49th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2010


Mary Jane M. Garcia









     WHEREAS, the New Mexico legislature recognizes the economic, social and cultural contributions that immigrants bring to New Mexico's communities; and

     WHEREAS, current federal immigration laws are outdated and greatly restrict opportunities for workers and their families to immigrate legally; and

     WHEREAS, the New Mexico legislature, with broad support from law enforcement, faith, business, labor and community organizations, has passed laws intended to integrate immigrants into New Mexico communities, such as the provision of driver's licenses and in-state tuition at state colleges to qualified persons regardless of immigration status; and

     WHEREAS, many local governments have passed resolutions, ordinances and policy directives recognizing that it is the role of the federal government to enforce civil immigration laws; and

     WHEREAS, many local governments have acted to affirm non-participation in the enforcement of civil immigration law by city officials and agencies; and

     WHEREAS, despite a ten-fold increase in the United States border patrol's budget in the last twenty years, the unauthorized immigrant population has tripled over the last two decades, demonstrating that an enforcement-only approach to unauthorized immigration is costly and ineffective; and

     WHEREAS, the separation of families by raids and other activities enforces the current broken immigration system and destroys families; and

     WHEREAS, families thus separated deserve to be reunited, especially those families of mixed status, with children who are United States citizens; and

     WHEREAS, undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States would benefit from a federal process whereby they could earn legal status through payment of appropriate fees and other reasonable requirements; and

     WHEREAS, an efficient immigration program would enable businesses to hire qualified foreign workers to meet local economic demands and thereby enhance the economy; and

     WHEREAS, immigration reform must occur in a comprehensive, thoughtful manner that focuses on the creation of economic opportunities and that strengthens families and communities;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the United States congress be urged to enact comprehensive immigration reform legislation; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this legislation include elements to ensure efficient border security; the reunification of immigrant families; a path to citizenship for undocumented workers currently in the United States; a legal means of immigration for foreign nationals who want to work in the United States temporarily, as well as for those who desire to become legal permanent residents or gain citizenship; resources to help cities alleviate the economic impact of delivering services to new residents; and resources to help cities integrate new residents into their communities; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the members of the New Mexico congressional delegation.

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