Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the "Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017".
Section 2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017:
A. "agency" means an office, department, agency, institution, board, bureau, commission, court, district attorney, council or committee of state government;
B. "federal funds" means any payments by the United States government to state government or agencies except those payments made in accordance with the federal Mineral Leasing Act;
C. "general fund" means that fund created by Section 6-4-2 NMSA 1978 and includes federal Mineral Leasing Act receipts and those payments made in accordance with the federal block grant and the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act but excludes the general fund operating reserve, the appropriation contingency fund, the tax stabilization reserve and any other fund, reserve or account from which general appropriations are restricted by law;
D. "interagency transfers" means revenue, other than internal service funds, legally transferred from one agency to another;
E. "internal service funds" means:
(1) revenue transferred to an agency for the financing of goods or services to another agency on a cost-reimbursement basis; and
(2) balances in agency internal service fund accounts appropriated by the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017;
F. "other state funds" means:
(1) nonreverting balances in agency accounts, other than in internal service funds accounts, appropriated by the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017;
(2) all revenue available to agencies from sources other than the general fund, internal service funds, interagency transfers and federal funds; and
(3) all revenue, the use of which is restricted by statute or agreement;
G. "outcome" means the measure of the actual impact or public benefit of a program;
H. "output" means the measure of the volume of work completed or the level of actual services or products delivered by a program;
I. "performance measure" means a quantitative or qualitative indicator used to assess a program;
J. "revenue" means all money received by an agency from sources external to that agency, net of refunds and other correcting transactions, other than from issue of debt, liquidation of investments or as agent or trustee for other governmental entities or private persons; and
K. "target" means the expected level of performance of a program’s performance measures.
A. Amounts set out under column headings are expressed in thousands of dollars.
B. Amounts set out under column headings are appropriated from the source indicated by the column heading. All amounts set out under the column heading "Internal Service Funds/Interagency Transfers" are intergovernmental transfers and do not represent a portion of total state government appropriations. All information designated as "Total" or "Subtotal" is provided for information and amounts are not appropriations.
C. Amounts set out in Section 4 of the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017, or so much as may be necessary, are appropriated from the indicated source for expenditure in fiscal year 2018 for the objects expressed.
D. Unexpended balances in agency accounts remaining at the end of fiscal year 2017 shall revert to the general fund by October 1, 2017 unless otherwise indicated in the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017 or otherwise provided by law.
E. Unexpended balances in agency accounts remaining at the end of fiscal year 2018 shall revert to the general fund by October 1, 2018 unless otherwise indicated in the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017 or otherwise provided by law.
F. The state budget division shall monitor revenue received by agencies from sources other than the general fund and shall reduce the operating budget of any agency whose revenue from such sources is not meeting projections. The state budget division shall notify the legislative finance committee of any operating budget reduced pursuant to this subsection.
G. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017, appropriations are made in this act for the expenditures of agencies and for other purposes as required by existing law for fiscal year 2018. If any other act of the first special session of the fifty-third legislature changes existing law with regard to the name or responsibilities of an agency or the name or purpose of a fund or distribution, the appropriation made in the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017 shall be transferred from the agency, fund or distribution to which an appropriation has been made as required by existing law to the appropriate agency, fund or distribution provided by the new law.
H. The department of finance and administration will regularly consult with the legislative finance committee staff to compare fiscal year 2018 revenue collections with the revenue estimate. If the analyses indicate that revenues and transfers to the general fund are not expected to meet appropriations, then the department shall present a plan to the legislative finance committee that outlines the methods by which the administration proposes to address the deficit.
I. Pursuant to Sections 6-3-23 through 6-3-25 NMSA 1978, agencies whose revenue from state board of finance loans, from revenue appropriated by other acts of the legislature, or from gifts, grants, donations, bequests, insurance settlements, refunds or payments into revolving funds exceeds specifically appropriated amounts may request budget increases from the state budget division. If approved by the state budget division, such money is appropriated.
J. Except for gasoline credit cards used solely for operation of official vehicles, telephone credit cards used solely for official business and procurement cards used as authorized by Section 6-5-9.1 NMSA 1978, none of the appropriations contained in the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017 may be expended for payment of agency-issued credit card invoices.
K. For the purpose of administering the Supplemental General Appropriation Act of 2017, the state of New Mexico shall follow the modified accrual basis of accounting for governmental funds in accordance with the manual of model accounting practices issued by the department of finance and administration.
Appropriations: 5,660.0 5,660.0
Subtotal [5,660.0] 5,660.0
Appropriations: 1,386.0 1,386.0
Subtotal [1,386.0] 1,386.0
Appropriations: 4,220.3 4,220.3
The general fund appropriation to the legislative finance committee includes one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000) to partially restore the fiscal year 2018 operating budget to the fiscal year 2016 expenditure level.
Subtotal [4,220.3] 4,220.3
Appropriations: 1,130.3 1,130.3
Subtotal [1,130.3] 1,130.3
Appropriations: 1,097.7 1,097.7
Subtotal [1,097.7] 1,097.7
Appropriations: 1,233.4 1,233.4
Subtotal [1,233.4] 1,233.4
(1) Legislative building services:
Appropriations: 4,054.9 4,054.9
Subtotal [4,054.9] 4,054.9
(1) Dues and membership fees:
(a) Council of state governments 95.5 95.5
(b) National conference of state
legislatures 127.1 127.1 (c) National conference of
insurance legislators 8.9 8.9
(d) National council of
legislators from gaming states 2.7 2.7
Subtotal [234.2] 234.2
On approval of the higher education department, the state budget division of the department of finance and administration may approve increases in budgets of agencies in this section whose other state funds, internal service funds or interagency transfers exceed amounts specified. In approving budget increases, the director of the state budget division shall advise the legislature through its officers and appropriate committees, in writing, of the justification for the approval.
Except as otherwise provided, any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2018 shall not revert to the general fund.
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 175,823.2 193,644.0 3,589.0 373,056.2
(b) Other 177,426.0 143,722.0 321,148.0
(c) Athletics 2,617.3 31,813.0 31.0 34,461.3
(d) Educational television
and public radio 1,080.2 6,645.0 7,725.2
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time,
degree-seeking freshmen who completed a baccalaureate
program within one hundred fifty percent of standard
graduation time 49%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 80%
(2) Gallup branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 8,407.1 6,724.0 670.0 15,801.1
(b) Other 2,122.0 703.0 2,825.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 64%
(b) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 10%
(3) Los Alamos branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 1,710.4 1,977.0 491.0 4,178.4
(b) Other 968.0 363.0 1,331.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree-or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 12.3%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 45%
(4) Valencia branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 5,135.2 5,002.0 610.0 10,747.2
(b) Other 1,737.0 1,046.0 2,783.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 10%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 65%
(5) Taos branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 3,274.1 3,498.0 855.0 7,627.1
(b) Other 1,246.0 1,726.0 2,972.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 10%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 50%
(6) Research and public service projects:
(a) Judicial selection 21.0 21.0
(b) Southwest research center 1,043.3 1,043.3
(c) Substance abuse program 68.1 68.1
(d) Resource geographic
information system 60.8 60.8
(e) Southwest Indian law clinic 190.5 190.5
(f) Geospatial and population
studies/bureau of business
and economic research 353.0 353.0
(g) New Mexico historical
review 44.0 44.0
(h) Ibero-American education 83.1 83.1
(i) Manufacturing engineering
program 515.5 515.5
(j) Wildlife law education 88.4 88.4
(k) Morrissey hall programs 43.6 43.6
(l) Disabled student services 176.1 176.1
(m) Minority student services 889.5 889.5
(n) Community-based education 521.8 521.8
(o) Corrine Wolfe children's
law center 157.7 157.7
(p) Utton transboundary
resources center 317.7 317.7
(q) Student mentoring program 268.1 268.1
(r) Land grant studies 120.9 120.9
(s) College degree mapping 68.8 68.8
(t) Gallup branch - nurse
expansion 192.1 192.1
(u) Valencia branch - nurse
expansion 155.8 155.8
(v) Taos branch - nurse
expansion 223.8 223.8
(7) Health sciences center:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at the university of New Mexico health sciences center is to provide educational, clinical and research support for the advancement of health of all New Mexicans.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 57,201.1 57,896.6 4,000.0 119,097.7
(b) Other 338,600.0 72,500.0 411,100.0
The other state funds appropriation to the health sciences center of the university of New Mexico includes five hundred eighty-one thousand five hundred dollars ($581,500) from the tobacco settlement program fund.
Performance measures:
(a) Output: Pass rate of medical school students on United States
medical licensing examination, step two clinical skills
exam on first attempt 98%
(b) Outcome: Percent of nursing graduates passing the requisite
licensure exam on first attempt 83%
(8) Health sciences center research and public service projects:
(a) Office of medical
investigator 4,707.2 3,300.0 2.5 8,009.7
(b) Native American health
center 252.0 252.0
(c) Native American suicide
prevention 91.4 91.4
(d) Children's psychiatric
hospital 6,692.2 10,000.0 16,692.2
(e) Carrie Tingley hospital 4,888.8 13,600.0 18,488.8
(f) Newborn intensive care 3,074.3 2,100.0 5,174.3
(g) Pediatric oncology 1,196.1 250.0 1,446.1
(h) Internal medicine
residencies 980.4 980.4
(i) Poison and drug
information center 1,456.2 590.2 96.3 2,142.7
(j) Cancer center 2,469.5 5,300.0 13,200.0 20,969.5
(k) Genomics, biocomputing
and environmental health
research 1,300.0 5,500.0 6,800.0
(l) Trauma specialty education 250.0 250.0
(m) Pediatrics specialty
education 250.0 250.0
(n) Hepatitis community health
outcomes 2,017.2 2,017.2
(o) Nurse expansion 1,012.3 1,012.3
(p) Graduate nurse education 1,514.7 1,514.7
(q) Psychiatry residencies 370.1 370.1
(r) General surgery/family
community medicine
residencies 307.7 307.7
The other state funds appropriations to the health sciences center research and public service projects of the university of New Mexico include two million two hundred seventy-seven thousand six hundred dollars ($2,277,600) from the tobacco settlement program fund. Subtotal [291,882.3] [866,238.8] [249,104.8] 1,407,225.9
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 109,438.5 107,100.0 3,700.0 220,238.5
(b) Other 72,000.0 78,800.0 150,800.0
(c) Athletics 3,117.6 10,400.0 13,517.6
(d) Educational television
and public radio 1,006.7 1,000.0 2,006.7
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time,
degree-seeking freshmen who completed a baccalaureate
program within one hundred fifty percent of standard
graduation time 47%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 75%
(2) Alamogordo branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 7,036.2 3,600.0 1,700.0 12,336.2
(b) Other 700.0 2,000.0 2,700.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 14%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 55%
(3) Carlsbad branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 3,860.0 8,800.0 600.0 13,260.0
(b) Other 600.0 1,500.0 2,100.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 10%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 57%
(4) Dona Ana branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 21,387.3 15,300.0 1,200.0 37,887.3
(b) Other 3,400.0 14,400.0 17,800.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 12.5%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 63%
(5) Grants branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 3,320.1 1,500.0 1,200.0 6,020.1
(b) Other 400.0 1,700.0 2,100.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 14%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 53%
(6) Department of agriculture:
Appropriations: 10,956.4 6,867.4 1,736.8 19,560.6
(7) Agricultural experiment station:
Appropriations: 13,512.0 4,795.0 4,101.8 13,550.0 35,958.8
(8) Cooperative extension service:
Appropriations: 12,491.4 4,836.1 6,875.7 9,657.0 33,860.2
(9) Research and public service projects:
(a) Science, technology,
engineering and mathematics
alliance for minority
participation 302.4 302.4
(b) Mental health nurse
practitioner 643.9 643.9
(c) Water resource research
institute 615.6 500.0 1,115.6
(d) Indian resources development 274.4 274.4
(e) Manufacturing sector
development program 505.8 505.8
(f) Arrowhead center for
business development 310.2 310.2
(g) Nurse expansion 700.2 700.2
(h) Economic development
doctorate 91.4 91.4
(i) Alliance teaching and
learning advancement 138.6 138.6
(j) College assistance migrant
program 199.8 199.8
(k) Carlsbad branch -
manufacturing sector
development program 216.6 216.6
(l) Carlsbad branch - nurse
expansion 108.9 108.9
(m) Dona Ana branch - dental
hygiene program 206.0 206.0
(n) Dona Ana branch - nurse
expansion 193.5 193.5
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 74-1-13 NMSA 1978, the other state funds appropriation to the water resource research institute of New Mexico state university is from the water conservation fund. Subtotal [190,633.5] [241,798.5] [10,977.5] [131,743.8] 575,153.3
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 26,046.1 12,216.7 172.5 38,435.3
(b) Other 13,500.0 9,500.0 23,000.0
(c) Athletics 1,968.7 500.0 2,468.7
Performance measures:
(a) Output: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time,
degree-seeking freshmen who completed a baccalaureate
program within one hundred fifty percent of standard
graduation time 20%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 53%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Advanced placement 211.6 211.6
(b) Minority student services 514.4 514.4
(c) Forest and watershed
institute 289.7 289.7
(d) Nurse expansion 60.4 60.4
Subtotal [29,090.9] [26,216.7] [9,672.5] 64,980.1
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 15,996.9 13,202.0 200.0 29,398.9
(b) Other 6,600.0 7,000.0 13,600.0
(c) Athletics 1,742.1 600.0 2,342.1
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 56.2%
(b) Output: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time,
degree-seeking freshmen who completed a baccalaureate
program within one hundred fifty percent of standard
graduation time 25%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Instructional television 72.4 72.4
(b) Pharmacy and phlebotomy
programs 57.2 57.2
(c) Web-based teacher licensure 129.2 129.2
(d) Child development center 193.6 193.6
(e) Nurse expansion 809.2 809.2
Subtotal [19,000.6] [20,402.0] [7,200.0] 46,602.6
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 25,603.1 17,900.0 2,300.0 45,803.1
(b) Other 11,000.0 26,000.0 37,000.0
(c) Athletics 1,967.4 1,800.0 3,767.4
(d) Educational television
and public radio 1,020.9 1,400.0 90.0 2,510.9
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 64.5%
(b) Output: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time,
degree-seeking freshmen who completed a baccalaureate
program within one hundred fifty percent of standard
graduation time 35%
(2) Roswell branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 10,985.7 6,500.0 700.0 18,185.7
(b) Other 3,700.0 8,500.0 12,200.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 23%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 55.5%
(3) Ruidoso branch:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 1,936.1 1,800.0 1,000.0 4,736.1
(b) Other 300.0 1,200.0 1,500.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 18%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 35.4%
(4) Research and public service projects:
(a) Blackwater draw site and
museum 87.8 35.0 122.8
(b) Student success programs 417.0 417.0
(c) Nurse expansion 328.0 328.0
(d) At-risk student tutoring 224.6 224.6
(e) Allied health 142.4 142.4
(f) Roswell branch - nurse
expansion 68.5 68.5
(g) Roswell branch - airframe
mechanics 55.3 55.3
(h) Roswell branch - special
services program 56.6 56.6 Subtotal [42,893.4] [44,435.0] [39,790.0] 127,118.4
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 25,523.0 22,300.0 47,823.0
(b) Other 17,300.0 18,500.0 35,800.0
(c) Athletics 191.8 191.8
Performance measures:
(a) Output: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time,
degree-seeking freshmen who completed a baccalaureate
program within one hundred fifty percent of standard
graduation time 49%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 77%
(2) Bureau of mine safety:
Appropriations: 312.1 312.1
(3) Bureau of geology and mineral resources:
Appropriations: 3,888.7 400.0 400.0 4,688.7
The general fund appropriation to the bureau of geology and mineral resources of the New Mexico institute of mining and technology includes one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from federal Mineral Leasing Act receipts.
(4) Petroleum recovery research center:
Appropriations: 1,841.2 1,300.0 3,300.0 6,441.2
(5) Geophysical research center:
Appropriations: 1,073.2 2,300.0 6,500.0 9,873.2
(6) Research and public service projects:
(a) Energetic materials research
center 780.8 6,900.0 30,000.0 37,680.8
(b) Science and engineering fair 196.8 196.8
(c) Institute for complex
additive systems analysis 791.8 100.0 2,200.0 3,091.8
(d) Cave and karst research 355.4 355.4
(e) Homeland security center 513.5 513.5
(f) Aerospace internship
program 68.8 68.8
Subtotal [35,537.1] [50,600.0] [60,900.0] 147,037.1
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 9,706.9 5,000.0 4,200.0 18,906.9
(b) Other 2,900.0 4,700.0 7,600.0
(c) Athletics 246.6 200.0 446.6
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 66.5%
(b) Output: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time,
degree-seeking freshmen who completed a baccalaureate
program within one hundred fifty percent of standard
graduation time 25%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Nurse expansion 233.0 233.0
(b) Science, technology,
engineering and math 137.3 137.3
(c) Veterans center 114.5 114.5
Subtotal [10,438.3] [8,100.0] [8,900.0] 27,438.3
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 9,182.8 26,473.0 3,300.0 38,955.8
(b) Other 1,374.0 15,477.0 16,851.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 12%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 50%
(2) Research and public service projects: Appropriations:
(a) Automechanics 45.9 45.9
(b) Small business development
centers 4,055.6 2,600.0 6,655.6
(c) Nurse expansion 253.9 253.9
(d) Radiography technician
program 91.7 91.7 Subtotal [13,629.9] [27,847.0] [21,377.0] 62,853.9
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 52,815.8 95,000.0 5,300.0 153,115.8
(b) Other 9,500.0 42,000.0 51,500.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 16.5%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 61.1%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Nurse expansion 179.6 179.6
Subtotal [52,995.4] [104,500.0] [47,300.0] 204,795.4
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 6,730.9 3,300.0 1,100.0 11,130.9
(b) Other 2,560.5 1,918.0 4,478.5
(c) Athletics 382.4 382.4
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 20%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 35.5%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Nurse expansion 267.0 267.0
(b) Student retention and
completion 530.6 530.6
Subtotal [7,910.9] [5,860.5] [3,018.0] 16,789.4
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 3,864.2 962.0 550.0 5,376.2
(b) Other 600.0 700.0 1,300.0
(c) Athletics 137.7 137.7
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 39%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 61.5%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Wind training center 112.9 112.9
Subtotal [4,114.8] [1,562.0] [1,250.0] 6,926.8
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 5,157.9 15,000.0 800.0 20,957.9
(b) Other 3,600.0 2,000.0 5,600.0
(c) Athletics 448.1 448.1
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 30%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 70%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Oil and gas management
program 161.6 161.6
(b) Nurse expansion 282.9 282.9
(c) Lea county distance
education consortium 27.5 27.5
Subtotal [6,078.0] [18,600.0] [2,800.0] 27,478.0
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 22,555.4 29,000.0 2,400.0 53,955.4
(b) Other 5,000.0 18,000.0 23,000.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 15%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 61%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Dental hygiene program 153.7 153.7
(b) Nurse expansion 198.3 198.3
Subtotal [22,907.4] [34,000.0] [20,400.0] 77,307.4
(1) Main campus:
The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 9,094.1 5,500.0 1,200.0 15,794.1
(b) Other 500.0 5,900.0 6,400.0
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree- or
certificate-seeking community college students who complete
an academic program within one hundred fifty percent of
standard graduation time 25%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to the
third semester 55%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Nurse expansion 272.9 272.9
Subtotal [9,367.0] [6,000.0] [7,100.0] 22,467.0
The purpose of the New Mexico military institute is to provide college-preparatory instruction for students in a residential, military environment culminating in a high school diploma or associate degree.
(1) Main campus:
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 1,312.4 24,300.0 100.0 25,712.4
(b) Other 8,500.0 900.0 9,400.0
(c) Athletics 259.3 400.0 659.3
(d) Knowles legislative
scholarship program 1,284.7 1,284.7
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Average American college testing composite scores for
graduating high school seniors 22.5
(b) Outcome: Collegiate assessment of academic proficiency reading
scores for graduating college sophomores 60
Subtotal [2,856.4] [33,200.0] [1,000.0] 37,056.4
The purpose of the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired is to be an innovative leader and unifying entity in the field of educating blind and visually impaired students birth through high school by identifying and ensuring quality education through collaborative relationships with students, families and state, local and national partners to provide outstanding advocacy, training, resources and support services, thus ensuring all students who are blind or visually impaired will become independent, productive members of their communities.
(1) Main campus:
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 984.1 13,600.0 150.0 14,734.1
Performance measures:
(a) Output: Number of New Mexico teachers who complete a personnel
preparation program to become a teacher of the visually
impaired 11
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Early childhood center 361.9 361.9
(b) Low vision clinic programs 111.1 111.1
Subtotal [1,457.1] [13,600.0] [150.0] 15,207.1
The purpose of the New Mexico school for the deaf is to provide a school-based comprehensive, fully accessible and language-rich learning environment for its students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing and to work collaboratively with families, agencies and communities throughout the state to meet the unique communication, language and learning needs of children and youth who are deaf and hard-of-hearing.
(1) Main campus:
(a) Instruction and general
purposes 3,819.3 12,100.0 300.0 16,219.3
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Rate of transition to postsecondary education,
vocational-technical training school, junior colleges, work
training or employment for graduates based on a three-year
rolling average 100%
(b) Outcome: Percent of first-year signers who demonstrate improvement
in American sign language based on fall or spring
assessments 100%
(2) Research and public service projects:
(a) Statewide outreach services 236.6 236.6
Subtotal [4,055.9] [12,100.0] [300.0] 16,455.9
TOTAL HIGHER EDUCATION 744,848.9 1,515,060.5 10,977.5 612,006.1 2,882,893.0
APPROPRIATIONS 763,865.7 1,515,060.5 10,977.5 612,006.1 2,901,909.8
Section 5. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS.--The following amounts are appropriated from the general fund or other funds as indicated for the purposes specified. Unless otherwise indicated, the appropriation may be expended in fiscal years 2017 and 2018. Unless otherwise indicated, any unexpended balances of the appropriations remaining at the end of fiscal year 2018 shall revert to the appropriate fund.
For capitol repairs, security and infrastructure upgrades. The appropriation is from legislative cash balances.
For the capitol buildings planning commission to conduct a statewide inventory of state property and buildings for master planning.
For a tax study.
OF THE COURTS 99.6 99.6
For payment of dues for the national center for state courts.
(5) HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT 26,400.0 26,400.0
Contingent on enactment of legislation of the first special session of the fifty-third legislature authorizing additional distributions to the county-supported medicaid fund, up to twenty-six million four hundred thousand dollars ($26,400,000) is appropriated to the medical assistance program of the human services department for increases to inpatient and outpatient hospital rates, including five million dollars ($5,000,000) for rate increases at hospitals classified during fiscal year 2017 as smallest and small for the purpose of receiving payments for uncompensated care from the safety net care pool fund. The other state funds appropriation is from the county-supported medicaid fund.
(6) HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 500.0 500.0 1,000.0
For the student financial aid program. The other state funds appropriation is from the cash balances in the special programs fund.
The public education department may increase the preliminary unit value authorized in Paragraph (1) of Subsection K of Section 4 of Chapter 135 of Laws 2017 by up to sixteen dollars ($16) per unit once prior to July 15, 2017. If the fiscal year 2018 state equalization guarantee distribution plus local revenue and federal revenue, as those two terms are defined in Section 22-8-25 NMSA 1978, are insufficient to fully fund the final funded fiscal year 2018 program units at the increased preliminary unit value, the secretary of public education may, after exhausting any fund balance in the state-support reserve fund to help correct the deficiency, request from the state board of finance a transfer from the general fund operating reserve in the amount necessary to correct any remaining deficiency, but only up to ten million dollars ($10,000,000), to augment the appropriation in Laws 2017, Chapter 135 for the state equalization guarantee distribution.
(8) UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO 1,000.0 1,000.0
For the cancer center at the health sciences center. The other state funds appropriation is from university of New Mexico unrestricted fund balances.
TOTAL SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,149.6 28,900.0 30,049.6
Section 6. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION.--The following amounts are appropriated from the general fund for expenditure in fiscal year 2017 for the purposes specified. Disbursement of these amounts shall be subject to certification by the agency to the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee that no other funds are available in fiscal year 2017 for the purpose specified and approval by the department of finance and administration. Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2017 shall revert to the general fund.
THE COURTS 1,233.0 1,233.0
For a shortfall in magistrate court leases.
A. The following amounts are appropriated from the legislative cash balances for expenditure in fiscal year 2017 for the following expenses of the first special session of the fifty-third legislature:
(1) for the expense of the house of representatives, one hundred fourteen thousand five hundred dollars ($114,500) to be disbursed on vouchers signed by the speaker and the chief clerk of the house of representatives or the chief clerk's designee;
(2) for the expense of the senate, seventy-two thousand three hundred dollars ($72,300) to be disbursed on vouchers signed by the chair of the committees' committee and the chief clerk of the senate or the chief clerk's designee; and
(3) for the expense of the legislative council service, twenty-two thousand dollars ($22,000) to be disbursed on vouchers signed by the director of the legislative council service or the director's designee; to reimburse the New Mexico department of public safety for providing security and protection for the legislature pursuant to Section 29-2-7 NMSA 1978.
B. Following adjournment of the first special session of the fifty-third legislature, expenditures authorized in this section shall be disbursed on vouchers signed by the director of the legislative council service or the director's designee.
Section 8. SEVERABILITY.--If any part or application of this act is held invalid, the remainder or its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected.