52nd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2016
A. Except as otherwise provided in another section of this act:
(1) the unexpended balance from the proceeds of severance tax bonds issued for a project that has been reauthorized in this act shall revert to the severance tax bonding fund:
(a) at the end of the expenditure period as set forth in this act, if the expenditure period is changed in this act; or
(b) if the expenditure period is not changed in this act, pursuant to the time frame set forth in the law that originally authorized the severance tax bonds or the time frame set forth in any law that has previously reauthorized the expenditure of the proceeds, whichever is later; and
(2) all remaining balances from the proceeds of severance tax bonds issued for a project that has been reauthorized in this act shall revert to the severance tax bonding fund three months after the reversion date for the unexpended balances.
B. For the purpose of this section, "unexpended balance" means the remainder of an appropriation after reserving for unpaid costs and expenses covered by binding written obligations to third parties.
A. Except as otherwise provided in another section of this act:
(1) the unexpended balance of an appropriation from the general fund or other state fund that has been changed in this act shall revert:
(a) at the end of the expenditure period as set forth in this act, if the expenditure period is changed in this act; or
(b) if the expenditure period is not changed in this act, pursuant to the time frame set forth in the law in which the original appropriation was made or the time frame set forth in any law that has previously changed the appropriation, whichever is later; and
(2) all remaining balances of an appropriation from the general fund or other state fund that has been changed in this act shall revert three months after the reversion date for the unexpended balance.
B. Except as provided in Subsection C of this section, the balance of an appropriation made from the general fund or other state fund shall revert pursuant to Subsection A of this section to the originating fund.
C. The balance of an appropriation made from the general fund or other state fund to the Indian affairs department or the aging and long-term services department for a project located on lands of an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo shall revert pursuant to Subsection A of this section to the tribal infrastructure project fund.
D. For the purpose of this section, "unexpended balance" means the remainder of an appropriation after reserving for unpaid costs and expenses covered by binding written obligations to third parties.
SECTION 3. CYPRESS ROAD SOUTHWEST IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project in Subsection 2 of Section 18 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct road improvements, including drainage, curbing and asphalt overlay, to Cypress road southwest in the Los Ranchos de Atrisco area south of Central avenue southwest in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 4. BERNALILLO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL RESCUE RESPONSE UNIT--CHANGE TO BERNALILLO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE ENGINE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 8 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to purchase and equip a technical rescue response unit for the fire department in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase and equip a fire engine for the county fire department in Bernalillo county.
SECTION 5. BERNALILLO COUNTY HEAD START BUSES--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 3 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to purchase and equip head start program buses in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 6. SOUTH VALLEY COMMUNITY ACEQUIA IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project originally authorized in Subparagraph (l) of Paragraph (10) of Subsection A of Section 18 of Chapter 105 of Laws 2010 and reauthorized to the local government division in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 4 for the middle Rio Grande conservancy district to plan, design and construct improvements to community ditches and acequias in the south valley of Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 7. NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR AFRICAN AMERICAN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER EXHIBIT HALL EQUIPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the state fair commission project in Subsection 1 of Section 24 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for exhibits, displays, storage, exhibitions and equipment at the African American performing arts center at the New Mexico state fairgrounds in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 8. ALBUQUERQUE ATRISCO COMMUNITY ADULT DAYCARE AND RESPITE FACILITY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project originally authorized in Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (8) of Subsection A of Section 18 of Chapter 105 of Laws 2010 and reauthorized to the aging and long-term services department in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 9 to purchase land and a building and to plan, design, renovate, construct, furnish and equip an adult daycare and respite facility in the Atrisco community in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 9. ALBUQUERQUE FIRE DEPARTMENT LADDER TRUCK--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 37 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to purchase and equip a ladder truck for the fire department in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 10. ANDERSON ABRUZZO ALBUQUERQUE INTERNATIONAL BALLOON MUSEUM HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING--CHANGE TO SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS EXHIBITS AND SYSTEMS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 19 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to plan, design and construct a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system for the collections at the Anderson Abruzzo Albuquerque international balloon museum in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct and install science, technology, engineering and mathematics exhibits and collections management systems at that museum.
SECTION 11. ALBUQUERQUE KIMO THEATER BAND SHELL--CHANGE TO KIMO THEATER CARPETS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 42 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to plan, design, purchase and install a retractable band shell in the Kimo theater in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, purchase and install carpet in that theater.
SECTION 12. ALBUQUERQUE THOMAS BELL COMMUNITY CENTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 56 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to purchase and install recreation equipment and information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, at the Thomas Bell community center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 13. ALBUQUERQUE WHEELS MUSEUM VISITOR CENTER--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 68 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to plan and design a visitor center at the Wheels museum in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county may include construction, renovation and the purchase of equipment.
SECTION 14. BERNALILLO COUNTY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTERS KITCHEN EQUIPMENT--CHANGE TO BERNALILLO COUNTY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM KITCHEN EQUIPMENT--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 71 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to purchase kitchen equipment for domestic violence shelters in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase kitchen equipment for a domestic violence program in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county.
SECTION 15. BERNALILLO COUNTY FOOD DISTRIBUTION FACILITY--CHANGE TO FURNISH AND EQUIP--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 72 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to acquire a building and to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish and equip a direct food distribution center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to furnish and equip a direct food distribution center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county.
SECTION 16. BERNALILLO COUNTY SOUTH VALLEY YOUTH CRISIS SHELTER MULTIPURPOSE ROOM--CHANGE TO YOUTH CRISIS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 55 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for a multipurpose room at a youth crisis shelter in the south valley area in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct and furnish improvements to a youth crisis center in the south valley area in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 17. CIEN AGUAS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FACILITY CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project originally authorized in Subsection 7 of Section 8 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 and reauthorized in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 10 to purchase a building, to plan, renovate and equip facilities and classrooms and to purchase and install information technology, including related furniture, equipment and infrastructure, for Cien Aguas international school in Albuquerque is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 18. DEAF CULTURE MULTIPURPOSE CENTER AND APARTMENT COMPLEX--CHANGE TO DEAF CULTURE MULTIPURPOSE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation originally authorized in Subsection 26 of Section 24 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized to the commission for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 5 for a deaf culture multipurpose center and apartment complex for the deaf and deaf-blind in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county and for which the time of expenditure was extended in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 12 shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to plan, design, improve and construct renovations and to purchase furniture and equipment for a deaf culture multipurpose center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 19. LA PROMESA EARLY LEARNING CENTER CHARTER SCHOOL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project in Subsection 108 of Section 13 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to purchase and install information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, at La Promesa early learning center charter school in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 20. NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER TORREON BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the cultural affairs department originally authorized in Subsection 4 of Section 7 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 19 and again in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 15 to complete the Torreon building and surrounding landscaping at the national Hispanic cultural center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county may include improvements to the Torreon building and the construction of a welcome center at the entrance to the cultural center. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 21. AFRICAN AMERICAN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER EXHIBITS, DISPLAYS AND EQUIPMENT AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the state fair commission project originally authorized in Subsection 1 of Section 16 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 16 and again in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 5 for exhibits, displays and equipment and for audiovisual and digital equipment and information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, at the African American performing arts center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 22. ALICE FAYE HOPPES PAVILION STAGE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the state fair commission project originally authorized in Subsection 1 of Section 16 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 14 to design and construct a stage at the Alice Faye Hoppes pavilion at the New Mexico state fairgrounds in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county and for which the time of expenditure was extended in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 8 is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 23. NEW MEXICO STATE FAIRGROUNDS INFRASTRUCTURE AND IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the state fair commission project originally authorized in Subsection 1 of Section 16 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 15 and further reauthorized in Laws 2013, Chapter 202, Section 5 to make infrastructure and other improvements at the New Mexico state fairgrounds in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county and for which the time of expenditure was extended in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 16 is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 24. SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE SECURITY CAMERAS AND INFRASTRUCTURE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 2 of Section 28 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for security cameras and infrastructure at the southwestern Indian polytechnic institute in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 25. SOUTHWEST SECONDARY LEARNING CENTER SMART LAB EQUIPMENT AND UPGRADES--CHANGE TO UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO STADIUM IMPROVEMENTS AND SOUND SYSTEM--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 20 of Section 18 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for equipment and upgrades for the smart lab at Southwest Secondary learning center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico to plan, design, construct, purchase and install improvements, including replacing the sound system, at University stadium at the university of New Mexico in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 26. SOUTHWEST SECONDARY LEARNING CENTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--CHANGE TO UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO STADIUM SOUND SYSTEM--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 166 of Section 13 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 for the purchase and installation of information technology at Southwest Secondary learning center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico to plan, design, construct, purchase and install improvements, including replacing the sound system, at University stadium at the university of New Mexico in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 27. DIGITAL ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project in Subsection 52 of Section 13 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to purchase and install information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, at the Digital Arts and Technology academy in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 28. LA ACADEMIA DE ESPERANZA COLLABORATIVE WORKSHOP PURCHASE AND INSTALL--CHANGE TO WORKSHOP, OUTDOOR CLASSROOM, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 101 of Section 13 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to purchase and install a collaborative workshop for La Academia de Esperanza in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish, equip and improve the collaborative workshop, outdoor classroom, buildings and grounds, including the purchase and installation of related equipment, fencing, information technology, wiring and infrastructure, for La Academia de Esperanza.
SECTION 29. LA PROMESA EARLY LEARNING CENTER CHARTER SCHOOL HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project authorized in Subsection 43 of Section 8 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at La Promesa early learning center charter school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 30. NUESTROS VALORES CHARTER SCHOOL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project in Subsection 108 of Section 18 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to purchase and install information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, in the Nuestros Valores charter school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 31. CATRON COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS IMPROVEMENTS--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 86 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to plan, design, construct, equip and furnish communications improvements, including repeaters and related equipment, in Reserve in Catron county may include such communications improvements throughout Catron county.
SECTION 32. CATRON COUNTY HEALTH CLINIC CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 29 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design, construct, equip and furnish the county health clinic in Reserve in Catron county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 33. ROSWELL FISK BUILDING RESTROOM FACILITY--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 69 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for the Fisk building restroom facility in Roswell in Chaves county may include planning, design, renovation and construction of additional restroom facilities in downtown Roswell in Chaves county.
SECTION 34. RAMAH CHAPTER SENIOR CENTER IMPROVEMENTS FOR CODE COMPLIANCE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the aging and long-term services department project in Subsection 7 of Section 4 of Chapter 5 of Laws 2011 (S.S.) to make improvements for building code compliance, including purchase and installation of equipment, to the Ramah chapter senior center on the Navajo Nation in Cibola county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 35. CANNON AIR FORCE BASE LAND AND WATER RIGHTS PURCHASE--CHANGE TO CANNON AIR FORCE BASE IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation originally authorized in Subsection 2 of Section 15 of Chapter 111 of Laws 2006 and reauthorized in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 98 and further reauthorized to the office of military base planning and support in Laws 2010 (2nd S.S.), Chapter 4, Section 22 and subsequently reauthorized in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 20 to acquire land and associated water rights for land adjacent to Cannon air force base for expenditure in conjunction with Curry county shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purposes but is changed to purchase land and water rights and to develop infrastructure and to plan, design, construct and improve Cannon air force base in Curry county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 36. TRES AMIGAS PROJECT ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO CURRY COUNTY ROADS 4, 10, D AND V IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--One hundred sixty-three thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars ($163,125) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation originally authorized in Subsection 16 of Section 18 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct road improvements for the Tres Amigas project in Curry county and for which the time of expenditure was extended in Laws 2015, Chapter 147, Section 20 is changed to plan, design and construct improvements to county roads 4, 10, D and V in Curry county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 37. TRES AMIGAS PROJECT ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO CLOVIS CURRY COUNTY ROAD I CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--One hundred sixty-three thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars ($163,125) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation originally authorized in Subsection 16 of Section 18 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct road improvements for the Tres Amigas project in Curry county and for which the time of expenditure was extended in Laws 2015, Chapter 147, Section 20 is changed to plan, design and construct an all-weather road on county road I in Clovis in Curry county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 38. ANTHONY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS FOR GADSDEN HIGH SCHOOL--CHANGE TO IMPROVEMENTS FOR WATER LINES IN DONA ANA COUNTY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 11 of Section 20 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to construct, purchase and install improvements to the water lines serving Gadsden high school in the Anthony water and sanitation district in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct, purchase and install improvements to the water lines of that water and sanitation district in Dona Ana county.
SECTION 39. KIT CARSON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO FIELD OF DREAMS LIGHTING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND BLEACHERS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 26 of Section 36 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for improvements to Kit Carson road in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to plan, design, purchase and install field lighting, an irrigation system and bleachers at the Field of Dreams recreational complex in the Las Cruces public school district in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 40. EDDY COUNTY SOUTHWEST CARLSBAD BYPASS ROAD--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The department of transportation project in Subsection 32 of Section 33 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to plan, design and construct a bypass road around the southwest of Carlsbad in Eddy county between United States highways 285 and 62 may include acquisition of rights of way.
SECTION 41. HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING EXPANSIONS AND ADDITIONS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 61 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish and equip expansion of and additions to the fire department building in Hope in Eddy county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 42. SILVER CITY BASEBALL AND SOCCER FIELDS CONCESSION STANDS, LIGHTING AND RESTROOMS IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO SILVER CITY BASEBALL AND SOCCER FIELDS IMPROVEMENTS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 118 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to construct and equip concession stands, lighting and restrooms at the baseball and soccer fields in Silver City in Grant county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to construct, repair and improve baseball and soccer fields in Silver City in Grant county.
SECTION 43. EAST PUERTO DE LUNA COMMUNITY DITCH IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project in Subsection 2 of Section 15 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and install piping and concrete ditch lining on the east Puerto de Luna community ditch in Guadalupe county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 44. SANTA ROSA AMBULANCE--CHANGE TO ILFELD WAREHOUSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 118 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for an ambulance in Santa Rosa in Guadalupe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish and landscape the Ilfeld warehouse and a parking lot, including the purchase and installation of equipment, in Santa Rosa in Guadalupe county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 45. SANTA ROSA CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT VOCATIONAL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project in Subsection 211 of Section 13 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to purchase and install vocational equipment and tools for the career readiness program in the Santa Rosa consolidated school district in Guadalupe county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 46. VAUGHN AMBULANCE PURCHASE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 122 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to purchase and equip an ambulance in Vaughn in Guadalupe county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 47. HIDALGO COUNTY RODEO MEDICAL CLINIC CONSTRUCTION--CHANGE TO HIDALGO COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 124 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to plan, design and construct a medical clinic in Rodeo in Hidalgo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct, renovate and equip the Hidalgo county fairgrounds in Hidalgo county.
SECTION 48. LOVINGTON CHAPARRAL PARK AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM--CHANGE TO LOVINGTON FIRE STATION CONSTRUCTION--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 146 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) for an automatic irrigation system in Chaparral park in Lovington in Lea county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct and equip a fire station in Lovington in Lea county.
SECTION 49. LOVINGTON WATER SYSTEM AND NORTH WELL FIELD--CHANGE TO LOVINGTON WELLS AND WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 50 of Section 16 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 for wells and water system improvements for a well field north of Lovington in Lea county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to acquire land for and to plan, design and construct wells and water system improvements for Lovington in Lea county.
SECTION 50. LOVINGTON WELLS CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the department of environment project in Subsection 19 of Section 11 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct wells in Lovington in Lea county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 51. YA-TA-HEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO CARBON COAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 42 of Section 23 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for water system and site improvements for the Ya-Ta-Hey water and sanitation district in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the department of transportation to plan, design and construct improvements to Carbon Coal road in McKinley county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 52. NAVAJO NATION LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION--CHANGE TO DEERSPRINGS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the aging and long-term services department in Subsection 21 of Section 5 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for a long-term care facility in the Navajo Nation in Navajo in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the department of transportation to plan, design and construct improvements to Deersprings road, including bridge and drainage improvements, in McKinley county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 53. TSA-YA-TOH AND MANUELITO CHAPTERS MULTIPURPOSE CENTER--CHANGE TO MANUELITO CANYON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 24 of Section 25 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) for a multipurpose center in the Tsa-Ya-Toh and Manuelito chapters of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the department of transportation to plan, design and construct improvements to Manuelito Canyon road, including bridge and drainage improvements, in McKinley county.
SECTION 54. RAMAH NAVAJO POLICE STATION RENOVATION--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the local government division project originally authorized in Subsection 142 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 and reauthorized to the Indian affairs department in Laws 2015, Chapter 147, Section 33 to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish and equip the police station in the Ramah Navajo area of McKinley county is appropriated to the local government division for that police station. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 55. MANUELITO CHAPTER SENIOR CENTER RENOVATION--CHANGE TO ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE CENTER--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the aging and long-term services department in Subsection 20 of Section 5 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to construct and renovate the senior center in the Manuelito chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the Indian affairs department to plan, design, renovate, construct and improve the old head start building, including parking area upgrades, to serve as an administrative service center in that chapter. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 56. RAMAH CHAPTER NAVAJO POLICE STATION--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division originally authorized in Subsection 136 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 and reauthorized to the Indian affairs department in Laws 2015, Chapter 147, Section 34 to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish and equip the police station in the Ramah Navajo area of McKinley county is appropriated to the local government division for that purpose. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 57. RED LAKE CHAPTER WATER TANK IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND POWERLINE EXTENSION--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 62 of Section 16 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 for site improvements and remediation for a community water tank in the Red Lake chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the Indian affairs department to plan, design and construct utility improvements, including powerline extensions, in that chapter.
SECTION 58. THOREAU COMMUNITY CENTER KITCHEN RENOVATION--CHANGE TO THOREAU MULTIPURPOSE AND RECREATION CENTER--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 138 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to renovate the community center kitchen in Thoreau in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a multipurpose and recreation center in Thoreau in McKinley county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 59. THOREAU CHAPTER VETERANS SERVICE CENTER--CHANGE AGENCY--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 20 of Section 19 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to plan, design and construct a veterans service center in the Thoreau chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is appropriated to the local government division and may including furnishing and equipping that veterans service center.
SECTION 60. THOREAU CHAPTER VETERANS SERVICE CENTER CONSTRUCTION--CHANGE AGENCY--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 23 of Section 25 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to construct, equip and furnish a veterans service center in the Thoreau chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is appropriated to the local government division for that veterans service center and may include planning and design work.
SECTION 61. TSA-YA-TOH CHAPTER RAILWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK CONSTRUCTION--CHANGE TO TSA-YA-TOH CHAPTER HOUSE CONSTRUCTION--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 23 of Section 19 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to plan, design and construct a railway industrial park in the Tsa-Ya-Toh chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct improvements to the chapter house for that chapter.
SECTION 62. UPPER HOLMAN COMMUNITY MUTUAL DOMESTIC WATER CONSUMERS AND MUTUAL SEWAGE WORKS ASSOCIATION FLUORIDE TREATMENT FACILITY--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The department of environment project in Subsection 148 of Section 16 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to plan, design and construct a fluoride treatment facility for the upper Holman community mutual domestic water consumers and mutual sewage works association in Holman in Mora county may include the acquisition of land for that facility.
SECTION 63. EASTERN NEW MEXICO WATER UTILITY AUTHORITY PUMP STATION--CHANGE TO GROUND WATER PIPELINE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--One hundred twenty-two thousand dollars ($122,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 54 of Section 23 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to design and construct a pump station for the regional water system for the eastern New Mexico water utility authority in Portales in Roosevelt county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a ground water pipeline for the eastern New Mexico water utility authority. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 64. ROCK SPRINGS CHAPTER VETERANS FACILITY--CHANGE TO ROCK SPRINGS CHAPTER MULTIPURPOSE CENTER--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 19 of Section 28 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to plan, design and construct a veterans facility in the Rock Springs chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley and San Juan counties shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a multipurpose center for that chapter. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 65. SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY AND CENTRAL NEW MEXICO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY KITCHENS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 3 of Section 5 of Chapter 5 of Laws 2011 (S.S.) to renovate and equip the kitchens at the southern New Mexico correctional facility in Dona Ana county and the central New Mexico correctional facility in Valencia county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 66. SPACEPORT TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the spaceport authority project originally authorized in Subsection C of Section 76 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 62 to purchase rights of way, drainage and paving improvements and transportation infrastructure improvements in Sierra county and Dona Ana county related to the spaceport, and for which the time of expenditure was extended in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 37, is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 67. OTERO COUNTY SLASH PIT--CHANGE TO ALAMOGORDO GRIGGS FIELD DETENTION BASIN IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--Two hundred fifteen thousand five hundred dollars ($215,500) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the energy, minerals and natural resources department in Subsection 1 of Section 14 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 for a slash pit in Otero county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the office of the state engineer to design, construct and equip phase 1a and 1b improvements to the Griggs field detention basin in Alamogordo in Otero county.
SECTION 68. OTERO COUNTY DOG CANYON FLOOD CONTROL STRUCTURE--CHANGE TO CHAPARRAL COMMUNITY CENTER KITCHEN--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the office of the state engineer in Subsection 4 of Section 18 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) for a flood control structure in the Dog canyon area of Otero county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to plan, design, construct and equip a kitchen in the community center in Chaparral in Otero county.
SECTION 69. MESCALERO APACHE TRIBE I-SAH-DIN-DII INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 22 of Section 28 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to design and construct infrastructure improvements to the I-Sah-Din-Dii housing development for the Mescalero Apache Tribe in Otero county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 70. RIO DE CHAMA ACEQUIAS ASSOCIATION WATER AND WATER STORAGE RIGHTS PURCHASE--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The interstate stream commission project in Subsection 10 of Section 15 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to purchase water rights and water storage rights at Abiquiu dam for the Rio de Chama acequias association in the Medanales area in Rio Arriba county may include the purchase of water rights and water storage rights at El Vado dam. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 71. NEW MEXICO STATE POLICE DISTRICT OFFICE--CHANGE TO CONSTRUCT AND DEMOLISH--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the capital program fund in Subsection 3 of Section 5 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design, renovate, expand, furnish and equip the New Mexico state police district office in Espanola in Rio Arriba county is changed to plan, design, construct, furnish and equip that state police district office, including demolition of the old office. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 72. ESPANOLA COURT AND JAIL BUILDINGS REMODELED TO EXPAND THE CITY HALL--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 152 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to plan, design, construct and remodel the former municipal court and jail buildings to expand the city hall in Espanola in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 73. ESPANOLA LIBRARY AND DIGITAL MEDIA CENTER CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 91 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct a library and digital media center in Espanola in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 74. RIO ARRIBA COUNTY INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD RECREATION FIELDS AND WALKING TRAILS--CHANGE TO ESPANOLA VALLEY REGIONAL SPORTSPLEX BATHROOM AND CONCESSION FACILITIES--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 164 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to construct recreational softball fields and walking trails on Industrial Park road in Espanola in Rio Arriba county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct bathroom and concession facilities for the Espanola valley regional sportsplex in Espanola in Rio Arriba county.
SECTION 75. SANTA FE COUNTY ROAD 90 IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO ESPANOLA VALLEY REGIONAL SPORTSPLEX IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 45 of Section 18 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 for improvements to Santa Fe county road 90 shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to plan, design and construct bathroom and concession facilities for a regional sportsplex in Espanola in Rio Arriba county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 76. EASTERN NEW MEXICO WATER UTILITY AUTHORITY PUMP STATION--CHANGE TO ROOSEVELT COUNTY ROADS AND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 54 of Section 23 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to design and construct a pump station for the regional water system for the eastern New Mexico water utility authority in Portales in Roosevelt county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the department of transportation to plan, design and construct roads and road improvements in Roosevelt county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 77. GADII'AHI-TO'KOI SENIOR CENTER DEMOLITION--CHANGE TO SENIOR CENTER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 28 of Section 28 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for demolition of the condemned senior center in the Gadii'ahi-To'koi chapter of the Navajo Nation in San Juan county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a senior center for that chapter. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 78. TSE'DAA'KAAN CHAPTER IRRIGATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project originally authorized in Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph (7) of Subsection A of Section 18 of Chapter 105 of Laws 2010 and reauthorized to the local government division in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 70 and further reauthorized to the Indian affairs department in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 42 for irrigation system improvements, including rebuilding the pump house and replacing pumps, for the Hogback irrigation project in the Tse'Daa'Kaan chapter of the Navajo Nation in San Juan county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 79. TSE'DAA'KAAN CHAPTER IRRIGATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project originally authorized in Subsection 40 of Section 15 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 and reauthorized to the Indian affairs department in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 394 and further reauthorized in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 87 and reauthorized to the local government division in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 73 and subsequently reauthorized to the Indian affairs department in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 43 for irrigation system improvements, including rebuilding the pump house and replacing pumps, for the Hogback irrigation project in the Tse'Daa'Kaan chapter of the Navajo Nation in San Juan county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 80. NEW MEXICO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INSTITUTE INFRASTRUCTURE AND SECURITY--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project in Subsection 6 of Section 5 of Chapter 5 of Laws 2011 (S.S.) for security and infrastructure improvements at the New Mexico behavioral health institute in Las Vegas in San Miguel county may include mold and asbestos testing, abatement and remediation. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 81. NEW MEXICO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INSTITUTE NEW MEADOWS LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY PATIENT HOUSING UNITS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 4 of Section 5 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 for patient housing units at the new Meadows long-term care facility at the New Mexico behavioral health institute in Las Vegas in San Miguel county and for other patient health and safety improvements at department of health facilities statewide is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 82. NEW MEXICO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INSTITUTE OLD MEADOWS BUILDING DEMOLITION AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project in Subsection 12 of Section 9 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to demolish a building in preparation for phase 3 of the new Meadows building at the New Mexico behavioral health institute in Las Vegas in San Miguel county may include planning, designing, constructing, equipping and furnishing phase 3 of the new Meadows building project.
SECTION 83. BERNALILLO WATER LINE ADDITION--CHANGE TO WELL 2 ARSENIC TREATMENT SYSTEM--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 29 of Section 20 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) for a river crossing water line for Bernalillo in Sandoval county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase and install an arsenic treatment system for municipal drinking water well 2 in Bernalillo in Sandoval county.
SECTION 84. PUEBLO OF JEMEZ FIRE APPARATUS BAYS CONSTRUCTION--CHANGE TO METAL BUILDING AND CONCRETE PAD--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 37 of Section 28 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to construct fire apparatus bays for the Pueblo of Jemez in Sandoval county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a metal building with a concrete pad for adobe production in that pueblo. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 85. TORREON-STAR LAKE CHAPTER WATER LINE--CHANGE TO BATHROOM ADDITIONS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department in Subsection 43 of Section 28 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for a Cayaditto camp and Torreon south water line in the Torreon-Star Lake chapter of the Navajo Nation in Sandoval county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct bathroom additions for Cayaditto camp and Torreon south in that chapter. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 86. SANTA FE AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR VETERANS--CHANGE TO MADRID FIRE STATION IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 179 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 for affordable housing for veterans and low- to moderate-income families in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct and equip improvements to the fire station in Madrid in Santa Fe county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 87. SANTA FE COUNTY WOMEN'S HEALTH BUILDING RENOVATION--CHANGE TO SANTA FE WOMEN'S HEALTH BUILDING RENOVATION AND EQUIPMENT--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 192 of Section 22 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to design and construct renovations to the women's health building in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, renovate, construct, improve and furnish facilities, including the purchase and installation of medical, pharmacy and security equipment and information technology and related equipment and infrastructure, at the women's health services building in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county.
SECTION 88. SANTA FE COUNTY WOMEN'S HEALTH SERVICES MEDICAL EQUIPMENT--CHANGE TO SANTA FE COUNTY WOMEN'S HEALTH BUILDING RENOVATION AND EQUIPMENT--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 212 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to purchase a unit dose packaging system for women and family health services in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, renovate, construct, improve and furnish facilities, including the purchase and installation of medical, pharmacy and security equipment and information technology and related equipment and infrastructure, at the women's health services building in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county.
SECTION 89. SANTA FE COUNTY WOMEN'S HEALTH SERVICES EQUIP--CHANGE TO SANTA FE COUNTY WOMEN'S HEALTH BUILDING RENOVATION AND EQUIPMENT--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.-- The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 183 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to purchase and install medical and security equipment and information technology at the women's health services facility in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, renovate, construct, improve and furnish facilities, including the purchase and installation of medical, pharmacy and security equipment and information technology and related equipment and infrastructure, at the women's health services building in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 90. SANTA FE AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR VETERANS--CHANGE TO SANTA FE TRANSIT FLEET ROOF STRUCTURE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--Thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 179 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to construct infrastructure for a subdivision of affordable housing for veterans and low- to moderate-income families in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a roof structure for the transit fleet in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 91. SANTA FE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY INFRASTRUCTURE--CHANGE TO WELCOME SIGNAGE, PARK AND TRANSIT CENTER BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 216 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) for public health and safety infrastructure in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county shall not be used for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, purchase, construct and install welcome signage, park improvements and transit center building improvements in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county.
SECTION 92. TAXATION AND REVENUE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT PURCHASE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the taxation and revenue department project originally authorized in Laws 2013, Chapter 226, Section 35 and reauthorized in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 51 to purchase and install equipment, including remittance units, mail inserters and a motor vehicle division mobile unit, in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally authorized in Subsection 14 of Section 5 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for construction of the Alzheimer's skilled nursing unit at the New Mexico state veterans' home in Truth or Consequences in Sierra county and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 99 to include planning, designing, equipping, furnishing and landscaping and to extend the time of expenditure, and for which the time of expenditure was extended again in Laws 2014, Chapter 64, Section 54, is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 94. NEW MEXICO STATE VETERANS' HOME SKILLED NURSING ALZHEIMER'S UNIT--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally authorized in Subsection 9 of Section 5 of Chapter 5 of Laws 2011 (S.S.) for construction of the Alzheimer's skilled nursing unit at the New Mexico state veterans' home in Truth or Consequences in Sierra county and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 100 to include furnishing and equipping is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 95. REGIONAL VETERANS CEMETERIES STATEWIDE--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the veterans' services department in Laws 2014, Chapter 66, Section 34 to match federal funding to plan, design and construct regional veterans cemeteries statewide may include land acquisition. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2024.
SECTION 96. LLANO QUEMADO COMMUNITY CENTER CONCRETE SLAB, ENTRANCE AND FENCING--CHANGE TO BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 224 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) for a concrete slab, entrance improvements and fencing at the Llano Quemado community center in Taos county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct building improvements for that community center.
SECTION 97. QUESTA WATERSHED AND RIVER RESTORATION PROJECT--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 140 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan and design watershed and river restoration in Questa in Taos county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 98. TAOS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL CENTER 4-H INDOOR ARENA ADDITION--CHANGE TO IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 143 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to construct an addition to the county 4-H indoor arena multipurpose facility at the county agricultural center in Taos in Taos county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to construct improvements to that facility. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 99. UNION COUNTY JUDICIAL COMPLEX PLAN AND DESIGN--CHANGE TO UNION COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPLEX--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 220 of Section 31 of Chapter 226 of Laws 2013 to plan and design a judicial complex in Union county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a law enforcement complex in Union county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 100. VALENCIA COUNTY MEADOW LAKE POLICE SUBSTATION IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO MEADOW LAKE FIRE SUBSTATION CONSTRUCTION--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 244 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to plan, design and construct improvements to the Meadow Lake police substation and grounds in Los Lunas in Valencia county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct a Meadow Lake fire substation in Valencia county.
SECTION 101. LOS LUNAS WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY EXPANSION--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The department of environment project in Subsection 132 of Section 16 of Chapter 66 of Laws 2014 to construct and install improvements to expand the wastewater treatment capacity in Los Lunas in Valencia county may include planning and designing improvements to the wastewater treatment capacity in Los Lunas.
SECTION 102. VALENCIA COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY EXPANSION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 151 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to design and construct an expansion of the animal control facility in Los Lunas in Valencia county is extended through fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 103. VALENCIA COUNTY EL CERRO COMMUNITY CENTER IMPROVEMENTS--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 243 of Section 28 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2015 (S.S.) to plan, design and construct improvements, including a roof and a water well, to El Cerro community center in Los Lunas in Valencia county may include a soccer field and the purchase of water rights for that community center.
SECTION 104. Laws 2014, Chapter 66, Section 45 is amended to read:
"SECTION 45. NEW MEXICO SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PROJECTS--APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND.--[The following appropriations are from the unexpended proceeds of taxable supplemental severance tax bonds that are no longer needed for the projects for which the bonds were issued.] Notwithstanding the provisions of [Subsection E of] Section 7-27-12, Section 7-27-12.2 and Section 22-24-4 NMSA 1978 [or any other law], the following amounts are appropriated from the public school capital outlay fund, contingent upon approval of the public school capital outlay council, to the board of regents of the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired for expenditure in fiscal years 2014 through 2018, unless otherwise provided for in Section 3 of the 2014 Work New Mexico Act, for the following purposes:
1. four million one hundred sixteen thousand nine hundred ninety-three dollars ($4,116,993) to plan, design, construct, renovate, equip and furnish the Ditzler auditorium and recreation center and the library building, including demolition of the Bert Reeves learning center, and to make other infrastructure improvements campuswide at the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired in Alamogordo in Otero county;
2. one million eight hundred forty-four thousand fifteen dollars ($1,844,015) to plan, design, construct, renovate, equip and furnish the Quimby gymnasium and natatorium and to make other infrastructure improvements campuswide at the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired in Alamogordo in Otero county; and
3. two million two hundred ninety-four thousand four hundred eleven dollars ($2,294,411) to plan, design, construct, renovate, equip and furnish residential cottages, including the demolition of Sacramento dormitory, and to make other infrastructure improvements campuswide at the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired in Alamogordo in Otero county."
SECTION 105. Laws 2014, Chapter 66, Section 46 is amended to read:
"SECTION 46. NEW MEXICO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF PROJECT-- APPROPRIATION FROM THE PUBLIC SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND.--[The following appropriation is from the unexpended proceeds of taxable supplemental severance tax bonds that are no longer needed for the projects for which the bonds were issued.] Notwithstanding the provisions of [Subsection E of] Section 7-27-12, Section 7-27-12.2 and Section 22-24-4 NMSA 1978 [or any other law], seven million thirty-eight thousand three hundred sixty-five dollars ($7,038,365) is appropriated from the public school capital outlay fund, contingent upon approval of the public school capital outlay council, to the board of regents of the New Mexico school for the deaf for expenditure in fiscal years 2014 through 2018, unless otherwise provided for in Section 3 of the 2014 Work New Mexico Act, to plan, design, construct, renovate, equip and furnish Cartwright hall at the New Mexico school for the deaf in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county."
SECTION 106. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately.
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