57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025












     SECTION 1. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:

     "[NEW MATERIAL] SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the "Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act"."

     SECTION 2. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:

     "[NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act:

          A. "ammunition" means ammunition or cartridge cases, primers, bullets or propellent powder designed for use in a firearm;

          B. "cycle the action" means to extract the fired cartridge case, chamber the next cartridge and prepare the firing mechanism to fire again;

          C. "fixed magazine" means an ammunition feeding device contained in, or permanently attached to, a firearm in such a manner that the device cannot be removed without disassembly of the firearm action;

          D. "gas-operated" means a firearm that harnesses or traps a portion of the high-pressure gas from a fired cartridge to cycle the action using:

                (1) a long stroke piston, in which gas is vented from the barrel to a piston that is mechanically fixed to the bolt group and moves to cycle the action;

                (2) a short stroke piston, in which gas is vented from the barrel to a piston that moves separately from the bolt group so that the energy is imparted through a gas piston to cycle the action;

                (3) a system that traps and vents gas from either the barrel or the chamber to directly strike or impinge the bolt, bolt carrier or slide assembly to unlock and cycle the action;

                (4) a hybrid system that combines elements of a system described in Paragraph (3) of this subsection with a system described in Paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection to capture gas vented from the barrel to cycle the action; or

                (5) a blowback-operated system that directly uses the expanding gases of the ignited propellant powder acting on the cartridge case to drive the breechblock or breech bolt rearward;

          E. "immediate family member" means a spouse, a parent, a child, a sibling, a grandparent, a grandchild, a great-grandchild, a niece, a nephew, a first cousin, an aunt or an uncle;

          F. "large-capacity ammunition feeding device":

                (1) means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, helical feeding device or similar device, including a device joined or coupled with another in any manner, that has an overall capacity of, or that can be readily restored, altered or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition; and

                (2) does not include a device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 or less caliber rimfire ammunition;

          G. "machine gun" has the same meaning as set forth in Section 5845(b) of the National Firearms Act and includes a semiautomatic firearm that has been modified in a way that approximates the action or rate of fire of a machine gun;

          H. "rapid fire device":

                (1) means a manual, power-driven or electronic device primarily designed or redesigned so that if the device is attached to a semiautomatic firearm, the device:

                     (a) materially increases the rate of fire of the firearm; or

                     (b) enables the semiautomatic firearm to approximate the action or rate of fire of a machine gun;

                (2) means a device, part or combination of parts that is designed and functions to materially increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm by eliminating the need for the operator of the firearm to make a separate movement for each individual function of the trigger; and

                (3) does not include a part or combination of parts designed and intended to convert a semiautomatic firearm into a fully automatic firearm; and

          I. "semiautomatic firearm" means a firearm that:

                (1) upon initiating the firing sequence, fires the first chambered cartridge and uses a portion of the energy of the firing cartridge to:

                     (a) extract the expended cartridge case;

                     (b) chamber the next round; and

                     (c) prepare the firing mechanism to fire again;

                (2) requires a separate pull, release, push or initiation of the trigger to fire each cartridge; and

                (3) is not a machine gun."

     SECTION 3. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. Beginning July 1, 2025, and except as provided in Subsection C or D of this section or Section 8 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act, it is unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer or receive any of the following firearms, devices or combinations of parts:

                (1) a firearm that is included on the list of prohibited gas-operated semiautomatic firearms identified by the attorney general;

                (2) a modified non-prohibited firearm that, as modified, operates as a firearm included on the list of prohibited gas-operated semiautomatic firearms identified by the attorney general; 

                (3) a combination of parts that is designed and functions to modify an otherwise non-prohibited firearm so that the firearm, as modified, operates as a gas-operated semiautomatic firearm included on the list of prohibited gas-operated semiautomatic firearms identified by the attorney general;

                (4) a combination of parts that is designed to be assembled into a firearm that operates as a firearm included on the list of prohibited gas-operated semiautomatic firearms identified by the attorney general; or

                (5) a combination of parts that functions to produce a gas-operated semiautomatic cycling action.

          B. Beginning January 1, 2026, and except as provided in Subsection C or D of this section or Section 8 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act, it is unlawful for a person to possess a firearm, device or combination of parts described in Paragraphs (1) through (5) of Subsection A of this section.

          C. Subsections A and B of this section do not apply:

                (1) to the importation or manufacture by or for, sale or transfer to or possession by or under the authority of the United States or any department or agency thereof or a state or an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo or a department, an agency or a political subdivision thereof;

                (2) to the importation or manufacture for, sale or transfer to or possession by, a licensee under Title 1 of the federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954 for purposes of establishing and maintaining an on-site physical security protection system and security organization required by federal law, or the transfer to, or possession by, a contractor of such a licensee on-site for such purposes or off-site for purposes of licensee-authorized training or transportation of nuclear materials;

                (3) to the possession of a gas-operated semiautomatic firearm that was lawfully:

                     (a) manufactured prior to July 1, 2025;

                     (b) transferred by the manufacturer to another party; and

                     (c) certified by the owner, in accordance with Section 7 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act, that the owner owned the firearm and certified it prior to January 1, 2026 or received the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm from an immediate family member who owned and certified the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm prior to January 1, 2026;

                (4) to the transfer and possession of a gas- operated semiautomatic firearm that is lawfully possessed before January 1, 2026 in accordance with Paragraph (3) of this subsection, in which:

                     (a) the transferee is an immediate family member of the transferor; and

                     (b) upon taking possession of the firearm, the person to whom the firearm was transferred certifies the firearm in accordance with Section 7 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act; or

                (5) to the transfer of a gas-operated semiautomatic firearm certified in accordance with Section 7 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act to a person residing in another state or maintaining it in another state or to a licensed firearms dealer.

          D. A gas-operated semiautomatic firearm that is lawfully certified in accordance with the process established by the attorney general pursuant to Section 7 of the Gas- Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act may only be possessed:

                (1) on private property owned or immediately controlled by the firearm owner;

                (2) on private property that is not open to the public with the express permission of the person who owns or immediately controls the property;

                (3) while on the premises of a licensed firearms dealer or gunsmith for the purpose of lawful transfer or repair of the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm;

                (4) while engaged in the legal use of the firearm at a properly licensed firing range or sport shooting competition venue; or

                (5) while traveling to or from the locations described in Paragraphs (1) through (4) of this subsection; provided that the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm is unloaded and the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm is enclosed in a case, firearm carrying box, shipping box or other container.

          E. Licensed firearms dealers shall mark all gas-operated semiautomatic firearms imported or manufactured under Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection C of this section after January 1, 2026 in the manner prescribed by the attorney general before a transfer under Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection C of this section.

          F. For purposes of this section, "gas-operated semiautomatic firearm" does not include:

                (1) a firearm designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 or less caliber rimfire ammunition;

                (2) a rifle that:

                     (a) is a single-shot rifle;

                     (b) is a breech loading rifle with a capacity not to exceed two rounds of ammunition;

                     (c) is a muzzleloading rifle or smoothbore shoulder-fired firearm;

                     (d) uses a bolt action, lever action or pump action to cycle the action of the rifle; or

                     (e) has a fixed magazine with a capacity not to exceed ten rounds of ammunition;

                (3) a shotgun that:

                     (a) is a single-shot shotgun;

                     (b) is a breech loading shotgun with a capacity not to exceed two rounds of ammunition;

                     (c) is a muzzleloading shotgun;

                     (d) uses a bolt action, lever action or pump action to cycle the action of the shotgun;

                     (e) is a semiautomatic or autoloading shotgun that does not use detachable magazines; or

                     (f) has a fixed magazine with a capacity not to exceed ten rounds of ammunition;

                (4) a breech loading firearm capable of holding a single cartridge and a single shotgun shell simultaneously that must be reloaded after firing those rounds of ammunition; or

                (5) a handgun that:

                     (a) is a single-shot handgun;

                     (b) is a breech loading handgun with a capacity not to exceed two rounds of ammunition;

                     (c) is a muzzleloading or smoothbore handgun;

                     (d) uses a bolt action to cycle the action of the handgun;

                     (e) is a single- or double-action revolver;

                     (f) is a single- or double-action semiautomatic handgun that uses recoil to cycle the action of the handgun;

                     (g) is a single- or double-action semiautomatic handgun under eight inches in overall length that uses blowback to cycle the action of the handgun; or

                     (h) has a fixed magazine with a capacity not to exceed ten rounds of ammunition."

     SECTION 4. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. Except as provided in Subsections B and C of this section and Section 8 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act, on or after July 1, 2025, it is unlawful for a person to:

                (1) import, sell, manufacture, transfer or receive a large-capacity ammunition feeding device; or

                (2) possess a large-capacity ammunition feeding device manufactured after July 1, 2025.

          B. Subsection A of this section does not apply to the transfer of a large capacity ammunition feeding device to a person residing in another state or maintaining it in another state or to a licensed firearms dealer.

          C. Subsection A of this section does not apply to:

                (1) the importation or manufacture by or for, sale or transfer to or possession by or under the authority of the United States or any department or agency thereof or a state or an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo or a department, an agency or a political subdivision thereof; or

                (2) the importation or manufacture for, sale or transfer to or possession by a licensee under Title 1 of the federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954 for purposes of establishing and maintaining an on-site physical security protection system and security organization required by federal law or the transfer to or possession by a contractor of such a licensee on-site for such purposes or off-site for purposes of licensee-authorized training or transportation of nuclear materials.

          D. A person in possession of a large-capacity ammunition feeding device:

                (1) shall mark the large-capacity ammunition feeding device imported or manufactured under Subsection C of this section after January 1, 2026 in the manner prescribed by the attorney general before a transfer; and

                (2) shall not obliterate or otherwise alter the serial number on the large-capacity ammunition feeding device."

     SECTION 5. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. Beginning July 1, 2025, and except as provided in Subsection B of this section, it is unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, receive or possess a machine gun or rapid fire device.

          B. Subsection A of this section does not apply to:

                (1) the importation or manufacture by or for, sale or transfer to or possession by or under the authority of the United States or any department or agency thereof or a state or an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo or a department, an agency or a political subdivision thereof;

                (2) the importation or manufacture for, sale or transfer to or possession by a licensee under Title 1 of the federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954 for purposes of establishing and maintaining an on-site physical security protection system and security organization required by federal law, or the transfer to or possession by a contractor of such a licensee on-site for such purposes or off-site for purposes of licensee-authorized training or transportation of nuclear materials; and

                (3) machine guns and rapid fire devices lawfully registered with the United States bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives pursuant to the National Firearms Act.

          C. Whoever violates this section is guilty of a fourth degree felony."

     SECTION 6. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. No later than July 1, 2025, the attorney general, in consultation with the department of public safety, shall identify the list of gas-operated semiautomatic firearms subject to the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act that shall be published and made available on the attorney general's website. The attorney general shall update the list as necessary.

          B. The department of public safety shall:

                (1) require that each licensed firearms dealer record purchaser acknowledgment of the list published under Subsection A of this section before any sale of a firearm that is not prohibited under that list;

                (2) before removing a gas-operated semiautomatic firearm from the list required under Subsection A of this section, submit to the attorney general clear and convincing evidence that the firearm should be removed from the list; and

                (3) advise the attorney general on carrying out the authority described in Subsection A of this section.

          C. The attorney general may request any additional information from the manufacturer necessary to make the determination under Subsection A of this section.

          D. No later than December 1, 2025, the attorney general, in consultation with the department of public safety, shall publish on the attorney general's website the manner in which a large-capacity ammunition feeding device shall be marked pursuant to Subsection D of Section 4 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act and the manner in

which gas-operated semiautomatic firearms shall be marked pursuant to Subsection E of Section 3 of that act."

     SECTION 7. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. No later than October 1, 2025, the attorney general, in consultation with the department of public safety, shall develop and make available a system for certifying gas-operated semiautomatic firearms. The system shall require owners of gas-operated semiautomatic firearms to:

                (1) complete a certification form; and

                (2) if prior to January 1, 2026, submit that form to a licensed firearm dealer located in the state of New Mexico or to the attorney general; or

                (3) if after January 1, 2026, submit that form to the attorney general.

          B. The attorney general, in consultation with the department of public safety, shall promulgate rules that govern the certification form and the submission process to both licensed firearm dealers and to the attorney general. The rules for submission of the certification form to a licensed firearm dealer shall include that:

                (1) there are two copies of the certification form: one to be maintained in the normal course of business by the licensed firearm dealer in the same manner as acquisition and disposition records under 27 CFR Section 478.125; the other to be maintained by the owner of the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm;

                (2) the copies of the certification form shall be completed in part by a licensed firearm dealer who has personally observed the serial number on the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm and photo identification of the owner of the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm;

                (3) the owner of the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm shall have the owner's copy of the form notarized within two business days of the licensed firearm dealer completing its portion of the form and before January 1, 2026;

                (4) the owner of the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm shall carry the owner's copy of the certification form on the owner's person at all times while possessing a gas-operated semiautomatic firearm outside private property owned or immediately controlled by the person. The owner of the gas-operated firearm shall show the form to any law enforcement officer upon an officer's request; and

                (5) licensed firearm dealers shall make certification forms available to law enforcement for inspection upon request. Any licensed firearm dealer in the state that ceases to operate shall send all certification forms in the licensed firearm dealer's possession to the attorney general.

          C. The certification shall include:

                (1) an affirmation that the person possessed the semiautomatic firearm pursuant to Sections 3 and 8 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act prior to January 1, 2026, received a timely certified firearm from an immediate family member or moved into the state in possession of the firearm within sixty days prior;

                (2) as applicable, the make, model, caliber and serial number of the firearm;

                (3) the person's name, address, telephone number and date of birth; and

                (4) as applicable, the name, address, phone number and unique identifying number of the licensed firearm dealer that prepared and is maintaining a copy of the certification form.

          D. Information contained in the certification shall be confidential, is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the Inspection of Public Records Act and shall not be disclosed, except to law enforcement agencies acting in the performance of the law enforcement agencies' duties.

          E. The certification form shall include the following statement printed in bold type: "Warning: Entering false information on this form is punishable as perjury pursuant to Section 30-25-1 NMSA 1978.". In any administrative, civil or criminal proceeding in the state, a completed certification submitted to the attorney general or a licensed firearm dealer by a person pursuant to this section creates a rebuttable presumption that the person is entitled to possess and transport the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm."

     SECTION 8. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. A nonresident may transport, within twenty-four hours, a firearm, device or combination of parts described in Paragraphs (1) through (5) of Subsection A of Section 3 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act or a large-capacity ammunition feeding device manufactured after July 1, 2025 for a lawful purpose from a place where the nonresident may lawfully possess the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm, device or combination of parts to another place where the nonresident may lawfully possess the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm, device or combination of parts if, during the transportation, the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm, device or combination of parts is unloaded and is not readily accessible or directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the transporting vehicle. In the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment, the gas-operated semiautomatic firearm, device or combination of parts shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

          B. A nonresident who moves into the state in possession of a firearm, device or combination of parts described in Paragraphs (1) through (5) of Subsection A of Section 3 of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act shall, within sixty days, complete and submit a certification in accordance with the process established by the attorney general pursuant to Section 7 of that act. Once a gas-operated semiautomatic firearm is certified under this section, the lawful owner may use and transfer such firearms as allowed under Subsections C and D of Section 3 of that act."

     SECTION 9. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. Unless specified otherwise in the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act, whoever violates a provision of that act is guilty of a misdemeanor.

          B. Whoever commits or attempts to commit a felony offense while in possession of a gas-operated semiautomatic firearm or large-capacity ammunition feeding device in violation of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act is guilty of a fourth degree felony."

     SECTION 10. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 7 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:

     "[NEW MATERIAL] SEVERABILITY.--If any part or application of the Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act is held invalid, the remainder or its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected."

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