0001| SENATE BILL 369 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| DEDE FELDMAN | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH; ENACTING THE TOBACCO PREVENTION AND | 0012| MINORS ACT; REPEALING THE TOBACCO PRODUCTS ACT; REPEALING AND | 0013| ENACTING SECTIONS OF THE NMSA 1978; PROVIDING PENALTIES; MAKING | 0014| AN APPROPRIATION. | 0015| | 0016| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0017| Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the | 0018| "Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act". | 0019| Section 2. FINDINGS.--The legislature finds that: | 0020| A. approximately four hundred fifty thousand | 0021| Americans, including nearly two thousand two hundred New | 0022| Mexicans, die each year of diseases caused by cigarette | 0023| smoking, according to the American cancer society; | 0024| B. the United States surgeon general has determined | 0025| that smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the | 0001| United States; | 0002| C. nicotine in tobacco was found in a 1988 report | 0003| of the United States surgeon general to be a powerfully | 0004| addictive drug. Forty percent of all teenagers who smoke daily | 0005| have made at least one serious but unsuccessful attempt to | 0006| quit, according to the United States surgeon general. It is | 0007| important, therefore, to prevent young people from using | 0008| nicotine until they are mature and capable of making an | 0009| informed and rational decision about its use and dangers; | 0010| D. every day more than three thousand minors begin | 0011| smoking; of those, approximately one thousand will eventually | 0012| die of tobacco-related illnesses, according to the United | 0013| States department of health and human services; | 0014| E. an estimated two hundred fifty-five million | 0015| packs of cigarettes are sold illegally to minors every year in | 0016| the United States, according to the American journal of public | 0017| health; and | 0018| F. fifty-eight percent of youths from the ages of | 0019| twelve to seventeen years buy their own cigarettes, according | 0020| to a 1992 report by the centers for disease control and | 0021| prevention. | 0022| Section 3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Tobacco | 0023| Prevention and Minors Act: | 0024| A. "minor" means an individual who is less than | 0025| eighteen years of age; | 0001| B. "person" means an individual or other legal | 0002| entity; | 0003| C. "place of business" means each location at which | 0004| tobacco products are sold, including vending machines; | 0005| D. "tobacco product" means any substance that | 0006| contains tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, | 0007| snuff, smoking tobacco or smokeless tobacco; and | 0008| E. "unit" means the tobacco use prevention unit in | 0009| the department of health. | 0010| Section 4. TOBACCO USE PREVENTION UNIT--DUTIES.-- | 0011| A. The "tobacco use prevention unit" is created in | 0012| the department of health. The unit shall be headed by a | 0013| director. | 0014| B. The unit shall: | 0015| (1) issue licenses for the sale of tobacco | 0016| products; | 0017| (2) provide to persons licensed to sell | 0018| tobacco products signs that meet the requirements specified in | 0019| Section 6 of the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act; | 0020| (3) investigate, concurrently with local | 0021| officials, violations of the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act; | 0022| (4) impose civil fines under the Tobacco | 0023| Prevention and Minors Act; | 0024| (5) bring license suspension, revocation and | 0025| nonrenewal actions under the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act; | 0001| and | 0002| (6) take such other action as it deems | 0003| necessary or appropriate to administer and enforce the | 0004| provisions of the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act. | 0005| Section 5. LICENSES.-- | 0006| A. A license for the sale of tobacco products shall | 0007| be issued to a person for a specific place of business and | 0008| shall be valid for a period not to exceed six years. A license | 0009| is not assignable and is valid only for the person in whose | 0010| name it is issued and for the specific place of business or | 0011| vending machine designated on the license. | 0012| B. There is no fee for a license. It shall be | 0013| available upon request from the unit, provided that the unit | 0014| finds the requester has not previously violated provisions of | 0015| the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act or any other relevant | 0016| law. A license holder may be made subject to reasonable terms | 0017| and conditions the unit may impose. | 0018| Section 6. SIGNS CONCERNING SALES TO MINORS AND FALSE | 0019| EVIDENCE OF AGE AND IDENTITY.-- | 0020| A. The unit shall provide to each person licensed | 0021| to sell tobacco products the following two signs: | 0022| (1) one sign that contains in red lettering at | 0023| least one inch high on a white background a notice stating: | 0024| "IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW FOR CIGARETTES OR OTHER TOBACCO | 0025| PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD OR DISTRIBUTED TO ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE | 0001| OF 18." and that includes on the sign a depiction of a pack of | 0002| cigarettes and a can of smokeless tobacco at least two inches | 0003| high defaced by a red diagonal diameter line through a | 0004| surrounding red circle; and | 0005| (2) another sign that contains in red | 0006| lettering at least one inch high on a white background a notice | 0007| stating: "IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW FOR A PERSON UNDER THE | 0008| AGE OF 18 TO PRESENT ANY FALSE EVIDENCE OF AGE OR IDENTITY FOR | 0009| THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING TOBACCO PRODUCTS.". | 0010| B. There shall be no fee to obtain the signs | 0011| described in Subsection A of this section, and at least one | 0012| copy of each sign shall be provided by the unit to every person | 0013| that holds a license for the sale of tobacco products. | 0014| Section 7. DISPLAY OF LICENSE AND SIGNS.--A person that | 0015| holds a license for the sale of tobacco products shall at all | 0016| times publicly display in at least one conspicuous location at | 0017| the specific place of business designated on the license: | 0018| A. the license or a copy of the license that | 0019| authorizes the sale of tobacco products at the specific place | 0020| of business or on the vending machine for which the license is | 0021| issued; and | 0022| B. the signs that meet the requirements of Section | 0023| 6 of the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act. | 0024| Section 8. PROHIBITIONS ON SALES APPLICABLE TO TOBACCO | 0025| LICENSE HOLDERS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS--VENDING | 0001| MACHINES.-- | 0002| A. A person that holds a license for the sale of | 0003| tobacco products, or an employee or agent of that person, may | 0004| not sell or distribute a tobacco product: | 0005| (1) to a minor; | 0006| (2) other than at the specific place of | 0007| business for which a license has been issued for the sale of | 0008| tobacco products; or | 0009| (3) in any form other than an original | 0010| factory-wrapped package of at least twenty cigarettes. | 0011| B. Tobacco products may be sold by vending machines | 0012| in the following locations only: | 0013| (1) in locations not open to the public, | 0014| including controlled areas within factories, businesses and | 0015| offices; or | 0016| (2) in age-controlled public locations where | 0017| minors are not permitted unless accompanied by a parent or | 0018| guardian, including locations where alcoholic beverages are | 0019| offered for sale for the purpose of consumption on the | 0020| premises. | 0021| Section 9. PROHIBITION ON UNLICENSED SALE OR DISTRIBUTION | 0022| OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS.--No person, other than a person who holds | 0023| a license for the sale of tobacco products, or an employee or | 0024| agent of that person, may sell, distribute or provide free | 0025| samples of a tobacco product; provided, however, that nothing | 0001| in this section applies to distribution by a person to family | 0002| members on private property that is not open to the public. | 0003| Section 10. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE OF AGE AND IDENTITY.-- | 0004| Evidence of the age and identity of the person seeking to | 0005| purchase a tobacco product may be shown by any document that | 0006| contains a photograph of the person issued by a federal, state, | 0007| county or municipal government, including a motor vehicle | 0008| driver's license or an identification card issued to a member | 0009| of the armed forces. | 0010| Section 11. REFUSAL TO SELL TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO A PERSON | 0011| UNABLE TO PRODUCE AN IDENTITY CARD.--Any person authorized to | 0012| sell tobacco products at retail or wholesale shall refuse to | 0013| sell tobacco products to any person who reasonably appears to | 0014| be less than twenty-seven years of age and who is unable to | 0015| produce an identity card with proper documentary evidence | 0016| establishing that he is eighteen years of age or over. | 0017| Section 12. PRESENTING FALSE EVIDENCE OF AGE OR IDENTITY- | 0018| - PENALTIES FOR MINORS.-- | 0019| A. No minor shall present any false written, | 0020| printed or photostatic evidence of age or identity for the | 0021| purpose of procuring or attempting to procure any tobacco | 0022| products. | 0023| B. Any minor who violates the provisions of this | 0024| section shall be punished by: | 0025| (1) a civil fine not to exceed one hundred | 0001| dollars ($100); | 0002| (2) having to perform twenty-four hours of | 0003| community service; or | 0004| (3) being required to complete a smoking | 0005| cessation class. | 0006| C. Any minor who violates the provisions of this | 0007| section for a second or subsequent time shall be punished by a | 0008| combination of at least two of the three penalty options | 0009| provided in Subsection B of this section. | 0010| Section 13. CIVIL FINES ON LICENSEES--GROUNDS FOR | 0011| SUSPENSION, REVOCATION AND NONRENEWAL OF LICENSES.-- | 0012| A. Any license holder for a specific place of | 0013| business that violates a requirement of Section 7 of the | 0014| Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act shall be subject to a civil | 0015| fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100). Any license | 0016| holder that violates that section for a second or subsequent | 0017| time shall be subject to a civil fine of not more than five | 0018| hundred dollars ($500). | 0019| B. Any license holder for a specific place of | 0020| business, or any of its employees or agents that violates a | 0021| provision in Section 8 of the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act | 0022| shall each be subject to a civil fine of: | 0023| (1) one hundred dollars ($100) for the first | 0024| violation; | 0025| (2) two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for the | 0001| second violation within any two-year period; | 0002| (3) five hundred dollars ($500) for the third | 0003| violation within any two-year period; | 0004| (4) one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the | 0005| fourth violation within any two-year period; and | 0006| (5) five thousand dollars ($5,000) for any | 0007| additional violation within any two-year period. | 0008| C. In addition to the civil fines provided in | 0009| Subsection B of this section, if a person that holds a license | 0010| for the sale of tobacco products for a specific place of | 0011| business violates a provision of Section 8 of the Tobacco | 0012| Prevention and Minors Act, the license: | 0013| (1) may be suspended for a period not to | 0014| exceed twenty-four hours upon a first violation of that | 0015| section; | 0016| (2) may be suspended for a period not to | 0017| exceed two consecutive days upon a second violation of that | 0018| section within any two-year period; | 0019| (3) may be suspended for a period not to | 0020| exceed one week upon a third violation of that section within | 0021| any | 0022| two-year period; | 0023| (4) shall be suspended for a period not to | 0024| exceed one month upon a fourth violation of that section within | 0025| any two-year period; and | 0001| (5) shall be revoked by the director of the | 0002| unit and not renewed by the director upon a fifth conviction of | 0003| that section within any two-year period. | 0004| D. With regard to the sanctions in Subsection C of | 0005| this section, the hearing officer may consider the following as | 0006| mitigating factors prior to imposing a license suspension or | 0007| revocation: | 0008| (1) the license holder informed each of its | 0009| employees and agents in writing of the applicable laws | 0010| regarding sales of tobacco products to any person under the age | 0011| of eighteen; | 0012| (2) the license holder engaged in a consistent | 0013| practice of requiring employees and agents to refuse to sell | 0014| tobacco products to any person who appears to be less than | 0015| twenty-seven years of age and who is unable to produce an | 0016| identity card as evidence that he is eighteen years of age or | 0017| over; and | 0018| (3) the license holder has established and | 0019| imposed sanctions against employees and agents for | 0020| noncompliance with the license holder's written policies and | 0021| actual practices regarding the sale of tobacco products. | 0022| E. Any person that violates a provision of Section | 0023| 9 of the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act shall be subject to | 0024| a civil fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any person that | 0025| violates that section for a second or subsequent time shall be | 0001| subject to a civil fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000). | 0002| F. A violation committed by an employee or agent, | 0003| and attributed to a license holder, shall be counted only once | 0004| for purposes of the preceding subsections. | 0005| Section 14. ENFORCEMENT--HEARING OFFICER--LIMITATIONS-- | 0006| WAIVER--COSTS--PUBLIC HEARING--RECORD--RIGHT TO APPEAL.-- | 0007| A. The unit shall, after written notice by | 0008| certified mail and hearing, impose the sanctions set forth in | 0009| Section 13 of the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act. | 0010| B. If the license holder, employee or agent does | 0011| not mail a request for a hearing within thirty days, the | 0012| hearing officer shall take the action contemplated in the | 0013| notice, and the action shall be final and not subject to | 0014| judicial review. | 0015| C. All hearings that include telephonic hearings, | 0016| held pursuant to the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act, shall | 0017| be conducted by a hearing officer designated by the secretary | 0018| of health. | 0019| D. No action shall be initiated by the unit later | 0020| than one year after the discovery of the conduct that is the | 0021| basis for the action. | 0022| E. The charged license holder, employee or agent | 0023| shall bear all costs of the hearing unless excused by the | 0024| hearing officer from paying all or part of the costs, or unless | 0025| the charged license holder, employee or agent prevails at the | 0001| hearing. | 0002| F. All hearings under the Tobacco Prevention and | 0003| Minors Act shall be open to the public. | 0004| G. In all hearings conducted under the Tobacco | 0005| Prevention and Minors Act, a complete record shall be made of | 0006| all evidence received during the course of the hearing. The | 0007| record shall be preserved by any stenographic method in use in | 0008| the district courts of New Mexico or, in the discretion of the | 0009| hearing officer, by tape recording. | 0010| H. Any person entitled to a hearing under the | 0011| Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act who is aggrieved by an | 0012| adverse decision issued after the hearing by the hearing | 0013| officer may obtain a review of the decision in the district | 0014| court of Santa Fe county. In order to obtain the review, the | 0015| aggrieved person shall, within twenty days after the date of | 0016| service of the decision, file with the court a notice of | 0017| appeal, a copy of which shall be served on the director of the | 0018| unit, stating all exceptions taken to the decision. The court | 0019| shall not consider any exceptions not stated in the petition. | 0020| I. Failure to file a notice of appeal in the manner | 0021| and within the time provided in Subsection H of this section | 0022| shall operate as a waiver of the right to judicial review and | 0023| shall result in the decision of the hearing officer becoming | 0024| final. However, for good cause shown within the time stated, | 0025| the judge of the district court may issue an order granting one | 0001| extension of time not to exceed sixty days. | 0002| J. Within thirty days after service of the copy of | 0003| the notice of appeal, the hearing officer shall prepare, | 0004| certify and file with the clerk of the district court of Santa | 0005| Fe county the record of the case. That shall include a copy of | 0006| the notice of hearing, a complete transcript or tape recording | 0007| of the testimony taken at the hearing, copies of all pertinent | 0008| documents and other written evidence introduced at the hearing, | 0009| a copy of the hearing officer's decision and a copy of the | 0010| notice of appeal. For good cause shown within the time stated, | 0011| the judge of the district court may issue an order granting one | 0012| extension of time not to exceed sixty days. | 0013| K. The court may affirm the decision, reverse the | 0014| decision or remand the case for further proceedings. | 0015| Section 15. PREEMPTION.--Nothing contained in the Tobacco | 0016| Prevention and Minors Act shall be construed to restrict the | 0017| power or authority of any county, city, town, village or other | 0018| legal political subdivision to adopt and enforce additional | 0019| local laws, ordinances or regulations that comply with at least | 0020| the minimum applicable standards set forth in the Tobacco | 0021| Prevention and Minors Act. | 0022| Section 16. APPROPRIATION.--Two hundred forty-five | 0023| thousand dollars ($245,000) is appropriated from the general | 0024| fund to the department of health for expenditure in fiscal year | 0025| 1998 to hire a director of the tobacco use prevention unit and | 0001| contract for or hire a hearing officer as needed and three | 0002| investigators, as well as to pay for other expenses of the | 0003| department for the purposes of carrying out the Tobacco | 0004| Prevention and Minors Act. Any unexpended or unencumbered | 0005| balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 1998 shall revert | 0006| to the general fund. | 0007| Section 17. REPEAL.--Sections 30-49-1 through 30-49-12 | 0008| NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapters 244, Sections 1 through | 0009| 12) are repealed. | 0010| Section 18. SEVERABILITY.--If any part or application of | 0011| the Tobacco Prevention and Minors Act is held invalid, the | 0012| remainder or its application to other situations or persons | 0013| shall not be affected. | 0014| Section 19. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0015| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0016| - 14 - | 0017| | 0018| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0019| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| February 28, 1997 | 0023| | 0024| Mr. President: | 0025| | 0001| Your PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0002| | 0003| SENATE BILL 369 | 0004| | 0005| has had it under consideration and reports same WITHOUT | 0006| RECOMMENDATION, and thence referred to the JUDICIARY | 0007| COMMITTEE. | 0008| | 0009| Respectfully submitted, | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| __________________________________ | 0014| Shannon Robinson, Chairman | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________ | 0018| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| Date ________________________ | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| The roll call vote was 5 For 0 Against | 0025| Yes: 5 | 0001| No: 0 | 0002| Excused: Boitano, Garcia, Ingle, Vernon | 0003| Absent: None | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| S0369PA1 | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE SB 369/a | 0011| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0012| | 0013| | 0014| March 14, 1997 | 0015| | 0016| Mr. President: | 0017| | 0018| Your FINANCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0019| | 0020| SENATE BILL 369, as amended | 0021| | 0022| has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation | 0023| that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0024| | 0025| 1. On page 1, lines 13 and 14, strike "; MAKING AN | 0001| APPROPRIATION". | 0002| | 0003| 2. On page 13, strike lines 16 through 25. | 0004| | 0005| 3. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. | 0006| | 0007| 4. On page 14, line 9, after the comma strike "1997" and | 0008| insert in lieu thereof "1998". | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| Respectfully submitted, | 0012| | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| __________________________________ | 0016| Ben D. Altamirano, Chairman | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________ | 0021| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| Date ________________________ | 0025| | 0001| | 0002| The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against | 0003| Yes: 6 | 0004| No: None | 0005| Excused: Aragon, Altamirano, Ingle, Lyons, Romero | 0006| Absent: None | 0007| | 0008| S0369FC1 .118007.1 | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE SB 369/a | 0012| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| March 14, 1997 | 0016| | 0017| Mr. President: | 0018| | 0019| Your FINANCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0020| | 0021| SENATE BILL 369, as amended | 0022| | 0023| has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation | 0024| that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0025| | 0001| 1. On page 1, lines 13 and 14, strike "; MAKING AN | 0002| APPROPRIATION". | 0003| | 0004| 2. On page 13, strike lines 16 through 25. | 0005| | 0006| 3. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. | 0007| | 0008| 4. On page 14, line 9, after the comma strike "1997" and | 0009| insert in lieu thereof "1998". | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| Respectfully submitted, | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| __________________________________ | 0017| Ben D. Altamirano, Chairman | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________ | 0022| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| Date ________________________ | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against | 0004| Yes: 6 | 0005| No: None | 0006| Excused: Aragon, Altamirano, Ingle, Lyons, Romero | 0007| Absent: None | 0008| | 0009| S0369FC1 .118007.1 | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE SB 369/a | 0013| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| March 14, 1997 | 0017| | 0018| Mr. President: | 0019| | 0020| Your FINANCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0021| | 0022| SENATE BILL 369, as amended | 0023| | 0024| has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation | 0025| that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0001| | 0002| 1. On page 1, lines 13 and 14, strike "; MAKING AN | 0003| APPROPRIATION". | 0004| | 0005| 2. On page 13, strike lines 16 through 25. | 0006| | 0007| 3. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. | 0008| | 0009| 4. On page 14, line 9, after the comma strike "1997" and | 0010| insert in lieu thereof "1998". | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| Respectfully submitted, | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| __________________________________ | 0018| Ben D. Altamirano, Chairman | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________ | 0023| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| Date ________________________ | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against | 0005| Yes: 6 | 0006| No: None | 0007| Excused: Aragon, Altamirano, Ingle, Lyons, Romero | 0008| Absent: None | 0009| | 0010| S0369FC1 .118007.1 | 0011| | 0012| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0013| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| October 24, 1997 | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number to SENATE BILL 369, as amended | 0021| | 0022| AMENDMENT sponsored by SENATOR SMITH | 0023| | 0024| 1. On page 3, line 11, strike "department of health" and insert | 0025| in lieu thereof "attorney general's office". | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| Senator John Arthur Smith | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| Adopted Not Adopted | 0011| | 0012| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| Date | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| S0369FS1 State of New Mexico | 0020| House of Representatives | 0021| | 0022| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0023| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| March 21, 1997 | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| Mr. Speaker: | 0005| | 0006| Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0007| | 0008| SENATE BILL 369, as amended | 0009| | 0010| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0011| recommendation that it DO PASS. | 0012| | 0013| Respectfully submitted, | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| Thomas P. Foy, Chairman | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| Adopted Not Adopted | 0022| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0023| | 0024| Date | 0025| | 0001| The roll call vote was 9 For 0 Against | 0002| Yes: 9 | 0003| Excused: Alwin, Luna, Rios, Sanchez | 0004| Absent: None | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\S0369 |