SB 51/a


February 5, 2002

Mr. President:

Your FINANCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

1. On page 11, line 16, strike "and".

2. On page 11, line 18, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof a semicolon and between lines 18 and 19, insert the following new subsections:

"XXXXX. to Carrizozo for a building project and equipment acquisition project;

YYYYY. to Cibola county for a building project;

ZZZZZ. to the Dexter school district for a building project and an equipment acquisition project;

AAAAAA. to Grady for equipment acquisitions;

BBBBBB. to the Hope ditch association for a water project;

CCCCCC. to Lake Arthur for equipment acquisitions;

DDDDDD. to Lincoln county for a loan refinancing project;

EEEEEE. to Maxwell for equipment acquisitions;

FFFFFF. to McKinley county for a road project;

GGGGGG. to Milan for a building project;

HHHHHH. to Mora county for the acquisition of fire trucks and fire equipment projects;

IIIIII. to the Penasco school district for a building project;

JJJJJJ. to Portales for a solid waste project;

KKKKKK. to the Questa school district for a building project;

LLLLLL. to Roosevelt county for building projects;

MMMMMM. to Roy for an equipment acquisition project;

NNNNNN. to Sierra county for building projects and equipment acquisition projects;

OOOOOO. to Silver City for a road project;

PPPPPP. to Socorro county for an equipment acquisition project;

QQQQQQ. to the Taos school district for a building project;

RRRRRR. to Mosquero for building projects;

SSSSSS. to San Juan college for building projects;

TTTTTT. to Clovis for equipment acquisitions;

UUUUUU. to Los Lunas for equipment acquisitions;

VVVVVV. to Lincoln county for equipment acquisitions;

WWWWWW. to Pecos for a wastewater project; and

XXXXXX. to Elephant Butte for a wastewater project.".

Respectfully submitted,


Ben D. Altamirano, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against

Yes: 6

No: 0

Excused: Altamirano, Carraro, Jennings, Tsosie

Absent: None

S0051FC1 .141245.2