Joseph A. Fidel















     Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the “General Appropriation Act of 2005".

     Section 2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the General Appropriation Act of 2005:

            A. “agency” means an office, department, agency, institution, board, bureau, commission, court, district attorney, council or committee of state government;

           B. “efficiency” means the measure of the degree to which services are efficient and productive and is often expressed in terms of dollars or time per unit of output;

           C. “explanatory” means information that can help users to understand reported performance measures and to evaluate the significance of underlying factors that may have affected the reported information;

           D. “federal funds” means any payments by the United States government to state government or agencies except those payments made in accordance with the federal Mineral Lands Leasing Act;

           E. “full-time equivalent” or “FTE” means one or more authorized positions that alone or together receives or receive compensation for not more than two thousand eighty-eight hours worked in fiscal year 2006. The calculation of hours worked includes compensated absences but does not include overtime, compensatory time or sick leave paid pursuant to Section 10-7-10 NMSA 1978;

           F. “general fund” means that fund created by Section 6-4-2 NMSA 1978 and includes federal Mineral Lands Leasing Act receipts and those payments made in accordance with the federal block grant and the federal Workforce Investment Act, but excludes the general fund operating reserve, the appropriation contingency fund, the tax stabilization reserve and any other fund, reserve or account from which general appropriations are restricted by law;

           G. “interagency transfers” means revenue, other than internal service funds, legally transferred from one agency to another; 

            H. “internal service funds” means:

                 (1) revenue transferred to an agency for the financing of goods or services to another agency on a cost-reimbursement basis; and

                 (2) unencumbered balances in agency internal service fund accounts appropriated by the General Appropriation Act of 2005;

           I. “other state funds” means:

                 (1) unencumbered, nonreverting balances in agency accounts, other than in internal service funds accounts, appropriated by the General Appropriation Act of 2005;

                 (2) all revenue available to agencies from sources other than the general fund, internal service funds, interagency transfers and federal funds; and

                 (3) all revenue, the use of which is restricted by statute or agreement;

           J. “outcome” means the measure of the actual impact or public benefit of a program;

           K. “output” means the measure of the volume of work completed, or the level of actual services or products delivered by a program;

           L. “performance measure” means a quantitative or qualitative indicator used to assess a program;

           M. “quality” means the measure of the quality of a good or service produced and is often an indicator of the timeliness, reliability or safety of services or products produced by a program;

           N. “revenue” means all money received by an agency from sources external to that agency, net of refunds and other correcting transactions, other than from issue of debt, liquidation of investments or as agent or trustee for other governmental entities or private persons; and

           O. “target” means the expected level of performance of a program’s performance measures.

     Section 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS.--

           A. Amounts set out under column headings are expressed in thousands of dollars.

           B. Amounts set out under column headings are appropriated from the source indicated by the column heading. All amounts set out under the column heading “Internal Service Funds/Interagency Transfers” are intergovernmental transfers and do not represent a portion of total state government appropriations. All information designated as “Total” or “Subtotal” is provided for information and amounts are not appropriations. 

           C. Amounts set out in Section 4 of the General Appropriation Act of 2005, or so much as may be necessary, are appropriated from the indicated source for expenditure in fiscal year 2006 for the objects expressed.

           D. Unencumbered balances in agency accounts remaining at the end of fiscal year 2005 shall revert to the general fund by October 1, 2005, unless otherwise indicated in the General Appropriation Act of 2005 or otherwise provided by law.

           E. Unencumbered balances in agency accounts remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 shall revert to the general fund by October 1, 2006, unless otherwise indicated in the General Appropriation Act of 2005 or otherwise provided by law.

           F. The state budget division shall monitor revenue received by agencies from sources other than the general fund and shall reduce the operating budget of any agency whose revenue from such sources is not meeting projections. The state budget division shall notify the legislative finance committee of any operating budget reduced pursuant to this subsection.

           G. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the General Appropriation Act of 2005, appropriations are made in that act for the expenditures of agencies and for other purposes as required by existing law for fiscal year 2006. If any other act of the first session of the forty-seventh legislature changes existing law with regard to the name or responsibilities of an agency or the name or purpose of a fund or distribution, the appropriation made in the General Appropriation Act of 2005 shall be transferred from the agency, fund or distribution to which an appropriation has been made as required by existing law to the appropriate agency, fund or distribution provided by the new law.

           H. The department of finance and administration will regularly consult with the legislative finance committee staff to compare fiscal year 2006 revenue collections with the revenue estimate. If the analyses indicate that revenues and transfers to the general fund are not expected to meet appropriations, then the department shall present a plan to the legislative finance committee that outlines the methods by which the administration proposes to address the deficit.

           I. Pursuant to Sections 6-3-23 through 6-3-25 NMSA 1978, agencies whose revenue from state board of finance loans, from revenue appropriated by other acts of the legislature, or from gifts, grants, donations, bequests, insurance settlements, refunds or payments into revolving funds which exceeds specifically appropriated amounts may request budget increases from the state budget division. If approved by the state budget division, such money is appropriated.

           J. Pursuant to Section 6-4-2 NMSA 1978, federal funds received during fiscal year 2006 and not specifically appropriated shall be subject to future appropriation by the legislature provided, however, that an agency may request a budget increase during fiscal year 2006 from the state budget division if the agency submits documentation to the state budget division and to the legislative finance committee showing that all of the following five requirements have been met:

                 (1) the requested budget increase is for federal funds the amount of which could not have been reasonably anticipated or known during the first session of the forty-seventh legislature and, therefore, could not have been requested by the agency or appropriated by the legislature;

                 (2) the federal law authorizing the disbursement of the federal funds to the state requires the funds to be expended for specific programs or specific governmental functions without leaving a policy choice to the state of how the funds are to be expended;

                 (3) the state has no discretion as to the programs or governmental functions for which the federal funds will be expended;

                 (4) the executive branch has had no input into the selection of the programs or governmental functions for which the federal funds are required to be expended; and

                 (5) due to the emergency nature of the purpose of the federal funds or the likelihood that the federal funds will be unavailable in the future, the funds need to be budgeted and expended before the second session of the forty-seventh legislature.

           K. For fiscal year 2006, the number of permanent and term full-time-equivalent positions specified for each agency shows the maximum number of employees intended by the legislature for that agency, unless another provision of the General Appropriation Act of 2005 or another act of the first session of the forty-seventh legislature provides for additional employees.

           L. Except for gasoline credit cards used solely for operation of official vehicles, telephone credit cards used solely for official business and procurement cards used as authorized by Section 6-5-9.1 NMSA 1978, none of the appropriations contained in the General Appropriation Act of 2005 may be expended for payment of agency-issued credit card invoices.

           M. To prevent unnecessary spending, expenditures from the General Appropriation Act of 2005 for gasoline for state-owned vehicles at public gasoline service stations shall be made only for self-service gasoline provided that a state agency head may provide exceptions from the requirement to accommodate disabled persons or for other reasons the public interest may require.

           N. For the purpose of administering the General Appropriation Act of 2005, the state of New Mexico shall follow the modified accrual basis of accounting for governmental funds in accordance with the manual of model accounting practices issued by the department of finance and administration.

           O. When approving budgets based on appropriations in the General Appropriation Act of 2005, the state budget division is specifically authorized to approve budgets in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the authority to extend the availability period of an appropriation through the use of an encumbrance shall follow the modified accrual basis of accounting for governmental funds in accordance with the manual of model accounting practices issued by the department of finance and administration.

     Section 4. FISCAL YEAR 2006 APPROPRIATIONS.--For those agencies in this section not providing quarterly reports pursuant to 6-3A-9 NMSA 1978, the state budget division, in consultation with the legislative finance committee, should develop a schedule and procedures for reporting performance results. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, each of the program measures and the associated targets contained in this section reflect performance to be achieved for fiscal year 2006. In cases where there are no targets for output, outcome, efficiency or quality measures, agencies are expected to develop baseline data during fiscal year 2006 and to propose targets when submitting budget requests for fiscal year 2007.



(1) Legislative building services:


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,324.8                                           2,324.8

(b)    Contractual services              99.8                                              99.8

(c)    Other                          900.4                                             900.4

       Authorized FTE: 50.00 Permanent; 4.00 Temporary

(2) Energy council dues:

Appropriations:                    32.0                                              32.0

Subtotal                             [3,357.0]                                          3,357.0

TOTAL LEGISLATIVE                         3,357.0                                            3,357.0



The purpose of the supreme court law library program is to provide and produce legal information for all branches of state government, the legal community and the general public so that they may have equal access to the law, effectively address the courts, make laws, write regulations, better understand the legal system and conduct their affairs in accordance with the principles of law.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                631.6                                             631.6

(b)    Contractual services             353.3                                             353.3

(c)    Other                          652.1                                             652.1

       Authorized FTE: 9.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Percent of titles currently updated                                            80%

(b) Quality:       Percent of staff time spent on shelving and updating  

                   library materials                                                            <20%

(c) Output:        Number of website hits                                                       5,000

(d) Output:        Number of research requests                                                    500

Subtotal                             [1,637.0]                                          1,637.0


The purpose of the New Mexico compilation commission program is to publish in print and electronic format, distribute and sell (1) laws enacted by the legislature, (2) opinions of the supreme court and court of appeals, (3) rules approved by the supreme court, (4) attorney general opinions and (5) other state and federal rules and opinions to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its publications.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            227.3                                 227.3

(b)    Contractual services                         883.7        81.0                     964.7

(c)    Other                                      158.5                                 158.5

       Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Amount of revenue collected, in thousands                                 $1,291.3

Subtotal                                         [1,269.5]      [81.0]                  1,350.5


The purpose of the judicial standards commission program is to provide a public review process addressing complaints involving judicial misconduct in order to preserve the integrity and impartiality of the judicial process.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                352.3                                             352.3

(b)    Contractual services              23.9                                              23.9

(c)    Other                           80.9                                              80.9

       Authorized FTE: 6.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Average case-duration rate, by meeting cycle                                     5

Subtotal                               [457.1]                                            457.1


The purpose of the court of appeals program is to provide access to justice, to resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              4,241.1                                           4,241.1

(b)    Contractual services              98.5                                              98.5

(c)    Other                          329.7         1.0                                 330.7

       Authorized FTE: 58.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     95%

Subtotal                             [4,669.3]       [1.0]                              4,670.3


The purpose of the supreme court program is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely, and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,048.8                                           2,048.8

(b)    Contractual services             103.6                                             103.6

(c)    Other                          162.3                                             162.3

       Authorized FTE: 29.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     95%

Subtotal                             [2,314.7]                                          2,314.7


(1) Administrative support:

The purpose of the administrative support program is to provide administrative support to the chief justice, all judicial branch units and the administrative office of the courts so that they can effectively administer the New Mexico court system.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,190.0                                634.1      2,824.1

(b)    Contractual services             303.7                                845.9      1,149.6

(c)    Other                        3,671.6       550.0                    182.3      4,403.9

       Authorized FTE: 34.00 Permanent; 8.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average cost per juror                                                         $55

(b) Outcome:       Percent of jury summons successfully executed                                  92%

(2) Statewide judiciary automation:

The purpose of the statewide judiciary automation program is to provide development, enhancement, maintenance and support for core court automation and usage skills for appellate, district, magistrate and municipal courts and ancillary judicial agencies.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,734.5     1,595.9                               3,330.4

(b)    Contractual services              18.0       716.0                                 734.0

(c)    Other                                    2,809.5                               2,809.5

       Authorized FTE: 37.50 Permanent; 9.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Quality:       Percent of accurate driving-while-intoxicated court reports                    98%

(b) Quality:       Percent reduction in number of calls for assistance from  

                   judicial agencies regarding the case management database  

                   and network                                                                   10%

(c) Quality:       Average time to respond to automation calls for assistance,  

                   in minutes                                                                     25

(3) Magistrate court:

The purpose of the magistrate court program is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely, and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             13,102.5        63.3     1,488.4                  14,654.2

(b)    Contractual services             118.2       102.3       317.5                     538.0

(c)    Other                        4,845.1       373.4       503.4                   5,721.9

       Authorized FTE: 262.00 Permanent; 51.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Amount of bench warrant revenue collected annually, in  

                   millions                                                                     $2.3

(b) Efficiency:    Percent of magistrate court financial reports submitted to  

                   fiscal services division and reconciled on a monthly basis                    100%

(c) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(4) Special court services:

The purpose of the special court services program is to provide court advocates, legal counsel and safe exchanges for children and families, to provide judges pro tempores and to adjudicate water rights disputes so that the constitutional rights and safety of citizens (especially children and families) are protected.


(a)    Contractual services           3,663.4                                           3,663.4

(b)    Other                           12.0                                              12.0

(c)    Other financing uses           1,334.6                                           1,334.6

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of required events attended by attorneys in abuse  

                   and neglect cases                                                           7,000

(b) Output:        Number of monthly supervised child visitations conducted                       500

(c) Output:        Number of cases to which court-appointed special advocates  

                   volunteers are assigned                                                      1,400

Subtotal                            [30,993.6]   [6,210.4]   [2,309.3]    [1,662.3]    41,175.6


The purpose of the supreme court building commission program is to retain custody, control, maintenance and preservation of the supreme court building and its grounds along with maintaining fixed assets records for furniture, fixtures and equipment acquired by the judiciary.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                459.8                                             459.8

(b)    Contractual services              88.2                                              88.2

(c)    Other                          148.7                                             148.7

       Authorized FTE: 12.75 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Quality:       Accuracy of fixed assets inventory records                                    100%

Subtotal                               [696.7]                                            696.7


(1) First judicial district:

The purpose of the first judicial district court program, statutorily created in Santa Fe, Rio Arriba and Los Alamos counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              4,335.7       152.7       234.0                   4,722.4

(b)    Contractual services             539.8        28.3       156.1                     724.2

(c)    Other                          189.2       175.6        41.3                     406.1

       Authorized FTE: 72.50 Permanent; 7.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of adult drug-court graduates                                            29

(b) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         29

(c) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(d) Quality:       Recidivism of adult drug-court graduates                                       15%

(e) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(f) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(g) Outcome:       Graduation rate, adult drug court                                              80%

(h) Outcome:       Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(2) Second judicial district:

The purpose of the second judicial district court program, statutorily created in Bernalillo County, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             15,972.4       691.3                  1,048.8     17,712.5

(b)    Contractual services             303.5        20.0        67.3        268.2        659.0

(c)    Other                        1,007.4        51.0         2.4        308.4      1,369.2

       Authorized FTE: 287.50 Permanent; 31.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of adult drug-court graduates                                           152

(b) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         22

(c) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(d) Quality:       Recidivism of adult drug-court graduates                                       15%

(e) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(f) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(g) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, adult drug court                                              80%

(h) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(3) Third judicial district:

The purpose of the third judicial district court program, statutorily created in Dona Ana County, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,706.9                   388.2        114.1      4,209.2

(b)    Contractual services             572.2        67.2       190.0        177.8      1,007.2

(c)    Other                          288.8        56.8        98.7         14.0        458.3

       Authorized FTE: 66.80 Permanent; 9.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of adult drug-court graduates                                            22

(b) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         51

(c) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(d) Quality:       Recidivism of adult drug-court graduates                                       15%

(e) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(f) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(g) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, adult drug court                                              80%

(h) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(4) Fourth judicial district:

The purpose of the fourth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Guadalupe, San Miguel and Mora counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,085.6                                           1,085.6

(b)    Contractual services              65.7         6.6       128.9                     201.2

(c)    Other                           74.0        15.0                                  89.0

       Authorized FTE: 19.50 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         12

(b) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(c) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(d) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(e) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(5) Fifth judicial district:

The purpose of the fifth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Eddy, Chaves and Lea counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,691.1                    81.8                   3,772.9

(b)    Contractual services             198.0       176.5       298.0                     672.5

(c)    Other                          302.2        45.0         4.9                     352.1

       Authorized FTE: 65.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of family drug-court graduates                                            4

(b) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(c) Quality:       Recidivism of family drug-court graduates                                      25%

(d) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(e) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, family drug court                                             80%

(6) Sixth judicial district:

The purpose of the sixth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Grant, Luna and Hidalgo counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,547.1                    26.0                   1,573.1

(b)    Contractual services             248.2        37.3        76.2                     361.7

(c)    Other                          176.1         8.6                                 184.7

       Authorized FTE: 27.50 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         11

(b) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(c) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(d) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(e) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(7) Seventh judicial district:

The purpose of the seventh judicial district court program, statutorily created in Socorro, Torrance, Sierra and Catron counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,301.6                   211.1                   1,512.7

(b)    Contractual services              65.4        22.0        24.6                     112.0

(c)    Other                          124.4        12.0        80.4                     216.8

       Authorized FTE: 23.50 Permanent; 3.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(b) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(8) Eighth judicial district:

The purpose of the eighth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Taos, Colfax and Union counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,394.3                                           1,394.3

(b)    Contractual services             525.8        97.5        75.6                     698.9

(c)    Other                          116.7        30.0                                 146.7

       Authorized FTE: 23.30 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of adult drug-court graduates                                            18

(b) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         22

(c) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(d) Quality:       Recidivism of adult drug-court graduates                                       15%

(e) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(f) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(g) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, adult drug court                                              80%

(h) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(9) Ninth judicial district:

The purpose of the ninth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Curry and Roosevelt counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,687.3                   285.7                   1,973.0

(b)    Contractual services              63.8        27.3       106.2                     197.3

(c)    Other                          205.6        46.5        42.3                     294.4

       Authorized FTE: 29.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(b) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(10) Tenth judicial district:

The purpose of the tenth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Quay, DeBaca and Harding counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                529.1                                             529.1

(b)    Contractual services              12.3        11.6                                  23.9

(c)    Other                           51.5         3.2                                  54.7

(d)    Other financing uses              15.0                                              15.0

       Authorized FTE: 9.10 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(b) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(11) Eleventh judicial district:

The purpose of the eleventh judicial district court program, statutorily created in McKinley and San Juan counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,167.6                    82.2        237.9      3,487.7

(b)    Contractual services              96.5        69.9       133.7         25.8        325.9

(c)    Other                          345.8        41.6         9.7         41.3        438.4

       Authorized FTE: 60.00 Permanent; 6.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of adult drug-court graduates                                            36

(b) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         22

(c) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(d) Quality:       Recidivism of adult drug-court graduates                                       15%

(e) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(f) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(g) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, adult drug court                                              80%

(h) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(12) Twelfth judicial district:

The purpose of the twelfth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Otero and Lincoln counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,806.8                    33.9                   1,840.7

(b)    Contractual services             191.6        27.0       140.1                     358.7

(c)    Other                          150.8        20.0        21.5                     192.3

       Authorized FTE: 31.50 Permanent; 1.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         23

(b) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(c) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court participants                                 20%

(d) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(e) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

(13) Thirteenth judicial district:

The purpose of the thirteenth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Cibola, Sandoval and Valencia counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,146.2                   309.9                   3,456.1

(b)    Contractual services             151.7        83.0       143.4         97.6        475.7

(c)    Other                          305.3         4.0        64.2         25.3        398.8

       Authorized FTE: 55.50 Permanent; 4.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of juvenile drug-court graduates                                         43

(b) Output:        Number of days to process juror payment vouchers                                14

(c) Quality:       Recidivism of juvenile drug-court graduates                                    20%

(d) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(e) Explanatory:   Graduation rate, juvenile drug court                                           80%

Subtotal                            [49,759.0]   [2,027.5]   [3,558.3]    [2,359.2]    57,704.0


The purpose of the Bernalillo county metropolitan court program is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely, and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             12,880.6     1,072.2     1,194.4                  15,147.2

(b)    Contractual services           1,739.5       472.7       485.4                   2,697.6

(c)    Other                        2,813.7       382.7        42.3                   3,238.7

(d)    Other financing uses             127.4                                             127.4

       Authorized FTE: 260.00 Permanent; 48.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                     90%

(b) Efficiency:    Cost per client per day for driving while intoxicated drug  

                   court participants                                                            $15

(c) Quality:       Recidivism of driving while intoxicated drug court graduates                   12%

(d) Output:        Number of driving while intoxicated drug court graduates                       200

(e) Explanatory:   Graduation rate of driving while intoxicated drug court  

                   participants                                                                  80%

(f) Outcome:       Fees and fines collected as a percent of fees and fines  

                   assessed                                                                      90%

Subtotal                            [17,561.2]   [1,927.6]   [1,722.1]                 21,210.9


(1) First judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Santa Fé, Río Arriba and Los Alamos counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,139.5                   192.9        346.1      3,678.5

(b)    Contractual services              24.3                                160.3        184.6

(c)    Other                          333.1                                 28.8        361.9

       Authorized FTE: 56.00 Permanent; 13.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <3%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       3

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      130

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   2,600

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       2,800

(2) Second judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Bernalillo county.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             12,540.0       116.4       271.5        569.5     13,497.4

(b)    Contractual services              94.8                                              94.8

(c)    Other                          826.1                                             826.1

       Authorized FTE: 242.00 Permanent; 17.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <6%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       9

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      450

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                  25,300

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                      45,000

(3) Third judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Doña Ana county.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,636.9                    38.9        456.5      3,132.3

(b)    Contractual services              28.3                                              28.3

(c)    Other                          164.4                     4.0         14.3        182.7

       Authorized FTE: 47.00 Permanent; 11.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <.5

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of charge to final disposition, in  

                   months                                                                          6

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      150

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   3,300

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       4,500

(4) Fourth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Mora, San Miguel and Guadalupe counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,038.2                   106.7                   2,144.9

(b)    Contractual services              54.1                                              54.1

(c)    Other                          218.9                                             218.9

       Authorized FTE: 31.50 Permanent; 3.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                         <2.25%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of charge to final disposition, in  

                   months                                                                          6

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      156

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   1,500

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       5,400

(5) Fifth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Eddy, Lea and Chaves counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,799.7                    33.6         93.6      2,926.9

(b)    Contractual services             115.7                                             115.7

(c)    Other                          210.0                    20.0                     230.0

       Authorized FTE: 48.50 Permanent; 3.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                             0%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       3

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      200

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   3,200

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       3,800

(6) Sixth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Grant, Hidalgo and Luna counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,484.7                   228.4        322.5      2,035.6

(b)    Contractual services               8.7                                               8.7

(c)    Other                          193.1                                             193.1

       Authorized FTE: 27.00 Permanent; 9.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <1%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       6

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                       75

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   1,900

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       2,200

(7) Seventh judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Catron, Sierra, Socorro and Torrance counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,631.2                                           1,631.2

(b)    Contractual services              49.5                                              49.5

(c)    Other                          154.4                                             154.4

       Authorized FTE: 31.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <5%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       4

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      130

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   2,280

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       2,400

(8) Eighth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Taos, Colfax and Union counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,807.9                    15.0         44.0      1,866.9

(b)    Contractual services               5.9                    42.0                      47.9

(c)    Other                          225.3                    18.0                     243.3

       Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                          <3.5%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of charge to final disposition, in  

                   months                                                                          8

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      200

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   1,735

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       3,600

(9) Ninth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Curry and Roosevelt counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,759.6                                           1,759.6

(b)    Contractual services               8.6                     5.0                      13.6

(c)    Other                           98.7                    11.3         15.0        125.0

       Authorized FTE: 31.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <5%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       4

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      200

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   2,120

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       2,038

(10) Tenth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Quay, Harding and DeBaca counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                651.1                                             651.1

(b)    Contractual services               6.6                                               6.6

(c)    Other                           75.7                                              75.7

       Authorized FTE: 11.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <1%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of charge to final disposition, in  

                   months                                                                          6

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      500

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   1,349

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       2,045

(11) Eleventh judicial district-division I:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within San Juan county.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,355.3                   403.7         63.4      2,822.4

(b)    Contractual services              15.0                     5.2                      20.2

(c)    Other                          175.0         6.0        35.1                     216.1

       Authorized FTE: 48.00 Permanent; 9.80 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percentage of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                        <.5%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       6

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      209

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   3,590

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       3,900

(12) Eleventh judicial district-division II:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within McKinley county.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,478.8                   102.4         25.0      1,606.2

(b)    Contractual services               7.2                                               7.2

(c)    Other                          139.7                                             139.7

       Authorized FTE: 28.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                            <2%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                        8

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      500

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   2,200

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       4,100

(13) Twelfth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Lincoln and Otero counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,817.2                    79.4        310.5      2,207.1

(b)    Contractual services               5.6                                               5.6

(c)    Other                          239.1                                             239.1

       Authorized FTE: 35.00 Permanent; 8.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                           <.5%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of charge to final disposition, in  

                   months                                                                          8

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      160

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   4,300

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       6,000

(14) Thirteenth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to enforce state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Cíbola, Sandoval and Valencia counties.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,775.2       188.8                               2,964.0

(b)    Contractual services              67.3                                              67.3

(c)    Other                          243.6        33.7                                 277.3

       Authorized FTE: 55.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases dismissed under the six-month rule                           <.5%

(b) Efficiency:    Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                   in months                                                                       9

(c) Efficiency:    Average attorney caseload                                                      231

(d) Output:        Number of cases prosecuted                                                   7,394

(e) Output:        Number of cases referred for screening                                       8,642

Subtotal                            [42,704.0]     [344.9]   [1,613.1]    [2,449.5]    47,111.5


(1) Administrative support:

The purpose of the administrative support program is to provide fiscal, human resource, staff development, automation, victim program services and support to all district attorneys' offices in New Mexico and to members of the New Mexico children's safehouse network so that they may obtain and access the necessary resources in order to effectively and efficiently carry out their prosecutorial, investigative and programmatic functions.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                645.0                                             645.0

(b)    Contractual services                          15.5                                  15.5

(c)    Other                          398.4       244.5                                 642.9

(d)    Other financing uses             113.3                                             113.3

       Authorized FTE: 9.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of district attorney employees receiving training                       800

(b) Output:        Total number of victim notification events and escapes  

                   reported                                                                    5,000

Subtotal                                   [1,156.7][260.0]                              1,416.7

TOTAL JUDICIAL                          151,949.3    12,040.9          9,283.8 6,471.0    179,745.0



(1) Legal services:

The purpose of the legal services program is to deliver quality opinions, counsel and representation to state government entities and to enforce state law on behalf of the public so that New Mexicans have an open, honest, efficient government and enjoy the protection of state law.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             10,008.8                    48.0                  10,056.8

(b)    Contractual services             372.0                                             372.0

(c)    Other                          741.4       750.0                               1,491.4

       Authorized FTE: 141.00 Permanent; 1.00 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of initial responses for attorney general opinions  

                   made within three days of request                                              80%

(2) Medicaid fraud:

The purpose of the medicaid fraud program is to investigate and prosecute medicaid provider fraud, recipient abuse and neglect in the medicaid program.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                345.0                              1,037.4      1,382.4

(b)    Contractual services               5.0                                 17.5         22.5

(c)    Other                           76.2                                175.5        251.7

(d)    Other financing uses                                                   48.0         48.0

       Authorized FTE: 21.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Three-year projected savings resulting from fraud  

                   investigations, in millions                                                  $4.04

Subtotal                            [11,548.4]     [750.0]      [48.0]    [1,278.4]    13,624.8


The purpose of the state auditor program is to audit the financial affairs of every agency annually so they can improve accountability and performance, and to assure New Mexico citizens that funds are expended properly.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,960.7                   275.2                   2,235.9

(b)    Contractual services             225.3                                             225.3

(c)    Other                           71.7       194.2       174.8                     440.7

       Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Total audit fees generated                                                $450,000

(b) Outcome:       Percent of audits completed by regulatory due date                             70%

Subtotal                             [2,257.7]     [194.2]     [450.0]                  2,901.9


(1) Tax administration:

The purpose of the tax administration program is to provide registration and licensure requirements for tax programs and to ensure the administration, collection and compliance of state taxes and fees that provide funding for support services for the general public through appropriations.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             19,429.2       319.4                    841.5     20,590.1

(b)    Contractual services             725.5        18.0                                 743.5

(c)    Other                        5,415.4       337.6                    110.5      5,863.5

(d)    Other financing uses              90.0                                              90.0

       Authorized FTE: 452.00 Permanent; 17.00 Term; 31.70 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Revenue collections as a percent of audit assessments                          40%

(b) Output:Percent of electronically filed personal income tax and combined

                   reporting system returns                                                       30%

(c) Outcome:       Collections as a percent of collectable outstanding balance                    10%

(d) Efficiency:    Tax fraud convictions as a percent of cases prosecuted                         70%

(2) Motor vehicle:

The purpose of the motor vehicle program is to register, title and license vehicles, boats and motor vehicle dealers and to enforce operator compliance with the motor vehicle code and federal regulations by conducting tests, investigations and audits.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              8,600.1     4,116.6                              12,716.7

(b)    Contractual services             695.0     2,206.4                               2,901.4

(c)    Other                        2,831.1     3,557.9                               6,389.0

       Authorized FTE: 316.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term; 4.00 Temporary

The other state funds appropriation to the motor vehicle program of the taxation and revenue department includes 41 FTE and two million seven hundred fifty thousand eight hundred dollars ($2,750,800) from increases in administrative services fees, contingent upon enactment of legislation of the first session of the forty-seventh legislature increasing the administrative services fees on motor vehicle division transactions.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of registered vehicles with liability insurance                        86%

(b) Efficiency:    Average call center wait time to reach an agent, in minutes                   3.75

(c) Efficiency:    Average wait time in six offices equipped with automated  

                   queuing system, in minutes                                                      15

(d) Efficiency:    Average number of days to post court action on driving  

                   while intoxicated citations to drivers' records upon receipt                     5

(3) Property tax:

The purpose of the property tax program is to administer the Property Tax Code, to ensure the fair appraisal of property and to assess property taxes within the state.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                167.9     1,725.0                               1,892.9

(b)    Contractual services             286.3        69.9                                 356.2

(c)    Other                          189.4       416.4                                 605.8

       Authorized FTE: 44.00 Permanent; 6.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of appraisals and valuations for companies  

                   conducting business within the state subject to state  

                   assessment                                                                    510

(b) Outcome:       Percent of delinquent accounts resolved                                        88%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide information system resources, human resource services, finance and accounting services, revenue forecasting and legal services in order to give agency personnel the resources needed to meet departmental objectives. For the general public, the program conducts hearings for resolving taxpayer protests and provides stakeholders with reliable information regarding the state’s tax programs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             12,295.0       178.1       369.0                  12,842.1

(b)    Contractual services           1,844.9                    52.7                   1,897.6

(c)    Other                        4,296.9       295.0       154.1                   4,746.0

       Authorized FTE: 208.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of tax protest cases resolved                                           728

(b) Outcome:       Percent of driving while intoxicated drivers license  

                   revocations rescinded due to failure to hold hearing within  

                   ninety days                                                                    2%

Subtotal                            [56,866.7]  [13,240.3]     [575.8]      [952.0]    71,634.8


(1) State investment:

The purpose of the state investment program is to provide investment management of the state's permanent funds for the citizens of New Mexico in order to maximize distributions to the state's operating budget while preserving the real value of the funds for future generations of New Mexicans.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          2,263.7       265.0                   2,528.7

(b)    Contractual services                      24,738.7                              24,738.7

(c)    Other                                      650.2                                 650.2

       Authorized FTE: 27.00 Permanent

The other state funds appropriation to the state investment council in the contractual services category includes twenty four million four hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred dollars ($24,454,100) to be used only for money manager fees.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       One-year annualized investment returns to exceed internal  

                   benchmarks, in basis points                                                    >25

(b) Outcome:       Five-year annualized investment returns to exceed internal  

                   benchmarks, in basis points                                                    >25

(c) Outcome:       One-year annualized percentile performance ranking in  

                   endowment investment peer universe                                           >49th

(d) Outcome:       Five-year annualized percentile performance ranking in  

                   endowment investment peer universe                                           >49th

Subtotal                                        [27,652.6]     [265.0]                 27,917.6


(1) Policy development, fiscal analysis, budget oversight and education accountability:

The purpose of the policy development, fiscal analysis, budget oversight and education accountability program is to provide professional, coordinated policy devlopment and analysis and oversight to the governor, the legislature and state agencies so they can advance the state's policies and initiatives using appropriate and accurate data to make informed decisions for the prudent use of the public's tax dollars.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,330.6                                           3,330.6

(b)    Contractual services             234.3                                             234.3

(c)    Other                          237.0                                             237.0

       Authorized FTE: 41.80 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Error rate for eighteen-month general fund revenue forecast                  2.75%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of bond proceeds balances not reauthorized and  

                   older than five years for inactive projects that are  

                   reverted by June 30                                                           80%

(c) Outcome:       Average number of working days to process each budget  

                   adjustment requests                                                             5

(2) Community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight:

The purpose of the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program is to provide federal and state oversight assistance to counties, municipalities and special districts with planning, implementation and development of fiscal management so that entitites can maintain strong, lasting communities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,580.3       737.8                    594.9      2,913.0

(b)    Contractual services              29.2     2,164.6                      3.0      2,196.8

(c)    Other                           87.5    25,297.6                 20,072.1     45,457.2

(d)    Other financing uses                       3,690.0                               3,690.0

       Authorized FTE: 26.00 Permanent; 21.00 Term

The federal funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration includes twenty million six hundred seventy thousand dollars ($20,670,000) for the community development program fund.

     The other state funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration includes thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) for the community development program fund.

     The other state funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration in the other financing uses category includes three million two hundred twenty-five thousand seven hundred dollars ($3,225,700) for the emergency 911 income fund.

     The other state funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration includes three million forty-five thousand dollars ($3,045,000) for the emergency 911 database network surcharge fund.

     The other state funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration includes four million nine hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($4,920,000) for the wireless enhanced 911 fund.

     The other state funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration includes three million nine hundred and eighty nine thousand eight hundred dollars ($3,989,800) for the enhanced emergency 911 fund.

     The other state funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration includes fourteen million six hundred thousand dollars ($14,600,000) for the local DWI grants program.

     The other state funds appropriation to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration includes one million nine hundred fifteen thousand two hundred dollars ($1,915,200) for the civil legal services fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Percent of community development block grant closeout  

                   letters issued within forty-five days of review of final  

                   report                                                                        70%

(b) Output:        Percent of capital outlay projects closed within the  

                   original reversion date                                                        65%

(c) Outcome:       Number of alcohol-involved traffic fatalities                                  170

(d) Output:        Percent of interim budgets, final budgets and budget  

                   resolutions approved by statutory deadlines                                   100%

(e) Quality:       Percent of local governments receiving training that  

                   express satisfaction in the presentation and subjects  

                   covered                                                                       85%

(3) Fiscal management and oversight:

The purpose of the fiscal management and oversight program is to provide for and promote financial accountability for public funds throughout state government and to provide state government agencies and the citizens of New Mexico with timely, factual and comprehensive information on the financial status and expenditures of the state.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,012.3                                           3,012.3

(b)    Contractual services             471.5                                             471.5

(c)    Other                        1,050.5                                           1,050.5

       Authorized FTE: 51.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Quality:       Average number of business days required to process payments                     4

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide other department of finance and administration programs with central direction to agency management processes to ensure consistency, legal compliance and financial integrity; to administer the executive's exempt salary plan; and to review and approve professional services contracts.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,259.0                                           1,259.0

(b)    Contractual services              71.4                                              71.4

(c)    Other                           69.0                                              69.0

       Authorized FTE: 20.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Percent of department fund accounts reconciled within two  

                   months following the closing of each month                                    100%

(b) Output:        Percent of monthly reconciliations completed within fifteen  

                   days of receiving central accounting system reports and  

                   correcting entries made within fifteen days of receiving  

                   central accounting system reports and correcting entries  

                   made within fifteen days after completing the  

                   reconciliations                                                              100%

(c) Output:        Percent of applicable contracts containing at least one  

                   performance measure in all newly issued contracts procured  

                   through the request for proposals process                                     100%

(5) Dues and membership fees/special appropriations:


(a)    Council of state governments      81.5                                              81.5

(b)    Western interstate commission                                             

       for higher education             108.0                                             108.0

(c)    Education commission of the                                               

       states                            56.0                                              56.0

(d)    Rocky mountain corporation                                                

       for public broadcasting           13.1                                              13.1

(e)    National association of                                                   

       state budget officers             13.9                                              13.9

(f)    National conference of state                                              

       legislatures                      98.0                                              98.0

(g)    Western governors'                                                        

       association                       36.0                                              36.0

(h)    Governmental accounting                                                   

       standards board                   22.0                                              22.0

(i)    National center for state                                                 

       courts                            81.4                                              81.4

(j)    National conference of                                                    

       insurance legislators             10.0                                              10.0

(k)    National council of legislators                                           

       from gaming states                 6.0                                               6.0

(l)    National governors                                                        

       association                       71.9                                              71.9

(m)    Citizens' review board           410.0                   190.0                     600.0

(n)    Emergency water fund             100.0                                             100.0

(o)    Fiscal agent contract          1,050.0                                           1,050.0

(p)    New Mexico water resources                                                

       association                        6.6                                               6.6

(q)    State planning districts         374.2                                             374.2

(r)    Mentoring program                893.3                                             893.3

(s)    Law enforcement enhancement                                               

       fund                                       6,781.8                               6,781.8

(t)    Leasehold community                                                       

       assistance                       123.9                                             123.9

(u)    Acequia and community ditch                                               

       program                           30.0                                              30.0

(v)    Food banks                       400.0                                             400.0

(w)    Ignition interlock devices                                                

       fund                                         899.9                                 899.9

     Upon cerfication by the state board of finance pursuant to Section 6-1-2 NMSA 1978 that a critical emergency exists that cannot be addressed by disaster declaration or other emergency or contingency funds and upon review of the legislative finance committee, the secretary of the department of finance and administration is authorized to transfer from the general fund operating reserve to the state board of finance emergency fund the amount necessary to meet the emergency. Such transfers shall not exceed an aggregate amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in fiscal year 2006. Repayments of emergency loans made pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited in the board of finance emergency fund pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-1-5 NMSA 1978, provided that, after the total amounts deposited in fiscal year 2006 exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), any additional repayments shall be transferred to the general fund.

Subtotal                            [15,418.4]  [39,571.7]     [190.0]   [20,670.0]    75,850.1


(1) Benefits:

The purpose of the benefits program is to provide an effective health insurance package to educational employees and their eligible family members so they can be protected against catastrophic financial losses due to medical problems, disability or death.


(a)    Contractual services                                 236,198.3                 236,198.3

(b)    Other financing uses                                     532.4                     532.4


    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of participants receiving recommended preventive  

                   care                                                                          70%

(b) Efficiency:    Percent variance of medical premium change between the  

                   public school insurance authority and industry average                       </=3%

(2) Risk:

The purpose of the risk program is to provide economical and comprehensive property, liability and workers’ compensation programs to educational entities so they are protected against injury and loss.


(a)    Contractual services                                  41,100.2                  41,100.2

(b)    Other financing uses                                     532.3                     532.3


    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent variance of public property premium change between  

                   public school insurance authority and industry average                       </=8%

(b) Outcome:       Percent variance of workers' compensation premium change  

                   between public school insurance authority and industry  

                   average                                                                     </=8%

(c) Outcome:       Percent variance of public liability premium change between  

                   public school insurance authority and industry average                       </=8%

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative support for the benefit and risk programs and to assist the agency in delivering services to its constituents.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                        683.9                     683.9

(b)    Contractual services                                     177.8                     177.8

(c)    Other                                                  203.0                     203.0

Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent

Subtotal                                                   [279,427.9]                279,427.9


(1) Health care benefits administration:

The purpose of the health care benefits administration program is to provide core group and optional health care benefits and life insurance to current and future eligible retirees and their dependents so they may access covered and available core group and optional health care benefits and life insurance benefits when they need them.


(a)    Contractual services                     154,474.4                             154,474.4

(b)    Other financing uses                       2,534.2                               2,534.2

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Total revenue generated, in millions                                        $142.4

(b) Output:        Number of years of long-term actuarial solvency                                 15

(c) Output:        Average monthly per participant claim cost, medicare  

                   eligible                                                                     $250

(d) Efficiency:    Total healthcare benefits program claims paid, in millions                  $130.9

(e) Efficiency:    Average monthly per participant claim cost, non-medicare  

                   eligible                                                                     $497

(f) Efficiency:    Percent of medical plan premium subsidy                                        51%

(2) Senior prescription drug:

The purpose of the senior prescription drug program is to administer the senior prescription drug card program aimed at reducing prescription drug expenditures for covered participants.


(a)    Other                           10.0                                              10.0

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative support for the healthcare benefits administration program to assist the agency in delivering its services to its constituents.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      1,083.1                   1,083.1

(b)    Contractual services                                     714.7                     714.7

(c)    Other                                                  736.4                     736.4

       Authorized FTE: 22.00 Permanent

Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the administrative division of the retiree health care authority remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 shall revert to the benefits division.

Subtotal                                [10.0] [157,008.6]   [2,534.2]                159,552.8


(1) Employee group health benefits:

The purpose of the employee group health benefits program is to effectively administer comprehensive health-benefit plans to state employees.


(a)    Contractual services                                  14,875.0                  14,875.0

(b)    Other                                              182,000.0                 182,000.0

(c)    Other financing uses                                     836.1                     836.1


    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of state employees participating in state group  

                   health plan                                                                   TBD

(b) Outcome:       Number of nonstate employees participating in state group  

                   health plan                                                                   TBD

(c) Efficiency:    Percent change in medical premium compared with the  

                   industry average                                                            </=3%

(2) Risk management:

The purpose of the risk management program is to protect the state's assets against property, public liability and workers' compensation, state unemployment compensation, local public bodies unemployment compensation, and surety bond losses so agencies can perform their missions efficiently and responsively.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      2,916.6                   2,916.6

(b)    Contractual services                                     500.0                     500.0

(c)    Other                                                  531.9                     531.9

(d)    Other financing uses                                     405.9                     405.9

       Authorized FTE: 51.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent decrease of state government workers' compensation  

                   claims                                                                         6%

(b) Explanatory:   Dollar value of claims payable for the public liability  

                   insurance fund, in thousands                                                   TBD

(c) Explanatory:   Dollar value of claims payable for the worker's  

                   compensation fund, in thousands                                                TBD

(3) Risk management funds:


(a)    Public liability                                      38,867.0                  38,867.0

(b)    Surety bond                                              136.0                     136.0

(c)    Public property reserve                                6,916.8                   6,916.8

(d)    Local public bodies                                                       

       unemployment compensation                              1,280.7                   1,280.7

(e)    Workers' compensation                                                     

       retention                                             14,731.6                  14,731.6

(f)    State unemployment                                                        

       compensation                                           4,845.7                   4,845.7

(4) Information technology:

The purpose of the information technology program is to provide quality information processing services that are both timely and cost-effective so agencies can perform their missions efficiently and responsively.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      9,293.2                   9,293.2

(b)    Contractual services                                   7,045.9                   7,045.9

(c)    Other                                                5,190.6                   5,190.6

(d)    Other financing uses                                     751.2                     751.2

       Authorized FTE: 145.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of information processing rates 5 percent lower  

                   than the average of the three lowest competitors                               70%

(b) Efficiency:    Percent of individual information processing services that  

                   break even, including sixty days of operating reserve                          75%

(c) Efficiency:    Percent of individual printing services that break even,  

                   including an allowance for sixty days cash operating reserve                   75%

(5) Communications:

The purpose of the communications program is to provide quality communications services that are both timely and cost effective so agencies can perform their missions effectively and responsively.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      4,229.8                   4,229.8

(b)    Contractual services                                     338.6                     338.6

(c)    Other                                               12,096.9                  12,096.9

(d)    Other financing uses                                   1,007.4                   1,007.4

       Authorized FTE: 70.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Percent of individual communication services that break  

                   even, including sixty days of operational reserve                              75%

(6) Business office space management and maintenance services:

The purpose of the business office space management and maintenance services program is to provide employees and the public with effective property management and maintenance so agencies can perform their missions efficiently and responsively.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              4,996.0                   192.0                   5,188.0

(b)    Contractual services               5.1                      .2                       5.3

(c)    Other                        4,383.1                   168.4                   4,551.5

(d)    Other financing uses             304.1                    11.7                     315.8

       Authorized FTE: 152.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Percent increase in average cost per square foot of both  

                   leased and owned office space in Santa Fe                                       0%

(b) Efficiency:    Operating costs per square foot in Santa Fe for state-owned  

                   buildings                                                                   $5.62

(c) Explanatory:   Percent of state controlled space that is occupied                             90%

(7) Transportation services:

The purpose of the transportation services program is to provide centralized and effective administration of the state's motor pool and aircraft transportation services so agencies can perform their missions efficiently and responsively.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                131.7                 1,417.2                   1,548.9

(b)    Contractual services                                      23.8                      23.8

(c)    Other                          347.4                 3,678.0                   4,025.4

(d)    Other financing uses                                     328.1                     328.1

       Authorized FTE: 34.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of long-term auto lease rates five percent lower  

                   than the average of the three lowest competitors                               70%

(b) Efficiency:    Percent of short-term vehicle utilization                                      80%

(c) Efficiency:    Percent of total available aircraft fleet hours utilized                       90%

(8) Procurement services:

The purpose of the procurement services program is to provide a procurement process for tangible property for government entities to ensure compliance with the Procurement Code so agencies can perform their missions efficiently and responsively.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                852.5       241.5                    213.2      1,307.2

(b)    Contractual services                          34.3                                  34.3

(c)    Other                           88.5        76.0                     37.2        201.7

(d)    Other financing uses             132.8        55.8                                 188.6

       Authorized FTE: 23.00 Permanent; 6.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Total audited savings from the save smart New Mexico  

                   program, in thousands                                                      $16,022

(b) Output:        Percent increase in small business clients                                     15%


 (9) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to manage the program performance process to demonstrate success.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      2,413.8                   2,413.8

(b)    Contractual services                                     124.7                     124.7

(c)    Other                                                  596.3                     596.3

(d)    Other financing uses                                     219.4                     219.4

       Authorized FTE: 47.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Dollar value of accounts receivable at thirty, sixty, and  

                   ninety days, in thousands                                                  $32,104

Subtotal                            [11,241.2]     [407.6] [317,970.5]      [250.4]   329,869.7


(1) Educational retirement:

The purpose of the educational retirement program is to provide secure retirement benefits to active and retired members so they can have a secure monthly benefit when their career is finished.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          2,967.6                               2,967.6

(b)    Contractual services                      16,781.7                              16,781.7

(c)    Other                                      683.9                                 683.9

       Authorized FTE: 50.00 Permanent

The other state funds appropriation to the educational retirement board in the contractual services category includes fourteen million eight hundred eight thousand dollars ($14,808,000) to be used only for investment manager fees.

     The other state funds appropriation to the educational retirement board in the contractual services category includes five hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($525,000) for payment of custody services associated with the fiscal agent contract to the state board of finance upon monthly assessments. Any unexpected or unencumbered balance in the state board of finance remaining at the end of the fiscal year 2006 from this appropriation shall revert to the educational retirement board fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Average rate of return over a cumulative five-year period                       8%

(b) Outcome:       Funding period of unfunded actuarial accrued liability in  

                   years                                                                        <=30

Subtotal                                        [20,433.2]                             20,433.2


The purpose of the New Mexico sentencing commission is to provide information, analysis, recommendations and assistance from a coordinated cross-agency perspective to the three branches of government and interested citizens so they have the resources they need to make policy decisions that benefit the criminal and juvenile justice systems.


(a)    Contractual services             600.8                                             600.8

(b)    Other                            6.0                                               6.0

Subtotal                               [606.8]                                            606.8


(1) Criminal legal services:

The purpose of the criminal legal services program is to provide effective legal representation and advocacy for eligible clients so that their liberty and constitutional rights are protected and to serve the community as a partner in assuring a fair and efficient criminal justice system that also sustains New Mexico’s statutory and constitutional mandate to adequately fund a statewide indigent defense system.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             17,823.9                                          17,823.9

(b)    Contractual services           8,497.0       700.0                               9,197.0

(c)    Other                        4,904.0       150.0                               5,054.0

       Authorized FTE: 317.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of alternative sentencing treatment placements for  

                   felony and juvenile clients                                                   2350

(b) Output:        Number of expert witness services approved by the department                  3400

(c) Explanatory:   Annual attorney full-time equivalent turnover rate                             12%

(d) Efficiency:    Percent of cases in which application fees were collected                      40%

(e) Quality:       Percent of felony cases resulting in a reduction of orginal  

                   formally filed charges                                                         60%

Subtotal                            [31,224.9]     [850.0]                             32,074.9


(1) Executive management and leadership:

The purpose of the executive management and leadership program is to provide appropriate management and leadership to the citizens of the state and, more specifically, to the executive branch of government to allow for a more efficient and effective operation of the agencies within that branch of government.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,745.2                   235.2                   3,980.4

(b)    Contractual services             110.1                    30.0                     140.1

(c)    Other                          554.7                31,363.6                  31,918.3

(d)    Other financing uses                                   5,000.0                   5,000.0

       Authorized FTE: 45.30 Permanent; 4.00 Term

Subtotal                             [4,410.0]              [36,628.8]                 41,038.8


(1) State ombudsman:

The purpose of the state ombudsman program is to facilitate and promote cooperation and understanding between the citizens of New Mexico and the agencies of state government, refer any complaints or special problems citizens may have to the proper entities and keep records of activities and make an annual report to the governor.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                555.9                                             555.9

(b)    Contractual services               6.6                                               6.6

(c)    Other                           56.4                                              56.4

       Authorized FTE: 7.00 Permanent

Subtotal                               [618.9]                                            618.9


(1) Information technology management:

The purpose of the the information technology management program is to provide information technology strategic planning, oversight and consulting services to New Mexico government agencies so they can provide improved services to New Mexico citizens.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                873.2                                             873.2

(b)    Contractual services              10.7                                              10.7

(c)    Other                           85.5                                              85.5

       Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Amount of savings in information technology (in millions)                     $5.0

(b) Output:        Number of key information technology project reviews  

                   completed                                                                      36

Subtotal                               [969.4]                                            969.4


(1) Pension administration:

The purpose of the pension administration program is to provide information, retirement benefits and an actuarially sound fund to association members so they can receive the defined benefit to which they are entitled (based on age and service) when they retire from public service.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          4,685.2                               4,685.2

(b)    Contractual services                      18,634.4                              18,634.4

(c)    Other                                    1,937.8                               1,937.8

       Authorized FTE: 86.00 Permanent

The other state funds appropriation to the public employees’ retirement association in the contractual services category includes sixteen million three hundred seven thousand dollars ($16,307,000) to be used only for investment manager fees.

     The other state funds appropriation to the public employees’ retirement association in the contractual services category includes one million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,250,000) for payment of custody services associated with the fiscal agent contract to the state board of finance upon monthly assessments.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Five-year average annualized investment returns to exceed  

                   internal benchmark, in basis points                                       >50 b.p.

(b) Outcome:       Five-year annualized performance ranking in a national  

                   survey of fifty to sixty similar large public pension plans  

                   in the United States, as a percentile                                        >49th

Subtotal                                        [25,257.4]                             25,257.4


(1) Records, information and archival management:

The purpose of the records, information and archival management program is to develop, implement and provide tools, methodologies and services for the benefit of government agencies, historical repositories and the public and to effectively create, preserve, protect and properly dispose of records and facilitate their use and understanding and protect the interests of the citizens of New Mexico.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,894.6                    42.1          9.7      1,946.4

(b)    Contractual services              31.4                     5.0                      36.4

(c)    Other                          282.0                   100.9         26.1        409.0

       Authorized FTE: 36.50 Permanent; 1.70 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Maximum number of days of lag time between rule effective  

                   date and online availability                                                    36

(b) Outcome:       Percent of state agencies with current records retention  

                   and disposition schedules                                                      66%

(c) Output:        Number of consultations, research reports and educational  

                   activities provided by the state historian                                     150

Subtotal                             [2,208.0]                 [148.0]       [35.8]     2,391.8


The purpose of the secretary of state program is to provide voter education and information on election law and government ethics to citizens, public officials, candidates and commercial and business entities so they can comply with state law.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,827.9                                           1,827.9

(b)    Contractual services              85.1                              1,000.0      1,085.1

(c)    Other                        1,108.7                              3,000.0      4,108.7

       Authorized FTE: 38.00 Permanent; 1.00 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of new registered voters                                             50,000

Subtotal                             [3,021.7]                            [4,000.0]     7,021.7


(1) Human resource management:

The purpose of the human resource management program is to provibe a flexible system of merit-based opportunity, appropriate compensation, human resource accountablity and employee development that meets the evolving needs of the agencies, employees, applicants and the public, so economy and efficiency in the managements of state affairs may be provided while protecting the interest of the public.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,630.0                                           3,630.0

(b)    Contractual services              22.0        62.7                                  84.7

(c)    Other                          305.4                                             305.4

       Authorized FTE: 65.00 Permanent

Subtotal                             [3,957.4]      [62.7]                              4,020.1


The purpose of the Public Employee Labor Relations Board is to assure all state and local public body employees have the right to organize and bargain collectively with their employers.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                201.9                                             201.9

(b)    Other                          109.8                                             109.8

       Authorized FTE: 3.00 Permanent

Subtotal                               [311.7]                                            311.7


The purpose of the state treasurer is to provide a financial environment that maintains maximum accountability for receipt, investment and disbursement of public funds to protect the financial interests of New Mexico citizens.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,476.2                                 25.0      2,501.2

(b)    Contractual services             174.6                                             174.6

(c)    Other                          801.2                                             801.2

       Authorized FTE: 41.50 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of investments with a return rate that exceeds the  

                   overnight rate                                                               100%

(b) Output:        Percent of cash-to-books reconciliation items processed and  

                   adjusted to the agency fund balance within thirty days of  

                   closing from the department of finance and administration                     100%

Subtotal                             [3,452.0]                               [25.0]     3,477.0

TOTAL GENERAL CONTROL                   148,123.2   285,428.3   638,238.2     27,211.6  1,099,001.3



(1) Architectural registration:

The purpose of the architectual registration program is to safeguard life, health and property and to promote public welfare by ensuring any person practicing architecture complies with its provisions.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            220.4                                 220.4

(b)    Contractual services                          14.2                                  14.2

(c)    Other                                       69.2                                  69.2

       Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent

Subtotal                                           [303.8]                                303.8


(1) Border development:

The purpose of the border development program is to encourage and foster development of the state by developing port facilities and infrastructure at international ports of entry to attract new industries and business to the New Mexico border; and to assist industries, businesses and the traveling public in their efficient and effective use of ports and related facilities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                332.4                                             332.4

(b)    Contractual services              22.8                                              22.8

(c)    Other                           67.4                                              67.4

       Authorized FTE: 5.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Annual trade share of New Mexico ports within the west  

                   Texas and New Mexico region                                                   3.1%

Subtotal                               [422.6]                                            422.6


(1) Marketing:

The purpose of the marketing program is to create and maintain an "image" or "brand" for the state of New Mexico and influence in-state, domestic and international markets to directly affect the positive growth and development of New Mexico as a top tourism destination so that New Mexico may increase its tourism market share.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,230.2                                           1,230.2

(b)    Contractual services             125.0                                             125.0

(c)    Other                        3,425.0                                           3,425.0

       Authorized FTE: 34.50 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       New Mexico's domestic tourism market share                                   1.15%

(b) Output:        Print advertising conversion rate                                              45%

(c) Output:        Broadcast advertising conversion rate                                          30%

(2) Promotion:

The purpose of the promotion program is to produce and provide collateral material, editorial content, and special events for consumers and industry partners so that they may increase their awareness of New Mexico as a premier tourist destination.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                255.9                                             255.9

(b)    Contractual services              75.0                                              75.0

(c)    Other                          185.6                                             185.6

       Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of events increasing awareness of New Mexico as a  

                   visitor destination                                                           115

(3) Outreach:

The purpose of the outreach program is to provide constituent services for communities, regions and other entities so that they may identify their needs and assistance can be provided to locate resources to fill those needs whether internal or external to the organization.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                138.7                                             138.7

(b)    Contractual services              20.0                                              20.0

(c)    Other                        1,090.6                                           1,090.6

       Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of partnered cooperative advertising applications  

                   received                                                                       25

(4) New Mexico magazine:

The purpose of the New Mexico magazine program is to produce a monthly magazine and ancillary products for a state and global audience so that the audience can learn about New Mexico from a cultural, historical and educational perspective.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          1,054.5                               1,054.5

(b)    Contractual services                         932.9                                 932.9

(c)    Other                                    2,206.8                               2,206.8

       Authorized FTE: 18.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Circulation rate                                                          115,000

(b) Output:        Ancillary product revenue in dollars                                      $275,000

(5) New Mexico clean and beautiful:

The purpose of the New Mexico clean and beautiful program is to reduce litter to the maximum practical extent within the state by funding incorporated local government programs statewide that implement projects that eliminate, control and prevent litter; funding programs and projects that educate citizens on the effects of littering; enforce litter ordinances; increase public awareness; recycle; beautify; eliminate graffiti and weeds and promote litter awareness; and involve New Mexicans by enlisting them as volunteers in program- and community-sponsored activities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                        118.4                     118.4

(b)    Contractual services                                     150.0                     150.0

(c)    Other                                                  590.0                     590.0

       Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Dollar value of grants awarded to communities                             $600,000

(b) Outcome:       Pounds of litter removed                                                 5,500,000

(6) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative assistance to support the department’s programs and personnel so they may be successful in implementing and reaching their strategic initiatives and maintaining full compliance with state rules and regulations.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                890.9                                             890.9

(b)    Contractual services             117.1                                             117.1

(c)    Other                          638.6                                             638.6

       Authorized FTE: 14.00 Permanent

Subtotal                             [8,192.6]   [4,194.2]     [858.4]                 13,245.2


(1) Economic development:

The purpose of the economic development program is to assist commmunities in preparing for their role in the new economy, focusing on high-quality job creation and improved infrastructure so New Mexicans can increase their wealth and improve their quality of life.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,350.8                                           1,350.8

(b)    Contractual services             470.0                                             470.0

(c)    Other                          651.6                                             651.6

       Authorized FTE: 22.00 Permanent

The general fund appropriation to the economic development program of the economic development department includes one permanent full-time equivalent position and ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) for personal services and employee benefits for an economist to provide data on the economic impact of department activities and related tax incentives.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of communities certified through the community  

                   certification initiative                                                        15

(b) Outcome:       Number of business expansions assisted by the economic  

                   development program in urban areas of New Mexico                                40

(c) Outcome:       Total number of rural jobs created                                           3,500

(d) Outcome:       Number of jobs created through the economic development  

                   partnership                                                                 1,000

(2) Film:

The purpose of the film program is to maintain the core business for the film location services and stimulate growth in digital film media to maintain the economic vitality of New Mexico film industry.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                510.3                                             510.3

(b)    Contractual services             140.1                                             140.1

(c)    Other                          145.6                                             145.6

       Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of media industry worker days                                        48,500

(b) Outcome:       Economic impact of media industry productions in New Mexico  

                   (in millions)                                                               $73.5

(c) Outcome:       Number of films and media projects principally photographed  

                   in New Mexico                                                                  58

(3) Trade with Mexico:

The purpose of the trade with Mexico program is to produce new high-paying employment opportunities for New Mexicans so they can increase their wealth and improve their quality of life.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                125.8                                             125.8

(b)    Contractual services              82.0                                              82.0

(c)    Other                          110.0                                             110.0

       Authorized FTE: 3.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Dollar value of New Mexico exports to Mexico as a result of  

                   the trade with Mexico program, in millions                                    $350

(b) Outcome:       Number of jobs created by the programs of the office of  

                   Mexican affairs                                                               250

(4) Technology and space commercialization:

The purpose of the technology and space commercialization program is to increase the start-up, relocation and growth of technology-based business in New Mexico to give New Mexico citizens the opportunity for high-paying jobs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                583.8                                             583.8

(b)    Other                          130.0                                             130.0

       Authorized FTE: 8.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of jobs created by aerospace and aviation companies                     150

(b) Outcome:       Ranking of New Mexico in technology intensiveness according  

                   to the state science and technology institute index                             22

(5) Program support and marketing:

The purpose of program support is to provide central direction to agency management processes and fiscal support to agency programs to ensure consistency, continuity and legal compliance.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,492.1                                           1,492.1

(b)    Contractual services             392.7                                             392.7

(c)    Other                          336.0                                             336.0

       Authorized FTE: 24.00 Permanent

Subtotal                             [6,520.8]                                          6,520.8


(1) Construction industries and manufactured housing:

The purpose of the construction industries and manufactured housing program is to provide code compliance oversight; issue licenses, permits, and citations; perform inspections; administer exams; process complaints; and enforce laws, rules and regulations relating to general construction and manufactured housing standards to industry professionals.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              6,238.7                                128.1      6,366.8

(b)    Contractual services              77.9                                  1.0         78.9

(c)    Other                        1,245.8       100.0                     68.3      1,414.1

       Authorized FTE: 118.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of permitted manufactured housing projects inspected                   90%

(b) Efficiency:    Percent of reviews of commercial plans completed within a  

                   standard time based on valuation of project                                    80%

(2) Financial institutions and securities:

The purpose of the financial institutions and securities program is to issue charters and licenses; perform examinations; investigate complaints; enforce laws, rules and regulations; and promote investor protection and confidence so that capital formation is maximized and a secure financial infrastructure is available to support economic development.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,395.8        60.9                               2,456.7

(b)    Contractual services               5.1       235.0                                 240.1

(c)    Other                          246.8       160.9                                 407.7

       Authorized FTE: 41.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of statutorily-compliant applications processed  

                   within a standard number of days by type of application                        93%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of examination reports mailed to a depository  

                   institution within thirty days of examination departure                        90%

(3) Alcohol and gaming:

The purpose of the alcohol and gaming program is to regulate the sale, service and public consumption of alcoholic beverages and regulate the holding, operating and conducting of certain games of chance by licensing qualified people, and in cooperation with the department of public safety, enforce the Liquor Control Act and the Bingo and Raffle Act to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of and visitors to New Mexico.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                803.2                                             803.2

(b)    Contractual services              11.1                                              11.1

(c)    Other                           67.8                                              67.8

       Authorized FTE: 15.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of days to issue new or transfer liquor licenses.                       125

(b) Output:        Number of days to resolve an administrative citation                            46

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide leadership and centralized direction, financial management, information systems support and human resources support for all agency organizations in compliance with governing regulations, statutes and procedures so they can license qualified applicants, verify compliance with statutes and resolve or mediate consumer complaints.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,654.5                   551.1                   2,205.6

(b)    Contractual services             177.1                    82.1                     259.2

(c)    Other                          304.4                   180.6                     485.0

       Authorized FTE: 33.50 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of prior-year audit findings resolved                                 100%

(b) Output:        Percent of payment vouchers submitted to and approved by  

                   the department of finance and administration within seven  

                   days of receipt from vendor                                                    90%

(5) New Mexico state board of public accountancy:

The purpose of the public accountancy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            244.2                                 244.2

(b)    Contractual services                          68.0                                  68.0

(c)    Other                                      139.2                                 139.2

(d)    Other financing uses                          45.0                                  45.0

       Authorized FTE: 5.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(6) Board of acupuncture and oriental medicine:

The purpose of the acupuncture and oriental medicine board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            134.3                                 134.3

(b)    Contractual services                          11.3                                  11.3

(c)    Other                                       28.9                                  28.9

(d)    Other financing uses                          24.6                                  24.6

       Authorized FTE: 3.20 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process completed application and  

                   issue a license                                                                 5

(7) New Mexico athletic commission:

The purpose of the athletic commission program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             55.0                                  55.0

(b)    Other                                       42.7                                  42.7

(c)    Other financing uses                          30.0                                  30.0

       Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(8) Athletic trainer practice board:

The purpose of the athletic trainer practice board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             11.1                                  11.1

(b)    Other                                        5.4                                   5.4

(c)    Other financing uses                           3.9                                   3.9

       Authorized FTE: .20 Permanent

(9) Board of barbers and cosmetology:

The purpose of the barbers and cosmetology board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            385.8                                 385.8

(b)    Contractual services                          50.0                                  50.0

(c)    Other                                       98.3                                  98.3

(d)    Other financing uses                          81.4                                  81.4

       Authorized FTE: 7.90 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(10) Chiropractic board:

The purpose of the chiropractic examiners board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             60.5                                  60.5

(b)    Contractual services                           2.6                                   2.6

(c)    Other                                       27.8                                  27.8

(d)    Other financing uses                          23.9                                  23.9

       Authorized FTE: 1.30 Permanent

(11) Counseling and therapy practice board:

The purpose of the counseling and therapy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            219.4                                 219.4

(b)    Contractual services                          15.5                                  15.5

(c)    Other                                      115.9                                 115.9

(d)    Other financing uses                          55.8                                  55.8

       Authorized FTE: 4.90 Permanent

(12) New Mexico board of dental health care:

The purpose of the dental health care board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            219.0                                 219.0

(b)    Contractual services                          21.7                                  21.7

(c)    Other                                       68.2                                  68.2

(d)    Other financing uses                          50.6                                  50.6

       Authorized FTE: 4.90 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(b) Efficiency:    Average number of hours to respond to telephone complaints                      24

(13) Interior design board:

The purpose of the interior design board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             13.5                                  13.5

(b)    Other                                       10.2                                  10.2

(c)    Other financing uses                           6.3                                   6.3

       Authorized FTE: .20 Permanent

(14) Board of landscape architects:

The purpose of the board of landscape architects program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             19.2                                  19.2

(b)    Contractual services                            .3                                    .3

(c)    Other                                       15.5                                  15.5

(d)    Other financing uses                           7.8                                   7.8

       Authorized FTE: .30 Permanent

(15) Board of massage therapy:

The purpose of the massage therapy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            163.3                                 163.3

(b)    Contractual services                          12.0                                  12.0

(c)    Other                                       46.3                                  46.3

(d)    Other financing uses                          29.4                                  29.4

       Authorized FTE: 3.50 Permanent

(16) Board of nursing home administrators:

The purpose of the nursing home administrators board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             35.0                                  35.0

(b)    Contractual services                            .2                                    .2

(c)    Other                                       12.8                                  12.8

(d)    Other                                        9.0                                   9.0

       Authorized FTE: .60 Permanent

(17) Nutrition and dietetics practice board:

The purpose of the nutrition and dietetics practice board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             18.5                                  18.5

(b)    Contractual services                            .3                                    .3

(c)    Other                                       11.6                                  11.6

(d)    Other financing uses                           5.9                                   5.9

       Authorized FTE: .30 Permanent

(18) Board of examiners for occupational therapy:

The purpose of the occupational therapy practice board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             37.8                                  37.8

(b)    Contractual services                           2.0                                   2.0

(c)    Other                                       17.4                                  17.4

(d)    Other financing uses                          10.0                                  10.0

       Authorized FTE: .60 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(19) Board of optometry:

The purpose of the optometry board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             43.3                                  43.3

(b)    Contractual services                          11.5                                  11.5

(c)    Other                                        9.8                                   9.8

(d)    Other financing uses                          11.4                                  11.4

       Authorized FTE: .80 Permanent

(20) Board of osteopathic medical examiners:

The purpose of the osteopathic medical examiners board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             52.8                                  52.8

(b)    Contractual services                           2.0                                   2.0

(c)    Other                                       24.4                                  24.4

(d)    Other financing uses                          12.1                                  12.1

       Authorized FTE: .80 Permanent

(21) Board of pharmacy:

The purpose of the pharmacy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            900.7                                 900.7

(b)    Contractual services                          26.3                                  26.3

(c)    Other                                      270.1                                 270.1

(d)    Other financing uses                          92.3                                  92.3

       Authorized FTE: 12.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(b) Efficiency:    Average number of hours to respond to telephone complaints                      24

(22) Physical therapy board:

The purpose of the physical therapy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             80.4                                  80.4

(b)    Contractual services                           3.0                                   3.0

(c)    Other                                       29.8                                  29.8

(d)    Other financing uses                          20.1                                  20.1

       Authorized FTE: 1.60 Permanent

(23) Board of podiatry:

The purpose of the podiatry board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             18.9                                  18.9

(b)    Contractual services                            .5                                    .5

(c)    Other                                        9.0                                   9.0

(d)    Other financing uses                           7.5                                   7.5

       Authorized FTE: .30 Permanent

(24) Private investigators and polygraphers advisory board:

The purpose of the private investigators and polygraphers board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             66.0                                  66.0

(b)    Contractual services                          10.0                                  10.0

(c)    Other                                       33.2                                  33.2

(d)    Other financing uses                          21.9                                  21.9

       Authorized FTE: 1.40 Permanent

(25) New Mexico state board of psychologist examiners:

The purpose of the psychologist examiners board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            108.6                                 108.6

(b)    Contractual services                          20.0                                  20.0

(c)    Other                                       49.8                                  49.8

(d)    Other financing uses                          28.8                                  28.8

       Authorized FTE: 2.30 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(26) Real estate appraisers board:

The purpose of the real estate appraisers board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             93.9                                  93.9

(b)    Contractual services                          12.5                                  12.5

(c)    Other                                       27.6                                  27.6

(d)    Other financing uses                          22.5                                  22.5

       Authorized FTE: 2.10 Permanent

(27) New Mexico real estate commission:

The purpose of the real estate commission program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            471.2                                 471.2

(b)    Contractual services                         117.0                                 117.0

(c)    Other                                      271.3                                 271.3

(d)    Other financing uses                          65.2                                  65.2

       Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent

(28) Advisory board of respiratory care practitioners:

The purpose of the respiratory care practitioners advisory board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             43.0                                  43.0

(b)    Other                                        9.4                                   9.4

(c)    Other financing uses                          10.3                                  10.3

       Authorized FTE: .80 Permanent

(29) Board of social work examiners:

The purpose of the social work examiners board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            212.7                                 212.7

(b)    Contractual services                           3.0                                   3.0

(c)    Other                                       72.4                                  72.4

(d)    Other financing uses                          43.4                                  43.4

       Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(b) Efficiency:    Average number of hours to respond to telephone complaints                      24

(30) Speech language pathology, audiology and hearing aid dispensing practices board:

The purpose of the speech language pathology, audiology and hearing aid dispensing practices board is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            102.7                                 102.7

(b)    Contractual services                           2.7                                   2.7

(c)    Other                                       21.3                                  21.3

(d)    Other financing uses                          18.8                                  18.8

       Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent

     Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

(31) Board of thanatopractice:

The purpose of the thanatopractice board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                             99.1                                  99.1

(b)    Contractual services                           7.5                                   7.5

(c)    Other                                       36.9                                  36.9

(d)    Other financing uses                          15.9                                  15.9

       Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Average number of days to process a completed application  

                   and issue a license                                                             5

Subtotal                            [13,228.2]   [7,125.6]     [813.8]      [197.4]    21,365.0


(1) Policy and regulation:

The purpose of the policy and regulation program is to fulfill the constitutional and legislative mandates regarding regulated industries through rulemaking, adjudications and policy initiatives to ensure the provisions of adequate and reliable services at fair, just and reasonable rates so that the interests of the consumers and regulated industries are balanced to promote and protect the public interest.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              5,784.2                    12.5                   5,796.7

(b)    Contractual services             148.6                                             148.6

(c)    Other                        1,353.8                                           1,353.8

       Authorized FTE: 84.70 Permanent

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the policy and regulation program of the public regulation commission includes twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) from the patient’s compensation fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of formal complaints processed by the transportation  

                   division                                                                       65

(b) Output:        Number of docketed cases completed                                             130

(c) Efficiency:    Average number of days for a rate cases to reach final order                   240

(d) Efficiency:    Percent of cases processed in less than the statutory time  

                   allowance                                                                    100%

(e) Outcome:       Average commercial electric rate comparison between major  

                   New Mexico utilities and selected regional utilities                     + or - 5%

(f) Outcome:       Dollar amount of credits and refunds obtained for New  

                   Mexico consumers through complaint resolution                             $1,763.0

(2) Insurance policy:

The purpose of the insurance policy program is to assure easy public access to reliable insurance products that meet consumers' needs and are underwritten by dependable, reputable, financially sound companies that charge fair rates and are represented by trustworthy, qualified agents, while promoting a positive competitive business climate.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          4,815.3                               4,815.3

(b)    Contractual services                         215.5                                 215.5

(c)    Other                                       27.4       947.5                     974.9

(d)    Other financing uses                                     110.0                     110.0

        Authorized FTE: 84.00 Permanent

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the insurance policy program of the public regulation commission include one million fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($1,057,500) from agents surcharge fees.

     The other state funds appropriations to the insurance policy program of the public regulation commission include five million fifty-eight thousand two hundred dollars ($5,058,200) from the insurance operating fund.

       Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Percent of internal and external insurance-related  

                   grievances closed within one hundred eighty days of filing                     90%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of employers whose workers compensation accident  

                   frequency is reduced through conseling, advice and training                    60%

(c) Output:        Percent of insurance division interventions conducted with  

                   domestic and foreign insurance companies when risk-based  

                   capital is less than 200 percent                                               80%

(d) Efficiency:    Percent of insurance fraud bureau complaints processed and  

                   recommended for either further administrative action or  

                   closure within sixty days                                                      80%

(3) Public safety:

The purpose of the public safety program is to provide services and resources to the appropriate entities to enhance their ability to protect the public from fire and pipeline hazards and other risks as assigned to the public regulation commission.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      2,143.4        278.4      2,421.8

(b)    Contractual services                                     172.2         40.7        212.9

(c)    Other                                                1,137.0        325.8      1,462.8

       Authorized FTE: 47.30 Permanent; 1.00 Term

     The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the public safety program of the public regulation commission include one million six hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,699,900) for the office of the state fire marshal from the fire protection fund.

     The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the public safety program of the public regulation commission include one million two hundred fifty-six thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,256,900) for the fire fighter training academy from the fire protection fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of inspections and audit hours performed by the  

                   state fire marshal's office and pipeline safety bureau                      25,302

(b) Output:        Number of personnel completing training through the state  

                   fire fighter training academy                                                3,700

(c) Outcome:       Percent of fire departments' insurance service office  

                   ratings of nine or ten that have been reviewed by survey or  

                   audit                                                                         75%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative support and direction to ensure consistency, compliance, financial integrity and fulfillment of the agency mission.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,062.1                   362.7                   2,424.8

(b)    Contractual services              75.6                                              75.6

(c)    Other                          704.3                                             704.3

       Authorized FTE: 52.00 Permanent

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to program support of the public regulation commission include two hundred forty thousand two hundred dollars ($240,200) from the fire protection fund, seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) from the insurance fraud fund, twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) from the pipeline safety fund, and forty thousand dollars ($40,000) from the title insurance maintenance fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of total outstanding corporation bureau corporate  

                   revocations processed                                                         100%

(b) Efficiency:    Percent of fully functional applications sytems                               100%

(c) Outcome:       Opinion of previous fiscal year independent agency audit               Unqualified

(5) Patient's compensation fund:


(a)    Contractual services                         300.0                                 300.0

(b)    Other                                   10,064.0                              10,064.0

(c)    Other financing uses                         225.0                                 225.0

Subtotal                            [10,128.6]  [15,647.2]   [4,885.3]      [644.9]    31,306.0


(1) Licensing and certification:

The purpose of the licensing and certification program is to provide regulation and licensure to medical doctors, physician assistants and anesthesiologist assistants and to ensure competent and ethical medical care to consumers


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            681.4                                 681.4

(b)    Contractual services                         238.2                                 238.2

(c)    Other                                      290.6                                 290.6

(d)    Other financing uses                          40.0                                  40.0

       Authorized FTE: 12.00 Permanent

Subtotal                                         [1,250.2]                              1,250.2


(1) Licensing and certification:

The purpose of the licensing and certification program is to regulate nurses, hemodialysis technicians, medication aides and their education and training programs, so they can provide competent and professional healthcare services to consumers


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            762.0                                 762.0

(b)    Contractual services                          36.0                                  36.0

(c)    Other                                      348.7                                 348.7

(d)    Other financing uses                           1.1        38.9                      40.0

       Authorized FTE: 14.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of licenses issued                                                   11,000

Subtotal                                         [1,147.8]      [38.9]                  1,186.7


(1) State fair:

The purpose of the state fair program is to promote the New Mexico state fair as a year-round operation with venues, events and facilities that provide for greater use of the assets of the agency.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          5,965.9                               5,965.9

(b)    Contractual services                       3,489.8                               3,489.8

(c)    Other                                    3,800.1     1,300.0                   5,100.1

       Authorized FTE: 59.00 Permanent; 18.00 Term

Pursuant to Chapter 119, Laws of 2004, the internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the state fair program includes one million three hundred thousand dollars ($1,300,000) from pari-mutuel tax revenues in the other category for capital improvements at the state fairgrounds and for debt service on negotiable bonds issued for the capital improvements.

    Performance measures:

(a) Quality:       Percent of surveyed attendees at the annual state fair  

                   event rating their experience as satisfactory or better                        85%

(b) Output:        Percent of counties represented through exhibits at the  

                   annual state fair                                                            100%

(c) Outcome:       Number of paid attendees at annual state fair event                        600,000

(d) Quality:       Percent of surveyed attendees at the annual state fair  

                   event rating that the state fair has improved                                  40%

Subtotal                                        [13,255.8]   [1,300.0]                 14,555.8



(1) Regulation and licensing:

The purpose of the regulation and licensing program is to regulate the practices of engineering and surveying in the state as they relate to the welfare of the public in safeguarding life, health and property, and to provide consumers with licensed professional engineers and licensed professional surveyors.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            280.4                                 280.4

(b)    Contractual services                          69.8                                  69.8

(c)    Other                                      193.6                                 193.6

       Authorized FTE: 7.00 Permanent

Subtotal                                           [543.8]                                543.8


(1) Gaming control:

The purpose of the gaming control program is to strictly regulate gaming activities and to promote responsible gaming to the citizens of New Mexico so they can attain a strong level of confidence in the board's administration of gambling laws and assurance that the state has honest and competitive gaming free from criminal and corruptive elements and influences.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,490.5                                           3,490.5

(b)    Contractual services             656.3                                             656.3

(c)    Other                        1,341.4                                           1,341.4

       Authorized FTE: 59.00 Permanent; .50 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Quality:       Percent of time central monitoring system is operational                      100%

(b) Output:        Percent decrease in repeat violations by licensed gaming  

                   operators                                                                     75%

(c) Output:        Percent variance identified between actual tribal quarterly  

                   payments made to the state treasurer's office and the  

                   audited financial statements received from the tribe as a  

                   result of an analytical review                                                 10%

(d) Outcome:       Ratio of revenue generated to general funds expended                          20:1

Subtotal                             [5,488.2]                                          5,488.2


(1) Horseracing regulation:

The purpose of the horseracing regulation program is to provide regulation in an equitable manner to New Mexico’s parimutuel horseracing industry to protect the interest of wagering patrons and the state of New Mexico in a manner that promotes a climate of economic prosperity for horsemen, horse owners and racetrack management.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,102.9                                           1,102.9

(b)    Contractual services             630.4                                             630.4

(c)    Other                          253.8                                             253.8

       Authorized FTE: 17.30 Permanent; .60 Term; 1.80 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of equine samples testing positive for illegal  

                   substance                                                                     .8%

(b) Efficiency:    Average regulatory cost per live race day at each racetrack                 $4,000

Subtotal                             [1,987.1]                                          1,987.1


(1) Veterinary licensing and regulatory:

The purpose of the veterinary licensing and regulatory program is to protect the public and promote quality veterinary care through regulation of the profession of veterinary medicine.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            138.0                                 138.0

(b)    Contractual services                          73.2                                  73.2

(c)    Other                                       57.5                                  57.5

       Authorized FTE: 3.00 Permanent

Subtotal                                           [268.7]                                268.7


Cumbres Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission


(a)    Contractual services             120.0                                             120.0

       Any revenues generated by the Cumbres and Toltec scenic railroad commission in fiscal year 2006, including but not limited to ticket sales, are appropriated to the Cumbres and Toltec scenic railroad commission for use toward operating expenses of the railroad.

Subtotal                               [120.0]                                            120.0

TOTAL COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY              46,088.1    43,737.1     7,896.4        842.3     98,563.9



(1) Museums and monuments:

The purpose of the museums and monuments program is to develop and enhance the quality of state museums and monuments by providing the highest standards in exhibitions, performances and programs showcasing the arts, history and science of New Mexico and cultural traditions worldwide.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             13,149.4     2,869.5       113.9         68.0     16,200.8

(b)    Contractual services             904.4       197.5         7.8          4.7      1,114.4

(c)    Other                        4,084.6       891.4        35.4         21.1      5,032.5

       Authorized FTE: 303.20 Permanent; 51.60 Term; 4.00 Temporary

The appropriations to the museums and monuments program of the cultural affairs department include two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) from the general fund, ninety-one thousand dollars ($91,000) from other state funds and two full-time permanent positions for the Roy E. Disney performing arts center.

     The appropriations to the museums and monuments program of the cultural affairs department include one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) from the general fund and one full-time permanent position for el Camino Real international heritage center.

     The appropriations to the museums and monuments program of the cultural affairs department include one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) from the general fund and one full-time permanent position for the Bosque Redondo.

     The appropriations to the museums and monuments program of the cultural affairs department include fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) from the general fund and one full-time permanent position for the state history museum.

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Total attendance to museum exhibitions, performances, films  

                   and other presenting programs                                              897,500

(b) Output:        Number of participants at on-site educational, outreach and  

                   special events                                                            324,485

(2) Preservation:

The purpose of the preservation program is to identify, study and protect New Mexico's unique cultural resources, including its archaeological sites, architectural and engineering achievements, cultural landscapes and diverse heritage.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                683.7       105.8     2,310.8        851.5      3,951.8

(b)    Contractual services              44.7         6.9       151.1         55.7        258.4

(c)    Other                           97.1        15.0       327.7        120.7        560.5

       Authorized FTE: 36.00 Permanent; 40.50 Term; 6.00 Temporary

The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the preservation program of the cultural affairs department include one million dollars ($1,000,000) from the department of transportation for archaeological studies related to highway projects.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of grant funds distributed to communities outside  

                   of Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Las Cruces                                        56%

(b) Output:        Total number of new structures preserved annually utilizing  

                   preservation tax credits                                                        45

(3) Library services:

The purpose of the library services program is to empower libraries to support the educational, economic and health goals of their communities and to deliver direct library and information services to those who need them.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,967.6        16.9                    783.1      2,767.6

(b)    Contractual services             602.0         5.2                    239.7        846.9

(c)    Other                          918.9         7.9                    365.8      1,292.6

       Authorized FTE: 42.00 Permanent; 19.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of grant funds distributed to communities outside  

                   of Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Las Cruces                                        75%

(b) Output:        Total number of library materials catalogued in system-wide  

                   access to libraries in state agencies and keystone library  

                   automation system online databases available through the  

                   internet                                                                  935,000

(4) Arts:

The purpose of the arts program is to preserve, enhance and develop the arts in New Mexico through partnerships, public awareness and education.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                504.9                                226.2        731.1

(b)    Contractual services             673.4                                301.7        975.1

(c)    Other                           64.1                                 28.7         92.8

       Authorized FTE: 10.50 Permanent; 4.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of grant funds distributed to communities outside  

                   of Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Las Cruces                                        46%

(b) Output:        Attendance at new programs partially funded by New Mexico  

                   Arts, provided by arts organizations statewide                           1,800,000

(5) Program support:

The purpose of the program support program is to deliver effective, efficient, high-quality services in concert with the core agenda of the governor.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,715.3        15.5                     62.2      2,793.0

(b)    Contractual services             265.5         1.5                      6.1        273.1

(c)    Other                          169.4         1.0                      3.9        174.3

       Authorized FTE: 40.70 Permanent; 1.00 Term; 2.00 Temporary

Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the cultural affairs department remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from appropriations made from the general fund shall not revert.

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of payment vouchers accurately processed within seventy-two  

                   hours of receipt                                                            8,700

(b) Outcome:       Percent of performance measures' targets in the General  

                   Appropriation Act met (excluding this measure)                                 80%

Subtotal                            [26,845.0]   [4,134.1]   [2,946.7]    [3,139.1]    37,064.9


(1) Livestock inspection:

The purpose of the livestock inspection program is to protect the livestock industry from loss of livestock by theft or straying and to help control the spread of dangerous diseases of livestock.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                217.0     2,410.5                               2,627.5

(b)    Contractual services                         221.2                                 221.2

(c)    Other                          189.7       685.5                                 875.2

       Authorized FTE: 59.20 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of road stops per month                                                  30

(b) Outcome:       Number of livestock thefts reported per 1000 head inspected                    1.0

(2) Meat inspection:

The purpose of the meat inspection program is to provide meat inspection service to meat processors and slaughterers to assure consumers of clean, wholesome, and safe products.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                416.8                                416.9        833.7

(b)    Contractual services                           8.5                                   8.5

(c)    Other                           45.3        47.5                     45.2        138.0

       Authorized FTE: 17.80 Permanent

The general fund appropriation to the New Mexico livestock board for its meat inspection program, including administrative costs, is contingent upon a dollar-for-dollar match of federal funds for that program.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of inspections where violations are found                               2%

(b) Outcome:       Number of violations resolved within one day                                   210

(c) Output:        Number of compliance visits made to approved establishments                  7,300

(3) Administration:

The purpose of the administration program is to provide administrative and logistical services to employees.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                 72.2       302.1                     72.2        446.5

(b)    Contractual services                          15.2                                  15.2

(c)    Other                                      118.6                                 118.6

       Authorized FTE: 8.00 Permanent

Subtotal                               [941.0]   [3,809.1]                  [534.3]     5,284.4


(1) Sport hunting and fishing:

The purpose of the sport hunting and fishing program is to provide a statewide system for hunting activities as well as self-sustaining and hatchery-supported fisheries, taking into account hunter safety, quality hunts, high demand areas, guides and outfitters, quotas and assuring that local and financial interests receive consideration.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      7,416.7      3,009.5     10,426.2

(b)    Contractual services                                     414.6        377.6        792.2

(c)    Other                                                2,351.6      1,934.0      4,285.6

(d)    Other financing uses                                      78.7        236.3        315.0

       Authorized FTE: 179.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term; 8.00 Temporary

The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the sport hunting and fishing program of the department of game and fish include one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from the game protection fund for Ute dam operation. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from this appropriation shall revert to the game protection fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Angler opportunity and success                                                 80%

(b) Outcome:       Number of days of elk hunting opportunity provided to New  

                   Mexico resident hunters on an annual basis                                 165,000

(c) Outcome:       Percent of public hunting licenses drawn by New Mexico  

                   resident hunters                                                              80%

(d) Output:        Annual output of fish from the department's hatchery  

                   system, in pounds                                                          400,000

(2) Conservation services:

The purpose of the conservation services program is to provide information and technical guidance to any person wishing to conserve and enhance wildlife habitat and recover indigenous species of threatened and endangered wildlife.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                179.6                   416.3      1,468.8      2,064.7

(b)    Contractual services                                     241.0        384.0        625.0

(c)    Other                                                1,506.0        708.2      2,214.2

       Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 8.00 Term; 1.50 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of threatened and endangered species monitored,  

                   studied, or involved in the recovery plan process                               38

(b) Outcome:       Number of wildlife areas opened for access under the  

                   gaining access into nature project                                               2

(c) Outcome:       Number of acres of wildlife habitat conserved, enhanced, or  

                   positively affected statewide                                              100,000

(3) Wildlife depredation and nuisance abatement:

The purpose of the wildlife depredation and nuisance abatement program is to provide complaint administration and intervention processes to private landowners, leaseholders and other New Mexicans so they may be relieved of and precluded from property damage, annoyances, or risks to public safety caused by protected wildlife.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                        256.9                     256.9

(b)    Contractual services                                     179.7                     179.7

(c)    Other                                                  499.1                     499.1

       Authorized FTE: 5.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of depredation complaints resolved within the  

                   mandated one-year timeframe                                                    95%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide an adequate and flexible system of direction, oversight, accountability and support to all divisions so they may successfully attain planned outcomes for all department programs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      3,352.1         77.0      3,429.1

(b)    Contractual services                                     449.4        228.8        678.2

(c)    Other                                                2,007.0        179.2      2,186.2

       Authorized FTE: 57.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term

Subtotal                               [179.6]              [19,169.1]    [8,603.4]    27,952.1


(1) Renewable energy and energy efficiency:

The purpose of the renewable energy and energy efficiency program is to develop and implement clean energy programs in order to decrease per capita energy consumption, utilize New Mexico’s substantial renewable energy resources, minimize local, regional and global air emissions, lessen dependence on foreign oil and reduce in-state water demands associated with fossil-fueled electrical generation.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                616.9                                229.4        846.3

(b)    Contractual services               3.9                              1,601.9      1,605.8

(c)    Other                            4.2                                139.8        144.0

(d)    Other financing uses                         500.0                                 500.0

       Authorized FTE: 9.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent reduction in energy use in public facilities  

                   receiving efficiency retrofit projects                                          5%

(b) Outcome:       Percent decrease in gasoline consumption by state and local  

                   government fleets through the application of alternative  

                   transportation fuel technologies                                               10%

(c) Explanatory:   Annual utility costs for state-owned buildings, in thousands               $13,708

(2) Healthy forests:

The purpose of the healthy forests program is to promote the health of New Mexico's forest lands by managing wildfires, mitigating urban interface fire threats and providing stewardship of private and state forest lands and associated watersheds.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,385.3       155.7        20.0      1,005.1      3,566.1

(b)    Contractual services             123.2                     2.0      1,022.9      1,148.1

(c)    Other                          511.2        60.0       427.5      3,307.3      4,306.0

(d)    Other financing uses                         449.5                                 449.5

       Authorized FTE: 54.00 Permanent; 11.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of fire and insect vulnerability assessments and  

                   number of implemented mitigation programs in high-risk  

                   communities                                                             47 of 217

(b) Output:        Number of nonfederal wildland firefighters provided with  

                   technical fire training appropriate to their incident  

                   command system                                                                500

(3) State parks:

The purpose of the state parks program is to create the best recreational opportunities possible in state parks by preserving cultural and natural resources, continuously improving facilities and providing quality, fun activities and to do it all efficiently.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              7,942.0     3,424.4                    248.4     11,614.8

(b)    Contractual services             212.7       174.5                  4,350.0      4,737.2

(c)    Other                        1,198.2     3,524.2     2,512.7      1,257.2      8,492.3

(d)    Other financing uses                       2,512.7                               2,512.7

       Authorized FTE: 228.00 Permanent; 5.00 Term; 48.00 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent completion of new parks and park expansion projects                    45%

(b) Output:        Number of interpretive programs available to park visitors                   2,000

(c) Explanatory:   Number of visitors to state parks                                        4,000,000

(d) Explanatory:   Self-generated revenue per visitor, in dollars                               $0.86

(4) Mine reclamation:

The purpose of the mine reclamation program is to implement the state laws that regulate the operation and reclamation of hard rock and coal mining facilities and to reclaim abandoned mine sites.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                324.5                   648.8      1,179.4      2,152.7

(b)    Contractual services              11.0                    27.2      1,167.8      1,206.0

(c)    Other                           52.2                    97.9        164.6        314.7

(d)    Other financing uses                         773.9                                 773.9

       Authorized FTE: 16.00 Permanent; 15.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of inspections conducted per year to ensure mining  

                   is being conducted in compliance with approved permits and  

                   regulations                                                                   300

(b) Explanatory:   Number of abandoned mines safeguarded                                          120

(5) Oil and gas conservation:

The purpose of the oil and gas conservation program is to assure the conservation and responsible development of oil and gas resources through professional and dynamic regulation.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,386.4                    80.0        198.9      3,665.3

(b)    Contractual services              80.9                 1,200.0                   1,280.9

(c)    Other                          534.6                                 12.4        547.0

(d)    Other financing uses                       1,200.0                    105.0      1,305.0

       Authorized FTE: 61.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of inventoried orphaned wells plugged                                  30%

(b) Output:        Number of orphan wells plugged                                                  60

(c) Output:        Number of inspections of oil and gas wells and associated  

                   facilities                                                                 25,750

(6) Program leadership and support:

The purpose of program leadership and support is to provide leadership, set policy and provide support for every division in achieving goals.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,895.9                    50.0        243.3      3,189.2

(b)    Contractual services              23.7                                  5.8         29.5

(c)    Other                          144.7         1.5                    209.5        355.7

(d)    Other financing uses                                                1,522.5      1,522.5

       Authorized FTE: 45.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term

Subtotal                            [20,451.5]  [12,776.4]   [5,066.1]   [17,971.2]    56,265.2


The purpose of the youth conservation corps program is to provide funding for the employment of New Mexicans from the ages of fourteen and twenty-five to work on projects that will improve New Mexico's natural, cultural, historical and agricultural resources.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            126.3                                 126.3

(b)    Contractual services                       2,175.9                               2,175.9

(c)    Other                                       47.8                                  47.8

(d)    Other financing uses                          50.0                                  50.0

       Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of projects funded in a year that improve New  

                   Mexico's natural resources and provide lasting community  

                   benefits                                                                       40

(b) Output:        Number of youth employed annually                                              625

(c) Outcome:       Percent of grant awards used toward wages for corps members                    65%

(d) Output:        Number of cash bonuses and tuition vouchers awarded                             15

Subtotal                                         [2,400.0]                              2,400.0


(1) Land trust stewardship:

The purpose of the land grant stewardship program is to generate sustainable revenue from state trust lands to support public education and other beneficiary institutions and to build partnerships with all New Mexicans to conserve, protect and maintain the highest level of stewardship for these lands so that they may be a significant legacy for generations to come.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          9,303.9                               9,303.9

(b)    Contractual services                         309.2                                 309.2

(c)    Other                                    2,177.5                               2,177.5

(d)    Other financing uses                         519.0                                 519.0

       Authorized FTE: 155.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Total trust revenue generated, in millions                                  $240.1

(b) Outcome:       Dollars generated through oil, natural gas and mineral  

                   audit activities, in millions                                                 $5.0

(c) Output:        Average income per acre from oil, natural gas and mineral  

                   activities                                                                 $20.00

(d) Output:        Average income per acre from agriculture leasing activities                  $0.85

(e) Output:        Average income per acre from commercial leasing activities                  $20.00

Subtotal                                        [12,309.6]                             12,309.6


(1) Water resource allocation:

The purpose of the water resource allocation program is to provide for the administration, distribution, protection, conservation and development of the state’s available surface and underground water resources so all New Mexicans can maintain their quality of life.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              7,350.6       368.4                               7,719.0

(b)    Contractual services              20.6         1.3       461.7                     483.6

(c)    Other                          664.3        86.4       138.3                     889.0

       Authorized FTE: 135.00 Permanent

The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the water resource allocation program of the state engineer includes six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) from the improvement of the Rio Grande income fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of applications abstracted into the water  

                   administration technical engineering resource system  

                   database                                                                    60%

(b) Output:        Average number of unprotested new and pending applications  

                   processed per month                                                            75

(c) Output:        Average number of protested and aggrieved applications  

                   processed per month                                                            12

(d) Explanatory:   Number of unprotested and unaggrieved water right  

                   applications backlogged                                                        600

(e) Explanatory:   Number of protested and aggrieved water rights backlogged                      175

(2) Interstate stream compact compliance and water development:

The purpose of the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program is to provide resolution of federal and interstate water issues and to develop water resources and stream systems for the people of New Mexico so they can have maximum sustained beneficial use of available water resources.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,915.2       110.0                               3,025.2

(b)    Contractual services                          25.0     3,248.8                   3,273.8

(c)    Other                          143.2        77.4     2,590.0                   2,810.6

       Authorized FTE: 45.00 Permanent

The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer include four million two hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars ($4,213,800) from the irrigation works construction fund. Of this amount one million six hundred twenty-three thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,623,800) is in the contractual services category and two million five hundred ninety thousand dollars ($2,590,000) is in the other category.

     The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer in the contractual service category includes one million six hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($1,625,000) from the improvement of the Rio Grande income fund.

     The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer includes one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from the game protection fund for Ute dam operation. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from this appropriation shall revert to the game protection fund.

     Revenue from the sale of water to United States government agencies by New Mexico for the emergency drought water agreement dated April 2003, which expires February 29, 2013, is appropriated to the state engineer for the conservation and recovery of the listed species in the middle Rio Grande basin, including the optimizing of middle Rio Grande conservancy district operations.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Pecos river compact accumulated delivery credit or deficit,  

                   in acre-feet                                                                9,500

(b) Outcome:       Rio Grande river compact accumulated delivery credit or  

                   deficit, in acre-feet                                                           0

(3) Litigation and adjudication:

The purpose of the litigation and adjudication program is to obtain a judicial determination and definition of water rights within each stream system and underground basin to effectively perform water rights administration and meet interstate stream obligations.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              4,569.1                                           4,569.1

(b)    Contractual services              50.0                 1,670.0                   1,720.0

(c)    Other                          197.3                   171.0                     368.3

       Authorized FTE: 75.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of offers to defendants in adjudications                              2,400

(b) Outcome:       Percent of all water rights that have judicial  

                   determinations                                                                30%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide necessary administrative support to the agency programs so they may be successful in reaching their goals and objectives.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,843.3                                           2,843.3

(b)    Contractual services              54.7                   200.0                     254.7

(c)    Other                          297.6                   218.0                     515.6

       Authorized FTE: 41.00 Permanent

(5) New Mexico irrigation works construction fund:


(a)    Other financing uses                       3,931.3     2,541.5                   6,472.8

The appropriations to the irrigation works construction program of the state engineer include (1) one million nine hundred thousand dollars ($1,900,000) to match seventeen and one-half percent of the cost of work undertaken by the United States army corps of engineers pursuant to the Federal Water Resources Development Act of 1986, provided that no amount of this appropriation shall be expended for any project unless the appropriate acequia system or community ditch has agreed to provide seven and one-half percent of the cost from any source other than the irrigation works construction fund or improvement of the Rio Grande income fund and provided that no more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) shall be appropriated to one acequia per fiscal year; (2) two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for planning, design, supervision of construction and construction of approved acequia improvement projects in cooperation with the United States department of agriculture, United States department of the interior, United States department of the army or other engineers; and (3) two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for the construction, improvement, repair and protection from floods of dams, reservoirs, ditches, flumes and appurtenances of community ditches in the state, provided that not more than sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) of this appropriation shall be used for any one community ditch. The state engineer may enter into cooperative agreements with the owners or commissioners of ditch associations to ensure that the work is done in the most efficient and economical manner and may contract with the federal government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities that provide matching funds or assistance. No state funds other than loans may be used to meet the association’s twenty percent share of the total cost of the project.

     The appropriations to the irrigation works construction program of the state engineer include grants, in such amount as determined by the interstate stream commission, for construction, improvement, repair and protection from floods of dams, reservoirs, ditches, flumes and appurtenances of community ditches in the state on Indian land, whether pueblo or reservation.

     The interstate stream commission’s authority to make loans for irrigation improvements includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for loans to acequias, irrigation and conservancy districts. The interstate stream commission’s authority also includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for loans to irrigation districts, conservancy districts and soil and water conservation districts for re-loan to farmers for implementation of water conservation improvements.

(6) Debt service fund:


(a)    Other financing uses                                     270.0                     270.0

(7) IWCF/IRGF income funds:


(a)    Other financing uses                                   6,150.0                   6,150.0

(8) Improvement of the Rio Grande fund:


(a)    Other financing uses                       1,092.6     1,132.4                   2,225.0

None of the money appropriated to the state engineer for operating or trust purposes shall be expended for primary clearing of vegetation in a phreatophyte removal project, except insofar as is required to meet the terms of the Pecos river compact between Texas and New Mexico. However, this prohibition shall not apply to removal of vegetation incidental to the construction, operation or maintenance for flood control or carriage of water or both.

     The general fund and other state funds appropriations to the state engineer in the contractual services category are contingent upon the state engineer including performance measures in its contracts to increase contract oversight and accountability. The appropriations are further contingent on the preparation and presentation of a report on contractors' purposes and performance compliance to the legislative finance committee prior to October 1, 2005.


Subtotal                            [19,105.9]   [5,692.4]  [18,791.7]                 43,590.0


(1) New Mexico organic:

The purpose of the New Mexico organic program is to provide consumers of organic products in New Mexico with credible assurance about the veracity of organic claims made and to enhance the development of local economies tied to agriculture, through rigorous regulatory oversight of the organic industry in New Mexico and through ongoing educational and market assistance projects.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                209.3                                             209.3

(b)    Contractual services                           7.5                     32.0         39.5

(c)    Other                           67.4        56.0                                 123.4

       Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent increase in New Mexico organic market as measured  

                   by clients' gross sales of organic products                                    10%

(b) Output:        Number of residue tests performed                                               20

(c) Output:        Number of client requests for assistance                                       400

Subtotal                               [276.7]      [63.5]                   [32.0]       372.2


NATURAL RESOURCES                        67,799.7    41,185.1    45,973.6     30,280.0    185,238.4



(1) Status of women:

The purpose of the status of women program is to provide information, public events, leadership, support services and career development to individuals, agencies and women's organizations so they can improve the economic, health and social status of women in New Mexico.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                323.3                                268.0        591.3

(b)    Contractual services              18.2                                692.0        710.2

(c)    Other                          123.3                   153.0        240.0        516.3

       Authorized FTE: 7.00 Permanent; 7.00 Term

The federal funds appropriation to the commission on the status of women includes one million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000) for the teamworks program directed toward workforce development for adult women on temporary assistance for needy families from the federal block grant funding to New Mexico.

Revenue collected for ticket sales in excess of expenses for conferences, awards programs, seminars and summits shall not revert.

     The internal services funds/interagency transfer appropriation to the commission on the status of women includes ninety-nine thousand three hundred dollars ($99,300) from the women in transition fund to host the year of the New Mexico girl conference and associated expenses and fifty-three thousand seven hundred dollars ($53,700) from the commission on the status of women conference fund to host the governor's award for outstanding New Mexico women, the pioneer award, the trailblazer award and various conference booths.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of paid employment teamworks placements                                 250

(b) Outcome:       Percent of teamworks participants employed at nine months  

                   after initial employment placement                                             70%

(c) Output:        Number of temporary assistance for needy families clients  

                   served through the teamworks program                                           950

Subtotal                               [464.8]                 [153.0]    [1,200.0]     1,817.8


(1) Public awareness:

The purpose of the public awareness program is to provide information and advocacy services to all New Mexicans and to empower African-Americans of New Mexico to improve their equality of life.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                129.2                                             129.2

(b)    Contractual services             107.4                                             107.4

(c)    Other                           91.2                                              91.2

       Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent

Subtotal                               [327.8]                                            327.8


(1) Deaf and hard-of-hearing:

The purpose of the deaf and hard-of-hearing program is to provide advocacy, outreach referral and education and to oversee the New Mexico telecommunications relay network for deaf and hard-of-hearing citizens, government agencies, institutions, businesses, and hearing individuals affiliated with those who have a hearing loss so they may become more aware of accessibility and services available and have equal access to telecommunications services.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                        550.0                     550.0

(b)    Contractual services                                   1,165.0                   1,165.0

(c)    Other                                                  189.1                     189.1

       Authorized FTE: 11.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of clients served                                                     5,244

Subtotal                                                     [1,904.1]                  1,904.1


The purpose of the Martin Luther King, Jr, Commission is to promote Martin Luther King, Jr.'s non-violent principles and philosophy to the people of New Mexico through remembrance, celebration and action, so that everyone gets involved in making a difference toward the improvement of interracial cooperation and reduction of youth violence in our communities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                129.8                                             129.8

(b)    Contractual services              13.8                                              13.8

(c)    Other                           88.5                                              88.5

       Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent

Subtotal                               [232.1]                                            232.1


(1) Blind services:

The purpose of the blind services program is to assist blind or visually imparied citizens of New Mexico to achieve economic and social equality so they can have independence based on their personal interests and abilities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                810.0       791.9                  2,901.2      4,503.1

(b)    Contractual services              44.2                                163.2        207.4

(c)    Other                          718.8       400.0                  2,263.7      3,382.5

       Authorized FTE: 105.50 Permanent; 1.00 Term

Any unexpended or unencumbered balances in the commission for the blind remaining at the end of the fiscal year 2006 from appropriations made from the general fund shall not revert.

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of quality employment opportunities for blind or  

                   visually impaired consumers                                                     35

(b) Output:        Number of blind or visually impaired consumers trained in  

                   the skills of blindness to enable them to live  

                   independently in their homes and communities                                   400

(c) Outcome:       Average employment wage for the blind or visually impaired  

                   person                                                                     $11.00

(d) Output:        Number of employment opportunities provided for blind  

                   business entrepreneurs in different vending and food  

                   facilities through the business enterprise program                              32

Subtotal                             [1,573.0]   [1,191.9]                [5,328.1]     8,093.0


(1) Indian affairs:

The purpose of the Indian affairs program is to serve as the coordinating body between state government and tribal government for New Mexico Indian tribes so they can address issues pertaining to health, economy, legislation and social issues in the most efficient way.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                755.1                                             755.1

(b)    Contractual services             411.0                                             411.0

(c)    Other                        1,067.1                                           1,067.1

       Authorized FTE: 12.00 Permanent

Subtotal                             [2,233.2]                                          2,233.2


(1) Consumer and elder rights:

The purpose of the consumer and elder rights program is to provide current information, assistance, counseling, education and support to older individuals and persons with disabilities, residents of long-term care facilities and their families and caregivers that allow them to protect their rights and make informed choices about quality service.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                450.3                                613.9      1,064.2

(b)    Contractual services              27.1                                 11.0         38.1

(c)    Other                          164.8                                218.9        383.7

       Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent; 10.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of client contacts to assist on health, insurance,  

                   prescriptions and other programs                                            30,100

(b) Output:        Number of clients who receive assistance to access low- or  

                   no-cost prescription drugs through MEDBANK and brownbag  

                   events                                                                      5,000

(c) Output:        Number of resident contacts by ombudsman                                     3,990

(2) Aging network:

The purpose of the aging network program is to provide supportive social and nutritional services for older individuals and persons with disabilities so they can remain independent and involved in their communities and to provide training, education and work experience to older individuals so they can enter or re-enter the work force and receive appropriate income and benefits.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                145.8                                 45.5        191.3

(b)    Other                       18,914.1                   475.6      7,887.1     27,276.8

(c)    Other financing uses             280.6                                             280.6

       Authorized FTE: 4.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of individuals participating in the federal older  

                   worker program obtaining unsubsidized permanent employment                     23%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of individuals aged sixty and over served through  

                   community services                                                            44%

(c) Output:        Unduplicated number of persons served through community  

                   services                                                                  140,000

(d) Output:        Number of adult daycare service hours provided                             191,100

(e) Output:        Number of hours of respite care provided                                   123,375

(3) Long-term services:

The purpose of the long-term services program is to administer home- and community-based long-term service programs that support individuals in the least restrictive environment possible.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                493.3                   359.8         55.0        908.1

(b)    Contractual services             911.6                 2,439.0      1,295.9      4,646.5

(c)    Other                          158.3                    91.2                     249.5

       Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent; 9.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of total personal-care option cases that are  

                   consumer directed                                                              4%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of disabled and elderly Medicaid waiver clients who  

                   receive services within ninety days of eligibility  

                   determination                                                                100%

(c) Output:        Number of traumatic brain injury compliance reviews  

                   performed annually                                                             10

(4) Adult protective services:

The purpose of the adult protective services program is to receive and investigate referrals of adult abuse and neglect and to provide legal services to vulnerable adults to ensure their safety and well-being.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              4,382.0                 2,566.5                   6,948.5

(b)    Contractual services           1,637.7                 1,042.5                   2,680.2

(c)    Other                        2,396.7                 1,540.4                   3,937.1

       Authorized FTE: 164.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of adults with repeat maltreatment                                   10.8%

(5) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide clerical, record keeping and administrative support in the areas of personnel, budget, procurement and contracting to agency staff, outside contractors and external control agencies to implement and manage programs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,451.7                   245.8        526.5      2,224.0

(b)    Contractual services              80.0                     1.0         15.6         96.6

(c)    Other                          231.6                    71.4         46.6        349.6

       Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 5.00 Term

Subtotal                            [31,725.6]               [8,833.2]   [10,716.0]    51,274.8


(1) Medical assistance:

The purpose of the medical assistance program is to provide the necessary resources and information to enable low-income individuals to obtain either free or low-cost health care.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,208.3       184.8                  4,074.6      7,467.7

(b)    Contractual services           6,920.4       399.0       305.0     27,390.6     35,015.0

(c)    Other                      546,260.6    43,406.0    91,923.0  1,844,692.4  2,526,282.0

(d)    Other financing uses          16,493.3         6.2                 58,987.5     75,487.0

       Authorized FTE: 131.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of children enrolled in Medicaid managed care who  

                   have a dental exam within the performance measure year                         90%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of readmissions to the same level of care or higher  

                   for individuals in managed care discharged from resident  

                   treatment centers                                                             15%

(c) Outcome:       Number of children receiving services in the Medicaid  

                   school-based services program                                               16,000

(d) Outcome:       Percent of children in Medicaid managed care receiving  

                   early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment  

                   services                                                                      80%

(e) Outcome:       Percent of adolescents in Medicaid managed care receiving  

                   well-care visits                                                              50%

(f) Outcome:       Percent of women enrolled in Medicaid managed care and in  

                   the age-appropriate group receiving breast cancer screens                      70%

(g) Outcome:       Percent of women enrolled in Medicaid managed care and in  

                   the age-appropriate group receiving cervical cancer screens                    75%

(2) Income support:

The purpose of the income support program is to provide cash assistance and supportive services to eligible low-income families so they can achieve self-sufficiency.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             14,855.6                             23,734.6     38,590.2

(b)    Contractual services           3,249.1                             22,961.8     26,210.9

(c)    Other                       26,417.5     3,564.0                376,623.6    406,605.1

(d)    Other financing uses                                               40,271.2     40,271.2

       Authorized FTE: 946.00 Permanent

The appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include twelve million eight hundred thousand dollars ($12,800,000) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant for administration of the New Mexico Works Act.

     The appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include eighteen million five hundred fifty-three thousand one hundred dollars ($18,553,100) from the general fund and fifty-six million seven hundred ninety-six thousand nine hundred dollars ($56,796,900) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant to provide cash assistance grants to participants as defined in the New Mexico Works Act, including education grants, clothing allowances, wage subsidies, one-time diversion payments and state-funded aliens payments.

     The appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include thirteen million ninety thousand dollars ($13,090,000) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant for support services, including nine million seven-hundred fifty thousand dollars ($9,750,000) for job training and placement, one million six hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,613,800) for a domestic violence program, nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) for transportation services and eight hundred twenty-six thousand two hundred dollars ($826,200) for a family-strengthening and fatherhood program.

     The appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include thirty-nine million four hundred twenty-two thousand two hundred dollars ($39,422,200) from the temporary assistance for needy families block grant for transfers to other agencies, including one million three hundred thousand dollars ($1,300,000) to the public education department for teen pregnancy education and prevention, two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the commission on higher education for adult basic education programs, two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the children, youth and families department for childcare training, two million dollars ($2,000,000) to the children, youth and families department for adult protective services, thirty-two million four hundred seventy-two thousand two hundred dollars ($32,472,200) to the children, youth and families department for childcare programs, six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) to the children, youth and families department for domestic violence programs, eight hundred fifty thousand dollars ($850,000) to the department of health for substance abuse programs, one million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000) to the commission on the status of women for the teamworks program, and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to the aging and long term care services department for the gold mentor program.

     The appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include four million five hundred sixty-five thousand five hundred dollars ($4,565,500) from the general fund and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) other state funds for general assistance.

     The human services department shall provide the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee quarterly reports on the expenditures of the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant and the state maintenance-of-effort expenditures.

     The federal funds appropriation to the income support program includes five million dollars ($5,000,000) prior year carry-over from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant. If some or any part of this fund balance is unavailable, then an amount equal to the unavailable portion up to a maximum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) may be transferred from the appropriation contingency fund to the income support program of the human services department after certification of need to and approval by the board of finance.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of temporary assistance for needy families  

                   participants who retain a job three or more months                             70%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of all temporary assistance for needy families  

                   recipients meeting federally required work participation  

                   requirements                                                                  50%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of food-stamp-eligible children participating in  

                   the program                                                                   90%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of expedited food stamp cases meeting federally  

                   required measure of timeliness within seven days                               96%

(e) Outcome:       Number of temporary assistance for needy families cash  

                   assistance recipients who receive a job                                      9,250

(3) Child support enforcement:

The purpose of the child support enforcement program is to provide location, establishment and collection services for custodial parents and their children, to ensure that all court orders for support payments are being met to maximize child support collections and to reduce public assistance rolls.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,392.6     2,717.0                 10,759.5     16,869.1

(b)    Contractual services           4,069.2                              8,012.1     12,081.3

(c)    Other                          816.4     2,717.0                  4,669.6      8,203.0

       Authorized FTE: 385.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of temporary assistance for needy families' cases  

                   with court-ordered child support receiving collections                         58%

(b) Outcome:       Amount of child support collected, in millions of dollars                    $88.0

(c) Outcome:       Percent of current support owed that is collected                              60%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of cases with support orders                                           60%

(e) Outcome:       Percent of children born out-of-wedlock with voluntary  

                   paternity acknowledgment                                                       60%

(f) Outcome:       Percent of children with court-ordered medical support  

                   covered by private health insurance                                            30%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide overall leadership, direction and administrative support to each agency program and to assist it in achieving its programmatic goals.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,719.4     1,046.0                  7,204.1     11,969.5

(b)    Contractual services             344.3                                731.7      1,076.0

(c)    Other                          788.5     1,000.0                  3,075.5      4,864.0

(d)    Other financing uses              44.8                                 95.2        140.0

       Authorized FTE: 213.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Quality:       Percent of federal financial reporting completed on time  

                   and accurately                                                               100%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of fund reconciliations completed thirty days after  

                   receipt of accurate monthly reports from the department of  

                   finance and administration, human services department joint  

                   accounting system and the state treasurer's office                            100%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of invoices paid within thirty days of receipt of  

                   invoice                                                                      100%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of fiscal year 2004 audit finding resolved within the next  

                   fiscal year                                                                  100%

(e) Outcome:       Percent of fiscal year 2005 audit findings that are material weaknesses         0%

(f) Outcome:       Number of active office of inspector general claims over  

                   thirty-six months old                                                           0

(g) Outcome:       Percent of reconciling items resolved within fifteen days  

                   of completion of reconciliation                                                95%

Subtotal                           [630,580.0]  [55,040.0]  [92,228.0][2,433,284.0] 3,211,132.0


(1) Operations:

The purpose of the operations program is to provide workforce development and labor market services that meet the needs of job seekers and employers.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                      1,246.6      8,108.7      9,355.3

(b)    Contractual services                                      20.3        132.4        152.7

(c)    Other                                                  418.1      2,719.8      3,137.9

(d)    Other financing uses                                       2.9         18.5         21.4

       Authorized FTE: 196.00 Permanent; 29.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of individuals served by labor market services who  

                   found employment                                                           50,000

(b) Explanatory:   Number of persons served by the labor market services  

                   program                                                                   200,000

(c) Outcome:       Error rate for forecasting employment data                                   +/-2%

(2) Compliance:

The purpose of the compliance program is to monitor and evaluate compliance with labor law, including nonpayment of wages, unlawful discrimination, child labor, apprentices and wage rates for public works projects.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,638.9       110.5                    246.0      1,995.4

(b)    Contractual services              23.1                                              23.1

(c)    Other              151.4       625.5                                 776.9

(d)    Other financing uses                           1.0                                   1.0

       Authorized FTE: 42.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of targeted public works inspections completed                        1,800

(b) Outcome:       Percent of wage claims investigated and resolved within one  

                   hundred twenty days                                                           80%

(c) Efficiency:    Number of backlogged human rights commission hearings  

                   pending                                                                         0

(d) Efficiency:    Percent of discrimination cases settled through alternative  

                   dispute resolution                                                            75%

(e) Efficiency:    Average number of days for completion of discrimination  

                   investigations and determinations                                              150

(f) Output:        Annual collections of apprentice contributions for public  

                   works projects                                                           $300,000

(3) Unemployment administration:

The purpose of the unemployment administration program is to provide payment of unemployment insurance benefits to qualified individuals who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own so that they may maintain economic stability and continue their livelihood while seeking employment and collect unemployment taxes from employers.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                                   7,959.9      7,959.9

(b)    Contractual services                                                  550.0        550.0

(c)    Other                                                             1,559.2      1,559.2

(d)    Other financing uses                                                    3.6          3.6

       Authorized FTE: 180.00 Permanent; 5.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of status determinations for newly established  

                   employers made within ninety days of the quarter's end                         90%

(4) Support:

The purpose of the support program is to provide overall leadership, direction and administrative support to each agency program to achieve their programmatic goals.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                            809.3       337.3      5,940.9      7,087.5

(b)    Contractual services                         108.9        45.3        798.7        952.9

(c)    Other                                      213.8        89.1      1,569.7      1,872.6

(d)    Other financing uses                           6.2         2.6         45.5         54.3

       Authorized FTE: 111.00 Permanent; 7.00 Term

(5) Office of workforce training and development:

The purpose of the office of workforce training and development program is to provide workforce development services that meet the needs of job seekers and employers and to provide resources to job training entities so that they may train and re-train individuals seeking work or improved employment opportunities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                                   1,940.8      1,940.8

(b)    Contractual services                                                  350.0        350.0

(c)    Other                                                             1,869.1      1,869.1

(d)    Other financing uses                                                    3.0          3.0

       Authorized FTE: 37.00 Permanent; 1.00 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of adults receiving workforce development services  

                   that have entered employment within one quarter of leaving  

                   job training services                                                          78%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of all local Workforce Investment Act boards  

                   monitored a minimum of once a year to ensure compliance  

                   with all federal and state fiscal and program requirements                    100%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of youth receiving workforce develoment services  

                   that have entered employment within one quarter of leaving  

                   the program                                                                   70%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of dislocated workers receiving workforce  

                   development services that have entered employment within  

                   one quarter of leaving the program                                             85%

(e) Output:        Number of individuals in the adult, dislocated worker and  

                   youth programs receiving services through the federal  

                   Workforce Investment Act                                                     8,800

(6) At risk youth:


(a)    Other                          700.0                                             700.0

(7) Local WIA board fund:


(a)    Other                                                            18,004.0     18,004.0

    Subtotal                                [2,513.4] [1,875.2]   [2,162.2]   [51,819.8]   58,370.6


(1) Workers’ compensation administration:

The purpose of the workers' compensation administration program is to arbitrate and administer the workers' compensation system to maintain a balance between workers' prompt receipt of statutory benefits and reasonable costs for employers.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          7,300.6                               7,300.6

(b)    Contractual services                         300.0                                 300.0

(c)    Other                                    1,304.1                               1,304.1

       Authorized FTE: 134.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of formal claims resolved without trial;                               85%

(b) Output:        Number of first reports of injury processed                                 40,750

(c) Output:        Number of reviews of employers to ensure the employer has  

                   workers' compensation insurance                                              3,500

(2) Uninsured employers’ fund:


(a)    Contractual services                         100.0                                 100.0

(b)    Other                                      650.0                                 650.0

Subtotal                                         [9,654.7]                              9,654.7


(1) Rehabilitation services:

The purpose of the rehabilitation services program is to promote opportunities for people with disabilities to become more independent and productive by empowering individuals with disabilities so that they may maximize their employment, economic self-sufficiency, independence and inclusion and integration into society.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,613.8        20.0       427.4      8,780.5     10,841.7

(b)    Contractual services             116.4         1.4        68.5        680.2        866.5

(c)    Other                        3,878.6        33.6        76.6     14,240.1     18,228.9

(d)    Other financing uses                .4                                  2.0          2.4

       Authorized FTE: 186.00 Permanent; 26.00 Term

Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the division of vocational rehabilitation remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from the general fund shall not revert.

     The division of vocational rehabilitation may apply an indirect cost rate of up to five percent for administering and monitoring independent living projects.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of persons achieving suitable employment for a  

                   minimum of ninety days                                                       1,695

(b) Outcome:       Percent of persons achieving suitable employment outcomes  

                   of all cases closed after receiving planned services                           60%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of persons achieving suitable employment outcomes  

                   who are competitively employed or self employed and earning  

                   at least minimum wage                                                          75%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of individuals with significant disabilities  

                   achieving suitable employment outcomes who are  

                   competitively employed or self employed, and earning at  

                   least minimum wage                                                            65%

(e) Output:        Number of independent living plans developed                                   355

(f) Output:        Number of individuals served for independent living                            558

(2) Disability determination:

The purpose of the disbility determination program is to produce accurate and timely eligibility determinations to social security disability applicants so that they may receive benefits.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                                   5,324.9      5,324.9

(b)    Contractual services                                                  234.5        234.5

(c)    Other                                                             5,695.9      5,695.9

       Authorized FTE: 100.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Number of days for completing an initial disability claim                       80

(b) Quality:       Percent of disability determinations completed accurately                    97.5%

Subtotal                             [5,609.2]      [55.0]     [572.5]   [34,958.1]    41,194.8


(1) Information and advocacy:

The purpose of the information and advocacy program is to provide needed information on disability case law analysis, building code comparisons, awareness of technologies, dispelling of stereotypes, training on the legislative process and population estimates to New Mexico individuals with disabilities and decision makers, so they can improve the economic, health and social status of New Mexico individuals with disabilities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                451.3        30.0                                 481.3

(b)    Contractual services              42.5                                              42.5

(c)    Other                           84.8                   169.0                     253.8

       Authorized FTE: 7.50 Permanent; .50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of persons able to live independendly outside of  

                   nursing homes as a result of the gap program                                    40

(b) Output:        Number of persons seeking technical assistance on  

                   disability issues                                                           6,500

(c) Output:        Number of architectural plans reviewed and sites inspected                     220

Subtotal                               [578.6]      [30.0]     [169.0]                    777.6


(1) Developmental disabilities planning council:

The purpose of the developmental disabilities planning council program is to provide and produce opportunities to and for persons with developmental disabilities so that they may realize their dreams and potentials and become integrated members of society.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                265.0                                113.5        378.5

(b)    Contractual services              17.8                                149.4        167.2

(c)    Other                          131.4                    30.0        259.0        420.4

       Authorized FTE: 8.50 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of persons with developmental disabilities served by  

                   the agency in federally mandated areas                                       8,000

(b) Output:        Number of site visits conducted                                                 42

(c) Output:        Number of project, programmatic and financial reports  

                   reviewed to assure compliance with state and federal  

                   regulations                                                                    44

(2) Brain injury advisory council:

The purpose of the brain injury advisory council program is to provide guidance on the utilization and implementation of programs provided through the aging and long-term services department's brain injury fund so that they may align service delivery with the needs as identified by the brain injury community.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                 53.6                                              53.6

(b)    Contractual services              11.4                                              11.4

(c)    Other                           32.6                                              32.6

       Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of individuals receiving education or training on  

                   traumatic brain injury issues who demonstrate increased  

                   knowledge with a minimum score of seventy percent or better or a  

                   thirty percent increase on post-training tests                                 80%

(3) Office of guardianship:

The purpose of the office of guardianship program is to enter into, monitor and enforce guardianship contracts for income-eligible persons and to file, investigate and resolve complaints about guardianship services provided by contractors.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                176.9                                             176.9

(b)    Contractual services           2,224.4                                           2,224.4

(c)    Other                           55.0                                              55.0

       Authorized FTE: 3.50 Permanent

The developmental disabilities planning council shall provide information on the guardianship program, such as cost per client and number of clients served, to the legislative finance committee and the department of finance and administration by June 1, 2005, and quarterly thereafter.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of complaints resolved to the satisfaction of the  

                   complainant                                                                   65%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of wards and their families satisfied with services                    70%

(c) Output:        Number of complaints received annually                                          35

Subtotal                             [2,968.1]                  [30.0]      [521.9]     3,520.0


(1) Healthcare:

The purpose of the healthcare program is to provide quality acute care, long-term care, and related health services to the beneficiaries of the miners' trust fund of New Mexico and the people of the region so they can maintain optimal health and quality of life.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          7,315.9     2,565.0        106.5      9,987.4

(b)    Contractual services                       2,104.2       675.0        116.8      2,896.0

(c)    Other                                    2,842.2     1,260.0         36.4      4,138.6

(d)    Other financing uses                                   4,500.0                   4,500.0

       Authorized FTE: 211.50 Permanent; 13.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Status of the long-term care facility to acquire  

                   accreditation by the joint commission on accreditation of  

                   healthcare organizations                                                   In work

(b) Outcome:       Percent of billed revenue collected                                            80%

(c) Output:        Number of outpatient visits                                                 18,000

(d) Output:        Number of outreach clinics conducted                                            24

(e) Output:        Number of emergency room visits                                              5,000

(f) Output:        Number of patient days at the acute care facility                            6,300

(g) Output:        Number of patient days at the long-term care facility                        9,000

Subtotal                                        [12,262.3]   [9,000.0]      [259.7]    21,522.0


(1) Prevention and health promotion:

The purpose of the prevention and health promotion program is to provide a statewide system of prevention, health promotion and education, community health improvement and other public health services for the people of New Mexico.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              8,511.8     2,876.9       222.3     17,242.2     28,853.2

(b)    Contractual services          15,453.1       202.9        78.7     10,162.3     25,897.0

(c)    Other                       10,558.8    13,778.0     1,346.8     37,363.1     63,046.7

(d)    Other financing uses             304.5                                             304.5

       Authorized FTE: 106.00 Permanent; 537.50 Term

The general fund appropriation to the prevention and health promotion program of the department of health in the contractual services category includes three million seventy-seven thousand four hundred eight dollars ($3,077,408) for contracts related to the County Maternal and Child Health Plan Act.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Rate of 4:3:1:3:3 immunization coverage among children  

                   nineteen to thirty-five months                                                 83%

(2) Health infrastructure:

The purpose of the health infrastructure program is to maintain and enhance a statewide public health infrastructure and the interrelated systems of district and local public health, primary care, rural health, dental and school-based health services to assure access to an integrated system of high quality health services for all New Mexicans.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             15,528.4                   131.7        782.5     16,442.6

(b)    Contractual services          11,126.7       105.0     2,336.8        676.3     14,244.8

(c)    Other                        3,323.1                    47.0         87.4      3,457.5

(d)    Other financing uses             500.0                                             500.0

       Authorized FTE: 253.50 Permanent; 63.00 Term

(3) Surveillance, response and reporting:

The purpose of the surveillance, response and reporting program is to maintain and enhance a statewide system of population-based surveillance, vital records and health statistics, emergency medical services, bioterriorism and emergency preparedness and injury prevention.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,614.2       400.0       176.8      6,678.5     10,869.5

(b)    Contractual services           2,074.4                 1,059.0      6,473.0      9,606.4

(c)    Other                        3,811.5       223.3       246.6      1,897.2      6,178.6

(d)    Other financing uses                                                   18.1         18.1

       Authorized FTE: 56.00 Permanent; 148.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of individuals living in rural areas served by a  

                   comprehensive emergency medical services response within  

                   fifteen minutes                                                               82%

(4) Testing and pharmaceutical:

The purpose of the testing and pharmaceutical program is to provide quality core analytical services for public health, environmental and toxicologic programs performed by state agencies and to provide pharmacy services to public health programs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              4,236.2     1,580.7                    505.8      6,322.7

(b)    Contractual services             304.5       283.1                                 587.6

(c)    Other                        1,365.3     1,493.5                  1,570.1      4,428.9

       Authorized FTE: 79.00 Permanent; 44.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of blood alcohol tests from driving while  

                   intoxicated cases analyzed and reported within three days  

                   of receipt                                                                    50%

(5) Behavioral health services:

The purpose of the behavioral health services program is to provide an effective, accessible, regionally coordinated and integrated continuum of behavioral health prevention and treatment services, which are consumer driven and provided in the least restrictive setting, for eligible persons in New Mexico so that they may become stabilized and their functioning levels may improve.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             33,301.9     3,641.2     9,372.2     10,257.2     56,572.5

(b)    Contractual services          36,843.3     4,043.6    10,365.7     11,342.2     62,594.8

(c)    Other                        5,613.4       616.1     1,579.3      1,728.1      9,536.9

(d)    Other financing uses             820.7        90.1       230.9        252.6      1,394.3

       Authorized FTE: 1,226.50 Permanent; 120.00 Term

The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the behavioral health services program of the department of health in the other category includes eight hundred fifty thousand dollars ($850,000) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of adults receiving community-based substance abuse  

                   services who experience diminishing severity of problems  

                   after treatment                                                               85%

(b) Output:        Number of active clients provided agency substance abuse  

                   treatment services during the fiscal year                                    9,000

(c) Efficiency:    Percent of newly registered adults with urgent behavioral  

                   health treatment needs who have first face-to-face meeting  

                   with a community-based behavioral health professional  

                   within twenty-four hours of request for services                               87%

(6) Long-term care services:

The purpose of the long-term care services program is to provide an effective, efficient and accessible safety net system of long-term care facilities and services for eligible New Mexicans so that their quality of life and independence can be maximized.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              9,384.0    22,400.0     2,885.6      2,496.0     37,165.6

(b)    Contractual services                       1,927.5       538.4        103.2      2,569.1

(c)    Other                                    7,379.7     3,417.8        525.0     11,322.5

       Authorized FTE: 574.00 Permanent; 331.50 Term; 15.00 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Rate of abuse, neglect and exploitation per one hundred  

                   patients in department-operated long-term care facilities  

                   as confirmed by the division of health improvement                             <1%

(b) Quality:       Status of Fort Bayard medical center long-term care  

                   facility efforts to acquire accreditation by the joint  

                   commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations                     Retain

(7) Developmentally disabled community services:

The purpose of the developmentally disabled community services program is to provide a statewide system of community-based services and supports to improve the quality of life and increase independence of individuals with developmental disabilities.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,358.9                 3,530.0        381.5      6,270.4

(b)    Contractual services          21,772.1                 1,645.0      2,900.0     26,317.1

(c)    Other                        1,343.1                    50.4         57.2      1,450.7

(d)    Other financing uses          65,228.0                                          65,228.0

       Authorized FTE: 67.00 Permanent; 54.00 Term

The general fund appropriation to the developmentally disabled community services program of the department of health in the other financing uses category includes nine million two hundred sixty-eight thousand four hundred dollars ($9,268,400) to offset changes in the federal medical assistance percentage for existing services. The disbursement to the agency is contingent upon certification from the secretary of the human services department and the secretary of the department of health to the department of finance and administration that the funding in the base budget for this purpose has been expended and additional funds are required to offset changes in the federal medical assistance percentage for existing services.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Rate of abuse, neglect and exploitation per one hundred  

                   clients in community-based long-term care programs as  

                   confirmed by the division of health improvement                                <8%

(b) Outcome:       Number of customers or registrants requesting and actively  

                   waiting for admission to the developmental disabilities  

                   medicaid waiver program on the measurement date                              3,420

(c) Outcome:       Number of developmental disabilities medicaid waiver  

                   clients served during the fiscal year                                        3,678

(d) Efficiency:    Number of days between eligibility determination and  

                   service initiation for developmental disabilities medicaid  

                   waiver clients                                                                 90

(8) Licensing, certification and oversight:

The purpose of the licensing, certification and oversight program is to assure safety and quality care in New Mexico's healthcare facilities and community-based programs in collaboration with consumers, providers, advocates and other agencies.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,872.0       345.0     2,280.0      1,253.5      7,750.5

(b)    Contractual services              57.0       225.0                                 282.0

(c)    Other                          467.8       581.3       434.2        399.8      1,883.1

(d)    Other financing uses                         115.0                                 115.0

       Authorized FTE: 55.00 Permanent; 88.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Percent of community-based program incident investigations  

                   completed within forty-five days                                               95%

(9) Administration and policy:

The purpose of the administration and policy program is to provide leadership, policy development, administrative support and information technology to the department of health.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              5,426.7       360.2       637.2      2,553.2      8,977.3

(b)    Contractual services             889.4        78.1       138.1        840.0      1,945.6

(c)    Other                          925.2        80.6       142.7        861.1      2,009.6

       Authorized FTE: 134.00 Permanent; 19.50 Term

The general fund appropriation to the department of health in the contractual services category in all programs is contingent upon the department including performance measures in its outcome-based contracts to increase oversight and accountability.

Subtotal                           [269,016.0]  [62,826.8]  [42,893.2]  [119,407.1]   494,143.1


(1) Field operations:

The purpose of the field operations program is to protect the public health and the environment through specific programs that provide regulatory oversight over food service and food processing facilities, on-site treatment and disposal of liquid wastes, public swimming pools and baths, medical radiation and radiological technologist certification, compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, mosquito abatement, and waste isolation pilot plant transportation, and education and public outreach about radon in homes and public buildings.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              4,561.8                 3,408.1      1,776.2      9,746.1

(b)    Contractual services              51.3                 2,338.2      1,178.1      3,567.6

(c)    Other                        1,342.5                   446.5        988.0      2,777.0

       Authorized FTE: 111.00 Permanent; 62.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Percent of new septic tanks inspections completed                              80%

(b) Efficiency:    Percent of public drinking water systems inspected within  

                   one week of notification of system problems that might  

                   impact public health                                                          80%

(c) Efficiency:    Percent of drinking water chemical samplings completed  

                   within the regulatory timeframe                                                75%

(d) Output:        Percent of annual commercial food establishment inspections  

                   completed                                                                    100%

(e) Output:        Percent of license inspections and  

                   radiation-producing-machine inspections completed within  

                   nuclear regulatory commission and food and drug  

                   administration guidelines                                                     100%

(f) Outcome:       Percentage of public water systems that comply with acute  

                   maximum contaminant levels                                                     90%

(2) Water quality:

The purpose of the water quality program is to protect the quality of New Mexico’s ground and surface water resources to ensure clean and safe water supplies are available now and in the future to support domestic, agricultural, economic and recreational activities and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants and wildlife and to ensure that hazardous waste generation, storage, treatment and disposal is conducted in a manner protective of public health and environmental quality.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,092.5                 2,741.4      5,581.6     11,415.5

(b)    Contractual services             133.4                   619.8      2,446.4      3,199.6

(c)    Other                          382.1                   753.3        729.4      1,864.8

       Authorized FTE: 45.00 Permanent; 141.50 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of permitted facilities where groundwater  

                   monitoring results do not exceed standards                                     70%

(b) Output:        Percent of permitted facilities receiving annual field  

                   inspections                                                                   60%

(c) Output:        Percent increase of hazardous waste generator inspections  

                   completed                                                                     10%

(d) Efficiency:    Percent of department of energy generator site audits for  

                   waste isolation pilot project on which agency action will  

                   be taken within forty-five days                                                80%

(e) Output:        Number of stream miles and acreage of lakes monitored  

                   annually to determine if surface water quality is impaired      1,500 mi,10K acres

(f) Output:        Number of nonpoint source pollution impaired stream miles  

                   currently being addressed through watershed restoration  

                   plans to improve surface water quality                                         220

(g) Output:        Percent of cases in which Sandia national laboratories and  

                   Los Alamos national laboratory are notified of agency  

                   action on document submittals within the timeframes  

                   specified in the executed consent orders                                       90%

(3) Environmental protection:

The purpose of the environmental protection program is to ensure that New Mexicans breathe healthy air, prevent releases of petroleum products into the environment, ensure solid waste is handled and disposed without harming natural resources, and ensure every employee safe and healthful working conditions.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,320.8                 6,710.9      2,349.0     11,380.7

(b)    Contractual services              27.7                   193.3        133.1        354.1

(c)    Other                          428.0                 1,099.7        722.5      2,250.2

       Authorized FTE: 66.00 Permanent; 125.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of landfills meeting groundwater monitoring  

                   requirements                                                                  93%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of confirmed releases from leaking storage tank  

                   sites that are undergoing assessment or corrective action                      50%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of facilities taking corrective action to mitigate  

                   air quality violations discovered as a result of inspections                   95%

(d) Outcome:       Improvement in visibility at all monitored locations in New  

                   Mexico based on a rolling average of the previous four  

                   quarters                                                                  3.25 km

(e) Outcome:       Percent of underground storage tank facilities in  

                   significant operational compliance with release prevention  

                   and release detection provisions of the petroleum storage  

                   tank regulations                                                              80%

(f) Outcome:       Percent of inspected solid waste facilities in substantial  

                   compliance with the solid waste management regulations                         75%

(g) Outcome:       Percent of serious worker health and safety violations  

                   noted on issued citations corrected within fourteen days  

                   for consultation section and within fifteen days for the  

                   compliance section                                                            85%

(h) Efficiency:    Percent of worker health and safety complaints responded to  

                   within five days                                                              95%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide overall leadership, administrative, legal and information management support to allow programs to operate in the most knowledgable, efficient and cost-effective manner so the public can receive the information it needs to hold the department accountable.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,986.0                 2,368.5      2,666.5      7,021.0

(b)    Contractual services              99.8                   286.3        145.3        531.4

(c)    Other                          332.9                   423.6        448.7      1,205.2

       Authorized FTE: 59.00 Permanent; 39.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Percent of enforcement actions brought within one year of  

                   inspection or documentation of violation                                       90%

(b) Quality:       Percent customer satisfaction with the construction program  

                   services provided in conjunction with federal and state  

                   loan and grant projects for construction of water,  

                   wastewater and solid waste projects, based on written  

                   customer surveys                                                             100%

(5) Special revenue funds:


(a)    Other                                   18,750.0                              18,750.0

(b)    Other financing uses                      20,895.0                              20,895.0

Subtotal                            [14,758.8]  [39,645.0]  [21,389.6]   [19,164.8]    94,958.2


(1) Natural resource damage assessment and restoration:

The purpose of the natural resource damage assessment and restoration program is to restore or replace natural resources or resource services injured or lost due to releases of hazardous substances or oil into the environment.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                287.3                    10.4                     297.7

(b)    Contractual services                                      24.6                      24.6

(c)    Other                                                   51.4                      51.4

       Authorized FTE: 3.70 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cases in settlement or settled with restorations  

                   planned, in progress or completed                                              75%

(b) Output:        Number of acres of habitat restored                                            500

(c) Output:        Number of acre-feet of water conserved through restoration                     500

Subtotal                               [287.3]                  [86.4]                    373.7


(1) Health information and policy analysis:

The purpose of the health information and policy analysis program is to provide relevant and current health related data, information and comprehensive analysis to consumers, state health agencies, the Legislature, and the private health sector so they can obtain or provide improved health care access in New Mexico.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                878.1                                             878.1

(b)    Contractual services             210.3                                             210.3

(c)    Other                          267.0                     1.0                     268.0

       Authorized FTE: 17.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of health-related bills analyzed during the  

                   legislative session                                                           150

Subtotal                             [1,355.4]                   [1.0]                  1,356.4


(1) Veterans’ services:

The purpose of the veterans' services program is to provide information and assistance to veterans and their eligible dependents to obtain benefits to which they are entitled in order to improve their quality of life.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,516.0                                116.3      1,632.3

(b)    Contractual services             382.2                                 94.2        476.4

(c)    Other                          334.6        11.2        24.0         49.2        419.0

       Authorized FTE: 32.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of New Mexico veterans impacted by department  

                   programs                                                                      12%

(b) Output:        Number of veterans served by commission field offices                       42,000

(c) Output:        Number of referrals from veteran service officers to  

                   contract veterans organizations                                             17,000

(d) Output:        Number of homeless veterans provided shelter for a period  

                   of two weeks or more                                                           90

(e) Output:        Compensation received by New Mexico veterans assisted by  

                   department veterans service officers, in thousands of  

                   dollars                                                                  $110,000

Subtotal                             [2,232.8]      [11.2]      [24.0]      [259.7]     2,527.7


(1) Juvenile justice:

The purpose of the juvenile justice program is to provide rehabilitative services to youth committed to the department, including but not limited to medical, educational, mental health and other services, early intervention and prevention, detention and screening and probation and parole supervision aimed at keeping youth from committing additional delinquent acts.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             39,545.3                 1,223.1                  40,768.4

(b)    Contractual services           7,589.1                                           7,589.1

(c)    Other                        5,399.2     1,149.2       351.6                   6,900.0

(d)    Other financing uses              53.6                                              53.6

       Authorized FTE: 866.50 Permanent; 29.30 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of clients who complete formal probation                               83%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of youth confined over ninety days who show an  

                   increase in reading, math or language arts scores between  

                   children, youth and families department facility admission  

                   and discharge                                                                 70%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of re-adjudicated clients                                               4%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of clients recommitted to a children, youth and  

                   families department facility                                                 11.5%

(e) Outcome:       Percent of clients receiving functional family therapy and  

                   multi-systemic therapy who have not committed a subsequent  

                   juvenile offense                                                              65%

(f) Output:        Percent of clients earning education credits while in  

                   facility schools                                                              75%

(g) Output:        Number of children in community corrections programs                           800

(2) Child and adult protective services:

The purpose of protective services program is to receive and investigate referrals of adult and child abuse and neglect and provide family preservation and treatment and legal services to vulnerable children and adults and their families to ensure their safety and well being.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             23,794.2                 8,086.0      9,773.1     41,653.3

(b)    Contractual services           1,758.0                              7,106.0      8,864.0

(c)    Other                       16,339.2     1,259.5     1,949.2     24,582.7     44,130.6

(d)    Other financing uses             208.0                                             208.0

       Authorized FTE: 787.70 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of children with repeat maltreatment                                  7.5%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of children adopted within twenty-four months of  

                   entry into foster care                                                         40%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of children maltreated while in foster care                           .57%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of children determined to be maltreated within six  

                   month of a prior determination                                                7.5%

(e) Outcome:       Percent of children committed to a juvenile facility who  

                   were the subjects of an accepted report of maltreatment  

                   within five years of a commitment                                              65%

(f) Output:        Number of children in foster care for twelve months with no  

                   more than two placements                                                      2100

(3) Family services:

The purpose of the family services program is to provide behavioral health, quality child care and nutrition services to children so they can enhance physical, social and emotional growth and development and can access quality care.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              7,033.1                   566.5      2,168.5      9,768.1

(b)    Contractual services          26,705.1       234.0                  6,484.0     33,423.1

(c)    Other                        6,381.6       891.9    33,882.0     80,957.6    122,113.1

(d)    Other financing uses             125.0                                448.0        573.0

       Authorized FTE: 145.30 Permanent; 62.00 Term

The general fund appropriation to the family services program of the children, youth and families department in the contractual services category includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for a home visiting program to be matched with the federal state children’s health insurance program funds. The general fund appropriation to the family services program of the children, youth and families department in the other category includes one million five hundred thousand ($1,500,000) for equalizing child care rates of urban and rural providers.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of children in families receiving behavioral health  

                   services who experience an improved level functioning at  

                   discharge                                                                     60%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of family providers participating in the child and  

                   adult care food program                                                        82%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of movement through levels one through five of aim  

                   high                                                                          25%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of children receiving state subsidy in aim high  

                   levels two, three, four and five and with national  

                   accreditation                                                               13.0%

(e) Outcome:       Percent of adult victims receiving domestic violence  

                   services who show improved client competencies in social,  

                   living, coping and thinking skills                                             65%

(f) Outcome:       Percent of adult victims receiving domestic violence  

                   services who are living in a safer, more stable environment                    85%

(g) Output:        Number of adult victim witnesses receiving domestic  

                   violence services                                                               

(4) Program support:

The purpose of the program support program is to provide the direct services divisions with functional and administrative support so they may provide client services consistent with the department's mission and also support the development and professionalism of employees.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              7,240.9                   518.0      2,600.1     10,359.0

(b)    Contractual services           1,324.8                   112.7        379.8      1,817.3

(c)    Other                        1,162.9                   236.9      1,665.5      3,065.3

       Authorized FTE: 169.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Turnover rate for social workers                                               20%

(b) Output:        Turnover rate for juvenile correctional officers                             11.9%

Subtotal                           [144,660.0]   [3,534.6]  [46,926.0]  [136,165.3]   331,285.9

TOTAL HEALTH, HOSPITALS AND HUMAN     1,111,116.1   186,126.7   226,372.2  2,813,084.5  4,336,699.5




(1) National guard support:

The purpose of the national guard support program is to provide administrative, fiscal, personnel, facility construction and maintenance support to the New Mexico national guard military and civilian activities so they can maintain a high degree of readiness to respond to state and federal missions.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,094.7                              2,491.4      4,586.1

(b)    Contractual services              19.2                                575.0        594.2

(c)    Other                        2,054.7        56.1                  2,094.7      4,205.5

       Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 65.00 Term

The general fund appropriation to the national guard support program of the department of military affairs in the personal services and employee benefits category includes funding for the adjutant general position not to exceed range thirty-four in the governor's exempt plan and funding for the deputy adjutant general position not to exceed range thirty-two in the governor's exempt plan.

    The general fund appropriation to the national guard support program of the department of military affairs in the other category includes five thousand dollars ($5,000) for expenditures for the employee support of guard and reserve program.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Rate of attrition of the New Mexico army national guard                        14%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of strength of the New Mexico national guard                           90%

(c) Output:        Number of major environmental compliance findings from  

                   inspections                                                                    10

(2) Crisis response:

The purpose of the crisis response program is to provide resources and a highly trained and experienced force to protect the public and improve the quality of life for New Mexicans.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                765.5                              1,059.1      1,824.6

(b)    Contractual services             232.0                                348.0        580.0

(c)    Other                          241.2                                260.8        502.0

       Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent; 39.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of cadets successfully graduating from the youth  

                   challenge academy                                                             99%

Subtotal                             [5,407.3]      [56.1]                [6,829.0]    12,292.4


(1) Adult parole:

The purpose of the adult parole program is to provide and establish parole conditions and guidelines for inmates and parolees so they may reintegrate back into the community as law-abiding citizens.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                262.2                                             262.2

(b)    Contractual services               6.4                                               6.4

(c)    Other                           97.3                                              97.3

       Authorized FTE: 5.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Percent of revocation hearings held within thirty days of a  

                   parolee's return to the corrections department                                 99%

(b) Efficiency:    Percent of initial parole hearings held a minimum of thirty  

                   days prior to the inmates projected release date                               99%

Subtotal                               [365.9]                                            365.9


(1) Juvenile parole:

The purpose of the juvenile parole board program is to provide fair and impartial hearings through reviews to incarcerated youth so they can mainstream into society as law-abiding citizens.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                327.1                                             327.1

(b)    Contractual services               5.4                                               5.4

(c)    Other                           42.7                                              42.7

       Authorized FTE: 6.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Percent of increase in the number of parole hearings                           10%

(b) Output:        Percent of total residents placed on the hearing agenda by  

                   juvenile parole board staff                                                    40%

(c) Output:        Percent of facilities' population paroled                                      60%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of residents paroled who successfully complete the  

                   conditions of their parole                                                     60%

Subtotal                               [375.2]                                            375.2


(1) Inmate management and control:

The purpose of the inmate management and control program is to incarcerate in a humane, professionally sound manner offenders sentenced to prison and to provide safe and secure prison operations. This includes quality hiring and in-service training of corrections officers, protecting the public from escape risks, and protecting prison staff, contractors and inmates from violence exposure to the extent possible within budgetary resources.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             75,334.9     5,109.2        75.0                  80,519.1

(b)    Contractual services          30,170.6         2.3                              30,172.9

(c)    Other                       69,215.4     5,454.6       150.0                  74,820.0

       Authorized FTE: 1,683.00 Permanent; 22.00 Term

The general fund appropriations to the inmate management and control program of the corrections department include twenty-eight million six hundred seventeen thousand dollars ($28,617,000) for medical services, a comprehensive medical contract and other health-related expenses.

     The general fund appropriations to the inmate management and control program of the corrections department include fifty-three million four hundred eleven thousand one hundred dollars ($53,411,100) to be used only for housing inmates in privately operated facilities.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent turnover of correctional officers                                      13%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of female offenders successfully released in  

                   accordance with their scheduled release date                                   95%

(c) Output:        Percent of inmates testing positive or refusing the random  

                   monthly drug test                                                            <=5%

(d) Output:        Graduation rate of correctional officer cadets from the  

                   corrections department training academy                                        78%

(e) Output:        Number of cadets entering corrections department training  

                   academy                                                                       210

(f) Output:        Percent of participants in the residential program for  

                   women dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance  

                   abuse issues; and women dually diagnosed who have children                     85%

(g) Efficiency:    Daily cost per inmate, in dollars                                           $88.27

(2) Inmate programming:

The purpose of the inmate programming program is to provide motivated inmates the opportunity to participate in appropriate programs and services so they have less propensity toward inmate violence while incarcerated and the opportunity to acquire living skills and links to community support systems that can assist them on release.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              6,618.4                   280.3        309.0      7,207.7

(b)    Contractual services             903.7                                283.0      1,186.7

(c)    Other                        2,088.5         5.5          .3         66.9      2,161.2

       Authorized FTE: 125.50 Permanent; 11.50 Term

The general fund appropriations to the inmate programming program of the corrections department include one million four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,450,000) to provide residential treatment, mental health, substance abuse, parenting and reintegration services for women under the supervision of the probation and parole division and their children as appropriate.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Recidivism rate of the success for offenders after release  

                   program by thirty-six months                                                   40%

(b) Output:        Number of inmates who successfully complete general  

                   equivalency diploma                                                           125

(c) Output:        Average number of inmates enrolled in cognitive education,  

                   pre-release planning and literacy skills per year                              700

(d) Output:        Percentage of reception diagnostic center intake inmates  

                   who receive substance abuse screening                                          99%

(e) Output:        Annual number of inmates enrolled in adult basic education                   1,500

(f) Output:        Number of inmates enrolled into the success for offenders  

                   after release program                                                          500

(3) Corrections industries:

The purpose of the corrections industries program is to provide training and work experience opportunities for inmates in order to instill a quality work ethic and to prepare them to perform effectively in an employment position and to reduce idle time of inmates while in prison.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          2,022.2                               2,022.2

(b)    Contractual services                          27.1                                  27.1

(c)    Other                                    4,044.4                               4,044.4

(d)    Other financing uses                         100.0                                 100.0

       Authorized FTE: 33.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Profit and loss ratio                                                   break even

(b) Outcome:       Percent of inmates employed                                                   7.4%

(4) Community offender management:

The purpose of the community offender management program is to provide programming and supervision to offenders on probation and parole with increased emphasis on high-risk offenders to better ensure the probability of them becoming law-abiding citizens to protect the public from undue risk and to provide intermediate sanctions and post-incarceration support services as a cost-effective alternative to incarceration.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             13,565.5     1,059.0                    530.4     15,154.9

(b)    Contractual services              85.6                                 62.5        148.1

(c)    Other                        6,669.0                                434.1      7,103.1

       Authorized FTE: 334.00 Permanent; 14.00 Term

The general fund appropriations to the community offender management program of the corrections department include three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($350,000) for the residential evaluation and treatment center at Fort Stanton as a sentencing alternative to incarceration for selected nonviolent prisoners and parole violators.

     The general fund appropriations to the community offender management program of the corrections department include four hundred fifty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($452,500) to continue treatment services for drug court.

     No more than one million dollars ($1,000,000) of the general fund appropriations to the community offender management program of the corrections department shall be used for detention costs for parole violators.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of out-of-office contacts per month with offenders  

                   on high and extreme supervision on standard caseloads                          90%

(b) Quality:       Average standard caseload per probation and parole officer                      80

(c) Quality:       Average specialized program caseload per probation and  

                   parole officer                                                                 30

(d) Quality:       Average intensive supervision program caseload per  

                   probation and parole officer                                                    20

(5) Community corrections/vendor-run:

The purpose of the community corrections/vendor-run program is to provide selected offenders on probation and parole with residential and nonresidential service settings and to provide intermediate sanctions and post-incarceration support services as a cost-effective alternative to incarceration without undue risk to the public.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                705.3        50.0                                 755.3

(b)    Contractual services              92.8                                              92.8

(c)    Other                        2,897.7                                           2,897.7

       Authorized FTE: 17.00 Permanent

The appropriations for the community corrections vendor-run program of the corrections department are appropriated to the community corrections grant fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of successful completions per year from male  

                   residential treatment center at Fort Stanton                                    74

(b) Output:        Number of terminations per year from male residential  

                   treatment center at Fort Stanton                                                10

(c) Output:        Number of transfers or other noncompletions per year from  

                   male residential treatment center at Fort Stanton                               12

(6) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide quality administrative support and oversight to the department operating units to ensure a clean audit, effective budget, personnel management and cost-effective management information system services.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              5,369.1        16.5       210.2                   5,595.8

(b)    Contractual services             258.9                                             258.9

(c)    Other                        1,431.4                                           1,431.4

       Authorized FTE: 93.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Quality:       Percent of employee files that contain performance  

                   appraisal development plans completed and submitted within  

                   the evaluation period                                                          95%

Subtotal                           [215,406.8]  [17,890.8]     [715.8]    [1,685.9]   235,699.3


(1) Victim compensation:

The purpose of the victim compensation program is to provide financial assistance and information to victims of violent crime in New Mexico so they can receive services to restore their lives.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                723.7        38.5                                 762.2

(b)    Contractual services             205.5                                             205.5

(c)    Other                          870.5       661.5                               1,532.0

       Authorized FTE: 16.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Average number of days to process applications                                <150

(2) Federal grant administration:

The purpose of the federal grant administration program is to provide funding and training to non-profit victim providers and public agencies so they can provide services to victims of crime.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                                                     204.4        204.4

(b)    Contractual services                                                   18.9         18.9

(c)    Other                                                             3,572.0      3,572.0

(d)    Other financing uses                                                  794.5        794.5

       Authorized FTE: 4.00 Term

Subtotal                             [1,799.7]     [700.0]                [4,589.8]     7,089.5


(1) Law enforcement:

The purpose of the law enforcement program is to provide the highest quality of law enforcement services to the public and ensure a safer state.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             48,246.5       727.0     8,989.1      3,725.6     61,688.2

(b)    Contractual services           1,360.5       216.4        19.5        148.1      1,744.5

(c)    Other                       13,078.5     1,498.0     2,160.6      1,238.0     17,975.1

(d)    Other financing uses              40.0        40.0                  2,016.5      2,096.5

       Authorized FTE: 1,024.00 Permanent; 58.00 Term; 31.10 Temporary

The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the law enforcement program of the department of public safety include seven million eight hundred sixty-one thousand nine hundred dollars ($7,861,900) for the motor transportation division from the state road fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the department of public safety remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 made from appropriations from the state road fund shall revert to the state road fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Ratio of New Mexico traffic death rate to national death  

                   rate on highways per one hundred million vehicle miles  

                   driven and averaged over five years                                           1.27

(b) Outcome:       Ratio of serious commercial motor vehicle crashes per one  

                   hundred million miles driven and averaged over five years                     26.1

(c) Outcome:       Ratio of New Mexico alcohol-related deaths to national  

                   alcohol-related deaths per one hundred million vehicle  

                   miles driven and averaged over five years                                     1.42

(d) Outcome:       Ratio of New Mexico illegal drug-related deaths to national  

                   illegal drug-related deaths per one hundred thousand  

                   population and averaged over five years                                       1.66

(e) Output:        Number of driving while intoxicated arrests per year                         3,510

(f) Output:        Number of repeat driving while intoxicated arrests per year                  2,200

(2) Public safety support:

The purpose of the public safety support program is to provide statewide training, criminal record services, forensic and emergency management support to law enforcement, government agencies and the general public to maintain and improve overall public safety in New Mexico.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              2,582.2        81.7                    567.9      3,231.8

(b)    Contractual services             329.6       295.0                       .4        625.0

(c)    Other                          182.2       405.0                    474.4      1,061.6

(d)    Other financing uses                                                  147.6        147.6

       Authorized FTE: 50.00 Permanent; 11.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of crime laboratory compliance compared with  

                   American society of crime laboratory director's standards                     100%

(b) Output:        Number of unprocessed deoxyribonucleic acid cases                                0

(c) Output:        Number of unprocessed firearms cases                                             0

(d) Output:        Number of unprocessed fingerprint files                                     50,000

(e) Output:        Number of unprocessed criminal background checks                                 0

(3) Information technology:

The purpose of the information technology program is to ensure access to information and to provide reliable and timely information technology services to the department of public safety programs, law enforcement and other government agencies in their commitment to build a safer, stronger New Mexico.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,980.1                                           1,980.1

(b)    Other                          682.8                                             682.8

       Authorized FTE: 33.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of operability for all mission-critical software  

                   applications residing on agency servers                                        99%

(4) Office of emergency management:

The purpose of the office of emergency management program is to provide for and coordinate an integrated, statewide, comprehensive emergency management system for New Mexico including all agencies, branches and levels of government for the citizens of the state.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                750.3                    94.2        669.2      1,513.7

(b)    Contractual services             105.0                    27.0        343.0        475.0

(c)    Other                          165.5                    95.8      2,433.6      2,694.9

(d)    Other financing uses                                               24,200.0     24,200.0

       Authorized FTE: 7.00 Permanent; 25.00 Term

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent compliance with fifty-four emergency management  

                   accreditation program standards endorsed by federal  

                   emergency management act                                                       95%

(5) Accountability and compliance support:

The purpose of the accountability and compliance support program is to provide quality legal, administrative, financial, technical and auditing services to department of public safety programs in their commitment to building a safer, stronger New Mexico and to ensure the fiscal integrity and responsibility of those programs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              3,168.8       102.4        52.7        448.3      3,772.2

(b)    Contractual services             126.1                    21.4                     147.5

(c)    Other                        2,116.7        35.4         9.1      3,897.5      6,058.7

       Authorized FTE: 69.00 Permanent; 10.00 Term

Subtotal                            [74,914.8]   [3,400.9]  [11,469.4]   [40,310.1]   130,095.2

TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY                     298,269.7    22,047.8    12,185.2     53,414.8    385,917.5



(1) Program and infrastructure:

The purpose of infrastructure and programs is to plan, design, operate and manage highway projects and transportation programs that provide a safe and sustainable multi-modal transportation infrastructure.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                         16,474.7                  4,914.3     21,389.0

(b)    Contractual services                      82,290.0                171,251.8    253,541.8

(c)    Other                                   52,190.3                128,789.7    180,980.0

       Authorized FTE: 388.00 Permanent; 12.00 Term; 1.00 Temporary

The other state funds appropriations to the construction program of the department of transportation include nine million nine hundred thirty-three thousand three hundred dollars ($9,933,300) for a state-funded construction program.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of front occupant seat belt use by the public                          92%

(b) Outcome:       Number of traffic fatilities per hundred million vehicle  

                   miles traveled                                                               0.55

(c) Output:        Annual number of riders on park and ride                                   175,000

(d) Output:        Revenue dollars per passenger on park and ride                               $1.60

(e) Quality:       Percent of final cost-over-bid amount                                         4.0%

(f) Quality:       Ride quality index for new construction                                      >=4.7

(2) Transportation and highway operations:

The purpose of the transportation and highway operations program is to provide construction, maintenance, repair and improvements to the state's highway infrastructure to preserve roadway integrity and maintain open highway access throughout the state system.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                         74,006.3                  8,816.5     82,822.8

(b)    Contractual services                      49,229.1                    948.0     50,177.1

(c)    Other                                   88,728.8                    524.0     89,252.8

       Authorized FTE: 1,921.00 Permanent; 5.00 Term; 48.20 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Number of combined systemwide miles in deficient condition                 <=2,500

(b) Output:        Number of statewide improved pavement surface miles                          5,000

(3) Program support:

The purpose of the program support program is to provide business services that support management, development and operation of highway and transportation programs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                         23,145.4                    202.5     23,347.9

(b)    Contractual services                       3,371.5                     44.0      3,415.5

(c)    Other                                   17,606.4                       .9     17,607.3

(d)    Other financing uses                       7,894.0                               7,894.0

       Authorized FTE: 289.00 Permanent; 8.00 Term; 1.30 Temporary

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of vacancy rate in all programs                                       2.5%

Subtotal                                       [414,936.5]              [315,491.7]   730,428.2

TOTAL TRANSPORTATION                                414,936.5                315,491.7    730,428.2



The public education department is responsible for providing a public education to all students. The secretary of education is responsible to the governor for the operation of the department. It is her duty to manage all operations of the department and to administer and enforce the laws with which she or the department is charged. In order to do this the department is focusing on: leadership and support, productivity, building capacity, accountability, communication, and fiscal responsibility.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits             10,378.7       253.6                  6,795.5     17,427.8

(b)    Contractual services             351.6        57.2                  8,666.8      9,075.6

(c)    Other                          905.9       360.9                  1,193.7      2,460.5

(d)    Other financing uses                                                  288.5        288.5

       Authorized FTE: 197.20 Permanent; 94.00 Term; 2.60 Temporary

Subtotal                            [11,636.2]     [671.7]               [16,944.5]    29,252.4



(a)    Other                          650.0                                             650.0

Subtotal                               [650.0]                                            650.0



(a)    Northwest:                                                          1,593.0      1,593.0

(b)    Northeast:                                   125.0                  2,165.0      2,290.0

(c)    Lea county:                                                         3,378.0      3,378.0

(d)    Pecos valley:                              1,929.0                  2,328.0      4,257.0

(e)    Southwest:                                   500.0                  4,000.0      4,500.0

(f)    Central:                                   2,000.0                  2,006.0      4,006.0

(g)    High plains:                               1,571.0                  1,741.0      3,312.0

(h)    Clovis:                                      100.0                  1,417.0      1,517.0

(i)    Ruidoso:                                   2,059.0                  5,189.0      7,248.0

Subtotal                                         [8,284.0]               [23,817.0]    32,101.0




(a)    Beginning teacher induction      900.0                                             900.0

(b)    Core curriculum framework        381.6                                             381.6

(c)    Indian Education Act           2,500.0                                           2,500.0

(d)    Family and Youth Resource                                                 

       Act                            1,800.0                                           1,800.0

(e)    Teacher loan for service         386.5                                             386.5

(f)    Kindergarten plus                100.0                                             100.0

Subtotal                             [6,068.1]                                          6,068.1


The purpose of the public school facilities oversight program is to oversee public school facilities in all eighty-nine school districts ensuring correct and prudent planning, building and maintenance using state funds and ensuring adequacy of all facilities in accordance with public education department approved educational programs.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits                          3,326.6                               3,326.6

(b)    Contractual services                         255.0                                 255.0

(c)    Other                                    1,140.8                               1,140.8

       Authorized FTE: 46.00 Permanent

    Performance measures:

(a) Explanatory:   Change in statewide public school facility condition index  

                   measured at December 31 of prior calendar year compared  

                   with prior year                                                                 

Subtotal                                         [4,722.4]                              4,722.4

TOTAL OTHER EDUCATION                    18,354.3    13,678.1                 40,761.5     72,793.9


On approval of the commission on higher education, the state budget division of the department of finance and administration may approve increases in budgets of agencies, in this section, with the exception of the policy development and institutional financial oversight program of the commission on higher education, whose other state funds exceed amounts specified. In approving budget increases, the director of the state budget division shall advise the legislature through its officers and appropriate committees, in writing, of the justification for the approval.

     Except as otherwise provided, any unexpended or unencumbered balance with the commission on higher education remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from appropriations made from the general fund shall not revert.


(1) Policy development and institutional financial oversight:

The purpose of the policy development and institutional financial oversight program is to provide a continuous process of statewide planning and oversight within the commission's statutory authority for the higher education partners, to ensure both the efficient use of state resources and progress in implementing the public agenda.


(a)    Personal services and                                                     

       employee benefits              1,990.1                                313.5      2,303.6

(b)    Contractual services             543.3                                             543.3

(c)    Other                                                   27.6      3,689.3      3,716.9

(d)    Other financing uses           8,242.0        30.0       545.4      2,624.8     11,442.2

       Authorized FTE: 24.00 Permanent; 9.50 Term

     By September 1, 2005, the commission on higher education shall report time series data to the office of the governor, public education department, department of finance and administration and legislative finance committee on performance measures and targets for recruitment, enrollment, retention and graduation rates for Native American and Hispanic students. The commission on higher education shall provide an action plan by institution to achieve targeted results.

     Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the policy development and institutional financial oversight program remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from appropriations made from the general fund shall revert to the general fund.

    Performance measures:

(a) Efficiency:    Percent of properly completed capital infrastructure draws  

                   released to the state board of finance within thirty days  

                   of receipt from the institutions                                               90%

(b) Output:        Number of outreach services and events provided to  

                   secondary schools and students related to college  

                   readiness, college preparation curriculum and financial aid                    100

(2) Student financial aid:

The purpose of the student financial aid program is to provide access, affordability and opportunities for success in higher education to students and their families so that all New Mexicans can benefit from postsecondary education and training beyond high school.


(a)    Other                       23,263.6    31,154.5                    486.7     54,904.8

(b)    Other financing uses                         100.0                                 100.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of lottery success recipients enrolled in or  

                   graduated from college after the ninth semester                              3,000

(b) Outcome:       Percent of students meeting eligibility criteria for state  

                   loan programs who continue to be enrolled by the sixth  

                   semester                                                                      80%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of students meeting eligibility criteria for  

                   work-study programs who continue to be enrolled by the  

                   sixth semester                                                                70%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of students meeting eligibility criteria for  

                   merit-based programs who continue to be enrolled by the  

                   sixth semester                                                                80%

(e) Outcome:       Percent of students meeting eligibility criteria for  

                   need-based programs who continue to be enrolled by the  

                   sixth semester                                                                65%

(f) Outcome:       Percent of state funds for need-based aid relative to Pell  

                   grant data                                                                      

Subtotal                            [34,039.0]  [31,284.5]     [573.0]    [7,114.3]    73,010.8


(1) Main campus:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designated to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                     158,536.7   128,695.6                  6,325.0    293,557.3

(b)    Athletics                      2,684.1    24,777.5                    111.3     27,572.9

(c)    Educational television         1,278.7     3,836.5                  2,194.3      7,309.5

(d)    Other - main campus                      165,349.2                105,585.7    270,934.9

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of full-time, first-time, degree-seeking freshmen  

                   retained to second year                                                      76.0%

(b) Output:        Number of post-baccalaureate degrees awarded                                 1,300

(c) Outcome:       External dollars for research and public service, in  

                   millions                                                                   $114.4

(d) Output:        Number of undergraduate transfer students from two-year  

                   colleges                                                                    1,590

(e) Outcome:       Percent of full-time, first-time, degree seeking freshmen  

                   completing an academic program within six years                              42.5%

(2) Gallup branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       8,565.2     6,774.9                  3,854.5     19,194.6

(b)    Nurse expansion                   34.9                                              34.9

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   42%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              55%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the area vocational schools  

                   program                                                                       452

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                   enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                   spring term                                                                79.87%

(3) Los Alamos branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       2,279.8     2,356.0                    161.2      4,797.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   65%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              65%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the small business  

                   development center program                                                     580

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                   enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                   spring term                                                                73.61%

(4) Valencia branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       4,454.7     4,055.8                  2,465.3     10,975.8

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   55%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              68%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                   program                                                                     1,150

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                        72.4%

(5) Taos branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       1,789.1     3,136.8                    551.9      5,477.8

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   57%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              64%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the concurrent enrollment  

                   program                                                                       494

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                       74.65%

(6) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Judicial selection                75.8                                              75.8

(b)    Judicial education center         93.3                                              93.3

(c)    Spanish resource center          110.3                                             110.3

(d)    Southwest research center      1,261.1                                           1,261.1

(e)    Substance abuse program          154.4                                             154.4

(f)    Native American intervention     193.6                                             193.6

(g)    Resource geographic                                                       

       information system               130.6                                             130.6

(h)    Natural heritage program          80.1                                              80.1

(i)    Southwest Indian law                                                      

       clinic                           122.8                                             122.8

(j)    BBER census and population                                                

       analysis                         252.0         4.4                                 256.4

(k)    New Mexico historical                                                     

       review                            83.5                                              83.5

(l)    Ibero-American education                                                  

       consortium                       168.2                                             168.2

(m)    Youth education recreation                                                

       program                          142.2                                             142.2

(n)    Advanced materials research       68.0                                              68.0

(o)    Manufacturing engineering                                                 

       program                          649.2                                             649.2

(p)    Hispanic student                                                          

       center                           124.8                                             124.8

(q)    Wildlife law education            74.0                                              74.0

(r)    Science and engineering                                                   

       women's career                    22.6                                              22.6

(s)    Youth leadership development      75.0                                              75.0

(t)    Morrissey hall research           55.2                                              55.2

(u)    Disabled student services        227.8                                             227.8

(v)    Minority graduate                                                         

       recruitment and retention        166.6                                             166.6

(w)    Graduate research                                                         

       development fund                  90.1                                              90.1

(x)    Community-based education        422.8                                             422.8

(y)    Corrine Wolfe children's law                                              

       center                            68.2                                              68.2

(z)    Mock trials program               23.8                                              23.8

(7) Health sciences center:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designated to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy, and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


(a)    Medical school instruction                                                

       and general purposes          45,748.4    27,000.0                  1,450.0     74,198.4

(b)    Office of medical                                                         

       investigator                   3,310.0     1,130.0                      5.0      4,445.0

(c)    Emergency medical services                                                

       academy                          790.1       500.0                               1,290.1

(d)    Children's psychiatric                                                    

       hospital                       5,451.1    12,000.0                              17,451.1

(e)    Hemophilia program               534.6                                             534.6

(f)    Carrie Tingley hospital        4,024.8    10,700.0                              14,724.8

(g)    Out-of-county indigent                                                    

       fund                           1,242.4                                           1,242.4

(h)    Specialized perinatal care       442.3                                             442.3

(i)    Newborn intensive care         3,106.9       930.0                               4,036.9

(j)    Pediatric oncology               592.4       300.0                                 892.4

(k)    Young children's health                                                   

       center                           254.6       950.0                               1,204.6

(l)    Pediatric pulmonary center       181.0                                             181.0

(m)    Area health education                                                     

       centers                          227.1                                350.0        577.1

(n)    Grief intervention program       160.3                                             160.3

(o)    Pediatric dysmorphology          141.2                                             141.2

(p)    Locum tenens                     460.4     1,550.0                               2,010.4

(q)    Disaster medicine program        100.4                                             100.4

(r)    Poison control center          1,431.0       120.0                    120.0      1,671.0

(s)    Fetal alcohol study              165.7                                             165.7

(t)    Telemedicine                     428.7     1,650.0                    500.0      2,578.7

(u)    Nurse-midwifery program          377.4                                             377.4

(v)    College of nursing expansion   1,418.2                                           1,418.2

(w)    Other - health sciences                  202,200.0                 65,400.0    267,600.0

(x)    Cancer center                  2,692.9    18,250.0                  4,675.0     25,617.9

(y)    Children's cancer camp           100.0                                             100.0

(z)    Oncology                         100.0                                             100.0

(aa)   Lung and tobacco-related                                                  

       illnesses                      1,000.0                                           1,000.0

(bb)   Genomics, biocomputing and                                               

       environmental health research  1,528.9                                           1,528.9

(cc)   Los pasos program                 51.0                                              51.0

(dd)   Trauma specialty education       408.2                                             408.2

(ee)   Pediatrics specialty                                                      

       education                        408.1                                             408.1

(ff)   Native American health                                                    

       center                           300.0                                             300.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       University of New Mexico inpatient satisfation rate                           78.1

(b) Output:        Number of University of New Mexico patients participating  

                   in cancer research and treatment center clinical trials                        215

(c) Output:        Number of post-baccalaureate degrees awarded                                   275

(d) Outcome:       External dollars for research and public service, in  

                   millions                                                                   $236.0

(e) Outcome:       Pass rates for step three of the United States medical  

                   licensing exam on the first attempt                                             99

Subtotal                           [261,737.3] [616,266.7]              [193,749.2] 1,071,753.2


(1) Main campus:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                     102,658.0    66,289.6                 11,788.4    180,736.0

(b)    Athletics                      2,951.3     6,173.6                     37.0      9,161.9

(c)    Educational television         1,141.5       332.8                    656.1      2,130.4

(d)    Other - main campus                       68,354.7                 81,710.0    150,064.7

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking freshmen  

                   retained to second year                                                        75%

(b) Outcome:       External dollars for research and creative activity, in  

                   millions                                                                   $175.8

(c) Output:        Number of teacher preparation programs available at New  

                   Mexico community college sites                                                   5

(d) Outcome:       Number of undergraduate transfer students from two-year  

                   colleges                                                                    1,028

(e) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree seeking freshmen  

                   completing programs within six years                                           52%

(2) Alamogordo branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       5,501.4     4,179.6                  1,957.8     11,638.8

(b)    Nurse expansion                   28.4                                              28.4

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   43%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              56%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the small business  

                   development center program                                                   1,000

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                        77.2%

(3) Carlsbad branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       3,571.3     3,541.8                  2,205.0      9,318.1

(b)    Nurse expansion                   35.7                                              35.7

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   55%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              82%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the contract training program                   225

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                       71.53%

(4) Dona Ana branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      14,139.9    11,009.8                  8,383.9     33,533.6

(b)    Nurse expansion                  105.3                                             105.3

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   39%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              66%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                   program                                                                     4,900

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                          81%

(5) Grants branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       2,731.9     1,977.9                  1,331.5      6,041.3

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   46%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduate students placed in jobs in New Mexico                      68%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the community services  

                   program                                                                     1,180

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                       72.49%

(6) Department of agriculture:            8,581.3     6,272.2                  3,234.5   18,088.0

(7) Research and public service projects:


    (a)      Agricultural experiment                                                 

            station                      12,753.2     2,812.2                  9,866.5    25,431.9

    (b)      Cooperative extension                                                   

            service                       9,725.1     5,881.4                  5,512.0    21,118.5

(c)    Water resource research             438.0       454.5                    265.0     1,157.5

(d)    Coordination of Mexico                                                       

       programs                             93.7                                            93.7

(e)    Indian resources development        383.4        16.0                                399.4

(f)    Waste management                                                             

       education program                   512.3       259.8                  1,696.0       2,468.1

(g)    Campus security                      92.7                                            92.7

(h)    Carlsbad manufacturing                                                       

       sector development program          361.8                                            361.8

(i)    Manufacturing sector                                                         

       development program                 391.7        32.0                                423.7

(j)    Alliances for                                                                

       underrepresented students           358.3       226.7                                585.0

(k)    Arrowhead center for                                                         

       business development                 75.0                                            75.0

(l)    Viticulturist                        75.0                                            75.0

(m)    Nurse expansion                     425.7                                            425.7

Subtotal                           [167,131.9] [177,814.6]              [128,643.7]   473,590.2


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      23,598.6    10,955.0                  5,010.0     39,563.6

(b)    Athletics                      1,364.1       180.0                               1,544.1

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to  

                   second year                                                                   53%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduating seniors indicating "satisfied" or  

                   "very satisfied" with the university on student  

                   satisfaction survey                                                           93%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of total funds generated by grants and contracts                       31%

(d) Output:        Number of undergraduate transfer students from two-year  

                   colleges                                                                      250

(e) Output:        Percent of first-time, full-time degree-seeking freshmen  

                   completing programs within six years                                           24%

(2) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Upward bound                     100.8        27.0                    483.0        610.8

(b)    Advanced placement               289.8        60.0                                 349.8

(c)    Native American recruitment                                               

       and retention                     43.8                                              43.8

(d)    Diverse populations study        215.3       345.0                  2,036.0      2,596.3

(e)    Visiting scientist                17.9                                              17.9

(f)    Spanish program                  300.0                                             300.0

Subtotal                            [25,930.3]  [11,567.0]                [7,529.0]    45,026.3


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      14,522.4     4,323.8                    384.8     19,231.0

(b)    Athletics                      1,519.5       163.2                               1,682.7

(c)    Educational television           122.1                                             122.1

(d)    Extended services                                                         

       instruction                                1,275.2                               1,275.2

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained to  

                   second year                                                                 54.0%

(b) Output:        Number of graduates receiving teacher licensure                                150

(c) Outcome:       External dollars to be used for programs to promote student  

                   success, in millions                                                          $3.7

(d) Output:        Number of undergraduate transfer students from two-year  

                   colleges                                                                      150

(e) Output:        Percent of first-time, full-time students completing  

                   programs within six years                                                      23%

(2) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Child development center         577.5       406.6                                 984.1

(b)    North American free trade                                                 

       agreement                         15.3                                              15.3

(c)    Nurse expansion                  142.7                                             142.7

Subtotal                            [16,899.5]   [6,168.8]                  [384.8]    23,453.1


(1) Main campus:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      21,759.7     7,500.0                  2,300.0     31,559.7

(b)    Athletics                      1,638.0       300.0                               1,938.0

(c)    Educational television         1,032.7       500.0                    100.0      1,632.7

(d)    Extended services                                                         

       instruction                                  600.0                                 600.0

(e)    Other - main campus                        9,500.0                  8,000.0     17,500.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of first-time freshmen retained to second year                         62%

(b) Efficiency:    Ratio of full-time equivalent students to full time  

                   equivalent instruction and general staff                                     6.2:1

(c) Outcome:       Number of external dollars supporting research and student  

                   success, in millions                                                          $8.6

(d) Output:        Number of undergraduate transfer students from two-year  

                   colleges                                                                      360

(e) Output:        Percent of full-time freshmen completing their program  

                   within six years                                                              32%

(2) Roswell branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      12,706.7     9,350.0                 10,200.0     32,256.7

(b)    Ruidoso off-campus center        760.7     1,000.0                               1,760.7

(c)    Nurse expansion                   71.0                                              71.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   61%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              75%

(c) Efficiency:    Percent of programs having stable or increasing enrollments                    80%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                       75.88%

(3) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Center for teaching                                                       

       excellence                       260.9                                             260.9

(b)    Blackwater Draw site and                                                  

       museum                            89.9                                              89.9

(c)    Assessment project               133.3                                             133.3

(d)    Social work                      152.8                                             152.8

(e)    Job training for physically                                               

       and mentally challenged           23.8                                              23.8

(f)    Airframe mechanics                72.7                                              72.7

(g)    Nurse expansion                   42.0                                              42.0

Subtotal                            [38,744.2]  [28,750.0]               [20,600.0]    88,094.2


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      23,871.9         8.8                              23,880.7

(b)    Athletics                        159.8       172.9                                 332.7

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of first-time freshmen retained to second year                         75%

(b) Output:        Unduplicated number of students registered in master of  

                   science teaching program                                                       132

(c) Outcome:       External dollars for research and creative activity, in  

                   millions                                                                      $64

(d) Output:        Number of undergraduate transfer students from two-year  

                   colleges                                                                       40

(e) Output:        Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen completing their  

                   program within six years                                                       42%

(2) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Research and other                                                        

       programs                                                           18,000.0     18,000.0

(b)    Bureau of mines                3,889.5     4,215.2                    800.0      8,904.7

(c)    Petroleum recovery research                                               

       center                         1,936.5     1,898.8                  3,500.0      7,335.3

(d)    Bureau of mine inspection        294.7       319.1                    250.0        863.8

(e)    Energetic materials research                                              

       center                           790.8       856.9                 20,000.0     21,647.7

(f)    Science and engineering fair     320.3       148.1                                 468.4

(g)    Institute for complex                                                     

       additive systems analysis        535.6       583.3                 20,000.0     21,118.9

(h)    Cave and karst research          326.5       385.0                  1,000.0      1,711.5

(i)    Geophysical research center      885.0       959.9                 15,000.0     16,844.9

(j)    Homeland security center         245.2       265.9                 20,000.0     20,511.1

     The general fund appropriation to the New Mexico institute of mining and technology for the bureau of mines includes one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from federal Minerals Lands Leasing Act receipts.

Subtotal    [33,255.8]               [9,813.9]              [98,550.0]   141,619.7


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       8,012.8       650.0                  2,500.0     11,162.8

(b)    Nurse expansion                   28.5                                              28.5

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   71%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              70%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                   program                                                                       400

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                        66.2%

(2) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Northern pueblos institute        56.0        62.0                                 118.0

Subtotal                             [8,097.3]     [712.0]                [2,500.0]    11,309.3


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       9,213.0    19,600.0                  3,600.0     32,413.0

(b)    Nurse expansion                   35.6        35.0                                  70.6

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   45%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              77%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the contract training program                 2,000

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-  

                   seeking students enrolled in a given fall term who persist  

                   to the following spring term                                                71.78%

(2) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Small business development                                                

       centers                        3,273.2     3,300.0                    900.0      7,473.2

(b)    Sign language services            20.5        20.0                                  40.5

Subtotal                            [12,542.3]  [22,955.0]                [4,500.0]    39,997.3


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      48,004.6    36,900.0                  4,200.0     89,104.6

(b)    Other                                    4,500.0                 15,700.0     20,200.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   44%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              82%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in distance education program                    2,400

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                        79.3%

Subtotal                            [48,004.6]  [41,400.0]               [19,900.0]   109,304.6


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       7,074.0       235.0                    947.0      8,256.0

(b)    Nurse expansion                   36.1       300.0                                 336.1

(c)    Other                                    2,700.0                  2,355.0      5,055.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   73%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              50%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the small business  

                   development center program                                                     324

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                        66.3%

Subtotal                             [7,110.1]   [3,235.0]                [3,302.0]    13,647.1


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       2,372.3       379.5       440.0        507.4      3,699.2

(b)    Other                                    1,400.0                               1,400.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                 40.2%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                            54.3%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the small business  

                   development center program                                                      61

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-  

                   seeking students enrolled in a given fall term who persist  

                   to the following spring term                                                 67.4%

Subtotal                             [2,372.3]   [1,779.5]     [440.0]      [507.4]     5,099.2


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       7,042.9     5,878.0     4,018.0      1,419.0     18,357.9

(b)    Athletics                         35.9        35.7                                  71.6

(c)    Nurse expansion                   72.7        72.2                                 144.9

(d)    Other                                                             4,116.0      4,116.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   65%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              62%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in distance education program                    2,400

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                       73.11%

Subtotal                             [7,151.5]   [5,985.9]   [4,018.0]    [5,535.0]    22,690.4


(1) Main campus:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                      19,080.8     5,098.7                  3,558.7     27,738.2

(b)    Other                                       96.5                                  96.5

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   55%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              65%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the service learning program                    360

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                       81.95%

(2) Research and public service projects:


(a)    Dental hygiene program           196.5       196.5                                 393.0

(b)    Oil and gas job training                                                  

       program                           96.5                                              96.5

(c)    Nurse expansion                  339.3       339.3                                 678.6

Subtotal                            [19,713.1]   [5,731.0]                [3,558.7]    29,002.8


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit post-secondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                       9,994.1     1,728.0                  1,512.0     13,234.1

(b)    Nurse expansion                   70.6                                              70.6

(c)    Other                                      432.0                    540.0        972.0

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of new students taking nine or more credit hours  

                   successful after three years                                                   44%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of graduates placed in jobs in New Mexico                              59%

(c) Output:        Number of students enrolled in the concurrent enrollment  

                   program                                                                       400

(d) Outcome:       Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking  

                   students enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the  

                   following spring term                                                       70.04%

Subtotal                            [10,064.7]   [2,160.0]                [2,052.0]    14,276.7


The purpose of the New Mexico military institute is to provide instruction for students to receive a military education culminating in an associate's degree.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                                  17,456.1                    440.0     17,896.1

(b)    Other                                    5,613.9                               5,613.9

    Performance measures:

(a) Output:        Number of college students attending each fall term                            460

(b) Outcome:       American college testing score for entering college  

                   freshmen                                                                     21.5

(c) Quality:       Number of faculty development events                                            65

(d) Efficiency:    Percent of cadets receiving scholarship or financial aid                       67%

Subtotal                                        [23,070.0]                  [440.0]    23,510.0


The purpose of the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired program is provide the training, support, and resources necessary to prepare blind and visually impaired children of New Mexico to participate fully in their families, communities, and the work force, and to lead independent, productive lives.


(a)    Instruction and general                                                   

       purposes                         164.6     9,913.7                    182.3     10,260.6

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of students achieving at least seventy percent of  

                   annual individualized education program goals at main campus                   80%

(b) Quality:       Number of staff proficient in braille on main campus                            52

(c) Efficiency:    Number of students per teacher at main campus                                  5:1

(d) Outcome:       Percent of students achieving at least seventy percent of  

                   annual individualized education program goals in the early  

                   childhood program                                                             80%

(e) Output:        Number of students served through outreach programs                            165

Subtotal                               [164.6]   [9,913.7]                  [182.3]    10,260.6


The purpose of the school for the deaf program is to provide a comprehensive, fully accessible and language-rich learning environment where children who are deaf or hard of hearing can reach their maximum potential.

Appropriations:                       1,839.0     8,746.2                    600.0     11,185.2

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of students in grades three to twelve demonstrating  

                   academic improvement across curriculum domains                                 75%

(b) Outcome:       Rate of transition to post-secondary education,  

                   vocational-technical training schools, junior colleges,  

                   work training and/or employment for graduates                                  90%

(c) Quality:       Percent of parents satisfied with the educational services  

                   from New Mexico school for the deaf                                            90%

(d) Quality:       Number of teachers and support staff participating in a  

                   two-year intensive staff development-training program in  

                   bilingual (american sign language/english) education  


Subtotal                             [1,839.0]   [8,746.2]                  [600.0]    11,185.2

TOTAL HIGHER EDUCATION                  694,797.5 1,007,353.8     5,031.0    499,648.4  2,206,830.7


Except as otherwise provided, unexpended and unencumbered balances of appropriations made in this subsection shall not revert at the end of fiscal year 2006.


(1) State equalization guarantee distribution:

Appropriations:                   1,962,225.9                                       1,962,225.9

The rate of distribution of the state equalization guarantee distribution shall be based on a program unit value determined by the secretary of public education. The secretary shall establish a preliminary unit value to establish budget for the 2005-2006 school year and then, upon verification of the number of units statewide for fiscal year 2006 but no later than January 31, 2006, the secretary of public education may adjust the program unit value.

     The general fund appropriation for the state equalization guarantee distribution contains sufficient funding to provide a one and one-quarter percent salary increase for teachers except those receiving salary increases from minimum salary requirements of three-tiered licensure, other instructional staff, and other certified staff and noncertified staff, effective July 1, 2005.

     The general fund appropriation for the state equalization guarantee distribution contains sufficient funding to provide a three-quarter percent increase in the employer contribution to the education retirement fund.

     The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution reflects the deduction of federal revenues pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subsection C of Section 22-8-25 NMSA 1978 that includes payments commonly known as "impact aid funds" pursuant to 20 USCA 7701 et seq., and formerly known as "PL874 funds".

     The general fund appropriation to the public school fund shall be reduced by the amounts transferred to the public school fund from the current school fund and from the federal Mineral Lands Leasing Act receipts otherwise unappropriated.

     Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the distributions authorized remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from appropriation made from the general fund shall revert to the general fund.

     The purpose of public school support is to carry out the mandate to establish and maintain a uniform system of free public schools sufficient for the education of, and open to, all the children of school age in the state.

    Performance measures:

(a) Outcome:       Percent of fourth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                   above on the criterion-referenced assessments in reading  

                   and language arts                                                             61%

(b) Outcome:       Percent of eighth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                   above on the criterion-referenced assessments reading and  

                   language arts                                                                 65%

(c) Outcome:       Percent of fourth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                   above on the criterion-referenced assessments in mathematics                   67%

(d) Outcome:       Percent of eighth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                   above on the criterion-reference assessments in mathematics                    62%

(e) Quality:       Percent of classes being taught by “highly qualified”  

                   teachers in high-poverty schools                                               90%

(f) Quality:       Percent of classes being taught by "highly qualified"  

                   teachers in all schools                                                        92%

(g) Quality:       Percent of stakeholders who rate their involvement with  

                   public elementary schools as positive                                          91%

(h) Quality:       Percent of stakeholders who rate their involvement with  

                   public middle schools as positive                                              88%

(i) Quality:       Percent of stakeholders who rate their involvement with  

                   public high schools as positive                                                85%

(j) Explanatory:   Percent of American Indian language classes being taught in  

                   public schools that serve American Indian students (2) Transportation distribution:

Appropriations:                     100,354.0                                         100,354.0

The general fund appropriation for the transportation distribution includes sufficient funding to provide a one and one-quarter percent salary increase for transportation employees effective July 1, 2005.

     The general fund appropriation for the transportation distribution includes sufficient funding to provide a three-quarter percent increase in the employer contribution to the education retirement fund.

(3) Supplemental distribution:


(a)    Out-of-state tuition             380.0                                             380.0

(b)    Emergency supplemental         2,000.0                                           2,000.0

Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the distributions remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 from appropriations made from the general fund shall revert to the general fund. 

Subtotal                         [2,064,959.9]                                      2,064,959.9


Appropriations:                                                          352,000.0    352,000.0

Subtotal                                                                [352,000.0]   352,000.0


Appropriations:                      32,324.8                                          32,324.8

The appropriation to the instructional materials fund is made from the federal Minerals Land Leasing Act (30 USCA 181, et seq.) receipts.

Subtotal                            [32,324.8]                                         32,324.8


Appropriations:                       5,000.0                                           5,000.0

Subtotal                             [5,000.0]                                          5,000.0


Appropriations:                       1,600.0                                           1,600.0

Subtotal                             [1,600.0]                                          1,600.0

TOTAL PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT           2,103,884.7                            352,000.0  2,455,884.7


APPROPRIATIONS                        4,643,739.6 2,026,534.3   944,980.4  4,139,205.8 11,754,460.1

     Section 5. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS.--The following amounts are appropriated from the general fund or other funds as indicated for the purposes specified. Unless otherwise indicated, the appropriation may be expended in fiscal years 2005 and 2006. Unless otherwise indicated, any unexpended or unencumbered balance of the appropriations remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 shall revert to the general fund.

(1) COURT OF APPEALS:                      100.0                                             100.0

For imaging and retro-conversion of backlogged microfilmed documents.

(2) FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT:         13.3                                              13.3

For telephone system replacement.

(3) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY:     250.0                                             250.0

To buyout furniture lease.


     DISTRICT ATTORNEYS:                     100.0                                             100.0

For emergency expert witness fees.

(5) TAXATION AND REVENUE DEPARTMENT:       300.0                                             300.0

For motor vehicle division codification


     ADMINISTRATION:                         800.0                                             800.0

For the weatherization program.

(7) NEW MEXICO SENTENCING COMMISSION:      300.0                                             300.0

For a comprehensive workload study.


     OFFICER:                                150.0                                             150.0

For a rate study at the general services department.

(9) DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS:         15.0                                              15.0

For a state commemorative quarter commission.

(10) DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS:        142.5                                  150.0      292.5

For the acquisition of museum collection storage.

(11) NEW MEXICO LIVESTOCK BOARD:            400.0                                             400.0

For development and implementation of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy animal identification program for expenditure in fiscal years 2005, 2006 and 2007. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance at the end of fiscal year 2007 will revert to the general fund.

(12) STATE ENGINEER:                      2,000.0                                           2,000.0

To fund interstate stream compact compliance.


     ADMINISTRATION:                                       25.0                                 25.0

For a best practices seminar.


     DEPARTMENT:                           2,345.4                                           2,345.4

For the final year of the Joseph A. consent decree.

(15) DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS:         500.0        175.0                                675.0

For statewide armory renovations. The general fund appropriation includes two-hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for maintenance and repair of armories.

(16) CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT:               1,700.0                                           1,700.0

For radios, vests and special equipment for corrections officers.

(17) CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT:               3,800.0                                           3,800.0

For the buyback of outstanding bonds. The appropriation includes fifty thousand dollars (50,000) for maintenance costs.

(18) PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT:          4,000.0                                           4,000.0

For the governor’s pre-kindergarten initiative. The appropriation is from the separate account of the appropriation contingency fund dedicated for the purpose of implementing and maintaining educational reforms created in Section 12 of Chapter 114 of Laws 2004.

(19) PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT:          7,624.6                                           7,624.6

For the public education department and local school district’s assessment and test development. The appropriation is from the separate account of the appropriation contingency fund dedicated for the purpose of implementing and maintaining educational reforms created in Section 12 of Chapter 114 of Laws 2004.

(20) PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT:          1,000.0                                           1,000.0

For national center for educational statistics chart of accounts implementation. The appropriation is from the separate account of the appropriation contingency fund dedicated for the purpose of implementing and maintaining educational reforms created in Section 12 of Chapter 114 of Laws 2004.

(21) PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT:            200.0                                             200.0


     AUTHORITY:                           20,000.0                                          20,000.0

For statewide public school roof repairs.

(23) COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION:       7,000.0                                           7,000.0

For the higher education performance fund pursuant to 21-1-27-3 NMSA 1978.

(24) COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION:       9,000.0                                           9,000.0

For the faculty endowment fund.

(25) COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION:       1,000.0                                           1,000.0

For the legislative endowment scholarship fund. The appropriation is contingent upon fund balances being invested by the state investment council on behalf of the commission.

(26) COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION:      22,188.2                                          22,188.2

To provide a one-time supplement for building renewal and replacement needs of public, post-secondary institutions, the New Mexico School for the Deaf and the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired subject to review of an allocation plan and relevant accountability mechanisms submitted by the commission on higher education to the legislative finance committee and the department of finance and administration.

(27) COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION:       4,500.0                                           4,500.0

For funding libraries non-recurring inflationary component.


     FUND:                                34,790.0                                          34,790.0

For information technology systems projects. Seven million dollars ($7,000,000) of the appropriation is from the separate account of the appropriation contingency fund dedicated for the purpose of implementing and maintaining educational reforms created in Section 12 of Chapter 114 of Laws 2004.

TOTAL SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS          124,219.0          200.0                     150.0  124,569.0

     Section 6. SUPPLEMENTAL AND DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATIONS.--The following amounts are appropriated from the general fund, or other funds as indicated, for expenditure in fiscal year 2005 for the purposes specified. Disbursement of these amounts shall be subject to certification by the agency to the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee that no other funds are available in fiscal year 2005 for the purpose specified and approval by the department of finance and administration. Any unexpended or unencumbered balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2005 shall revert to the appropriate fund.

(1) SUPREME COURT:                         4.0                                                 4.0

For personal services and employee benefits.


     COURTS:                               602.8                                               602.8

For jury and witness fees.

(3) EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT:       15.7                                                15.7

For providing funding for an over obligation of federal grants in fiscal year 2003.

(4) PUBLIC SCHOOLS INSURANCE AUTHORITY:               3,108.2                              3,108.2

For shortfall in the risk program.


     RESOURCES:                            120.0                                               120.0

For personal services and employee benefits.

(6) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH:              4,900.0                                             4,900.0

For personal services and employee benefits and contractual services.


     COMMISSION:                           721.3                                               721.3

For increased victim claims and payments.


APPROPRIATIONS                           6363.8        3,108.2                              9,472.0

     Section 7. DATA PROCESSING APPROPRIATIONS.-The following amounts are appropriated from the computer systems enhancement fund, or other funds as indicated, for the purposes specified. Unless otherwise indicated, the appropriations may be expended in fiscal years 2005 and 2006. Unless otherwise indicated, any unexpended or unencumbered balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 shall revert to the computer systems enhancement fund or other funds as indicated. The department of finance and administration shall allocate amounts from the funds for the purposes specified upon receiving

certification and supporting documentation from the state chief information officer that indicates compliance with the information technology commission project certification process. For executive branch agencies, all hardware and software purchases funded through appropriations made in Sections 4 and 7 of this act shall be procured using consolidated purchasing led by the state chief information officer and state purchasing division to achieve economies of scale and to provide the state with the best unit price.


    OF THE COURTS:                                     640.0                                640.0

To replace obsolete video conferencing equipment and expand the video arraignment system. Five-hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) of this appropriation is from the magistrate and metropolitan court capitol fund. One hundred forty thousand dollars ($140,000) of this appropriation shall be allocated to the fifth, ninth, and eleventh judicial districts. Five-hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) of this appropriation shall be allocated to the magistrate courts.


    OF THE COURTS:                                       1,200.0                              1,200.0

For the judicial information division to implement an electronic document management system. The appropriation shall be contingent upon an approved, detailed project plan that includes electronic document filing in addition to other document management functions. Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) of this appropriation shall be allocated to the metropolitan court to coordinate this project with the second judicial district.


    OF THE COURTS:                                       1,000.0                              1,000.0

For the judicial information division to replace aged and obsolete information technology equipment. This appropriation is contingent upon developing a plan by the judicial information systems council, department of finance and administration, and the judiciary chief information officer to fund future replacement of aged and obsolete information technology equipment from base budget.


    DEPARTMENT:                                     3,000.0                             3,000.0

To replace the oil and natural gas information system. The appropriation includes two full-time equivalents. One million dollars ($1,000,000) of this appropriation is from the land maintenance fund.


    DEPARTMENT:                                       750.0                                750.0

For the motor vehicle division to complete the planning and modeling phases of the motor vehicle division systems re-engineering project. This appropriation includes two full-time equivalents. The project deliverables shall be aligned with changes to motor vehicle division statutes.


    ADMINISTRATION:                               4,500.0                             4,500.0

To replace aged and obsolete information technology equipment for executive agencies. This appropriation shall be allocated by state chief information officer to requesting agencies based on a formal assessment of each agency’s information technology equipment needs, with the exception of one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) of this appropriation that shall be specifically allocated to the children, youth and families department for updating their information technology equipment. This appropriation is contingent upon developing a plan by the state chief information officer and the department of finance and administration to include future funding for information technology upgrades in agencies’ base budget.

(7) EDUCATIONAL RETIREMENT BOARD:                        300.0                                300.0

To complete the replacement of the educational retirement board retirement accounting systems used to administer retirement benefits for educational employees of the state of New Mexico. This appropriation is from the education retirement fund. The educational retirement board shall provide periodic status reports to the legislative finance committee and the state chief information officer. The period of time for expending the two million dollars ($2,000,000) appropriated from the educational retirement fund in Subsection (8) of Section 7 of Chapter 4 Laws 2002 (1st E.S.) as extended by Subsection (7) of Section 7 of Chapter 76 Laws 2003 and as extended by Subsection (16) of Section 8 of Chapter 114 Laws 2004 is extended through fiscal year 2006, and the period of time for expending the seven-hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) appropriated from the educational retirement fund as contained in Subsection (16) of Section 8 of Chapter 114 Laws 2004 is extended through fiscal year 2006 to complete implementation of an off-the-shelf solution for managing educational retirement membership information.


    COMMISSION:                                           400.0                                400.0

To enhance the justice information system. This appropriation is contingent upon an approved plan that details the final solution for funding and ownership of the justice information system.


    OFFICER:                                            400.0                                400.0

To implement an enterprise project management system.

(10) PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION:            5,670.0                             5,670.0

To complete the implementation of the retirement online system. This appropriation is from the public employees retirement income fund. One hundred seventy thousand dollars ($170,000) of this appropriation shall be used to perform a post-implementation review of the retirement information online system, upgrade the voice response unit, and contract for data transfer services. Five million five hundred thousand dollars ($5,500,000) of this appropriation is re-appropriated from an unspent fund balance that reverted to the public employees retirement income fund as contained in Item (8) of Section 7 of Chapter 76 Laws 2003. This appropriation is contingent upon project re-certification by the information technology commission. This appropriation includes four full-time equivalents.

(11) PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSION:                        650.0                                     650.0

To implement computer software developed by the state of North Carolina. This appropriation is contingent on demonstrating that the new system does not automate outdated agency business practices.

(12) GAMING CONTROL BOARD:                         1,500.0                                    1,500.0

To implement a new central gaming monitoring system contract including appropriate security. The gaming control board shall implement procedures to ensure that legacy systems that do not interface with the proposed system are allowed sufficient time to become compliant and undue hardship is not imposed on owners and licensees of these legacy systems. This appropriation is contingent upon the gaming control board providing a report which indicates: 1) a favorable result from their pilot project being conducted with the new gaming machines; 2) verification that the new system also supports the old gaming machines; and 3) identification of significant savings opportunities such as the use of SaveSmart for equipment hardware purchases.

(13) HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT:                    2,000.0                        4,000.0     6,000.0

To convert the current human services systems into the layered structure specified in the social services architecture plan. This appropriation includes two full-time equivalents. This appropriation is contingent upon an approved social services architecture plan and a federally-approved advance planning document.

(14) DEPARTMENT OF LABOR:                                                          12,500.0    12,500.0

The appropriation for twelve million five hundred thousand dollars ($12,500,000) in unexpended federal funds (Reed Act) contained in Subsection (13) of Section 7 of Chapter 76 Laws 2003, is re-appropriated for the following purposes: 1) eight million three hundred thousand dollars ($8,300,000) to complete the implementation of the unemployment insurance tax system; 2) one million dollars ($1,000,000) to complete the implementation of the unemployment insurance claims re-engineering project; and 3) three million two hundred thousand dollars ($3,200,000) to meet federal accounting and reporting requirements not addressed by the statewide human resources, accounting, and reporting system project. The period of time for expending the six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) in federal funds (Reed Act and Economic Security Recovery Act of 2001) as contained in Subsection (15) of Section 7 of Chapter 76 Laws 2003, is extended through fiscal year 2006 to replace a document scanning system utilized for unemployment tax administration.

(15) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH:                               500.0                    300.0       800.0

To implement an integrated medical billing solution addressing all department of health billing and claim functions. This project shall standardize claim submission, comply with the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996. This appropriation is contingent upon an approved social services architecture plan.

(16) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH:                               500.0                                500.0

To deploy a single department-wide pharmacy management system that shall centralize management of pharmacy services. This appropriation is contingent upon an approved social services architecture plan and coordination with the New Mexico corrections department to leverage their existing investment in pharmacy software.

(17) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH:                               500.0                    300.0       500.0

To implement a single, integrated laboratory information management system. This appropriation is contingent upon an approved social services architecture plan.


     FAMILIES DEPARTMENT:                                500.0                                 500.0

To develop and publish a social services architecture plan. This plan shall provide a framework to coordinate the development of future human services systems projects, promote sharing of components, and reduce duplication of data. This appropriation shall also be used to implement a directory of social services resources as requested by the health policy commission. The appropriations for the human services department and the department of health are contingent upon completion and approval of this architecture plan.

(19) CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT:                            250.0                                 250.0

To implement timely parole hearings through video conferencing technology for the state parole board.

(20) CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT:                            200.0                                 200.0

To implement load-balanced internet servers (web farm) and a clustered database for the criminal management information system.

(21) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY:                       3,000.0                                3,000.0

To implement an automated fingerprint imaging system and to replace the interim distributed imaging system. This appropriation is contingent upon the department of public safety publishing a plan to use fee revenue to first resolve the backlog.

(22) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY:                        500.0                                 500.0

To replace obsolete wiring and associated equipment, but not to include network servers, at state police district offices.

(23) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY:                       1,500.0                                1,500.0

To purchase and install mobile computers in state police vehicles. This appropriation is contingent on an approved plan to include future purchasing of mobile computers as standard equipment for state police vehicles along with items such as vehicle communications and radar equipment.


To expend seven million eight hundred thousand dollars ($7,800,000) from the department of transportation base budget, consisting of three million three hundred thousand dollars ($3,300,000) from the road fund, and four million five hundred thousand dollars ($4,500,000) from federal funds, to implement a fiber-optic infrastructure for one district, an offender history database, a national modeling and analysis program, an administrative office of the courts interlock database, a statewide deployment of roadside information elements, an integration of data from the administrative office of the courts and the traffic safety board, a statewide traffic record and evaluation pilot project, a materials management system, a statewide advanced traveler information system, a roadway information system, and to upgrade the desktop state-wide transportation improvement program.

(25) PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT:                       7,000.0                                7,000.0

For full implementation of the systems architecture recommended by the decision support architecture consortium to meet state and federal reporting requirements, including no child left behind. This appropriation includes four full-time equivalents. This appropriation is contingent on the public education department demonstrating performance through development of a strategic project plan, assignment of additional staff totally dedicated to the project and providing periodic status reports. The appropriation is from the separate account of the appropriation contingency fund dedicated for the purpose of implementing and maintaining educational reforms created in Section 12 of Chapter 114 of Laws 2004.


The period for expending one million eight hundred thousand dollars ($1,800,000) contained in Subsection (113) of Section 5 of Chapter 114 Laws 2004, for implementation of the national center for educational statistics chart of accounts is extended through fiscal year 2006. One million dollars ($1,000,000) shall be appropriated to support the training for the chart of accounts project in a separate appropriation.


     FACILITIES AUTHORITY:                                500.0                                 500.0

To develop and implement a scalable, web-based system to manage facilities operation and maintenance for public school districts, contingent on receiving five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) from public school districts and one million dollars ($1,000,000) from the public school capital outlay fund.


     EDUCATION:                                         2,800.0                                2,800.0

Two million four hundred thousand dollars ($2,400,000) of this appropriation shall be allocated to the New Mexico institute of mining and technology to upgrade the infrastructure of the commission on higher education communication system network to provide high-speed internet connectivity via a fiber-optic network. Four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) of this appropriation shall be allocated to New Mexico highlands university to install a regional computer network communications hub to extend the higher education communication system network to higher educational institutions in northern New Mexico.


     EDUCATION:                                          2,500.0                                2,500.0

To consolidate the state’s multiple disperse remote learning distribution centers. The New Mexico institute of mining and technology shall be the lead agency for this project.


APPROPRIATIONS                                        34,790.0      7,470 17,100        59,360.0


          A. Seven million three hundred forty thousand nine hundred dollars ($7,340,900) is appropriated from the general fund to the department of finance and administration for expenditure in fiscal year 2006 to provide salary increases subject to satisfactory job performance. The salary increases shall be effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2005, and distributed as follows: 

                (1) one hundred forty-two thousand ($142,000) to provide salary increases pursuant to the provisions of Section 34-1-9 NMSA 1978 to the chief justice of the supreme court; the chief judge of the court of appeals; judges of the court of appeals, district courts, metropolitan courts and magistrate courts; and child support hearing officers and special commissioners;

                (2) five hundred nineteen thousand six hundred dollars ($519,600) to provide judicial permanent employees whose salaries are not set by statute with a one and one quarter percent salary increase;

                (3) Thirteen thousand and nine hundred dollars ($13,900) to provide a one and one quarter percent salary increase for district attorneys;

                (4) two hundred ninety three thousand five hundred dollars ($293,500) to provide all district attorney permanent employees, other than elected district attorneys, with a one and one quarter percent salary increase;

                (5) five million five hundred eleven thousand five hundred dollars ($5,511,500) to provide incumbents in agencies governed by the Personnel Act with a one and one quarter percent salary increase;

                (6) four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) to provide executive exempt employees, including attorney general employees and workers' compensation judges, with a one and one quarter percent salary increase;

                (7) two hundred sixty-one thousand six hundred dollars ($261,600) to provide commissioned officers of the New Mexico state police division of the department of public safety with a one and one quarter percent salary step increase in accordance with the New Mexico state police career pay system;

                (8) seventy-six thousand two hundred dollars ($76,200) to provide teachers in the department of health, corrections department, children, youth and families department and commission for the blind with a one and one quarter percent salary increase; and

                (9) one hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred dollars ($122,600) to provide permanent legislative employees, including permanent employees of the legislative council service, legislative finance committee, legislative education study committee, legislative maintenance department, the house and senate, and house and senate leadership staff with a one and one quarter percent salary increase.

                      B. Thirteen million eight hundred ninety three thousand four hundred dollars ($13,893,400) is appropriated from the general fund to the commission on higher education for expenditure in fiscal year 2006 to provide faculty and staff of four- and two-year post-secondary educational institutions with a two percent salary increase. The salary increase shall be effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2005.

                      C. The department of finance and administration shall distribute a sufficient amount to each agency to provide the appropriate increase for those employees whose salaries are received as a result of the general fund appropriations in the General Appropriation Act of 2005. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 shall revert to the general fund.

                      D. For those state employees whose salaries are referenced in or received as a result of non-general fund appropriations in the General Appropriation Act of 2005, the department of finance and administration shall transfer from the appropriate fund to the appropriate agency the amount required for the salary increases equivalent to those provided for in this section, and such amounts are appropriated for expenditure in fiscal year 2006. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 2006 shall revert to the appropriate fund.

    Section 9. SEVERABILITY. - - If any part or application of this act is held invalid, the remainder or its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected.