February 12, 2004





Amendment sponsored by Senator Leonard Tsosie



    1. On page 2, line 8, after "students" insert ", including English language learners,".


    2. On page 2, line 10, strike "native" and insert in lieu thereof "Native American".


    3. On page 2, line 10, before "or" insert ", where a written form exists and there is tribal approval,".


    4. On page 3, line 19, after "home" insert "or heritage".


    5. On page 3, line 21, strike "grades kindergarten through three" and strike all of lines 22 through 24 up to the period and insert in lieu thereof "research has shown that it takes five to seven years to acquire academic proficiency in a second language, priority should be given to programs that adequately support a child's linguistic development".


    6. On page 4, line 15, after "for" insert "all students participating in the program. For".


    7. On page 4, line 16, after "schools" insert ", equitable and culturally relevant learning environments, educational opportunities and culturally relevant instructional materials".


    8. On page 4, line 16, strike "necessary" and insert in lieu thereof "required".


    9. On page 4, line 18, strike "cognitive" and insert in lieu thereof "the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act will ensure equal education opportunities for students in New Mexico. Cognitive".


    10. On page 5, line 9, strike "one of which is English" and insert in lieu thereof "including English and the home or heritage language".


    11. On page 5, line 22, after "first" insert "or heritage".


    12. On page 5, line 23, strike "and" and insert in lieu thereof ", speak or".


    13. On page 5, between lines 24 and 25 insert the following new subsection to read:


         "F. "heritage language" means a language other than English that is inherited from a family, tribe, community or country of origin;".


    14. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly.


    15. On page 6, line 1, after "primary" insert "or heritage".


    16. On page 6, line 1, after "home" insert "or in the community".


    17. On page 6, line 3, after "a" insert "district".


    18. On page 6, line 4, strike "and" and insert in lieu thereof a comma.


    19. On page 6, line 5, after "benchmarks" insert "and performance standards".


    20. On page 7, line 7, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "school board".


    21. On page 9, line 15, after "teachers" insert "or other trained personnel".


    22. On page 9, line 20, after "home" insert "or heritage".


    23. On page 10, line 2, after "given" insert "annually".


    24. On pages 10 and 11, strike Section 7 in its entirety.


    25. Renumber the succeeding section accordingly.






                                    Leonard Tsosie




Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)



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