State of New Mexico House of Representatives FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE FIRST SESSION, 1997 March 7, 1997 Mr. Speaker: Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred HOUSE BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL 346 has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: 1. On page 1, line 19, after "through" strike "11" and insert in lieu thereof "10". 2. On page 2, line 2, after "insurer's" strike "perception" and insert in lieu thereof "determination". 3. On page 2, line 15, after the second occurrence of "the" strike "perception" and insert in lieu thereof "determination". 4. On page 6, line 12, after "information" strike "about acts of domestic abuse or abuse status". 5. On page 7, line 6, after "hardship" insert "or that is relevant to processing a claim". 6. On page 7, line 6, after "has" strike the remainder of the line and insert in lieu thereof "agreed". 7. On page 7, line 19, after "application" insert "or claim". 8. On page 10, line 13, after "E." strike "A life" and insert in lieu thereof "An". 9. On page 10, line 17, after "this" strike "section" and insert in lieu thereof "subsection". 10. On page 10, line 17, after "action" insert "by the superintendent". 11. On page 10, lines 17 and 18, strike "or enforce". 12. On page 10, line 25, after "abuse-related" strike the semicolon and insert in lieu thereof a period. 13. On page 11, strike lines 1 through 3. 14. On page 11, line 16, before "shall" insert ", upon request,". 15. On page 12, line 1, after the comma insert "or related to actual or reasonably anticipated experience,". 16. On page 12, strike lines 21 through 25 and on page 13, strike lines 1 through 9. 17. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. 18. On page 14, line 17, after "PENALTY" insert "-- SUPERINTENDENT'S ORDERS". 19. On page 14, line 19, after the comma insert "and except as otherwise provided in this section,". 20. On page 14, line 20, strike "violations" and insert in lieu thereof "a second or subsequent violation". 21. On page 15, line 5, strike the quotation mark. 22. On page 15, between lines 5 and 6, insert the following new subsection: "C. The superintendent may issue any order he deems necessary or appropriate to prevent or correct any violation, including a first-time violation, of the Domestic Abuse Insurance Protection Act, except the initial order on a first-time violation may not require a suspension, revocation or denial of a license or certificate of authority. If, however, that initial order of the superintendent is violated, he may then impose the monetary penalty authorized in this section in addition to any applicable suspension, revocation or denial of a license or certificate of authority or take any other action authorized in the Insurance Code."". Respectfully submitted, Thomas P. Foy, Chairman Adopted Not Adopted (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) Date The roll call vote was 9 For 0 Against Yes: 9 Excused: Mallory, Rios, Sanchez, Stewart Absent: None .117904.3 G:\BILLTEXT\AMEND_97\H0346JC1