January 25, 2017

Mr. President:

    Your CONFERENCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


SENATE BILL 113, as amended

has had it under consideration and reports same with the following recommendation:

    1. Senate Finance Committee Amendments 2 through 6 be APPROVED.

    2. Senate Finance Committee Amendment 1 be DISAPPROVED.

    3. House Appropriations and Finance Committee Amendments 1 through 3 be APPROVED.

    4. House Appropriations and Finance Committee Amendment 4 be DISAPPROVED.

    5. Item 3 of House Floor Amendment number 1 be APPROVED.

    6. Items 1, 2, 4 and 5 of House Floor Amendment number 1 be DISAPPROVED.

    7. Items 3 through 13 of House Floor Amendment number 2 be APPROVED.

    8. Items 1 and 2 of House Floor Amendment number 2 be DISAPPROVED, and that the bill be amended further as follows:

    9. On page 1, line 17, after the first semicolon, insert:


    10. On page 1, line 21, after "REDUCTION", insert "--LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT PROJECT FUNDING".

    11. On page 1, lines 21 and 22, strike "Eleven million six hundred thousand dollars ($11,600,000)" and insert in lieu thereof:

         "A. Four million dollars ($4,000,000)".

    12. On page 2, line 1, strike the closing quotation mark.

    13. On page 2, between lines 1 and 2, insert the following new subsection:

         "B. Only if the reduction in Subsection A of this section is effected, two million dollars ($2,000,000) of the money appropriated from the general fund to the economic development department in Item (21) of Section 5 of the General Appropriation Act of 2015 for projects pursuant to the Local Economic Development Act shall be used to improve infrastructure at the Roswell international air center in Chaves county to enhance commercial operations.".

    14. On page 2, line 17, strike "and".

    15. On page 2, lines 20 and 21, strike "twenty-two million dollars ($22,000,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "six million dollars ($6,000,000)".

    16. On page 2, line 21, strike the period and closing quotation mark and insert in lieu thereof "; and".

    17. On page 2, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following new subsection:

         "E. to the public education department special appropriations made in Items (a) through (t), by two million dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate"".

    18. On page 6, line 16, strike "four million dollars ($4,000,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "six million five hundred thousand dollars ($6,500,000)".

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               John Arthur Smith


                               Carlos R. Cisneros


                               Steven P. Neville

Adopted____________________ Not Adopted_____________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ______________