0001| AN ACT
0006| Section 1. A new section of the Municipal Election Code is
0007| enacted to read:
0010| A. Any applicant for an absentee ballot who has not
0011| received the absentee ballot by mail as of the date of the election
0012| may present himself at his assigned precinct polling place and, after
0013| executing an affidavit of nonreceipt of absentee ballot, shall be
0014| permitted to vote on an emergency paper ballot or a marksense ballot.
0015| B. The completed ballot shall be placed in an official
0016| inner envelope substantially as prescribed by Section 3-9-6 NMSA 1978
0017| and sealed. The official inner envelope shall then be placed in an
0018| official envelope substantially as prescribed for a transmittal
0019| envelope or mailing envelope in Section 3-9-6 NMSA 1978. This
0020| envelope shall contain a form on its back that identifies the voter by
0021| name and signature roster number and the printed statement to the
0022| effect that the voter made application for an absentee ballot but had
0023| not received it as of the date of the election and is permitted to
0024| vote by emergency paper ballot or a marksense ballot.
0025| C. The presiding judge shall put all such ballots in a
0001| special envelope provided for that purpose by the municipal clerk,
0002| seal it and return it to the municipal clerk along with the machine
0003| tally sheets. The sealed envelope shall not be put in the locked
0004| ballot box.
0005| D. Upon receipt of the envelope containing such ballots,
0006| the municipal clerk, no later than forty-eight hours after the close
0007| of the election, shall remove the transmittal envelopes and without
0008| removing or opening the inner envelopes, determine that:
0009| (1) such voter did in fact make application for an
0010| absentee ballot; and
0011| (2) no such absentee ballot was received by the
0012| municipal clerk from the voter by 7:00 p.m. on election day.
0013| E. Upon making such determination, the municipal clerk
0014| shall remove the inner envelope without opening it, destroy the
0015| transmittal envelope and place the inner envelope in a secure place to
0016| be transmitted to the municipal canvassing board to be tallied and
0017| included in the canvass of that municipality for the appropriate
0018| precinct.
0019| F. The municipal clerk shall prescribe and furnish the
0020| necessary envelopes for purposes of this section and shall adopt rules
0021| and regulations deemed necessary to preserve the secrecy of the
0022| ballot."
0023| Section 2. A new section of the Municipal Election Code is
0024| enacted to read:
0001| A. After the close of the period for requesting absentee
0002| voter ballots by mail, any voter unable to go to the polls due to
0003| unforeseen illness or disability resulting in his confinement in a
0004| hospital, sanitarium, nursing home or residence who is unable to vote
0005| at his polling place, voting booth or voting apparatus or machinery
0006| may request in writing that an alternative ballot be made to be made
0007| available to him. The written request shall be signed by the voter
0008| and a health care provider under penalty of perjury.
0009| B. The alternative ballot shall be made available by the
0010| municipal clerk where the voter resides to any authorized voter who
0011| has presented the written request to the office of the clerk.
0012| C. Before releasing the alternative ballot, the municipal
0013| clerk shall compare the signature on the written request with the
0014| signature on the voter's affidavit of registration. If the municipal
0015| clerk determines that the signature on the written request is not the
0016| signature of the voter, the request for the alternative ballot shall
0017| be rejected.
0018| D. The voter shall mark the alternative ballot, place it in
0019| an identification envelope similar to that used for absentee ballots,
0020| fill out and sign the envelope and return the ballot to the office of
0021| the municipal clerk where the voter resides no later than the time of
0022| closing of the polls on election day. The voter's name shall be
0023| compared to the roster of voters and the ballot shall be counted only
0024| if there is no signature for that voter on the roster of the precinct
0025| where the voter's name appears.
0001| E. Alternative ballots shall be processed and counted in
0002| the same manner as absentee ballots.
0003| F. The municipal clerk shall prescribe the form of
0004| alternative ballots."
0005| Section 3. Section 3-8-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0006| 208, Section 10) is amended to read:
0007| "3-8-2. DEFINITIONS.--
0008| A. The definitions in Section 3-1-2 NMSA 1978 shall apply
0009| to the Municipal Election Code in addition to those definitions set
0010| forth in the Municipal Election Code.
0011| B. As used in the Municipal Election Code:
0012| (1) "absentee voter list" means the list prepared by
0013| the municipal and county clerks of those persons who have been issued
0014| an absentee ballot;
0015| (2) "ballot" means a system for arranging and
0016| designating for the voter the names of candidates and other questions
0017| to be voted on and for the marking, casting or otherwise recording of
0018| such votes, and the term includes absentee ballots, ballot labels,
0019| emergency paper ballots and paper ballots used in lieu of voting
0020| machines;
0021| (3) "ballot label" means that portion of cardboard,
0022| paper or other material placed on the front of the voting machine
0023| containing the names of the candidates, the offices the candidates are
0024| seeking and a statement of the proposed questions to be voted upon;
0025| (4) "clerk" or "municipal clerk" means the municipal
0001| clerk or any deputy or assistant municipal clerk;
0002| (5) "county clerk" means the clerk of the county or
0003| his designee within which the municipality is located;
0004| (6) "election returns" means all certificates of the
0005| precinct board, including but not limited to the certificate showing
0006| the total number of votes cast for each candidate, if any, and for or
0007| against each question, if any, and shall include statements of
0008| canvass, signature rosters, registered voter lists, machine printed
0009| returns, emergency paper ballots, paper ballots used in lieu of voting
0010| machines, absentee ballots, absentee ballot registers and absentee
0011| voter lists or absent voter machine printed returns;
0012| (7) "emergency paper ballot" means the paper ballot
0013| used when a voting machine becomes disabled so that a voter is unable
0014| to cast a vote for all of the candidates and questions of the voter's
0015| choice and have such vote correctly recorded by the voting machine,
0016| and when no substitute voting machine is available;
0017| (8) "precinct" means a portion of a county situated
0018| entirely in or partly in a municipality which has been designated by
0019| the county as a precinct for election purposes and which is entitled
0020| to a polling place and a precinct board. If a precinct includes
0021| territory both inside and outside the boundaries of a municipality,
0022| then "precinct", for municipal elections, shall mean only that portion
0023| of the precinct lying within the boundaries of the municipality;
0024| (9) "consolidated precinct" means the combination of
0025| two or more precincts pursuant to the Municipal Election Code;
0001| (10) "precinct board" means the appointed election
0002| officials serving a single or consolidated precinct;
0003| (11) "recheck" pertains to voting machines and means
0004| a verification procedure where the counter compartment of the voting
0005| machine is opened and the results of the balloting as shown on the
0006| counters of the machine are compared with the results shown on the
0007| official returns; and
0008| (12) "recount" pertains to emergency paper ballots,
0009| paper ballots used in lieu of voting machines and absentee ballots and
0010| means a retabulation and retallying of individual ballots."
0011| Section 4. Section 3-8-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter
0012| 300, Section 14-8-5, as amended) is amended to read:
0014| DUTIES.--
0015| A. The municipal clerk shall:
0016| (l) administer the municipal election;
0017| (2) with the consent of the governing body, secure
0018| the necessary polling places;
0019| (3) see that all necessary supplies and equipment are
0020| present at each polling place prior to the opening of the polls on the
0021| day of the election;
0022| (4) certify voting machines;
0023| (5) conduct an election school for precinct board
0024| members as required in Section 3-8-21 NMSA 1978;
0025| (6) keep the office of the municipal clerk open on
0001| election day for the purpose of receiving ballot boxes, election
0002| returns and materials until all election returns and materials are
0003| received; and
0004| (7) within fifteen days of the holding of any
0005| municipal election, forward to the county clerk a listing of all
0006| individuals voting in the municipal election.
0007| B. Within fifteen days of the adoption of the election
0008| resolution, the municipal clerk shall request in writing from the
0009| county clerk the registered voter lists and signature rosters
0010| containing only the qualified electors eligible to vote in the
0011| municipal election. At least seven days prior to every municipal
0012| election, the county clerk shall furnish to the municipal clerk the
0013| registered voter list and signature roster containing only the
0014| qualified electors eligible to vote in the municipal election. A
0015| municipal clerk shall not amend, add or delete any information to or
0016| from the registered voter list except as otherwise provided by law.
0017| The registered voter list shall constitute the registration list for
0018| the municipal election. The registered voter list does not have to be
0019| returned to the county clerk. The municipality shall bear the
0020| reasonable cost of preparation of the voter lists and signature
0021| rosters."
0022| Section 5. Section 3-8-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0023| 208, Section 18) is amended to read:
0025| A. Any precinct may be combined with one or more adjacent
0001| and contiguous precincts by the governing body when the municipal
0002| clerk determines that consolidation is in the best interest of those
0003| precincts and will not compromise the orderly and efficient conduct of
0004| the election.
0005| B. Precincts may be consolidated in any regular or special
0006| municipal election, including bond elections, except when prohibited
0007| by law."
0008| Section 6. Section 3-8-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0009| 208, Section 22, as amended) is amended to read:
0011| DELIVERY.--
0012| A. If voting machines are to be used, the municipal clerk
0013| shall order the machines from the county clerk within fifteen days of
0014| the adoption of the election resolution, and the county clerk shall
0015| supply such voting machines pursuant to Section 1-9-6 NMSA 1978. The
0016| county shall provide voting machine technicians, voting machine
0017| programming and voting machine transportation and the municipality
0018| shall pay the reasonable fee charged by the county for such services
0019| and the use of the voting machines, but in no case in an amount which
0020| exceeds the actual cost to the county pursuant to Section 1-9-12 NMSA
0021| 1978.
0022| B. If voting machines are to be used, the municipal clerk
0023| shall order at least one voting machine for every polling place;
0024| provided that the clerk shall order a sufficient number of voting
0025| machines to assure that the eligible voters in that polling place
0001| shall be able to vote in a timely manner.
0002| C. Programming of electronic machines shall be performed
0003| under the supervision of the municipal clerk and the county clerk.
0004| The machines shall be programmed so that votes will be counted in
0005| accordance with specification for electronic voting machine adopted by
0006| the secretary of state.
0007| D. Immediately upon receipt of the notice of date, time and
0008| place of inspection and certification, the municipal clerk shall post
0009| such notice in the office of the municipal clerk and attempt to
0010| telephone the candidates at the phone number listed on the declaration
0011| of candidacy to give each candidate notice of the date, time and place
0012| of inspection and certification.
0013| E. Inspection and certification shall occur not later than
0014| seven days prior to the election and shall be open to the public.
0015| F. At the date, time and place for inspection and
0016| certification, in the presence of the county clerk and those municipal
0017| candidates present, if any, the municipal clerk shall:
0018| (1) test each counter for accuracy by casting votes
0019| upon it until it correctly registers each vote cast;
0020| (2) test each voting machine to assure that it has
0021| been correctly programmed; and
0022| (3) inform the county clerk when each machine is
0023| satisfactory and ready to be certified.
0024| G. If the municipal clerk informs the county clerk that a
0025| machine is satisfactory and ready to be certified, then:
0001| (1) the county clerk shall reset each counter at
0002| zero;
0003| (2) the county clerk shall insert the printer pack
0004| into the machine;
0005| (3) the voting machine shall be immediately sealed
0006| with a numbered metal seal so as to prevent operation of the machine
0007| or its registering counters without breaking the seal;
0008| (4) the municipal clerk shall prepare a certificate
0009| in triplicate for each machine that shall:
0010| (a) show the serial number of the voting
0011| machine;
0012| (b) state that the voting machine has all of its
0013| resettable registering counters set at zero;
0014| (c) state that the machine has been tested by
0015| voting on each registered counter to prove the counter is in perfect
0016| condition;
0017| (d) show the number of the metal seal that has
0018| sealed the machine; and
0019| (e) show the number registered on the protective
0020| counter;
0021| (5) a copy of the certificate shall be delivered to
0022| the county clerk, the original certificate shall be filed in the
0023| office of the municipal clerk and one copy shall be posted on the
0024| voting machine; and
0025| (6) if the voting machine requires keys, the keys to
0001| the voting machine shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope on which
0002| shall be written:
0003| (a) the number of the precinct and polling place
0004| to which the machine is assigned;
0005| (b) the serial number of that voting machine;
0006| (c) the number of the metal seal that has sealed
0007| the voting machine;
0008| (d) the number registered on the protective
0009| counter; and
0010| (e) across the seal of the envelope, the
0011| signatures of the county clerk, the municipal clerk and all candidates
0012| present, if any, at the inspection and certification.
0013| H. After certification of the voting machines, if the
0014| voting machines require keys, the county clerk shall keep the keys to
0015| the voting machines in his custody and shall deliver the keys to the
0016| municipal clerk when the voting machines are delivered for election.
0017| The municipal clerk shall secure in the office of the municipal clerk
0018| all the envelopes containing the keys to the voting machines until
0019| delivered to the presiding judge of the election.
0020| I. An objection to the use of a particular voting machine
0021| shall be filed in the district court within two days after the machine
0022| has been certified. Any objection so filed shall specify the number
0023| of the voting machine objected to and the reason for the objection.
0024| Each voting machine shall be conclusively presumed to be properly
0025| prepared for the election if it has been certified, unless a timely
0001| objection has been filed.
0002| J. Voting machines certified in accordance with this
0003| section shall be delivered to the assigned precinct polling place no
0004| earlier than five days prior to the election and no later than noon on
0005| the day prior to the election.
0006| K. The municipal clerk shall refuse to certify any voting
0007| machine that the municipal clerk determines is not programmed
0008| properly, is not working properly or will not fairly or accurately
0009| record votes. Only voting machines that have been certified by the
0010| municipal clerk shall be used in the election."
0011| Section 7. Section 3-8-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0012| 208, Section 24) is amended to read:
0014| PAPER BALLOTS--FORM--GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.--As used in this section,
0015| "paper ballots" means paper ballots used in lieu of voting machines
0016| and emergency paper ballots. Paper ballots shall be in the form
0017| prescribed by the municipal clerk, which shall conform to the fol-
0019| lowing rules.
0020| A. Paper ballots shall:
0021| (1) be numbered consecutively beginning with number
0022| one. The number shall be printed in the upper right-hand corner of
0023| the ballot with a diagonal perforated line appropriately placed so
0024| that the portion of the ballot bearing the number in the upper right-
0025| hand corner may be readily and easily detached from the ballot;
0001| (2) be uniform in size;
0002| (3) be printed on good quality paper;
0003| (4) be printed in plain black type;
0004| (5) have all words and phrases printed correctly and
0005| in their proper places; and
0006| (6) have district and precinct, if applicable.
0007| B. The following heading shall be printed on each paper
0008| ballot used in all municipal elections:
0010| Election held . . . . . . . . . . (insert date)".
0011| C. If the election is a regular municipal election, then
0012| the paper ballot shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of
0013| Section 3-8-29 NMSA 1978. In addition, next to each candidate's name
0014| shall appear an empty box to be used when voting for that candidate.
0015| Where space is allowed on a paper ballot for entering the name of a
0016| declared write-in candidate, that space shall be clearly designated by
0017| the use of the heading "Write-in Candidate". Below the heading shall
0018| appear one line, with a box to the right of the line, for each
0019| individual office holder to be elected. Below the last candidate's
0020| name shall appear any question presented, in the order designated by
0021| the governing body.
0022| D. If the election is a special municipal election, then
0023| questions presented shall be placed on the paper ballot in the order
0024| designated by the governing body.
0025| E. Next to each question presented on a paper ballot shall
0001| appear two empty boxes, one labeled "FOR" and the other labeled
0002| "AGAINST".
0003| F. At the bottom of all paper ballots shall be printed:
0004| "OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT", followed by a facsimile signature of the
0005| municipal clerk."
0006| Section 8. Section 3-8-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1971, Chapter
0007| 306, Section 8, as amended) is amended to read:
0009| A. In order to qualify as a member of the precinct board, a
0010| person shall:
0011| (1) be a resident qualified elector of the munici-
0013| pality and a resident of the precinct or consolidated precinct within
0014| the jurisdiction of the precinct board. However, if there is a
0015| shortage or absence of precinct board members in certain precincts or
0016| consolidated precincts, then a person who is a resident qualified
0017| elector of the municipality and a nonresident of the precinct or
0018| consolidated precinct may be appointed;
0019| (2) be able to read and write;
0020| (3) have the necessary capacity to carry out the
0021| functions of the office with acceptable skill and dispatch; and
0022| (4) execute the precinct board member's oath of
0023| office.
0024| B. No person shall be qualifed for appointment or service
0025| on a precinct board if that person is a:
0001| (1) candidate for any municipal office;
0002| (2) spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of any
0003| candidate to be voted for at the election;
0004| (3) sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal,
0005| state or municipal policeman;
0006| (4) spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of the
0007| municipal clerk or any deputy or assistant municipal clerk; or
0008| (5) municipal clerk or deputy or assistant municipal
0009| clerk.
0010| C. Not less than thirty-five days before the day of the mu-
0012| nicipal election, the governing body shall appoint a precinct board
0013| for each polling place. The precinct board shall consist of no fewer
0014| than three and no more than five members. Each board shall have no
0015| fewer than three election judges and no fewer than two election
0016| clerks. Election judges may also be appointed as election clerks.
0017| Not less than two alternates shall be appointed who shall become
0018| either election judges or election clerks or both as the need arises.
0019| On the thirty-fifth day before the day of the election, the municipal
0020| clerk shall post and maintain in the clerk's office until the day of
0021| the election the names of the election judges, election clerks and
0022| alternates for each polling place. The posting of the names of the
0023| election judges, election clerks and alternates for each polling place
0024| may be proved by an affidavit signed by the municipal clerk. The
0025| municipal clerk shall, by mail, notify each person appointed, request
0001| a written acceptance and keep a record of all notifications and
0002| acceptances. The notice shall state the date by which the person must
0003| accept the appointment. If any person appointed to a precinct board,
0004| or as an alternate, fails to accept an appointment within seven days
0005| after the notice is sent, the position shall be deemed vacant and the
0006| position shall be filled as provided in this section.
0007| D. The county clerk shall furnish upon request of the
0008| municipal clerk the names and addresses of qualified precinct board
0009| members for general elections, and such precinct board members may be
0010| appointed as precinct board members for municipal elections.
0011| E. The municipal clerk shall appoint a qualified elector as
0012| a precinct board member to fill any vacancy which may occur between
0013| the day when the list of precinct board members is posted and the day
0014| of the election. If a vacancy occurs on the day of the election, the
0015| precinct board members present at the polling place may appoint by a
0016| majority vote a qualified elector to fill the vacancy. If the vacancy
0017| was filled after the date of the election school, then that person
0018| need not attend an election school in order to validly serve on the
0019| precinct board.
0020| F. Members of a precinct board shall be compensated for
0021| their services at the rate provided in Section 1-2-16 NMSA 1978 for
0022| the day of the election. The governing body may authorize payment to
0023| alternates who are required by the precinct board or municipal clerk
0024| to stand by on election day at the rate of not more than twenty
0025| dollars ($20.00) for the day of the election.
0001| G. Compensation shall be paid within thirty days following
0002| the date of election."
0003| Section 9. Section 3-8-26 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter
0004| 300, Section 14-8-4, as amended) is amended to read:
0007| A. Not earlier than one hundred and twelve days or later
0008| than eighty-four days prior to the date of a regular municipal elec-
0010| tion, the governing body shall adopt an election resolution calling
0011| for the regular municipal election. The election resolution shall be
0012| published in both English and Spanish and once within fifteen days of
0013| adoption and again not less than sixty days prior to the election or
0014| more than seventy-five days prior to the election, as provided in
0015| Subsection J of Section 3-1-2 NMSA 1978. In addition, the election
0016| resolution shall be posted in the office of the municipal clerk within
0017| twenty-four hours from the date of adoption until the date of the
0018| election. For information purposes and coordination, one copy of the
0019| election resolution shall be mailed within fifteen days of adoption to
0020| the secretary of state and the county clerk of the county in which the
0021| municipality is located.
0022| B. The resolution shall state the date when the election
0023| will be held, the offices to be filled, the questions to be submitted
0024| to the voters, the date and time of the closing of the registration
0025| books by the county clerk as required by law, the date and time for
0001| filing the declaration of candidacy, the location of polling places
0002| and the consolidation of precincts, if any, notwithstanding any
0003| conflicting provisions of Section 1-3-5 NMSA 1978. Any question to be
0004| submitted to the voters in addition to the election of municipal offi-
0006| cers may be included in the election resolution, but such inclusion
0007| shall not substitute for any additional or separate resolution or
0008| publication thereof as required by law.
0009| C. In those municipalities allowed by law to use paper bal-
0011| lots, the election resolution shall also state whether paper ballots
0012| or voting machines will be used in the election."
0013| Section 10. Section 3-8-27 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter
0014| 300, Section 14-8-8, as amended) is amended to read:
0017| A. Candidate filing day shall be between the hours of 8:00
0018| a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the fifty-sixth day preceding the day of elec-
0020| tion. On candidate filing day, a candidate for municipal office shall
0021| personally appear at the office of the municipal clerk to file all
0022| documents required by law in order to cause a person to be certified
0023| as a candidate. Alternatively, on candidate filing day, a person
0024| acting solely on the candidate's behalf, by virtue of a written
0025| affidavit of authorization signed by the candidate, notarized and
0001| presented to the municipal clerk by such person, shall file in the
0002| office of the municipal clerk all documents required by law in order
0003| to cause a person to be certified as a candidate.
0004| B. On candidate filing day, each candidate shall cause to
0005| be filed in the office of the municipal clerk a declaration of
0006| candidacy and a certified copy of the candidate's current affidavit of
0007| voter registration on file with the county clerk which has been
0008| certified by the office of the county clerk on a date not earlier than
0009| the adoption of the election resolution.
0010| C. All candidates shall cause their affidavits of voter
0011| registration to show their address as a street address or rural route
0012| number and not as a post office box.
0013| D. The municipal clerk shall provide a form for the
0014| declaration of candidacy and shall accept only those declarations of
0015| candidacy which contain:
0016| (1) the identical name and the identical resident
0017| street address as shown on the affidavit of registration of the
0018| candidate submitted with the declaration of candidacy;
0019| (2) the office and term to which the candidate seeks
0020| election and district designation, if appropriate;
0021| (3) a statement that the candidate is eligible and
0022| legally qualified to hold the office for which the candidate is
0023| filing;
0024| (4) a statement that the candidate has not been
0025| convicted of a felony or, if the candidate has been convicted of a
0001| felony, a statement that the candidate's elective franchise has been
0002| restored;
0003| (5) a statement that the candidate or the candidate's
0004| authorized representative shall personally appear at the office of the
0005| municipal clerk during normal business hours on the fifty-fourth day
0006| before the election to ascertain whether the municipal clerk has
0007| certified the declaration of candidacy as valid;
0008| (6) a telephone number at which the candidate or the
0009| candidate's authorized representative can be reached for purposes of
0010| giving telephone notice;
0011| (7) a statement to the effect that the declaration of
0012| candidacy is an affidavit under oath and that any false statement
0013| knowingly made therein constitutes a fourth degree felony under the
0014| laws of New Mexico; and
0015| (8) the notarized signature of the candidate on the
0016| declaration of candidacy.
0017| E. The municipal clerk shall not accept a declaration of
0018| candidacy for more than one municipal elected office per candidate, so
0019| that each candidate declares for only one municipal elected office.
0020| F. Once filed, the declaration of candidacy is a public
0021| record.
0022| G. Not later than the fifty-fifth day preceding the day of
0023| the election, the municipal clerk shall determine whether the
0024| declaration of candidacy shall be certified. In order to be certified
0025| as a candidate, the documents submitted to the municipal clerk shall
0001| prove that the individual is a qualified elector as defined in
0002| Subsection K of Section 3-1-2 NMSA 1978 and, if appropriate, that the
0003| individual resides in and is registered to vote in the municipal
0004| election district from which the individual seeks election. In the
0005| event that an individual fails to submit to the municipal clerk on
0006| candidate filing day the documents listed in Subsection B of this
0007| section in the form and with the contents as required by this section,
0008| then the municipal clerk shall not certify that individual as a
0009| candidate for municipal office.
0010| H. The municipal clerk shall post in the clerk's office a
0011| list of the names of those individuals who have been certified as
0012| candidates. The municipal clerk shall also post in the clerk's office
0013| the names of those individuals who have not been certified as
0014| candidates, along with all the reasons therefor. Such posting shall
0015| occur no later than 9:00 a.m. on the fifty-fourth day preceding the
0016| election.
0017| I. Not later than 5:00 p.m. on the forty-ninth day before
0018| the day of the election, a candidate for municipal office may file an
0019| affidavit on the form provided by the municipal clerk in the office of
0020| the municipal clerk stating that he is no longer a candidate for
0021| municipal office. A municipal clerk shall not place on the ballot the
0022| name of any person who has filed an affidavit as provided in this
0023| subsection.
0024| J. Not later than 10:00 a.m. on the forty-eighth day
0025| preceding the election, the municipal clerk shall confirm with the
0001| printer on contract with the municipality and the county clerk the
0002| names of the candidates and their position on the ballot.
0003| K. Any person knowingly making a false statement in the
0004| declaration of candidacy is guilty of a fourth degree felony.
0005| L. No person shall be elected to municipal office as a
0006| write-in candidate unless that person has been certified as a declared
0007| write-in candidate by the municipal clerk, as follows:
0008| (1) write-in candidates filing day shall be on the
0009| forty-second day preceding the election between the hours of 8:00 a.m.
0010| and 5:00 p.m.;
0011| (2) write-in candidates shall file a declaration of
0012| write-in candidacy with the same documents and satisfy the same
0013| requirements as established in this section for candidates;
0014| (3) the municipal clerk shall, on the forty-first day
0015| preceding the election, certify those individuals who have satisfied
0016| the requirements of this section as declared write-in candidates;
0017| (4) not later than 9:00 a.m. on the fortieth day
0018| preceding the election, the municipal clerk shall, in the office of
0019| the municipal clerk:
0020| (a) post the names of those individuals who have
0021| been certified as declared write-in candidates; and
0022| (b) post the names of those individuals who have
0023| not been certified as declared write-in candidates along with the
0024| reasons therefor; and
0025| (5) not later than 5:00 p.m. on the twenty-eighth day
0001| preceding the election, a declared write-in candidate may file an
0002| affidavit that he is no longer a write-in candidate for municipal
0003| office. In the event that a declared write-in candidate files such an
0004| affidavit of withdrawal, any votes for such a candidate shall not be
0005| counted and canvassed."
0006| Section 11. Section 3-8-40 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0007| 208, Section 48, as amended) is amended to read:
0010| A. No person shall vote in a municipal special or regular
0011| election unless that person is a qualified elector and he has appeared
0012| to vote at the polling place in the precinct or consolidated precinct
0013| which encompasses his place of residence as shown on the signature
0014| roster.
0015| B. No person shall vote whose name and affidavit of
0016| registration number appears on the list of voters purged from the
0017| rolls unless that person has again completed an affidavit of
0018| registration and his name also appears on the signature roster.
0019| C. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections A and B of
0020| this section, a person shall be permitted to vote even though that
0021| person's name cannot be found in the signature roster, provided:
0022| (1) his residence is within the boundaries of the
0023| municipality and within the boundaries of the precinct in which he
0024| offers to vote;
0025| (2) his name is not on the purged list or his name
0001| has been incorrectly placed on the purged list;
0002| (3) his name is not on the list of persons having
0003| been issued absentee ballots;
0004| (4) he presents a certificate bearing the seal and
0005| signature of the county clerk stating that his duplicate affidavit of
0006| registration is on file at the county clerk's office, that he has not
0007| been purged and that he shall be permitted to vote in the precinct and
0008| election specified therein, provided that such authorization shall not
0009| be given orally by the county clerk; and
0010| (5) he executes a statement swearing or affirming to
0011| the best of his knowledge that he is a qualified elector resident of
0012| the municipality, currently registered and eligible to vote in that
0013| precinct and has not cast a ballot or voted in the election.
0014| D. Upon compliance with the requirements of Subsection C of
0015| this section, the election judge shall cause the election clerks to:
0016| (1) write the person's name and address, as shown on
0017| the certificate, in the signature roster under the heading for name
0018| and address in the first blank space immediately below the last name
0019| and address appearing in the signature roster;
0020| (2) insert the person's ballot number or voter number
0021| as shown on the public counter of the voting machine on the
0022| certificate and on his executed sworn statement;
0023| (3) retain the completed certificate and the executed
0024| sworn statement, which shall be returned to the municipal clerk with
0025| the election returns; and
0001| (4) comply with all relevant requirements of Section
0002| 3-8-41 NMSA 1978.
0003| E. After canvass, the municipal clerk shall in writing
0004| notify the county clerk of the names of all individuals voting on
0005| triplicate affidavits of registration or certificates.
0006| F. A person who knowingly executes a false statement
0007| required by Paragraph (5) of Subsection C of this section is guilty of
0008| perjury as provided in the Criminal Code of this state, and voting on
0009| the basis of such falsely executed statement constitutes fraudulent
0010| voting.
0011| G. A person not entitled to vote who fraudulently votes or
0012| a person who votes or offers to vote more than once at any election is
0013| guilty of a fourth degree felony."
0014| Section 12. Section 3-8-43 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0015| 208, Section 51, as amended) is amended to read:
0018| A. A challenge may be interposed by a member of the
0019| precinct board or by a challenger for the following reasons, which
0020| shall be stated in an audible tone by the person making the challenge:
0021| (1) the person offering to vote is not registered;
0022| (2) the person offering to vote is listed on the
0023| purge list or is listed among those persons in the precinct to whom an
0024| absentee ballot was issued;
0025| (3) the person offering to vote is not a qualified
0001| elector;
0002| (4) the person offering to vote is not listed on the
0003| signature roster or voter registration list;
0004| (5) in the case of an absentee ballot, if the
0005| official mailing envelope containing an absentee ballot has been
0006| opened prior to delivery of absentee ballots to the absent voter
0007| precinct board; or
0008| (6) the person offering to vote is a qualified
0009| elector of the municipality but does not reside in the district where
0010| he is offering to vote.
0011| B. When a person has offered to vote and a challenge is
0012| interposed and the person's name appears in the signature roster or
0013| his name has been entered in the signature roster pursuant to
0014| Subsection D of Section 3-8-40 NMSA 1978, the election clerk shall
0015| write the word "challenged" above the person's signature in the
0016| signature roster.
0017| (1) If the challenge is unanimously affirmed by the
0018| election judges, then:
0019| (a) the election clerk shall write the word
0020| "affirmed" above the person's signature next to the challenge notation
0021| in the signature roster;
0022| (b) the person shall nevertheless be furnished a
0023| paper ballot, whether or not voting machines are being used at the
0024| polling place, and the election clerk shall write the number of the
0025| ballot so furnished next to the person's signature in the signature
0001| roster;
0002| (c) the person shall be allowed to mark and
0003| prepare the ballot. He shall return the paper ballot to an election
0004| judge who shall announce the person's name in an audible tone and in
0005| his presence place the challenged ballot in an envelope marked
0006| "rejected", which shall be sealed and the person's name shall be
0007| written on such envelope; and
0008| (d) the envelope containing the rejected ballot
0009| shall then be deposited in the ballot box and shall not be counted.
0010| (2) If the challenge is not unanimously affirmed by
0011| the election judges, then:
0012| (a) the election clerks shall write the words
0013| "not affirmed" above the person's signature next to the challenge
0014| notation in the signature roster; and
0015| (b) the person shall be allowed to vote in the
0016| manner allowed by law as if the challenge had not been interposed.
0017| C. A required challenge shall be interposed by the precinct
0018| board when a person attempts to offer himself to vote and demands to
0019| vote and his name does not appear on the signature roster and cannot
0020| be entered pursuant to Subsection D of Section 3-8-40 NMSA 1978. A
0021| required challenge shall be interposed by the precinct board as
0022| follows:
0023| (1) the election judge shall cause the election
0024| clerks to enter the person's name and address under the heading "name
0025| and address" in the signature roster in the first blank space
0001| immediately below the last name and address that appears in the
0002| signature roster;
0003| (2) the election clerk shall immediately write the
0004| words "required challenge" above the space provided for the person's
0005| signature in the signature roster;
0006| (3) the person shall sign his name in the signature
0007| roster;
0008| (4) the person shall nevertheless be furnished a
0009| paper ballot, whether or not voting machines are being used at the
0010| polling place, and the election clerk shall write the number of the
0011| ballot so furnished next to the person's signature in the signature
0012| roster; and
0013| (5) the person shall be allowed to mark and prepare
0014| the ballot. He shall return the paper ballot to an election judge who
0015| shall announce his name in an audible tone and in his presence place
0016| the required challenge ballot in an envelope marked "rejected--
0017| required challenge" which shall be sealed. The person's name shall be
0018| written on the envelope and the envelope containing the rejected
0019| ballot shall then be deposited in the ballot box and shall not be
0020| counted."
0021| Section 13. Section 3-8-47 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0022| 208, Section 55) is amended to read:
0001| A. After all certificates have been executed, the precinct
0002| board shall place one copy of the signature roster and one copy of the
0003| machine-printed returns in the stamped, addressed envelope provided
0004| for that purpose by the municipal clerk and immediately mail it to the
0005| district court.
0006| B. The following election returns and materials shall not
0007| be placed in the ballot box and shall be returned by the precinct
0008| board to the municipal clerk in the envelope provided by the municipal
0009| clerk for such purpose:
0010| (1) all ballot box keys;
0011| (2) one signature roster;
0012| (3) one voter registration list;
0013| (4) the election returns certificate;
0014| (5) one copy of the machine-printed returns;
0015| (6) a machine cartridge for any electronic;
0016| (7) voting machine permits; and
0017| (8) all unused election supplies.
0018| C. The locked ballot box containing any paper ballot cast
0019| in the election, election returns and all material listed in
0020| Subsection B of this section shall be returned by the precinct board
0021| to the municipal clerk within twenty-four hours after the polls close.
0022| D. After receipt of ballot boxes and election returns and
0023| materials but not later than twenty-four hours after the polls close,
0024| the municipal clerk shall ascertain whether the locked ballot box and
0025| all the election returns and materials enumerated in Subsection B of
0001| this section have been returned to the municipal clerk as provided in
0002| Subsection C of this section. If the locked ballot box or all such
0003| election returns and materials are not timely returned by each
0004| precinct board, then the municipal clerk shall immediately issue a
0005| summons requiring the delinquent precinct board to appear and produce
0006| the missing ballot box or election returns or materials within twenty-
0007| four hours. The summons shall be served by a sheriff or state police
0008| officer without cost to the municipality, and the members of the
0009| precinct board shall not be paid for their service on election day
0010| unless the delay was unavoidable. If delivery pursuant to the summons
0011| is not timely made, then the vote in the precinct shall not be
0012| canvassed or made a part of the final election results except upon
0013| order of the district court after finding that the delay in the
0014| delivery of materials was due to forces beyond the control of the
0015| precinct board.
0016| E. Once the ballot box is locked, it shall not be opened
0017| prior to canvassing by the municipal clerk."
0018| Section 14. Section 3-8-48 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0019| 208, Section 56) is amended to read:
0022| MACHINES.--
0023| A. Only one emergency paper ballot or paper ballot shall be
0024| given to each qualified elector entitled to vote. The ballots shall
0025| be delivered to qualified electors entitled to vote in consecutive
0001| order, beginning with the lowest numbered ballot.
0002| B. No qualified elector entitled to vote shall receive a
0003| ballot from any person other than from an election judge at the
0004| polling place where the person is authorized to vote. No person other
0005| than an election judge shall deliver a ballot to any qualified elector
0006| entitled to vote.
0007| C. Unless otherwise provided by law, when voting machines
0008| are used as voting booths to mark emergency paper ballots, they shall
0009| not be occupied by more than one person at a time. A person shall not
0010| remain in or occupy such voting machine longer than is necessary to
0011| mark and prepare his emergency paper ballot, which shall not exceed
0012| five minutes.
0013| D. The ballot shall be used and completed in the manner
0014| prescribed in Section 1-12-25.1 NMSA 1978 and returned to the
0015| presiding judge who shall place it in a locked ballot box to be
0016| counted when the machine is repaired or replaced or at the time the
0017| polls close. Counting and handling marksense ballots in emergency
0018| situations shall be done as prescribed for emergency paper ballots."
0019| Section 15. Section 3-8-55 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0020| 208, Section 63) is amended to read:
0023| A. The municipal clerk shall immediately issue a summons
0024| directed to the precinct board, commanding it to appear and make the
0025| necessary corrections or supply omissions or any missing election
0001| returns if:
0002| (1) it appears on the face of the election returns
0003| that any certificate has not been properly executed;
0004| (2) it appears that there is a discrepancy within the
0005| election returns;
0006| (3) it appears that there is a discrepancy between
0007| the number of votes set forth in the certificate for all candidates
0008| and the number of electors voting as shown by the election returns;
0009| (4) it appears that there is any omission,
0010| informality, ambiguity, error or uncertainty on the face of the
0011| returns; or
0012| (5) it appears that there are missing election
0013| returns.
0014| B. If any member or members of the precinct board fail to
0015| appear as required, the municipal clerk shall immediately issue a
0016| summons commanding them to appear. The summons shall be served by a
0017| sheriff or state police officer as in the manner of civil cases, and
0018| for each service a sheriff or state police officer shall be allowed
0019| the same mileage as is paid in civil cases.
0020| C. After issuing the necessary notifications or summonses,
0021| the canvass of all correct election returns shall proceed."
0022| Section 16. Section 3-8-71 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0023| 208, Section 79, as amended) is amended to read:
0025| A. The municipal clerk shall retain for two years after
0001| each municipal election:
0002| (1) the absentee ballot register and ballots,
0003| application for absentee ballots, absentee voter lists and affidavits
0004| of destruction;
0005| (2) the signature roster and registered voter list;
0006| (3) the machine-printed returns;
0007| (4) oaths of office of the precinct board;
0008| (5) the declarations of candidacy and withdrawals;
0009| (6) election resolution;
0010| (7) proof of all publications;
0011| (8) copies of all election material required to be
0012| published or posted;
0013| (9) copies of all sample ballots and ballot labels;
0014| (10) voting machine permits;
0015| (11) affidavits of triplicate voter registration or
0016| certificates submitted by voters;
0017| (12) copies of all affidavits and certificates
0018| prepared in connection with the election;
0019| (13) certificates of canvass and amended certificates
0020| of canvass, if any;
0021| (14) all results of recounts, rechecks, contests and
0022| recanvass; and
0023| (15) all other significant election materials.
0024| B. The district court shall retain for forty-five days
0025| after each municipal election all election materials sent by the
0001| precinct board. Thereafter, the material may be destroyed unless
0002| needed by the court in connection with a contest or other case or
0003| controversy.
0004| C. The municipal clerk shall destroy election records two
0005| years after the election by shredding, burning or otherwise
0006| destroying."
0007| Section 17. Section 3-8-77 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0008| 208, Section 85) is amended to read:
0011| A. Electioneering too close to the polling place consists
0012| of any form of campaigning on election day within one hundred feet of
0013| the building in which the polling place is located and includes but is
0014| not limited to the display of signs, bumper stickers or distribution
0015| of campaign literature.
0016| B. A person who commits electioneering too close to the
0017| polling place is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
0018| C. Obstructing the polling place consists of:
0019| (1) approaching nearer than fifty feet from any
0020| polling place during the conduct of the election with the intention of
0021| knowingly interfering with the legal conduct of the election; or
0022| (2) willfully blocking an entrance to the polling
0023| place so as to prevent free ingress and egress.
0024| D. A person who obstructs the polling place is guilty of a
0025| petty misdemeanor.
0001| E. Disturbing the polling place consists of doing one or
0002| more of the following acts in the building in which the polling place
0003| is located or outside the building in which the polling place is
0004| located on election day:
0005| (1) any act which knowingly interferes with or
0006| impedes the legal conduct of the election or the legal performance of
0007| any election official's duties or any act which unintentionally causes
0008| such result if such act is continued after an election judge orders a
0009| person to cease and desist such activity; or
0010| (2) any act which knowingly interferes with or
0011| impedes a person's right to cast a vote in quiet, secret and orderly
0012| surroundings or any act which unintentionally causes such result if
0013| such act is continued after an election judge orders a person to cease
0014| and desist such activity.
0015| F. A person who disturbs the polling place is guilty of a
0016| petty misdemeanor."
0017| Section 18. Section 3-8-78 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1985, Chapter
0018| 208, Section 86) is amended to read:
0022| A. Coercion of employees consists of any officer or agent
0023| of any corporation, company or association or any person having
0024| supervision over or employing persons entitled to vote at any election
0025| directly or indirectly discharging or penalizing or threatening to
0001| discharge or penalize such employee because of the employee's opinions
0002| or beliefs or because of such employee's intention to vote or to
0003| refrain from voting for any candidate or for or against any question.
0004| B. A person who commits coercion of employees is guilty of
0005| a fourth degree felony.
0006| C. Permitting prisoners to vote consists of any person who
0007| has custody of convicts or prisoners taking such convicts or prisoners
0008| or permitting them to be taken to any polling place for the purpose of
0009| voting in any election.
0010| D. A person who permits prisoners to vote is guilty of a
0011| petty misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one
0012| hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500), or
0013| by imprisonment for not less than thirty days nor more than ninety
0014| days, or both.
0015| E. Subsection C and Subsection D of this section do not
0016| prohibit permitting prisoners who are legally qualified to vote to
0017| cast an absentee ballot pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal
0018| Election Code.
0019| F. Malfeasance by messengers consists of the willful delay
0020| or failure of any official messenger to convey or deliver election
0021| supplies to the precinct board or municipal clerk, the willful delay
0022| or failure of any official messenger to convey or deliver the ballot
0023| box, key, election returns or other election materials, documents or
0024| supplies to the municipal clerk or precinct board or the willful delay
0025| or failure of any official messenger to perform as required by any
0001| precinct board member or the municipal clerk who makes a legal demand.
0002| G. Any messenger committing such malfeasance is guilty of a
0003| petty misdemeanor.
0004| H. Unlawful use or possession of alcoholic liquor or
0005| illegal drugs consists of the use or possession of any alcoholic
0006| liquor or illegal drug by any member of the precinct board,
0007| challengers, watchers or the municipal clerk prior to or while
0008| performing official duties on election day. Unlawful use or
0009| possession also consists of the use, possession or carrying of
0010| alcoholic liquor or illegal drugs within two hundred feet of the
0011| polling place during any election.
0012| I. A person who commits unlawful possession of alcoholic
0013| liquor or illegal drugs is guilty of a petty misdemeanor."
0014| Section 19. Section 3-9-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter
0015| 375, Section 7, as amended) is amended to read:
0017| ENVELOPES.--
0018| A. The form of the absentee ballot shall be, as nearly as
0019| practicable, in the same form as prescribed by the municipal clerk for
0020| emergency paper ballots or paper ballots used in lieu of voting
0021| machines. However, to reduce weight and bulk for transport of
0022| absentee ballots, the size and weight of the paper for envelopes,
0023| ballots and instructions shall be reduced as much as is practicable.
0024| The ballots shall provide for sequential numbering.
0025| B. Absentee ballots and envelopes shall be delivered by the
0001| printer to the municipal clerk not later than thirty-five days prior
0002| to the date of the election to be held.
0003| C. The municipal clerk shall prescribe the form of:
0004| (1) official inner envelopes for use in sealing the
0005| completed absentee ballot;
0006| (2) official mailing envelopes for use in returning
0007| the official inner envelope to the municipal clerk;
0008| (3) absentee ballot instructions, describing proper
0009| methods for completion of the ballot and returning it; and
0010| (4) official transmittal envelopes for use by the
0011| municipal clerk in mailing absentee ballot materials.
0012| D. Official transmittal envelopes and official mailing
0013| envelopes for transmission of absentee ballot materials to and from
0014| the municipal clerk and federal voters and federal qualified electors
0015| shall be printed in red in the form prescribed by postal regulations
0016| and the Federal Voting Assistance Act of 1955. Official transmittal
0017| envelopes and official mailing envelopes for transmission of absentee
0018| ballot materials to and from the municipal clerk shall be printed in
0019| green in substantially similar form. All official inner envelopes
0020| shall be printed in green.
0021| E. The reverse of each official mailing envelope shall
0022| contain a form to be signed by the person completing the absentee
0023| ballot. The form shall identify the person and shall contain the
0024| following statement: "I will not vote in this election other than by
0025| the enclosed ballot. I will not receive or offer any compensation or
0001| reward for giving or withholding any vote."."
0002| Section 20. Section 3-9-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter
0003| 375, Section 8, as amended by Laws 1995, Chapter 98, Section 2 and
0004| also by Laws 1995, Chapter 200, Section 7) is amended to read:
0005| "3-9-7. MANNER OF VOTING.--
0006| A. Any person voting an absentee ballot under the provi-
0008| sions of the Municipal Election Code shall secretly mark the ballot in
0009| the manner provided in the Municipal Election Code for marking
0010| emergency paper ballots, remove any visible number on the ballot,
0011| place the ballot in the official inner envelope and securely seal the
0012| envelope. The person voting shall then place the official inner
0013| envelope inside the official mailing envelope and securely seal the
0014| envelope. The person voting shall then fill in the form on the
0015| reverse of the official mailing envelope.
0016| B. Federal voters and federal qualified electors shall
0017| either deliver or mail the official mailing envelope to the municipal
0018| clerk of their municipality of residence or deliver it to a person
0019| designated by federal authority to receive executed ballots for
0020| transmission to the municipal clerk of the municipality of residence.
0021| Voters shall either deliver or mail the official mailing envelope to
0022| the municipal clerk of their municipality of residence.
0023| C. Any person voting on the marksense ballot shall
0024| secretly mark the ballot by completing the arrow in pencil
0025| directly to the right of the candidate's name or the proposed
0001| question. The voter shall then place the marked ballot in the
0002| official inner envelope and securely seal the envelope and then
0003| place the official inner envelope inside the official mailing
0004| envelope and securely seal the envelope. The voter shall then
0005| complete the form on the reverse of the official mailing
0006| envelope."