March 15, 2019




Mr. Speaker:


    Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


    1. Strike Senate Judiciary Committee Amendments 1 through 3, 7 through 9, 11 and 13 through 17.


    2. Strike all items of Senate Floor Amendment numbers 1, 2 and 4 through 6.


    3. On page 3, line 8, after the semicolon, strike the remainder of the line and strike line 9 in its entirety.


    4. On page 3, line 11, after the semicolon, strike the remainder of the line and strike lines 12 and 13 in their entirety.


    5. On page 3, line 15, strike the comma and insert in lieu thereof "or".


    6. On page 3, line 16, after "agency", strike the remainder of the line, strike line 17 and strike line 18 up to the semicolon.


    7. On page 9, line 23, before "initiate", insert "by approval of at least five commissioners,".


    8. On page 11, strike lines 4 through 7 in their entirety.



    9. Renumber the succeeding paragraphs accordingly.


    10. On page 12, line 1, before "administer", insert "have the general counsel".


    11. On page 16, line 2, after the semicolon, insert "and".


    12. On page 16, line 3, strike the semicolon, strike lines 4 through 9 and insert in lieu thereof a period.


    13. On page 17, line 3, strike "shall" and insert in lieu thereof "may".


    14. On page 18, line 20, after "shall", insert "have the general counsel".


    15. On page 18, line 22, strike "director" and insert in lieu thereof "general counsel".


    16. On page 18, line 24, strike "director" and insert in lieu thereof "general counsel".


    17. On page 19, line 6, strike "director" and insert in lieu thereof "general counsel".


    18. On page 19, strike lines 12 though 16 in their entirety and insert a new Subsection G to read:


         "G. If the general counsel determines that there is probable cause, the director shall promptly notify the respondent and complainant of the finding of probable cause and of the specific allegations in the complaint that are being investigated and that a public hearing will be set. The notification, complaint, specific allegations being investigated and any response to the complaint shall be made public twenty days following notice to the respondent.".


    19. On page 19, line 19, after "respondent", insert "and complainant and releasing to the public the complaint and related information required by Subsection G of this section".


    20. On page 19, line 24, strike "director" and insert in lieu thereof "general counsel".


    21. On page 20, line 4, strike "director" and insert in lieu thereof "general counsel".


    22. On page 22, line 2, strike "director's" and insert in lieu thereof "general counsel's".



    23. On page 22, line 3, before "hearing", insert "commission or".


    24. On page 22, line 10, strike "director" and insert in lieu thereof "general counsel".


    25. On page 22, line 10, before the period, insert ", as approved by the commission".


    26. On page 23, line 7, after "F.", strike the remainder of the line, strike lines 8 and 9 and insert in lieu thereof:


"The commission shall publicly disclose a decision, including a dismissal or terms of a settlement, issued pursuant to this section. The commission shall provide the decision to the complainant, the respondent".


    27. On page 23, line 21, after the semicolon, insert "and".


    28. On page 23, line 23, strike "of" and insert in lieu thereof "if" and strike the semicolon and insert in lieu thereof a period.


    29. On page 23, strike lines 24 and 25 in their entirety.


    30. On page 24, strike lines 1 through 4 in their entirety.


    31. On page 24, line 24, after "public", insert "by the commission; provided that the complainant or respondent may release the commission's decision".


    32. On page 25, line 14, after "officer", strike the remainder of the line and strike line 15 up to the period.


    33. On page 42, line 8, strike ", school" and strike line 9 through "school".


    34. On page 42, line 11, after "agency", strike the remainder of the line and strike line 12 up to the period.



    35. On page 43, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following section to read:


    "SECTION 34. Section 2-6-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1961, Chapter 2, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read:




         A. Legislation shall not be accepted for filing until after the beginning of the prohibited period for soliciting campaign contributions provided for in Section 1-19-34.1 NMSA 1978.


         B. No bill shall be introduced at any regular session of the legislature subsequent to the thirtieth legislative day in sessions held in the odd-numbered years or subsequent to the fifteenth legislative day in sessions held in the even-numbered years. The limitation provided in this [section] subsection does not apply to the general appropriation bill, bills to provide for the current expenses of the government and such bills as may be referred to the legislature by the governor by special message specifically setting forth the emergency or necessity requiring such legislation."".


    36. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.


    37. On page 44, line 3, before "of", insert "and 34".


    38. On page 44, line 5, after "through", insert "33 and".



                             Respectfully submitted,





Gail Chasey, Chair





Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 11 For 1 Against

Yes:      11

No:       Cook

Excused:  Rehm, Townsend

Absent:   None




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