February 11, 2020

Mr. President:

    Your CONSERVATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

    1. On page 4, line 23, after "seven", insert "to eleven".

    2. On page 5, line 7, strike "member" and insert in lieu thereof "to five members".

    3. On page 5, line 9, after "beautification", insert ", sustainable materials management".

    4. On page 6, line 8, strike "governmental".

    5. On page 6, line 10, strike "entities'".

    6. On page 8, line 15, strike "assistance" and insert in lieu thereof "at least fifty percent of the fees received in a year".

    7. On page 8, line 17, after "programs", insert "and youth employment programs to aid in litter control, recycling and beautification projects".

    8. On page 8, strike lines 18 through 25 and on page 9, strike line 1 and insert in lieu thereof the following new paragraphs:

             "(4) operating expenses for the New Mexico clean and beautiful program; and

             (5) no more than ten percent of fees received in a year to a clearinghouse for nonprofit organizations' beautification and related educational programs."".,

and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE.

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               Elizabeth Stefanics, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 7 For 0 Against

Yes:      7

No:       0

Excused: Martinez, Wirth

Absent:   None

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