51st legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2013


Antonio "Moe" Maestas










     SECTION 1. Section 6-15-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1929, Chapter 201, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read:

     "6-15-5. SALE OF BONDS.--

          A. [Before any bonds issued by a municipal corporation are offered for public sale, the corporate authorities issuing the bonds shall designate the maximum net effective interest rate the bonds shall bear, which shall not exceed the maximum permitted by the Public Securities Act. Except as provided in Subsection B or C of this section and in Sections 6-18-6, 6-18-7 and 6-21-9 NMSA 1978] All of the bonds shall be offered and sold at public sale pursuant to this section or at a negotiated sale on terms determined by the municipal corporation.

          B. Bonds maturing in less than thirty days may be sold at private sale to the state at the price and upon such terms and conditions as a municipal corporation and the state may determine.

          C. Notwithstanding any law requiring bonds to be sold at a public sale, the following bonds may be sold at a public or private sale:

                (1) bonds designated as build America bonds pursuant to Section 1531 of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; and

                (2) qualified school construction bonds issued pursuant to the Qualified School Construction Bonds Act and Section 1521 of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

          D. Before any bonds issued by a municipal corporation are offered for public sale, the corporate authorities issuing the bonds shall designate the maximum net effective interest rate the bonds shall bear, which shall not exceed the maximum permitted by the Public Securities Act. A notice calling for bids for the purchase of the bonds shall be published once at least one week prior to the date of the sale in a newspaper having local circulation. The notice shall specify a place and designate a day and hour subsequent to the date of the publication when bids shall be received and publicly opened for the purchase of the bonds. The notice shall specify the maximum net effective interest rate permitted for the bonds and the maximum discount if a discount is allowed by the governing body and shall require bidders to submit a bid specifying the lowest rate of interest and any premium or discount if allowed by the governing body at, above or below par at which the bidder will purchase the bonds. The bonds shall be sold to the responsible bidder making the best bid determined by the municipal corporation as set forth in the notice, subject to the right of the governing body to reject any and all bids and readvertise. All bids shall be sealed or sent by facsimile or other electronic transmission to the municipal corporation as set forth in the notice. Except for the bid of the state or the United States, if one is received prior to acceptance by the governing body of the best bid, the best bidder shall make a deposit of not less than two percent of the principal amount of the bonds, either in the form of a financial security bond or in cash or by cashier's or treasurer's check of, or by certified check drawn on, a solvent commercial bank or trust company in the United States, which deposit shall be returned if the bid is not accepted. The financial surety bond or the long-term debt obligations of the issuer or person guarantying the obligations of the issuer of the financial surety bond shall be rated in one of the top two rating categories of a nationally recognized rating agency, without regard to any modification of the rating, and the financial surety bond must be issued by an insurance company licensed to issue such a bond in New Mexico. If the successful bidder does not complete the purchase of the bonds within thirty days following the acceptance of the bidder's bid or within ten days after the bonds are made ready and are offered by the municipal corporation for delivery, whichever is later, the amount of the bidder's deposit shall be forfeited to the municipal corporation issuing the bonds, and, in that event, the governing body may accept the bid of the bidder making the next best bid. If all bids are rejected, the governing body may readvertise the bonds for sale in the same manner as for the original advertisement or sell the bonds at private sale to the state or the United States. If there are two or more equal bids and the bids are the best bids received, the governing body shall determine which bid shall be accepted.

          E. Except as provided in this section, bonds to be issued by a municipal corporation for various purposes may be sold and issued as a single combined issue even though they may have been authorized by separate votes at an election or elections. Bonds authorized by any incorporated city, town or village for the construction or purchase of a system for supplying water, a sanitary sewer system or a storm sewer system may be combined with each other and sold and issued as a single issue but may not be combined with bonds to be issued for any other purpose that may be subject to the debt limitation of Article 9, Section 13 of the constitution of New Mexico."

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