45th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2002


Richard D. Vigil




Section 1. Section 7-15-3.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1943, Chapter 125, Section 12, as amended) is amended to read:


A. For the purpose of providing funds for the construction, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of this state's public highways, a use fee, to be known as the "trip tax", is imposed in lieu of registration fees and the weight distance tax on the registrant, owner or operator of any foreign-based commercial motor carrier vehicle that is:

(1) not registered in this state under interstate registration;

(2) not registered in this state under proportional registration;

(3) not subject to a valid reciprocity agreement;

(4) not registered as a foreign commercial motor carrier vehicle under short-term registration;

(5) not registered under an allocation of one-way rental fleet vehicles; and

(6) not exempted from registration and the payment of any registration fees and not exempted from the payment of the trip tax under Section 65-5-3 NMSA 1978.

B. Except as provided otherwise in Subsections C and D of this section, the trip tax shall be computed as follows:

(1) when the gross vehicle weight or combination gross vehicle weight exceeds twelve thousand pounds but does not exceed twenty-six thousand pounds, five cents ($.05) a mile for mileage to be traveled on the public highways within New Mexico, measured from the point of entering the state to the point of destination or place of leaving the state;

(2) when the gross vehicle weight or combination gross vehicle weight exceeds twenty-six thousand pounds and does not exceed fifty-four thousand pounds, nine cents ($.09) a mile for mileage to be traveled on the public highways within New Mexico, measured from the point of entering the state to the point of destination or place of leaving the state;

(3) when the gross vehicle weight or combination gross vehicle weight exceeds fifty-four thousand pounds and does not exceed seventy-two thousand pounds, eleven cents ($.11) a mile for mileage to be traveled on the public highways within New Mexico, measured from the point of entering the state to the point of destination or place of leaving the state; and

(4) when the gross vehicle weight or combination gross vehicle weight exceeds seventy-two thousand pounds, twelve cents ($.12) a mile for mileage to be traveled on the public highways within New Mexico, measured from the point of entering the state to the point of destination or place of leaving the state.

C. The department, by regulation, shall establish a procedure for the issuance of prepaid trip permits for:

(1) trips by a single vehicle or a fleet of vehicles for the purpose of:

(a) custom harvesting operations; or

(b) the transportation of goods or passengers between the state and Mexico; or

(2) any vehicle that is unable to declare at the time of entering the state the point of destination or place of leaving the state.

D. Prepaid trip permits established pursuant to Subsection C of this section shall be sold in increments of no less than fifty dollars ($50.00). Any portion not used prior to one year from the date of issuance shall not be refundable. Prepaid trip permits shall not be transferable between a registrant, owner or operator and another registrant, owner or operator. Charges against the prepaid trip permit shall be based on the computations specified in Subsection B of this section.

E. An administrative fee of one dollar ($1.00) is imposed for each permit issued by the motor transportation division of the department pursuant to Subsections B, C and D of this section. The division shall collect the fee.

F. One-half of the administrative fee collected pursuant to this section is appropriated to the motor transportation division of the department for the implementation, operation and maintenance of the New Mexico commercial vehicle information systems and network. The balance of the fee shall be deposited in the state road fund."

Section 2. Section 66-3-302 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, Chapter 35, Section 78, as amended) is amended to read:


A. [No] A person [or any employee, agent or representative of the person] shall not use [the highways of New Mexico] a highway of this state for the transportation of [any] a vehicle [regardless of whether the vehicle is registered in another state or whether the vehicle is transported on its own wheels or on another vehicle or by being drawn or towed behind another] if the vehicle is transported by [any] a person [or the agents or employees of that person] engaged in the business of transporting vehicles or if the [vehicles are] vehicle is being transported for the purpose of delivery to [any] a purchaser of the [vehicles] vehicle on a sale or contract of sale previously made, unless the vehicle carries:

(1) a valid New Mexico registration plate;

(2) a valid dealer's plate issued by the department;

(3) a special permit for the use of the highways of this state for the transportation of the vehicle in the manner in which the vehicle is being transported, which has first been obtained and the fee paid as specified in this section; or

(4) a valid temporary transportation permit issued under Subsection B of Section 66-3-6 NMSA 1978.

B. Special permits for the use of [the highways] a highway of this state for the transportation of [such] vehicles described in Subsection A of this section shall be issued by the motor transportation division of the department of public safety upon application on the form prescribed by the [department] motor transportation division and upon payment of a fee of seven dollars fifty cents ($7.50) for each vehicle transported by use of its own power and a fee of five dollars ($5.00) for each vehicle carried in or on another vehicle or towed or drawn by another vehicle and not transported in whole or in part by the use of its own power. [Every] The permit shall show upon its face the registration number assigned to each vehicle, the name and address of the owner, the manner of transportation authorized and a description of the vehicle registered, including the engine number. The permit shall be carried at all times by the person in charge of the vehicle. A suitable tag or placard for each vehicle may be issued by the [department] motor transportation division and [if issued] shall be at all times displayed on each vehicle being transported. No [such] permit, tag or placard shall be used upon or in connection with the transportation of [any] a vehicle other than the one for which the permit, tag or placard is issued.

C. [This tax shall not apply to] A special permit shall not be required for the transportation of [vehicles] a vehicle carried on another vehicle for the operation of which a weight distance tax is paid, [nor shall] and the vehicle transported [be] is not required to carry a registration plate or a temporary transportation [permits] permit. The motor transportation division [of the department] and the New Mexico state police are authorized to impound any vehicle transported in violation of the Motor Transportation Act until a proper permit has been secured and any fine levied has been paid.

D. An administrative fee of one dollar ($1.00) is imposed for each permit issued by the motor transportation division pursuant to Subsection B of this section. The division shall collect the fee.

E. One-half of the administrative fee collected pursuant to this section is appropriated to the motor transportation division for the implementation, operation and maintenance of the New Mexico commercial vehicle information systems and network. The balance of the fee shall be deposited in the state road fund."

Section 3. Section 66-7-413 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, Chapter 35, Section 484, as amended) is amended to read:


A. The motor transportation division of the department of public safety and local [highway] authorities may, in their discretion, upon application in writing and good cause being shown, issue a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or load of a size or weight exceeding the maximum specified in Sections 66-7-401 through 66-7-416 NMSA 1978 on any highway under the jurisdiction of the state highway commission or local authorities. Except for the movement of manufactured homes, a permit may be granted, in cases of emergency, for the transportation of loads on a certain unit or combination of equipment for a specified period of time not to exceed one year, and the permit shall contain the route to be traversed, the type of load to be transported and any other restrictions or conditions deemed necessary by the body granting the permit. In every other case, the permit shall be issued for a single trip and may designate the route to be traversed and contain any other restrictions or conditions deemed necessary by the body granting the permit. Every permit shall be carried in the vehicle to which it refers and shall be [opened] open for inspection to any peace officer. It is a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the conditions or terms of the special permit.

B. The [department] motor transportation division shall charge and collect, when the movement consists of [any] a load of a width of twenty feet or greater for a distance of five miles or more, the sum of three hundred dollars ($300) a day or a fraction thereof to defray the cost of state or local police escort. The permit issued and the fee charged shall be based upon the entire movement at one time requiring police escort and not upon the number of vehicles involved.

C. The [department] motor transportation division shall promulgate regulations in accordance with the State Rules Act pertaining to safety practices, liability insurance and equipment for escort vehicles provided by the motor carrier himself and for escort vehicles provided by a private business in this state.

(1) If a motor carrier provides his own escort vehicles and personnel, the [department] motor transportation division shall not charge an escort fee but shall provide the motor carrier escort personnel with a copy of applicable regulations and shall inspect the escort vehicles for the safety equipment required by the regulations. If the escort vehicles and personnel meet the requirements set forth in the regulations and if the motor carrier holds a valid certificate of public convenience and necessity or permit, as applicable, issued pursuant to Chapter 65, Article 2 NMSA 1978, the [department] motor transportation division shall issue the special permit.

(2) If the escort service is a private business, the business shall have applied to the [state corporation] public regulation commission for and been issued a permit or certificate to operate as a contract or common motor carrier pursuant to Chapter 65, Article 2 NMSA 1978. The [state corporation] public regulation commission shall supply copies of applicable regulations to the business by mail and shall supply additional copies upon request. If the escort vehicles and personnel meet the requirements set forth in the regulations and if the escort service holds a certificate, the special permit shall be issued and the [department] motor transportation division shall not charge an escort fee.

(3) The movement of vehicles upon the highways of this state requiring a special permit and required to use an escort of the type noted in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection is subject to [department] motor transportation division authority and inspection at all times.

(4) The state highway and transportation department shall conduct engineering investigations and engineering inspections to determine which four-lane highways are safe for the operation or movement of manufactured homes without an escort. After making that determination, the state highway and transportation department shall hold public hearings in the area of the state affected by the determination, after which it may adopt regulations designating those four-lane highways as being safe for the operation or movement of manufactured homes without an escort. If any portion of such a four-lane highway lies within the boundaries of a municipality, the state highway and transportation department, after obtaining the approval of the municipal governing body, shall include such portions in its regulations.

D. Except for the movement of manufactured homes, a special [permits] permit may be issued for a single vehicle or combination of vehicles by the [department] motor transportation division for a period not to exceed one year for a fee of sixty dollars ($60.00). The [permits] permit may allow excessive height, length and width for a vehicle or combination of vehicles or load thereon and may include a provision for excessive weight if the operation is to be within the vicinity of a municipality.

E. A special [permits] permit for a single trip for a vehicle or combination of vehicles or load thereon of excessive weight, width, length and height may be issued by the motor transportation division for a single vehicle for a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00).

F. If the vehicle for which a permit is issued under this section is a manufactured home, the [department] motor transportation division or the local [highway] authority issuing the permit shall furnish the following information to the property tax division of the department, which shall then forward the information:

(1) to the county assessor of any county from which a manufactured home is being moved, the date the permit was issued, the location being moved from, the location being moved to if within the same county, the name of the owner of the manufactured home and the identification and registration numbers of the manufactured home;

(2) to the county assessor of any county in this state to which a manufactured home is being moved, the date the permit was issued, the location being moved from, the location being moved to, the name of the owner of the manufactured home and the [registration and] identification and registration numbers of the manufactured home; and

(3) to the owner of a manufactured home having a destination in this state, notification that the information required in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection is being given to the respective county assessors and that manufactured homes are subject to property taxation.

G. Except as provided in Subsection H of this section, if the movement of a manufactured home originates in this state, no permit shall be issued under Subsection F of this section until the owner of the manufactured home or his authorized agent obtains and presents to the [department] motor transportation division proof that a certificate has been issued by the county assessor or treasurer of the county in which the manufactured home movement originates showing that either:

(1) all property taxes due or to become due on the manufactured home for the current tax year or any past tax years have been paid, except for manufactured homes located on an Indian reservation; or

(2) no liability for property taxes on the manufactured home exists for the current tax year or any past tax years, except for manufactured homes located on an Indian reservation.

H. The movement of a manufactured home from the lot or business location of a manufactured home dealer to its destination designated by an owner-purchaser is not subject to the requirements of Subsection G of this section if the manufactured home movement originates from the lot or business location of the dealer and the manufactured home was part of his inventory prior to the sale to the owner-purchaser; however, the movement of a manufactured home by a dealer or his authorized agent as a result of a sale or trade-in from a nondealer-owner is subject to the requirements of Subsection G of this section whether the destination is the business location of a dealer or some other destination.

I. No permit shall be issued under this section for movement of a manufactured home whose width exceeds eighteen feet with no more than a six-inch roof overhang on the left side or twelve inches on the right side in addition to the eighteen-foot width of the manufactured home. Manufactured homes exceeding the limitations of this section shall only be moved on dollies placed on the front and the rear of the structure.

J. The [secretary] motor transportation division may by regulation provide for movers of manufactured homes to self-issue permits for certain sizes of manufactured homes over specific routes; however, in no case may the cost of each permit be less than fifteen dollars ($15.00).

K. The [secretary] motor transportation division may provide by regulation for dealers of implements of husbandry to self-issue permits for the movement of certain sizes of implements of husbandry from the lot or business location of the dealer over specific routes with specific escort requirements, if necessary, to a destination designated by an owner-purchaser or for purposes of a working demonstration on the property of a proposed owner-purchaser. The [department] motor transportation division shall charge a fee for each self-issued permit not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00).

L. Any private motor carrier requesting an oversize or overweight permit shall provide proof of insurance in at least the following amounts:

(1) bodily injury liability, providing:

(a) fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for each person; and

(b) one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for each accident; and

(2) property damage liability, providing twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for each accident.

M. Any common motor carrier requesting an oversize permit shall produce a copy of a form "e" or other acceptable evidence that the common motor carrier maintains the insurance minimums prescribed by the [state corporation] public regulation commission.

N. An administrative fee of one dollar ($1.00) is imposed for each permit issued by the motor transportation division pursuant to Subsections B, C, D, E, J and K of this section. The division shall collect the fee.

O. One-half of the administrative fee collected pursuant to this section is appropriated to the motor transportation division for the implementation, operation and maintenance of the New Mexico commercial vehicle information systems and network. The balance of the fee shall be deposited in the state road fund."

Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the provisions of this act is July 1, 2002.

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