February 27, 2017




Mr. Speaker:


    Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


1. On page 1, line 20, after "toddler", insert "breast milk"

and after "policy", strike the remainder of the line.


     2. On page 1, line 21, strike "by" and insert in lieu thereof "for lactating".


     3. On page 1, lines 22 and 23, strike "apply to all children of a lactating inmate and shall".


     4. On page 1, line 25, strike "and".


     5. On page 2, line 1, strike "and:" and strike lines 2 through 8 in their entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following:


", disposal and same-day storage for later retrieval and delivery to an infant or toddler by an approved person, if preferred by the lactating inmate and approved by the correctional facility administrator; and


                (3) procedures to ensure the safety of breast milk for an infant or toddler.".







                             Respectfully submitted,





Gail Chasey, Chair



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 13 For 0 Against

Yes:      13

No:       0

Excused:  None

Absent:   None




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