | 0010| optometrist, podiatrist or psychologist entered into an | 0011| agreement or contract to provide such services or the location | 0012| in which such services are to be provided in the state; | 0013| provided, however, that the requirements of this section shall | 0014| not apply when the [human services] department contracts with | 0015| entities pursuant to Section 27-2-12.6 NMSA 1978 to negotiate a | 0016| rate for the reimbursement for services rendered to medicaid | 0017| patients in the medicaid managed care system." | 0018| Section 36. Section 27-2-12.3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1987, | 0019| Chapter 269, Section 1, as amended and as further amended by | 0020| Section 35 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-2-12.3 | 0021| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0022| "27-2-12.3. [NEW MATERIAL] MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT-- | 0023| EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL PHYSICIANS', DENTISTS', OPTOMETRISTS', | 0024| PODIATRISTS' AND PSYCHOLOGISTS' SERVICES.--The department of | 0025| health shall establish a rate for the payment of physicians, | 0001| dentists, optometrists, podiatrists and psychologists for | 0002| services rendered to medicaid patients that provides equal | 0003| payment for the same or similar services rendered without | 0004| respect to the date on which the physician, dentist, | 0005| optometrist, podiatrist or psychologist entered into practice | 0006| in New Mexico, the date on which the physician, dentist, | 0007| optometrist, podiatrist or psychologist entered into an | 0008| agreement or contract to provide the services or the location | 0009| in which the services are provided in the state, but the | 0010| requirements of this section shall not apply when the | 0011| department of health contracts with entities pursuant to | 0012| Section 27-2-12.6 NMSA 1978 to pay for services rendered to | 0013| medicaid patients in the medicaid managed care system." | 0014| Section 37. Section 27-2-12.4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1987, | 0015| Chapter 214, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0016| "27-2-12.4. LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES--NONCOMPLIANCE WITH | 0017| STANDARDS AND CONDITIONS--SANCTIONS.-- | 0018| A. In addition to any other actions required or | 0019| permitted by federal law or regulation, the [human services] | 0020| department shall impose a hold on state medicaid payments to a | 0021| long-term care facility thirty days after the department of | 0022| health [and environment department] notifies the [human | 0023| services] department in writing pursuant to an on-site visit | 0024| that the long-term care facility is not in substantial | 0025| compliance with the standards or conditions of participation | 0001| promulgated by the federal department of health and human | 0002| services pursuant to which the facility is a party to a | 0003| medicaid provider agreement, unless the substantial noncom- | 0004| | 0005| pliance has been corrected within that thirty-day period or the | 0006| facility's medicaid provider agreement is terminated or not | 0007| renewed based in whole or in part on the noncompliance. The | 0008| written notice shall cite the specific deficiencies that | 0009| constitute noncompliance. | 0010| B. The [human services] department shall remove the | 0011| payment hold imposed under Subsection A of this section when | 0012| the department of health [and environment department], | 0013| pursuant to an on-site visit, certifies in writing to the | 0014| [human services] department that the long-term care facility | 0015| is in substantial compliance with the standards or conditions | 0016| of participation pursuant to which the facility is a party to a | 0017| medicaid provider agreement. | 0018| C. The [human services] department shall not | 0019| reimburse any long-term care facility during the payment hold | 0020| period imposed pursuant to Subsection A of this section for any | 0021| medicaid recipient-patients who are new admissions and who are | 0022| admitted on or after the day the hold is imposed and prior to | 0023| the day the hold is removed. | 0024| D. If a long-term care facility is certified in | 0025| writing to be in noncompliance pursuant to Subsection A of this | 0001| section for the second time in any twelve-month period, the | 0002| [human services] department shall cancel or refuse to execute | 0003| the long-term care facility's medicaid provider agreement for a | 0004| two-month period, unless it can be demonstrated that harm to | 0005| the patients would result from this action or that good cause | 0006| exists to allow the facility to continue to participate in the | 0007| medicaid program. The provisions of this subsection are | 0008| subject to appeal procedures set forth in federal regulations | 0009| for nonrenewal or termination of a medicaid provider agreement. | 0010| E. A long-term care facility shall not charge | 0011| medicaid recipient-patients, their families or their | 0012| responsible parties to recoup any payments not received because | 0013| of a hold on medicaid payments imposed pursuant to this | 0014| section. | 0015| F. This section [shall not be construed to] does | 0016| not affect any other provisions for medicaid provider | 0017| agreement termination, nonrenewal, due process and appeal | 0018| pursuant to federal law or regulation. | 0019| G. As used in this section: | 0020| (1) "day" means a twenty-four hour period | 0021| beginning at midnight and ending one second before midnight; | 0022| (2) "long-term care facility" means any | 0023| intermediate care facility or skilled nursing facility | 0024| [which] that is licensed by the department of health | 0025| [and environment department] and [which] that is medicaid | 0001| certified; | 0002| (3) "new admissions" means medicaid recipients | 0003| who have never been in the long-term care facility or, if | 0004| previously admitted, had been discharged or had voluntarily | 0005| left the facility. The term does not include: | 0006| (a) individuals who were in the long-term | 0007| care facility before the effective date of the hold on medicaid | 0008| payments and became eligible for medicaid after that date; and | 0009| (b) individuals who, after a temporary | 0010| absence from the facility, are readmitted to beds reserved for | 0011| them in accordance with federal regulations; and | 0012| (4) "substantial compliance" means the condition | 0013| of having no cited deficiencies or having only those cited | 0014| deficiencies [which] that: | 0015| (a) are not inconsistent with any federal | 0016| statutory requirement; | 0017| (b) do not interfere with adequate patient | 0018| care; | 0019| (c) do not represent a hazard to the | 0020| patients' health or safety; | 0021| (d) are capable of correction within a | 0022| reasonable period of time; and | 0023| (e) are ones [which] that the long-term | 0024| care facility is making reasonable plans to correct." | 0025| Section 38. Section 27-2-12.4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1987, | 0001| Chapter 214, Section 1, as amended and as further amended by | 0002| Section 37 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-2-12.4 | 0003| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0004| "27-2-12.4. [NEW MATERIAL] LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES-- | 0005| NONCOMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS AND CONDITIONS--SANCTIONS.-- | 0006| A. In addition to any other actions required or | 0007| permitted by federal law or regulation, the department of | 0008| health shall impose a hold on state medicaid payments to a | 0009| long-term care facility thirty days after the department of | 0010| health notifies the long-term care facility in writing pursuant | 0011| to an on-site visit that the long-term care facility is not in | 0012| substantial compliance with the standards or conditions of | 0013| participation promulgated by the federal department of health | 0014| and human services pursuant to which the facility is a party to | 0015| a medicaid provider agreement, unless the substantial | 0016| noncompliance has been corrected within that thirty-day period | 0017| or the facility's medicaid provider agreement is terminated or | 0018| not renewed based in whole or in part on the noncompliance. | 0019| The written notice shall cite the specific deficiencies that | 0020| constitute noncompliance. | 0021| B. The department of health shall remove the payment | 0022| hold imposed under Subsection A of this section when the | 0023| department of health pursuant to an on-site visit certifies in | 0024| writing that the long-term care facility is in substantial | 0025| compliance with the standards or conditions of participation | 0001| pursuant to which the facility is a party to a medicaid | 0002| provider agreement. | 0003| C. The department of health shall not reimburse any | 0004| long-term care facility during the payment hold period imposed | 0005| pursuant to Subsection A of this section for any medicaid | 0006| recipient-patients who are new admissions and who are admitted | 0007| on or after the day the hold is imposed and prior to the day | 0008| the hold is removed. | 0009| D. If a long-term care facility is certified in | 0010| writing to be in noncompliance pursuant to Subsection A of this | 0011| section for the second time in any twelve-month period, the | 0012| department of health shall cancel or refuse to execute the | 0013| long-term care facility's medicaid provider agreement for a | 0014| two-month period, unless it can be demonstrated that harm to | 0015| the patients would result from this action or that good cause | 0016| exists to allow the facility to continue to participate in the | 0017| medicaid program. The provisions of this subsection are | 0018| subject to appeal procedures set forth in federal regulations | 0019| for nonrenewal or termination of a medicaid provider agreement. | 0020| E. A long-term care facility shall not charge | 0021| medicaid recipient-patients, their families or their | 0022| responsible parties to recoup any payments not received because | 0023| of a hold on medicaid payments imposed pursuant to this | 0024| section. | 0025| F. This section shall not be construed to affect any | 0001| other provisions for medicaid provider agreement termination, | 0002| nonrenewal, due process and appeal pursuant to federal law or | 0003| regulation. | 0004| G. As used in this section: | 0005| (1) "day" means a twenty-four hour period | 0006| beginning at midnight and ending one second before midnight; | 0007| (2) "long-term care facility" means any | 0008| intermediate care facility or skilled nursing facility that is | 0009| licensed by the department of health and that is medicaid | 0010| certified; | 0011| (3) "new admissions" means medicaid recipients | 0012| who have never been in the long-term care facility or, if | 0013| previously admitted, had been discharged or had voluntarily | 0014| left the facility. The term does not include: | 0015| (a) individuals who were in the long-term | 0016| care facility before the effective date of the hold on medicaid | 0017| payments and became eligible for medicaid after that date; and | 0018| (b) individuals who, after a temporary | 0019| absence from the facility, are readmitted to beds reserved for | 0020| them in accordance with federal regulations; and | 0021| (4) "substantial compliance" means the | 0022| condition of having no cited deficiencies or having only those | 0023| cited deficiencies that: | 0024| (a) are not inconsistent with any federal | 0025| statutory requirement; | 0001| (b) do not interfere with adequate | 0002| patient care; | 0003| (c) do not represent a hazard to the | 0004| patients' health or safety; | 0005| (d) are capable of correction within a | 0006| reasonable period of time; and | 0007| (e) are ones that the long-term care | 0008| facility is making reasonable plans to correct." | 0009| Section 39. Section 27-2-12.5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0010| 1989, Chapter 83, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0011| "27-2-12.5. MEDICAID-CERTIFIED NURSING FACILITIES-- | 0012| RETROACTIVE ELIGIBILITY--REFUNDS--PENALTY.-- | 0013| A. Medicaid payment for a medicaid-eligible patient | 0014| shall be accepted by a medicaid-certified nursing facility from | 0015| the first month of medicaid eligibility, regardless of whether | 0016| the eligibility is retroactive. The nursing facility shall | 0017| refund to the patient or responsible party all out-of-pocket | 0018| money except for required medical-care credits paid to the | 0019| nursing facility for that patient's care on and after the date | 0020| of medicaid eligibility for services covered by the medicaid | 0021| program. Within thirty days after notification by the [human | 0022| services] department of the patient's medicaid eligibility, | 0023| the nursing facility shall make any necessary refund to the | 0024| patient or responsible party required under this section. | 0025| B. In any cause of action brought against a nursing | 0001| facility because of its failure to make a refund to the patient | 0002| or responsible party as required under Subsection A of this | 0003| section, the patient or responsible party may be awarded triple | 0004| the amount of the money not refunded or three hundred dollars | 0005| ($300), whichever is greater, and reasonable [attorneys'] | 0006| attorney fees and court costs." | 0007| Section 40. Section 27-2-12.5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0008| 1989, Chapter 83, Section 1, as amended and as further amended | 0009| by Section 39 of this act) is repealed and a new Section | 0010| 27-2-12.5 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0011| "27-2-12.5. [NEW MATERIAL] MEDICAID-CERTIFIED NURSING | 0012| FACILITIES-- RETROACTIVE ELIGIBILITY--REFUNDS--PENALTY.-- | 0013| A. Medicaid payment for a medicaid-eligible patient | 0014| shall be accepted by a medicaid-certified nursing facility from | 0015| the first month of medicaid eligibility, regardless of whether | 0016| the eligibility is retroactive. The nursing facility shall | 0017| refund to the patient or responsible party all out-of-pocket | 0018| money except for required medical-care credits paid to the | 0019| nursing facility for that patient's care on and after the date | 0020| of medicaid eligibility for services covered by the medicaid | 0021| program. Within thirty days after notification by the | 0022| department of health of the patient's medicaid eligibility, the | 0023| nursing facility shall make any necessary refund to the patient | 0024| or responsible party required under this section. | 0025| B. In any cause of action brought against a nursing | 0001| facility because of its failure to make a refund to the patient | 0002| or responsible party as required under Subsection A of this | 0003| section, the patient or responsible party may be awarded triple | 0004| the amount of the money not refunded or three hundred dollars | 0005| ($300), whichever is greater, and reasonable attorney fees and | 0006| court costs." | 0007| Section 41. Section 27-2-12.6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0008| 1994, Chapter 62, Section 22, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0009| Section 27-2-12.6 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0010| "27-2-12.6. [NEW MATERIAL] MEDICAID PAYMENTS--MANAGED | 0011| CARE.-- | 0012| A. The department of health shall provide for a | 0013| statewide, managed care system to provide cost-efficient, | 0014| preventive, primary and acute care for medicaid recipients. | 0015| B. The managed care system shall ensure: | 0016| (1) access to medically necessary services, | 0017| particularly for medicaid recipients with chronic health | 0018| problems; | 0019| (2) to the extent practicable, maintenance of | 0020| the rural primary care delivery infrastructure; | 0021| (3) that the department of health's approach | 0022| is consistent with national and state health care reform | 0023| principles; and | 0024| (4) to the maximum extent possible that | 0025| medicaid-eligible individuals are not identified as such except | 0001| as necessary for billing purposes. | 0002| C. The department of health may exclude nursing | 0003| homes, intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, | 0004| medicaid in-home and community-based waiver services and | 0005| residential and community-based mental health services for | 0006| children with serious emotional disorders from the provisions | 0007| of this section." | 0008| Section 42. Section 27-2-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974, | 0009| Chapter 31, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0010| "27-2-16. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL LAW--REIMBURSEMENT | 0011| FOR DRUG PRODUCTS.-- | 0012| A. Subject to the availability of state funds, the | 0013| [human services] department may provide assistance to aged, | 0014| blind or disabled individuals in the amounts consistent with | 0015| federal law to enable the state to be eligible for medicaid | 0016| funding. Individuals shall be determined to be aged, blind or | 0017| disabled according to regulations of the [human services] | 0018| department. | 0019| B. If drug product selection is permitted by | 0020| Section 26-3-3 NMSA 1978, reimbursement by the medicaid program | 0021| shall be limited to the wholesale cost of the [lesser] less | 0022| expensive therapeutic equivalent drug generally available in | 0023| New Mexico plus a reasonable dispensing fee of at least three | 0024| dollars sixty-five cents ($3.65)." | 0025| Section 43. Section 27-2-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974, | 0001| Chapter 31, Section 1, as amended and as further amended by | 0002| Section 42 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-2-16 | 0003| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0004| "27-2-16. [NEW MATERIAL] COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL LAW- | 0005| -REIMBURSEMENT FOR DRUG PRODUCTS.-- | 0006| A. Subject to the availability of state funds, the | 0007| department of health may provide assistance to aged, blind or | 0008| disabled individuals in the amounts consistent with federal law | 0009| to enable the state to be eligible for medicaid funding. | 0010| Individuals shall be determined to be aged, blind or disabled | 0011| according to regulations of the department of health. | 0012| B. If drug product selection is permitted by | 0013| Section 26-3-3 NMSA 1978, reimbursement by the medicaid program | 0014| shall be limited to the wholesale cost of the less expensive | 0015| therapeutic equivalent drug generally available in New Mexico | 0016| plus a reasonable dispensing fee of at least three dollars | 0017| sixty-five cents ($3.65)." | 0018| Section 44. Section 27-2-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0019| Chapter 232, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0020| "27-2-23. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY.-- | 0021| A. The [health and social services] department | 0022| shall make reasonable efforts to ascertain any legal liability | 0023| of third parties who are or may be liable to pay all or part of | 0024| the medical cost of injury, disease or disability of an | 0025| applicant for or recipient of medical assistance under | 0001| Chapter 27 NMSA 1978. | 0002| B. When the department makes medical assistance | 0003| payments [in] on behalf of a recipient, the department is | 0004| subrogated to any right of the recipient against a third party | 0005| for recovery of medical expenses to the extent that the | 0006| department has made payment." | 0007| Section 45. Section 27-2-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0008| Chapter 232, Section 1, as amended by Section 44 of this act) | 0009| is repealed and a new Section 27-2-23 NMSA 1978 is enacted to | 0010| read: | 0011| "27-2-23. [NEW MATERIAL] THIRD-PARTY LIABILITY.-- | 0012| A. The department of health shall make reasonable | 0013| efforts to ascertain any legal liability of third parties who | 0014| are or may be liable to pay all or part of the medical cost of | 0015| injury, disease or disability of an applicant or recipient of | 0016| medical assistance. | 0017| B. When the department of health makes medical | 0018| assistance payments on behalf of a recipient, the department of | 0019| health is subrogated to any right of the recipient against a | 0020| third party for recovery of medical expenses to the extent that | 0021| the department of health has made payment." | 0022| Section 46. Section 27-2-25 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1937, | 0023| Chapter 18, Section 11j, as amended) is amended to read: | 0024| "27-2-25. FUNERAL EXPENSES.-- | 0025| A. On the death of: | 0001| (1) a recipient of financial assistance under | 0002| Section [13-17-9 or Section 13-17-10 NMSA 1953] 27-2-6 or | 0003| 27-2-7 NMSA 1978 or under the federal supplemental security | 0004| income program; or | 0005| (2) an individual living in a nursing home or | 0006| an intermediate care facility, the payment for whose care is | 0007| made in whole or in part pursuant to Title 19 of the federal | 0008| act; | 0009| funeral expenses up to two hundred dollars ($200) shall be paid | 0010| by the [health and social services] department if the de- | 0011| | 0012| ceased's available resources, as defined by regulation of the | 0013| [board] department, are insufficient to pay the funeral ex- | 0014| | 0015| penses, the persons legally responsible for the support of the | 0016| deceased are unable to pay the funeral expenses and no other | 0017| person will undertake to pay [said] those expenses. | 0018| B. No payment shall be made by the department when | 0019| resources available from all sources to pay the funeral | 0020| expenses total six hundred dollars ($600) or more. When the | 0021| resources are less than six hundred dollars ($600), the | 0022| department shall pay the difference between six hundred dollars | 0023| ($600) and the resources, or two hundred dollars ($200), | 0024| whichever is less." | 0025| Section 47. Section 27-2-28 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0001| Chapter 90, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0002| "27-2-28. LIABILITY FOR REPAYMENT OF PUBLIC | 0003| ASSISTANCE.-- | 0004| A. A noncustodial parent is liable to the [human | 0005| services] department in the amount of the public assistance | 0006| lawfully and properly furnished to the children, and the spouse | 0007| or former spouse with whom such children are living, to whom | 0008| the noncustodial parent owes a duty of support; except that if | 0009| a support order has been entered, liability for the time period | 0010| covered by the support order shall not exceed the amount of | 0011| support provided for in the order. | 0012| B. Amounts of support due and owing for periods | 0013| prior to the granting of public assistance shall be paid to and | 0014| retained by the [human services] department to the extent | 0015| that the amount of assistance granted exceeds the amount of the | 0016| monthly support obligation. | 0017| C. Amounts of support collected that are in excess | 0018| of the amounts specified in Subsections A and B of this section | 0019| shall be paid by the [human services] department to the | 0020| custodian of the child. | 0021| D. No agreement between any custodian of a child | 0022| and a parent of that child, either relieving the parent of any | 0023| duty of child or spousal support or responsibility or | 0024| purporting to settle past, present or future support | 0025| obligations, either as a settlement or prepayment, shall act to | 0001| reduce or terminate any rights of the [human services] | 0002| department to recover from that parent for support provided, | 0003| unless the [human services] department has consented to the | 0004| agreement in writing. | 0005| E. The noncustodial parent shall be given credit | 0006| for any support actually provided, including housing, clothing, | 0007| food or funds paid prior to the entry of any order for support. | 0008| The noncustodial parent has the burden on the issue of any | 0009| payment. | 0010| F. An application for public assistance by any | 0011| person constitutes an assignment by operation of law of any | 0012| support rights the person is entitled to from any other person, | 0013| whether the support rights are owed to the applicant or to any | 0014| family member for whom the applicant is applying for or | 0015| receiving assistance. The assignment includes all support | 0016| rights that have accrued at the time of application for public | 0017| assistance and continues as an assignment of all support rights | 0018| the applicant is entitled to for as long as the applicant | 0019| receives public assistance. | 0020| G. By operation of law, an assignment to the | 0021| [human services] department of any and all rights of an | 0022| applicant for or recipient of medical assistance under the | 0023| medicaid program in New Mexico or supplemental security income | 0024| through the social security administration: | 0025| (1) is deemed to be made of: | 0001| (a) any payment for medical care from any | 0002| person, firm or corporation, including an insurance carrier; | 0003| and | 0004| (b) any recovery for personal injury, | 0005| whether by judgment or contract for compromise or settlement; | 0006| (2) shall be effective to the extent of the | 0007| amount of medical assistance actually paid by the department | 0008| under the medicaid program; and | 0009| (3) shall be effective as to the rights of any | 0010| other individuals who are eligible for medical assistance and | 0011| whose rights can legally be assigned by the applicant or | 0012| recipient. | 0013| H. An applicant or recipient is required to | 0014| cooperate fully with the [human services] department in its | 0015| efforts to secure the assignment and to execute and deliver any | 0016| instruments and papers deemed necessary to complete the | 0017| assignment by [that] the department." | 0018| Section 48. Section 27-2-28 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0019| Chapter 90, Section 2, as amended and as further amended by | 0020| Section 47 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-2-28 | 0021| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0022| "27-2-28. [NEW MATERIAL] LIABILITY FOR REPAYMENT OF | 0023| PUBLIC ASSISTANCE.-- | 0024| A. A noncustodial parent is liable to the | 0025| department of health and the workforce development department | 0001| in the amount of the public assistance lawfully and properly | 0002| furnished to the children, and the spouse or former spouse with | 0003| whom such children are living, to whom the noncustodial parent | 0004| owes a duty of support; except that if a support order has been | 0005| entered, liability for the time period covered by the support | 0006| order shall not exceed the amount of support provided for in | 0007| the order. | 0008| B. Amounts of support due and owing for periods | 0009| prior to the granting of public assistance shall be paid to and | 0010| retained by the department of health or the workforce | 0011| development department to the extent that the amount of | 0012| assistance granted by such department exceeds the amount of the | 0013| monthly support obligation. | 0014| C. Amounts of support collected that are in excess | 0015| of the amounts specified in Subsections A and B of this section | 0016| shall be paid by the workforce development department or | 0017| department of health to the custodian of the child. | 0018| D. No agreement between any custodian of a child | 0019| and a parent of that child, either relieving the parent of any | 0020| duty of child or spousal support or responsibility or | 0021| purporting to settle past, present or future support | 0022| obligations, either as a settlement or prepayment, shall act to | 0023| reduce or terminate any rights of the workforce development | 0024| department or department of health to recover from that parent | 0025| for support provided unless the workforce development | 0001| department or department of health has consented to the | 0002| agreement in writing. | 0003| E. The noncustodial parent shall be given credit | 0004| for any support actually provided, including housing, clothing, | 0005| food or funds paid prior to the entry of any order for support. | 0006| The noncustodial parent has the burden on the issue of any | 0007| payment. | 0008| F. An application for public assistance by any | 0009| person constitutes an assignment by operation of law of any | 0010| support rights the person is entitled to from any other person, | 0011| whether the support rights are owed to the applicant or to any | 0012| family member for whom the applicant is applying for or | 0013| receiving assistance. The assignment includes all support | 0014| rights that have accrued at the time of application for public | 0015| assistance and continues as an assignment of all support rights | 0016| the applicant is entitled to for as long as the applicant | 0017| receives public assistance. | 0018| G. By operation of law, an assignment to the | 0019| department of health of any and all rights of an applicant for | 0020| or recipient of medical assistance under the medicaid program | 0021| in New Mexico or supplemental security income through the | 0022| social security administration: | 0023| (1) is deemed to be made of: | 0024| (a) any payment for medical care from any | 0025| person, firm or corporation, including an insurance carrier; | 0001| and | 0002| (b) any recovery for personal injury, | 0003| whether by judgment or contract for compromise or settlement; | 0004| (2) shall be effective to the extent of the | 0005| amount of medical assistance actually paid by the department of | 0006| health under the medicaid program; and | 0007| (3) shall be effective as to the rights of any | 0008| other individuals who are eligible for medical assistance and | 0009| whose rights can legally be assigned by the applicant or | 0010| recipient. | 0011| H. An applicant or recipient is required to | 0012| cooperate fully with the department of health in its efforts to | 0013| secure the assignment and to execute and deliver any | 0014| instruments and papers deemed necessary to complete the | 0015| assignment by that department." | 0016| Section 49. Section 27-2-39 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1980, | 0017| Chapter 25, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0018| "27-2-39. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the AFDC Recipient | 0019| Work Incentive Act: | 0020| A. "AFDC" means aid to families with dependent | 0021| children, pursuant to the provisions of Section 27-2-6 NMSA | 0022| 1978; | 0023| B. "AFDC recipient" means a person who receives | 0024| AFDC payments; | 0025| C. "caregiver" means a person eighteen years of age | 0001| or older who is compensated for the direct care, supervision | 0002| and guidance of children for less than a daily twenty-four hour | 0003| period; | 0004| D. "child [day-care] daycare facility" means a | 0005| child [day-care] daycare center or child [day-care] | 0006| daycare home; | 0007| E. "department" means the [human services] workforce | 0008| development department; and | 0009| F. "gainful employment" means working for | 0010| remuneration for others, either full time or part time, or | 0011| employment in one's own business or partnership." | 0012| Section 50. Section 27-2-43 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1990, | 0013| Chapter 93, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0014| "27-2-43. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Indigent | 0015| Catastrophic Illness Hospital Funding Act: | 0016| A. "department" means the [human services] | 0017| workforce development department; | 0018| B. "fund" means the indigent catastrophic illness | 0019| hospital fund; | 0020| C. "hospital" means any general or special hospital | 0021| that is licensed by the department of health [and | 0022| environment department] and that has annual gross charges for | 0023| medicare, medicaid and indigent patients greater than ten | 0024| percent of the hospital's total annual gross charges; and | 0025| D. "medically indigent patient" means an individual | 0001| who is a New Mexico resident who incurs hospital charges, who | 0002| is not eligible for medicaid or medicare and whose family or | 0003| household income does not exceed two hundred fifty percent of | 0004| the federal poverty level." | 0005| Section 51. Section 27-2-43 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1990, | 0006| Chapter 93, Section 3, as amended by Section 50 of this act) is | 0007| repealed and a new Section 27-2-43 NMSA 1978 is enacted to | 0008| read: | 0009| "27-2-43. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0010| Indigent Catastrophic Illness Hospital Funding Act: | 0011| A. "department" means the department of health; | 0012| B. "fund" means the indigent catastrophic illness | 0013| hospital fund; | 0014| C. "hospital" means any general or special hospital | 0015| that is licensed by the department of health and that has | 0016| annual gross charges for medicare, medicaid and indigent | 0017| patients greater than ten percent of the hospital's total | 0018| annual gross charges; and | 0019| D. "medically indigent patient" means an individual | 0020| who is a New Mexico resident who incurs hospital charges, who | 0021| is not eligible for medicaid or medicare and whose family or | 0022| household income does not exceed two hundred fifty percent of | 0023| the federal poverty level." | 0024| Section 52. Section 27-2A-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1994, | 0025| Chapter 87, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0001| "27-2A-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Medicaid Estate | 0002| Recovery Act: | 0003| A. "department" means the [human services] | 0004| workforce development department; | 0005| B. "estate" means real and personal property and | 0006| other assets of the individual subject to probate or | 0007| administration pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform | 0008| Probate Code; and | 0009| C. "medical assistance" means amounts paid by the | 0010| department as medical assistance pursuant to Title [XIX] 19 | 0011| of the Social Security Act." | 0012| Section 53. Section 27-2A-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0013| 1994, Chapter 87, Section 3, as amended by Section 52 of this | 0014| act) is repealed and a new Section 27-2A-3 NMSA 1978 is enacted | 0015| to read: | 0016| "27-2A-3. DEFINITIONS.-- | 0017| As used in the Medicaid Estate Recovery Act: | 0018| A. "department" means the department of health; | 0019| B. "estate" means real and personal property and | 0020| other assets of the individual subject to probate or | 0021| administration pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform | 0022| Probate Code; and | 0023| C. "medical assistance" means amounts paid by the | 0024| department as medical assistance pursuant to Title 19 of the | 0025| Social Security Act." | 0001| Section 54. Section 27-3-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0002| Chapter 256, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "27-3-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Public Assistance | 0004| Appeals Act: | 0005| A. "department" means the income support division | 0006| of the workforce development department or the medical | 0007| assistance division [or the social services division] of the | 0008| [human services] workforce development department of | 0009| health; | 0010| B. "board" means the income support division or | 0011| the medical assistance division [or the social services | 0012| division] of the [human services] workforce development | 0013| department; and | 0014| C. "director" means the director of the income | 0015| support division or the director of the medical assistance | 0016| division [or the social services division] of the [human | 0017| services] workforce development department." | 0018| Section 55. Section 27-3-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0019| Chapter 256, Section 2, as amended and as further amended by | 0020| Section 54 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-3-2 | 0021| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0022| "27-3-2. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0023| Public Assistance Appeals Act: | 0024| A. "department" means the income support division | 0025| of the workforce development department or the department of | 0001| health in reference to the medical assistance program; | 0002| B. "board" means the income support division of | 0003| the workforce development department or the department of | 0004| health in reference to the medical assistance program; and | 0005| C. "director" means the director of the income | 0006| support division of the workforce development department or the | 0007| secretary of health." | 0008| Section 56. Section 27-4-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0009| Chapter 311, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0010| "27-4-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Special Medical | 0011| Needs Act: | 0012| A. "department" or "division" means the income | 0013| support division of the [human services] workforce | 0014| development department; | 0015| B. "board" means the [income support] division | 0016| [of the human services department]; | 0017| C. "aged person" means one who has attained the age | 0018| of sixty-five years and does not have a spouse financially | 0019| able, according to regulations of the [board] division, to | 0020| furnish support; | 0021| D. "disabled person" means one who has attained the | 0022| age of eighteen years and is determined to be permanently and | 0023| totally disabled, according to regulations of the [board] | 0024| division; and | 0025| E. "blind person" means one who is determined to be | 0001| blind according to regulations of the [board] division." | 0002| Section 57. Section 27-5-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0003| Chapter 234, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read: | 0004| "27-5-3. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROVISIONS.-- | 0005| A. A hospital shall not be paid from the [county | 0006| indigent hospital claims] fund under the Indigent Hospital and | 0007| County Health Care Act for any costs of an indigent patient for | 0008| services that have been determined by the [human services] | 0009| department to be eligible for medicaid reimbursement from | 0010| [that] the department. However, nothing in the Indigent | 0011| Hospital and County Health Care Act shall be construed to | 0012| prevent the board from transferring money from the [county | 0013| indigent hospital claims] fund to the sole community provider | 0014| fund or the county-supported medicaid fund for support of the | 0015| state medicaid program. | 0016| B. No action for collection of claims under the | 0017| Indigent Hospital and County Health Care Act shall be allowed | 0018| against an indigent patient who is medicaid eligible for | 0019| medicaid covered services, nor shall action be allowed against | 0020| the person who is legally responsible for the care of the | 0021| indigent patient during the time that person is medicaid | 0022| eligible." | 0023| Section 58. Section 27-5-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0024| Chapter 234, Section 3, as amended and as further amended by | 0025| Section 57 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-5-3 | 0001| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0002| "27-5-3. [NEW MATERIAL] PUBLIC ASSISTANCE | 0003| PROVISIONS.-- | 0004| A. A hospital shall not be paid from the fund | 0005| pursuant to the Indigent Hospital and County Health Care Act | 0006| for any costs of an indigent patient for services that have | 0007| been determined by the department of health to be eligible for | 0008| medicaid reimbursement from that department. However, nothing | 0009| in the Indigent Hospital and County Health Care Act prevents | 0010| the board from transferring money from the fund to the sole | 0011| community provider fund or the county-supported medicaid fund | 0012| for support of the state medicaid program. | 0013| B. No action for collection of claims under the | 0014| Indigent Hospital and County Health Care Act shall be allowed | 0015| against an indigent patient who is medicaid eligible for | 0016| medicaid covered services, nor shall action be allowed against | 0017| the person who is legally responsible for the care of the | 0018| indigent patient during the time that person is medicaid | 0019| eligible." | 0020| Section 59. Section 27-5-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0021| Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0022| "27-5-4. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Indigent Hospital | 0023| and County Health Care Act: | 0024| A. "ambulance provider" or "ambulance service" | 0025| means a specialized carrier based within the state authorized | 0001| under provisions and subject to limitations as provided in | 0002| individual carrier certificates issued by the state corporation | 0003| commission to transport persons alive, dead or dying en route | 0004| by means of ambulance service. The rates and charges | 0005| established by state corporation commission tariff shall govern | 0006| as to allowable cost. Also included are air ambulance services | 0007| approved by the board. The air ambulance service charges shall | 0008| be filed and approved pursuant to Subsection D of Section 27-5- | 0009| 6 NMSA 1978 and Section 27-5-11 NMSA 1978; | 0010| B. "board" means [the] a county indigent | 0011| hospital and county health care board; | 0012| C. "indigent patient" means a person to whom an | 0013| ambulance service, a hospital or a health care provider has | 0014| provided medical care or ambulance transportation and who can | 0015| normally support himself and his dependents on present income | 0016| and liquid assets available to him but, taking into | 0017| consideration this income and those assets and his requirement | 0018| for other necessities of life for himself and his dependents, | 0019| is unable to pay the cost of the ambulance transportation or | 0020| medical care administered or both. If provided by resolution | 0021| of [the] a board, it shall not include any person whose | 0022| annual income together with his spouse's annual income totals | 0023| an amount that is fifty percent greater than the per capita | 0024| personal income for New Mexico as shown for the most recent | 0025| year available in the survey of current business published by | 0001| the United States department of commerce. Every board that has | 0002| a balance remaining in the fund at the end of a given fiscal | 0003| year shall consider and may adopt at the first meeting of the | 0004| succeeding fiscal year a resolution increasing the standard for | 0005| indigency. The term "indigent patient" includes a minor who | 0006| has received ambulance transportation or medical care or both | 0007| and whose parent or the person having custody of that minor | 0008| would qualify as an indigent patient if transported by | 0009| ambulance or admitted to a hospital for care or treated by a | 0010| health care provider or all three; | 0011| D. "hospital" means any general or limited hospital | 0012| licensed by the department of health, whether nonprofit or | 0013| owned by a political subdivision, and may include by resolution | 0014| of [the] a board the following health facilities if | 0015| licensed or, in the case of out-of-state hospitals, approved, | 0016| by the department of health: | 0017| (l) for-profit hospitals; | 0018| (2) state-owned hospitals; or | 0019| (3) licensed out-of-state hospitals where | 0020| treatment provided is necessary for the proper care of an | 0021| indigent patient when that care is not available in an in-state | 0022| hospital; | 0023| E. "cost" means all allowable ambulance | 0024| transportation or medical care costs, including the costs of | 0025| prenatal care, to the extent determined by resolution of | 0001| [the] a board, for an indigent patient. Allowable costs | 0002| shall be determined in accordance with a uniform system of | 0003| accounting and cost analysis as determined by regulation of | 0004| [the] a board, which includes cost of ancillary services | 0005| but shall not include the cost of servicing long-term | 0006| indebtedness of a hospital, health care provider or ambulance | 0007| service; | 0008| F. "fund" means [the] a county indigent | 0009| hospital claims fund; | 0010| G. "medicaid eligible" means a person who is | 0011| eligible for medical assistance from the department; | 0012| H. "county" means any county except a class A | 0013| county with a county hospital operated and maintained pursuant | 0014| to a lease with a state educational institution named in | 0015| Article 12, Section 11 of the constitution of New Mexico; | 0016| I. "department" means the [human services] | 0017| workforce development department; | 0018| J. "sole community provider hospital" means a | 0019| hospital that is a sole community provider hospital under the | 0020| provisions of the federal medicare guidelines established in 42 | 0021| C.F.R. 412.92 pursuant to Title 18 of the federal Social | 0022| Security Act; | 0023| K. "drug rehabilitation center" means an agency of | 0024| local government, a state agency, a private nonprofit entity or | 0025| combination thereof that operates drug abuse rehabilitation | 0001| programs that meet the standards and requirements pursuant to | 0002| the Drug Abuse Act; | 0003| L. "alcohol rehabilitation center" means an agency | 0004| of local government, a state agency, a private nonprofit entity | 0005| or combination thereof that operates alcohol abuse | 0006| rehabilitation programs that meet the standards set by the | 0007| department of health pursuant to the Alcoholism and Alcohol | 0008| Abuse Prevention, Screening and Treatment Act; | 0009| M. "mental health center" means a not-for-profit | 0010| center that provides outpatient mental health services that | 0011| meet the standards set by the department of health pursuant to | 0012| the Community Mental Health Services Act; and | 0013| N. "health care provider" means: | 0014| (1) a nursing home; | 0015| (2) an in-state home health [agencies] | 0016| agency; | 0017| (3) an in-state licensed hospice; | 0018| (4) a community-based health program operated | 0019| by a political subdivision of the state or other nonprofit | 0020| health organization that provides prenatal care delivered by | 0021| New Mexico licensed, certified or registered health care | 0022| practitioners; | 0023| (5) a community-based health program operated | 0024| by a political subdivision of the state or other nonprofit | 0025| health care organization that provides primary care delivered | 0001| by New Mexico licensed, certified or registered health care | 0002| practitioners; | 0003| (6) a drug rehabilitation center; | 0004| (7) an alcohol rehabilitation center; or | 0005| (8) a mental health center." | 0006| Section 60. Section 27-5-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0007| Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended and as further amended by | 0008| Section 59 of this act) is repealed and a new Section 27-5-4 | 0009| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0010| "27-5-4. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0011| Indigent Hospital and County Health Care Act: | 0012| A. "ambulance provider" or "ambulance service" | 0013| means a specialized carrier based within the state authorized | 0014| under provisions and subject to limitations as provided in | 0015| individual carrier certificates issued by the state corporation | 0016| commission to transport persons alive, dead or dying en route | 0017| by means of ambulance service. The rates and charges | 0018| established by state corporation commission tariff shall govern | 0019| as to allowable cost. Also included are air ambulance services | 0020| approved by the board. The air ambulance service charges shall | 0021| be filed and approved pursuant to Subsection D of Section 27-5- | 0022| 6 NMSA 1978 and Section 27-5-11 NMSA 1978; | 0023| B. "board" means a county indigent hospital and | 0024| county health care board; | 0025| C. "indigent patient" means a person to whom an | 0001| ambulance service, a hospital or a health care provider has | 0002| provided medical care or ambulance transportation and who can | 0003| normally support himself and his dependents on present income | 0004| and liquid assets available to him but, taking into | 0005| consideration this income and those assets and his requirement | 0006| for other necessities of life for himself and his dependents, | 0007| is unable to pay the cost of the ambulance transportation or | 0008| medical care administered or both. If provided by resolution | 0009| of the board, it shall not include any person whose annual | 0010| income together with his spouse's annual income totals an | 0011| amount that is fifty percent greater than the per capita | 0012| personal income for New Mexico as shown for the most recent | 0013| year available in the survey of current business published by | 0014| the United States department of commerce. Every board that has | 0015| a balance remaining in the fund at the end of a given fiscal | 0016| year shall consider and may adopt at the first meeting of the | 0017| succeeding fiscal year a resolution increasing the standard for | 0018| indigency. The term "indigent patient" includes a minor who | 0019| has received ambulance transportation or medical care or both | 0020| and whose parent or the person having custody of that minor | 0021| would qualify as an indigent patient if transported by | 0022| ambulance or admitted to a hospital for care or treated by a | 0023| health care provider or all three; | 0024| D. "hospital" means any general or limited hospital | 0025| licensed by the department, whether nonprofit or owned by a | 0001| political subdivision, and may include by resolution of the | 0002| board the following health facilities if licensed, or in the | 0003| case of out-of-state hospitals, approved, by the department: | 0004| (1) for-profit hospitals; | 0005| (2) state-owned hospitals; or | 0006| (3) licensed out-of-state hospitals where | 0007| treatment provided is necessary for the proper care of an | 0008| indigent patient when that care is not available in an in-state | 0009| hospital; | 0010| E. "cost" means all allowable ambulance | 0011| transportation or medical care costs, including the costs of | 0012| prenatal care, to the extent determined by resolution of the | 0013| board, for an indigent patient. Allowable costs shall be | 0014| determined in accordance with a uniform system of accounting | 0015| and cost analysis as determined by regulation of the board, | 0016| which includes cost of ancillary services, but shall not | 0017| include the cost of servicing long-term indebtedness of a | 0018| hospital, health care provider or ambulance service; | 0019| F. "fund" means a county indigent hospital claims | 0020| fund; | 0021| G. "medicaid eligible" means a person who is | 0022| eligible for medical assistance from the department; | 0023| H. "county" means any county except a class A | 0024| county with a county hospital operated and maintained pursuant | 0025| to a lease with a state educational institution named in | 0001| Article 12, Section 11 of the constitution of New Mexico; | 0002| I. "department" means the department of health; | 0003| J. "sole community provider hospital" means a | 0004| hospital that is a sole community provider hospital under the | 0005| provisions of the federal medicare guidelines established in 42 | 0006| C.F.R. 412.92 pursuant to Title 18 of the federal Social | 0007| Security Act; | 0008| K. "drug rehabilitation center" means an agency of | 0009| local government, a state agency, a private nonprofit entity or | 0010| combination thereof that operates drug abuse rehabilitation | 0011| programs that meet the standards and requirements pursuant to | 0012| the Drug Abuse Act; | 0013| L. "alcohol rehabilitation center" means an agency | 0014| of local government, a state agency, a private nonprofit entity | 0015| or combination thereof that operates alcohol abuse | 0016| rehabilitation programs that meet the standards set by the | 0017| department of health pursuant to the Alcoholism and Alcohol | 0018| Abuse Prevention, Screening and Treatment Act; | 0019| M. "mental health center" means a not-for-profit | 0020| center that provides outpatient mental health services that | 0021| meet the standards set by the department pursuant to the | 0022| Community Mental Health Services Act; and | 0023| N. "health care provider" means: | 0024| (1) a nursing home; | 0025| (2) an in-state home health agency; | 0001| (3) an in-state licensed hospice; | 0002| (4) a community-based health program operated | 0003| by a political subdivision of the state or other nonprofit | 0004| health organization that provides prenatal care delivered by | 0005| New Mexico licensed, certified or registered health care | 0006| practitioners; | 0007| (5) a community-based health program operated | 0008| by a political subdivision of the state or other nonprofit | 0009| health care organization that provides primary care delivered | 0010| by New Mexico licensed, certified or registered health care | 0011| practitioners; | 0012| (6) a drug rehabilitation center; | 0013| (7) an alcohol rehabilitation center; or | 0014| (8) a mental health center." | 0015| Section 61. Section 27-5-6.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0016| Chapter 321, Section 18) is amended to read: | 0017| "27-5-6.1. SOLE COMMUNITY PROVIDER FUND CREATED.-- | 0018| A. The "sole community provider fund" is created in | 0019| the state treasury. The sole community provider fund, which | 0020| shall be administered by the [human services] department, | 0021| shall consist of funds provided by counties to match federal | 0022| funds for medicaid sole community provider hospital payments. | 0023| Money in the fund shall be invested by the state treasurer as | 0024| other state funds are invested. Any unexpended or unencumbered | 0025| balance remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year | 0001| shall not revert. | 0002| B. Money in the sole community provider fund is | 0003| appropriated to the [human services] department to make sole | 0004| community provider hospital payments pursuant to the state | 0005| medicaid program. No sole community provider hospital payments | 0006| or money in the sole community provider fund shall be used to | 0007| supplant any general fund support for the state medicaid | 0008| program. | 0009| C. Money in the sole community provider fund shall | 0010| be remitted back to the individual counties from which it came | 0011| if federal medicaid matching funds are not received for | 0012| medicaid sole community provider hospital payments." | 0013| Section 62. Section 27-5-12.2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0014| 1993, Chapter 321, Section 15) is amended to read: | 0015| "27-5-12.2. DUTIES OF THE COUNTY--SOLE COMMUNITY | 0016| PROVIDER HOSPITAL PAYMENTS.--Every county in New Mexico that | 0017| authorizes payment for services to a sole community provider | 0018| hospital shall: | 0019| A. determine eligibility for benefits and determine | 0020| an amount payable on each claim for services to indigent | 0021| patients from sole community provider hospitals; | 0022| B. notify the sole community provider hospital of | 0023| its decision on each request for payment while not actually | 0024| reimbursing the hospital for the services that are reimbursed | 0025| with federal funds under the state medicaid program; | 0001| C. confirm the amount of the sole community | 0002| provider hospital payments authorized for each hospital for the | 0003| past fiscal year by September 30 of the current fiscal year; | 0004| D. negotiate agreements with each sole community | 0005| provider hospital providing services for county residents on | 0006| the anticipated amount of the payments for the following fiscal | 0007| year; and | 0008| E. provide the [human services] department by | 0009| January 15 of each year with the budgeted amount of sole | 0010| community provider hospital payments, by hospital, for the | 0011| following fiscal year." | 0012| Section 63. Section 27-6-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0013| Chapter 252, Section 23) is amended to read: | 0014| "27-6-2. DEFINITION.--As used in the Utility Supplement | 0015| Act, ["health and social services department" or] | 0016| "department" [mean] means the income support division of | 0017| the [human services] workforce development department." | 0018| Section 64. Section 27-6-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, | 0019| Chapter 300, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0020| "27-6-4. ADMINISTRATION OF UTILITY SUPPLEMENT ACT.--The | 0021| [health and social services] department is [hereby] | 0022| authorized to determine eligibility, compute grants, make pay- | 0023| | 0024| ments as provided in the Utility Supplement Act and otherwise | 0025| administer that act." | 0001| Section 65. Section 27-6-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, | 0002| Chapter 300, Section 4) is amended to read: | 0003| "27-6-5. PERSONS ELIGIBLE FOR UTILITY ASSISTANCE. | 0004| A. A utility supplement pursuant to the Utility | 0005| Supplement Act shall be provided to or on behalf of those | 0006| individuals who are identified: | 0007| (1) [those individuals who are identified] to | 0008| the [health and social services] department by the federal | 0009| bureau of supplemental security income as recipients of | 0010| supplemental security income under Title [XVI] 16 of the | 0011| Social Security Act and who are not living in nursing homes or | 0012| intermediate care facilities; and | 0013| (2) [those individuals who are identified] by | 0014| the [health and social services] department as recipients of | 0015| aid to families with dependent children under Section [13-17-9 | 0016| NMSA 1953] 27-2-6 NMSA 1978, unless the individuals are | 0017| living in circumstances [which] that do not require them to | 0018| pay, either directly or indirectly, utility costs. | 0019| B. No more than one utility supplement per | 0020| household may be paid under the Utility Supplement Act | 0021| [provided, however], but if supplemental security income | 0022| recipients [and] or recipients of aid to families with de- | 0023| | 0024| pendent children are living in boarding home facilities, | 0025| they shall be paid on an individual basis." | 0001| Section 66. Section 27-6-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, | 0002| Chapter 300, Section 5) is amended to read: | 0003| "27-6-6. TIME OF PAYMENTS.-- | 0004| [A. The initial payment under the Utility | 0005| Supplement Act shall be made by the health and social services | 0006| department between December 1, 1975 and December 15, 1975 to | 0007| those eligible under the Utility Supplement Act as of December | 0008| 1, 1975. The initial payment shall be the equivalent of six | 0009| months of benefits under the Utility Supplement Act. In no | 0010| case shall the initial payment be greater than fifty-nine | 0011| dollars ($59.00). | 0012| B. Beginning with the month of January, 1976 and | 0013| monthly thereafter] Payments shall be made monthly to those | 0014| eligible for benefits under the Utility Supplement Act." | 0015| Section 67. Section 27-6-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, | 0016| Chapter 300, Section 6) is amended to read: | 0017| "27-6-7. AMOUNT OF PAYMENT.--The amount of the utility | 0018| supplement payment under the Utility Supplement Act shall be | 0019| calculated by the [health and social services] department so | 0020| that the entire amount of state and federal funds available to | 0021| it under the Utility Supplement Act shall be expended." | 0022| Section 68. Section 27-6-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975, | 0023| Chapter 300, Section 7, as amended) is amended to read: | 0024| "27-6-8. ADJUSTMENTS TO MEET RATE INCREASES.-- | 0025| A. The [income support division of the human | 0001| services] department shall annually review the rate schedules | 0002| of gas and electric companies in this state provided by the New | 0003| Mexico public utility commission and, if necessary, shall | 0004| recommend to the legislature adjustments in the amount of state | 0005| utility supplements to reflect any increases or decreases in | 0006| gas or electricity rates, or both. | 0007| B. The [income support division] department | 0008| shall conduct its first rate review during the month of | 0009| December 1975 and shall conduct a review during December | 0010| annually thereafter." | 0011| Section 69. Section 27-6A-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0012| Chapter 206, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0013| "27-6A-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Low Income Water, | 0014| Sewer and Solid Waste Service Assistance Act: | 0015| A. "department" means the [human services] | 0016| workforce development department; and | 0017| B. "utility" means any individual, firm, | 0018| partnership, company, district, including but not limited to | 0019| solid waste district, water and sanitation district and special | 0020| district, cooperative, association, public or private | 0021| corporation, lessee, trustee or receiver appointed by any | 0022| court, municipality and municipal utility as defined in the | 0023| Municipal Code, incorporated county or county that may or does | 0024| own, operate, lease or control any plant, property or facility | 0025| for: | 0001| (1) the supply, storage, distribution or | 0002| furnishing of water to or for the public; | 0003| (2) the supply and furnishing of sanitary | 0004| sewer service to or for the public; or | 0005| (3) the supply and furnishing of collection, | 0006| transportation, treatment or disposal of solid waste to or for | 0007| the public. "Utility" does not include a public utility | 0008| subject to the jurisdiction of the New Mexico public | 0009| [service] utility commission." | 0010| Section 70. Section 27-8-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1983, | 0011| Chapter 139, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0012| "27-8-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Community Action | 0013| Act: | 0014| A. "poverty level" means the official poverty level | 0015| established by the federal director of the office of management | 0016| and budget and revised periodically by the federal secretary of | 0017| health and human services; and | 0018| B. "secretary" means the secretary of [human | 0019| services] workforce development." | 0020| Section 71. Section 27-8-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1983, | 0021| Chapter 139, Section 9) is amended to read: | 0022| "27-8-9. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE--LIMITATIONS.--The | 0023| secretary, consistent with federal law, shall make grants of | 0024| not less than ninety percent of the annual allocation of funds | 0025| available under the community services block grant to community | 0001| action agencies defined in Subsection A of Section [5 of the | 0002| Community Action Act] 27-8-5 NMSA 1978. The [human | 0003| services] workforce development department is authorized to | 0004| implement, by regulation or contract, a limitation on the | 0005| amount of community services block grant funds allocated to | 0006| administrative costs." | 0007| Section 72. Section 27-9-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1983, | 0008| Chapter 323, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0009| "27-9-1. PROGRAM--DEMONSTRATIONS.--The [human | 0010| services] workforce development department, in cooperation | 0011| with the department of health [and environment department], | 0012| is authorized to administer demonstration programs [which] | 0013| that provide in-home and coordinated community care services | 0014| to the frail elderly and to disabled individuals who would | 0015| otherwise require institutionalization. The programs authorized | 0016| by this section shall serve both those eligible and not eli- | 0017| | 0018| gible for federal medical assistance programs." | 0019| Section 73. Section 27-9-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1983, | 0020| Chapter 323, Section 2) is amended to read: | 0021| "27-9-2. IMPLEMENTATION.--The secretary of [human | 0022| services] workforce development shall, by regulation, | 0023| specify the areas in which the programs shall operate, specify | 0024| the services to be provided, establish eligibility criteria of | 0025| persons to be served and provide for cost sharing, where | 0001| possible, with individuals and participating communities." | 0002| Section 74. Section 28-1-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0003| Chapter 196, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0004| "28-1-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Human Rights Act: | 0005| A. "person" means one or more individuals, a | 0006| partnership, association, organization, corporation, joint | 0007| venture, legal representative, trustees, receivers or the state | 0008| and all of its political subdivisions; | 0009| B. "employer" means any person employing four or | 0010| more persons and any person acting for an employer; | 0011| C. "commission" means the human rights commission; | 0012| D. ["director"] "chief" means the [director] | 0013| chief of the human rights [division] bureau of the | 0014| [labor] workforce development department; | 0015| E. "employee" means any person in the employ of an | 0016| employer or an applicant for employment; | 0017| F. "labor organization" means any organization | 0018| [which] that exists for the purpose in whole or in part of | 0019| collective bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning | 0020| grievances, terms or conditions of employment or of other | 0021| mutual aid or protection in connection with employment; | 0022| G. "employment agency" means any person regularly | 0023| undertaking with or without compensation to procure | 0024| opportunities to work or to procure, recruit or refer | 0025| employees; | 0001| H. "public accommodation" means any establishment | 0002| that provides or offers its services, facilities, | 0003| accommodations or goods to the public, but does not include a | 0004| bona fide private club or other place or establishment | 0005| [which] that is by its nature and use distinctly private; | 0006| I. "housing accommodation" means any building or | 0007| portion of a building [which] that is constructed or to be | 0008| constructed, [which] that is used or intended for use as | 0009| the residence or sleeping place of any individual; | 0010| J. "real property" means lands, leaseholds or | 0011| commercial or industrial buildings, whether constructed or to | 0012| be constructed, offered for sale or rent, and any land rented | 0013| or leased for the use, parking or storage of house trailers; | 0014| K. "secretary" means the secretary of [labor] | 0015| workforce development; | 0016| L. "unlawful discriminatory practices" means those | 0017| unlawful practices and acts specified in Section 28-1-7 NMSA | 0018| 1978; | 0019| M. "physical or mental handicap" means a physical | 0020| or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of | 0021| an individual's major life activities. An individual is also | 0022| considered to be physically or mentally handicapped if he has a | 0023| record of a physical or mental handicap or is regarded as | 0024| having a physical or mental handicap; | 0025| N. "major life activities" means functions such as | 0001| caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, | 0002| seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working; | 0003| [and] | 0004| O. "applicant for employment" means a person | 0005| applying for a position as an employee; and | 0006| P. "bureau" means the human rights bureau of the | 0007| workforce development department." | 0008| Section 75. Section 28-1-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1987, | 0009| Chapter 342, Section 18) is amended to read: | 0010| "28-1-4. POWERS AND DUTIES.-- | 0011| A. The commission may: | 0012| (1) hear complaints and issue orders, | 0013| including cease and desist orders concerning alleged unlawful | 0014| discriminatory practice; and | 0015| (2) hold hearings, subpoena witnesses and | 0016| compel their attendance, administer oaths, take the testimony | 0017| of any person under oath, order depositions and require the | 0018| production for examination of any books, records, | 0019| correspondence, documents and other evidence relating to any | 0020| matter under investigation or in question before the commis- | 0021| | 0022| sion. Contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena issued pursuant | 0023| to this section constitutes contempt punishable by the district | 0024| court of the judicial district in which the witness may be | 0025| found. No individual shall be excused from attending and | 0001| testifying or from producing evidence in obedience to a | 0002| subpoena issued pursuant to this section on the grounds that | 0003| the testimony or evidence required of him may tend to in- | 0004| | 0005| criminate him or subject him to a penalty or a forfeiture. | 0006| However, no individual shall be prosecuted or subjected to any | 0007| penalty or forfeiture concerning any matter for which he is | 0008| compelled to testify or give evidence after having claimed his | 0009| right against self-incrimination. Nevertheless, the individual | 0010| so testifying shall not be exempt from prosecution and | 0011| punishment for perjury committed while testifying. | 0012| B. The [division] bureau may: | 0013| (1) receive and investigate complaints of | 0014| alleged unlawful discriminatory practice; | 0015| (2) seek to eliminate discrimination through | 0016| conciliation and persuasion by voluntary conferences with | 0017| interested parties; | 0018| (3) recommend application by the [director] | 0019| chief to a district court in the county where the violating | 0020| party resides for specific performance of any conciliation | 0021| agreement or for enforcement of any order issued by the | 0022| commission; | 0023| (4) endeavor to eliminate prejudice and to | 0024| further good will. The [division] bureau, in cooperation | 0025| with the state department of public education and local boards | 0001| of education, shall encourage an educational program for all | 0002| residents of the state, calculated to eliminate prejudice, its | 0003| harmful effects and its incompatibility with principles of fair | 0004| play, equality and justice; | 0005| (5) encourage voluntary advisory groups to | 0006| study problems of discrimination in all fields, to foster, | 0007| through community efforts, good will and cooperation in this | 0008| state and to make recommendations to the secretary for the | 0009| development of policies and procedures [which] that the | 0010| secretary may recommend to appropriate state agencies; | 0011| (6) seek and enlist the cooperation and | 0012| contributions and grants of individuals and foundations, | 0013| private, charitable, religious, labor, civic and benevolent | 0014| organizations and the federal government for the purposes of | 0015| this section; | 0016| (7) issue publications and release the results | 0017| of investigation and research [which] that in the | 0018| secretary's judgment will tend to promote good will and prevent | 0019| or eliminate discrimination; and | 0020| (8) submit annually a written report of all | 0021| its activities and recommendations to the secretary, the | 0022| governor and the legislature." | 0023| Section 76. Section 28-1-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0024| Chapter 196, Section 9, as amended) is amended to read: | 0025| "28-1-10. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE.-- | 0001| A. Any person claiming to be aggrieved by an | 0002| unlawful discriminatory practice and any member of the | 0003| commission who has reason to believe that discrimination has | 0004| occurred may file with the [human rights division of the labor | 0005| department] bureau a written complaint that shall state the | 0006| name and address of the person alleged to have engaged in the | 0007| discriminatory practice, all information relating to the | 0008| discriminatory practice and any other information that may be | 0009| required by the commission. All complaints shall be filed with | 0010| the [division] bureau within one hundred eighty days after | 0011| the alleged act was committed. | 0012| B. The [director] chief shall advise the | 0013| respondent that a complaint has been filed against him and | 0014| shall furnish him with a copy of the complaint. The | 0015| [director] chief shall promptly investigate the alleged | 0016| act. If the [director] chief determines that the complaint | 0017| lacks probable cause, he shall dismiss the complaint and notify | 0018| the complainant and respondent of the dismissal. The complaint | 0019| shall be dismissed subject to appeal as in the case of other | 0020| orders of the commission. | 0021| C. If the [director] chief determines that | 0022| probable cause exists for the complaint, he shall attempt to | 0023| achieve a satisfactory adjustment of the complaint through | 0024| persuasion and conciliation. The [director] chief and | 0025| bureau staff shall neither disclose what has transpired | 0001| during the attempted conciliation nor divulge information | 0002| obtained during any hearing before the commission or a | 0003| commissioner prior to final action relating to the complaint. | 0004| Any officer or employee of the [labor] workforce | 0005| development department who makes public in any manner whatever | 0006| any information in violation of this subsection is guilty of a | 0007| misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than | 0008| one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than one | 0009| year. | 0010| D. Any person who has filed a complaint with the | 0011| [human rights division] bureau may request and shall | 0012| receive an order of nondetermination from the [director] | 0013| chief one hundred eighty days after the [division's] | 0014| bureau's receipt of the complaint. The order of | 0015| nondetermination may be appealed pursuant to the provisions of | 0016| Section 28-1-13 NMSA 1978. | 0017| E. In the case of a complaint filed by or on behalf | 0018| of a person who has an urgent medical condition and has | 0019| notified the [director] chief in writing of the test | 0020| results, the [director] chief shall make the determination | 0021| whether probable cause exists for the complaint and shall | 0022| attempt any conciliation efforts within ninety days of the | 0023| filing of the written complaint or notification, whichever | 0024| occurs last. | 0025| F. If conciliation fails or if, in the opinion of | 0001| the [director] chief, informal conference cannot result in | 0002| conciliation and the complainant has not requested a waiver of | 0003| right to hearing pursuant to the provisions of Subsection J of | 0004| this section, the commission shall issue a written complaint in | 0005| its own name against the respondent, except that in the case of | 0006| a complaint filed by or on behalf of a person who has an urgent | 0007| medical condition, who has notified the [director] chief in | 0008| writing of the test results and who so elects, the [director] | 0009| chief shall issue an order of nondetermination, which may be | 0010| appealed pursuant to the provisions of Section 28-1-13 NMSA | 0011| 1978. The complaint shall set forth the alleged discriminatory | 0012| practice, the secretary's regulation or the section of the | 0013| Human Rights Act alleged to have been violated and the relief | 0014| requested. The complaint shall require the respondent to | 0015| answer the allegations of the complaint at a hearing before the | 0016| commission or hearing officer and shall specify the date, time | 0017| and place of the hearing. The hearing date shall not be more | 0018| than fifteen or less than ten days after service of the | 0019| complaint. The complaint shall be served on the respondent | 0020| personally or by registered mail, return receipt requested. | 0021| The hearing shall be held in the county where the respondent is | 0022| doing business or the alleged discriminatory practice occurred. | 0023| G. Within one year of the filing of a complaint by | 0024| a person aggrieved, the commission or [its director] the | 0025| chief shall: | 0001| (1) dismiss the complaint for lack of probable | 0002| cause; | 0003| (2) achieve satisfactory adjustment of the | 0004| complaint as evidenced by order of the commission; or | 0005| (3) file a formal complaint on behalf of the | 0006| commission. | 0007| H. Upon the commission's petition, the district | 0008| court of the county where the respondent is doing business or | 0009| the alleged discriminatory practice occurred may grant | 0010| injunctive relief pending hearing by the commission or pending | 0011| judicial review of an order of the commission so as to preserve | 0012| the status quo or to ensure that the commission's order as | 0013| issued will be effective. The commission shall not be required | 0014| to post a bond. | 0015| I. For purposes of this section, "urgent medical | 0016| condition" means any medical condition as defined by an | 0017| appropriate medical authority through documentation or by | 0018| direct witness of a clearly visible disablement and [which] | 0019| that poses a serious threat to the life of the person with | 0020| the medical condition. | 0021| J. The complainant may seek a trial de novo in the | 0022| district court in lieu of a hearing before the commission, | 0023| provided the complainant requests from the [director] | 0024| chief, in writing, a waiver of complainant's right to hearing | 0025| within sixty days of service of written notice of a probable | 0001| cause determination by the [director] chief. The | 0002| [director] chief shall approve the waiver request and shall | 0003| serve notice of the waiver upon the complainant and respondent. | 0004| The complainant may request a trial de novo pursuant to Section | 0005| 28-1-13 NMSA 1978 within thirty days from the date of service | 0006| of the waiver. Issuance of the notice shall be deemed a final | 0007| order of the commission for the purpose of appeal pursuant to | 0008| Section 28-1-13 NMSA 1978." | 0009| Section 77. Section 28-1-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0010| Chapter 196, Section 10, as amended) is amended to read: | 0011| "28-1-11. HEARING PROCEDURES.-- | 0012| A. The respondent to a complaint made pursuant to | 0013| Section 28-1-10 NMSA 1978 may file a written answer to the | 0014| complaint, appear at the hearing, give testimony and be | 0015| represented by counsel and may obtain from the commission | 0016| subpoenas for any person or for the production of any evidence | 0017| pertinent to the proceeding. The complainant shall be present | 0018| at the hearing and may be represented by counsel. Each party | 0019| shall have the right to amend his complaint or answer. | 0020| B. A panel of three members of the commission | 0021| designated by the chairman shall sit, and a decision agreed | 0022| upon by two members of the panel shall be the decision of the | 0023| commission. However, no commissioner who has filed a complaint | 0024| may sit on the panel hearing his complaint. | 0025| Hearings also may be conducted by a hearing officer employed by | 0001| the [human rights division of the labor department] bureau | 0002| or, if the hearing officer is unavailable, one member of the | 0003| commission may be designated by the chairman to act as a | 0004| hearing officer. A hearing officer shall have the same powers | 0005| and duties as a commissioner as set forth in Paragraph (2) of | 0006| Subsection A of Section 28-1-4 NMSA 1978. | 0007| C. The complainant or his representative shall | 0008| present to the commission or the hearing officer the case | 0009| supporting the complaint. No evidence concerning prior | 0010| attempts at conciliation shall be received. The [director] | 0011| chief shall not participate in the hearing, except as a | 0012| witness. | 0013| D. The commission and the hearing officer shall not | 0014| be bound by the formal rules of evidence governing courts of | 0015| law or equity but shall permit reasonable direct examination | 0016| and cross-examination and the submission of briefs. Testimony | 0017| at the hearing shall be taken under oath and recorded by tape | 0018| or otherwise. Upon the request of any party, testimony shall | 0019| be transcribed; provided that all costs of transcribing shall | 0020| be paid by the party so requesting. Each commissioner and | 0021| hearing officer may administer oaths. | 0022| E. Upon the conclusion of a hearing conducted by a | 0023| hearing officer, the hearing officer shall prepare a written | 0024| report setting forth proposed findings of fact and conclusions | 0025| of law and recommending the action to be taken by the | 0001| commission. The hearing officer shall submit the report to a | 0002| review panel consisting of no more than three members of the | 0003| commission designated by the chairman. No commissioner may sit | 0004| on the panel reviewing the hearing officer's report issued in | 0005| connection with a complaint filed by the commissioner. A | 0006| decision by a majority of the members of the review panel shall | 0007| be the decision of the commission. If the commission finds | 0008| from the evidence presented at any hearing held pursuant to | 0009| this section that the respondent has engaged in a | 0010| discriminatory practice, it shall make written findings of | 0011| fact, conclusions of law and its decision based upon the | 0012| findings of fact and conclusions of law. The commission may | 0013| adopt, modify or reject the proposed findings of fact and | 0014| conclusions of law and the action recommended by the hearing | 0015| officer. Within five days after any order is rendered by the | 0016| commission following a hearing, the commission shall serve upon | 0017| each party of record and his attorney, if any, a written copy | 0018| of the order by certified mail to the party's address of | 0019| record. All parties shall be deemed to have been served on the | 0020| tenth day following the mailing. As part of its order, the | 0021| commission may require the respondent to pay actual damages to | 0022| the complainant and to pay reasonable [attorneys'] attorney | 0023| fees, if the complainant was represented by private counsel, | 0024| and to take such affirmative action as the commission considers | 0025| necessary, including a requirement for reports of the manner of | 0001| compliance. | 0002| F. If the commission finds from the evidence that | 0003| the respondent has not engaged in a discriminatory practice, it | 0004| shall make written findings of fact and serve the complainant | 0005| and respondent with a copy of the findings of fact and with an | 0006| order dismissing the complaint." | 0007| Section 78. Section 28-1-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0008| Chapter 196, Section 12, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| "28-1-13. APPEAL.-- | 0010| A. Any person aggrieved by an order of the | 0011| commission may obtain a trial de novo in the district court of | 0012| the county where the discriminatory practice occurred or where | 0013| the respondent does business by filing a notice of appeal | 0014| within thirty days from the date of service of the commission's | 0015| order. A copy of the notice of appeal shall be served | 0016| personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, at | 0017| their last known address on all parties who appeared before the | 0018| commission and shall also be served at the [division] | 0019| bureau office in Santa Fe. No order of the commission shall | 0020| be superseded or stayed during the appeal unless the district | 0021| court so directs after notice to the commission and a hearing. | 0022| B. If testimony at the hearing was transcribed, the | 0023| [division] bureau shall, upon receipt of the notice of | 0024| appeal, file so much of the transcript of the record as the | 0025| parties requesting the transcript designate as necessary for | 0001| the appeal with the district court. | 0002| C. Upon appeal, either party may request a jury. | 0003| The jurisdiction of the district court is exclusive and its | 0004| judgment is final, subject to further appeal to the [supreme] | 0005| court of appeals. | 0006| D. In any action or proceeding under this section | 0007| if the complainant prevails, the court in its discretion may | 0008| allow actual damages and reasonable [attorney's] attorney | 0009| fees, and the state shall be liable the same as a private | 0010| person." | 0011| Section 79. Section 50-4-21 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1955, | 0012| Chapter 200, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0013| "50-4-21. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Minimum Wage Act: | 0014| A. "employ" includes suffer or permit to work; | 0015| B. "employer" [includes any] means individual, | 0016| partnership, association, corporation, business trust, legal | 0017| representative or [any] organized group of persons employing | 0018| one or more employees at any one time, acting directly or | 0019| indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to any | 0020| employee, but shall not include the United States, the state or | 0021| any political subdivision thereof; [and] | 0022| C. "employee" [includes any] means an | 0023| individual employed by [any] an employer, but [shall] | 0024| does not include: | 0025| (1) [any] an individual employed in | 0001| domestic service in or about a private home; | 0002| (2) [any] an individual employed in a bona | 0003| fide executive, administrative or professional capacity and | 0004| foremen, superintendents and supervisors; | 0005| (3) [any] an individual employed by the | 0006| United States or by the state or any political subdivision | 0007| thereof; | 0008| (4) [any] an individual engaged in the | 0009| activities of an educational, charitable, religious or | 0010| nonprofit organization where the employer-employee relationship | 0011| does not, in fact, exist or where the services rendered to such | 0012| organizations are on a voluntary basis [The employer-employee | 0013| relationship shall not be deemed to exist with respect to | 0014| any]; | 0015| (5) an individual being served for purposes | 0016| of rehabilitation by a charitable or nonprofit organization, | 0017| notwithstanding the payment to the individual of a stipend | 0018| based upon the value of the work performed by the individual; | 0019| [(5) salesmen or employees] (6) a | 0020| salesperson or employee compensated upon piecework, flat rate | 0021| schedules or commission basis; | 0022| [(6) students] (7) a student regularly | 0023| enrolled in primary or secondary schools working after school | 0024| hours or on vacation; | 0025| [(7)] (8) a registered [apprentices and | 0001| learners] apprentice or learner otherwise provided by law; | 0002| [(8) persons] (9) a person eighteen years | 0003| of age or under who [are] is not [students] a student | 0004| in a primary, secondary, vocational or training school; | 0005| [(9) persons] (10) a person eighteen | 0006| years of age or under who [are] is not [graduates] a | 0007| graduate of a secondary school; | 0008| [(10) persons] (11) a person employed by | 0009| ambulance services; | 0010| [(11)] (12) a G.I. bill [trainees] | 0011| trainee while under training; | 0012| [(12)] (13) a seasonal [employees] | 0013| employee of [any] an employer obtaining and holding a | 0014| valid certificate issued annually by the [state] chief of | 0015| the labor [commissioner] and industrial bureau of the | 0016| workforce development department. The certificate shall state | 0017| the job designations and total number of employees to be | 0018| exempted. In approving or disapproving an application for a | 0019| certificate of exemption, the [commissioner] bureau chief | 0020| shall consider the following: | 0021| (a) whether [such] the employment | 0022| [shall] will be at an educational, charitable or religious | 0023| youth camp or retreat; | 0024| (b) [that such] whether the employment | 0025| will be of a temporary nature; | 0001| (c) [that] whether the individual will | 0002| be furnished his room and board in connection with [such] | 0003| the employment, or if the camp or retreat is a day camp or | 0004| retreat, the individual will be furnished board in connection | 0005| with [such] the employment; | 0006| (d) the purposes for which the camp or | 0007| retreat is operated; | 0008| (e) the job classifications for the | 0009| positions to be exempted; and | 0010| (f) any other factors that the | 0011| [commissioner] bureau chief deems necessary to consider; | 0012| [(13) any] (14) an employee employed in | 0013| agriculture: | 0014| (a) if [such] the employee is | 0015| employed by an employer who did not, during any calendar | 0016| quarter during the preceding calendar year, use more than five | 0017| hundred man-days of agricultural labor; | 0018| (b) if [such] the employee is the | 0019| parent, spouse, child or other member of his employer's | 0020| immediate family; for the purpose of this [subsection] | 0021| subparagraph, employer shall include the principal | 0022| stockholder of a family corporation; | 0023| (c) if [such] the employee: 1) is | 0024| employed as a hand-harvest laborer and is paid on a piece-rate | 0025| basis in an operation [which] that has been, and is | 0001| customarily and generally recognized as having been, paid on a | 0002| piece-rate basis in the region of employment; 2) commutes daily | 0003| from his permanent residence to the farm on which he is so em- | 0004| | 0005| ployed; and 3) has been employed in agriculture less than | 0006| thirteen weeks during the preceding calendar year; | 0007| (d) if [such] the employee, other | 0008| than an employee described in Subparagraph (c) of this | 0009| paragraph: 1) is sixteen years of age or under and is employed | 0010| as a hand-harvest laborer, is paid on a piece-rate basis in an | 0011| operation [which] that has been, and is generally rec- | 0012| | 0013| ognized as having been, paid on a piece-rate basis in the | 0014| region of employment; 2) is employed on the same farm as his | 0015| parent or person standing in the place of his parent; and 3) is | 0016| paid at the same piece-rate as employees over age sixteen are | 0017| paid on the same farm; or | 0018| (e) if [such] the employee is | 0019| principally engaged in the range production of livestock; or | 0020| [(14) employees] (15) an employee of a | 0021| charitable, religious or nonprofit [organizations] | 0022| organization who [reside] resides on the premises of a | 0023| group [homes] home operated by [such] the charitable, | 0024| religious or nonprofit [organizations] organization for | 0025| mentally retarded or emotionally or developmentally disabled | 0001| persons; and | 0002| D. "secretary means the secretary of workforce | 0003| development." | 0004| Section 80. Section 50-4-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0005| Chapter 242, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0006| "50-4-23. HANDICAPPED PERSONS--MINIMUM WAGE [LABOR | 0007| COMMISSIONER] SECRETARY POWERS AND DUTIES.-- | 0008| A. The [state labor commissioner] secretary, to | 0009| the extent necessary in order to prevent curtailment of | 0010| opportunities for employment, shall, by regulation, provide for | 0011| the employment under special certificates of individuals, | 0012| including individuals employed in agriculture, whose earning or | 0013| productive capacity is impaired by physical or mental | 0014| deficiency or injury, at wages [which] that are lower than | 0015| the minimum wage applicable under Section [59-3-22 New Mexico | 0016| Statutes Annotated, 1953 Compilation] 50-4-22 NMSA 1978, but | 0017| not less than fifty percent of [such] that wage. | 0018| B. The [state labor commissioner] secretary, | 0019| pursuant to his regulations and upon certification of any state | 0020| agency administering or supervising the administration of | 0021| vocational rehabilitation services, may issue special | 0022| certificates [which] that allow the holder [thereof] to | 0023| work at wages [which] that are less than those required by | 0024| Subsection A of this section and [which] that are related | 0025| to the workers' productivity, for the employment of: | 0001| (1) handicapped workers engaged in work | 0002| [which] that is incidental to training or evaluation | 0003| programs; and | 0004| (2) multihandicapped individuals and other | 0005| individuals whose earning capacity is so severely impaired that | 0006| they are unable to engage in competitive employment. | 0007| C. The [state labor commissioner] secretary | 0008| may, by regulation or order, provide for the employment of | 0009| handicapped individuals in work activities centers under | 0010| special certificates at wages [which] that are less than | 0011| the minimums applicable under Section [59-2-22 New Mexico | 0012| Statutes Annotated, 1953 Compilation] 50-4-22 NMSA 1978, or | 0013| less than that prescribed in Subsection A of this section, and | 0014| [which] that constitute equitable compensation for [such] | 0015| the individuals. As used in this subsection, "work | 0016| activities centers" means centers planned and designed | 0017| exclusively to provide therapeutic activities for handicapped | 0018| persons whose physical or mental impairment is so severe as to | 0019| make their productive capacity inconsequential. | 0020| D. The state agency administering or supervising | 0021| the administration of vocational rehabilitation may issue a | 0022| temporary certificate for a period not to exceed ninety days | 0023| pursuant to Subsections A, B and C of this section and may | 0024| request an extension of the certification by the [state labor | 0025| commissioner] secretary when it is determined that the | 0001| severity of disability of an individual or circumstances | 0002| warrants an extension of the certification." | 0003| Section 81. Section 50-4-26 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1955, | 0004| Chapter 200, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0005| "50-4-26. ENFORCEMENT--PENALTIES--EMPLOYEES' | 0006| REMEDIES.-- | 0007| [A. Penalties: | 0008| (1)] A. Any employer who violates any of the | 0009| foregoing provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor | 0010| and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five | 0011| dollars [($25)] ($25.00) or more than three hundred dollars | 0012| ($300) or by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than | 0013| ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment. | 0014| [(2)] B. It [shall be] is the duty of the | 0015| [state] labor [commissioner] and industrial bureau of the | 0016| workforce development department to enforce and prosecute | 0017| violations of the Minimum Wage Act. The [labor commissioner] | 0018| bureau is hereby empowered to institute in the name of the | 0019| state [of New Mexico] an action in the district court of the | 0020| county wherein the employer who has failed to comply with the | 0021| Minimum Wage Act resides or has his principal office or place | 0022| of business, for the purpose of prosecuting violations. It | 0023| shall be the duty of the district attorney for the district | 0024| wherein any violation hereof occurs to aid and assist the | 0025| [labor commissioner] bureau in the prosecution thereof. | 0001| [B. Employees' remedies: | 0002| (1)] C. Any employer who violates any provision | 0003| of Section [59-3-22 New Mexico Statutes Annotated, 1953 | 0004| Compilation] 50-4-22 NMSA 1978 shall be liable to the | 0005| employees affected in the amount of their unpaid minimum wages, | 0006| as the case may be, and in an additional equal amount as | 0007| liquidated damages. | 0008| [(2)] D. Action to recover [such] the | 0009| liability may be maintained in any court of competent | 0010| jurisdiction by any one or more employees for and in behalf of | 0011| himself or themselves and other employees similarly situated, | 0012| or such employee or employees may designate an agent or rep- | 0013| | 0014| resentative to maintain such action before and in behalf of all | 0015| employees similarly situated. | 0016| E. The court in any action brought under | 0017| [Paragraph (2)] Subsection D of this section shall, in | 0018| addition to any judgment awarded to the plaintiff or | 0019| plaintiffs, allow costs of the action and reasonable | 0020| [attorneys'] attorney fees to be paid by the defendant. In | 0021| any proceedings brought pursuant to the provisions of this | 0022| section, the employee shall not be required to pay any filing | 0023| fee or other court costs necessarily incurred in such | 0024| proceedings." | 0025| Section 82. Section 50-4-27 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0001| Chapter 188, Section 5) is amended to read: | 0002| "50-4-27. AUTHORITY OF [LABOR COMMISSIONER] SECRETARY | 0003| OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT TO ADOPT AND PROMULGATE RULES AND | 0004| REGULATIONS--HEARING ON RULES AND REGULATIONS--NOTICE-- | 0005| PUBLICATION.--The [state labor commissioner shall have] | 0006| secretary has the authority to adopt and promulgate [and | 0007| issue] rules and regulations necessary to administer and | 0008| accomplish the purposes of the Minimum Wage Act. Such rules | 0009| and regulations shall be [aodpted] adopted after notice and | 0010| public hearing. A copy of the notice of hearing together with | 0011| a copy of the proposed regulations shall be filed with the | 0012| librarian of the supreme court library at least twenty days | 0013| prior to the hearing. In addition, a copy of the notice of | 0014| hearing shall be sent to all known interested persons. Any | 0015| interested person shall have the right to appear and present | 0016| evidence. Rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this | 0017| section shall be filed in accordance with the State Rules | 0018| Act." | 0019| Section 83. Section 50-5-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1931, | 0020| Chapter 109, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0021| "50-5-12. DUTY OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL BUREAU.--It | 0022| [shall be] is the duty of the labor [commissioner] and | 0023| industrial bureau of the workforce development department to | 0024| [see] ensure that the provisions of [this Act] Sections | 0025| 50-5-10 through 50-5-12 NMSA 1978 are enforced." | 0001| Section 84. Section 50-6-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1925, | 0002| Chapter 79, Section 8, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "50-6-7. LABOR PERMIT CERTIFICATES--ISSUANCE--AUTHORIZED | 0004| OFFICIALS--APPLICATION--CONTENTS--PROOF--COPIES--MAXIMUM TERM.- | 0005| - | 0006| A. Permit certificates shall be issued only by the | 0007| school superintendents, school principals, designated issuing | 0008| school officers or [the director of] the labor and industrial | 0009| [division] bureau of the [labor] workforce development | 0010| department [or the director's designee]. | 0011| B. No permit certificate shall be issued to any | 0012| child until satisfactory proof has been furnished that the work | 0013| in which the child is to engage is not dangerous to the child | 0014| [nor] and not injurious to his health or morals. | 0015| C. The application for the certificate [must] | 0016| shall show that the child is in good physical health and that | 0017| the work to be performed would not result in injury to the | 0018| health, morals or mental development of the child. | 0019| Satisfactory proof of the age of the child at the date of the | 0020| application shall be furnished. In the case of children over | 0021| the age of fourteen years and under the age of sixteen years, | 0022| any application for the employment of children at any gainful | 0023| occupation during the session hours of the school of the | 0024| district in which the child resides shall set forth, in | 0025| addition to the foregoing, the necessity to the family or the | 0001| dependents of the child or for his own support of the income to | 0002| be derived from the employment or labor. | 0003| D. Whenever the person authorized to issue the | 0004| labor permit is satisfied that the provisions of this section | 0005| have been complied with, he shall issue to the child a labor | 0006| permit, keeping one copy on file and sending one copy of this | 0007| permit to the labor and industrial [commission] bureau of | 0008| the workforce development department. | 0009| E. No permit certificate shall be in force without | 0010| renewal for a longer period than one year from the date of | 0011| issuance." | 0012| Section 85. Section 50-6-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1925, | 0013| Chapter 79, Section 11, as amended) is amended to read: | 0014| "50-6-10. INSPECTION OF CERTIFICATES, RECORDS AND | 0015| PREMISES BY LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL [COMMISSION] BUREAU.--All | 0016| employment certificates and records and the premises where | 0017| children are employed are subject to inspection by | 0018| representatives of the labor and industrial [commission] | 0019| bureau of the workforce development department. The | 0020| [commission] bureau may, for cause, cancel any labor permit | 0021| with the concurrence of the officer issuing the permit but, in | 0022| case they disagree, the district court may cancel the permit on | 0023| complaint setting forth the grounds therefor under the | 0024| provisions of Sections [59-6-1 through 59-6-15 NMSA 1953] | 0025| 50-6-1 through 50-6-16 NMSA 1978." | 0001| Section 86. Section 50-6-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1925, | 0002| Chapter 79, Section 15, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "50-6-14. STATE CHILD LABOR INSPECTOR--APPOINTMENT-- | 0004| DIRECTION--QUALIFICATIONS.--There shall be a "state child labor | 0005| inspector", appointed by [and subject to] the [labor | 0006| commissioner] secretary of workforce development. The | 0007| inspector [must] shall be qualified by special training and | 0008| experience for this work [and must pass a satisfactory | 0009| examination given by the labor commissioner for this purpose]. | 0010| This position shall be covered by and subject to the | 0011| provisions of the Personnel Act." | 0012| Section 87. Section 50-7-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1957, | 0013| Chapter 219, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read: | 0014| "50-7-3. APPRENTICESHIP COUNCIL.--An "apprenticeship | 0015| council", hereinafter referred to as the "council", shall be | 0016| appointed by the [director of the labor and industrial | 0017| division of the department of labor] secretary of workforce | 0018| development without regard to any other provisions of law | 0019| regarding the appointment and compensation of employees of the | 0020| state. It shall consist of three persons known to represent | 0021| employers, three persons known to represent labor | 0022| organizations, three public representatives and shall include, | 0023| as ex-officio members without vote, the [director] chief of | 0024| the labor and industrial [division] bureau and the state | 0025| supervisor of trade and industrial education. Persons | 0001| appointed to the council [must] shall be familiar with | 0002| apprenticeable occupations. The terms of office of the members | 0003| of the council first appointed shall expire as designated by | 0004| the [director] secretary at the time of making the | 0005| appointment: one representative each of employers, labor | 0006| organizations and the public being appointed for one year; one | 0007| representative each of employers, labor organizations and the | 0008| public being appointed for two years and one representative | 0009| each of employers, labor organizations and the public being | 0010| appointed for three years. Thereafter, each member shall be | 0011| appointed for a term of three years. Any member appointed to | 0012| fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term of | 0013| his predecessor shall be appointed for the remainder of that | 0014| term. Members of the council not otherwise compensated by | 0015| public money shall be reimbursed for their official duties in | 0016| accordance with the Per Diem and Mileage Act for attendance at | 0017| not in excess of twelve meetings per year." | 0018| Section 88. Section 50-7-4.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, | 0019| Chapter 204, Section 12, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "50-7-4.1. ADMINISTRATION.--The [commissioner of | 0021| labor] secretary of workforce development shall appoint a | 0022| director of apprenticeship to be responsible for effectuating | 0023| the policies set forth in Section 50-7-1 NMSA 1978, to carry | 0024| out the policies approved by the apprenticeship council and | 0025| otherwise to execute the provisions of Chapter 50, Article 7 | 0001| NMSA 1978. Such appointment shall be subject to confirmation | 0002| by a majority vote of the council. The [commissioner of | 0003| labor] secretary shall appoint the director and such | 0004| additional personnel as may be necessary, subject to such laws | 0005| and practices as are applicable to appointment, service and | 0006| compensation of employees of the state. Under the general | 0007| direction of the [commissioner of labor] secretary, the di- | 0008| | 0009| rector in furtherance of the duties specified shall: | 0010| A. encourage the voluntary participation of | 0011| employers and employees in the furtherance of the objectives of | 0012| Chapter 50, Article 7 NMSA 1978; | 0013| B. devise necessary procedures and records; | 0014| C. prepare statistical reports regarding | 0015| apprenticeship; | 0016| D. issue information related to apprenticeship; and | 0017| E. perform such other duties as are necessary to | 0018| carry out the intent of Chapter 50, Article 7 NMSA 1978." | 0019| Section 89. Section 50-8-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1934 | 0020| (S.S.), Chapter 15, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0021| "50-8-2. AGENCY OF STATE FOR PURPOSE OF FEDERAL ACT.-- | 0022| The employment security division of the workforce development | 0023| department is hereby designated and constituted the agency of | 0024| the state of New Mexico for the purpose of [such] the | 0025| federal act, with full power to establish such public | 0001| employment offices throughout the state of New Mexico as it may | 0002| deem necessary to fully carry out the purposes, to employ such | 0003| agents, clerks and employees as are necessary therefor, with | 0004| full power to cooperate with all authorities of the United | 0005| States having powers or duties under [said] that act of | 0006| congress and to do and perform all things necessary to secure | 0007| to this state the benefits of [said] the federal act in the | 0008| promotion and maintenance of a system of public employment | 0009| offices. All funds made available to this state under [said] | 0010| that act of congress shall, upon receipt thereof, be paid | 0011| into the general fund of the state treasury and are hereby | 0012| appropriated therefrom to be expended by the department as | 0013| provided by the act of congress and by [this act] Section | 0014| 50-8-1 NMSA 1978 and this section." | 0015| Section 90. Section 50-9-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0016| Chapter 63, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read: | 0017| "50-9-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Occupational | 0018| Health and Safety Act: | 0019| A. "person" means any individual, partnership, | 0020| firm, public or private corporation, association, trust, | 0021| estate, political subdivision or agency or any other legal | 0022| entity or their legal representatives, agents or assigns; | 0023| B. "employee" means an individual who is employed | 0024| by an employer, but does not include a domestic employee or a | 0025| volunteer nonsalaried firefighter; | 0001| C. "employer" means any person who has one or more | 0002| employees, but does not include the United States; | 0003| D. "board" means the [environmental improvement | 0004| board;] secretary of workforce development; | 0005| E. "department" means the workforce development | 0006| department [of environment]; | 0007| F. "place of employment" means any place, area or | 0008| environment in or about which an employee is required or | 0009| permitted to work; | 0010| G. "commission" means the occupational health and | 0011| safety review commission established [under] pursuant to | 0012| provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act; | 0013| H. "chemical" means any element, chemical compound | 0014| or mixture of elements or compounds; | 0015| I. "hazardous chemical" means any chemical or | 0016| combination of chemicals that has been labeled hazardous by the | 0017| chemical manufacturer, importer or distributor in accordance | 0018| with regulations promulgated by the federal Occupational Safety | 0019| and Health Act of 1970; | 0020| J. "label" means any written, printed or graphic | 0021| material displayed on or affixed to containers of chemicals | 0022| [which] that identifies the chemical as hazardous; | 0023| K. "material safety data sheet" means written or | 0024| printed material concerning a hazardous chemical that contains | 0025| information on the identity listed on the label, the chemical | 0001| and common names of the hazardous ingredients, the physical and | 0002| health hazards, the primary route of entry, the exposure | 0003| limits, any generally applicable control measures, any | 0004| emergency or first aid procedures, the date of preparation and | 0005| the name, address and telephone number of the chemical | 0006| manufacturer, importer, employer or other responsible party | 0007| preparing or distributing the material safety data sheet; | 0008| L. "mobile work site" means any place of employment | 0009| in standard industrial classification codes 13, oil and gas | 0010| extraction, and 15 through 17, construction, where work is | 0011| performed in a different location than the principal office in | 0012| a fixed location used by the employer; and | 0013| M. "secretary" means the secretary of | 0014| [environment] workforce development." | 0015| Section 91. Section 50-9-5.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1987, | 0016| Chapter 178, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0017| "50-9-5.1. EMPLOYER DUTIES--HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS.-- | 0018| A. All incoming containers labeled as hazardous | 0019| shall be subject to this section. The employer shall not | 0020| remove or deface any label [which] that indicates on an | 0021| incoming container that a chemical is hazardous, unless the | 0022| container is immediately marked with the required information. | 0023| B. Each employer shall obtain and maintain material | 0024| safety data sheets for each chemical used in his place of | 0025| employment and labeled as hazardous. Each employer shall | 0001| ensure that the information on material safety data sheets for | 0002| hazardous chemicals is readily accessible to employees during | 0003| each work shift. The [board] secretary shall adopt and | 0004| promulgate regulations [which] that assure reasonable | 0005| compliance with this provision at mobile work sites. If a | 0006| material safety data sheet has not been supplied from the | 0007| manufacturer, importer or distributor of the hazardous | 0008| chemical, the employer shall obtain the material safety data | 0009| sheet by writing the manufacturer, importer or distributor and | 0010| requesting that he send the material safety data sheet | 0011| immediately. | 0012| C. Each employer shall maintain a current inventory | 0013| of all chemicals that have been labeled as hazardous in his | 0014| place of employment. | 0015| D. Each employer shall develop and implement a | 0016| written hazard communication program for his place of | 0017| employment [which] that describes how the criteria | 0018| specified for labels and other forms of warning, material | 0019| safety data sheets and employee information and training will | 0020| be met and [which] that also includes the following: | 0021| (1) a list of the hazardous chemicals known to | 0022| be present, using an identity that is referenced on the | 0023| appropriate material safety data sheet. The list may be | 0024| compiled for the place of employment as a whole or for | 0025| individual work areas; | 0001| (2) the methods the employer will use to | 0002| inform employees of the hazards of nonroutine tasks, for | 0003| example, the cleaning of reactor vessels and the hazards | 0004| associated with chemicals contained in unlabeled pipes in their | 0005| work areas; and | 0006| (3) the methods the employer will use to | 0007| inform any contract employers whose employees work in the | 0008| employer's place of business of the hazardous chemicals their | 0009| employees may be exposed to while performing their work and any | 0010| suggestions for appropriate protective measures. | 0011| The employer may rely on an existing hazard communication | 0012| program to comply with these requirements provided that it | 0013| meets the provisions of this subsection. The employer shall | 0014| make the written hazard communication program available upon | 0015| request to employees, their designated representatives and the | 0016| occupational health and safety bureau of the [environmental | 0017| improvement division of the health and environment] de- | 0018| | 0019| partment. | 0020| E. Each employer shall provide employees with | 0021| information and training on hazardous chemicals they use or may | 0022| become exposed to during the course of employment. | 0023| F. The requirements of Subsection E of this section | 0024| shall not apply to any hazardous chemical received by an | 0025| employer in a sealed package or container and subsequently sold | 0001| or transferred if the seal is maintained. | 0002| G. Nothing in this section shall supersede any | 0003| other requirements in the Occupational Health and Safety Act." | 0004| Section 92. Section 50-9-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0005| Chapter 63, Section 6, as amended) is amended to read: | 0006| "50-9-6. TRAINING--ASSISTANCE--CONSULTATION--RESEARCH.-- | 0007| A. The department shall provide for the | 0008| establishment and supervision of programs for the education and | 0009| training of employers and employees in the recognition, | 0010| avoidance and prevention of unsafe working conditions in | 0011| employment and places of employment and consult with, advise | 0012| and assist employers and employees about effective means of | 0013| preventing occupational injuries and illnesses. | 0014| B. Upon an employer's request, the department shall | 0015| provide an on-site consultation inspection of conditions and | 0016| practices of the employer's [work place] workplace without | 0017| issuing citations or proposing penalties for violations noted, | 0018| provided that imminent danger situations found during the on- | 0019| site consultative visit [must] shall be pointed out to the | 0020| employer. In the event the imminent danger is pointed out by | 0021| the department consultant but immediate steps are not taken by | 0022| the employer to eliminate [such] the danger, the emergency | 0023| procedures provided in Section 50-9-14 NMSA 1978 shall be | 0024| pursued by the department to assure timely abatement of the | 0025| imminent danger situation. | 0001| C. The secretary is responsible for programs | 0002| involving research in occupational health and safety, for | 0003| surveys and recommendations for occupational health and safety | 0004| programs and for promotional, educational and advisory | 0005| activities in occupational health and safety. | 0006| D. The [board or the] secretary may appoint | 0007| special committees composed of technicians or professionals | 0008| specializing in occupational health or safety to assist in | 0009| carrying out the objectives of the Occupational Health and | 0010| Safety Act. Members of such committees shall be reimbursed as | 0011| provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act." | 0012| Section 93. Section 50-9-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0013| Chapter 63, Section 7, as amended) is amended to read: | 0014| "50-9-7. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE [BOARD] | 0015| SECRETARY.-- | 0016| A. The [board] secretary shall adopt and | 0017| promulgate regulations that are and will continue to be at | 0018| least as effective as standards promulgated pursuant to the | 0019| federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to prevent | 0020| or abate detriment to the health and safety of employees. In | 0021| adopting, amending and repealing [its] his regulations, the | 0022| [board] secretary shall provide an opportunity for | 0023| representatives of employers and employees affected by the | 0024| regulations to be heard and shall give weight it deems | 0025| appropriate to all relevant facts and circumstances presented | 0001| at the public hearing, including but not limited to: | 0002| (1) character and degree of injury to or | 0003| interference with the health and safety of employees proposed | 0004| to be abated or prevented by the regulation; | 0005| (2) technical practicability and economic | 0006| reasonableness of the regulation and the existence of | 0007| alternatives to the prevention or abatement of detriment to the | 0008| health and safety of employees proposed by the regulation; and | 0009| (3) the public interest, including the social | 0010| and economic effects of work-related accidents, injuries and | 0011| illnesses. | 0012| B. In promulgating regulations dealing with toxic | 0013| materials or harmful physical agents, the [board] secretary | 0014| shall provide regulations that most adequately assure to the | 0015| extent feasible, on the basis of the best available technology, | 0016| that no employee will suffer material impairment of health or | 0017| functional capacity even if the employee has regular exposure | 0018| to the hazard dealt with by the regulations for a period of his | 0019| working life. Whenever practicable, the regulation promulgated | 0020| shall be expressed in terms of objective criteria and of the | 0021| performance desired. | 0022| C. The regulation shall prescribe the use of labels | 0023| or other appropriate forms of warning as are necessary to | 0024| [insure] ensure that employees are apprised of all hazards | 0025| to which they are exposed, relevant symptoms and appropriate | 0001| emergency treatment and proper conditions and precautions of | 0002| safe use or exposure. Where appropriate, the standard shall | 0003| also prescribe suitable protective equipment and control or | 0004| technological procedures to be used in connection with the | 0005| hazards and shall provide for monitoring or measuring employee | 0006| exposure at such locations and intervals and in such manner as | 0007| may be necessary for the protection of employees. In addition, | 0008| where appropriate, any such standard shall prescribe the type | 0009| and frequency of medical examinations or other tests [which] | 0010| that shall be made available, by the employer or at his cost, | 0011| to employees exposed to the hazards in order to most | 0012| effectively determine whether the health of the employees is | 0013| adversely affected by the exposure. Cost of medical | 0014| examinations for research as ordered by the secretary shall be | 0015| paid for by the department. Results of examinations shall be | 0016| made available to the secretary, to the employer and, upon the | 0017| request of the employee, to the employee's physician. The | 0018| [board] secretary may make appropriate modifications in the | 0019| foregoing requirements relating to the use of labels or other | 0020| forms of warning, monitoring or measuring and medical | 0021| examinations as may be warranted by experience, information or | 0022| medical or technological developments acquired subsequent to | 0023| the promulgation of the relevant standard." | 0024| Section 94. Section 50-9-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0025| Chapter 63, Section 9, as amended) is amended to read: | 0001| "50-9-10. RIGHT OF ENTRY AND INSPECTION--COMPLAINTS-- | 0002| CONSULTATION--NOTIFICATION.-- | 0003| A. In order to carry out the purposes of the | 0004| Occupational Health and Safety Act, the department's authorized | 0005| representatives, upon presenting appropriate credentials to the | 0006| owner, operator or agent in charge, are authorized to and may: | 0007| (1) enter and inspect any place of employment | 0008| at reasonable times and without delay; and | 0009| (2) question privately the employer and | 0010| employees and to inspect and investigate during regular working | 0011| hours and at other reasonable times and within reasonable | 0012| limits and in a reasonable manner, the place of employment and | 0013| all pertinent conditions, structures, machines, apparatus, | 0014| devices, equipment and materials therein. The department's | 0015| representative is not authorized to question privately the | 0016| employer or employees until the [board] secretary has | 0017| adopted regulations protecting the rights of [such] the | 0018| employer and employees. | 0019| B. Any employee or representative of employees may | 0020| file a written complaint with the department concerning any | 0021| alleged violation of a regulation or any hazardous condition. | 0022| A copy of the complaint shall be provided to the employer at | 0023| the time of the inspection. However, upon the request of the | 0024| complainant, the complainant's name shall not appear on the | 0025| copy. The department shall investigate the complaint and | 0001| notify the complainant and employer in writing of the results | 0002| of the investigation and any action to be taken. If no action | 0003| is contemplated, the department shall notify the complainant | 0004| and include in the notice the reasons therefor. The department | 0005| shall provide for the informal review of decisions not to take | 0006| compliance action at the request of the complainant. The | 0007| review shall not be by those who investigated the complaint. | 0008| C. In order to aid inspections, a representative of | 0009| the employer and a representative authorized by employees shall | 0010| be given an opportunity to accompany the department inspector | 0011| during the physical inspection of the [work place] | 0012| workplace. If there is no authorized employee | 0013| representative, the department inspector shall consult with a | 0014| reasonable number of employees. | 0015| D. Prior to or during any inspection of a [work | 0016| place] workplace, any employees or representative of | 0017| employees employed in [such work place] the workplace may | 0018| notify the department or the department inspector in writing of | 0019| any violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act | 0020| [which] that they have reason to believe exists in [such | 0021| work place] the workplace. The department shall establish | 0022| procedures for informal review of the decision made by the | 0023| inspector, and, if no citation is issued with respect to the | 0024| alleged violation, it shall furnish the employee requesting | 0025| [such] the review a written statement of the reasons for | 0001| the department's final disposition of the case. | 0002| E. If an inspection reveals that employees are | 0003| exposed to toxic materials or harmful physical agents at levels | 0004| in excess of those prescribed by regulations of the [board] | 0005| secretary, the department shall provide the employees with | 0006| access to the results of the inspection. The employer shall | 0007| promptly notify the employees who are being exposed to the | 0008| agents or materials in excess of the applicable regulations and | 0009| inform them of the corrective action being taken or that review | 0010| has been requested in accordance with Section 50-9-17 NMSA | 0011| 1978. | 0012| F. It is unlawful for any person to give advance | 0013| notice of any inspection to be conducted under the Occupational | 0014| Health and Safety Act without the written approval of the | 0015| secretary or the secretary's authorized representative. | 0016| G. The [board] secretary shall adopt | 0017| regulations to implement this section." | 0018| Section 95. Section 50-9-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0019| Chapter 63, Section 10, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "50-9-11. REPORTS AND [RECORD KEEPING] RECORDKEEPING | 0021| BY EMPLOYERS.-- | 0022| A. An employer shall keep such records and make | 0023| such reports to the department as the [board] secretary, by | 0024| regulation, may require to carry out the purposes of the | 0025| Occupational Health and Safety Act. [Such] The regulation | 0001| regarding records and reports shall be at least as effective as | 0002| and consistent with the occupational safety and health record | 0003| and report requirements of the United States department of | 0004| labor. These records and reports shall be obtained with a | 0005| minimum burden upon employers, especially those operating small | 0006| businesses. Unnecessary duplication of efforts in obtaining | 0007| information shall be reduced to the maximum extent feasible. | 0008| B. Employers shall maintain accurate records of | 0009| employee exposures to potentially toxic material or harmful | 0010| physical agents [which] that are required to be monitored | 0011| or measured as the [board] secretary may prescribe by | 0012| regulations. Employees and their representatives shall be | 0013| given an opportunity to observe [such] the monitoring and | 0014| measuring. Employees and former employees shall be granted | 0015| access to their own records as will indicate their own exposure | 0016| to toxic material or harmful agents. Each employer shall | 0017| promptly notify any employee who has been or is being exposed | 0018| to toxic materials or harmful physical agents in concentrations | 0019| or levels that exceed those prescribed by an applicable | 0020| regulation adopted pursuant to the Occupational Health and | 0021| Safety Act and shall inform any employee who is being thus | 0022| exposed of the corrective action being taken. Employers shall | 0023| retain the records of exposure of employees to specific toxic | 0024| material and harmful agents for periods of time to be specified | 0025| in regulations." | 0001| Section 96. Section 50-9-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0002| Chapter 63, Section 11, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "50-9-12. ADOPTION OF REGULATIONS--NOTICE AND HEARING.-- | 0004| A. Any person may recommend or propose regulations | 0005| to the [board] secretary for [promulgation] adoption. | 0006| The [board] secretary shall determine whether to hold a | 0007| hearing within sixty days of submission of a proposed | 0008| regulation. | 0009| B. No regulations shall be adopted, amended or | 0010| repealed until after a public hearing by the [board] | 0011| secretary or a hearing officer designated by him. Notice of | 0012| the hearing shall be given at least thirty days prior to the | 0013| hearing date and shall state the subject, time and place of the | 0014| hearing and the manner in which interested persons may secure | 0015| copies of any regulations proposed to be adopted, amended or | 0016| repealed. The notice shall be published in a newspaper of | 0017| general circulation in the state. Reasonable effort shall be | 0018| made to give notice to all persons who have made a written | 0019| request to the [board] secretary for advance notice of | 0020| hearings. At the hearing, the [board] secretary shall | 0021| allow all interested persons reasonable opportunity to submit | 0022| data, views or arguments orally or in writing. Any person | 0023| heard or represented at the hearing shall be given written | 0024| notice of the action by the [board] secretary. The | 0025| [board] secretary may designate a hearing officer to take | 0001| evidence in the hearing and present the evidence to [the | 0002| board] him. A record shall be made of each hearing. | 0003| C. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection B | 0004| of this section, the secretary may adopt an emergency | 0005| regulation to take immediate effect upon its filing under the | 0006| State Rules Act if the secretary determines: | 0007| (1) that employees are exposed to grave danger | 0008| from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or | 0009| physically harmful or from new hazards; and | 0010| (2) that the emergency regulation is necessary | 0011| to protect employees from the danger. | 0012| D. The emergency regulation shall be effective | 0013| until superseded by a final regulation promulgated in | 0014| accordance with the procedures prescribed in Subsection B of | 0015| this section. The final regulation shall be promulgated within | 0016| one hundred twenty days of the date of promulgation of the | 0017| relevant emergency regulation. | 0018| E. If the emergency regulation is promulgated in | 0019| response to an emergency temporary standard issued pursuant to | 0020| the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, [then | 0021| such] the emergency regulation shall only be enforceable to | 0022| the same extent as the federal emergency temporary standard. | 0023| F. If the federal emergency temporary standard is | 0024| superseded by a federal permanent standard, [then] the state | 0025| emergency regulation shall remain in effect for an additional | 0001| one hundred twenty days after promulgation of the superseding | 0002| standard. During this additional one hundred twenty days, the | 0003| [board] secretary shall promulgate a regulation in | 0004| accordance with the procedures prescribed in Subsection B of | 0005| this section." | 0006| Section 97. Section 50-9-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0007| Chapter 63, Section 12, as amended) is amended to read: | 0008| "50-9-13. ADOPTING STANDARDS BY REFERENCE.--In the event | 0009| the [board] secretary wishes to adopt regulations that are | 0010| identical with standards approved by an agency of the federal | 0011| government, [the board] he may, after notice and hearing, | 0012| [may] adopt the regulations by reference to the standards | 0013| without setting forth the provisions of the standards." | 0014| Section 98. Section 50-9-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0015| Chapter 63, Section 14, as amended) is amended to read: | 0016| "50-9-15. VALIDITY OF REGULATION--VARIANCE | 0017| DETERMINATION--JUDICIAL REVIEW.-- | 0018| A. Any person who is or may be affected by a | 0019| regulation adopted by the [board] secretary may appeal to | 0020| the court of appeals for further relief. All appeals shall be | 0021| upon the record made at the hearing and shall be [taken to] | 0022| filed in the court of appeals within thirty days after filing | 0023| of the regulation under the State Rules Act. The [board] | 0024| secretary shall be [made] a party to the action. | 0025| B. A variance petitioner may appeal to the court of | 0001| appeals from an order of the department denying the variance. | 0002| All appeals shall be upon the record made at the hearing and | 0003| shall be taken to the court of appeals within thirty days from | 0004| the date the order is made. The department shall be [made] a | 0005| party to the action. | 0006| C. Upon appeal, the court of appeals shall set | 0007| aside a regulation or order only if found to be: | 0008| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0009| discretion; | 0010| (2) not supported by substantial evidence in | 0011| the record; or | 0012| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law." | 0013| Section 99. Section 50-9-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0014| Chapter 63, Section 21, as amended) is amended to read: | 0015| "50-9-22. PREEMPTION.-- | 0016| A. Nothing in the Occupational Health and Safety | 0017| Act shall affect the jurisdiction of any state agency or any | 0018| political subdivision performing like functions or exercising | 0019| like responsibilities with regard to occupational health and | 0020| safety matters except as provided in Subsection B or C of this | 0021| section. | 0022| B. Whenever the [board] secretary prescribes or | 0023| adopts a regulation under the procedures provided in the | 0024| Occupational Health and Safety Act, the regulation shall, when | 0025| a copy thereof is filed with the clerk of the political | 0001| subdivision to which it applies, establish a minimum | 0002| requirement concerning the matters covered by the regulation | 0003| and shall be construed in connection with any local requirement | 0004| relative to the same matter. The regulation of the [board] | 0005| secretary amends or modifies any requirement of the local | 0006| standard [which] that does not meet the regulation. | 0007| C. The Occupational Health and Safety Act and | 0008| regulations promulgated under it, and not the acts and | 0009| regulations enforced by the state mine inspector, shall apply | 0010| to places of employment subject to the jurisdiction of the | 0011| United States department of labor acting under the provisions | 0012| of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 [(84 Stat. | 0013| 1590)], as amended. | 0014| D. Compliance with a regulation of the [board] | 0015| secretary does not relieve any person from the obligation to | 0016| comply with a stricter state agency or political subdivision | 0017| health or safety requirement, but the state agency or political | 0018| subdivision shall be responsible for the enforcement of the | 0019| health and safety requirements established by that state agency | 0020| or local authority." | 0021| Section 100. Section 51-1-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, | 0022| Chapter 280, Section 11, as amended) is amended to read: | 0023| "51-1-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Unemployment | 0024| Compensation Law: | 0025| A. "department" means the [labor] workforce | 0001| development department; | 0002| B. "division" means the employment security | 0003| division of the [labor] department; and | 0004| C. "secretary" means the secretary of [labor] | 0005| workforce development." | 0006| Section 101. Section 51-1-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, | 0007| Chapter 213, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0008| "51-1-4. MONETARY COMPUTATION OF BENEFITS--PAYMENT | 0009| GENERALLY.-- | 0010| A. All benefits provided herein are payable from | 0011| the unemployment compensation fund. All benefits shall be paid | 0012| in accordance with such regulations as the secretary may | 0013| prescribe through employment offices or other agencies as the | 0014| secretary may by general rule approve. | 0015| B. Weekly benefits shall be as follows: | 0016| (1) an individual's "weekly benefit amount" is | 0017| an amount equal to one twenty-sixth of the total wages for | 0018| insured work paid to him in that quarter of his base period in | 0019| which total wages were highest. No benefit as so computed may | 0020| be less than ten percent or more than fifty percent of the | 0021| state's average weekly wage for all insured work. The state's | 0022| average weekly wage shall be computed from all wages reported | 0023| to the [department] division from employing units in | 0024| accordance with regulations of the secretary for the period | 0025| ending June 30 of each calendar year divided by the total | 0001| number of covered employees divided by fifty-two, effective for | 0002| the benefit years commencing on or after the first Sunday of | 0003| the following calendar year. Any such individual is not | 0004| eligible to receive benefits unless his total base-period wages | 0005| equal at least one and one-fourth times the wages for insured | 0006| work in that quarter of his base period in which such wages are | 0007| highest; | 0008| (2) each eligible individual who is unemployed | 0009| in any week during which he is in a continued claims status | 0010| shall be paid, with respect to such week, a benefit in an | 0011| amount equal to his weekly benefit amount, less that part of | 0012| the wages, if any, or earnings from self-employment, payable to | 0013| him with respect to such week [which] that is in excess of | 0014| one-fifth of his weekly benefit amount. For purposes of this | 0015| subsection only, "wages" includes all remuneration for services | 0016| actually performed in any week for which benefits are claimed, | 0017| vacation pay for any period for which the individual has a | 0018| definite return-to-work date, wages in lieu of notice and back | 0019| pay for loss of employment but does not include payments | 0020| through a court for time spent in jury service; | 0021| (3) notwithstanding any other provision of | 0022| this section, each eligible individual who, pursuant to a plan | 0023| financed in whole or in part by a base-period employer of such | 0024| individual, is receiving a governmental or other pension, | 0025| retirement pay, annuity or any other similar periodic payment | 0001| that is based on the previous work of such individual and who | 0002| is unemployed with respect to any week ending subsequent to | 0003| April 9, 1981 shall be paid with respect to such week, in | 0004| accordance with regulations prescribed by the secretary, | 0005| compensation equal to his weekly benefit amount reduced, but | 0006| not below zero, by the prorated amount of such pension, | 0007| retirement pay, annuity or other similar periodic payment that | 0008| exceeds the percentage contributed to the plan by the eligible | 0009| individual. The maximum benefit amount payable to such | 0010| eligible individual shall be an amount not more than twenty-six | 0011| times his reduced weekly benefit amount. If payments referred | 0012| to in this section are being received by any individual under | 0013| the federal Social Security Act, the division shall take into | 0014| account the individual's contribution and make no reduction in | 0015| the weekly benefit amount; | 0016| (4) in the case of a lump-sum payment of a | 0017| pension, retirement or retired pay, annuity or other similar | 0018| payment by a base-period employer that is based on the previous | 0019| work of such individual, such payment shall be allocated, in | 0020| accordance with regulations prescribed by the secretary, and | 0021| shall reduce the amount of unemployment compensation paid, but | 0022| not below zero, in accordance with Paragraph (3) of this | 0023| subsection; and | 0024| (5) the retroactive payment of a pension, | 0025| retirement or retired pay, annuity or any other similar | 0001| periodic payment as provided in Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this | 0002| subsection attributable to weeks during which an individual has | 0003| claimed or has been paid unemployment compensation shall be | 0004| allocated to such weeks and shall reduce the amount of | 0005| unemployment compensation for such weeks, but not below zero, | 0006| by an amount equal to the prorated amount of such pension. Any | 0007| overpayment of unemployment compensation benefits resulting | 0008| from the application of the provisions of this paragraph shall | 0009| be recovered from the claimant in accordance with the | 0010| provisions of Section 51-1-38 NMSA 1978. | 0011| C. Any otherwise eligible individual is entitled | 0012| during any benefit year to a total amount of benefits equal to | 0013| whichever is the lesser of twenty-six times his weekly benefit | 0014| amount or sixty percent of his wages for insured work paid | 0015| during his base period. | 0016| D. Any benefit as determined in Subsection B or C | 0017| of this section, if not a multiple of one dollar ($1.00), shall | 0018| be rounded to the next lower multiple of one dollar ($1.00). | 0019| E. The secretary may prescribe regulations to | 0020| provide for the payment of benefits that are due and payable to | 0021| the legal representative, dependents, relatives or next of kin | 0022| of claimants since deceased. These regulations need not | 0023| conform with the laws governing successions, and the payment | 0024| shall be deemed a valid payment to the same extent as if made | 0025| under a formal administration of the succession of the | 0001| claimant. | 0002| F. The division, on its own initiative, may | 0003| reconsider a monetary determination whenever it is determined | 0004| that an error in computation or identity has occurred or that | 0005| wages of the claimant pertinent to such determination but not | 0006| considered have been newly discovered or that the benefits have | 0007| been allowed or denied on the basis of misrepresentation of | 0008| fact, but no redetermination shall be made after one year from | 0009| the date of the original monetary determination. Notice of a | 0010| redetermination shall be given to all interested parties and | 0011| shall be subject to an appeal in the same manner as the | 0012| original determination. In the event that an appeal involving | 0013| an original monetary determination is pending at the time a | 0014| redetermination is issued, the appeal, unless withdrawn, shall | 0015| be treated as an appeal from such redetermination." | 0016| Section 102. Section 51-1-34 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1936 | 0017| (S.S.), Chapter 1, Section 13, as amended) is amended to read: | 0018| "51-1-34. ADMINISTRATION FUNDS.-- | 0019| A. There is created a special fund to be held in | 0020| the custody of the state treasurer and known as the | 0021| "unemployment compensation administration fund". | 0022| (1) All money paid into the fund is available | 0023| to the secretary. All money in the fund shall be expended | 0024| solely for the purposes and in the amount found necessary by | 0025| the secretary of labor of the United States [of America] for | 0001| the administration of the Unemployment Compensation Law. | 0002| Except as provided in Subsection B of this section, the fund | 0003| shall consist of money appropriated by the state, and all money | 0004| received from the federal government or any of its agencies, | 0005| including the department of labor of the United States [of | 0006| America], the railroad retirement board or from any other | 0007| source for such purpose. Money received from the railroad | 0008| retirement board as compensation for services or facilities | 0009| supplied to the board shall be paid into the fund. All money | 0010| in the fund shall be deposited, administered and disbursed in | 0011| accordance with the Unemployment Compensation Law and | 0012| regulations, except that money in the fund shall not be | 0013| commingled with other state funds but shall be maintained in a | 0014| separate account on the books of the depository. Any balance | 0015| in the fund shall not lapse at any time but shall be | 0016| continuously available for expenditure consistent with the | 0017| Unemployment Compensation Law. Such money is subject to the | 0018| general laws applicable to the deposit of public money in New | 0019| Mexico, and collateral pledged shall be maintained in a | 0020| separate custody account. | 0021| (2) If Section 303(a)(5) of Title 3 of the | 0022| Social Security Act and Section 3304(a)(4) of the Internal | 0023| Revenue Code are amended to permit a state agency to use, in | 0024| financing administrative expenditures incurred in carrying out | 0025| its employment security functions, some part of the money | 0001| collected, or to be collected, under the Unemployment | 0002| Compensation Law, in partial or complete substitution for | 0003| grants under Title 3, then the Unemployment Compensation Law | 0004| shall be modified by proclamation and by general rules in the | 0005| manner and to the extent and within the limits necessary to | 0006| permit such use under the Unemployment Compensation Law, and | 0007| the modification is effective on the same date as the use is | 0008| permissible under federal amendments. | 0009| B. There is created a special fund to be held in | 0010| the custody of the state treasurer and known as the "employment | 0011| security [department] division fund". | 0012| (1) The fund is separate from the unemployment | 0013| compensation administration fund. | 0014| (2) All money paid into the employment | 0015| security [department] division fund may be expended only | 0016| pursuant to an appropriation by the legislature or specific | 0017| provision of law. The [department] division shall submit | 0018| its annual budget for expenditures from the fund in accordance | 0019| with the rules and regulations established by the department of | 0020| finance and administration governing the submission of budgets | 0021| by state agencies. All balances in the fund at the end of the | 0022| fiscal year [which] that have not been appropriated for | 0023| expenditure shall remain in the fund and be invested by the | 0024| state treasurer until appropriated by the legislature. The | 0025| money in the fund, except for refunds of interest and penalties | 0001| erroneously collected, and except for fiscal-year balances, | 0002| shall be expended solely for the purposes and in the amount | 0003| found necessary for the payment of the costs of administration | 0004| not chargeable against federal grants or other funds received | 0005| for the unemployment compensation administration fund. Nothing | 0006| in this section shall prevent the unencumbered money of the | 0007| fund from being used as a revolving fund to cover necessary and | 0008| proper expenditures for which federal funds have been duly | 0009| requested but not yet received, subject to the charging of such | 0010| expenditures against such funds when received. Money shall not | 0011| be expended or made available for expenditure in any manner | 0012| [which] that would permit its substitution for, or cause a | 0013| corresponding reduction in, federal funds [which] that | 0014| would be available, in the absence of such money, to finance | 0015| expenditures for the administration of the Unemployment | 0016| Compensation Law. The fund shall consist of all interest | 0017| collected on delinquent contributions and all penalties | 0018| provided by the Unemployment Compensation Law and all other | 0019| money received for the fund from any other source. All money | 0020| in the fund shall be deposited, administered and disbursed in | 0021| accordance with this section, except that money in the fund | 0022| shall not be commingled with other state funds but shall be | 0023| maintained in a separate account on the books of the depository | 0024| and is subject to the general laws applicable to the deposit of | 0025| public money in New Mexico, and collateral pledged shall be | 0001| maintained in a separate custody account. | 0002| C. The state treasurer is liable on his official | 0003| bond for the faithful performance of his duties in connection | 0004| with the funds created by Subsections A and B of this section, | 0005| in addition to the liability upon all other bonds." | 0006| Section 103. Section 51-1-36 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1936 | 0007| (S.S.), Chapter 1, Section 14, as amended) is amended to read: | 0008| "51-1-36. COLLECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS.-- | 0009| A. Contributions unpaid on the date on which they | 0010| are due and payable shall bear interest at the rate of one | 0011| percent per month from and after such date until payment is | 0012| received by the division. Interest collected pursuant to this | 0013| subsection shall be paid into the employment security | 0014| [department] division fund. | 0015| B. If, after due notice, any employer defaults in | 0016| any payment of contributions or interest thereon, the amount | 0017| due shall be collected by civil action in the name of the | 0018| division, and the employer adjudged in default shall pay the | 0019| costs of such action. Civil actions brought under this section | 0020| to collect contributions or interest thereon from an employer | 0021| shall be heard by the court at the earliest possible date and | 0022| shall be entitled to preference on the calendar of the court | 0023| over all other civil actions except petitions for judicial | 0024| review under this act and worker's compensation cases arising | 0025| under Sections 52-1-1 through 52-2-13 NMSA 1978 or in the | 0001| discretion of the secretary. If any contribution or any | 0002| portion thereof or any interest or penalty imposed by the | 0003| Unemployment Compensation Law is not paid within thirty days | 0004| after the same becomes due, the secretary shall, after due | 0005| notice and opportunity to be heard in accordance with | 0006| regulations, issue a warrant under its official seal, directed | 0007| to the sheriff of any county of the state commanding him to | 0008| levy upon and sell the real and personal property of the person | 0009| owning the same, found within his county, of the payment of the | 0010| amount due and an added amount of ten percent of the | 0011| contribution in addition to any other penalties imposed and | 0012| costs of executing the warrant, and to return such warrant to | 0013| the secretary and pay to him the money collected by virtue | 0014| thereof, by the time to be therein specified, not more than | 0015| thirty days from the date of the warrant. In the event the | 0016| division does not know the amount of contribution due, and the | 0017| employer from whom the same is due refuses or fails to make | 0018| reports showing what he or it claims for the amount of | 0019| contributions [which] that it believes to be due, and the | 0020| division files the warrant for the estimated amount, mailing | 0021| notice to the employer stating that it is estimating the amount | 0022| of contribution due and giving the estimated amount in the | 0023| notice, the warrant and estimated amount shown therein shall | 0024| have the same effect as any other warrant issued under this | 0025| subsection. If the employer does not make a showing to the | 0001| satisfaction of the secretary that the estimated amount is | 0002| incorrect within thirty days after the warrant is filed with | 0003| the county clerk, then the estimated amount shown in the | 0004| warrant shall be and become the amount of the contribution due | 0005| for the period stated in the warrant. The sheriff to whom any | 0006| warrant, issued under this section, is directed shall, within | 0007| five days after receipt of the same, file with the county clerk | 0008| of his county a copy thereof, for which the clerk shall make no | 0009| charge, and thereupon the county clerk shall record the same | 0010| upon his records and the day when such copy is filed. | 0011| Thereupon the amount of the warrant so filed and entered shall | 0012| become a lien upon all property, real and personal, of the | 0013| person against whom it is issued, including choses in action, | 0014| except negotiable instruments not past due; provided, however, | 0015| that such lien shall be inferior to all other valid liens, | 0016| encumbrances, mortgages, judgments and assessments [which] | 0017| that are filed or placed of record prior to the filing of | 0018| such warrant. The sheriff or a representative of the division | 0019| thereupon shall levy upon any property of the taxpayer, | 0020| including negotiable instruments, and the property so levied on | 0021| shall be sold in all respects with the like effect, and in the | 0022| same manner as is prescribed by law with respect to executions | 0023| against property upon judgments of a court of record, and the | 0024| remedies of garnishment shall apply. Whenever any property or | 0025| right to property upon which levy has been made is not | 0001| sufficient to satisfy the claim for which levy is made, the | 0002| sheriff or a representative of the division may thereafter, and | 0003| as often as may be necessary, proceed to levy in like manner | 0004| upon any other property or rights to property subject to levy | 0005| of the person against whom the claim exists, until the amount | 0006| due from him is fully paid. The sheriff shall be entitled to | 0007| the general fees for his services in executing the warrant as | 0008| now allowed by law for like services, to be collected in the | 0009| same manner as now provided by law for like services. All | 0010| costs of executing warrants including mileage of the sheriff | 0011| serving and executing the same and all other costs in | 0012| connection with the levy, including advertising or publication | 0013| costs upon the sale of any property levied upon, shall be | 0014| collected by the [department] division from the employer | 0015| from whom contribution is due. | 0016| C. In the event of any distribution of an | 0017| employer's assets pursuant to an order of any court under the | 0018| laws of this state, including any receivership, assignment for | 0019| benefit of creditors, adjudicated insolvency, composition or | 0020| similar proceeding, contributions then or thereafter due shall | 0021| be paid in full prior to all other claims except taxes and | 0022| claims for remuneration of not more than two hundred fifty | 0023| dollars ($250) to each claimant, earned within six months of | 0024| the commencement of the proceeding. In the event of an | 0025| employer's adjudication in bankruptcy, judicially confirmed | 0001| extension proposal, or composition, under the federal | 0002| Bankruptcy Code [11 U.S.C. Sec. 10l et seq.], contributions | 0003| then or thereafter due shall be entitled to such priority as is | 0004| provided in the [Federal Bankruptcy Code U.S.C. Title] 11 | 0005| USCA Sec. 507. | 0006| D. If not later than four years after the date on | 0007| which any contributions or interest thereon are paid an | 0008| employing unit that has paid such contributions or interest | 0009| thereon [shall make] makes application for an adjustment | 0010| thereof in connection with subsequent contribution payments, or | 0011| for a refund thereof because such adjustment cannot be made, | 0012| and the secretary [shall determine] determines that such | 0013| contributions or interest or any portion thereof was | 0014| erroneously collected, the secretary shall allow such employing | 0015| unit to make an adjustment thereof, without interest, in | 0016| connection with subsequent contribution payments by him, or if | 0017| such adjustment cannot be made, the secretary shall refund the | 0018| amount, without interest, from the fund to which the amount was | 0019| deposited. For like cause and within the same period, | 0020| adjustment or refund may be so made on the secretary's own | 0021| initiative. | 0022| E. Any person, group of individuals, partnership or | 0023| employing unit, that acquires the organization, trade or | 0024| business or substantially all the assets thereof from an | 0025| employer shall notify the division in writing by registered | 0001| mail not later than five days prior to the acquisition. Unless | 0002| such notice is given, such acquisition shall be void as against | 0003| the division, if, at the time of the acquisition, any | 0004| contributions are due and unpaid by the previous employer, and | 0005| the secretary shall have the right to proceed against such | 0006| employer either in personam or in rem and the assets so | 0007| acquired shall be subject to attachment for such debt." | 0008| Section 104. Section 51-1-37.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0009| 1982, Chapter 41, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0010| "51-1-37.1. CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS.-- | 0011| A. An individual filing a claim to establish a | 0012| benefit year for unemployment compensation shall, at the time | 0013| of filing the claim, disclose whether or not the individual | 0014| owes child support obligations. If the individual is eligible | 0015| for unemployment compensation benefits and owes child support | 0016| obligations, the employment security [department] division | 0017| shall notify the [human services department] child support | 0018| enforcement division of the workforce development department | 0019| of the name of the applicant and the amount of benefits for | 0020| which the claimant is eligible. | 0021| B. The employment security [department] division | 0022| of the workforce development department shall deduct and with- | 0023| | 0024| hold from any unemployment compensation otherwise payable to an | 0025| individual who owes child support obligations: | 0001| (1) the amount specified by the individual to | 0002| be deducted and withheld, if an amount is not specified under | 0003| Paragraph (2) or (3) of this subsection; | 0004| (2) the amount specified in an agreement | 0005| between the individual and the child support enforcement | 0006| [bureau] division of the [human services] workforce | 0007| development department, pursuant to Section 454(20)(B)(i) of | 0008| the Social Security Act, a copy of which has been provided to | 0009| the employment security [department] division by the child | 0010| support enforcement [bureau] division; or | 0011| (3) any amount otherwise required to be so | 0012| deducted and withheld from such unemployment compensation | 0013| pursuant to a writ of garnishment or other legal process for | 0014| enforcement of judgments issued by any court of competent | 0015| jurisdiction in any state, territory or possession of the | 0016| United States or any foreign country with which the United | 0017| States has an agreement to honor such process directed to the | 0018| department for the purpose of enforcing an individual's | 0019| obligation to provide child support. | 0020| C. Any amount withheld from the benefits due a | 0021| claimant shall be considered as payment of unemployment | 0022| compensation benefits to the claimant and paid by the | 0023| individual in satisfaction of his child support obligations. | 0024| D. The amount of child support obligations | 0025| withheld by the employment security [department] division | 0001| pursuant to this section shall be paid to the [human services | 0002| department] child support enforcement division of the | 0003| workforce development department. | 0004| E. "Unemployment compensation benefits" means | 0005| compensation payable under the Unemployment Compensation Law | 0006| and any compensation payable by or through the employment | 0007| security [department] division pursuant to an agreement | 0008| under any federal law providing for compensation, assistance or | 0009| allowance with respect to unemployment. | 0010| F. "Child support obligations" includes only | 0011| obligations [which] that are being enforced pursuant to a | 0012| plan described in Section 454 of the Social Security Act | 0013| [which] that has been approved by the United States | 0014| secretary of health and human services under Part D of Title IV | 0015| of the Social Security Act. | 0016| G. The [human services department] child support | 0017| enforcement division of the workforce development department | 0018| shall reimburse the employment security [department] | 0019| division for the administrative costs incurred by the | 0020| employment security [department which] division that are | 0021| attributable to the child support obligations being enforced by | 0022| the [human services department] child support enforcement | 0023| division. If the [human services department] child support | 0024| enforcement division and the employment security | 0025| [department] division fail to agree on the amount of such | 0001| administrative costs, the state budget division of the | 0002| department of finance and administration shall prescribe the | 0003| amount of administrative costs to be reimbursed." | 0004| Section 105. Section 51-1-42 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1936 | 0005| (S.S), Chapter 1, Section 19, as amended) is amended to read: | 0006| "51-1-42. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Unemployment | 0007| Compensation Law: | 0008| A. "base period" means the first four of the last | 0009| five completed calendar quarters immediately preceding the | 0010| first day of an individual's benefit year; | 0011| B. "benefits" means the cash unemployment | 0012| compensation payments payable to an eligible individual | 0013| pursuant to Section 51-1-4 NMSA 1978 with respect to his weeks | 0014| of unemployment; | 0015| C. "contributions" means the money payments | 0016| required by Section 51-1-9 NMSA 1978 to be made into the | 0017| [unemployment compensation] fund by an employer on account of | 0018| having individuals performing services for him; | 0019| D. "employing unit" means any individual or type of | 0020| organization, including any partnership, association, | 0021| cooperative, trust, estate, joint-stock company, agricultural | 0022| enterprise, insurance company or corporation, whether domestic | 0023| or foreign, or the receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, trustee or | 0024| successor thereof, household, fraternity or club, the legal | 0025| representative of a deceased person or any state or local | 0001| government entity to the extent required by law to be covered | 0002| as an employer, which has in its employ one or more individuals | 0003| performing services for it within this state. All individuals | 0004| performing services for any employing unit [which] that | 0005| maintains two or more separate establishments within this state | 0006| shall be deemed to be employed by a single employing unit for | 0007| all the purposes of the Unemployment Compensation Law. | 0008| Individuals performing services for contractors, subcontractors | 0009| or agents [which] that are performing work or services for | 0010| an employing unit, as described in this subsection, which is | 0011| within the scope of the employing unit's usual trade, | 0012| occupation, profession or business, shall be deemed to be in | 0013| the employ of the employing unit for all purposes of the | 0014| Unemployment Compensation Law unless such contractor, | 0015| subcontractor or agent is itself an employer within the | 0016| provision of Subsection E of this section; | 0017| E. "employer" includes: | 0018| (1) any employing unit [which] that: | 0019| (a) unless otherwise provided in this | 0020| section, paid for service in employment as defined in | 0021| Subsection F of this section wages of four hundred fifty | 0022| dollars ($450) or more in any calendar quarter in either the | 0023| current or preceding calendar year or had in employment, as | 0024| defined in Subsection F of this section, for some portion of a | 0025| day in each of twenty different calendar weeks during either | 0001| the current or the preceding calendar year, and irrespective of | 0002| whether the same individual was in employment in each such day, | 0003| at least one individual; | 0004| (b) for the purposes of Subparagraph (a) | 0005| of this paragraph, if any week includes both December 31 and | 0006| January 1, the days of that week up to January 1 shall be | 0007| deemed one calendar week and the days beginning January 1, | 0008| another such week; and | 0009| (c) for purposes of defining an | 0010| "employer" under Subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, the wages | 0011| or remuneration paid to individuals performing services in | 0012| employment in agricultural labor or domestic services as | 0013| provided in Paragraphs (6) and (7) of Subsection F of this | 0014| section shall not be taken into account; except that any | 0015| employing unit determined to be an employer of agricultural | 0016| labor under Paragraph (6) of Subsection F of this section shall | 0017| be an employer under Subparagraph (a) of this paragraph so long | 0018| as the employing unit is paying wages or remuneration for | 0019| services other than agricultural services; | 0020| (2) any individual or type of organization | 0021| that acquired the trade or business or substantially all of the | 0022| assets thereof, of an employing unit [which] that at the | 0023| time of such acquisition was an employer subject to the | 0024| Unemployment Compensation Law; provided that where such an | 0025| acquisition takes place, the secretary may postpone activating | 0001| the separate account pursuant to Subsection A of Section | 0002| 51-1-11 NMSA 1978 until such time as the successor employer has | 0003| employment as defined in Subsection F of this section; | 0004| (3) any employing unit [which] that | 0005| acquired all or part of the organization, trade, business or | 0006| assets of another employing unit and [which] that, if | 0007| treated as a single unit with such other employing unit or part | 0008| thereof, would be an employer under Paragraph (1) of this | 0009| subsection; | 0010| (4) any employing unit not an employer by | 0011| reason of any other paragraph of this subsection: | 0012| (a) for which, within either the current | 0013| or preceding calendar year, service is or was performed with | 0014| respect to which such employing unit is liable for any federal | 0015| tax against which credit may be taken for contributions | 0016| required to be paid into a state unemployment fund; or | 0017| (b) which, as a condition for approval of | 0018| the Unemployment Compensation Law for full tax credit against | 0019| the tax imposed by the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, is | 0020| required, pursuant to such act, to be an "employer" under the | 0021| Unemployment Compensation Law; | 0022| (5) any employing unit [which] that, | 0023| having become an employer under Paragraph (1), (2), (3) or (4) | 0024| of this subsection, has not, under Section 51-1-18 NMSA 1978, | 0025| ceased to be an employer subject to the Unemployment | 0001| Compensation Law; | 0002| (6) for the effective period of its election | 0003| pursuant to Section 51-1-18 NMSA 1978, any other employing unit | 0004| [which] that has elected to become fully subject to the | 0005| Unemployment Compensation Law; and | 0006| (7) any employing unit for which any services | 0007| performed in its employ are deemed to be performed in this | 0008| state pursuant to an election under an arrangement entered into | 0009| in accordance with Subsection A of Section 51-1-50 NMSA 1978; | 0010| F. "employment" means: | 0011| (1) any service, including service in | 0012| interstate commerce, performed for wages or under any contract | 0013| of hire, written or oral, express or implied; | 0014| (2) and includes an individual's entire | 0015| service, performed within or both within and without this state | 0016| if: | 0017| (a) the service is primarily localized in | 0018| this state with services performed outside the state being only | 0019| incidental thereto; or | 0020| (b) the service is not localized in any | 0021| state, but some of the service is performed in this state and: | 0022| 1) the base of operations or, if there is no base of | 0023| operations, [then] the place from which such service is | 0024| directed or controlled, is in this state; or 2) the base of | 0025| operations or place from which such service is directed or | 0001| controlled is not in any state in which some part of the | 0002| service is performed, but the individual's residence is in this | 0003| state; | 0004| (3) services performed within this state but | 0005| not covered under Paragraph (2) of this subsection if | 0006| contributions or payments in lieu of contributions are not | 0007| required and paid with respect to such services under an | 0008| unemployment compensation law of any other state, the federal | 0009| government or Canada; | 0010| (4) services covered by an election pursuant | 0011| to Section 51-1-18 NMSA 1978 and services covered by an | 0012| election duly approved by the secretary in accordance with an | 0013| arrangement pursuant to [Paragraph (1) of] Subsection A of | 0014| Section 51-1-50 NMSA 1978 shall be deemed to be employment | 0015| during the effective period of such election; | 0016| (5) services performed by an individual for an | 0017| employer for wages or other remuneration unless and until it is | 0018| established by a preponderance of evidence that: | 0019| (a) such individual has been and will | 0020| continue to be free from control or direction over the | 0021| performance of such services both under his contract of service | 0022| and in fact; | 0023| (b) such service is either outside the | 0024| usual course of business for which such service is performed or | 0025| that such service is performed outside of all the places of | 0001| business of the enterprise for which such service is performed; | 0002| and | 0003| (c) such individual is customarily | 0004| engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, | 0005| profession or business of the same nature as that involved in | 0006| the contract of service; | 0007| (6) service performed after December 31, 1977 | 0008| by an individual in agricultural labor as defined in Subsection | 0009| Q of this section if: | 0010| (a) such service is performed for an | 0011| employing unit [which] that: 1) paid remuneration in cash | 0012| of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) or more to individuals in | 0013| such employment during any calendar quarter in either the | 0014| current or the preceding calendar year; or 2) employed in | 0015| agricultural labor ten or more individuals for some portion of | 0016| a day in each of twenty different calendar weeks in either the | 0017| current or preceding calendar year, whether or not such weeks | 0018| were consecutive, and regardless of whether such individuals | 0019| were employed at the same time; | 0020| (b) such service is not performed before | 0021| January 1, 1980 by an individual who is an alien admitted to | 0022| the United States to perform service in agricultural labor | 0023| pursuant to Sections 214(c) and 101(15)(H) of the Immigration | 0024| and Nationality Act; and | 0025| (c) for purposes of this paragraph, any | 0001| individual who is a member of a crew furnished by a crew leader | 0002| to perform service in agricultural labor for a farm operator or | 0003| other person shall be treated as an employee of such crew | 0004| leader: 1) if such crew leader meets the requirements of a | 0005| crew leader as defined in Subsection L of this section; or 2) | 0006| substantially all the members of such crew operate or maintain | 0007| mechanized agricultural equipment [which] that is provided | 0008| by the crew leader; and 3) the individuals performing such | 0009| services are not, by written agreement or in fact, within the | 0010| meaning of Paragraph (5) of this subsection, performing | 0011| services in employment for the farm operator or other person; | 0012| (7) service performed after December 31, 1977 | 0013| by an individual in domestic service in a private home, local | 0014| college club or local chapter of a college fraternity or | 0015| sorority for a person or organization that paid cash | 0016| remuneration of one thousand dollars ($1,000) in any calendar | 0017| quarter in the current or preceding calendar year to | 0018| individuals performing such services; | 0019| (8) service performed after December 31, 1971 | 0020| by an individual in the employ of a religious, charitable, | 0021| educational or other organization but only if the following | 0022| conditions are met: | 0023| (a) the service is excluded from | 0024| "employment" as defined in the Federal Unemployment Tax Act | 0025| solely by reason of Section 3306(c)(8) of that act; and | 0001| (b) the organization meets the | 0002| requirements of "employer" as provided in Subparagraph (a) of | 0003| Paragraph (1) of Subsection E of this section; | 0004| (9) service of an individual who is a citizen | 0005| of the United States, performed outside the United States, | 0006| except in Canada, after December 31, 1971 in the employ of an | 0007| American employer (other than service which is deemed | 0008| "employment" under the provisions of Paragraph (2) of this | 0009| subsection or the parallel provisions of another state's law), | 0010| if: | 0011| (a) the employer's principal place of | 0012| business in the United States is located in this state; | 0013| (b) the employer has no place of business | 0014| in the United States, but: 1) the employer is an individual | 0015| who is a resident of this state; 2) the employer is a | 0016| corporation [which] that is organized under the laws of | 0017| this state; or 3) the employer is a partnership or a trust and | 0018| the number of the partners or trustees who are residents of | 0019| this state is greater than the number who are residents of any | 0020| one other state; or | 0021| (c) none of the criteria of Subparagraphs | 0022| (a) and (b) of this paragraph are met, but the employer has | 0023| elected coverage in this state or, the employer having failed | 0024| to elect coverage in any state, the individual has filed a | 0025| claim for benefits, based on such service, under the law of | 0001| this state. | 0002| "American employer" for purposes of this paragraph [(9) | 0003| of this subsection] means a person who is: 1) an individual | 0004| who is a resident of the United States; 2) a partnership if | 0005| two-thirds or more of the partners are residents of the United | 0006| States; 3) a trust if all of the trustees are residents of the | 0007| United States; or 4) a corporation organized under the laws of | 0008| the United States or of any state. For the purposes of this | 0009| paragraph [(9) of this subsection], "United States" includes | 0010| the United States, the District of Columbia, the commonwealth | 0011| of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; | 0012| (10) notwithstanding any other provisions of | 0013| this subsection, service with respect to which a tax is | 0014| required to be paid under any federal law imposing a tax | 0015| against which credit may be taken for contributions required to | 0016| be paid into a state unemployment fund or which as a condition | 0017| for full tax credit against the tax imposed by the Federal | 0018| Unemployment Tax Act is required to be covered under the | 0019| Unemployment Compensation Law; | 0020| (11) "employment" shall not include: | 0021| (a) service performed in the employ of: | 0022| 1) a church or convention or association of churches; or 2) an | 0023| organization [which] that is operated primarily for | 0024| religious purposes and [which] that is operated, | 0025| supervised, controlled or principally supported by a church or | 0001| convention or association of churches; | 0002| (b) service performed by a duly ordained, | 0003| commissioned or licensed minister of a church in the exercise | 0004| of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the | 0005| exercise of duties required by such order; | 0006| (c) service performed by an individual in | 0007| the employ of his son, daughter or spouse, and service | 0008| performed by a child under the age of majority in the employ of | 0009| his father or mother; | 0010| (d) service performed in the employ of | 0011| the United States government or an instrumentality of the | 0012| United States immune under the constitution of the United | 0013| States from the contributions imposed by the Unemployment | 0014| Compensation Law except that to the extent that the congress of | 0015| the United States shall permit states to require any | 0016| instrumentalities of the United States to make payments into an | 0017| unemployment fund under a state unemployment compensation act, | 0018| all of the provisions of the Unemployment Compensation Law | 0019| shall be applicable to such instrumentalities, and to service | 0020| performed for such instrumentalities in the same manner, to the | 0021| same extent and on the same terms as to all other employers, | 0022| employing units, individuals and services; provided, that if | 0023| this state shall not be certified for any year by the secretary | 0024| of labor of the United States under Section 3304 of the federal | 0025| Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. Section 3304), the payments | 0001| required of such instrumentalities with respect to such year | 0002| shall be refunded by the department from the fund in the same | 0003| manner and within the same period as is provided in Subsection | 0004| D of Section 51-1-36 NMSA 1978 with respect to contributions | 0005| erroneously collected; | 0006| (e) service performed in a facility | 0007| conducted for the purpose of carrying out a program of | 0008| rehabilitation for individuals whose earning capacity is | 0009| impaired by age or physical or mental deficiency or injury or | 0010| providing remunerative work for individuals who because of | 0011| their impaired physical or mental capacity cannot be readily | 0012| absorbed in the competitive labor market, by an individual | 0013| receiving such rehabilitation or remunerative work; | 0014| (f) service with respect to which | 0015| unemployment compensation is payable under an unemployment | 0016| compensation system established by an act of congress; | 0017| (g) service performed in the employ of a | 0018| foreign government, including service as a consular or other | 0019| officer or employee or a nondiplomatic representative; | 0020| (h) service performed by an individual | 0021| for a person as an insurance agent or as an insurance | 0022| solicitor, if all such service performed by such individual for | 0023| such person is performed for remuneration solely by way of | 0024| commission; | 0025| (i) service performed by an individual | 0001| under the age of eighteen in the delivery or distribution of | 0002| newspapers or shopping news, not including delivery or | 0003| distribution to any point for subsequent delivery or | 0004| distribution; | 0005| (j) service covered by an election duly | 0006| approved by the agency charged with the administration of any | 0007| other state or federal unemployment compensation law, in | 0008| accordance with an arrangement pursuant to [Paragraph (1) of] | 0009| Subsection A of Section 51-1-50 NMSA 1978 during the effective | 0010| period of such election; | 0011| (k) service performed, as part of an | 0012| unemployment work-relief or work-training program assisted or | 0013| financed in whole or part by any federal agency or an agency of | 0014| a state or political subdivision thereof, by an individual | 0015| receiving such work relief or work training; | 0016| (l) service performed by an individual | 0017| who is enrolled at a nonprofit or public educational | 0018| institution [which] that normally maintains a regular | 0019| faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly organized | 0020| body of students in attendance at the place where its | 0021| educational activities are carried on as a student in a full- | 0022| time program, taken for credit at such institution, [which] | 0023| that combines academic instruction with work experience, if | 0024| the service is an integral part of such program, and the | 0025| institution has so certified to the employer, except that this | 0001| subparagraph shall not apply to service performed in a program | 0002| established for or on behalf of an employer or group of | 0003| employers; | 0004| (m) service performed in the employ of a | 0005| hospital, if the service is performed by a patient of the | 0006| hospital, or services performed by an inmate of a custodial or | 0007| penal institution for a governmental entity or nonprofit | 0008| organization; | 0009| (n) service performed by real estate | 0010| salesmen for others when the services are performed for | 0011| remuneration solely by way of commission; | 0012| (o) service performed in the employ of a | 0013| school, college or university if such service is performed by a | 0014| student who is enrolled and is regularly attending classes at | 0015| such school, college or university; | 0016| (p) service performed by an individual | 0017| for a fixed or contract fee officiating at a sporting event | 0018| [which] that is conducted by or under the auspices of a | 0019| nonprofit or governmental entity if that person is not | 0020| otherwise an employee of the entity conducting the sporting | 0021| event; or | 0022| (q) service performed for a private for- | 0023| profit person or entity by an individual as a landman if | 0024| substantially all remuneration paid in cash or otherwise for | 0025| the performance of the services is directly related to the | 0001| completion by the individual of the specific tasks contracted | 0002| for rather than to the number of hours worked by the | 0003| individual. For the purposes of this subparagraph, "landman" | 0004| means a land professional who has been engaged primarily in: | 0005| 1) negotiating for the acquisition or divestiture of mineral | 0006| rights; 2) negotiating business agreements that provide for the | 0007| exploration for or development of minerals; 3) determining | 0008| ownership of minerals through the research of public and | 0009| private records; and 4) reviewing the status of title, curing | 0010| title defects and otherwise reducing title risk associated with | 0011| ownership of minerals; managing rights or obligations derived | 0012| from ownership of interests and minerals; or utilizing or | 0013| pooling of interest in minerals; and | 0014| (12) for the purposes of this subsection, if | 0015| the services performed during one-half or more of any pay | 0016| period by an individual for the person employing him constitute | 0017| employment, all the services of such individual for such period | 0018| shall be deemed to be employment, but, if the services | 0019| performed during more than one-half of any such pay period by | 0020| an individual for the person employing him do not constitute | 0021| employment, then none of the services of such individual for | 0022| such period shall be deemed to be employment. As used in this | 0023| paragraph, the term "pay period" means a period, of not more | 0024| than thirty-one consecutive days, for which a payment of | 0025| remuneration is ordinarily made to the individual by the person | 0001| employing him. This paragraph shall not be applicable with | 0002| respect to services performed in a pay period by an individual | 0003| for the person employing him where any of such service is | 0004| excepted by Subparagraph (f) of Paragraph (11) of this | 0005| subsection; | 0006| G. "employment office" means a free public | 0007| employment office, or branch thereof, operated by this state or | 0008| maintained as a part of a state-controlled system of public | 0009| employment offices; | 0010| H. "fund" means the unemployment compensation fund | 0011| established by the Unemployment Compensation Law to which all | 0012| contributions and payments in lieu of contributions required | 0013| under the Unemployment Compensation Law and from which all | 0014| benefits provided under the Unemployment Compensation Law shall | 0015| be paid; | 0016| I. "unemployment" means, with respect to an | 0017| individual, any week during which he performs no services and | 0018| with respect to which no wages are payable to him and during | 0019| which he is not engaged in self-employment or receives an award | 0020| of back pay for loss of employment. The secretary shall | 0021| prescribe by regulation what constitutes part-time and | 0022| intermittent employment, partial employment and the conditions | 0023| under which individuals engaged in such employment are eligible | 0024| for partial unemployment benefits; | 0025| J. "state", when used in reference to any state | 0001| other than New Mexico, includes, in addition to the states of | 0002| the United States, the District of Columbia, the commonwealth | 0003| of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; | 0004| K. "unemployment compensation administration fund" | 0005| means the fund established by Subsection A of Section 51-1-34 | 0006| NMSA 1978 from which administrative expenses under the | 0007| Unemployment Compensation Law shall be paid. "Employment | 0008| security [department] division fund" means the fund | 0009| established by Subsection B of Section 51-1-34 NMSA 1978 from | 0010| which certain administrative expenses under the Unemployment | 0011| Compensation Law shall be paid; | 0012| L. "crew leader" means a person who: | 0013| (1) holds a valid certificate of registration | 0014| as a crew leader or farm labor contractor under the Migrant and | 0015| Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act; | 0016| (2) furnishes individuals to perform services | 0017| in agricultural labor for any other person; | 0018| (3) pays, either on his own behalf or on | 0019| behalf of such other person, the individuals so furnished by | 0020| him for service in agricultural labor; and | 0021| (4) has not entered into a written agreement | 0022| with the other person for whom he furnishes individuals in | 0023| agricultural labor that such individuals will be the employees | 0024| of the other person; | 0025| M. "week" means such period of seven consecutive | 0001| days, as the secretary may by regulation prescribe. The | 0002| secretary may by regulation prescribe that a week shall be | 0003| deemed to be "in", "within" or "during" that benefit year | 0004| [which] that includes the greater part of such week; | 0005| N. "calendar quarter" means the period of three | 0006| consecutive calendar months ending on March 31, June 30, | 0007| September 30 or December 31; | 0008| O. "insured work" means services performed for | 0009| employers who are covered under the Unemployment Compensation | 0010| Law; | 0011| P. "benefit year" with respect to any individual | 0012| means the one-year period beginning with the first day of the | 0013| first week of unemployment with respect to which the individual | 0014| first files a claim for benefits in accordance with Subsection | 0015| A of Section 51-1-8 NMSA 1978 and thereafter the one-year | 0016| period beginning with the first day of the first week of | 0017| unemployment with respect to which the individual next files | 0018| such a claim for benefits after the termination of his last | 0019| preceding benefit year; provided that at the time of filing | 0020| such a claim the individual has been paid the wages for insured | 0021| work required under Paragraph (5) of Subsection A of Section | 0022| 51-1-5 NMSA 1978; | 0023| Q. "agricultural labor" includes all services | 0024| performed: | 0025| (1) on a farm, in the employ of any person, in | 0001| connection with cultivating the soil or in connection with | 0002| raising or harvesting any agricultural or horticultural | 0003| commodity, including the raising, shearing, feeding, caring | 0004| for, training and management of livestock, bees, poultry and | 0005| fur-bearing animals and wildlife; | 0006| (2) in the employ of the owner or tenant or | 0007| other operator of a farm, in connection with the operation, | 0008| management, conservation or maintenance of such farm and its | 0009| tools and equipment, if the major part of such service is | 0010| performed on a farm; | 0011| (3) in connection with the operation or | 0012| maintenance of ditches, canals, reservoirs or waterways used | 0013| exclusively for supplying and storing water for farming | 0014| purposes when such ditches, canals, reservoirs or waterways are | 0015| owned and operated by the farmers using the water stored or | 0016| carried therein; and | 0017| (4) in handling, planting, drying, packing, | 0018| packaging, processing, freezing, grading, storing or delivery | 0019| to storage or to market or to a carrier for transportation to | 0020| market any agricultural or horticultural commodity but only if | 0021| such service is performed as an incident to ordinary farming | 0022| operations. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be | 0023| deemed to be applicable with respect to service performed in | 0024| connection with commercial canning or commercial freezing or in | 0025| connection with any agricultural or horticultural commodity | 0001| after its delivery to a terminal market for distribution for | 0002| consumption. | 0003| As used in this subsection, the term "farm" includes | 0004| stock, dairy, poultry, fruit, fur-bearing animal and truck | 0005| farms, plantations, ranches, nurseries, greenhouses, ranges and | 0006| orchards; | 0007| R. "payments in lieu of contributions" means the | 0008| money payments made into the fund by an employer pursuant to | 0009| the provisions of Subsection A of Section 51-1-13 NMSA 1978; | 0010| S. "department" means the [labor] workforce | 0011| development department; and | 0012| T. "wages" means all remuneration for services, | 0013| including commissions and bonuses and the cash value of all | 0014| remuneration in any medium other than cash. The reasonable | 0015| cash value of remuneration in any medium other than cash shall | 0016| be established and determined in accordance with regulations | 0017| prescribed by the secretary; provided that the term "wages" | 0018| shall not include: | 0019| (1) subsequent to December 31, 1977, that part | 0020| of the remuneration in excess of the base wage as determined by | 0021| the secretary for each calendar year. The base wage upon which | 0022| contribution shall be paid during any calendar year shall be | 0023| sixty-five percent of the state's average annual earnings | 0024| computed by the department by dividing total wages reported to | 0025| the department by contributing employers for the second | 0001| preceding calendar year before the calendar year the computed | 0002| base wage becomes effective by the average annual employment | 0003| reported by contributing employers for the same period rounded | 0004| to the next higher multiple of one hundred dollars ($100); | 0005| provided that the base wage so computed for any calendar year | 0006| shall not be less than seven thousand dollars ($7,000). Wages | 0007| paid by an employer to an individual in his employ during any | 0008| calendar year in excess of the base wage in effect for that | 0009| calendar year shall be reported to the department but shall be | 0010| exempt from the payment of contributions unless such wages paid | 0011| in excess of the base wage become subject to tax under a | 0012| federal law imposing a tax against which credit may be taken | 0013| for contributions required to be paid into a state unemployment | 0014| fund; | 0015| (2) the amount of any payment with respect to | 0016| services performed after June 30, 1941 to or on behalf of an | 0017| individual in its employ under a plan or system established by | 0018| an employing unit [which] that makes provision for | 0019| individuals in its employ generally or for a class or classes | 0020| of such individuals, including any amount paid by an employing | 0021| unit for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for | 0022| any such payment, on account of: | 0023| (a) retirement if such payments are made | 0024| by an employer to or on behalf of any employee under a | 0025| simplified employee pension plan that provides for payments by | 0001| an employer in addition to the salary or other remuneration | 0002| normally payable to such employee or class of such employees | 0003| and does not include any payments [which] that represent | 0004| deferred compensation or other reduction of an employee's | 0005| normal taxable wages or remuneration or any payments made to a | 0006| third party on behalf of an employee as part of an agreement of | 0007| deferred remuneration; | 0008| (b) sickness or accident disability if | 0009| such payments are received under a workers' compensation or | 0010| occupational disease disablement law; | 0011| (c) medical and hospitalization expenses | 0012| in connection with sickness or accident disability; or | 0013| (d) death; provided the individual in its | 0014| employ has not the option to receive, instead of provision for | 0015| such death benefit, any part of such payment, or, if such death | 0016| benefit is insured, any part of the premiums or contributions | 0017| to premiums paid by his employing unit and has not the right | 0018| under the provisions of the plan or system or policy of | 0019| insurance providing for such death benefit to assign such | 0020| benefit, or to receive a cash consideration in lieu of such | 0021| benefit either upon his withdrawal from the plan or system | 0022| providing for such benefit or upon termination of such plan or | 0023| system or policy of insurance or of his service with such | 0024| employing unit; | 0025| (3) remuneration for agricultural labor paid | 0001| in any medium other than cash; | 0002| (4) any payment made to, or on behalf of, an | 0003| employee or an employee's beneficiary under a cafeteria plan | 0004| within the meaning of Section 125 of the federal Internal | 0005| Revenue Code of 1986; | 0006| (5) any payment made, or benefit furnished to | 0007| or for the benefit of an employee if at the time of such | 0008| payment or such furnishing it is reasonable to believe that the | 0009| employee will be able to exclude such payment or benefit from | 0010| income under Section 129 of the federal Internal Revenue Code | 0011| of 1986; or | 0012| (6) any payment made by an employer to a | 0013| survivor or the estate of a former employee after the calendar | 0014| year in which such employee died. [The provisions of this | 0015| section shall become effective July 1, 1993.]" | 0016| Section 106. TEMPORARY PROVISION--TRANSFER OF | 0017| APPROPRIATIONS, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, RECORDS, PERSONNEL, MONEY | 0018| AND CONTRACTS.-- | 0019| A. On July 1, 1997, all appropriations, equipment, | 0020| supplies, records, personnel and money of the labor department, | 0021| the human services department, the youth conservation corps | 0022| unit of the energy, minerals and natural resources department, | 0023| the americorps unit of the children, youth and families | 0024| department and the occupational health and safety bureau of the | 0025| department of environment are transferred to the workforce | 0001| development department. For the remainder of fiscal year 1998, | 0002| the budgets of the labor department, the human services | 0003| department, the youth conservation corps unit of the energy, | 0004| minerals and natural resources department, the americorps unit | 0005| of the children, youth and families department and the | 0006| occupational health and safety bureau of the department of | 0007| environment shall be the budgets of the workforce development | 0008| department, subject to such transfers as may be required by the | 0009| secretary of workforce development. All federal program grants | 0010| and fund allocations or other payments made to the labor | 0011| department, the human services department, the youth | 0012| conservation corps unit of the energy, minerals and natural | 0013| resources department, the americorps unit of the children, | 0014| youth and families department and the occupational health and | 0015| safety bureau of the department of enviroment shall be | 0016| transferred to the workforce development department pursuant to | 0017| the Workforce Development Department Act and shall not be | 0018| commingled with other funds of the department or be used for | 0019| any purpose except for the administration of the program for | 0020| which such funds were granted. | 0021| B. All existing contracts and agreements in effect | 0022| as to the labor department, the human services department, the | 0023| youth conservation corp unit of the energy, minerals and | 0024| natural resources department, the americorps unit of the | 0025| children, youth and families department and the occupational | 0001| health and safety bureau of the department of environment shall | 0002| be binding and effective upon the workforce development | 0003| department. | 0004| Section 108. TEMPORARY PROVISION--TRANSFER OF | 0005| APPROPRIATIONS, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, RECORDS, PERSONNEL, MONEY | 0006| AND CONTRACTS FOR THE STATE MEDICAID PROGRAM.-- | 0007| A. On July 1, 1998, all appropriations, equipment, | 0008| supplies, records, personnel and money of the medical | 0009| assistance division of the workforce development department are | 0010| transferred to the department of health. For the remainder of | 0011| fiscal year 1999, the budget of the medical assistance division | 0012| shall be the budget of the department of health, subject to | 0013| such transfers as may be required by the secretary of health. | 0014| All federal program grants and fund allocations or other | 0015| payments made to the medical assistance division of the | 0016| workforce development department shall be transferred to the | 0017| department of health and shall not be commingled with other | 0018| funds of the department or be used for any purpose except for | 0019| the administration of the program for which such funds were | 0020| granted. | 0021| B. All existing contracts and agreements in effect | 0022| as to the medical assistance division of the workforce | 0023| development department shall be binding and effective on the | 0024| department of health. | 0025| Section 108. TEMPORARY PROVISION--EFFECT OF EXISTING | 0001| RULES, REGULATIONS, ORDERS AND RULINGS.-- | 0002| A. The rules, regulations, orders and rulings of | 0003| the medical assistance division of the human services | 0004| department in effect on June 30, 1997 shall remain in effect | 0005| after the effective date of this act, until repealed or | 0006| amended. | 0007| B. The rules, regulations, orders and rulings of | 0008| the medical assistance division of the workforce development | 0009| department in effect on June 30, 1998 shall remain in effect on | 0010| or after July 1, 1998 until repealed or amended. | 0011| Section 109. REPEAL.--Sections 9-8-1 through 9-8-14, | 0012| 9-18-1 through 9-18-15 and 50-6-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0013| Chapter 252, Sections 1 through 4, 6 through 13 and 15, Laws | 0014| 1987, Chapter 31, Section 4, Laws 1987, Chapter 342, Sections 1 | 0015| through 14, Laws 1993, Chapter 16, Section 2, Laws 1993, | 0016| Chapter 25, Section 2 and Laws 1963, Chapter 175, Section 3, as | 0017| amended) are repealed. | 0018| Section 110. SEVERABILITY.--If any part or application | 0019| of this act is held invalid, the remainder of its application | 0020| to other situations or persons shall not be affected. | 0021| Section 111. EFFECTIVE DATE.-- | 0022| A. The effective date of the provisions of Sections | 0023| 1 through 25, 27 through 33, 35, 37, 39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, | 0024| 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61 through 107 and 109 through 112 of | 0025| this act is July 1, 1997. | 0001| B. The effective date of the provisions of Sections | 0002| 26, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 48, 51, 53, 55, 58, 60 and 108 | 0003| of this act is July 1, 1998. | 0004|  | 0005| | 0006| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0007| FIRST SESSION, 1997 SB 429/a | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| February 8, 1997 | 0011| | 0012| Mr. President: | 0013| | 0014| Your COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, to whom has been referred | 0015| | 0016| SENATE BILL 429 | 0017| | 0018| has had it under consideration and reports same WITHOUT | 0019| RECOMMENDATION, amended as follows: | 0020| | 0021| 1. On page 161, line 10, strike "108" and insert in lieu thereof | 0022| "107"., | 0023| | 0024| and thence referred to the PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. | 0025| | 0001| Respectfully submitted, | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| _________________________________ | 0006| Manny M. Aragon, Chairman | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted______________________ | 0010| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| Date ________________________ | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| The roll call vote was 24 For 4 Against | 0017| Yes: 24 | 0018| No: Adair, Gorham, Griego and Jennings | 0019| Excused: Boitano, Howes, Kidd, Lyons, Macias, Maes, McKibben, | 0020| McSorley, Rawson, Romero, Sanchez, Stockard, Tsosie, and | 0021| Vernon | 0022| Absent: None | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| S0429WS1 .116042.1 |