55th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2022
Debra M. SariƱana and Joy Garratt and William P. Soules and Mimi Stewart and T. Ryan Lane
SECTION 1. Section 22-10B-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2020, Chapter 25, Section 3) is amended to read:
A. On or before July 1 of each year, the secretary shall [through a competitive selection process, provide grants to] establish and maintain department-approved New Mexico teacher residency programs at public post-secondary educational institutions and tribal colleges that have a department-approved teacher preparation program and have developed a commitment to investing in teacher education. [In selecting grant recipients, the department shall ensure, to the extent practicable, that grant recipients] The secretary shall ensure that the department-approved New Mexico teacher residency programs include representation from rural, urban and suburban areas across the state.
B. The public post-secondary educational institution or tribal college shall form a partnership with one or more school districts or charter schools to coadminister the teacher residency program and to provide employment to residents in the program following [their graduation] completion of all licensure requirements.
C. The program [must] shall be designed to:
(1) diversify the teaching profession with teaching residents that reflect the diversity of students in the public schools in the state or the geographic area where the school is located;
(2) fill high-need teaching positions within the state and ensure that teaching residents are prepared for a department-issued teaching license at the end of the program; and
(3) provide at least one full academic year of rigorous department-approved teacher preparation program coursework [and provide] while concurrently providing a full academic year of guided apprenticeship in the classroom of [an expert] a level two or level three teacher at the partner area school district or charter school.
D. The public post-secondary educational institution or tribal college shall ensure faculty or university supervisors who work with the teacher residency program visit residency sites no less than [three times] one time per month to monitor teacher residents' programs."
SECTION 2. Section 22-10B-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2020, Chapter 25, Section 4) is amended to read:
"22-10B-4. TEACHER RESIDENCY PROGRAM COMPONENTS.--A teacher residency program established pursuant to the Teacher Residency Act shall include:
A. competitive admission requirements with multiple criteria;
B. rigorous department-approved teacher preparation program coursework, which shall be offered while the teaching resident undertakes a full academic year of guided apprenticeship in the classroom of [an expert] a level two or level three teacher at the partner area school district or charter school;
C. a [team mentorship] co-teaching approach to expose teaching residents to a variety of teaching methods, philosophies and classroom environments;
D. clear criteria for the selection of [expert] level two and level three teachers based on measures of teacher effectiveness and the appropriate subject area knowledge;
E. providing [expert] level two and level three teachers with ongoing evidence-based training in coaching and mentoring teaching residents and compensation for time and added responsibility;
F. grouping teaching residents in cohorts to facilitate professional collaboration among residents and placing teaching residents in teaching schools or professional development programs that are organized to support a high-quality teacher learning experience in a supportive work environment;
G. measures of appropriate progress through the program;
H. a stipend of no less than [twenty thousand dollars ($20,000)] thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) per year for teaching residents;
I. a stipend of no less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) per year for level two and level three teachers participating in the program;
J. a stipend of no less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) per year for principals or head administrators at the partner school district or charter school;
K. funding of no less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per year for teacher residency program coordinators at each department-approved New Mexico teacher residency program;
[I.] L. a post-completion commitment by teaching residents to serve a minimum of three years at schools in the sponsoring school district;
[J.] M. an expectation of employment for the teaching resident from the partner school district or charter school;
[K.] N. support for teaching residents for not less than one year following the resident's completion of the program through the provision of mentoring, professional development and networking opportunities; and
[L.] O. demonstration of the integral role and responsibilities of the partner area school district or charter school in fulfilling the purpose of the program."
SECTION 3. Section 22-10B-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2020, Chapter 25, Section 5) is amended to read:
"22-10B-5. TEACHER RESIDENCY PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY.--To be eligible to be admitted and hired as a teaching resident under the program, an individual [must] shall:
A. be in the final year of a department-approved teacher preparation program;
[A.] B. hold a bachelor's degree, [and
B.] be a professional from outside the field of education and have strong content knowledge or a record of achievement; or
C. not hold a level one, two or three-A teaching license."
SECTION 4. Section 22-10B-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2020, Chapter 25, Section 9) is amended to read:
"22-10B-9. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.--Public post-secondary educational institutions and tribal colleges shall collaborate with their partner school district or charter school to submit data to the department no later than July 1 of each year. The department shall compile data from all residency sites and submit a report to the legislature no later than November of each year. The report shall include the following indicators of teacher residency program success:
A. the standards for entering and exiting the program;
B. the number of credit hours required to complete the program;
C. the number and percentage of teaching residents completing the program;
D. the number and types of teaching licenses teaching residents are obtaining, including endorsements;
E. the educator evaluation rating for teaching residents during their first five years of teaching;
F. the educator evaluation rating for [expert] level two and level three teachers during their time supporting a teacher resident;
G. the number and percentage of teaching residents who continue to teach in New Mexico school districts or charter schools after one, two, three, four and five years;
H. the percentage of teaching residents who are diverse candidates that reflect the diversity of the public schools in the state or the geographic area where the school is located;
I. academic performance of pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade students in classes taught by residency graduates in comparison to students in classes taught by other trained teachers;
J. principal perception surveys of teaching resident and [expert] level two and level three teacher effectiveness;
K. state-student perception surveys;
L. the residency program graduate achievement, as determined by first-time pass rates on the state teaching performance assessment; and
M. other data as determined by the department."
SECTION 5. APPROPRIATION.--Twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) is appropriated from the general fund to the teacher residency fund for expenditure in fiscal year 2023 and subsequent fiscal years to carry out the provisions of the Teacher Residency Act. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund.
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