0001| HOUSE BILL 788 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| NICK L. SALAZAR | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO HEALTH PROVIDERS; AMENDING THE PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT | 0012| ACT AND THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS' ASSISTANTS ACT TO PROVIDE | 0013| FOR LICENSURE. | 0014| | 0015| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0016| Section 1. Section 61-6-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0017| Chapter 361, Section 3, as amended by Laws 1994, Chapter 57, | 0018| Section 13 and also by Laws 1994, Chapter 80, Section 2) is | 0019| amended to read: | 0020| "61-6-7. SHORT TITLE [REGISTRATION] LICENSURE AS A | 0021| PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT--SCOPE OF PRACTICE [ANNUAL] BIENNIAL | 0022| REGISTRATION OF [EMPLOYMENT--EMPLOYMENT] SUPERVISION-- | 0023| CHANGE--FEES.-- | 0024| A. Sections 61-6-7 through 61-6-10 NMSA 1978 may be | 0025| cited as the "Physician Assistant Act". | 0001| B. The board may [register] license qualified | 0002| persons as physician assistants. No person shall perform, | 0003| attempt to perform or hold himself out as a physician assistant | 0004| without first applying for and obtaining [registration with] | 0005| a license from the board and without [annually] | 0006| biennially registering his [employment and] supervising | 0007| licensed physician in accordance with board regulations. | 0008| Physician assistants who are registered under the Physician | 0009| Assistant Act as of June 31, 1997 shall be considered to be | 0010| licensed until the expiration of that registration. | 0011| C. Physician assistants may prescribe, administer | 0012| and distribute dangerous drugs other than controlled substances | 0013| in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act pursuant to | 0014| regulations adopted by the [New Mexico] board [of medical | 0015| examiners] after consultation with the board of pharmacy, | 0016| provided that the prescribing, administering and distributing | 0017| are done under the direction of a supervising licensed | 0018| physician and within the parameters of a board-approved | 0019| formulary and guidelines established under Paragraph (3) of | 0020| Subsection A of Section 61-6-9 NMSA 1978. The distribution | 0021| process shall comply with state laws concerning prescription | 0022| packaging, labeling and record keeping requirements. Physician | 0023| assistants shall not otherwise dispense dangerous drugs or | 0024| controlled substances. | 0025| D. A physician assistant shall perform only those | 0001| acts and duties assigned him by a supervising licensed | 0002| physician that are within the scope of practice of the | 0003| supervising licensed physician. | 0004| E. An applicant for [registration] licensure as | 0005| a physician assistant shall complete application forms [as] | 0006| supplied by the board and shall pay a [registration] | 0007| licensing fee as provided in Section 61-6-19 NMSA 1978. Upon | 0008| being [registered] licensed by the board, the applicant | 0009| shall have his name and address and other pertinent information | 0010| enrolled by the board on a roster of physician assistants. | 0011| F. Each [registered] physician assistant shall | 0012| [annually] biennially submit proof of completion of | 0013| continuing education as required by the board and shall | 0014| [annually] biennially renew his [registration, supervising | 0015| licensed physician and place of employment] license and | 0016| registration of supervision with the board. Upon any change | 0017| in [employment or] supervising [licensed] physician between | 0018| [annual] biennial registrations, each physician assistant | 0019| shall reregister his [employment and] supervising | 0020| [licensed] physician and shall pay any additional | 0021| registration of supervision fees as provided in Section 61-6- | 0022| 19 NMSA 1978. All applications for [registration] licensure | 0023| or registration of supervision shall include the applicant's | 0024| name, current address, the name and office address of [both | 0025| his employer and] the supervising licensed physician and other | 0001| additional information as the board deems necessary. Upon any | 0002| change [of employment or change] of supervising licensed | 0003| physician, prior registration of supervision shall | 0004| automatically become void or inactive. | 0005| G. Each [annual] biennial renewal of | 0006| registration of [employment] supervision shall be | 0007| accompanied by a fee as provided in Section 61-6-19 NMSA 1978." | 0008| Section 2. A new section of the Physician Assistant Act, | 0009| Section 61-6-7.2 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read: | 0010| "61-6-7.2. [NEW MATERIAL] INACTIVE LICENSE.-- | 0011| A. A physician assistant who notifies the board in | 0012| writing on forms prescribed by the board may elect to place his | 0013| license on an inactive status. A physician assistant with an | 0014| inactive license shall be excused from payment of renewal fees | 0015| and shall not practice as a physician assistant. | 0016| B. A physician assistant who engages in practice | 0017| while his license is lapsed or on inactive status is practicing | 0018| without a license, and this is grounds for discipline pursuant | 0019| to the Physician Assistant Act. | 0020| C. A physician assistant requesting restoration | 0021| from inactive status shall pay the current renewal fee and | 0022| fulfill the requirement for renewal pursuant to the Physician | 0023| Assistant Act." | 0024| Section 3. A new section of the Physician Assistant Act, | 0025| Section 61-6-7.3 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read: | 0001| "61-6-7.3. [NEW MATERIAL] EXEMPTION FROM LICENSURE.-- | 0002| A. A physician assistant student enrolled in a | 0003| physician assistant or surgeon assistant educational program | 0004| accredited by the committee on allied health education and | 0005| accreditation or by its successor shall be exempt from | 0006| licensure while functioning as a physician assistant student. | 0007| B. A physician assistant employed by the federal | 0008| government while performing duties incident to that employment | 0009| is not required to be licensed as a physician assistant | 0010| pursuant to the Physician Assistant Act." | 0011| Section 4. Section 61-6-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0012| Chapter 361, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0013| "61-6-8. DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION.--In accordance | 0014| with the procedures contained in the Uniform Licensing Act, the | 0015| board may deny, revoke or suspend any [registration] | 0016| license to practice as a physician assistant or may place on | 0017| probation, enter stipulation, censure, reprimand or fine any | 0018| person [registered] licensed as a physician assistant for: | 0019| A. procuring, aiding or abetting a criminal | 0020| abortion; | 0021| B. soliciting patients for any practitioner of the | 0022| healing arts; | 0023| C. soliciting or receiving any form of compensation | 0024| from any person other than the physician assistant's registered | 0025| employer for performing as a physician assistant; | 0001| D. willfully or negligently divulging a | 0002| professional confidence or discussing a patient's condition or | 0003| a physician's diagnosis without the express permission of the | 0004| physician and patient; | 0005| E. conviction for any offense punishable by | 0006| incarceration in a state penitentiary or federal prison. A | 0007| copy of the record of conviction, certified by the clerk of the | 0008| court entering the conviction, is conclusive evidence; | 0009| F. the habitual or excessive use of intoxicants or | 0010| drugs; | 0011| G. fraud or misrepresentation in applying for or | 0012| procuring [registration] a license to perform as a | 0013| physician assistant in this state or in applying for or | 0014| procuring [an annual registration] a registration of | 0015| supervision; | 0016| H. impersonating another person [registered] | 0017| licensed as a physician assistant or allowing any person to | 0018| use the physician assistant's [certificate of qualification or | 0019| registration] license or registration of supervision; | 0020| I. aiding or abetting the practice of medicine by a | 0021| person not licensed by the board; | 0022| J. gross negligence in the performance of duties, | 0023| tasks or functions assigned by a licensed physician; | 0024| K. manifest incapacity or incompetence to perform | 0025| as a physician assistant; | 0001| L. conduct resulting in the suspension or | 0002| revocation by another state of a registration, license or | 0003| certification to perform as a physician assistant, based upon | 0004| acts by the physician assistant similar to acts constituting | 0005| grounds for suspension or revocation in New Mexico. A | 0006| certified copy of the record of the suspension or revocation of | 0007| the state imposing the penalty is conclusive evidence thereof; | 0008| M. conduct unbecoming in a person [registered] | 0009| licensed as a physician assistant or detrimental to the best | 0010| interests of the public; | 0011| N. conduct outside the scope of duties assigned by | 0012| the supervising physician; | 0013| O. repeated similar negligent acts; or | 0014| P. injudicious prescribing, administering or | 0015| distributing of drugs." | 0016| Section 5. A new section of the Physician Assistant Act, | 0017| Section 61-6-8.1 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read: | 0018| "61-6-8.1. [NEW MATERIAL] PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT ADVISORY | 0019| COMMITTEE.-- | 0020| A. The "physician assistant advisory committee" is | 0021| created. The advisory committee shall review and make | 0022| recommendations to the board on all matters relating to | 0023| physician assistants. | 0024| B. The physician assistant advisory committee shall | 0025| be composed of four members appointed by the board to two-year | 0001| staggered terms. The board shall initially appoint two members | 0002| whose terms shall end on July 1, 1998 and two members whose | 0003| terms shall end on July 1, 1999. One member shall be a | 0004| licensed physician with experience supervising a physician | 0005| assistant, and the other three, one of whom shall serve as | 0006| chairman, shall be physician assistants nominated to the board | 0007| by the board of directors of the New Mexico academy of | 0008| physician assistants. The chairman of the physician assistant | 0009| advisory committee shall be a nonvoting advisor to the board." | 0010| Section 6. Section 61-6-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0011| Chapter 361, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0012| "61-6-9. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS--RULES AND REGULATIONS.-- | 0013| A. The board may adopt and enforce reasonable rules | 0014| and regulations: | 0015| (1) for setting qualifications of education, | 0016| skill and experience for [registration] licensure of a | 0017| person as a physician assistant and providing forms and | 0018| procedures for [obtaining certificates of registration and for | 0019| annual] biennial licensure and registration of [employment, | 0020| supervising] supervision by a licensed physician [and place | 0021| of employment]; | 0022| (2) for examining and evaluating applicants | 0023| for [registration] licensure as a physician assistant as to | 0024| their skill, knowledge and experience in the field of medical | 0025| care; | 0001| (3) for establishing when and for how long | 0002| physician assistants are permitted to prescribe, administer and | 0003| distribute dangerous drugs other than controlled substances in | 0004| Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act pursuant to | 0005| regulations adopted by the board after consultation with the | 0006| board of pharmacy; | 0007| (4) for allowing a supervising licensed | 0008| physician to temporarily delegate his supervisory | 0009| responsibilities for a physician assistant to another licensed | 0010| physician; | 0011| (5) for allowing a physician assistant to | 0012| temporarily serve under the supervision of a licensed physician | 0013| other than the supervising licensed physician of record; and | 0014| (6) for the purpose of carrying out all other | 0015| provisions of the Physician Assistant Act. | 0016| B. The board shall not adopt any rule or regulation | 0017| allowing a physician assistant to measure the powers, range or | 0018| accommodative status of human vision; diagnose vision problems; | 0019| prescribe lenses, prisms, vision training or contact lenses; or | 0020| fit contact lenses. This restriction does not preclude vision | 0021| screening. The board shall not adopt any rule or regulation | 0022| allowing a physician assistant to perform treatment of the | 0023| human foot outside the physician assistant's scope of | 0024| practice." | 0025| Section 7. Section 61-6-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0001| Chapter 361, Section 6, as amended) is amended to read: | 0002| "61-6-10. SUPERVISING PHYSICIAN--RESPONSIBILITY.-- | 0003| A. As a condition of [registration and annual] | 0004| biennial licensure and renewal of registration of | 0005| supervision, all physician assistants practicing in New Mexico | 0006| shall inform the board of the physician under whose supervision | 0007| they will practice. All supervising physicians shall be | 0008| licensed under the Medical Practice Act and shall be approved | 0009| by the board. | 0010| B. Every physician [using] supervising [or | 0011| employing a registered] a licensed physician assistant shall | 0012| be individually responsible and liable for the performance of | 0013| the acts and omissions delegated to the physician assistant. | 0014| Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve the | 0015| physician assistant of any responsibility and liability for any | 0016| of his own acts and omissions. | 0017| C. No physician may have under his supervision more | 0018| than two [currently registered] physician assistants; except, | 0019| where a physician is working in a health facility providing | 0020| health service to the public primarily on a free or reduced fee | 0021| basis, [which] that is funded in whole or in part out of | 0022| public funds or the funds of private charitable institutions, | 0023| the board may authorize a greater number upon a finding that | 0024| the program provides adequate supervision of the physician | 0025| assistants. | 0001| D. The board shall establish rules and regulations | 0002| regarding the supervision of physician assistants by | 0003| physicians, but no rule or regulation shall prohibit a | 0004| physician assistant from providing services physically | 0005| separated from the supervising physician." | 0006| Section 8. Section 61-6-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1989, | 0007| Chapter 269, Section 15, as amended) is amended to read: | 0008| "61-6-19. FEES.-- | 0009| A. The board shall impose the following fees: | 0010| (1) an application fee not to exceed four | 0011| hundred dollars ($400) for licensure by endorsement as provided | 0012| in Section 61-6-13 NMSA 1978; | 0013| (2) an application fee not to exceed four | 0014| hundred dollars ($400) for licensure by examination as provided | 0015| in Section 61-6-11 NMSA 1978; | 0016| (3) an examination fee equal to the cost of | 0017| purchasing the examination plus an administration fee not to | 0018| exceed fifty percent of that cost; | 0019| (4) a triennial renewal fee not to exceed four | 0020| hundred fifty dollars ($450); | 0021| (5) a late fee not to exceed one hundred fifty | 0022| dollars ($150) for applicants who fail to renew their | 0023| [license] licenses within forty-five days of the required | 0024| renewal date; | 0025| (6) a late fee not to exceed two hundred | 0001| dollars ($200) for applicants who fail to renew their licenses | 0002| within ninety days of the required renewal date; | 0003| (7) a reinstatement fee not to exceed the | 0004| current application fee for reinstatement of a revoked, | 0005| suspended or inactive license; | 0006| (8) a reasonable administrative fee for | 0007| verification and duplication of license or registration and | 0008| copying of records; | 0009| (9) a reasonable publication fee for the | 0010| purchase of a publication containing the names of all | 0011| practitioners licensed under the Medical Practice Act; | 0012| (10) an impaired physician fee not to exceed | 0013| one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for a three-year period; | 0014| (11) an interim license fee not to exceed one | 0015| hundred dollars ($100); | 0016| (12) a temporary license fee not to exceed one | 0017| hundred dollars ($100); | 0018| (13) a postgraduate training license fee not | 0019| to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) annually; | 0020| (14) an application fee not to exceed one | 0021| hundred fifty dollars ($150) for physician assistants applying | 0022| for initial [registration] licensure; and | 0023| (15) a [registration] license fee not to | 0024| exceed [seventy-five dollars ($75.00)] one hundred fifty | 0025| dollars ($150) for physician assistants [annually | 0001| reregistering their certificate of registration] biennial | 0002| licensing and registration of supervising physician [and | 0003| place of employment]. | 0004| B. All fees are nonrefundable and shall be used by | 0005| the board to carry out its duties efficiently." | 0006| Section 9. Section 61-10A-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, | 0007| Chapter 26, Section 4, as amended by Laws 1994, Chapter 57, | 0008| Section 15 and also by Laws 1994, Chapter 80, Section 13) is | 0009| amended to read: | 0010| "61-10A-4. [CERTIFICATION] LICENSURE AS OSTEOPATHIC | 0011| [PHYSICIAN'S] PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT--SCOPE OF AUTHORITY-- | 0012| ANNUAL REGISTRATION OF EMPLOYMENT--EMPLOYMENT CHANGE.-- | 0013| A. No person shall perform or attempt to perform as | 0014| an osteopathic [physician's] physician assistant without | 0015| first applying for and obtaining a [certificate of | 0016| qualification] license from the board as an osteopathic | 0017| [physician's] physician assistant and having his | 0018| [employment] supervision registered in accordance with | 0019| board regulations. Osteopathic physician assistants who are | 0020| certified under the Osteopathic Physicians' Assistants Act as | 0021| of June 30, 1997 shall be considered to be licensed until the | 0022| expiration of that certification. | 0023| B. Osteopathic [physician's] physician | 0024| assistants may prescribe, administer and distribute dangerous | 0025| drugs other than controlled substances in Schedule I of the | 0001| Controlled Substances Act pursuant to regulations adopted by | 0002| the [New Mexico] board [of osteopathic medical examiners] | 0003| after consultation with the board of pharmacy, provided that | 0004| the prescribing, administering and distributing are done under | 0005| the direction of a supervising osteopathic physician and within | 0006| the parameters of a board-approved formulary and guidelines | 0007| established under Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of Section | 0008| 61-10A-6 NMSA 1978. The distribution process shall comply with | 0009| state laws concerning prescription packaging, labeling and | 0010| record keeping requirements. Osteopathic [physician's] | 0011| physician assistants shall not otherwise dispense dangerous | 0012| drugs or controlled substances. | 0013| C. An osteopathic [physician's] physician | 0014| assistant shall perform only those acts and duties assigned him | 0015| by a supervising osteopathic physician that are within the | 0016| scope of practice of the supervising osteopathic physician. | 0017| D. An applicant for a [certificate of | 0018| qualification] license as an osteopathic [physician's] | 0019| physician assistant shall complete such application forms as | 0020| supplied by the board and pay a fee as provided in Section [6- | 0021| 10A-4.1] 61-10A-4.1 NMSA 1978. Upon [being certified] | 0022| licensing by the board, the applicant shall have his name and | 0023| address and other pertinent information enrolled by the board | 0024| on a roster of osteopathic [physician's] physician | 0025| assistants. | 0001| E. Each [certified] osteopathic [physician's] | 0002| physician assistant shall [annually] biennially submit | 0003| proof of completion of continuing education as required by the | 0004| board and register [his employment with the board, stating] | 0005| his name and current address, the name and office address of | 0006| [both his employer and] the supervising osteopathic physician | 0007| and such additional information as the board deems necessary. | 0008| Upon any change of [employment] supervision as an | 0009| osteopathic [physician's] physician assistant, [such | 0010| registration] the registration of supervision shall | 0011| automatically be void. Each [annual] biennial registration | 0012| or registration of new [employment] supervision shall be | 0013| accompanied by a fee as provided in Section 61-10A-4.1 NMSA | 0014| 1978." | 0015| Section 10. Section 61-10A-4.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0016| 1989, Chapter 9, Section 8) is amended to read: | 0017| "61-10A-4.1. FEES.--Applicants shall pay the following | 0018| fees: | 0019| A. an initial [certification] license fee of | 0020| not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150); | 0021| B. [an annual registration of certification] a | 0022| biennial license fee of not to exceed [fifty dollars | 0023| ($50.00)] one hundred dollars ($100); | 0024| C. a late fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars | 0025| ($25.00) for applicants who fail to register their | 0001| [certificates] licenses on or before July 1 of each year; | 0002| and | 0003| D. a registration of new [employment] | 0004| supervision fee [in an amount equal to the annual] equal | 0005| to one-half the biennial renewal fee." | 0006| Section 11. A new Section 61-10A-4.2 NMSA 1978 is enacted | 0007| to read: | 0008| "61-10A-4.2. [NEW MATERIAL] INACTIVE LICENSE.-- | 0009| A. An osteopathic physician assistant who notifies | 0010| the board in writing on forms prescribed by the board may elect | 0011| to place his license on an inactive status. An osteopathic | 0012| physician assistant with an inactive license shall be excused | 0013| from payment of renewal fees and shall not practice as an | 0014| osteopathic physician assistant. | 0015| B. An osteopathic physician assistant who engages | 0016| in practice while his license is lapsed or on inactive status | 0017| is practicing without a license and is subject to discipline | 0018| pursuant to the Osteopathic Physicians' Assistants Act. | 0019| C. An osteopathic physician assistant requesting | 0020| restoration from inactive status shall pay the current renewal | 0021| fee and fulfill the requirement for renewal pursuant to the | 0022| Osteopathic Physicians' Assistants Act." | 0023| Section 12. A new Section 61-10A-4.3 NMSA 1978 is enacted | 0024| to read: | 0025| "61-10A-4.3. [NEW MATERIAL] EXEMPTION FROM LICENSURE.- | 0001| - | 0002| A. An osteopathic physician assistant student | 0003| enrolled in a physician assistant, osteopathic physician | 0004| assistant or surgeon assistant educational program accredited | 0005| by the committee on allied health education and accreditation | 0006| or by its successor shall be exempt from licensure while | 0007| functioning as an osteopathic physician assistant student. | 0008| B. An osteopathic physician assistant employed by | 0009| the federal government while performing duties incident to that | 0010| employment is not required to be licensed as an osteopathic | 0011| physician assistant pursuant to the Osteopathic Physicians' | 0012| Assistants Act." | 0013| Section 13. Section 61-10A-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, | 0014| Chapter 26, Section 6, as amended by Laws 1994, Chapter 57, | 0015| Section 16 and also by Laws 1994, Chapter 80, Section 14) is | 0016| amended to read: | 0017| "61-10A-6. RULES AND REGULATIONS.-- | 0018| A. The board may adopt and enforce reasonable rules | 0019| and regulations: | 0020| (1) for setting qualifications of education, | 0021| skill and experience for [certification] licensure of a | 0022| person as an osteopathic [physician's] physician assistant | 0023| and providing forms and procedures for [certificates of | 0024| qualification] licensure and for [annual] biennial | 0025| registration of [employment] supervision; | 0001| (2) for examining and evaluating applicants | 0002| for [certificates of qualification] licensure as an | 0003| osteopathic [physician's] physician assistant as to their | 0004| skill, knowledge and experience in the field of medical care; | 0005| (3) for establishing when and for how long an | 0006| osteopathic [physician's] physician assistant is permitted | 0007| to prescribe, administer and distribute dangerous drugs other | 0008| than controlled substances in Schedule I of the Controlled | 0009| Substances Act pursuant to regulations adopted by the [New | 0010| Mexico] board [of osteopathic medical examiners] after | 0011| consultation with the board of pharmacy; | 0012| (4) for allowing a supervising osteopathic | 0013| physician to temporarily delegate his supervisory | 0014| responsibilities for an osteopathic [physician's] physician | 0015| assistant to another osteopathic physician; | 0016| (5) for allowing an osteopathic | 0017| [physician's] physician assistant to temporarily serve | 0018| under the supervision of an osteopathic physician other than | 0019| the supervising osteopathic physician of record; and | 0020| (6) for the purpose of carrying out all other | 0021| provisions of the Osteopathic Physicians' Assistants Act. | 0022| B. The board shall not adopt any rule or regulation | 0023| allowing an osteopathic [physician's] physician assistant | 0024| to dispense dangerous drugs; to measure the powers, range or | 0025| accommodative status of human vision; diagnose vision problems; | 0001| prescribe lenses, prisms, vision training or contact lenses; or | 0002| fit contact lenses. This section shall not preclude vision | 0003| screening. | 0004| C. The board shall establish rules and regulations | 0005| regarding the supervision of osteopathic physician assistants | 0006| by osteopathic physicians, but no rule or regulation shall | 0007| prohibit an osteopathic physician assistant from providing | 0008| services physically separated from the supervising licensed | 0009| osteopathic physician." | 0010| Section 14. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0011| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0012|  State of New Mexico | 0013| House of Representatives | 0014| | 0015| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0016| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| February 25, 1997 | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| Mr. Speaker: | 0023| | 0024| Your CONSUMER AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, to | 0025| whom has been referred | 0001| | 0002| HOUSE BILL 788 | 0003| | 0004| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0005| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0006| | 0007| 1. On page 1, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following | 0008| new section: | 0009| | 0010| "Section 1. Section 61-6-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0011| Chapter 361, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0012| "61-6-6. DEFINITIONS.--As used in Chapter 61, Article 6 | 0013| NMSA 1978: | 0014| | 0015| A. "acting in good faith" means acting without malice | 0016| as the primary motive or without knowledge or belief that one is | 0017| in error in taking a particular action; | 0018| | 0019| B. "board" means the New Mexico board of medical | 0020| examiners; | 0021| | 0022| C. "licensed physician" means a medical doctor | 0023| licensed under the Medical Practice Act to practice medicine in | 0024| New Mexico; | 0025| | 0001| D. "medical college or school in good standing" means | 0002| a board-approved medical college or school that has as high a | 0003| standard | 0004| | 0005| as that required by the association of American medical colleges | 0006| and the council on medical education of the American medical | 0007| association; | 0008| | 0009| E. "medical student" means a student enrolled in a | 0010| board-approved medical college or school in good standing; | 0011| | 0012| F. "person" means an individual or any legal entity | 0013| of any kind whatever; | 0014| | 0015| G. "physician assistant" means a skilled person | 0016| [registered] licensed by the board as being qualified by | 0017| academic and practical training to provide patient services under | 0018| the supervision and direction of the licensed physician who is | 0019| responsible for the performance of that assistant; | 0020| | 0021| H. "postgraduate year one" or "intern" means a first | 0022| year postgraduate student upon whom a degree of doctor of | 0023| medicine and surgery or equivalent degree has been conferred by a | 0024| medical college or school in good standing [approved by the | 0025| board]; | 0001| | 0002| I. "postgraduate year two through eight" or | 0003| "resident" means a graduate of a medical college or school in | 0004| good standing [approved by the board] who is in training in a | 0005| board-approved and accredited residency training program in a | 0006| hospital or facility affiliated with an approved hospital and who | 0007| has been appointed to the position of "resident" or "assistant | 0008| resident" for the purpose of postgraduate medical training; | 0009| | 0010| J. "the practice of medicine" consists of: | 0011| | 0012| (1) advertising, holding out to the public or | 0013| representing in any manner that one is authorized to practice | 0014| medicine in this state; | 0015| | 0016| (2) offering or undertaking to administer, | 0017| dispense or prescribe any drug or medicine for the use of any | 0018| other person, except as authorized pursuant to a professional or | 0019| occupational licensing statute set forth in Chapter 61 NMSA 1978; | 0020| | 0021| (3) offering or undertaking to give or | 0022| administer, dispense or prescribe any drug or medicine for the | 0023| use of any other person, except as directed by a licensed | 0024| physician; | 0025| | 0001| (4) offering or undertaking to perform any | 0002| operation or procedure upon any person; | 0003| | 0004| (5) offering or undertaking to diagnose, correct | 0005| or treat in any manner or by any means, methods, devices or | 0006| instrumentalities any disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, | 0007| infirmity, deformity, defect or abnormal physical or mental | 0008| condition of any person; | 0009| | 0010| (6) offering medical peer review, utilization | 0011| review or diagnostic service of any kind that directly influences | 0012| patient care, except as authorized pursuant to a professional or | 0013| occupational licensing statute set forth in Chapter 61 NMSA 1978; | 0014| or | 0015| | 0016| (7) acting as the representative or agent of any | 0017| person in doing any of the things listed in Paragraphs (1) | 0018| through (6) of this subsection; | 0019| | 0020| K. "sexual contact" means touching the primary | 0021| genital area, groin, anus, buttocks or breast of a patient or | 0022| allowing a patient to touch another's primary genital area, | 0023| groin, anus, buttocks or breast in a manner that is commonly | 0024| recognized as outside the scope of acceptable medical practice; | 0025| | 0001| L. "sexual penetration" means sexual intercourse, | 0002| cunnilingus, fellatio or anal intercourse, whether or not there | 0003| is any emission, or introducing any object into the genital or | 0004| anal openings of another in a manner that is commonly recognized | 0005| as outside the scope of acceptable medical practice; and | 0006| | 0007| M. "United States" means the fifty states, its | 0008| territories and possessions and the District of Columbia."". | 0009| | 0010| 2. Renumber succeeding sections accordingly. | 0011| | 0012| 3. On page 5, lines 7 and 8, strike "pursuant to the | 0013| Physician Assistant Act". | 0014| | 0015| 4. On page 8, line 3, strike "nominated to the board" and | 0016| insert in lieu thereof "chosen". | 0017| | 0018| 5. On page 8, line 3, after the second "board" insert "from | 0019| a list provided by the board". | 0020| | 0021| 6. On page 8, line 4, after "assistants." insert "All | 0022| physician assistants shall be eligible for inclusion on the | 0023| list.". | 0024| | 0025| 7. On page 10, line 17, after the period insert a quotation | 0001| mark. | 0002| | 0003| 8. On page 10, strike Subsection D in its entirety. | 0004| | 0005| 9. On page 18, line 13, after the period insert a quotation | 0006| mark. | 0007| | 0008| 10. On page 18, strike Subsection C in its entirety., | 0009| | 0010| and thence referred to the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. | 0011| | 0012| Respectfully submitted, | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| Gary King, Chairman | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| Adopted Not Adopted | 0022| | 0023| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0024| | 0025| Date | 0001| | 0002| The roll call vote was 7 For 0 Against | 0003| Yes: 7 | 0004| Excused: Crook, Rios, Vigil | 0005| Absent: None | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| .117537.1 | 0009| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\H0788 State of New Mexico | 0010| House of Representatives | 0011| | 0012| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0013| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| March 10, 1997 | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| Mr. Speaker: | 0020| | 0021| Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0022| | 0023| HOUSE BILL 788, as amended | 0024| | 0025| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0001| recommendation that it DO PASS. | 0002| | 0003| Respectfully submitted, | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| Thomas P. Foy, Chairman | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| Adopted Not Adopted | 0013| | 0014| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0015| | 0016| Date | 0017| | 0018| The roll call vote was 11 For 0 Against | 0019| Yes: 11 | 0020| Excused: King, Rios | 0021| Absent: None | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\H0788 | 0025| | 0001| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0002| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| March 17, 1997 | 0006| | 0007| Mr. President: | 0008| | 0009| Your PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, to whom has been | 0010| referred | 0011| | 0012| HOUSE BILL 788, as amended | 0013| | 0014| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0015| recommendation that it DO PASS. | 0016| | 0017| Respectfully submitted, | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| __________________________________ | 0023| Shannon Robinson, Chairman | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| | 0002| Adopted_______________________ Not | 0003| Adopted_______________________ | 0004| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| Date ________________________ | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| The roll call vote was 5 For 0 Against | 0011| Yes: 5 | 0012| No: 0 | 0013| Excused: Boitano, Ingle, Vernon, Rodarte, | 0014| Absent: 0 | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| H0788PA1 | 0018| |