0001| SENATE BILL 26 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| PHILLIP J. MALOOF | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO THE PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSION; CREATING | 0012| DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR ELECTIONS. | 0013| | 0014| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0015| Section 1. PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSIONERS--ELECTION-- | 0016| TERMS.-- | 0017| A. Public regulation commissioners shall be elected | 0018| at the general election for staggered four-year terms, | 0019| beginning on January 1 next following their election; provided | 0020| that the first election of commissioners and the initial terms | 0021| of those commissioners shall be as provided in Subsection B of | 0022| this section. | 0023| B. Five commissioners shall be elected at the first | 0024| election of commissioners in 1998. The commissioners elected | 0025| at the first election shall immediately classify themselves by | 0001| lot, so that two of the five elected shall hold office for an | 0002| initial two-year term and three for an initial four-year term. | 0003| Thereafter, all terms shall be for four years; provided that if | 0004| a vacancy occurs prior to completion of a term, the vacancy | 0005| shall be filled for the unexpired term only. | 0006| C. After serving two consecutive terms, including | 0007| the initial two-year terms of the two commissioners chosen by | 0008| lot after the first election, a commissioner is ineligible to | 0009| hold office as a commissioner until one full four-year term has | 0010| intervened. | 0011| Section 2. PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSIONER DISTRICTS.-- | 0012| A. Public regulation commissioners shall be elected | 0013| from districts as follows: | 0014| (1) one commissioner shall be elected from | 0015| each of the three congressional districts in the state; and | 0016| (2) two commissioners shall be elected | 0017| statewide. | 0018| B. In the event the number of New Mexico's | 0019| congressional districts is increased to four, then one | 0020| commissioner shall be elected as shall be provided by law from | 0021| each of the four districts and one commissioner shall be | 0022| elected statewide. | 0023| Section 3. TEMPORARY PROVISION--1998 ELECTION--PUBLIC | 0024| REGULATION COMMISSION.--The first election for the public | 0025| regulation commission, which shall include all five | 0001| commissioners, shall occur at the primary and general elections | 0002| in 1998. The secretary of state shall designate the five | 0003| positions for which candidacies will be accepted. There shall | 0004| be no election for a state corporation commissioner in 1998. | 0005| - 3 - |