January 27, 2006

Madam President:

    Your EDUCATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

    1. On page 3, line 1, strike the first occurrence of "and", insert in lieu thereof a comma and after "instruction" insert "and assessment".

    2. On page 3, strike lines 3 and 4.

    3. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly.

    4. On page 4, strike lines 6 through 8 and insert in lieu thereof:

             "(4) ensure that school district strategic plans include goals for improving mathematics and science education aligned to the department's academic standards;".

    5. On page 4, line 11, after "state" insert ", including mentoring and web-based homework assistance for students".

    6. On page 4, line 17, after "education" insert "using existing data".

    7. On page 4, line 23, strike "seventeen" and insert in lieu thereof "twelve".

    8. On page 4, line 25, strike "five" and insert in lieu thereof "four".

    9. On page 5, line 1, strike "five" and insert in lieu thereof "four".

    10. On page 5, line 2, strike "seven" and insert in lieu thereof "four".

    11. On page 5, line 6, strike "The" and insert in lieu thereof "Using a statewide application process, the".

    12. On page 5, strike lines 9 through 25, on page 6, strike lines 1 through 18 and insert in lieu thereof:

             "(1) four members from public schools, including at least two mathematics and science teachers and a school district administrator with experience with mathematics or science curriculum;

             (2) three members from higher education with expertise in mathematics or science, representing both two-year and four-year institutions;

             (3) four members from the private sector, including the national laboratories, museums and science- or engineering-based businesses; and

             (4) one member representing the New Mexico partnership for mathematics and science education.".

    13. On page 9, lines 6 and 7, strike "four hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($425,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "three hundred fifty-five thousand dollars ($355,000)".

    14. On page 9, line 17, after "school" insert "and post-secondary".,

and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE.

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               Cynthia Nava, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 7 For 0 Against

Yes:      7

No:       0

Excused: Boitano, Sanchez, M.

Absent:   None

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